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AI 賦能職場協作技術 Logitech for Business打造智能辦公新生態

香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年6月19日 - 隨著實體辦公室和遠端工作的混合協作成為全球常態,具備科技賦能且能有效提升企業效能的辦公設備已成為企業競爭力的重要一環。許多知名企業積極引入專注於創新設計與優良品質的瑞士商 Logitech (羅技) 最先進的「商務視訊會議設備」,以應對混合辦公浪潮。Logitech 推出「個人協作解決方案」的新品系列,包含滑鼠、鍵盤、耳機和個人攝影機等,旨在幫助企業升級員工的個人辦公體驗。透過軟體、硬體和 Logitech 服務支持,賦能企業打造更具競爭力、靈活性和員工幸福感的工作環境與文化。 順應混合辦公浪潮 Logitech for Business 解決方案深獲客戶信賴與肯定 Logitech 在全球視訊設備市場的市佔率超過45.6%,位居全球第一; 其產品與解決方案持續以卓越品質和領先技術引領產業變革。根據 GII市調研究,整合通訊與協作 (Unified Communications and Collaboration) 市場規模預計在 2029 年達到近 5,000 億美元,預測複合年成長率為 27.8%。其中,43% 的遠距工作者表示在會議中感到疏離,50% 的企業在 2025 年會於視訊會議平台舉辦虛擬活動。這些辦公協作都需要更專業的技術和設備支持,讓員工能在辦公室、家中或任何地點享受完整的音視訊和內容協作體驗。 Logitech台港澳總經理 施前江Aries表示:「在過去一年裡,Logitech 獲得許多科技和半導體公司的信任,與企業攜手進行數位轉型,創造成功典範案例。以設計驅動研發優異的產品與解決方案,讓 Logitech 助力企業客戶提升員工體驗和生產力,為企業混合辦公打造全新體驗,也為 Logitech 的產品及技術提供更上一層樓的寶貴經驗!接下來 Logitech for Business 也將持續努力,推廣同樣出色優異的個人協作工具和服務,為企業客戶帶來更全面的智能辦公協作體驗。」 【圖一】Logitech 提供完整商務視訊會議設備及個人協作解決方案,協助企業打造業務成長協作環境。 四大優勢賦能職場智慧辦公生態圈 AI 智能加速航向個人協作嶄新時代 在重視科技協作的時代,企業欲提升工作效率及加強團隊合作,可著眼於改善辦公空間、配備員工個人協作設備,以協助員工在任何地點完成工作,並提供更高的安全性和更舒適的體驗。同時,透過客製化不同職務的設備配置,打造公平包容的多元工作環境,以靈活應對各種工作或員工所需。Logitech 深刻理解企業和員工所面臨的挑戰,以四大優勢全面支持企業和員工的協作需求: 頂級資安、端點防護 : LOGI BOLT 接收器採用了 FIPS 高等級(美國聯邦資訊處理標準),提供最高水準的安全性。搭載低功耗無線技術安全模式,一次可穩定連線配對6個產品,為企業資安防護提供更多保障。 軟硬整合、AI 優化體驗:用戶能根據個人需求,透過隨附軟體優化設備,簡化繁瑣任務。利用 Logi Options+ 的「Smart Actions 智能啟動」,一鍵自動化多步驟操作。最新的 AI 賦能更推出了 「Logi AI Prompt Builder」,可對 ChatGPT 下達指令,快速改變措辭和風格、摘要內容,甚至幫助草擬電子郵件或文章,方便又高效。 賦能員工、效率提升 : 根據不同職位需求,推出4大系列 (MX高階商務、人體工學、經典主流和入門必備系列),提供員工合適的辦公設備,可長期減少員工勞損,提升企業效率和生產力,助力營運協作順暢,打造業務成長的辦公環境。 遠端控管、降本增效 : 透過統一採購設備,實現降本增效。Logitech Sync 軟體提供企業 IT 便捷的遠端監控方案,批量採購後可同時管理所有 Logitech 裝置,深入了解員工設備使用情況,確保設備相容性,最大化企業資源利用效率。 Logitech 產品通過嚴格測試,確保與各大軟體平台完美整合,亦獲得了 Microsoft、Zoom、Google 和 Apple 原廠的相容性認證,不僅使得大規模部署更加順暢,也降低了 IT 部門的負擔。此外,Logitech for Business 個人協作系列皆享有為期2年的保固服務,確保企業客戶有更好、更長久的產品體驗。 【圖二】Logitech for Business 個人協作系列具備四大優勢:頂級資安防護、軟硬整合體驗、員工效率賦能、降本增效控管,提供企業和員工全方位的協作支持。 個人協作新品震撼推出 輕鬆管理辦公空間 激增效率打造幸福工作競爭力 混合辦公已成主流,對企業而言,混合辦公模式提高了商務交流的多元場景,並顯著提升了空間利用效率。透過減少座位配置,企業可以節省成本,這些資源可重新投入到其他重要領域,如研發、市場推廣或員工培訓,從而更好地支持企業的發展與成長。 讓辦公室的運用更加彈性,以進行有效的 IT 部署和控管成為重要課題,Logi Dock Flex 個人辦公桌預定方案專為共享辦公空間設計,結合 Dock Flex 硬體設備和 Desk Booking 軟體系統,讓使用者能夠即時的預定個人辦公桌,如同預定會議空間的操作模式,一目瞭然哪些座位是閒置或已預定,以及顯示預訂者詳細資訊,能幫助企業優化辦公空間,員工也能即時了解辦公座位可用性。 LOGI DOCK FLEX 個人辦公桌預定方案: 一鍵輕鬆啟用桌面預定,插入筆電即可完成報到,輕鬆掌握辦公室使用率 提供多種連接線纜、連接埠管理,安全連接方便收納,保持桌面整潔 透過 Logitech Sync、Zoom 或 Microsoft Teams 整合管理,支持靈活性和彈性 【圖三】LOGI DOCK FLEX 個人辦公桌預定方案,專為共享辦公空間設計,讓使用者能事先預訂個人辦公桌,便於企業管理和優化辦公場域使用率。 研究指出,員工的生產力與幸福感息息相關,從良好的工作設備、符合人體工學的桌椅或舒適乾淨的工作環境都能提高工作效率及員工幸福感,正向促進企業的長期發展。為滿足此關鍵需求,Logitech 為個人商務場景提供不同系列的辦公組合配置,無論工作性質或需求為何,每個職位都能找到最適合的鍵盤、滑鼠、耳機和個人攝影機,實現高效辦公。 多數上班族一天中長時間使用鍵盤滑鼠,無形中對手部肌肉造成慢性傷害,Logitech 人體工學系列 Wave Keys for Business 人體工學鍵盤-企業版,搭配 LIFT for Business 人體工學垂直滑鼠 - 企業版,獨特設計能有效減少手部壓力,引領全新減壓辦公,提供更舒適的工作體驗! 【圖四】Logitech Wave Keys 人體工學鍵盤 - 企業版,獨特波浪設計增加手腕支撐,有效減少手部壓力,提供更舒適的工作體驗。 Logitech Wave Keys 人體工學鍵盤 - 企業版: 獨特波浪設計,符合人體工學自然打字姿勢,3層手托、3倍舒適 軟體自訂義個人快捷鍵,搭配 Smart Actions 智能啟動效率加倍 鍵盤的緊湊佈局和精簡尺寸適用多種桌面大小 Logitech LIFT for Business 人體工學垂直滑鼠 - 企業版: 獲得美國人體工學協會雙認證,適合亞洲人手型的理想選擇 57 度傾角舒適設計,有效減緩手部肌肉疲勞 混合協作辦公型態興起,辦公室不再是界線、會議室也不再有侷限,Logitech Zone Wireless 2 無線 AI 藍牙耳機麥克風和 MX Brio 705 Ultra HD 商務網路攝影機,頂規個人視訊會議設備,為視覺和聽覺上的感受加分,創造無與倫比的開會體驗,同時大幅提升會議效率 。 【圖五】Zone Wireless 2 無線 AI 藍牙耳機麥克風,擁有高續航力之 AI 技術雙向噪音抑制,打造頂規會議音訊體驗。 Logitech Zone Wireless 2 無線 AI 藍牙耳機麥克風: AI 雙向噪音抑制,可消除自身及與會者的雜訊和背景噪音,確保聆聽聲音清晰 ANC (Active Noise Cancellation) 複合式主動降噪,提高工作專注力 270° 可翻轉麥克風設計,左/右耳隨心切換、輕鬆翻轉 長達 40 小時的電池續航力,享受一整天無間斷會議體驗 頂級舒適的矽膠頭帶和透氣材料,提供柔軟觸感和零負擔的絕佳貼合度 【圖六】MX Brio 705 Ultra HD 商務網路攝影機,擁有 4K 解析度和超廣視角,搭載 AI RightSight 自動對焦和展示模式,兼具設計感和靈活性。 Logitech MX Brio 705 Ultra HD 商務網路攝影機: 4K 超高清鏡頭和超廣視角,優越影像品質 AI 智能 RightSight 技術,自動對焦、光源校正 可調式支架360° 旋轉,輕鬆展示桌面實體文件 兼具時尚和簡約,使用 82% 再生回收塑料製成 除了 Logitech 一直以來深受客戶青睞的個人辦公工具,Logitech 亦提供全方位視訊會議解決方案,確保團隊隨時擁有高品質的視訊會議設備,以提升業務決策的效率。系列方案包括 Rally Plus、Rally Bar、Rally Bar Mini 和 Rally Bar Huddle 等產品。我們根據不同會議室環境進行靈活配置,為大中小型會議室量身打造,用科技賦能視訊會議,幫助企業應對多元變動的辦公環境,打造更好的工作效能。 此外,Logitech 致力於永續發展 (Sustainability),相信微小的改變能帶來重大影響。我們將環保理念融入每一個設計決策,從原料採購到產品製作皆精益求精。目前,Logitech 超過58%的產品使用環保回收塑料 (Next Life Plastics),顯著減少對新塑料的需求並降低碳足跡。自 2021 年起,達成全面碳中和,通過供應鏈減少碳排放,降低產品製造過程對環境的影響,致力於提供永續發展的企業解決方案。 