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LONDON, Jan. 30, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Thermal management is a significant overhead cost for data center (DC) operators, as lowering operating costs is a daily challenge. The performance, stability, and equipment life span are dependent on the execution of efficient cooling solutions. The new Competitive Assessment by global technology intelligence firm ABI Research provides an in-depth and unbiased examination of the top nine leading thermal management solution providers for DC operations, which include hardware, software, and allied services provided in-house or through strategic partnerships. The companies evaluated and ranked are: Market Leaders: Vertiv and Johnson Control Mainstream: Schneider Electric, Daikin, Trane, Danfoss, Carrier, and STULZ Followers: Fujitsu "The analysis focused on eleven criteria segmented across innovation and implementation. The innovation criteria evaluated the solution providers based on thermal management solutions offered: hardware, software, and allied services, solution reliability, inbuilt or software tools to optimize DC operations, interoperability with DC operation tools, innovative features, and end-of-life/circular initiatives. The set of criteria under implementation focuses on geographical presence, market share, deployments, operation and maintenance support, partnerships, case studies, and time to value," explains Rithika Thomas, Sustainable Technologies Senior Analyst at ABI Research. Vertiv took the overall lead, benefiting from the first mover advantage through the dedicated AI DC portfolio Vertiv360, leveraging its strong ecosystem partnerships with Nvidia and Intel. In addition, its scaled global deployments demonstrated Vertiv's expertise in thermal management hardware, software for critical infrastructure, and allied services like power, IT equipment, and servicing efficient DCs. Johnson Controls, a fierce competitor of Vertiv, is a leader in the implementation criteria and has been exceeding market expectations. Its comprehensive and dedicated data center portfolio comprising of hardware, software, fire safety, security and building automation combined with its global presence, customer centric approach, and scaled deployments resulted in overall second position, making Johnson Controls a well-placed solution provider in the ecosystem. Vertiv, Johnson Controls & Schneider Electric are innovation leaders pushing the boundaries on the potential of DC cooling solutions through dedicated product ranges, namely Vertiv 360AI, Johnson Controls' Global DC Solutions organization' and Schneider Electric's approach and portfolio catering from 'Grid to chip, Chip to Chiller'. Johnson Control, Vertiv & Daikin are the top three implementation leaders due to their strong established ecosystem partnerships built over the years, in-house expertise on data center cooling, global scale deployments, partnerships, and commercialized solutions in the market today. With the rise of high-density IT racks and AI models, advanced energy efficient cooling solutions like liquid cooling, are creating opportunities for established HVAC players to acquire stake in SMEs providing advanced cooling capabilities to address customer need for a 'one stop' solution providers. "To succeed in a competitive marketplace, thermal management solution providers are also catering to related operational & hardware requirements of DC such as energy, fire safety, security, IT servers, Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM), remote monitoring and servicing, as the DC industry is large, yet the customer base is limited. Thus, established HVAC providers are catering to evolving customer needs and expanding portfolio services to capture the customer base, optimize DC operations, and reduce costs and carbon footprints," Thomas concludes. These findings are from ABI Research's Thermal Management Providers for Data Centers competitive ranking. This report is part of the company's Smart Buildings research service, which includes research, data, and analyst insights. Based on extensive primary interviews, Competitive Ranking reports offer comprehensive analysis of implementation and innovation strategies to offer unparalleled insight into a company's performance and standing compared to its competitors. About ABI Research ABI Research is a global technology intelligence firm uniquely positioned at the intersection of technology solution providers and end-market companies. We serve as the bridge that seamlessly connects these two segments by providing exclusive research and expert guidance to drive successful technology implementations and deliver strategies proven to attract and retain customers. ABI Research是一家全球性的技术情报公司,拥有得天独厚的优势,充当终端市场公司和技术解决方案提供商之间的桥梁,通过提供独家研究和专业性指导,推动成功的技术实施和提供经证明可吸引和留住客户的战略,无缝连接这两大主体。 