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符合「kia」新聞搜尋結果, 共 101 篇 ,以下為 73 - 96 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Kia's EV9 electric SUV brings space, comfort and adventure to every journey

A unique blend of modern lifestyle and luxurious comfort, this three-row SUV makes every ride a fun-packed journey with versatile seating options, V2L capability, advanced technologies, and more. SEOUL, South Korea, June 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- From the very first sketch to the moment the first model rolls off the production line, the new Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. Kia's engineers and designers are passionate in their belief that the interior of a vehicle must be so much more than simply fit for purpose to transport occupants safely and efficiently from A to B. The cabin of a vehicle is, after all, where the driver and passengers spend their time and engage most closely with a vehicle. That's why Kia's design philosophy Opposites United is dedicated to the creation of exceptional interiors to transcend conventional thinking and inspire customers. That means providing premium comfort, wellbeing, and technology for all occupants, not just the driver, to elevate the in-vehicle user experience to new levels. And nowhere is this approach more elegantly and effectively expressed than inside the brand's new flagship EV9 electric SUV. The EV9's unique mix of advanced assets and exceptional dimensions has created a vehicle with a truly family-friendly character that empowers the large SUV to transform every journey, whether it's a short drive to the shops or a week-long vacation road trip, into an enjoyable and engaging experience. Space innovation takes travelling to a new dimension The EV9's generous dimensions, remarkable spaciousness, sophisticated design, and high-quality trim enhance the sense of wellbeing of all occupants. 'Luxe living room on wheels' concept delivers quantum leap in seating configurations Equipped with premium quality lounge-style seats, the EV9 opens up new levels of comfort, versatility and flexibility. Work and play wherever the road takes you With its exceptional spaciousness and stowage capacity, the EV9 is designed to enable families to take lots of equipment with them wherever they travel. It also enables them to power whatever gear they bring. Alive with technology to enhance every journey The EV9 provides an ultra-modern, zero-emission, yet thoroughly enjoyable driving experience by placing emphasis on comfort, wellbeing, and experience of occupants in all three rows. To read the full article, visit the Kia Global Media Center at www.kianewscenter.com The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 951 加入收藏 :
Hyundai Motor Group and Rhode Island School of Design Pursue 'Collaborative Future Living' via 2023 Project

Annual research project examines the relationship between nature, art and design, exploring how we can create socially and environmentally just societies This year, faculty and students explore the theme of 'Collaborative Future Living' via two courses examining mutuality, the future of spaces and sustainability strategies The initiative is part of the RISD x Hyundai Motor Group Research Collaborative SEOUL, South Korea and PROVIDENCE, R.I., June 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Hyundai Motor Group (the Group) and Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) today announced the latest phase of work in the RISD x Hyundai Motor Group Research Collaborative, a multiyear partnership exploring the relationship between nature, art and design. HMG X Rhode Island School of Design _'Collaborative Future Design'_1 Now in its fourth year, the partnership brings together RISD faculty members and student researchers who are helping the Group investigate mutuality, the future of spaces and sustainability strategies under the theme of 'Collaborative Future Living.' "In the realm of design, sustainability becomes paramount as we acknowledge that we always learn from nature," said Karim Habib, Executive Vice President and Head of Kia Global Design Center. "By observing and studying the intricate systems and solutions that nature provides, we can create future living spaces that not only harmonize technology, humanity and the environment but also draw inspiration from the wisdom of nature itself." The partnership reflects the Group's commitment to fostering a sustainable society while highlighting the expertise of RISD faculty members and the experimental creativity of students to conceive of future realities. "When thinking about designing for future generations, natural systems and processes are there to remind us how vital and vulnerable our environment is," said SangYup Lee, Executive Vice President and Head of Hyundai Global Design Center. "Through this collaboration, we were able to understand nature and gain insight into design that benefits everyone without harming the environment, and through this, it became an opportunity to have a broader and longer perspective where nature and humans can coexist." "RISD and Hyundai Motor Group share a deep curiosity about the world, which allows both organizations to examine and explore boundless ideas and innovations," said RISD President Crystal Williams. "This work prioritizes educating students for the future, bringing their current creative practices to bear on today's most critical challenges. Such contributions require time and space for reflection, experimentation and innovation. We thank Hyundai Motor Group for continuing to invest in this partnership."

