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LeddarTech 為中國和美國的汽車 ADAS 和 AD 活動帶來原始數據融合和感知技術

魁北克魁北克市, Aug. 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LeddarTech® 是提供最靈活、強大和準確 ADAS 和 AD 感應技術的全球領導者,欣然宣佈在中國和美國進行一系列活動,專門展示其最新技術 LeddarVision™,即獨特的原始數據融合和感知解決方案。 LeddarTech 使用原始數據融合,可偵測路上非常小的障礙物,比傳統「物體融合」解決方案提供更高偵測率,並減少錯誤警報。此外,還可偵測未分類的障礙物,為車輛提供額外安全保障。 LeddarVision 是靈活、強大、具成本效益、獨立於感應器且可擴展的汽車級解決方案,可提供高度準確的 3D 環境模型。此外,該軟件應用人工智能和電腦視覺運算法融合 L2-L5 應用採用的感應器原始數據,以支援所有 SAE 自主水平。 第 12 屆新能源汽車國際論壇 (New Energy Vehicle International Forum) 2022 – 8 月 18-19 日 - 中國蘇州 這項車輛技術和設計會議及展覽的第 12 屆 匯集來自 15 個國家的數百位嘉賓和高級行業參與者,以及 50 多位備受推崇的講者。 LeddarTech 展示「解決關鍵 ADAS/AD 感知挑戰 - 原始數據融合和感知技術」。 日期及時間:2022 年 8 月 18 日,12 點至 12 點 30 分 (中國標準時間)。 地點:中國蘇州香格里拉酒店。 請按此登記。 ADAS & Autonomous VehicleTechnology Expo and Conference(ADAS 及自動汽車技術博覽及會議) – 9 月 7-8 日 - 美國聖荷西 這項新的 ADAS 及自動汽車技術博覽及會議展示用於開發和建造下一代連接和完全無人駕駛汽車的產品和解決方案。 LeddarVision 展覽(展位 #1052):來自以色列和北美的工程師將展示原始數據融合技術如何簡化複雜的感應器組合,並消除對硬件的依賴,以為客戶提供靈活性,以擴展和快速加強 ADAS 和 AD 性能。 日期:2022 年 9 月 7-8 日。 地點:美國聖荷西 San Jose McEnery Convention Center(聖荷西會議中心)。 展位:1052 請按此登記。 請瀏覽這裡,了解 LeddarTech 在世界的業務。 關於 LeddarTech LeddarTech 成立於 2007 年,是一家全面的端到端環境感應公司,其客戶可以解決汽車及流動市場整個價值鏈中關鍵的感應、融合以及感知挑戰。LeddarTech 透過 LeddarVision™ 提供具符合成本效益的感應解決方案,可從 2+ ADAS 擴展到 5 級完全自主,這是一個原始數據感應器融合和感知平台,可從各種感應器類型和配置產生全面的 3D 環境模型。LeddarTech 還為 LiDAR 製造商和 1-2 級汽車供應商提供關鍵的技術構建模塊,例如 LeddarSteer™ 數字波束控制和 LeddarEngine™,它建立在 LeddarTech 的 Leddar™ 技術之上,採用專利信號採集及處理技術,以更低的成本產生更豐富、更清晰的返回信號。LeddarEngine 由高度整合的可擴展 LiDAR SoC 和軟件組合組成,讓 LiDAR 開發人員和 1-2 級汽車供應商能夠設計自己的 LiDAR 解決方案。該公司推出了多項尖端的汽車及流動遙控感應應用創新,其超過 120 項的專利技術(已授予或申請中)提高先進駕駛輔助系統及無人駕駛能力。 欲知更多關於 LeddarTech 的資訊,請瀏覽 www.leddartech.com ,以及 LinkedIn、Twitter、Facebook 及 YouTube。 聯絡人: Daniel Aitken-LeddarTech Inc.的全球行銷、傳訊及投資者關係副總裁 |電話:+ 1-418-653-9000 (內線 232)|電郵:daniel.aitken@leddartech.com 投資者關係聯絡 : InvestorRelations@leddartech.com https://investors.leddartech.com/ Leddar、LeddarTech、LeddarSteer、LeddarEngine、LeddarVision、LeddarSP、LeddarCore、LeddarEcho、VAYADrive、VayaVision、XLRator 以及相關標誌是 LeddarTech Inc. 及其附屬公司的商標或註冊商標。所有其他品牌、產品名稱及標記是或可能是用於辨認其有關擁有人的產品或服務的商標或註冊商標。

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4036 加入收藏 :
Pacific Green Successfully Executes Its Transition to Renewable Energy Recurring Income Model and Announces Its Annual Report for Year Ending March 31, 2022

Pacific Green Successfully Executes Its Transition to Renewable Energy Recurring Income Model and Announces Its Annual Report for Year Ending March 31, 2022 DOVER, DE / ACCESSWIRE / August 10, 2022 / Pacific Green Technologies, Inc. (the "Company" or "Pacific Green", (OTCQB:PGTK)) announces that it has successfully completed its first milestone in the process of diversifying and regularizing its income streams. Pacific Green is transitioning from a single technology equipment provider in the marine sector to an asset-driven "build-own-operate" renewable energy and battery energy storage system ("BESS") development company, led by the financial close in June 2022 of its first 99.98 MW project at Richborough Energy Park, as part of Pacific Green's 1.1 GW pipeline of BESS developments in the UK. In summary: ·       Successfully executed transition to renewable energy company with recurring income model from self-developed energy assets ·       FY22 results impacted by COVID related slowdown to marine business ·       99.98 MW Richborough Battery Energy Park asset in construction, with projected commercial operations via the National Grid in June 2023 ·       Financial restatement reflects change in timing of milestone recognition. No impact on cash flows. As part of this transition, along with tighter fuel spreads and COVID-19 pandemic logistical issues for the Company's clients and suppliers in the marine sector, revenues have been reduced for the year ending March 31, 2022 to $15.44 million (FY21 revenue: $52.62 million) with a net loss for the year of US$10.75 million (FY21 net loss: US$1.81 million). Within the stated losses includes a one-off, non-cash write-down of combined goodwill and intangible assets, totaling US$7.06 million against Chinese subsidiary Pacific Green Technologies (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. (formally Shanghai Engin Digital Technology Co. Ltd.) and Pacific Green Innoergy Technologies Ltd., acquired in 2019 and 2020, respectively. The restatement of past financials noted in the Company's year end filing reflects a change in the accounting treatment of the timing of revenue and expense recognition only, with no impact to cash flows, balances or the Company's ability to undertake business development in the energy storage sector. Over the past six months, the spread between high-sulphur and low-sulphur fuel oils has rebounded to exceed US$200 per ton. Pacific Green has witnessed a significant increase in new enquiries for its emissions control systems, commonly known as "scrubbers", leading to further sales of the Company's technology in the past months. The Company has built out its BESS division, recruiting a world-class team of experts to create an industry leading platform to deliver its 1.1 GW pipeline in the UK and is now looking to expand the platform geographically. Pacific Green has invested in its first 99.98 MW BESS project at Richborough Energy Park in the UK, supported by the Company's 50% project equity partner, Green Power Reserves Limited, senior debt provided by Close Leasing Limited and energy optimization by Shell Energy Europe Limited. The development, Richborough Energy Park Limited, is currently in construction, with projected commercial operations commencing in June 2023. During this period, the Company has funded the deposit to secure its second BESS development of 249 MW in the UK as part of the 1.1 GW pipeline. About Pacific Green Technologies, Inc.: Pacific Green Technologies, Inc. is focused on addressing the world's need for cleaner and more sustainable energy. The Company offers Battery Energy Storage Systems and Concentrated Solar Power energy solutions to compliment its marine environmental technologies division. For more information, visit Pacific Green's website: www.pacificgreentechnologies.com Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains "forward-looking statements," as that term is defined in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Statements in this news release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward-looking statements include, among other things, the construction of the 99.98 MW BESS the Company is to develop in Kent; and any potential business developments in the UK and future interest in the Company's battery, solar and emissions control technologies. Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, general economic and political conditions, the continuation of the construction of the 99.98 MW BESS, the sales of retrofit emissions control technologies and the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this news release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the most recent fiscal year, the Company's quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Contact: Scott Poulter, Chairman & CEO  Pacific Green Technologies T: +1 (302) 601-4659 SOURCE: Pacific Green Technologies, Inc.

文章來源 : EQS Group 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1537 加入收藏 :