【圖七】Logitech 商務會議視訊設備系列,為企業量身打造不同大小的會議空間配置方案,搭配 AI RightSense 技術,享受高效優質的會議體驗。 請至 Logitech For Business 官方網站 預約導覽,Logitech 團隊將與您聯繫,為客戶提供全面的專業支援及專屬優惠,共同探索 AI 智能辦公的新體驗。 [預約 Logitech for Business 導覽] 開放時間:星期一至星期五 9 am - 6 pm (預約制) 解決方案展示地點: Logitech 辦公室 - 香港九龍長沙灣長沙灣道833號長沙灣廣場1座10樓2室 WeWork 香港 - 香港銅鑼灣希慎道33號利園一期46樓 Hashtag: #Logitech發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於Logitech for BusinessLogitech for Business 提供企業客戶「商務會議視訊設備」以及「個人協作系列」全方位解決方案,專注提升企業團隊協作和高效辦公體驗。其產品包括視訊會議攝影機、音訊設備、鍵盤滑鼠、個人攝影機、耳機等完整方案,並整合三大主流視訊平台 ( Microsoft Teams、Zoom 和 Google Meet ) ,打造智能辦公新體驗,開啟The New Logic of Work! 【了解更多請參考】 Logitech for Business 網站:https://www.logitech.com/zh-hk Logitech for Business FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/LogitechBusinessHKTW Logitech for Business LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/logitech-for-business-hktw

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Logitech for Business Introduces AI-Powered Workplace Solutions, Redefining a Smarter Office Ecosystem

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 19 June 2024 - Hybrid work model has become a global norm, tech-enabled office workspace that enhances work efficiency has become a crucial aspect of business competitiveness. Many enterprises are actively adopting the Team Workspace Solutions from the Swiss company Logitech, known for its innovative design and superior quality, to navigate the hybrid work trend. Logitech recently launched its new personal workspace products, including mice, keyboards, headsets, and personal webcams, aimed at upgrading employees' work experiences. Through comprehensive solutions of software, hardware, and Logitech services, businesses are empowered to create more competitive, flexible, and employee-friendly work environments and cultures. Embracing the Hybrid Work Trend: Logitech for Business Solutions Gain Trust and Recognition Logitech has captured a 45.6% market share in the video equipment global market, ranking first worldwide. In Hong Kong, the activation rate of Microsoft Teams equipment has reached 30%, showcasing the high compatibility of Logitech products and solutions with market trends and office needs. According to GII market research, the Unified Communications and Collaboration market is expected to reach nearly $500 billion by 2029, with a projected compound annual growth rate of 27.8%. Among these, 43% of remote workers feel disconnected in meetings, and 50% of companies will host virtual events on video conferencing platforms by 2025. Such workplace demands necessitate professional technology and equipment support, enabling employees to enjoy seamless audio-visual and virtual meeting experiences anywhere and anytime. Aries Sze, Country Manager of Logitech Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, stated, "Over the past few years, Logitech has established itself as a trusted partner in the technology and semiconductor industries, facilitating digital transformations for numerous enterprises. These collaborations have yielded a series of compelling case studies. By designing and developing products and solutions, Logitech helps enterprises enhance employee productivity, unlocking the potential of 'The New Logic of Work.' Moving forward, Logitech for Business will continue to bring a smarter office experience to more companies." [Figure 1] Logitech provides personal workspace and team workspace solutions to help enterprises create a collaborative environment for business growth. Four Key Advantages Empowering Smart Workplace Ecosystem in the AI-Driven Era In today's tech-driven world, businesses striving to enhance work efficiency and boost team collaboration can optimize office spaces and equip employees with personalized collaboration tools. These tools enable employees to work from anywhere, ensuring higher security and comfort. By tailoring equipment configurations to specific roles, businesses can foster a fair and inclusive work environment that adapts flexibly to diverse needs. Logitech, with a deep understanding of both company and employee challenges, offers comprehensive support through four key advantages: Top-notch Security and