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 431 加入收藏 :
Hyundai Motor Group Supports Busan's Bid to Host World Expo 2030 with Fleet of 'Busan' Branded EVs in Paris

Hyundai Motor Group to support Busan's bid to host the World Expo 2030 during the 172nd General Assembly of Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) in Paris, from June 20 to 21 The Group to provide fleet of 10 dedicated-EV models wrapped in 'BUSAN is READY!' logo, to provide transport for delegates and travel around Paris landmarks Initiative to highlight Busan as a key candidate to host the 2030 World Expo to attendees from member countries of the BIE and tourists from all over the world Fleet composed exclusively of EVs in line with Busan's sustainability vision, acting as an advocate before the final selection procedures for the hosting country bids PARIS and SEOUL, South Korea, June 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Hyundai Motor Group is supporting the ambition of Korea's second city Busan to host the World Expo 2030 with the provision of a fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) during the 172nd Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) General Assembly, which will be held in Paris, June 20. The Group will be providing ten EVs, wrapped with the Busan logo, as transportation to the Korean delegation. Hyundai Motor Group Supports Busan’s Bid to Host World Expo 2030 with Fleet of ‘Busan’ Branded EVs in Paris This initiative will promote Busan as a candidate for hosting the World Expo, to major figures from the BIE member countries as well as tourists from all over the world who are visiting Paris. The Group's EVs, wrapped with the logo 'BUSAN is READY!', will be driven around major tourist attractions in Paris, including the Louvre and Eiffel Tower. On June 21, when Korea's official reception will be held, the vehicles will be used to provide transport for representatives of each country between the General Assembly hall and the reception hall. The transport fleet will feature the Hyundai IONIQ 5, IONIQ 6, and Kia EV6. This year's BIE General Assembly is also referred to as the 'final gateway' for the role it will play in deciding which country will host the 2030 World Expo. While the Korean delegation will be conducting its fourth presentation and engaged in intense bidding activities inside the General Assembly, outside, Hyundai Motor Group's EVs will be the face of Busan, promoting the city to the world. For the first time, the Group's fleet of wrapped vehicles will comprise exclusively dedicated EVs. The decision was made in consideration of the vision of the Busan World Expo, which seeks a sustainable future under the theme of 'Transforming Our World, Navigating Toward a Better Future.' This is particularly fitting, as Hyundai Motor Group's dedicated EVs have been consistently recognized and won major awards around the globe since last year, and further emphasize and promote the carbon neutral expo that Busan advocates. The Group's latest support initiative for Busan follows similar activities last year when it created a positive atmosphere by utilizing its eco-friendly vehicles. During the 170-171st BIE General Assembly in June and November 2022, the Group demonstrated vehicles wrapped with the Busan World Expo logo at major tourist attractions in Paris. The Hyundai IONIQ 5, Kona Electric, and Tucson models were driven around the BIE venue and major tourist attractions in the French capital to promote Busan. While the EVs, wrapped and branded with the slogan 'BUSAN is READY!', act as mobile promotional tools around Paris, the Group will continue its efforts to promote Busan's competitiveness and vision in numerous ways at every possible opportunity. More information about Hyundai Motor can be found at: https://www.hyundaimotorgroup.com.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 588 加入收藏 :
幹細胞治療將起飛 長庚大學與亞家生技攜手前行

長庚大學醫學院和亞家生物科技股份有限公司6月14日上午簽署合作備忘錄,除了有研發技術移轉合作,在大學部、碩士班與博士班也都有育才計畫。雙方將攜手致力於免疫細胞及幹細胞等細胞治療相關研究,協助患者修復受損之組織,或重建正常功能的細胞。除了推動生物科技產業的發展,並培養卓越人才。 長庚大學與亞家生技攜手產學合作,由吳菁宜副院長(右二)與李智慧董事長(左二)代表簽約。 簽署儀式在長庚大學育成中心進行,由亞家生技李智慧董事長與長庚大學醫學院吳菁宜副院長代表,亞家生技吳坤烈創辦人及長庚大學師生見證下簽約。根據備忘錄,亞家生技將提供6週的暑期實習課程,受惠的有生物醫學系大學部、生物科技產業碩士學程的同學。同時也將支援學校共同指導論文研究,讓學生有機會實際參與公司產品研發,接觸多元的產業環境,從中了解再生醫學產業發展和學校實驗室授課技術間的差異。 吳菁宜副院長(右二)期待與亞家生技合作,讓生技產業學程與企業更接軌。 另一方面,亞家生技也將與生物科技產業博士學位學程合作,爭取教育部的產學合作培育博士級研發人才計畫。吳副院長表示,這一博士學程的特色就是研究生一定要到企業實習,論文則是由學校教授與業界共同指導出來的成果。此次簽訂合作備忘錄,更可以協助學程,培育博士級的研發人才,讓長庚大學生技產業學程與企業更接軌。 吳坤烈博士表示,再生醫學與細胞療法發展是正在發生的趨勢,也是臺灣下一世代產業發展的關鍵機會,長庚大學有全台首屈一指的基礎研究以及臨床醫學能量,豐沛的人材庫將是亞家生技未來發展海內外業務的重要助力。 李智慧董事長(圖中)致詞時表示將與長庚大學共同培育高階人才。 醫學院指出,這次雙方合作,亞家生技將取得王永樑教授技術移轉「間質幹細胞暨外泌體無菌製劑技術平台」,強化在間質幹細胞與外泌體量產的發展,搭載亞家生技的去中心化智能細胞工廠技術平台,能夠在醫院內建置PIC/S GMP等級的細胞製劑生產單位,就近提供臨床使用最高安全標準的細胞製劑產品。 亞家生科是由吳坤烈博士創辦,自2014年起致力於研發PIC/S GMP等級的智能細胞工廠,擁有免疫細胞培養的專利技術,自主設計開發的無菌操作隔離器亦獲得中央研究院國家生技園區採購,是全球少數同時擁有設備開發、PIC/S GMP細胞製劑建廠以及細胞培養能力的再生醫學公司。 長庚大學與亞家生技簽署產學合作,與會人員大合影。