Prudential plc Half Year 2022 Results

Prudential Continues To Deliver Resilient Operational Performance Amidst Market VolatilityHONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 10 August 2022 - Performance highlights for the continuing business1 on a constant (and actual) exchange rate basis2 APE sales3 up 9 per cent (6 per cent) to $2,213 million reflecting diversified geographic footprint, product mix and distribution channels New business profit4 fell by (5) per cent ((7) per cent) to $1,098 million following the impact of higher interest rates and differences in geographical and channel mix Adjusted operating profit5 up 8 per cent (6 per cent) to $1,661 million Shareholder GWS capital surplus over GMCR, following Hong Kong and China regulatory changes, remains strong and resilient with a coverage ratio of 548 per cent6. Shareholder GWS capital surplus over GPCR was $16.2 billion7, equivalent to a coverage ratio of 317 per cent8 Mark FitzPatrick, Group Chief Executive, said: "Our resilient operational performance demonstrates the strength of our well positioned and well diversified franchise across the Asia region, driven by our multi-channel, digitally enhanced distribution platform. This enabled us to maintain APE sales growth over the first quarter, despite considerable Covid-19-related disruption in many markets. We achieved stronger APE sales growth in the second quarter as conditions started to normalise in most markets. New business profit was (5) per cent9 lower as the benefit of higher APE sales was offset by the impact of higher interest rates under our EEV methodology, lower sales in Hong Kong, where margins have traditionally been higher, and an increase in bancassurance sales. Excluding the effects of interest rates and other economic changes, new business profit was broadly flat when compared with the corresponding period in 2021. "The Group's adjusted operating profit was up 8 per cent9, driven by a 6 per cent9 increase in life and asset management adjusted operating profit combined with a 32 per cent9 reduction in central costs, as interest costs fell following our $2.25 billion debt redemption programme that completed in January 2022. We are on track to deliver a $70 million10 reduction in head office costs by the start of 2023 in addition to the $180 million saving achieved following the demerger of the UK business. The first 2022 interim dividend is 5.74 cents per share, up 7 per cent11, equating to one third of the prior year full-year dividend of 17.23 cents per share. "We continue to invest in the business including extending Pulse beyond a consumer app so that it covers Prudential's key business processes, from enabling agents by using tools designed to enhance productivity, to fulfilment of policy sales and servicing. Ultimately we believe this will help drive greater customer centricity and efficiency. In addition, via the Pulse platform, we are able to add additional distribution capability, allowing access to new channels and new customer segments which extend beyond our existing distribution footprint. "Our Group-wide Supervision Framework (GWS) capital position is strong and resilient. The Hong Kong Insurance Authority (IA) approved our application to early adopt the RBC framework in Hong Kong, and this is incorporated within our GWS position at 30 June 2022. The Group's shareholder surplus above the Group Minimum Capital Requirement (GMCR) was $19.4 billion12, representing a cover ratio of 548 per cent6. The Group aligns its established EEV and free surplus framework with the Group's Prescribed Capital Requirement (GPCR). At 30 June 2022, our shareholder surplus above the GPCR was $16.2 billion7 and results in a coverage ratio of 317 per cent8. "The first half of the year saw considerable macroeconomic volatility, characterised in many markets by lower equity index levels, material increases in government bond yields and widening corporate bond spreads. The combined impact of these factors on our balance sheet, with the fall in investments exceeding the reduction in liabilities, led to a significant fall in IFRS profit after tax for continuing operations from $1,070 million11 in the first half of 2021 to $106 million in the first half of 2022 and also led to a reduction in EEV under our active economic methodology. "Our Moody's total leverage ratio at 30 June 2022 was estimated to be 22 per cent, well within our target range of 20-25 per cent, demonstrating our financial flexibility following recent actions. "From a leadership perspective, as previously announced, we are delighted that Anil Wadhwani will join Prudential as Group CEO in February 2023. He will join a growth business, with a multi-channel distribution model and a distinctive geographic footprint, combined with the agility to grow and serve its customers even against the backdrop of the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although there are signs that Covid-19-related impacts in many of our markets are stabilising, over the remainder of the year we expect that operating conditions may continue to be challenging. We remain confident that Prudential has the financial resilience, capital strength and capability to meet the growing health and savings needs of our customers in Asia and Africa. By doing so, we believe we will deliver on our purpose to help people get the most out of life and also build value for our shareholders over the long-term." Summary financials Half year 2022 $m Half year 2021 $m Change on AER basis2 Change on CER basis2 New business profit from continuing operations1,4 1,098 1,176 (7)% (5)% Operating free surplus generated from continuing operations1,13 1,224 1,112 10% 12% Adjusted operating profit from continuing operations1,5 1,661 1,571 6% 8% IFRS profit after tax from continuing operations1 106 1,070 (90)% (90)% 30 Jun 2022 31 Dec 2021 Total Per share Total Per share EEV shareholders' equity $42.3bn 1,539¢ $47.4bn 1,725¢ IFRS shareholders' equity $16.1bn 586¢ $17.1bn 622¢ Notes 1 Continuing operations represents the Asia, Africa and head office functions of the Group following the demerger of Jackson. 2 Further information on actual and constant exchange rate bases is set out in note A1 of the IFRS financial results. 3 APE sales is a measure of new business activity that comprises the aggregate of annualised regular premiums and one-tenth of single premiums on new business written during the period for all insurance products, including premiums for contracts designated as investment contracts under IFRS 4. It is not representative of premium income recorded in the IFRS financial statements. See note II of the Additional financial information for further explanation. 4 New business profit, on a post-tax basis, on business sold in the period, calculated in accordance with EEV Principles. 5 In this press release 'adjusted operating profit' refers to adjusted IFRS operating profit based on longer-term investment returns from continuing operations. This alternative performance measure is reconciled to IFRS profit for the period in note B1.1 of the IFRS financial results. 6 GWS coverage ratio of capital resources over Group minimum capital requirement attributable to the shareholder business. 