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符合「XGS」新聞搜尋結果, 共 42 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Sophos 發布新款 XGS 系列桌上型防火牆及更新版防火牆軟體

Sophos 是以創新安全解決方案對抗網路攻擊的全球領導者,今日推出了九款全新 XGS 系列桌上型防火牆設備,這些設備適用於中小型企業,以及大型組織的分公司。新款 XGS 設備具備精簡的架構,提供比前代機型高出一倍的效能,同時降低了 50% 的能源消耗。所有新款 Sophos XGS 設備均支援多種高速連線選項,其中四款採無風扇設計,非常適合對噪音敏感的環境。 Sophos 同時發表 Sophos Firewall 軟體的更新版本,提供更強大的網路攻擊防護功能,包括整合第三方威脅情報源的能力。此功能允許具有特定地區或垂直市場需求的組織自訂並採用額外的資訊,以加強其防火牆的安全性。新軟體還提升了對分散式網路的可擴展性,並可讓舊版防火牆客戶順暢地升級至最新的 Sophos XGS 設備。透過利用新 Sophos Firewall 軟體中改良的虛擬 FastPath 加速功能,以及新的精簡架構,新的 Sophos XGS 防火牆設備提供的 IPsec VPN 輸送量可達三倍於前代機型的效能。   Sophos 網路與內容安全部門資深副總裁 Dan Cole 表示:「我們推出全新 Sophos XGS 設備和 Sophos Firewall 軟體的目的,是以具有競爭力的價格,為客戶提供世界級的『效能與保護』體驗。我們正在革新和推廣企業應該如何利用防火牆技術,以防禦針對中小型企業所面對的持續性現代網路攻擊。這包括讓我們的防火牆軟體整合來自第三方的威脅情報來源,以便除了使用 Sophos 原生的威脅情報外,還能更快地針對更廣泛的可疑活動進行即時回應。此功能也可讓防禦人員能更有效地掌控其風險狀況。」  具體而言,使用者現在可以配置 Sophos Firewall 軟體,使其接收由安全廠商、託管服務提供商 (MSP)、特定行業聯盟和資訊共用與分析中心 (ISAC) 或其他威脅情報平台發布的付費和免費情報來源。這些第三方數據可增強 Sophos 專有的威脅情報,包括來自 Sophos X-Ops 的情報,以及來自包括 SophosLabs、Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR) 和 Sophos Extended Detection and Response (XDR) 技術的遙測數據。結合內建於 Sophos 託管端點的 Sophos Active Threat Response 功能及各情報來源,Sophos Firewall 軟體將啟動同步回應,能自動隔離潛在攻擊,為防禦人員爭取寶貴時間來評估、回應並修復威脅。  Sophos Firewall 軟體的其他增強功能包括: 提升效能與可擴展性:新款 XGS 系列桌上型設備的 IPsec VPN 效能提升三倍,以及具備更快的身分驗證尖峰效能,並經過最佳化,在 SD-RED 通道、動態路由和 Active Directory 互動方面,可減少故障切換期間的停機並增強韌性,適合分散式企業的環境。 精簡管理:更新的使用者操作,支援 Let’s Encrypt 憑證,整合支援 Google Workspace 認證,以及擴展了網路物件的可視性,可簡化防火牆的管理。 無縫裝置升級:新增配置備份助理及連接埠對應支援,並提供免費的授權重疊期,讓 Sophos XG 防火牆用戶能更彈性、輕鬆地升級至新一代硬體設備。 IDC 安全與信任研究部門總監 Christopher Rodriguez 表示:「這次新款桌上型 Sophos XGS 系列硬體設備的推出,為效能和效率樹立了新的標杆。其在各個價格區間的設備均提升了價值,不僅將 IPsec VPN 輸送量提高了三倍,整體效能更提升至兩倍,同時將能源消耗減半。再加上最新作業系統版本在防護、可擴展性和易用性方面的增強,Sophos Firewall 在不提高價格的前提下,為各規模的組織提供了可觀的價值。」 德國 Sophos 合作夥伴 Luithle + Luithle 網路與安全部門總監 Benjamin Schwarzbauer 表示:「Sophos 使部署、整合和管理防火牆變得簡單且容易。它能與更廣泛的 Sophos 生態系統緊密整合,使我們能夠高效率地管理客戶的安全。防火牆的全面功能不僅強化了安全性,還確保了可靠的效能和合規性,藉此,我們的客戶將能專注於自身業務上。」 推出日期 全新 Sophos XGS 桌上型防火牆設備和 Sophos Firewall 軟體僅透過 Sophos 全球合作夥伴及託管服務提供商 (MSP) 銷售。防禦人員可以在雲端原生的 Sophos Central 平台上,一同輕鬆地管理 Sophos 的端點、電子郵件和雲端解決方案,並透過一個直覺的介面監控所有安裝、回應警示,並追蹤授權和即將到期的續約日期。 如需更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://sophos.com/firewall。

文章來源 : Wordtech Ltd. 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4705 加入收藏 :
華為F5G全光園區2.0全新升級並發布場景化新品,加速園區網絡邁向Wi-Fi 7時代

上海2024年9月23日 /美通社/ -- 華為全聯接大會2024期間,在以「全面光進銅退,共贏園區智能化」為主題的全光園區論壇上,超過300名來自全球教育、醫療、製造、酒店等行業的客戶及夥伴出席,嘉賓們圍繞園區網絡話題做了主題演講,並分享創新實踐。活動期間,華為宣布F5G全光園區2.0全新升級,並面向教育、醫療、酒店等行業發布場景化新品,以面向Wi-Fi 7的新一代綠色萬兆全光網絡,加速園區光進銅退進程,支撐園區智能化。  華為政企光領域總裁谷雲波表示,「Wi-Fi 7時代,園區網絡全面光進銅退,F5G全光園區2.0商用加速,華為願攜手客戶、夥伴抓住時代機遇,與光同行,共贏園區數智新未來。」 華為F5G全光園區2.0方案實現網絡三層變兩層,有源變無源,能耗降低30%,布線降低80%;基於XGS-PON Pro和Wi-Fi 7技術,支持12.5/25Gbps到房間,10G到AP,2.5G到桌面;通過硬隔離切片技術,一網承載多業務實現TCO降低30%,為企業建設綠色、超寬、極簡的園區網絡。 本次大會,華為發布多款全光園區2.0新品,面向全場景、多行業全新升級。 