Endpoint Protection: The LOGI BOLT receiver adopts FIPS high-level (Federal Information Processing Standards) security and enforces security through encryption. It features low-energy wireless technology, allowing stable pairing with up to six devices simultaneously, and provides multiple security measures designed to minimize vulnerability risks in both office and work-from-home environments. Integrated Software and Hardware, AI-Powered Experience: Logitech's advanced software enables users to customize their devices according to individual needs, thereby streamlining complex tasks. Utilizing Logi Options+ with "Smart Actions," users can automate repetitive tasks with a single keystroke. The newly introduced "Logi AI Prompt Builder," a time and click-saving solution that facilitates faster rephrasing, summarizing, and custom-making prompts with ChatGPT, with virtually no disruption to the user's workflow. Enhancing Workplace Productivity and Comfort: Logitech caters to a variety of workplace needs with its comprehensive range of solutions—Value, Mainstream, Advanced Portfolio, and Ergonomic. Each category is designed to equip employees with the ideal office tools, minimizing long-term strain and maximizing productivity. This tailored approach not only boosts business collaboration but also fosters a growth-oriented office environment. Remote Management, Cost Reduction and Efficiency: Logitech Sync makes it easy to support large-scale video deployments, minimizing site visits and trouble tickets—all from a simple browser-based interface. It enhances remote manageability and provides ultimate control over devices and spaces, offering deeper insights into device usage and ensuring compatibility to maximize resource utilization efficiency. Logitech products undergo rigorous testing to ensure perfect integration with major software platforms and have obtained compatibility certifications from Microsoft, Zoom, Google, and Apple. Logitech facilitates smoother large-scale deployments and reduces the burden on IT departments. The Logitech for Business personal workspace solutions also come with a two-year warranty, guaranteeing a superior and more enduring product experience for enterprises. [Figure 2] Four Key Advantages of Logitech for Business Personal Workspace Solutions: Top-Secure Endpoint Protection with Logi Bolt Receiver, Integrated Software and Hardware, AI-Powered Experience; Enhancing Workplace Productivity and Comfort; and Remote Management, Cost Reduction, and Efficiency. New Personal Workspace Solutions: Effortlessly Manage Office Spaces and Boost Efficiency to Create a Happier, More Competitive Workplace Hybrid work has become the mainstream, providing businesses with a diverse array of communication venues and enhancing space utilization efficiency. By optimizing seating, companies can save costs and redirect savings into critical areas like R&D, marketing, and employee training to support growth. To enhance office flexibility, effective IT deployment and management are crucial. The Logi Dock Flex, a fully-featured managed docking station built for shared offices, allows users to reserve rooms and desks with the Desk Booking solution. Users can quickly see which desks are idle or reserved and display detailed information about the booker. The IT team can access real-time analytics on desk use, occupancy rates, and user behaviors to enhance flexible office strategies. LOGI DOCK FLEX Desk Booking Solution: Easily check in to their desk booking by simply plugging in their laptop Clean cable management keeps desks free from clutter Can be deployed and monitored at scale from anywhere using Logitech Sync or other compatible platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft [Figure 3] LOGI DOCK FLEX desk booking solution is built for shared offices, allows users to reserve rooms and desks while companies can keep track of office usage for better space planning. Research highlights a strong link between employee productivity and well-being, influenced by factors such as quality work equipment and ergonomic furniture. In response, Logitech has launched a range of personal workspace solutions, ensuring optimal efficiency and comfort