文章來源 : 長庚大學秘書室 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 18791 加入收藏 :
GWM Holds a Global Car Festival to Upgrade Customer Experience

BAODING, China, June 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, GWM has begun a global Car Festival in overseas markets to make full use of its dominant position in intelligent new energy vehicles (NEVs) and upgrade customer experience. GWM Holds a Global Car Festival to Upgrade Customer Experience GWM is upgrading its intelligent NEV lineup by launching key models such as HAVAL H6, HAVAL JOLION, and GWM POER, which are all featured with updates in power performance, intelligence, and safety. In May, GWM saw a 101,020 new cars sales with a year-on-year increase of 26.18% and a historic high overseas sales of 25,131 units accounting for 24.88% of the total. GWM HAVAL H6 family has been upgraded to the third generation. To meet the needs of consumers in different markets for environmental protection and technological configuration, GWM has successively launched HAVAL H6 HEV and HAVAL H6 PHEV. Based on L.E.M.O.N. DHT technology, both models can deliver top-notch performance with low fuel consumption. The upgraded H6 family features more advanced intelligence and higher safety, thus being awarded the 5-star safety rating by Australasian New Car Assessment Program (A-NCAP). HAVAL H6's outstanding product strength has won the favor of more than 4 million consumers worldwide since its launch. HAVAL JOLION, another GWM model, is tailored for urban driving and featuring a more fashionable design and body color. Moreover, the model's technological configurations are based on the needs of global consumers. In various markets, HAVAL JOLION is a hit with young consumers who appreciate its stylish exterior, sophisticated cockpit, and intelligent configuration. In South Africa, HAVAL JOLION ranked first in retail sales of small SUVs in its first month. The model was recognized as the "Top Imported Newcomer Car of the Year" in the Accelerator Awards of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa (NAAMSA) and nominated for the "Passenger Newcomer of the Year Award" along with Ferrari SF90, Toyota Starlet, and Kia Pegas. GWM POER is a premium intelligent pickup produced by GWM, designed to integrate superior off-road performance, exceptional loading capacity and cutting-edge intelligent technology. The pickup model has been launched in Australia, Chile, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and other markets. In order to meet the different needs of consumers, GWM POER is equipped with various intelligent driving assistance functions. The model launched in Australia has intelligent safety functions, such as lane-keeping assist (LKA) and automatic emergency braking (AEB). With its safety configuration and strong product strengths, GWM POER has also been awarded the 5-star safety rating by A-NCAP and won the title Best Pickup of the Year in Chile. GWM aims to accelerate the transformation of NEVs and provide consumers with more advanced intelligent NEVs to meet their upgrading needs through this event. In the future, GWM will concentrate on the global brand action plan of "ONE GWM", leveraging the launch of intelligent NEVs to enhance consumer experience continuously, increase popularity, and provide high-quality, personalized mobility experiences for consumers worldwide.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2526 加入收藏 :
長庚大學111學年畢業典禮 表揚二度榮獲總統教育獎畢業生

