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紐約州奧爾巴尼, Oct. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 業界領先的合約研究、開發與製造企業 Curia 今天宣布,承諾將根據科學基礎減量目標倡議 (SBTi) 發布的科學基礎淨零目標,設定全公司短期和長期的溫室氣體減排目標。 為實現此目標,Curia 將在未來兩年投入資源,評估和制定溫室氣體減排目標,以提交給 SBTi 批准。 Curia 行政總裁 Philip Macnabb 表示:「作為良好的企業公民,我們要對社區負責。 我們的目標非常遠大,但我們亦意識到短期減排既迫切又重要。 本公司的設施遍佈美國、歐洲和亞洲,所以我們的行動會對全球社區產生重大影響。 環境管理一直是 Curia 的首要任務,這項承諾突顯出我們致力不斷改進,減少對環境的影響,帶領我們邁向更可持續的未來。」 淨零承諾是 Curia 環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 計劃的另一項推進措施,該計劃是一個跨職能團隊,以穩健的公司治理推進公司的環境和社會管理工作。 Curia 的 ESG 計劃與我們的環境、健康與安全 (EHS) 管理系統相連,該系統以環境管理系統和職業健康與安全管理系統的全球標準 ISO 14001 和 45001 為建模藍本。 Curia 的 EHS 管理系統基於八個主要核心,作為逐年實現可衡量改進的框架。 可持續發展是該框架其中一個主要核心,也是淨零承諾的基礎。 憑藉這項承諾,Curia 還加入了聯合國的「奔向零碳」(Race to Zero) 活動,這是一個由非國家行為體組成的全球聯盟,致力在 2030 年前將全球排放量減半。 Curia 的企業責任舉措及其最新的 ESG 報告可在此處查閲。 關於 CuriaCuria 是一間擁有超過 30 年經驗的合約研究、開發與製造企業 (CDMO),擁有由全球超過 20 個據點組成的整合網絡,現有 3,500 名員工,Curia 與生物製藥客戶合作,將改變生活的療法引入市場。 我們的小分子、學名藥和生物製劑產品涵蓋從發現到商業化的整個過程,並具有綜合監管、分析和無菌灌裝能力。 我們的科學和製程專家,加上符合監管要求的設施,為原料藥和藥品生產提供一流的經驗。 從探索到治癒,我們的每一步都是為了加速您的研究,並改善患者的生活。 請瀏覽我們的網站 curiaglobal.com。 企業聯絡資訊: Viana Bhagan Curia +1 518 512 2111 corporatecommunications@CuriaGlobal.com
l 新一代的 Zoom AI Companion 將整合來自 Zoom Workplace 的資訊,協助用戶提升工作效率 l 全新 AI Companion 自訂擴充功能將提供進階的客製化服務,包含全新功能 Zoom AI Studio l Zoom Tasks 將進一步擴充 Zoom Workplace 的功能,協助用戶追蹤進度、提供建議,並幫助他們高效完成整天的工作 2024 年 10 月 11 日,台北訊 — Zoom Video Communications, Inc.(NASDAQ: ZM)於年度用戶大會 Zoomtopia 2024 中,首度公開以 AI 為核心的工作平台創新科技。這些創新功能專為 Zoom Workplace 和 Zoom Business Services 打造,能夠顯著提升企業的溝通效率與團隊協作能力,並最大化工作效能,幫助客戶更高效地完成工作。 Zoomtopia 2024 公布的最新產品包括全新 Zoom AI Companion 2.0 擴充功能,讓用戶能夠客製個人化 AI Companion,並加入協助用戶在 Zoom Workplace 中追蹤工作進度的 Zoom Tasks,運用領先的 AI 創新科技強化員工和顧客體驗。 Zoom 創辦人暨執行長 Eric S. Yuan 表示:「Zoom 不僅在重新定義人們的溝通方式,我們更在逐步革新整個工作體驗。我們的願景是打造一個 AI 優先的協作平台,促進人際關係的連結,並幫助團隊達成前所未有的成就。許多用戶透過 AI Companion 成功提升了工作效率,改變了他們的工作方式。這不僅是數位時代工作模式的一個重大演變,更是我們如何運用創新技術實現更高效工作的全面變革。」 Zoom AI 創新功能 Zoom 致力於打造以 AI 為核心的工作平台,為人際互動帶來無限可能。基於這一 AI 優先(AI-First)的策略,Zoom Workplace 和 Zoom Business Services 持續幫助團隊和個人用戶提升工作效率,幫助他們節省時間,並專注在團隊協作,以及提供具洞察及創造力的工作上。 Zoom 的 AI 聯合方法使其技術堆疊能夠選擇多個 AI 模型,以提供高品質的結果,同時確保系統安全可靠,讓用戶擁有管理與控制權。此外,Zoom AI Companion 已包含在指定付費帳戶的方案中,無需額外費用,協助用戶在整個工作流程中運用 AI 優勢,提升團隊合作、優化時間管理,並最大化工作效能。 Zoom AI Companion 2.0 Zoom 致力於不斷提升 AI Companion,為用戶提供最新、最先進的 AI 工具,優化使用體驗,使其更流暢且高效。Zoom AI Companion 2.0 全新功能包括: l 持久性:用戶現在可透過方便的側邊控制台與 AI Companion 進行持續互動,該控制台可在 Zoom Workplace 中無縫使用,打造 AI 優先的用戶界面,將圖形與對話界面無縫整合,促進 Zoom Workplace 中的資訊流動與傳遞。 l 擴展情境:AI Companion 具備更強的上下文理解能力,能根據用戶在 Zoom Workplace 中所瀏覽的內容以及過去的對話提供智慧建議和回應,並附上來源出處,幫助用戶更好地管理日常工作。 