7 GWS capital resources in excess of the Group prescribed capital requirement attributable to the shareholder business, before allowing for the 2022 first cash interim dividend. The shareholder position excludes the contribution to Group eligible capital resources and the Group prescribed capital requirements from participating business in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Under the GWS Framework, all debt instruments (senior and subordinated) issued by Prudential plc at 30 June 2022, except the $350 million senior debt issued in the first half of 2022, are included as GWS eligible group capital resources. 8 GWS coverage ratio of capital resources over Group prescribed capital requirement attributable to the shareholder business. Prescribed capital requirements are set at the level at which the local regulator of a given entity can impose penalties, sanctions or intervention measures. The GWS group capital adequacy requirements require that total eligible group capital resources are not less than the Group Prescribed Capital Requirements (GPCR) and that GWS Tier 1 group capital resources are not less than the Group Minimum Capital Requirements (GMCR). 9 On a constant exchange rate basis. 10 Annual saving from full year 2021 costs, based on full year 2021 exchange rates. 11 On an actual exchange rate basis. 12 GWS capital resources in excess of the Group minimum capital requirement attributable to the shareholder business, before allowing for the 2022 first cash interim dividend. The shareholder position excludes the contribution to Group eligible capital resources and Group minimum capital requirement of participating business in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Under the GWS Framework, all debt instruments (senior and subordinated) issued by Prudential plc at 30 June 2022, except the $350 million senior debt issued in the first half of 2022, are included as GWS eligible group capital resources. 13 Operating free surplus generated from insurance and asset management operations before restructuring costs. For insurance operations, operating free surplus generated represents amounts emerging from the in-force business during the period net of amounts reinvested in writing new business and excludes non-operating items. For asset management businesses, it equates to post-tax operating profit for the period. Restructuring costs are presented separately from the business unit amount. Further information is set out in 'movement in Group free surplus' of the EEV financial results. Notes to editors: a. The results in this announcement are prepared on two bases: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and European Embedded Value (EEV). The results prepared under IFRS form the basis of the Group's statutory financial statements. The supplementary EEV financial results have been prepared in accordance with the amended European Embedded Value Principles issued by the European Insurance CFO Forum in 2016. The Group's EEV financial results are stated on a post-tax basis and include the post-tax IFRS financial results of the Group's asset management and other operations. The IFRS and EEV results are presented in US dollars and the basis of translation is discussed in note A1 of the IFRS financial statements. Period-on-period percentage increases are stated on a constant exchange rate basis unless otherwise stated. Constant exchange rates are calculated by translating prior period results using the current period foreign exchange rate ie current period average rates for the income statement and current period closing rates for the balance sheet. b. EEV and adjusted IFRS operating profit for continuing operations is based on longer-term investment returns and is stated after excluding the effect of short-term fluctuations in investment returns against long-term assumptions and other corporate transactions. Furthermore, for EEV financial results, operating profit based on longer-term investment returns excludes the effect of changes in economic assumptions and the mark-to-market value movement on core borrowings. Separately on the IFRS basis, adjusted operating profit also excludes amortisation of acquisition accounting adjustments. c. Total number of Prudential plc shares in issue as at 30 June 2022 was 2,749,314,856. d. We are expected to announce our Half Year 2022 Results to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and to the UK Financial Media at 12.00pm HKT – 5.00am UKT – 12.00am ET on Wednesday, 10 August 2022. The announcement will be released on the London Stock Exchange at 2.00pm HKT – 7.00am UKT – 2.00am ET on Wednesday, 10 August. A pre-recorded presentation for analysts and investors will be available on-demand from 12.00pm HKT – 5.00am UKT – 12.00am ET on Wednesday, 10 August 2022 using the following link: https://www.investis-live.com/prudential/62d51c1fd9438014009aa544/hebae. A copy of the script used in the recorded video will also be available from 12.00pm HKT – 5.00am UKT – 12.00am ET on Wednesday, 10 August 2022 on Prudential plc's website. A Q&A video conference for analysts and investors will be held at 1.00pm HKT – 6.00am UKT – 1.00am ET on Wednesday, 10 August. Registration to view the video conference online To register to watch the video conference and submit questions online, please do so via the following link: https://www.investis-live.com/prudential/62d52566d9438014009d4b1b/bmppi. The webcast will be available to replay afterwards using the same link. Dial-in details A dial-in facility will be available to listen to the call and ask questions: please allow 15 minutes ahead of the start time to join the call (lines open half an hour before the call is due to start, i.e. from 12.30pm HKT – 5.30am UKT – 12.30am ET). Dial-in: 580 33 413 (HK) / +44 (0) 20 3936 2999 (UK and international) / 010 5387 5828 (China), Toll free: 800 908 350 (HK) / 0800 640 6441 (UK), Participant access code: 570192. Once participants have entered this code their name and company details will be taken. Transcript Following the call a transcript will be published on the results centre page of the Prudential plc's website on Friday 12 August 2022. Playback facility Please use the following for a playback facility: +44 (0) 20 3936 3001 (UK and international), replay code 744029. This will be available from approximately 10.00pm HKT – 3.00pm UKT – 10.00am ET on 10 August until 6.59am HK time on 25 August 2022 – 11.59pm UKT – 6.59pm ET on 24 August. e. 2022 First interim ordinary dividend Ex-dividend date 18 August 2022 (Hong Kong, UK and Singapore) Record date 19 August 2022 Payment of dividend 27 September 2022 (Hong Kong, UK and ADR holders) On or around 4 October 2022 (Singapore) f. About Prudential plc Prudential plc provides life and health insurance and asset management in Asia and Africa. The business helps people get the most out of life, by making healthcare affordable and accessible and by promoting financial inclusion. Prudential protects people's wealth, helps them grow their assets, and empowers them to save for their goals. The business has more than 19 million life customers and is listed on stock exchanges in London (PRU), Hong Kong (2378), Singapore (K6S) and New York (PUK). Prudential is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc. a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, nor with The Prudential Assurance Company Limited, a subsidiary of M&G plc, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom. https://www.prudentialplc.com/. g. Discontinued operations Throughout this results announcement 'discontinued operations' refers to the US operations (Jackson). All amounts presented refer to continuing operations unless otherwise stated, which reflect the Group following the completed demerger of Jackson. h. Prudential will file an Interim Report on Form 6-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission shortly and it will be available in due course on the Prudential plc website. i. Forward-looking statements This document may contain 'forward-looking statements' with respect to certain of Prudential's (and its wholly and jointly owned businesses') plans and its goals and expectations relating to its future financial condition, performance, results, strategy and objectives. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about Prudential's (and its wholly and jointly owned businesses') beliefs and expectations and including, without limitation, statements containing the words 'may', 'will', 'should', 'continue', 'aims', 'estimates', 'projects', 'believes', 'intends', 'expects', 'plans', 'seeks' and 'anticipates', and words of similar meaning, are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on plans, estimates and projections as at the time they are made, and therefore undue reliance should not be placed on them. By their nature, all forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty. A number of important factors could cause Prudential's actual future financial condition or performance or other indicated results of the entity referred to in any forward-looking statement to differ materially from those indicated in such forward-looking statement. Such factors include, but are not limited to, current and future market conditions including fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, inflation (including interest rate rises as a response), sustained high or low interest rate environments, the performance of financial and credit markets generally and the impact of economic uncertainty, slowdown or contraction, (including as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and related or other geopolitical tensions and conflicts) which may also impact policyholder behaviour and reduce product affordability, asset valuation impacts from the transition to a lower carbon economy, derivative instruments not effectively mitigating any exposures; global political uncertainties, including the potential for increased friction in cross-border trade and the exercise of laws, regulations and executive powers to restrict trade, financial transactions, capital movements and/or investment; the impact of Covid-19 outbreaks, including adverse financial market and liquidity impacts, responses and actions taken by governments, regulators and supervisors, the impact on sales, claims and assumptions and increased product lapses, disruption to Prudential's operations (and those of its suppliers and partners), risks associated with new sales processes and technological and information security risks; the policies and actions of regulatory authorities, including, in particular, the policies and actions of the Hong Kong Insurance Authority, as Prudential's Group-wide supervisor, as well as the degree and pace of regulatory changes and new government initiatives generally; given its designation as an Internationally Active Insurance Group, the impact on Prudential of systemic risk and other group supervision policy standards adopted by the International Association of Insurance Supervisors; the physical, social and financial impacts of climate change and global health crises on Prudential's business and operations; the impact of not adequately responding to environmental, social and governance issues (including not properly considering the interests of Prudential's stakeholders or failing to maintain high standards of corporate governance); the impact of competition and fast-paced technological change; the effect on Prudential's business and results from, in particular, mortality and morbidity trends, lapse rates and policy renewal rates; the timing, impact and other uncertainties of future acquisitions or combinations within relevant industries; the impact of internal transformation projects and other strategic actions failing to meet their objectives or adversely impacting the Group's employees; the availability and effectiveness of reinsurance for Prudential's businesses; the risk that Prudential's operational resilience (or that of its suppliers and partners) may prove to be inadequate, including in relation to operational disruption due to external events; disruption to the availability, confidentiality or integrity of Prudential's information technology, digital systems and data (or those of its suppliers and partners) including the Pulse platform; any ongoing impact on Prudential of the demerger of Jackson Financial Inc.; the increased operational and financial risks and uncertainties associated with operating joint ventures with independent partners, particularly where joint ventures are not controlled by Prudential; the impact of changes in capital, solvency standards, accounting standards or relevant regulatory frameworks, and tax and other legislation and regulations in the jurisdictions in which Prudential and its affiliates operate; and the impact of legal and regulatory actions, investigations and disputes. These and other important factors may, for example, result in changes to assumptions used for determining results of operations or re-estimations of reserves for future policy benefits. Further discussion of these and other important factors that could cause actual future financial condition or performance to differ, possibly materially, from those anticipated in Prudential's forward-looking statements can be found under the 'Risk Factors' heading of this document and the 'Risk Factors' heading in Prudential's 2021 Annual Report. Prudential's 2021 Annual Report is available on its website at www.prudentialplc.com. These factors are not exhaustive as Prudential operates in a continually changing business environment with new risks emerging from time to time that it may be unable to predict or that it currently does not expect to have a material adverse effect on its business. Any forward-looking statements contained in this document speak only as of the date on which they are made. Prudential expressly disclaims any obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements contained in this document or any other forward-looking statements it may make, whether as a result of future events, new information or otherwise except as required pursuant to the UK Prospectus Rules, the UK Listing Rules, the UK Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, the Hong Kong Listing Rules, the SGX-ST Listing Rules or other applicable laws and regulations. j. Cautionary statements This document does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to purchase, acquire, subscribe for, sell, dispose of or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase, acquire, subscribe for, sell or dispose of, any securities in any jurisdiction nor shall it (or any part of it) or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract therefor. Hashtag: #PrudentialThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1665 加入收藏 :