for all roles. Moreover, recognizing the chronic strain on employees' hands at work, Logitech introduces its ergonomic solutions: the Wave Keys for Business and the LIFT for Business vertical mouse. These products are specifically designed to reduce hand strain and promote a stress-free work environment, offering a more comfortable working experience. [Figure 4] The Logitech Wave Keys for Business Keyboard features a curved keyframe design, shaped to feel instantly familiar and keep users typing all day in a natural position. Logitech Wave Keys for Business - Ergonomic Keyboard: With a cushioned palm rest with 3 layers of memory foam, the wave shape of the keyboard helps align users hands, forearm in a natural position when typing Customize the shortcut keys through Logi Options+ App, doubling efficiency with Smart Actions Compact layout is ideal for smaller workspaces and is more ergonomic Logitech LIFT Vertical Ergonomic Mouse for Business: US Ergonomic Certification, a great fit for small to medium hands With 57° angle for comfort and efficiency Hybrid workstyles redefine physical boundaries, Logitech Zone Wireless 2 Headset and MX Brio 705 4K Webcam are designed for advanced employees and executives, providing a crisp and authentic video experience. [Figure 5] The Zone Wireless 2 AI-Powered Headset, a premier business headset, features advanced AI noise suppression and long battery life. Logitech Zone Wireless 2 AI-Powered Headset: An AI based algorithm detects and suppresses noises from the far end in a call Hybrid ANC help high-skilled employees work without distraction Microphone boom rotates 270°. Wear it on either the left or right side Audio channel will switch automatically, depending on the direction the user is wearing Up to 40 hours of battery life for worry-free work Gently cushion your ears with a silicone headband and breathable materials that are soft to the touch and designed to apply pressure evenly [Figure 6] MX Brio 705 for Business delivers a superior 4K video experience, integrating with AI RightSight technology for automatic framing and light correction. Logitech MX Brio 705 for Business: 4K ultra-HD lens and ultra-wide-angle with superior image sensor AI RightSight technology for auto-framing and light correction Rotate webcam in 360°, or even detach it to do quick point and shoot Stylish and simple, made from 82% recycled plastic In addition to its renowned personal workspace solutions, Logitech also provides comprehensive team workspace solutions to ensure team members enjoy an inclusive and seamless meeting experience that enhance business efficiency. The series includes the Rally Plus, Rally Bar, Rally Bar Mini, and Rally Bar Huddle, tailored for various meeting room sizes. At Logitech, sustainability is at the core of every design decision—from the moment raw materials are sourced to end-of-life considerations. Over 58% of Logitech products use environmentally recycled plastics, reducing the demand for new plastics and the carbon footprint. Since 2021, Logitech has achieved full carbon neutrality by reducing carbon emissions across the supply chain, minimizing the environmental impact of the product manufacturing, and pioneering new ways of working to design for a sustainable world. [Figure 7] Logitech's video conferencing solutions are tailored to fit various meeting room sizes, equipped with AI RightSense technology for a seamless and high-quality conferencing experience. Schedule a demo session by entering your contact details on the Logitech For Business official website. Our team will provide personalized consultation, professional support, and exclusive offers to help you unlock the potential of The New Logic of Work. [Schedule a Logitech for Business Demo Session] Open hours: Mondays to Fridays, 9 am - 6 pm (by appointment) Locations: Logitech Office - Unit 2, 10/F, Tower 1, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, 833 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong WeWork Hong Kong - 46/F, Lee Garden One, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Hashtag: #LogitechThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About Logitech for BusinessLogitech for Business