l 進階整合能力:AI Companion 可匯總 Zoom Workplace 中的互動內容,並在連接 Microsoft Outlook、Gmail、Google Calendar 以及 Microsoft Office 和 Google Docs 上傳的文件時,快速總結資訊和互動內容,幫助用戶快速掌握工作進度。 l 連接網路:AI Companion 能夠即時回答用戶的問題,並從網路中查詢資訊。 l 工作進度執行:AI Companion 將能夠協助用戶偵測、追蹤並完成 Zoom Workplace 中的不同工作進度,幫助用戶提升工作效率。 AI Companion 2.0 將於未來數週內推出,且 Zoom Workplace 付費帳號用戶無須負擔額外費用即可使用。 自訂個性化 AI Companion 全新附加功能讓用戶可以享受個性化的 AI Companion 體驗,不僅提供 Microsoft 和 Google 電子郵件與行事曆服務以外的應用程式資料存取權,還可整合公司內部的其他資料來源,擴展 AI Companion 的知識範疇。用戶可以根據公司專用的詞彙進行客製化,提升搜尋能力,並讓 AI Companion 能夠代替用戶採取行動。個性化功能有助於提升 AI Companion 在顧客專案管理上的表現,同時為企業提供個人化教練,節省內部培訓的時間和人力資源,甚至可利用 AI 生成的虛擬形象影片來擴大培訓規模。全新附加功能的亮點包含: l Zoom AI Studio 客製化體驗:企業可針對自身的業務需求量身打造 AI Companion,透過自訂企業專屬的字典、會議摘要及知識資料庫,整合企業資料來源,協助提高 AI Companion 回應的準確度。 l 連接第三方應用程式:用戶可以選擇與 Zoom AI 功能整合的第三方資料來源,讓 AI Companion 在多個應用程式中協同工作,如 Atlassian(Jira & Confluence)、Glean、Workday、Zendesk、ServiceNow、Box、Asana、Hubspot 等,提供更全面深入的洞察。 l 個性化功能:用戶可透過自訂的 AI Companion 進行個人化培訓,提升技能發展,並運用 AI 生成的虛擬化身來製作 Zoom Clips,根據提供的腳本創作影片,減少多次拍攝的需求,從而節省時間和製作成本。 自訂個性化 AI Companion 附加功能每位用戶每月訂閱費用為 12 美元 ,預計於 2025 年上半年推出。欲了解 Zoom 最新 AI 技術,請造訪 Zoom 新聞中心。 Zoom Workplace 再升級 掌控日常工作 透過 Zoom Workplace 員工能輕鬆掌握日常工作,提高效率並完成更多任務。最新功能包括以 AI 為核心的 Zoom Tasks,它透過 AI Companion 根據 Zoom Workplace 中的對話內容,協助用戶偵測、建議並完成工作項目。此外,Zoom Phone 的 AI 優化功能包含即時通話摘要查詢,能夠在通話過程中提供摘要。本次更新更支援語音留言設定,讓 AI Companion 根據用戶的聲紋自動生成個人化語音留言,並依照行事曆中的日程如旅行安排,調整語音留言內容,無需手動更新。 更高效的協作 Zoom Workplace 用戶透過 AI Companion 的會議議程和即時摘要功能,可以更高效地進行會議和協作,確保會議重點得到充分討論並順利進行。用戶還可利用 Zoom Clips 的預設虛擬化身圖庫,將文字轉化為專業影片,大幅提升製作效率。而 Zoom Docs 將提供新的組織和權限選項,以便用戶安排更細緻的設定,並新增專為專案協作設計的資料表格和欄目、自動化 API 和工作流程,以及 AI Companion 功能,透過針對不同寫作情境設計的範本和額外資料來源生成內容,從而簡化寫作流程。 以上 Zoom Workplace 優化功能均已包含在付費訂閱方案中,無需額外費用。 實體會議體驗 Zoom 宣布推出為實體會議而設的 AI Companion,用戶可在移動設備上的 Zoom Workplace 應用程式中查看會議摘要與待辦事項。針對辦公室會議,AI Companion 將擴展至 Workspace Reservation 功能,可根據團隊成員在辦公室工作的時間,向用戶建議進辦公室工作的日子,並且根據辦公室的位置和大小建議可用房間,以優化團隊之間的協作和善用辦公室空間。 員工參與度 以 AI 驅動的全新員工參與解決方案有助促進內部聯繫,其中包括 AI Companion for Workvivo,協助保持員工之間的資訊流通、參與度和聯繫;Workvivo Employee Insights 則可協助評估員工參與度、幸福感和工作表現。 欲了解更多有關 Zoom Workplace 功能等相關資訊,請造訪 Zoom 新聞中心。 優化的 Zoom 商務服務 Zoom 客戶體驗 Zoom 針對多項自助服務方案進行了升級,並強化了對客服人員及管理層的支援功能,致力於提供全球一流的客戶體驗。 l Zoom 的自助聊天機器人 Zoom Virtual Agent 現已具備多意圖檢測功能,能夠處理更複雜的客戶問題。它可以在單次互動中處理多個需求,並根據最新趨勢或常見問題自動更新客戶查詢的意圖。此外,Zoom 更推出了 AI 虛擬語音助理,將 Zoom Virtual Agent 的功能擴展至語音自助通話服務。 l 全新的 Auto Quality Management 功能協助主管可以更全面了解客服人員的表現,並自動為每次客戶互動進行評分。 l 新推出的 AI Expert Assist 則提供了動態客服指引,它能夠分析對話的上下文,了解客服人員已採取的步驟,並進一步引導他們提供相關的解決方案。 欲了解更多關於客戶體驗以及銷售與行銷創新方案的最新資訊,請造訪 Zoom 新聞中心。 為特定行業打造的創新解決方案 為了滿足多樣化的工作場景和行業需求,Zoom 宣布推出全新定制方案,並強化了其人工智慧功能。 l Zoom Workplace for Frontline 為前線工作人員提供以移動電子裝置為中心的工作體驗,以提升員工生產力、參與度和協作能力。此方案包含 AI Companion 生成的工作表摘要、輪班通訊、工作管理及洞察等。 