Nyxoah Reports Second Quarter and First Half 2022 Financial and Operating Results

REGULATED INFORMATION Nyxoah Reports Second Quarter and First Half 2022 Financial and Operating Results DREAM enrollment complete, 12-month clinical data expected in fall of 2023 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium – August 8, 2022, 10:05pm CET / 4:05pm ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) (“Nyxoah” or the “Company”), a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), today reported financial and operating results for the second quarter and first half of 2022.   Second Quarter 2022 Financial and Operating Highlights Completed enrollment in DREAM U.S. pivotal trial; expect 12-month clinical data in the fall of 2023 and regulatory approval in the first half of 2024 Generated revenue of €935,000 from the commercialization of Genio® in Europe, primarily in Germany, which represents growth of more than five times the amount achieved in the second quarter of 2021 Activated 11 new implanting sites in Germany during the second quarter, bringing the total to 26 as of June 30, 2022; expecting to have at least 35 active implanting sites by the end of 2022 Received FDA approval of IDE submission to commence the ACCCESS study to treat complete concentric collapse (CCC) patients in the U.S., with first patient implant expected in the fourth quarter of 2022 Received FDA approval of the next generation Genio® 2.1 system for use in the DREAM study and CE mark for use in commercial patients in Europe; this improves patient comfort and compliance with a new smartphone application and upgraded external activation chip, which leverages Nyxoah’s scalable platform to continuously enhance patient comfort and therapy efficacy without requiring a new implant Partnered with Acurable to distribute the AcuPebble SA100 wearable home sleep test to OSA patients in Germany; launch is expected in the fourth quarter of 2022 Included in the newly formed Euronext Tech Leaders Index, which is composed of 100+ innovative and high-growth technology companies with greater than €1 trillion in aggregate market capitalization “We made significant progress on all of our key strategic priorities this quarter, including activating 11 new commercial sites in Germany, completing enrollment in our DREAM trial, and receiving approval for our ACCCESS IDE,” commented Olivier Taelman, Nyxoah’s Chief Executive Officer. “From a commercial standpoint, our second quarter performance showing 42% quarter-over-quarter growth strengthens our confidence that we will achieve market leadership status in Germany by the end of 2022.” “As the only commercially available hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HGNS) therapy approved for the treatment of CCC patients, we are encouraged by the first strong results from patients who are six months post-implantation. These results, combined with no longer having to perform a drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) procedure prior to implant, are driving physicians to recommend Genio for their CCC and non-CCC patients,” continued Mr. Taelman.  Mr. Taelman concluded, “In the meantime, we have already begun investing in our U.S. market access organization. As for our ACCCESS study, we expect to implant the first patients before year end.” Second Quarter and First Half 2022 Results UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION – INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE LOSS FOR THE THREE MONTHS AND SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 (in thousands)     For the three months ended June 30   For the six months ended June 30     2022 2021   2022 2021             Revenue € 935  € 170    € 1 595  € 355  Cost of goods sold (€ 334) (€ 63)   (€ 623) (€ 115) Gross profit € 601  € 107    € 972  € 240  Research and Development Expense (€ 3 470) (€ 2 398)   (€ 7 065) (€ 5 492) Selling, General and Administrative Expense (€ 4 536) (€ 3 913)   (€ 8 729) (€ 6 279) Other income/(expense) € 14  (€ 101)   € 150  (€ 97) Operating loss for the period (€ 7 391) (€ 6 305)   (€ 14 672) (€ 11 628) Financial income € 4 670  € 39    € 6 246  € 43  Financial expense (€ 2 162) (€ 574)   (€ 2 950) (€ 899) Loss for the period before taxes (€ 4 883) (€ 6 840)   (€ 11 376) (€ 12 484) Income taxes (€ 107) (€ 99)   (€ 315) (€ 124) Loss for the period (€ 4 990) (€ 6 939)   (€ 11 691) (€ 12 608)             Loss attributable to equity holders (€ 4 990) (€ 6 939)   (€ 11 691) (€ 12 608) Other comprehensive loss           Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss (net of tax)           Currency translation differences (€ 12) € 262    (€ 114) € 192  Total comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax (€ 5 002) (€ 6 677)   (€ 11 805) (€ 12 416) Loss attributable to equity holders (€ 5 002) (€ 6 677)   (€ 11 805) (€ 12 416)             Basic Loss Per Share (in EUR) (€ 0,193) (€ 0,314)   (€ 0,453) (€ 0,570) Diluted Loss Per Share (in EUR) (€ 0,193) (€ 0,314)   (€ 0,453) (€ 0,570)                  UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION – INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT JUNE 30, 2022 (in thousands)       As at       June 30  2022   December 31 2021 ASSETS           Non-current assets           Property, plant and equipment     € 2 111   € 2 020 Intangible assets     32 570   25 322 Right of use assets     3 410   3 218 Deferred tax asset     1 429   46 Other long-term receivables     180   164       € 39 700   € 30 770 Current assets           Inventory     506   346 Trade receivables     957   226 Other receivables     1 548   2 286 Other current assets     852   1 693 Financial assets     47 717   − Cash and cash equivalents     75 602   135 509       € 127 182   € 140 060 Total assets     € 166 882   € 170 830             EQUITY AND LIABILITIES           Capital and reserves           Capital     4 438   4 427 Share premium     228 158   228 033 Share based payment reserve     4 411   3 127 Other comprehensive income     88   202 Retained loss     (98 850)   (87 167) Total equity attributable to shareholders     € 138 245   € 148 622             LIABILITIES           Non-current liabilities           Financial debt     8 089   7 802 Lease liability     2 859   2 737 Pension liability     80   80 Provisions     44   12 Deferred tax liability     −   5       € 11 072   € 10 636 Current liabilities           Financial debt     661   554 Lease liability     672   582 Trade payables     4 301   3 995 Current tax liability     4 391   2 808 Other payables     7 540   3 633       € 17 565   € 11 572 Total liabilities     € 28 637   € 22 208 Total equity and liabilities     € 166 882   € 170 830  UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION - INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS AS AT JUNE 30, 2022 (in thousands)       For the six months ended June 30       2022   2021 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES           Loss before tax for the year     € (11 376)   € (12 