is an enterprise-grade leader in workplace setups, offering a comprehensive ecosystem of products, software, and services that enable hybrid companies and workers to be productive from anywhere. From videoconferencing solutions for meeting rooms to personal webcams and collaboration devices for home desks, Logitech's business-certified solutions empower seamless connectivity and collaboration for teams, regardless of location. For more information, please visit: Logitech for Business Website: https://www.logitech.com/en-hk/business/solutions.html Logitech for Business Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LogitechBusinessHKTW Logitech for Business LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/logitech-for-business-hktw/

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 466 加入收藏 :
TECNO Launches SPARK 20 Pro 5G - the SPARK 20 Series' First 5G Smartphone with Powerful Performance and Entertainment Upgrades

HONG KONG, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Innovative technology brand TECNO today unveiled SPARK 20 Pro 5G, the first 5G device in the SPARK 20 Series. As a powerful new 5G smartphone, the latest addition to the Series offers compelling performance boosted by an outstanding high-speed 5G processor, a 108MP Ultra Sensing Main Camera, and a sleek new appereance with Lamé Curve camera design. Following the recently launched SPARK 20 Pro+, SPARK 20 Pro and SPARK 20, the new device brings a range of exciting upgrades and commanding performance, pushing the boundaries of exceptional value and innovation in its mid-range price bracket. SPARK 20 Pro 5G will first be available for purchase from 20th June in Saudi Arabia, before becoming available in selected markets across the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. Unforgettable Entertainment Empowered by a Powerful Processor The SPARK 20 Pro 5G is powered by the remarkable MediaTek Dimensity 6080 5G processor – a highly efficient octa-core 6nm chip with an impressive AnTuTu benchmark score of about 430,000. Connectivity options on the SPARK 20 Pro 5G will be fluent and robust. The Smart 5G functions allows adjust intelligently 4G/5G adjustment according to the scenario and network environment, boosting speeds and reducing power consumption, while UPS Ultra Power Signal improves signal strength, stability, and data rates. It also supports Linkbooming 1.0 which allows up to 25% reduction in latency enhancing the overall connectivity experience, and Super Wi-Fi for faster speeds and lower battery consumption. With SPARK 20 Pro 5G, every moment of entertainment is a thrilling spectacle. It features both Hi-Res certified stereo dual speakers and Dolby Atmos, bringing movies, games and music to life like never before. The device also brings the ultimate calling experience with 400% Big Volume delivering a huge boost to the sound output. Ensuring entertainment looks as good as it sounds, a 120Hz FHD Hole Screen delivers bold and beautiful visuals, while TECNO's latest Smart Refresh algorithm intelligently uses the most appropriate screen display refresh rate according to the usage scenario to deliver the ultimate user experience while saving battery life. Introducing a Sleek New Look with High-Quality Finishes  SPARK 20 Pro 5G introduces a freshly upgraded design language that highlights the beauty of technology while retaining the SPARK Series' stylish flair. The minimalist Lamé Curve Camera Island Design seamlessly balances square and circle on the delightfully sleek back cover. The sophisticated design is available in three colors – Startrail Black, Glossy White and Neon Green – with each infusing the device with a unique personality. As well as a stunning appearance, SPARK 20 Pro 5G also has a high-quality finish with a wristwatch-grade nano-etched texture, usually seen in luxury watch design, creating a fine look and feel. Finally, the device features the luxurious, skin-friendly Tech Art Leather inspired by high-end car interiors with a delicate texture excelling in form and function. Bringing Next-level Features to the Mid-Range Bracket For photographing every detail up close and from afar, SPARK 20 Pro 5G packs an impressive 108MP