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Zoom Celebrates its Fifth Consecutive Time Being Placed in the Leaders Quadrant SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM), today announced that Gartner has named Zoom a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), Worldwide for the fifth time in a row. The UCaaS report evaluated 11 companies in the unified communications space, and Zoom has been recognized as a Leader in this. Zoom includes enterprise-grade solutions like Zoom AI Companion, Zoom Contact Center, Zoom Team Chat, Zoom Phone, Zoom Meetings, and Workvivo. “We believe being named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for UCaaS for the fifth year in a row is a true testament to our dedication and commitment to providing the best in class UCaaS solutions,” said Graeme Geddes, chief growth and sales officer at Zoom. “Although a lot has changed these past five years, Zoom has remained steadfast in delivering collaboration and communication tools that help empower users and improve productivity.” To read a complimentary copy of the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for UCaaS report, please click here. Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications as a Service, Pankil Sheth, Megan Fernandez, Christopher Trueman, Rafael Benitez, 7 October 2024 Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and MAGIC QUADRANT is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved About ZoomZoom’s mission is to provide an AI-first work platform for human connection. Reimagine teamwork with Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s open collaboration platform with AI Companion empowers teams to be more productive. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer experience teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more information at zoom.com. Public RelationsBridget MoriartyCorporate PR Managerpress@zoom.us
2024 年 10 月 1 日,台北訊 — Zoom 宣布推出多項全新附加產品與功能,進一步強化其專為企業客戶所打造的進階解決方案。Zoom 企業進階解決方案涵蓋其平台內豐富的產品與功能,以幫助企業打造符合其法規、資訊安全、隱私保護、營運韌性及可管理性等各方面的需求。 Zoom 產品長 Smita Hashim 表示:「Zoom 企業進階解決方案展現了我們賦能企業的承諾,為其提供更高效、安全、合規且可靠的產品。此解決方案依託於 Zoom 的網路基礎設施,包含一系列進階產品與功能,這些工具專為 Zoom Workplace 和 Zoom Business Services 而設計,涵蓋 Zoom Events 和 Zoom Contact Center 等服務,持續為客戶提供卓越的使用體驗。我們期待為 Zoom 用戶提供順暢的協作與溝通,並以易於操作、經得起未來考驗且穩定可靠的服務為目標。」 Zoom 推全新功能助企業用戶應對資安風險、實現不中斷商業營運 僅在 2023 年,全球因違規開出的罰金即超過 5.49 億美元,超過 3.53 億人面臨資安漏洞的威脅,且有 31% 的企業遇到網路不穩定或頻寬限制的問題。如何應對這些壓力,包括管理複雜的合規義務、避免巨額罰款、保護企業聲譽免受資安威脅,以及減少因連線不穩定而引發的用戶不滿,已成為企業的首要課題。而 Zoom 企業進階解決方案新增的多項功能與服務,將幫助企業有效迎擊這些挑戰。 Zoom Compliance Manager Plus:Zoom Compliance Manager(ZCM)於 3 月推出,由 Theta Lake 提供技術支援,是為企業提供集歸檔、eDiscovery、法律保留和資訊保護功能於一體的多合一產品。Zoom Compliance Manager Plus 以 ZCM 為基礎,新增風險偵測、資料遺失保護和進階趨勢分析等進階功能,進一步協助企業履行法規義務,並降低企業在通訊過程中的合規風險。 · Zoom Meeting Survivability:導入全新升級的網路備援系統,協助企業在面臨暴風雨、自然災害或電信業者故障導致的網路中斷時,仍能維持 Zoom 會議服務的穩定性,確保商業運營不中斷。