484) Adjustments for           Finance income     (6 246)   (43) Finance expenses     2 950   899 Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets     536   377 Amortization of intangible assets     402   428 Share-based payment transaction expense     1 292   − Increase/(Decrease) in provisions     32   − Other non-cash items     37   11 Cash generated before changes in working capital     € (12 373)   € (10 812) Changes in working capital           Decrease/(Increase) in inventory     (160)   (27) (Increase)/Decrease in trade and other receivables     1 011   (3 463) Increase/(Decrease) in trade and other payables     2 053   6 061 Cash generated from changes in operations     € (9 469)   € (8 241) Income tax paid     ( 254)   ( 111) Net cash used in operating activities     € (9 723)   € (8 352) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES           Purchases of property, plant and equipment     (302)   (795) Capitalization of intangible assets     (7 650)   (3 726) (Increase)/Decrease in financial assets - current     (44 032)   − Net cash used in investing activities     € (51 984)   € (4 521) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES           Payment of principal portion of lease liabilities     (317)   (236) Repayment of other loan     (42)   (42) Interests paid     (134)   (258) Repayment of recoverable cash advance     −   (105) Proceeds from issuance of shares, net of transaction costs     136   362 Other financial costs     (8)   (10) Net cash generated from financing activities     € (365)   € (289) Movement in cash and cash equivalents     € (62 072)   € (13 162) Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents     2 165   33 Cash and cash equivalents at January 1     € 135 509   € 92 300 Cash and cash equivalents at June 30     € 75 602   € 79 171 Revenue Revenue was €935,000 for the second quarter ending June 30, 2022, compared to €170,000 for the second quarter ending June 30, 2021. Revenue for the first half of 2022 was €1.6 million, compared to €355,000 for the first half of 2021. The increase in revenue was attributable to the Company’s commercialization of the Genio® system, primarily in Germany. Cost of Goods Sold Cost of goods sold was €334,000 for the three months ending June 30, 2022, representing a gross profit of €601,000, or gross margin of 64.3%. This compares to total cost of goods sold of €63,000 in the second quarter of 2021, for a gross profit of €107,000, or gross margin of 62.9%.  For the six months ending June 30, 2022, total cost of goods sold was €623,000, representing a gross profit of €972,000, or gross margin of 60.9%. This compares to total cost of goods sold of €115,000 in the first half of 2021, for a gross profit of €240,000, or gross margin of 67.6%. Research and Development Expenses Research and Development expenses were €3.5 million for the three months ending June 30, 2022, versus €2.4 million for the prior year period, reflecting the Company’s investments in the development of next generation versions of the Genio® system as well as ongoing clinical studies, most notably DREAM in the U.S.  For the six months ending June 30, 2022, Research and Development expenses were €7.1 million, versus €5.5 million for the first half of 2021. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses Selling, General and Administrative expenses rose to €4.5 million for the second quarter of 2022, up from €3.9 million in the second quarter of 2021. This was due primarily to increased commercial efforts in Germany and other European markets, as well as investments in Nyxoah’s corporate infrastructure. The Company expects to continue adding headcount across the organization ahead of the U.S. commercial launch. For the six months ending June 30, 2022, Selling, General and Administrative expenses were €8.7 million, up from €6.3 million in the first half of 2021 due to increased commercial efforts in Germany and investments in Nyxoah’s corporate infrastructure. Operating Loss Total operating loss for the second quarter and first half of 2022 was €7.4 million and €14.7 million, respectively, versus €6.3 million and €11.6 million in the second quarter and first half of 2021, respectively. This was driven by the acceleration in the Company’s R&D spending, as well as ongoing commercial and clinical activities. Nyxoah realized a net loss of €5.0 million and €11.8 million for the second quarter and first half of 2022, respectively, compared to a net loss of €6.7 million and €12.4 million for the second quarter and first half of 2021, respectively. Cash Position As of June 30, 2022, cash and financial assets totaled €123.3 million, compared to €135.5 million on December 31, 2021.  Total cash burn was approximately €2.0 million per month during the first half of 2022. Nyxoah expects monthly cash burn to increase in the second half of 2022 to account for the commencement of the ACCCESS IDE trial in the U.S., and the current cash position provides ample liquidity to get to U.S. commercialization in 2024. First Half 2022 Report Nyxoah’s financial report for the first half of 2022, including details of the audited consolidated results, are available on the investor page of Nyxoah’s website (https://investors.nyxoah.com/financials). Conference call and webcast presentation  Nyxoah will conduct a conference call open to the public today at 10:30 p.m. CET / 4:30 p.m. ET, which will also be webcast. To participate in the conference call, please access the following link to register for a dial-in number: https://register.vevent.com/register/BIfc3a52c9352e4e42958e9d816245b3b9 A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation of the results. To access the live webcast, go to https://investors.nyxoah.com/events. The archived webcast will be available for replay shortly after the close of the call.  About Nyxoah Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Nyxoah’s lead solution is the Genio® system, a patient-centered, leadless and battery-free hypoglossal neurostimulation therapy for OSA, the world’s most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and cardiovascular comorbidities. Nyxoah is driven by the vision that OSA patients should enjoy restful nights and feel enabled to live their life to its fullest.  Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study, the Genio® system received its European CE Mark in 2019. Nyxoah completed two successful IPOs: on Euronext Brussels in September 2020 and NASDAQ in July 2021. Following the positive outcomes of the BETTER SLEEP study, Nyxoah received CE mark approval for the expansion of its therapeutic indications to Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) patients, currently contraindicated in competitors’ therapy. Additionally, the Company is currently conducting the DREAM IDE pivotal study for FDA and US commercialization approval. For more information, please visit http://www.nyxoah.com/. Caution – CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States. Forward-looking statements  Certain statements, beliefs and opinions in this press release are forward-looking, which reflect the Company's or, as appropriate, the Company directors' or managements' current expectations regarding the Genio® system; planned and ongoing clinical studies of the Genio® system; the potential advantages of the Genio® system; Nyxoah’s goals with respect to the development, regulatory pathway and potential use of the Genio® system; the utility of clinical data in potentially obtaining FDA approval of the Genio® system; and the Company's results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, performance, prospects, growth and strategies. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, assumptions and factors could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described herein. Additionally, these risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risks and uncertainties set forth in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2021, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on March 24, 2022, and subsequent reports that the Company files with the SEC. A multitude of factors including, but not limited to, changes in demand, competition and technology, can cause actual events, performance or results to differ significantly from any anticipated development. Forward looking statements contained in this press release regarding past trends or activities are not guarantees of future performance and should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. In addition, even if actual results or developments are consistent with the forward-looking statements contained in this press release, those results or developments may not be indicative of results or developments in future periods. No representations and warranties are made as to the accuracy or fairness of such forward-looking statements. As a result, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements in this press release as a result of any change in expectations or any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which these forward-looking statements are based, except if specifically required to do so by law or regulation. Neither the Company nor its advisers or representatives nor any of its subsidiary undertakings or any such person's officers or employees guarantees that the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements are free from errors nor does either accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release or the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Contacts: Nyxoah Loic Moreau, Chief Financial Officer corporate@nyxoah.com +32 473 33 19 80 Jeremy Feffer, VP IR and Corporate Communications jeremy.feffer@nyxoah.com +1 917 749 14 Attachment ENGLISH_Q2 2022 Earnings PR Draft Final

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2018 加入收藏 :
UPS to Acquire Multinational Healthcare Logistics Provider Bomi Group

Acquisition Will Enhance End-to-End Global Healthcare Logistics Capabilities and Expand Scale and Expertise in Europe and Latin America ATLANTA, Aug. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UPS (NYSE: UPS) today announced plans to acquire Bomi Group, an industry-leading multinational healthcare logistics provider. The transaction will add temperature-controlled facilities in 14 countries and nearly 3,000 highly-skilled Bomi Group team members to the UPS Healthcare network in Europe and Latin America. “As a leading global healthcare logistics company, Bomi enhances our portfolio of services and accelerates our journey to become the number one provider of complex healthcare logistics,” said EVP and President of UPS International, Healthcare and Supply Chain Solutions Kate Gutmann. “UPS Healthcare and Bomi Group employees share similar values and our cultures are firmly rooted in a relentless focus on quality. The combination of our two teams will significantly improve our healthcare customers’ ability to continue to develop and deliver life-saving innovations.” Since 1985, Bomi Group has provided high value-added services for the Medtech and Pharma sectors with a customized and tailored approach. It is a quality-focused company devoted to healthcare that has built solid and long-lasting business relationships with more than 150 multinational customers worldwide. Key Bomi Group leaders, including CEO Marco Ruini, will continue in their roles to provide seamless service to Bomi Group customers after the transaction closes. Bomi Group’s employees will also continue to play vital roles in the combined organization. “With over 35 years in the healthcare logistics industry, our team has developed best-in-class services designed to meet and exceed the needs of our medical technology and pharmaceutical customers,” said Ruini. “Joining the UPS team will expand those capabilities and create an even more integrated and powerful global network for our customers.”  The acquisition will add more than 350 temperature-controlled vehicles and four million square feet (391k m2) to the UPS Healthcare global footprint, offering customers access to faster shipping times, greater production flexibility, and offerings to help them attract new business. The acquisition will play a key role in the delivery of next-generation pharmaceutical and biologic treatments that increasingly require time-critical and temperature-sensitive logistics. “We are focused on building healthcare logistics capabilities and services that allow our customers to deliver the newest healthcare innovations,” said UPS Healthcare President Wes Wheeler. “We are excited to combine Bomi’s talent, expertise and capabilities with UPS Healthcare – together, we will provide unmatched solutions to our customers, powered by UPS’s integrated, global smart logistics network.” The acquisition of Bomi is part of UPS Healthcare’s continued expansion of its network and services to meet growing demand – including Bomi, UPS Healthcare has doubled its global footprint since 2020. Recent expansions include newly constructed and soon-to-be-opened dedicated state-of-the-art healthcare logistics facilities in Germany and Australia, and expanded campuses in Hungary and the Netherlands. UPS Healthcare also recently enhanced UPS Premier, a technology-led service that can prioritize and track critical shipments within 10 feet (about 3 meters) of their location anywhere in UPS’s global network. UPS Premier brings worldwide visibility, control, reliability and product recovery capabilities to UPS Healthcare customers. These expansions and new services meet the complex and varied needs of UPS Healthcare’s customers, helping them turn logistics into a competitive advantage. The transaction is expected to close by the end of the year, subject to customary regulatory review and approval. The value and terms of the transaction are not being disclosed at this time. J.P. Morgan Securities LLC served as the financial advisor to UPS. For more information about UPS Healthcare’s innovations and customer-driven solutions, visit Healthcare.ups.com and about.ups.com. About UPS  UPS (NYSE: UPS) is one of the world’s largest companies, with 2021 revenue of $97.3 billion, and provides a broad range of integrated logistics solutions for customers in more than 220 countries and territories. Focused on its purpose statement, “Moving our world forward by delivering what matters,” the company’s more than 500,000 employees embrace a strategy that is simply stated and powerfully executed: Customer First. People Led. Innovation Driven. UPS is committed to reducing its impact on the environment and supporting the communities we serve around the world. UPS also takes an unwavering stance in support of diversity, equity and inclusion. More information can be found at www.ups.com, about.ups.com, and www.investors.ups.com.  