l 在醫療領域,Zoom Workplace for Healthcare 整合了 AI Companion 2.0,幫助醫護人員提升效率。醫療機構還可購買專為醫療行業設計的 AI Companion 附加功能,享有個性化客製服務,包括醫療專用字典及第三方數據(如電子健康記錄)的存取。 l 全新的 Zoom Workplace for Clinicians 方案透過自動化臨床工作流程,幫助臨床醫生節省時間。該方案的重點功能之一為臨床筆記,利用專業醫療 AI 減輕文書負擔,並增強醫生與患者之間的互動。 l 教育方面,Zoom Workplace for Education 也將整合 AI Companion 2.0,並帶來針對教育的功能強化,包括課程規劃、講課摘要、個性化反饋及課堂學生參與度。此方案還為學生提供即時筆記、Zoom Docs 等功能。教育版的 AI Companion 附加功能將開放更多訪問權限,以整合學生資訊系統、學習管理系統及其他教育機構內容。 欲了解更多行業解決方案最新資訊,請造訪 Zoom 新聞中心。
該精簡品牌突顯 Curia 在小分子、通用藥物活性成分 (API) 和生物製劑方面的關鍵能力和個性化方法 紐約州奧爾巴尼, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 領先的合約研發和生產組織 Curia 今天發布了煥然一新的品牌。此次更新引入了精簡的企業訊息和新的品牌層次結構,突顯 Curia 在小分子、通用 API 和生物製劑領域的廣泛合約研發和生產組織 (CDMO) 能力。此品牌更新強調了 Curia 作為其客戶的專屬盟友的作用,利用 30 多年來的行業經驗和強大的全球影響力,通過解決藥物發現、開發和生產中的簡單和複雜挑戰來加快產品時間表。 品牌煥新包括: 三個不同的商業服務標誌 – Curia 已為其在小分子、通用 API 和生物製劑領域的三個主要服務產品建立了品牌標誌。這個新的服務標誌層次結構清楚地傳達了 Curia 強大的服務和解決方案組合。 網站改版 – Curia 很高興同時推出其更新的網站。改進的設計提升了客戶和潛在客戶在小分子、通用 API、生物製劑、分析服務和無菌灌裝方面尋求一流合約開發和生產服務的用戶體驗。 Curia 行政總監 Philip Macnabb 表示:「我們向來致力成為客戶值得信賴的盟友,此次煥新正好體現這個堅定承諾。Curia 在這個行業擁有數十年的經驗,我們不斷擴展能力以滿足客戶的需求。我們全新的品牌標識清楚地展現公司產品,以及我們在努力實現改善患者生活的崇高目標時所帶來的獨特專業知識和合作。」 Curia 30 多年前以 AMRI 開始,專注於小分子,並隨著時間的推移,擴展到提供全球資源和科學專業知識的融合。2021 年,AMRI 更名為 Curia,並透過收購 LakePharma 和 Integrity Bio,擴展了其在生物製劑方面的能力。透過利用 30 多年的行業經驗、全球先進設施網絡以及對卓越和合作的堅定承諾,其品牌的下一個演進策略性地突顯了 Curia 作為跨模式的全方位服務 CDMO 的優勢。 關於 CuriaCuria 是一間合約研發和生產組織 (CDMO),擁有 30 多年的經驗,擁有 20 多個全球整合網絡據點和約 3,500 名員工,與生物製藥客戶合作,將改變生命的療法推向市場。我們在小分子、通用 API 和生物製劑方面的產品涵蓋從發現到商業化,並具有整合的監管、分析和無菌灌裝能力。我們的科學和流程專家以及符合監管要求的設施提供一流的藥物物質和藥物產品生產體驗。從探索到治癒,我們為加速您研究並改善患者生活的每一步提供助力。請瀏覽 curiaglobal.com。 企業聯絡資訊: Viana Bhagan Curia +1 518 512 2111 corporatecommunications@CuriaGlobal.com
MORENO VALLEY, Calif., Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Since the introduction of the first mobile phone thermal camera, thermal imaging technology has become more accessible. As consumer demands grow, innovative companies and savvy customers started asking about how to make thermal imagers lighter and more functional. Thermal Master, a leader in mobile thermal imaging, responded with the P2, the world's 2nd smallest thermal imaging camera. It is a compact device weighing only 10g, while at the same time is packed with advanced features and leads the industry in core performance. Comparison Table: P2 VS Competitor Model P2 Competitor Price $199 $399 IR Resolution 256×192 160×120 Super IR Resolution 512×384 160×120 Temp Range -4℉ to 1112℉ -4℉ to 752℉ Temp Accuracy ±1.5℃ ±3℃ 15X Zoom √ × Battery Life 5-7 hours Approximately 1 hour Professional Analysis Free Charging Frame Rate 25Hz 8.7Hz NETD 40mK 70mK Palette 12 Palettes 9 Palettes Image Modes Infrared, Visual Infrared, Visual, MSX