運用 Zoom Node ,一個在當地伺服器中負載 Zoom 運算的中央樞紐,當故障發生時,此功能會自動將會議移轉至資料中心,使會議能夠在本地伺服器上繼續進行,將對用戶的干擾降至最低。 · Zoom Mesh for Meetings:透過 Zoom Mesh,企業能有效最佳化頻寬使用,節省高達 60% 的網路頻寬及相關成本。此功能已適用於 Zoom Webinars 和 Zoom Events,現在更擴展至 Zoom Meetings,確保使用者無論在任何頻寬限制下,都能享有絕佳的使用體驗。 Zoom Customer Managed Key (CMK) Hybrid:CMK Hybrid 強化了 Zoom 目前的 CMK資料隱私解決方案,為客戶提供更多管理加密金鑰的選項,以保護 Zoom 所維護的資料數據。CMK Hybrid 允許客戶在本地控制整個加密與解密的過程。例如,Zoom Workplace 應用程式可在伺服器內加密 Zoom Team Chat 訊息,因此部分雲端上的 Team Chat 功能將無法使用。Zoom CMK Hybrid 預計於 2024 年第四季開始支援 Zoom Team Chat,並適用於 Zoom Workplace。 針對企業需求而設計的全新產品功能 Zoom 最新推出的企業進階解決方案進一步強化了現有為企業用戶設計的產品與功能,專為滿足大型組織及受監管產業(如金融、醫療保健和政府機構)的複雜需求而打造。此全新產品服務包含在 Zoom Workplace 的企業版方案中,幫助企業用戶維持商業營運,優化頻寬使用,提升資料安全性,簡化管理流程,並確保企業在通訊時符合法規要求。此進階企業解決方案涵蓋以下六大關鍵領域: 通訊合規性:提供資料存檔、數據遺失防範、資訊隔離以及聊天禮儀解決方案,幫助全球受監管的企業及機構單位用戶滿足通訊合規需求。 資料落地與隱私權規範:協助當地與區域用戶滿足資料落地與隱私保護規範的工具,例如用戶自行管理加密金鑰。 政策及部署管理:透過 Zoom 設備管理(Zoom Device Management)、政策配置及部署工具,簡化實行流程並提供支援。 資料安全性與存取控制:加密技術和虛擬桌面基礎架構 (VDI) 方案,為靜態和傳輸中的數據提供更強的安全保護。 分析與洞察:強大的儀表板、監控、報告及警報工具,有助於提升組織運營的整體可見性。 網路性能優化與營運韌性:透過 Zoom Mesh、Zoom Node 以及 Zoom 網路穩定解決方案,減少頻寬限制,優化工作效率,並改善企業商業營運。 多項 Zoom 企業進階產品,包括端對端加密、GDPR 與隱私權控管、管理儀表板及其他功能,已可於 Zoom Workplace Enterprise 中使用,若用戶欲使用包含新產品在內的其他功能,可以透過付費附加元件方式購買。欲了解更多關於 Zoom 企業進階解決方案的資訊,請造訪 Zoom 進階企業網站。
SAN JOSE, Calif., Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) announced that it has appointed Mike Fenger, vice president Worldwide Sales, Apple, as an independent director on Zoom’s Board of Directors effective immediately. “Zoom plays an important role connecting people around the world, and I’m excited to join the Board and contribute to its future success,” said Mike Fenger, vice president Worldwide Sales, Apple. “Eric Yuan has built a great team and the company’s dedication to driving innovative technology is inspiring. I’m really looking forward to working with them.” “On behalf of Zoom’s Board of Directors, I am thrilled to welcome Mike to the team,” said Zoom founder and CEO Eric S. Yuan. “Mike’s experience at Apple, and companies including GE, and his proven track record of global leadership bring valuable insights that align perfectly with our vision. We’re excited to see the fresh perspective and innovative ideas he’ll contribute as we continue driving our growth and success.” About Mike Fenger Mike oversees global product sales for Apple, and his team plays an important part in helping customers discover products they love. Since joining Apple in 2008, he has also had a key role in strengthening telecommunications and consumer electronic reseller partnerships, and deepening connections with customers in enterprise, education, and government. He began his Apple career as vice president of Global iPhone Sales, where he led the expansion of iPhone distribution to customers around the globe. Mike has over 20 years of experience building and leading sales teams for global companies. Before joining Apple, he held senior