About UPS Healthcare UPS Healthcare delivers unparalleled healthcare logistics expertise to its customers around the world. UPS Healthcare has 11+ million square feet of cGMP and GDP-compliant healthcare distribution space globally. Services include inventory management, cold chain packaging and shipping, storage and fulfillment of medical devices, and lab and clinical trial logistics. UPS Healthcare's global infrastructure, its UPS® Premier visibility service, its track and trace technology, and its global quality system are well-suited to meet today's complex logistics demands for the pharmaceutical, medical device, and laboratory diagnostic industries. Visit Healthcare.ups.com for more information. About Bomi Group BOMI GROUP is a leading Italian multinational company in the field of integrated logistics serving the Healthcare sector. Bomi is the logistics partner of more than 150 customers worldwide, including major players in the medical device, in vitro diagnostics, biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors. The Group is present through its subsidiaries and affiliates in 14 countries worldwide, with a particular focus on Europe and South America, employs over 3,000 people and has its own fleet of vehicles for daily deliveries to hospitals, clinics, laboratories, pharmacies and home patients. For more information visit bomigroup.com. ### Forward-Looking Statements This release and our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission contain and in the future may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements other than those of current or historical fact, and all statements accompanied by terms such as “will,” “believe,” “project,” “expect,” “estimate,” “assume,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “target,” “plan,” and similar terms, are intended to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are made subject to the safe harbor provisions of the federal securities laws pursuant to Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. From time to time, we also include written or oral forward-looking statements in other publicly disclosed materials. Forward-looking statements may relate to our intent, belief, forecasts of, or current expectations about our strategic direction, prospects, future results, or future events; they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as and when made. However, caution should be taken not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements because such statements speak only as of the date when made and the future, by its very nature, cannot be predicted with certainty. Forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from our historical experience and our present expectations or anticipated results. These risks and uncertainties, include, but are not limited to the impact of: our inability to complete the pending acquisition on the expected terms, or at all, for any reason, including our inability to receive regulatory approvals; continued uncertainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic on our business and operations, financial performance and liquidity, our customers and suppliers, and on the global economy; changes in general economic conditions, in the U.S. or internationally; industry evolution and significant competition; changes in our relationships with our significant customers; our ability to attract and retain qualified employees; increased or more complex physical or data security requirements, or any data security breach; strikes, work stoppages or slowdowns by our employees; results of negotiations and ratifications of labor contracts; our ability to maintain our brand image and corporate reputation; disruptions to our information technology infrastructure; global climate change; interruptions in or impacts on our business from natural or man-made events or disasters including terrorist attacks, epidemics or pandemics; exposure to changing economic, political and social developments in international markets; our ability to realize the anticipated benefits from acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures or strategic alliances; changing prices of energy, including gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, or interruptions in supplies of these commodities; changes in exchange rates or interest rates; our ability to accurately forecast our future capital investment needs; significant expenses and funding obligations relating to employee health, retiree health and/or pension benefits; our ability to manage insurance and claims expenses; changes in business strategy, government regulations, or economic or market conditions that may result in impairments of our assets; potential additional U.S. or international tax liabilities; increasingly stringent laws and regulations, including relating to climate change; potential claims or litigation related to labor and employment, personal injury, property damage, business practices, environmental liability and other matters; and other risks discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021, our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2022, and subsequently filed reports. You should consider the limitations on, and risks associated with, forward-looking statements and not unduly rely on the accuracy of predictions contained in such forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events, circumstances, changes in expectations, or the occurrence of unanticipated events after the date of those statements. Contact: UPS Media Relations pr@ups.com 404-828-7123

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2018 加入收藏 :

2022年8月8日,台北訊 –  Ansys(NASDAQ: ANSS)計畫透過測量、分析、和減少資源使用,降低營運對環境和氣候衝擊。作為模擬軟體供應商,Ansys的目標是在2027年前減少Scope 1和Scope 2排放達15%(以2019年排放量為基準)。Ansys也透過可幫助用戶將廢棄物最少化、改善循環性、加速產品開發流程、並將實體原型製作最少化的模擬解決方案,擴展其承諾。 Ansys環境策略焦點包括整體減排,並持續透過能源稽核執行專案,包括照明提升措施和現場再生能源。諸多作為的其中一部分是致力於同時減少排放、降低環境衝擊,並將營運最佳化。 Ansys持續推動其「產品手印倡議(product handprint initiative)」,該倡議報告Ansys如何幫助客戶減少對地球的影響。每種產品手印即為使用個案,顯示Ansys在特定領域的運作,包括半導體、能源、數位分身(Digital Twin)和航空航太領域。Ansys透過名為「拯救地球(Earth Rescue)」線上紀錄片系列,展現高瞻遠矚的客戶如何透過創新解決方案應對環境變遷。該紀錄片系列的新集數將於今年秋天上線。 Ansys副總裁、法律總顧問、秘書暨ESG計畫主管Janet Lee表示:「Ansys承諾透過環境、社會和治理 (ESG)方案,帶動投資人、客戶、員工和合作夥伴的正向改變。我們ESG方案的支柱,透過產品、投資在員工身上、負責任經營、以及與利益相關方合作,推動環保永續,以確保我們能為我們的業務和社群提供長期價值,共同建構更美好的未來。」   / 關於 Ansys   當展望未來的公司需要知道改變世界的創意該如何展現,就會運用Ansys模擬縮短設計和現實的距離。過去50餘年來,Ansys軟體支援跨產業創新者運用模擬的力量,挑戰既有限制。從永續交通運輸到先進半導體,從衛星系統到拯救生命的醫療裝置,Ansys都將帶動人類邁出未來的下一大步。   與Ansys攜手同行迎向明確的未來。   Ansys以及所有ANSYS, Inc.品牌、產品、服務和功能名稱、徽標、口號均為ANSYS, Inc.或其子公司在美國或其它國家的注冊商標或商標。所有其它品牌、產品、服務和功能名稱或商標是其各自所有者的財產。     / 前瞻性聲明   本聲明包含1995年「私人證券訴訟改革方案」所指的前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明是基於當前預期和假設的關於未來事件的陳述,因此會受到風險和不確定性的影響,無法保證我們是否能夠或將能達成排放目標。前瞻性聲明細節、可能影響排放目標的重要因素、以及我們未來業務和營運成果請參考我們公布的文件。    

文章來源 : 盛思公關 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 9539 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 21 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月廿二日
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