Ultra Sensing Main Camera with 3x lossless in-sensor zoom and 10x digital zoom. Whether outdoors in nature or in gloomy indoor settings, the camera, with cutting-edge features like 9-in-1 Adaptive Pixel technology and Super Night Mode, lets SPARK fans capture their world with amazing clarity. To make sure SPARK 20 Pro 5G users never miss a chance for the perfect shot, the device has a 1600 cycle long-life 5000mAh battery with 33W Super Charge and a range of intelligent charging modes delivering long-lasting power; and with a huge 256GB ROM+16GB RAM*(8GB+8GB Extended), there's even more memory for those amazing shots. The device also features TECNO's HiOS 14 operating system based on Android 14, bringing further useful functions and a fluent user experience.   SPARK 20 Pro 5G, with its stunning appearance, striking imaging and smooth performance, offers global users a 5G experience that stands out in its class. With advanced technologies and high-end design, the new device reflects TECNO's ongoing mission to go above and beyond in delivering captivating innovation and value for TECNO fans around the world.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 231 加入收藏 :
Kandao Showcases Revolutionary Video Conferencing Solutions for Hybrid Work at InfoComm 2024

SHENZHEN, China, June 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kandao is ready to make a significant impact at InfoComm 2024 with our cutting-edge solutions designed for all sizes of conference rooms and hybrid collaboration. Catering to the increased demands of hybrid collaborative work models in the enterprise, Kandao's innovative technologies are redefining videoconferencing by providing seamless, immersive, and highly efficient collaboration tools. Our multi-system conferencing solution, Kandao Meeting Omni, has the latest updates and now supports connectivity with up to four Kandao Meeting Ultra or Kandao Meeting Ultra Standard. InfoComm 2024 - Kandao Technology Inclusive View Kandao Meeting Omni system can integrate with up to four 360-degree cameras, providing comprehensive coverage of ultra-large areas. With intelligent face recognition, tracking, and deduplication capabilities, more attendees can be visually included. The built-in front-face and close-face priority for portrait selection ensures eye contact during remote communication. Users can choose from various output view modes, such as Speaker View, which highlights the speaker, and Gallery View, which equally displays up to eight recently speaking attendees. For scenarios requiring focused attention, Kandao Meeting Omni offers screen locking and zoom functionalities. Enhanced Audio The system features an upgraded full-duplex 8-microphone array, now organized into 4 groups with embedded beamforming, echo cancellation, noise reduction, and howling suppression technologies. This enhancement broadens the high-quality audio pickup range, ensuring every word is clearly conveyed. The audio experience is further elevated with the inclusion of up to four sets of custom Hi-Fi speakers, allowing attendees to hear clearly regardless of the conference room size. Introducing Kandao Meeting Ultra and Kandao Meeting Ultra Standard Kandao Meeting Ultra features dual fisheye lenses that capture entire conference rooms in 360-degree panoramic views and outputs in 4K resolution with HDR. Its dual FHD touchscreens facilitate real face-to-face collaboration. The AI detection algorithms and motion tracking ensure low latency, accurate speaker localization, and auto-framing. Kandao Meeting Ultra Standard can also output 4K 360-degree views and smart tracking only without touchscreens, making it a more cost-effective option for users. It's a compact yet powerful solution for capturing the entire meeting space with AI-driven speaker tracking and auto-framing. Data Protection and Privacy Prioritizing information security, all data processed by the Kandao Meeting Omni system is handled instantly without being uploaded to the cloud or any databases. IP addresses or locations are never stored, ensuring complete privacy. Additionally, devices can be concealed to prevent unauthorized connections and are bonded to the host for secure