Weight 10g 36.5 g Size 31 × 23 × 10mm 68 × 34 × 14 mm Some of the key features of ThermalMaster's P2 include: 1. High-Resolution Images: 512×384 Super Resolution With 256×192 infrared pixels, the P2 delivers sharp images. On top of this, activating X³ Super-Resolution enhances the resolution to 512×384, providing clear, detailed visuals. The precision allows users to see minute components, like those on circuit boards or other electronic surfaces. 2. Precise Temperature Measurements with ±1.5°C Accuracy Unlike many thermal imagers with a 3°C accuracy range, the P2 offers double the precision at ±1.5°C. ThermalMASTER P2 is equipped with the exclusive IQ+ high-precision temperature measurement algorithm, which condenses the temperature measurement technology of those high-end thermal imaging cameras that cost thousands of dollars in the past into this 10g camera. This level of accuracy makes it a reliable tool for professional testing in research and industrial applications. 3. Wide Temperature Range: -4°F to 1112°F Thermal Master P2 has a temperature range of -4°F to 1112°F, the broad range of temperature measurement makes the P2 versatile, covering a variety of scenarios including household inspections, leak detection, electrical diagnostics and engine testing. 4. 15X Zoom for Detailed Viewing The P2's digital zoom allows for close-up inspections by simply sliding two fingers across its interactive screen. 5. Low Power Consumption of 0.3W The P2 is highly energy-efficient. The camera consumes a mere 0.3W. Its compact design includes eco-friendly packaging and an alloy casing. For example, when paired with a Samsung Note20, the thermal camera can operate for over 6 hours, outlasting many competitors. The P2 also supports connections to computers and tablets, enabling real-time analysis and detailed temperature measurement through free professional software. Weighing just 10g and measuring 31 × 23 × 10mm, the P2 is portable and integrates smoothly with mobile devices. Its small size and minimal weight do not compromise its capabilities. The P2 offers a highly functional, compact thermal imaging experience in a sleek transparent case. It's an exciting innovation in thermal imaging technology for professionals, enthusiasts and explorers. And the final surprise: the Thermal Master P2 comes with a nifty clear case that just so happens to hang from your car keys, making it a festive gift for tech enthusiasts who like to explore. ThermalMaster P2 will be on market on 15th October, visit thermalmasters.com to learn more about the ThermalMaster P2 features and use case possibilities. Contact Data McgradyThermalMastermcgrady@thermalmaster.com
