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Highly Secure NOR Flash Memory Demonstrates its Outstanding Breakthrough for Protecting Data with World's First Arm Cortex-M85 Core-Based Microcontroller Featuring Built-In Security Hardware HSINCHU, May 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Macronix International Co., Ltd. (TSE: 2337), a leading integrated device manufacturer in the non-volatile memory (NVM) market, today announced that its ArmorFlash™ memory is compatible with the new Renesas RA8M1 Arm® Cortex®-M85 core-based microcontrollers (MCUs), providing high levels of data security. The highly secure ArmorFlash, which features secure ID, authentication and encryption, complements the RA8M1 MCU's built-in enhanced security. This includes the RSIP-E51A integrated security engine targeting PSA Certified Level 3 RoT Component certification. Macronix also provides an ArmorFlash driver working with Renesas' Flexible Software Package (FSP), to enhance its operational reliability. "ArmorFlash is an ideal flash memory for securing data in applications, which aligns with Renesas RA8M1," said F.L. Ni, vice president of marketing, Macronix International. "The combination of the RA8M1' and ArmorFlash's security features will enable a broad range of data-security solutions. Furthermore, the driver that Macronix developed to interact with RA8M1 and FSP highlight ArmorFlash's feature and its meeting RA8M1's external-memory needs. The broad availability of RA8M1 MCUs, its dedicated FSP and ArmorFlash memory may help in increasing the number of IoT and industrial products in the market. This is particularly crucial in that market's security-sensitive segments." Designed around the Arm Cortex-M85 core, Renesas' recently introduced RA8M1 MCU delivers high-processing performance. The RA8M1 features artificial intelligence capability through Arm Helium Technology; embedded NVM for higher performance, lower latency and reduced power consumption; advanced security, low-power modes; and the ability to integrate with a broad array of peripherals. ArmorFlash™ is Macronix's family of highly secure and configurable NOR Flash devices for code and data storage used in a broad array of applications. ArmorFlash memories also provide security solution for applications such as identification, authentication and encryption requirements for the Internet of Things (IoT), automotive, computing, industrial, healthcare systems, wearables, and smart homes and cities. In addition to the security features above, ArmorFlash devices use standard interfaces – SPI, QSPI or OctaBus™ – to simplify designs using them. Macronix has constructed a smart lock device to demonstrate the integration of the Renesas RA8M1 MCU, ArmorFlash, FSP framework, and External Trusted Secure Storage Partition of Arm TF-M. By integrating these technologies, IoT