device access. Contact for More Information To gain our product recommendations suited to conference rooms of various sizes and configurations, or to learn more about the significant updates to Kandao Meeting Omni, please contact our sales team at sales@kandaovr.com. We highly encourage you to stop by our booth at InfoComm 2024 and engage in face-to-face discussions with us! Find us at Booth C5763, Central Hall! About Kandao Kandao is a leading innovator in next-generation imaging products, integrating VR technology, AI algorithms, and video conferencing solutions. The company has pioneered immersive hybrid conferencing experiences with products like the Kandao Meeting 360, the first 360 all-in-one video conference camera with AI algorithms; Kandao Meeting Pro, a standalone device with Android OS; Kandao Meeting S, a 180-degree AI conference camera; and Kandao Meeting Ultra, a 4K 360 AI conference host featuring dual touchscreens. Kandao has been featured in prominent publications such as Digital Camera World and Forbes, highlighting its technological advancements and industry impact.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 884 加入收藏 :
MDT Launches Global Sales of TMR4101 Micron-Precision Magnetic Scale Sensor at Sensor+Test 2024

New Solution of TMR Sensor and 0.4mm-Pitch Magnetic Scale Offers Accurate Linear Displacement Measurement with Excellent Temperature Stability and High Immunity to Stray Field Interference, Achieving Micron-Level Precision for Consumer and Industrial Applications NUREMBERG, Germany and ZHANGJIAGANG, China, June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MultiDimension Technology Co., Ltd. (MDT), a leading manufacturer of magnetic sensors specializing in Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR) technology, has launched a worldwide sales initiative for the TMR4101 micron-precision magnetic scale sensor at Sensor+Test 2024. The TMR4101 magnetic scale sensor is designed for consumer electronics and industrial applications, including camera autofocus and zoom, micron-level displacement measurement, linear and angular position measurement, and magnetic encoders. It operates in conjunction with a multi-pole magnetic scale with a 0.4mm magnetic pole pitch. As the sensor moves along the magnetic scale, its two push-pull TMR half-bridge structures output sine and cosine signals with a 90° phase shift. The signal period corresponds to the 0.8mm length of a pair of adjacent north and south poles. Featuring excellent signal sensitivity and low noise thanks to MDT's unique TMR technology, the TMR4101's differential gradiometric sensor design provides high immunity to stray field interference. The TMR4101 supports temperature-compensated precision measurement capabilities that effectively negate temperature impacts on measurement accuracy by calculating the position through both sine and cosine signals with identical temperature characteristics. MDT also offers high-precision 0.4mm pole-pitch magnetic scales to complement the TMR4101, with the length and width of the magnetic scale customizable according to application requirements. In typical applications, the combination of the TMR4101 and magnetic scale can achieve a repeatability precision within +/-1 micron. Key Features of TMR4101: Consistent micron-precision in unrestricted linear displacement ranges Stable signal output with large tolerance to mechanical alignment and air gap High immunity to stray field interference Support for temperature-compensated precision measurement solutions Ultra-thin DFN4L package (1.32×0.66×0.3mm) suitable for space-constrained applications such as smartphone camera modules RoHS/REACH compliance The TMR4101 sensor and corresponding magnetic scales are available for order from Digi-key and MDT's online store at www.tmr-sensors.com. For volume pricing, delivery, and technical inquiries, please contact MDT at sales@dowayusa.com or visit their booth 1-239 at Sensor+Test 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany, from June 11-13. About MDTMultiDimension Technology was founded in 2010 in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, China, with branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Ningbo