positions at General Electric and Motorola, where he helped develop and execute strategy for sales, operations, marketing, and supply chain management in the Americas, Europe, and Greater China. Mike is a graduate of Miami University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics. About ZoomZoom’s mission is to provide one platform that delivers limitless human connection. Reimagine teamwork with Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s open collaboration platform with AI Companion empowers teams to be more productive. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer care teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more information at zoom.com. Zoom PRColleen RodriguezHead of Global PRpress@zoom.us
每 10 位亞太區的經理人中,就有 6 位表示,採取混合辦公導致員工的企業參與度下降 ,而 AI 是能夠幫助員工更好地協作並增強彼此連結的關鍵工具 2024 年 8 月 22 日,台北訊 — Zoom 今日於亞太區 2024 EX Summit 員工體驗高峰會中公布其最新全球調研報告《迎接未來工作:混合模式與科技的全球展望》,此報告由 Zoom 與全球領先員工體驗、數位職場及人才管理公司 ReworkedINSIGHTS 合作,報告深入研究了員工對不同工作模式的看法、各模式下的工作效率,並探討了生成式 AI 對工作的影響以及其他未來工作相關議題。調查對象包括全球超過 600 名 IT 及高階經理人,以及近 1,900 名知識工作者,其中有 604 位受訪者來自亞太地區。 混合辦公備受員工青睞 企業採用多元工作制度 研究發現,亞太地區中絕大多數的企業已經或正在朝向彈性工作模式發展,其中有 84% 的企業允許員工選擇混合工作(58%)或遠端工作(26%)。為了提升工作效率,越來越多的企業正在調整內部工作模式,以更好地滿足商務需求和員工期望。根據研究,亞太區 87% 的領導者認為,提高工作效率是決定企業採取哪一種工作模式的首要考量,相較北美地區(86%)和西歐地區(81%),暫居全球最高。 不過對於高階經理人的好消息是,研究發現以員工的角度來看,混合模式能顯著提升工作效率。在亞太地區,有 83% 的員工表示,相較於傳統的實體辦公,他們在混合工作模式下能完成更多的工作。雖然這可能由多種因素造成,但這也顯示,如何有效運用科技來連結分布於各地的員工,成為企業提升團隊參與度的關鍵任務之一。 雖然混合辦公模式可能最符合企業領袖和員工的期待,但許多亞太地區的企業仍在探索最適合其商業目標的工作制度。目前,固定排班的遠距工作(27%)和彈性時間的遠距工作(19%)已成為亞太地區最常見的工作模式。另外,13% 的企業則採用其他類型的混合工作制度,並依職務、地點和成果進行管理。事實上,97% 的亞太地區高階經理人表示,過去兩年中職場環境變得更具彈性。然而,提升員工參與度仍需企業更進一步努力,因為每 10 位亞太地區的經理人中,就有 6 位表示混合辦公模式導致員工的企業參與度下降。 Zoom 亞太區負責人 Ricky Kapur 表示:「打造彈性的職場環境已成為亞太區企業文化的普遍趨勢。從彈性工作時間到根據地點、職務或輪班進行分配,多樣化的工作模式也為當今的經理人帶來了新的挑戰。如何在滿足跨世代員工多變需求的同時,找到最適合企業的工作模式,並應對如 AI 等快速發展科技的影響,成為現代經理人面臨的重要課題。」 生成式 AI 為未來職場核心關鍵 助提升工作效率、員工參與度 為迎接未來工作所帶來的挑戰,研究顯示企業需要全面提升現有的科技資源。其中亞太地區有 81% 的員工認為,企業應優化他們遠端工作時所使用的數位工具,這一比例高於北美地區的 79% 和西歐地區的 65%。隨著混合辦公時代的到來,生成式 AI 已成為提升員工工作效率和體驗的關鍵。亞太地區在 AI 工具的導入上位居全球首位,有超過 53% 的企業已開始使用 AI 生成會議記錄與摘要,遠超過北美地區的 40% 和西歐地區的 38%。此外,亞太地區近 60% 的企業已導入聊天機器人,這一比例也高於北美(52%)和西歐地區(58%),使其成為全球使用聊天機器人比例最高的區域。 企業已逐漸意識到導入 AI 數位工具的優勢,85% 的亞太區經理人認為,生成式 AI 有助於提升企業員工的工作效率,其中 69% 的員工也同意「生成式 AI 讓我的工作變得更輕鬆。」然而,亞太地區員工在使用生成式 AI 上仍面臨著許多挑戰,包含: · 70% 的員工認為學習使用生成式 AI 是困難的 · 63% 的員工尚未習慣使用生成式 AI · 55% 的員工擔心生成式 AI 會對他們的工作或職位產生負面影響 綜觀來看,全球都預計生成式 AI 將對未來的工作產生巨大影響,雖然高階主管與員工對此的看法和疑慮可能略有不同,但雙方都同意 AI 科技是未來重要的工作趨勢之一,如何透過教育加強員工使用 AI 的信心、擴大應用場景與降低使用分險,是企業最大化 AI 價值的首要任務。 對此,Kapur 也補充:「我們的研究顯示,儘管亞太區的經理人普遍認為在工作中使用 AI 可以提升團隊效率,但許多員工尚未充分發揮 AI 的潛力。隨著企業逐步過渡到混合辦公模式,AI 能有效幫助員工適應變化、加速協作,並加強彼此的連結。除了提升工作效率外,領導者應積極探索更多 AI 的應用場景,以提高員工參與度,增強內部知識共享和互動,這將成為企業在多變職場中建立並維持企業文化的關鍵。」 根據員工回饋調整工作政策 提升員工參與度 儘管混合辦公已成為主流模式,亞太區仍有 77% 的經理人表示,企業可能在未來兩年內調整辦公政策,而全球也有 75% 的高階主管持相同看法。因此,企業如何打造一個適應未來工作趨勢的成功職場環境,並運用如 AI 等能擴展和符合企業需求的科技與數位工具,將成為關鍵。這些工具將能靈活根據員工的回饋與期待,調整組織政策。展望未來,企業在擁抱職場彈性的同時,也必須以員工參與度和體驗為核心,才能在未來的工作趨勢下成長茁壯,持續實現商業目標。 欲了解更多亞太區研究調查結果,請點擊查看此資訊圖表。 調查方法 《Future of Work》和《IT Leadership》兩項調查是由 Reworked 代表 Zoom 進行的全球研究報告。這些調查涵蓋了全球,包括亞太區在內的超過 600 名 IT 與高階經理人,深入探討了他們對不同工作模式的看法、各模式下的工作效率,以及生成式 AI 對工作的影響和其他與未來工作相關的議題。亞太地區涵蓋澳洲、印度、日本和新加坡。數據主要通過線上收集,所有問題均為必答,並匿名處理所有回答與結果。Employer Survey 調查於 2024 年 4 月至 5 月進行,受訪者總計 624 人;Employee Survey 調查同樣於 2024 年 4 月至 5 月進行,受訪者達 1,870 人。