For more information about ABI Research's services, contact us at +1.516.624.2500 in the Americas, +44.203.326.0140 in Europe, +65.6592.0290 in Asia-Pacific, or visit www.abiresearch.com. Contact Info: Global Deborah PetraraTel: +1.516.624.2558 pr@abiresearch.com
The rise in compute density and larger clusters, along with more powerful cooling systems, stretches current infrastructure limits and complicates new deployments NEW YORK, Jan. 28, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The enormous demand for generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led to unprecedented CAPEX by hyperscalers, foundation model builders, and those capitalizing on the exploding demand for compute. Global technology intelligence firm ABI Research's discussions across the value chain have exposed the dynamics in the rapidly evolving AI server market, powering the race to increase the efficiency and accuracy of generative AI models. "The rapid pace of silicon innovation has left space for differentiation," explains Paul Schell, Industry Analyst at ABI Research. "The expertise needed to plan, deploy, and run today's high-performance accelerator clusters has created the opportunity for those with the in-house engineering talent to leverage their organizational capital, capture more value, and ride the generative AI wave." The professional services offered by Tier One OEMs Supermicro, HPE, Dell, and Lenovo, and challengers like Penguin Solutions, are increasingly seen as a necessary part of their AI server go-to-market. Furthermore, the offering of 'burnt-in' solutions that cater to various end-customers and deployment sizes helps end customers deploy with fewer hurdles, accelerating the monetization of their AI product. "Time to market matters more than usual in the current stage of the AI race, and AI server vendors able to offer their customers the agility they seek will come out on top", explains Paul Schell. "In addition, cluster management software that can squeeze more out of the pricey hardware is of enormous value – both monetary and operational – for customers without an extensive legacy in AI or HPC compute." These findings are from ABI Research's AI Server OEM/ODM Market report. This report is part of the company's AI & Machine Learning research service, which includes research, data, and ABI Insights. About ABI Research ABI Research is a global technology intelligence firm uniquely positioned at the intersection of technology solution providers and end-market companies. We serve as the bridge that seamlessly connects these two segments by providing exclusive research and expert guidance to drive successful technology implementations and deliver strategies proven to attract and retain customers. ABI Research是一家全球性的技术情报公司,拥有得天独厚的优势,充当终端市场公司和技术解决方案提供商之间的桥梁,通过提供独家研究和专业性指导,推动成功的技术实施和提供经证明可吸引和留住客户的战略,无缝连接这两大主体。 For more information about ABI Research's services, contact us at +1.516.624.2500 in the Americas, +44.203.326.0140 in Europe, +65.6592.0290 in Asia-Pacific, or visit www.abiresearch.com. Contact Info: GlobalDeborah Petrara Tel: +1.516.624.2558 pr@abiresearch.com
EDGNEX 宣布初步投資 200 億美元,計劃根據未來需求可能加倍投資 美國市場對 EDGNEX 的全球和指數級增長策略至關重要。 作為一個集團,DAMAC 透過多個私募股權基金和邁亞密的房地產在美國進行了大量投資。 數據中心擴展將包括美國多個主要地區,例如太陽帶和中西部州份。 杜拜和美國佛羅里達州棕櫚灘2025年1月8日 /美通社/ -- 總部位於杜拜的全球數碼基礎設施公司 EDGNEX Data Centers by DAMAC(由全球集團 DAMAC 全資擁有)宣布策略性進軍美國數據中心市場,標誌著其國際擴張的轉型階段。此次宣佈的美國擴張計劃將在未來四年內提供最先進的數據中心,目標容量為 2000MW。EDGNEX 宣布初步投資 200 億美元,並有可能根據未來需求、市場機會和可擴展性將投資額翻倍。這項努力與 EDGNEX 的承諾相一致,該公司致力建立世界一流的數碼基礎設施平台,針對超大規模企業、AI 業者和財富 500 強企業等對象,促進創新並提供可持續的高質素的基礎設施,為美國和全球客戶提供支持。EDGNEX 擴展計劃將專注於太陽帶州份,特別是德州、亞利桑那州、奧克拉荷馬州和路易斯安娜州,以及中西部州份:俄亥俄州、伊利諾州、密芝根州和印第安納州。 Founder and Chairman of DAMAC Mr. Hussain Sajwani with US President-elect Donald Trump, at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, January 7, 2025. 第一階段包括透過與合作夥伴成立的合資企業進行產能建設、與公用事業公司聯手收購土地儲備,以及收購現有數據中心和平台。這將代表大約 500MW 的容量,一個位於太陽帶,另一個位於中西部。隨著 EDGNEX 繼續擴展,這將滿足當前不斷增長的需求。 DAMAC 創辦人 Hussain Sajwani 先生聲明:「對我們來說,這是一個非常令人興奮的時刻。