華為發布F5G全光園區2.0場景化新品 在教育行業,面向智慧教室,華為推出業界首款高密超萬兆光終端華為星光 P884E,滿足大帶寬接入場景,實現12.5/25Gbps到教室,2.5Gbps到桌面;面向宿舍,推出業界首款8口Wi-Fi 7光AP華為星光W617E,支持8人宿舍有線無線統一接入;面向教育城域網,推出邊緣光網關華為星光E853E,支持PON口拉遠,業務本地轉發閉環,配置靈活,滿足小學、幼兒園等園區全量業務接入。 面向醫院病房場景,華為推出業界首款萬兆吸頂式Wi-Fi 7光AP華為星光W817C,無感漫遊技術支持移動查房不斷聯。 面向酒店場景,華為推出新一代的三合一Wi-Fi 7光AP華為星光W827E-3,支持有線、無線、電話統一接入,實現一房一纖一終端,以更優的建網成本提供基於Wi-Fi 7的極致網絡體驗,提升酒店住客好評率。 面向工廠車間場景,華為推出小型化工業光終端華為星光T602E,支持DIN導軌安裝,光纖直達機臺,實現廠房0機櫃,更加靈活易擴展,為智慧工廠打造可靠、靈活的先進工業網絡,助力工廠提質增效。 華為在2016年首創的全光園區網絡解決方案,受到行業客戶廣泛認可,目前已在全球超過9000個園區商用落地。通過不斷技術創新,該方案能力持續代際領先,支持硬隔離切片的50G全光園區解決方案也已實現商用。 未來,華為將繼續攜手客戶及夥伴,深耕園區場景,持續為行業提供領先的全光園區網絡方案和服務,打造園區新質生產力,共贏園區智能化。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 696 加入收藏 :
Sercomm Unlocks Deployment Flexibility for Cost-effective Fiber Expansion

Sercomm's I-TEMP 10G PON SFP+ ONU is Now Certified with Harmonic's cOS PON OLT Portfolio ATLANTA, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sercomm Corporation (TWSE: 5388), a leading provider of telecom and broadband equipment, is pleased to announce the certification of its I-TEMP 10G SFP+ ONU for XGS-PON and 10G EPON with Harmonic's cOS PON OLT portfolio. This certification marks a significant enhancement providing network operators with a powerful and flexible solution to meet diverse deployment needs, as the 10G pluggable ONU joins the list of previously certified stand-alone models. Sercomm’s I-TEMP 10G PON SFP+ ONU "The certification of Sercomm's I-TEMP 10G SFP+ ONU with Harmonic's cOS PON OLT portfolio further underscores our joint commitment to providing operators with flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solutions that meet the evolving demands of modern broadband networks," said Dan Gledhill, Senior Vice President, Fiber Broadband, at Harmonic. "Our continued collaboration with Sercomm enables our customers to expand their networks and deliver high-speed services to more subscribers, ultimately driving greater value and growth." "Sercomm is excited to partner with Harmonic to bring our I-TEMP 10G PON SFP+ ONU to market, now certified with Harmonic's cOS PON OLT portfolio. This collaboration provides operators with high-performance, adaptable fiber solutions that offer exceptional flexibility," said Derek Elder, President of Sercomm Service Provider Business Group. "Sercomm's commitment is to deliver innovations that enhance network capabilities while providing the versatility required to address a wide range of deployment scenarios." The innovative I-TEMP 10G PON SFP+ ONU form factor is designed to address a variety of unique deployment scenarios, offering seamless integration and cost-effective solutions across multiple environments: MDU with Coax: The SFP+ ONU serves as an uplink to Harmonic's Wave or Pebble remote PHY device (RPD), enabling operators to deploy fiber to the premises. The ONU can be terminated inside a