l 透過全新產品 Zoom Docs 優化團隊在 Zoom Workplace 中的協作,並運用 AI Companion 將 Zoom Meetings 中的會議內容轉化為可編輯的文件。 l 以 AI 為核心的 Zoom Docs 提供符合團隊需求與專案目標的客製化設計,支援包含文件、資料庫和表格等功能,全面提升一站式線上協作體驗。 2024 年 8 月 7 日,台北訊 — Zoom Video Communications, Inc.(NASDAQ:ZM)宣布推出以 AI 為核心的協作文件解決方案 Zoom Docs。由生成式 AI 助理 Zoom AI Companion 驅動的 Zoom Docs,將幫助用戶在無需支付額外費用*的情況下,於一站式智慧協作平台 Zoom Workplace 提升工作效率與團隊協作。 Zoom 產品長 Smita Hashim 表示:「Zoom Docs 是 Zoom Workplace 中首款由生成式 AI 打造的產品。用戶可以輕鬆地將 Zoom 會議中的資訊轉化為可編輯的線上協作文件或資料庫,幫助團隊最大化工作效能。Zoom Workplace 付費方案用戶無需支付額外費用,即可使用全程由 AI Companion 支援的最新產品 Zoom Docs,不僅幫助用戶創造更多價值,更讓他們能夠『快樂工作』並節省更多時間。」 Zoom Docs 四大應用場景 助團隊最大化協作效能 企業可以透過 Zoom Docs 解決現代工作團隊所面臨的諸多挑戰,例如減少重複性任務所花費的時間、避免資訊超載,以及增進跨部門協作。Zoom Docs 透過 Zoom AI Companion 能夠將會議資料轉化為可編輯的線上協作文件,運用生成式 AI 加快內容撰寫,並根據個人和團隊的不同需求進行相應調整,從而提升生產力。Zoom Docs 的 AI 優先功能更能協助 Zoom Workplace 用戶提升團隊協作的順暢性和效率,透過資訊整理優化生產力,並強化團隊資訊的流通性。Zoom Docs 的四大應用場景包含: 一、提升線上會議協作效率:當用戶開啟線上會議時,Zoom Docs 將透過 AI Companion 簡化會議協作,幫助用戶將會議內容轉化為可編輯的協作文件,並將會議摘要集中管理於檔案當中,用戶也可以在會議過程中開啟 Zoom Docs 和與會者線上共編文件。 二、自動起草商業文件:無論是撰寫文案、報告、或商業提案,Zoom Docs 的 AI Companion 能夠協助跨國團隊輕鬆進行內容產製、修訂、摘要與翻譯。 三、簡化專案規劃過程:專案規劃涉及許多繁瑣的事務,而 Zoom Docs 可以幫助用戶利用內建模板製作產品發佈、行銷活動等專案簡報,有效追蹤進度,節省時間。此外,Zoom Docs 也能協助活動管理,透過整合專案相關資料,使進度、狀態和時程資訊透明化,方便管理人員追蹤和更新。 四、為團隊打造專屬的資料中心:企業可以透過 Zoom Docs 為團隊建立專屬的資料中心,將所有資料集中於一個來源,以便用戶在資料中心內共同建立和編輯相關資訊,從而加速內容生成,並應用於企業新進員工入職訓練、績效追蹤等。 Zoom Docs 運用 AI Companion 智慧功能 助團隊發揮最大潛力 以強大的 AI 功能為核心,Zoom Docs 將幫助團隊簡化工作流程。例如,用戶可以將 AI Companion 自動生成的會議摘要新增至易於編輯的文件中,省去記錄和手動複製筆記的時間,適用於一對一會議、對焦會議、腦力激盪、專案更新、討論、問答、客戶成功與用戶回饋等多種情境。此外,用戶也可以根據 AI Companion 會議轉錄功能產製內容,利用 AI Companion 的自訂或預設指令或查詢,進一步創建及修改內容。 AI Companion 能夠修訂和優化文件內容,如文章、提案和大綱,根據上下文調整語氣和寫作風格,檢查語法和拼寫錯誤,並將內容翻譯成包括繁體中文在內的九種語言,幫助跨國團隊更有效地協作。 Zoom Docs 將進一步提升 Zoom Workplace 的會議體驗,全方位強化團隊協作,確保與會者在會議前、中、後都能獲得一致的資訊。在會議開始前,用戶可以利用 Zoom Docs 聯繫同事並安排會議,簡化工作流程。而在會議期間,則能夠創建、分享和共同編輯文件,與會者無需離開會議視窗,即可即時跟隨主講者的內容、共編文件或留言評論;使用行動裝置參加會議的用戶則無需登入即可查看文件內容。會議結束後,用戶可以自訂格式,創建包含會議相關背景資料的檔案,方便團隊成員在線上編輯和共享,並通過設置文件存取權限來簡化授權過程。 此外,Zoom Docs 也開放用戶在會議期間授予臨時訪問的需求,幫助團隊更高效地協作。用戶可以透過 Zoom Team Chat 和 Zoom Mail 在 Zoom Workplace 中共享文件,或直接邀請同事在 Zoom Meetings 中即時協作。 Zoom Docs 全面提升一站式線上協作體驗 Zoom Docs 能夠根據用戶個人和團隊的不同需求,調整檔案格式,運用文字、表格、圖片和圖表等內容區塊來客製化文件,全面提升協作效率,並減少在多個應用程式之間傳遞資訊的時間。此外,Zoom Docs 可以加入資料表格,確保每位團隊成員的工作內容與追蹤專案進度,並支援新增檢查清單、圖片、影像和標註等,使文件更具互動性,並利用多欄式版面靈活地組織內容。 用戶也可以在文件中嵌入來自 Zoom Workplace 或第三方平台的應用程式,如 Zoom Whiteboard、Google Drive、Figma、X 和 YouTube,讓團隊成員可以於同一檔案中存取所有的資訊。面對眾多編輯中的文件時,用戶可將常用文件標記星號,或根據作者篩選,輕鬆整理與快速存取繁雜的檔案。 除增進團隊成員間的互動外, Zoom Docs 也能確保團隊間資訊的一致性,有效降低溝通成本。