in China, Tokyo, Japan, and San Jose, Calif., USA. MDT has developed a unique intellectual property portfolio, and state-of-the-art manufacturing capabilities that can support volume production of high-performance, low-cost TMR magnetic sensors to satisfy the most demanding application needs. Led by its core management team of elite experts and veterans in magnetic sensor technology and engineering services, MDT is committed to creating added value for its customers and ensuring their success. For more information about MDT please visit http://www.multidimensiontech.com. Media ContactsJinfeng Liu, jinfeng.liu@dowayusa.com,Tel: +1-650-275-2318 (US), +86-189-3612-1156 (China)Jilie Wei, kevin.wei@dowaytech.com,Tel: +86-189-3612-1160 (China)

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 231 加入收藏 :
Valeura Wins Upstream Company of the Year and Executive of the Year Awards

SINGAPORE, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Valeura Energy Inc. (TSX:VLE, OTCQX:VLERF) ("Valeura" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce that the Energy Council has awarded Valeura the Upstream Company of the Year award, and has selected Dr. Sean Guest, President and CEO, as Executive of the Year. The awards were announced on June 5, 2024 at the Asia Pacific Energy Capital Assembly and Awards Dinner in Singapore, which assesses regional expertise and awards the top performers amongst the oil and gas industry within the Asia-Pacific region.  Sean Guest, President and CEO commented:"I am delighted to have our successes recognised by the Oil and Gas Council.  We strive to add value in everything we do, and being named 'Upstream Company of the Year' energises us to continue pursuing our objectives with passion, for all stakeholders who stand to benefit from our ongoing success.  I am also humbled to have been selected as 'Executive of the Year' and grateful to our exceptional team of professionals, who have made both of these awards possible." For further information, please contact:       Valeura Energy Inc. (General Corporate Enquiries) +65 6373 6940 Sean Guest, President and CEO   Yacine Ben-Meriem, CFO   Contact@valeuraenergy.com       Valeura Energy Inc. (Investor Enquiries) +1 403 975 6752 / +44 7392 940495 Robin James Martin, Vice President, Communications and Investor Relations  IR@valeuraenergy.com       CAMARCO (Public Relations, Media Adviser to Valeura)   +44 (0) 20 3757 4980 Owen Roberts, Billy Clegg   Valeura@camarco.co.uk       Contact details for the Company's advisors, covering research analysts and joint brokers, including Auctus Advisors LLP, Canaccord Genuity Ltd (UK), Cormark Securities Inc., Research Capital Corporation, Schachter Energy Report, and Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited, are listed on the Corporation's website at www.valeuraenergy.com/investor-information/analysts/. About the Corporation Valeura Energy Inc. is a Canadian public company engaged in the exploration, development and production of petroleum and natural gas in Thailand and in Türkiye. The Corporation is pursuing a growth-oriented strategy and intends to re-invest into its producing asset portfolio and to deploy resources toward further organic and inorganic growth in Southeast Asia. Valeura aspires toward value accretive growth for stakeholders while adhering to high standards of environmental, social and governance responsibility. Additional information relating to Valeura is also available on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca. This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction, including where such offer would be unlawful. This announcement is not for distribution or release, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States, Ireland, the Republic of South Africa or Japan or any other jurisdiction in which its publication or distribution would be unlawful. Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. This information is provided by Reach, the non-regulatory press release distribution service of RNS, part of the London Stock Exchange. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 390 加入收藏 :
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