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As countries across Asia look to progress on their energy transition amidst increasing climate action globally, GE Vernova Inc. (NYSE: GEV) remains committed to addressing the energy trilemma of affordability, reliability and sustainability in the region and will participate as a Platinum Sponsor at the upcoming Enlit Asia 2024. According to International Energy Agency, countries in Asia will use half of the electricity in the world in the year 2025. With Asia's power sector accounting for 49% of the region's greenhouse gas emissions, the shift to cleaner sources of energy underpins the critical need to both decarbonize Asia's power sector and ensure more reliable, accessible electricity for a rapidly growing population. Visitors to GE Vernova's exhibit at Enlit Asia - Booth Q01 at Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre - will be able to get an immersive experience of GE Vernova's latest technologies and innovations across power generation, wind energy, and electrification ecosystems throughout from October 8 - 10, 2024. In addition, industry experts from GE Vernova will also be leading important conversations, held during the conference to discuss pertinent energy issues and best practices with other industry stakeholders to help advance affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for Malaysia and Asia's net zero journey. Here is a snapshot of the key sessions where GE Vernova leaders would address the audience. [Keynote] Shaping Regional Energy Transition - From Malaysia to BeyondPresenter: Ramesh Singaram, President and CEO, Asia, Gas Power, GE Vernova Harnessing Technology Innovation to Enhance Energy EfficiencyPresenter: Kazunari Fukui, Asia Decarbonization Leader, Gas Power, GE Vernova Navigating the Complexities in Hybridizing Power GenerationSpeaker: Jorge Sanchez, Strategic Marketing Director, APAC, Onshore Wind, GE Vernova Building a Digitally Enabled, Resilient Grid InfrastructureSpeaker: Shailesh Mishra, Asia Pacific Regional Leader, Grid Systems Integration, GE Vernova In addition to participating in Enlit Asia's conference program, GE Vernova and industry experts will host a webinar on how they are driving the energy transition in the region. The webinar, titled 'Powering Asia's Energy Transition: From Planning to Execution' will take place on October 9 from 15:00 to 16:00 MYT. This live webinar provides an opportunity to join either in-person at the GE Vernova booth or virtually via Zoom. For more details and to register, visit: vernova.is/atEnlitAsia. "Achieving