例如,利用分工表格、檢查清單、及追蹤修訂等確認工作進度、時程、截止日期和負責人,多元的瀏覽模式如工作流程看板、日曆和區塊呈現也有助用戶查看相關資訊。 此外,用戶可以將團隊文件整理在專用的資料庫中,集中存取共享資訊。在搜尋資料時,Zoom Docs 提供分組、篩選和排序等功能,輕鬆視覺化資訊並快速找到所需資料。一份 Zoom Doc 最多可以支援 100 位用戶同時協作,並可以在文件和註解中標註團隊成員。為確保資訊安全,Zoom Docs 提供快速新增、移除和變更內部成員及外部使用者權限的功能,讓團隊成員能安心在文件中作業。 所有 Zoom Workplace 付費方案的用戶可立即使用搭載 AI Companion 的 Zoom Docs*。基礎(免費)用戶至多可建立 10 個 Zoom Docs 共享文件和無限量的個人文件(不包含 AI Companion 功能)。如基礎(免費)用戶欲解鎖 Zoom Workplace 中 AI Companion 的相關系列功能,可選擇升級至 Zoom Workplace Pro、商業版或企業版方案。帳戶所有者和管理員可以隨時啟用或停用 Zoom Docs 中的 AI Companion 功能。 Zoom Docs 於今日起開放 Zoom Workplace 應用程式版本 6.1.6 或更高版本的用戶使用。用戶可以透過 Zoom 官方網站、 Zoom Docs 產品頁面或 Zoom Web App 進行下載。 *付費用戶無須額外費用即可使用 AI Companion ,AI Companion 與 Zoom Docs 中的 AI Companion 功能可能不適用部分地區與垂直產業。
Optimize collaboration across Zoom Workplace with next-gen Zoom Docs; transform content from Zoom Meetings into actionable documents with AI Companion Zoom Docs’ AI-first customizable design easily adapts to team and project needs, including documents, wikis, and tables, providing a single place to manage work SAN JOSE, Calif., Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) announced the rollout of Zoom Docs, its AI-first collaborative docs solution, starting today. Zoom Docs is powered by Zoom AI Companion, the company’s generative AI assistant available at no additional cost*, to help drive productivity and seamless collaboration throughout Zoom Workplace. “Zoom Docs is our first Zoom Workplace product with generative AI built in from the ground up; it effortlessly transforms information from Zoom Meetings into actionable documents and knowledge bases, so teams can stay focused on meaningful work,” said Smita Hashim, chief product officer at Zoom. “Zoom Docs is included at no additional cost with Zoom Workplace paid licenses, creating even more value for our customers. With AI Companion available every step of the way, Zoom Docs is purpose-built to empower people to ‘work happy’ and give them more time back in their day.” Zoom Docs transforms team collaborationZoom Docs can help solve critical challenges facing modern workforces, including time wasted on repetitive tasks, information overload, and facilitation of cross-functional alignment. By utilizing Zoom AI Companion to convert meeting outcomes into actionable documents, Zoom Docs can jumpstart content creation and adapt to different individual and team needs to help boost workers’ productivity. Zoom Docs’ AI-first capabilities help Zoom Workplace users make teamwork more collaborative and effective, optimize productivity by keeping information organized, and reduce silos by empowering teams to communicate and share information more fluidly. Potential use cases for Zoom Docs include: Meeting collaboration: Zoom Docs simplifies meeting collaboration with AI Companion by transforming meeting content into meaningful documents, centralizing meeting summaries with meeting docs, and