進軍美國數據中心市場是我們建立全球數碼基礎設施平台的旅程中的一個重要里程碑,這個平台將會幫助當前和未來的企業。憑藉我們在房地產和數據中心方面的專業知識,我們的目標是提供一流的基礎設施來支持下一波雲端和 AI 增長,進一步幫助美國在技術和全球數據生態系統中佔領重要位置。」 除了最近涉足數據中心之外,DAMAC 作為一個集團亦透過多個私募股權基金在美國進行了大量房地產投資。在邁亞密,DAMAC 正規劃一個由 Zaha Hadid Architects 設計的精品公寓項目,該項目的 GDV 開發價值達 10 億美元。DAMAC 會繼續在美國尋找策略性房地產機會。 建立指數級增長的全球平台DAMAC 在中東和全球地產領域的成功,為進軍資料中心等高資本、高收益資產類別提供了基礎。各種規模的企業對雲端和 AI 技術的採用提供了持續 15 年的重要增長機會,這加強了 DAMAC 對抓住機會並建立服務國際市場的強大全球平台的承諾。 進度和時間表EDGNEX 現有的投資組合包括在 10 個國家(阿聯酋、沙地阿拉伯、土耳其、泰國、馬來西亞、印尼、希臘、西班牙、芬蘭和意大利)的業務,預計容量超過 1000MW。目前的運作中的數據中心包括沙地阿拉伯超過 10MW 的數據中心和泰國 5MW 的數據中心,它們將於 2025 年第一季開始運營。到 2026 年,EDGNEX 的目標是在全球營運超過 300MW 的容量。 管理與增長策略EDGNEX 在中東、歐洲和亞洲擁有超過 100 名專業人士組成的管理團隊,並正在積極擴展其團隊以支持這些增長計劃。自 2021 年成立以來,EDGNEX 在中東、東南亞和歐洲迅速擴展,為策略性進軍美國市場的奠定基礎。EDGNEX 為安全、可擴充和可持續的數碼基礎設施帶來並樹立了新的基準。DAMAC 是基礎設施供應商,不處理或管理數據私隱或合規性。EDGNEX 計劃利用 DAMAC 的股權、銀行債務和潛在的第三方資本來推動在美國的擴張。 關於 EDGNEXEDGNEX 是一家總部位於阿拉伯聯合酋長國杜拜的全球數位基礎設施公司,它是 DAMAC 集團的全資子公司,為全球本地創新奠定基礎,並憑藉全新的速度和靈活性,打破數據中心市場的既有格局。EDGNEX 積極建設、購買或合作,以滿足對數據中心服務的下一波需求。www.edgnex.com 如需更多資訊,請聯絡:EDGNEX / DAMAC 企業傳播部電郵:corporatecommunications@damacgroup.com網站:www.edgnex.com Founder and Chairman of DAMAC Mr. Hussain Sajwani with US President-elect Donald Trump, at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, January 7, 2025. Trump announces UAE's EDGNEX Data Centers by DAMAC to invest $20B in USA Trump announces UAE's EDGNEX Data Centers by DAMAC to invest $20B in USA
EDGNEX announced an initial $20 Billion investment with a plan to potentially double the investment based on future demand The U.S. market is critical to EDGNEX's global and exponential growth strategy. As a group, DAMAC is invested significantly in the U.S. through several private equity funds and in real estate in Miami. The data center expansion will include key U.S. regions, i.e. Sunbelt and Midwest states. DUBAI and PALM BEACH, Fla., Jan. 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Dubai-headquartered global digital infrastructure company EDGNEX Data Centers by DAMAC (fully owned by global group DAMAC) has announced its strategic entry in data centers into the United States market, marking a transformative phase in its international expansion. The announced US expansion will deliver state-of-the-art data centers targeting a 2000MW capacity over the next four years. EDGNEX announced an initial investment of $20 Billion with potential plans of doubling the investment on the basis of future demand, market opportunity and scalability. This endeavor is aligned with EDGNEX's commitment to building world-class digital infrastructure platforms targetting hyperscalers, AI players, and Fortune 500 companies alike, fostering innovation and delivering sustainable, high-quality infrastructure that powers customers in the U.S. and around the globe. EDGNEX expansion plan will focus on sunbelt states specifically Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Louisiana and midwest states: Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and Indiana. Founder and Chairman of DAMAC Mr. Hussain Sajwani with US President-elect Donald Trump, at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, January 7, 2025. The first phase includes capacity build-up through joint ventures with partners, acquiring land banks in conjunction with utilities, and acquiring existing data centers and platforms. It will represent approximately 500MW capacity—one in the Sunbelt and one in the Midwest. This will meet the growing current demand as EDGNEX continues to scale. Statement from Mr. Hussain Sajwani, Founder, DAMAC:"This is an extremely exciting moment for us. Our foray into the U.S. market in data centers represents a significant milestone in our journey to build a global digital infrastructure platform that will empower businesses today and in the future. Leveraging our expertise in real estate and data centers, we aim to deliver best-in-class infrastructure that supports the next wave of cloud and AI growth, helping further to position the U.S. in the technology and global data ecosystem." Besides its latest foray into data centers, DAMAC as a Group is significantly invested in the US in real estate and through several private equity funds. In Miami, DAMAC is planning a boutique condo project designed by Zaha Hadid Architects with a 1bn$ GDV development value. DAMAC continues to look for strategic real estate opportunities in the U.S. Building a Global Platform ExponentiallyDAMAC's success in real