electrification and decarbonization goals, and enabling economic growth continue to be urgent priorities for Asia." said Ramesh Singaram, President and CEO, Asia, Gas Power, GE Vernova. "The pace of progress will hinge on deeper collaboration across the public and private sectors, with strategic deployment of multiple energy sources, including renewables and gas power; and investments in the grid together with software solutions." With approximately 56,000 wind turbines and 7,000 gas turbines globally, the company's global technology base helps generate about 25% of the world's electricity and has a meaningful role to play in the energy transition. In Asia, GE Vernova, has approximately 18,000 employees in more than 22 countries in the region. It works across the electricity value chain in the region, from generation through various power sources including wind, gas, and more, to providing transmission, distribution, and software solutions. Note to editors: You are invited to visit GE Vernova's showcase at Booth #Q01 where our energy industry experts will be available to present advanced solutions and to attend our thought leadership panel in-person or online on October 9: Powering Asia's energy transition from planning to execution. Register on: https://vernova.is/atEnlitAsia About GE Vernova GE Vernova (NYSE: GEV) is purpose-built global energy company that includes Power, Wind, and Electrification segments and is supported by its accelerator businesses. Building on over 130 years of experience tackling the world's challenges, GE Vernova is uniquely positioned to help lead the energy transition by continuing to electrify the world while simultaneously working to decarbonize it. GE Vernova helps customers power economies and deliver electricity that is vital to health, safety, security, and improved quality of life. GE Vernova is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S., with approximately 75,000 employees across 100+ countries around the world. Supported by the Company's purpose, The Energy to Change the World, GE Vernova technology helps deliver a more affordable, reliable, sustainable, and secure energy future. GE Vernova's mission is embedded in its name – it retains its legacy, "GEV," as an enduring and hard-earned badge of quality and ingenuity. "Ver" / "verde" signal Earth's verdant and lush ecosystems. "Nova," from the Latin "novus," nods to a new, innovative era of lower carbon energy. Supported by the Company Purpose, The Energy to Change the World, GE Vernova will help deliver a more affordable, reliable, sustainable, and secure energy future. Learn more: GE Vernova and LinkedIn.