facilitating co-editing on docs within meetings. Business documents: Whether creating content, business proposals, or reports, AI Companion for Zoom Docs makes content generation, revision, summarization, and translation easy for global teams. Project planning: Planning complex projects can be messy. Zoom Docs can help with time-saving templates for project briefs and tracking for a variety of use cases like product launches, marketing campaigns, and event management, consolidating project-related materials, and improving visibility across progress tracking, status updates, and timelines. Information hub: Useful for knowledge-base creation, team onboarding, and goal tracking, users can build robust wikis for a single source of information. Additional AI-first capabilities help teams do their best workWith the power of AI Companion, Zoom Docs simplifies work and brings information together for optimal results. Turn AI Companion meeting summaries into easily editable docs, freeing up time spent on note-taking and manually copying notes into a shared document with templates for one-on-ones, stand-up meetings, brainstorming, project updates, discussions, Q&As, customer success, user feedback, and more. Generate content based on AI Companion meeting transcripts. Use custom or preset commands or queries with AI Companion to further create and revise content. Revise and summarize content such as articles, plans, and outlines, change tone and style, catch grammatical and spelling errors, and translate content into nine languages (with support for additional languages planned) for multilingual teams with AI Companion. Maximize meeting effectiveness to drive better outcomesMeetings are core to Zoom Workplace, and Zoom Docs builds on that experience by enhancing collaboration before, during, and after meetings, empowering users to stay more aligned and achieve better results. Start and schedule meetings from a Zoom Doc to connect with colleagues and quickly streamline workflows. Create, share, and co-edit docs during meetings. Meeting attendees can follow along with the presenter, co-edit, and comment on the doc in real time without leaving the meeting window. Attendees on mobile devices can view in-meeting doc collaboration without signing in. Create an editable and shareable doc that includes relevant meeting information from a meeting in a customizable format. Streamline permission sharing to reduce time spent granting access to docs with bulk permission settings for meeting attendees, and the ability to grant temporary access to meeting attendees to collaborate during the meeting. Users can also share Zoom Docs in Team Chat channels and with individuals in specific chats directly from Zoom Docs. Share docs across Zoom Workplace via Zoom Team Chat or Zoom Mail or invite colleagues to collaborate live in Zoom Meetings to streamline editing. Get work done in one