developers can enhance data security, achieve reliable operations and simplify the development process, ultimately delivering a robust and secure IoT product efficiently. For more information on Macronix ArmorFlash memory family, please click here. About Macronix Macronix, a leading integrated device manufacturer in the non-volatile memory (NVM) market, provides a full range of NOR Flash, NAND Flash, and ROM products. With its world-class R&D and manufacturing capability, Macronix continues to deliver high-quality, innovative and performance-driven products to its customers in the consumer, communication, computing, automotive, networking and other market segments. Find out more at www.macronix.com. ArmorFlash and OctaBus are trademarks of Macronix International Co., Ltd. Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited. Editorial contacts Macronix HQ:Michelle ChangDirectorCorporate Communication OfficeMacronix International Co., Ltd.Tel: +886-3-578-6688 ext. 71233Fax: +886-3-666-3169Email: michellechang@mxic.com.tw US:Jerry SteachCommonGround Communications (for Macronix)Tel: +1-415.222.9996Email: jsteach-cgc@att.net
華樂BNI商會於八月十八日邀請金曲獎後台彩妝師Michelle Chang,為細拉藝術與蝶映藝術的藝術創作者會員帶來一場精彩的分享。Michelle將分享她在彩妝造型、個人專業形象打造以及品牌價值提升方面的經驗與見解。作為曾擔任香奈兒和植村秀彩妝師的專業人士,Michelle不僅在國際彩妝界備受推崇,在歐美工作兩年期間,她的國際知名度更是不斷攀升,屢次登上GQ、VOGUE等世界知名時尚雜誌。此次特別邀請Michelle來演講,從一位行業巨匠身上獲得寶貴的專業知識,協助蝶映與細拉會員們提升自己在藝術創作領域的專業技能,並探索如何打造個人獨特的品牌價值。 華樂BNI分會「大藝樹家計畫」平台每月舉辦兩次線上演說,邀請夥伴企業與民眾線上交流,主導核心公司為蝶映藝術文化有限公司、細拉文化藝術有限公司。通過系統平台,以及訂閱式的群眾募資,為投稿的藝術家提供專注創作的環境。平台利用募得的資金支援藝術家的製作,並在銷售通路上提供多元的展演場域和專屬周邊商品。以下是《大藝樹家計畫-共創國際藝術生態圈04》獨家講座內容對Michelle Chang演說重點節錄: 問: 您能分享一下您的專業背景以及在時尚公關產業的經驗嗎?答: 當然。我擁有15年的彩妝造型經驗,曾擔任M.C studio國際彩妝造型總監、jvpt.asia彩妝顧問兼教師,並受邀成為PPAC亞洲攝影大師協會的彩妝講師。我也參與過多個大型活動,包括金曲獎、香奈兒、植村秀等品牌的活動發表彩妝師,以及加拿大Lillix音樂錄影帶、One Life Film電影等項目的彩妝造型師。同時,我也參與過Vancouver fashion week、Men’s fashion week、Eco fashion week等時尚盛會,作為彩妝師參與其中。 問: 時尚公關產業的商業模式是什麼?您能分享一些相關的操作經驗嗎?答: 在時尚公關產業,商業模式主要包括與品牌、設計師、活動等合作,以彩妝造型的方式為其呈現更好的形象。我曾參與過許多大型品牌的活動發表,這要求我不僅要了解品牌的風格和定位,還要與設計師、造型師等密切合作,確保整體造型和品牌訊息的一致性。另外,在時尚盛會上,我需要根據不同設計主題和風格,為模特創造出獨特的彩妝造型,這需要創意和敏銳的時尚觸覺。 問: 對於想要進入時尚公關產業的人來說,有哪些建議和準備工作是必要的?答: 若想進入時尚公關產業,首先要建立起堅實的彩妝技能。通過參與專業的培訓課程,獲取相關的證書,並積極參與各種時尚活動以擴展自己的經驗和人脈。此外,了解時尚趨勢、品牌文化以及設計師的作品,對於成功呈現彩妝造型至關重要。建議保持創新思維和靈活性,因為時尚產業總是不斷變化的。在蝶映商務媒合講座結束後,參與者們紛紛在會場內展開了熱烈的現場交流。攝影師、藝術工作者以及時尚愛好者的積極參與,豐富了這次活動的內容和氛圍。 攝影師們與彩妝師、模特以及設計師們進行了深入的交流,探討如何在鏡頭前呈現出最佳的效果。他們分享了拍攝時的技巧,如何捕捉光線、構圖、表情等,以及如何與彩妝造型和服裝協調,從而創造出獨特的時尚畫面。這種跨領域的交流不僅讓攝影師們更好地理解彩妝的重要性,同時也讓彩妝師和模特們更加瞭解攝影的角度和需求。 藝術工作者們也積極參與了交流,他們與講師分享了他們在創作過程中對於彩妝和造型的需求與想法。這種雙向的對話讓彩妝師們更深入地理解藝術家們的視覺概念,從而更好地為他們塑造出理想的形象。參與者的反應非常積極。許多人表示這次的交流讓他們受益匪淺,不僅學到了實用的技巧,還拓展了自己的人脈圈。他們紛紛表示希望未來能有更多這樣的交流活動,讓不同領域的專業人士能夠互相學習,共同推動創意與時尚的融合。 總之,華樂商務媒合講座不僅是一場知識的分享,更是一次跨界交流的機會。攝影師、藝術工作者以及參與者們的積極參與,讓這次活動充滿了活力和創意。我們相信,這樣的交流活動將會為時尚公關產業帶來更多的啟發和機遇。期待未來能夠看到更多類似的活動舉辦,為時尚界注入更多的創新與活力。
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