estate in the Middle East and globally has provided the foundation for ventures into high-capex, high-yield asset classes like data centers. Enterprises of all sizes adopting cloud and AI technologies present a significant 15-year growth opportunity that reinforces DAMAC's commitment to seizing opportunities and establishing a robust global platform that serves international markets. Progress and TimelineEDGNEX's existing portfolio includes operations in 10 countries (UAE, KSA, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Greece, Spain, Finland and Italy) with a projected capacity exceeding 1000MW+. Current operational data centers include over 10MW in Saudi Arabia and 5MW in Thailand, which will be operational by Q1 2025. By 2026, EDGNEX aims to have over 300MW+ operational globally. Management and Growth StrategyEDGNEX, with a management team of 100+ professionals based in the Middle East, Europe and Asia, is actively expanding its team to support these growth plans. Since its inception in 2021, EDGNEX has rapidly expanded across the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Europe, setting the stage for a strategic entry into the U.S. market. EDGNEX brings and sets new benchmarks in secure, scalable, and sustainable digital infrastructure. DAMAC is an infrastructure provider and does not handle or manage data privacy or compliance. EDGNEX plans to leverage DAMAC's equity, bank debt, and potential third-party capital to fuel expansion in the U.S. About EDGNEXEDGNEX is a global digital infrastructure company headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of the DAMAC Group, providing a foundation for local innovation across the globe and disrupting the data center market with new speed and agility. EDGNEX proactively builds, buys, or partners to serve the next wave of demand for data center services. www.edgnex.com For further information, please contact:EDGNEX / DAMAC Corporate CommunicationsEmail: corporatecommunications@damacgroup.comWebsite: www.edgnex.com Video - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2593194/DAMAC_1.mp4Video - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2593138/DAMAC_2.mp4Photo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2593055/DAMAC_3.jpg?p=medium600Photo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2593059/DAMAC_4.jpg?p=medium600 Founder and Chairman of DAMAC Mr. Hussain Sajwani with US President-elect Donald Trump, at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, January 7, 2025. Trump announces UAE's EDGNEX Data Centers by DAMAC to invest $20B in USA Trump announces UAE's EDGNEX Data Centers by DAMAC to invest $20B in USA
TAIPEI, Dec. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Zettabyte, a global leader in AI data center software and infrastructure solutions, is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn), the world's largest electronics manufacturer. This collaboration, underpinned by capital funding, aims to drive innovation and expand the adoption of energy-efficient AI solutions worldwide. At the forefront of Zettabyte's offerings is Zware, its advanced AI data center management software. Zware optimizes GPU performance, dramatically lowering energy usage while maximizing computing output. This cutting-edge solution empowers businesses to achieve unparalleled efficiency and sustainability in AI computing. "We are thrilled to partner with Foxconn, a company renowned for its excellence in manufacturing and innovation," said Kenneth Tai, Chairman of Zettabyte. "This partnership will accelerate the deployment of our technology, meeting the surging demand for high-performance, energy-efficient AI computing globally." Partnering with Zettabyte aligns with Foxconn's commitment to advancing sustainable technologies. According to Foxconn, Zware's ability to enhance AI data center operations while significantly reducing energy consumption opens opportunities to set new benchmarks for the future of AI data centers. This collaboration underscores Zettabyte's leadership in revolutionizing AI infrastructure and its dedication to providing transformative technologies to enterprises worldwide. About Zettabyte ZETTABYTE is a global innovator in AI data center technology, delivering solutions that redefine efficiency and sustainability in AI data centers. Its flagship software, Zware, is setting a new standard for sustainable and efficient AI computing. About Foxconn Established in 1974 in Taiwan, Hon Hai Technology Group ("Foxconn") (TWSE: 2317) is the world's largest electronics manufacturer and leading technological solutions provider, ranking 32nd among the Fortune Global 500. In 2023, revenue totaled TWD6.162 trillion (approx. US$198 billion or EUR183 billion)