GAITHERSBURG, Md., Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LakeShore Biopharma Co., Ltd (Nasdaq: LSB) ("LakeShore Biopharma" or the "Company"), a global biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering, developing, manufacturing, and delivering new generations of vaccines and therapeutic biologics for infectious diseases and cancer, today announced the results of its extraordinary general meeting (the "EGM") held on September 27, 2024 (Beijing Time) virtually via a Zoom video conference call. The EGM was called as part of the Company's efforts to regain compliance with the minimum bid price requirement set forth under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5450(a)(1). The Company's shareholders voted in favor of each of the following resolutions: With effect from October 1, 2024, to consolidate every 10 (ten) ordinary shares, par value of US$0.00002 each (whether issued or unissued), into 1 (one) ordinary share, par value of US$0.0002 each (the "Share Consolidation"), such that following the Share Consolidation, the authorized share capital of the Company shall be changed FROM US$50,000 divided into 2,500,000,000 ordinary shares of a par value of US$0.00002 each TO US$50,000 divided into 250,000,000 ordinary shares of a par value of US$0.0002 each; andno fraction of a share shall be issued by virtue of the Share Consolidation, and all fractions of shares resulting from the Share Consolidation will be rounded up to the nearest whole number of shares and each shareholder that would otherwise be so entitled to a fraction of a share shall instead, as a result of the Share Consolidation, be entitled to receive a whole share. With effect immediately following the Share Consolidation, the currently effective amended and restated memorandum and articles of association of the Company (the "M&AA") be amended and restated by their deletion in their entirety and the substitution in their place of the second amended and restated memorandum and articles of association of the Company (the "Restated M&AA"), in the form attached as Exhibit A to the Notice of EGM. In addition, it is expected that the Company's ordinary shares will trade on a split-adjusted basis, beginning at the open of trading on October 4, 2024, Eastern Time. Immediately after the Share Consolidation, each shareholder's percentage ownership interest in the Company and proportional voting power will remain unchanged, except for minor changes and adjustments that will result from the treatment of fractional shares. Shareholders who are holding their shares in electronic form at brokerage firms do not need to take any action, as the effect of the Share Consolidation will automatically be reflected in their brokerage accounts. The ordinary shares of the Company will continue to be traded on Nasdaq under the symbol "LSB." About LakeShore Biopharma LakeShore Biopharma, previously known as YS Biopharma, is a global biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering, developing, manufacturing, and delivering new generations of vaccines and therapeutic biologics for infectious diseases and cancer. It has developed a proprietary PIKA® immunomodulating technology platform and a new generation of preventive and therapeutic biologics targeting Rabies, Coronavirus, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Shingles, and other virus infections. The Company operates in China, the United States, Singapore, and the Philippines, and is led by a management team that combines rich local expertise and global experience in the biopharmaceutical industry. For more information, please visit investor.lakeshorebio.com. Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical or current fact included in this press release are forward-looking statements, including but not limited to statements regarding the expected growth of LakeShore Biopharma, the development progress of all product candidates, the progress and results of all clinical trials, LakeShore Biopharma's ability to source and retain talent, and the cash position of LakeShore Biopharma. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as "estimate," "plan," "project," "potential," "forecast," "intend," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "believe," "goal," "seek," "target" or other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. These statements are based on various assumptions, whether identified in this press release, and on the current expectations of LakeShore Biopharma's management and are not predictions of actual performance. LakeShore Biopharma cannot assure you the forward-looking statements in this press release will be accurate. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including those included under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), and other risks described in documents subsequently filed or furnished by the Company from time to time with the SEC. There may be additional risks that LakeShore Biopharma does not presently know or that LakeShore Biopharma currently believes are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. In light of the significant uncertainties in these forward-looking statements, nothing in this press release should be regarded as a representation by any person that the forward-looking statements set forth herein will be achieved or that any of the contemplated results of such forward-looking statements will be achieved. The forward-looking statements in this press release represent the views of LakeShore Biopharma as of the date of this press release. Subsequent events and developments may cause those views to change. However, while LakeShore Biopharma may update these forward-looking statements in the future, there is no current intention to do so, except to the extent required by applicable law. You should, therefore, not rely on these forward-looking statements as representing the views of LakeShore Biopharma as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Except as may be required by law, LakeShore Biopharma does not undertake any duty to update these forward-looking statements. Investor Relations Contact Robin YangPartner, ICR, LLCTel: +1 (212) 537-4035Email: LakeShoreBiopharma.IR@icrinc.com
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