place for better resultsAdapt docs to different individual and team needs to keep collaboration fluid and information organized. Customize docs with content blocks for texts, tables, images, charts, and more to help increase efficiency and reduce information management across multiple apps. Add data tables for team collaboration and planning to track assignments and projects. Add checklists, images, videos, and callouts to make the doc more engaging, and utilize the multi-column layout for greater flexibility in organizing content. Embed content from across Zoom Workplace and third parties like Zoom Whiteboard, Google Drive, Figma, X, and YouTube to make information centrally accessible. Stay organized by starring frequently used docs or quickly filtering docs by author for quick access. Optimize team collaborationReduce silos and keep collaborators informed, connected, and aligned. Keep an eye on progress using tables, checklists, and trackers for activities, due dates, status, and assigned owners, with various views like Kanban boards, calendars, and galleries. Organize team documents in dedicated wikis to provide central locations for shared information. Group, filter, sort, and search data tables to easily visualize information and quickly locate the needed data. Edit concurrently with up to 100 users in a single Zoom Doc, and tag teammates in edits and comments. Quickly add, remove, and change permissions for internal teammates and external users to confidently share and collaborate on a doc’s contents. Zoom Docs with AI Companion is included with all paid Zoom Workplace plans*. Basic (free) users can create up to 10 shared docs and unlimited personal docs without AI Companion but can upgrade to Zoom Workplace Pro, Business, or Enterprise plans for access to AI Companion capabilities across Zoom Workplace, including Docs. Account owners and admins may enable or disable AI Companion for Zoom Docs. Zoom Docs is available beginning today for users of the Zoom Workplace app, version 6.1.6 or later, which can be downloaded from the Zoom website, and users can also access Zoom Docs from the Docs web homepage or the Zoom Web App. *Note: AI Companion is included at no additional cost with the paid services assigned to Zoom accounts. AI Companion, including AI Companion capabilities in Zoom Docs, may not be available for all regions and industry verticals. About ZoomZoom’s mission is to provide one platform that delivers limitless human connection. Reimagine teamwork with Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s open collaboration platform with AI Companion empowers teams to be more productive. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer care teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more information at zoom.com. Zoom Public RelationsLacretia Nicholspress@zoom.us
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