Development of 61TB product based on QLC technology, strengthening synergy with Solidigm in the AI data center SSD market Data transfer speed of up to 32GT/s with PCIe 5.0, with doubled sequential read performance compared to PCIe 4.0 products SK hynix to build a foundation for growth to become a full-stack AI memory provider with leadership in high-capacity eSSD technology SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SK hynix Inc. (or "the company", www.skhynix.com) announced today that it has completed development of its high-capacity SSD product, 'PS1012 U.21', designed for AI data centers. [1]U.2: A type of Form Factor for SSDs, typically 2.5 inches in size, primarily used in servers or high-performance workstations. It is known for large capacity storage and high durability. PS1012 As the era of AI accelerates, the demand for high-performance enterprise SSDs (eSSD) is rapidly increasing, and QLC2 technology, which enables high capacity, has become the industry standard. In line with this trend, SK hynix has developed a 61TB product using this technology and introduced it to the market. 2QLC: NAND flash is divided into SLC (Single Level Cell), MLC (Multi Level Cell), TLC (Triple Level Cell), QLC (Quadruple Level Cell), PLC (Penta Level Cell) depending on how much information is stored in one cell. As the amount of information stored increases, more data can be stored in the same area. PS1012 SK hynix has been leading the SSD market for AI data centers with Solidigm, a subsidiary which commercialized QLC-based eSSD for the first time in the world. With the development of PS1012, the company expects to build a balanced SSD portfolio, thereby maximizing synergy between the two companies. With the latest 5th generation (Gen5) PCIe3, PS1012 doubles its bandwidth compared to 4th generation based products. As a result, the data transfer speed reaches 32GT/s (Giga-transfers per second), with the sequential read performance of 13GB/s (Gigabyte per second), which is twice that of previous generation products. 3Peripheral Component Interconnect express (PCIe): A high-speed input/output interface with a serial structure used on the main board of a digital device. 4Giga-transfers per second (GT/s): Number of operations or information transferred per second. In addition, the company developed this product to support the OCP* 2.0 version, enhancing its compatibility with various data center server devices of global AI customers. 5Open Compute Project (OCP): An international consultative body that involves major data center companies around the world to discuss hardware, software and eSSD standards for building ultra-high-efficiency data centers. SK hynix plans to supply the sample of the new product to global server manufacturers within this year for product evaluation, and based on this, it plans to expand its product line to 122TB in the third quarter of next year. The company also aims to lead the SSD market for ultra-high capacity data centers by developing 244TB products based on the world's highest 321-high 4D NAND developed in November, to overcome the capacity limitations of eSSD. "SK hynix and Solidigm are strengthening our QLC-based high-capacity SSD lineup to solidify our technological leadership in NAND solutions for AI," said Ahn Hyun, President and Chief Development Officer of SK hynix. "In the future, we will lay the foundation for growth to become a Full Stack AI memory provider by meeting the diverse needs of AI data center customers based on our high competitiveness in the eSSD field." About SK hynix Inc. SK hynix Inc., headquartered in Korea, is the world's top-tier semiconductor supplier offering Dynamic Random Access Memory chips ("DRAM"), flash memory chips ("NAND flash"), and CMOS Image Sensors ("CIS") for a wide range of distinguished customers globally. The Company's shares are traded on the Korea Exchange, and the Global Depository shares are listed on the Luxemburg Stock Exchange. Further information about SK hynix is available at www.skhynix.com, news.skhynix.com.
A12 藝術空間
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