長庚大學6月3日上午舉行111學年度畢業典禮,由「校園巡禮」揭開序幕,在湯明哲校長與各系所師長帶領下,畢業生們接受學弟妹們熱情夾道簇擁歡呼與恭喜,迎接這屬於自己的大日子。緊接著在學生活動中心的典禮會場裡,聽取師長最後的諄諄教誨,接受撥穗及祝福,同窗好友互道珍重,一起翻開人生新篇章。 長庚大學今年畢業典禮由校園巡禮揭開序幕,由師長帶領畢業生接受祝福。 今年長庚大學共歡送1,613名畢業生(博士生49名、碩士生502名及學士生1,062名)踏出校園,典禮於上午11時準時開始,由湯明哲校長主持,董事會王文淵董事長、台塑企業林善志總經理、黃振青董事、林口長庚紀念醫院陳建宗院長、國立體育大學黃東治副校長、校友總會莊海華副理事長等貴賓到場祝福。 湯明哲校長首先祝賀畢業生完成學業,請大家向父母表示謝意。接著致詞表示,即使大家都畢業於專業學院,千萬別認為未來就會一帆風順。如果覺得一帆風順,要自省目標是否太小,或是沒有充分發揮自己的才能。此時,請找尋「逆境菩薩」,在失敗中思考未來的方向以及再站起來的方法。 湯明哲校長致詞期勉畢業生,勿自滿於一帆風順,記得找尋逆境菩薩。 湯校長以台塑企業創辦人王永慶、王永在賢昆仲為例,創業之初碰到許多挫折,遭遇逆境菩薩,經逐一克服萬難,台塑企業才能有今日的規模。不過,湯校長也提醒畢業生,碰到小挫折時應努力勇往直前,但若是逆境菩薩成了兇神,也許就應該思考眼前的路是否還要堅持前行或轉換跑道。致詞最後,校長親自導讀一段由ChatGPT幫忙撰寫的演講稿,校長說因為新技術的導入,會讓生活及任何事變得更加便利,也鼓勵同學多加應用。 王文淵董事長致詞前首先祝福畢業生學有所成,即將踏出社會展開另一階段的學習。緊接著提到世界情勢變化以及台灣產業經濟面臨的挑戰時,王董事長以南亞科技公司為例,強調尖端科技需要大量的資金與人才,除了每月投入鉅額的研發成本,面對未來人工智慧帶來的數位轉型與競爭,期許學校教育更要與實務結合,符合社會需求,提高同學競爭力,培養國家產業需要的人才。 此外,王董事長也提醒畢業生們,求職時要謹記天下沒有白吃的午餐,不要心存貪念,唯有一分耕耘才有一分收穫。也要發揮校訓「勤勞樸實」的精神,不斷學習,提升知識與技術,累積實力。希望大家能以長庚大學為榮,用出色的表現來改善社會,成為學弟妹們的榜樣。 在今年典禮上,王董事長特別頒獎表揚資訊工程學系畢業生王紹丞同學。王同學12歲時因病毒癱瘓運動神經,開啟帶著呼吸器、坐著電動輪椅的 生活。但他不向命運低頭,積極開發自己的潛能,國中時以繪畫藝術能力榮獲2016年總統教育獎的肯定。2023年再以優異的學業成績與亮眼的課外活動、社會服務與校外實習表現,展現自己具有回饋社會的能力,二度榮獲總統教育獎。   王文淵董事長(圖右)頒獎表揚二度獲得總統教育獎的畢業生王紹丞同學(圖中)。 王紹丞同學大學累計獲得5次書卷獎,資工系第二名畢業,學業表現優異。雖然失去自由自在的行動能力,但卻從未阻礙王同學人生發展,他從不因身體的限制而放棄學習,甚至克服困難、奉獻所學,並懷抱正向態度,與他接觸過的師生們皆深受感動與啟發。 另一方面,還有甫遴選出爐的五名傑出校友出席接受表揚,分別是畢業於醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系及生物醫學研究所莫子京、職能治療學系畢婉蘋、化工與材料工程學系楊閎蔚、資訊管理學系胡文騰、臨床醫學研究所吳俊德等校友,在各自領域中的優異表現有目共睹。此外,典禮上也頒發了學業優良、體育優良與志工服務優良等獎項,獲獎者依序上台領取殊榮。 典禮尾聲,全體合唱「感恩的心」時,畢業生也特別上台獻花給學校師長和董事會貴賓,並向父母表達感謝。校方表示,迎接解封後的首次畢典,學校用心於校內設置多個拍照打卡景點,讓畢業生們與親友留下難忘的回憶。各系所師長與在校學弟妹們也細心籌備相關事宜,分別辦理歡送茶會祝福畢業生們,校園內一整天瀰漫著溫馨氣氛。 長庚大學今年在校內佈置多個打卡景點,讓畢業生們留下難忘的回憶。

文章來源 : 長庚大學秘書室 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 13736 加入收藏 :
2024 年 11 月 8 日 (星期五) 農曆十月初八日
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