Harmonic device, providing multi-gig DOCSIS broadband service for local distribution over existing coaxial infrastructure. This solution is ideal for operators looking to enhance broadband speeds in multi-dwelling units (MDUs) without the need for extensive rewiring. MDU with Ethernet: When paired with Harmonic's portfolio of switches, such as the Wharf, the SFP+ ONU offers Ethernet connectivity for small businesses and multi-unit dwellings. This setup provides a robust and scalable solution for delivering high-speed internet services in densely populated areas. Community Wi-Fi and Security Cameras: The SFP+ ONU can be used as an uplink in enterprise Wi-Fi gateways or security cameras, effectively isolating traffic from residential services. This application is particularly valuable for maintaining secure and dedicated connections in public and shared spaces. Monitoring: The SFP+ ONU can be plugged into power supplies and infrastructure to provide real-time visibility into critical utilities and devices within the network. This capability ensures that operators can monitor and manage their network's health and performance with greater precision and responsiveness. Passive Optical LAN (PO LAN): Leveraging an OLT-pluggable, passive optical splitters, the SFP+ ONU can terminate directly into SFP+ ports on client devices. This approach reduces the need for expensive Ethernet switches and enables operators to span distances of up to 20km that cannot be served via Ethernet, making it an ideal solution for large-scale deployments. Sercomm and Harmonic invite operators and industry professionals to experience the capabilities of the I-TEMP 10G SFP+ ONU firsthand at SCTE Expo 2024 in Atlanta. Visit Harmonic at booth 803 or Sercomm at booth 2341 to see live demonstrations and discuss how these solutions can enhance your network deployments. About Sercomm Sercomm Corporation (TWSE:5388) is a worldwide leading manufacturer of telecom and broadband equipment. Founded in 1992, Sercomm has focused on developing embedded solutions to make networking simple and affordable. With its fully integrated engineering capability and its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, Sercomm offers comprehensive telecom broadband solutions such as small cells, residential/enterprise gateways, and IoT products, and is now a global leader in the industry. Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, Sercomm's global operation network covers markets in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific region. Its customer base includes the world's top service provider, networking OEM, and system integrators. For more information, please visit www.sercomm.com. About Harmonic Harmonic (NASDAQ: HLIT), the worldwide leader in virtualized broadband and video delivery solutions, enables media companies and service providers to deliver ultra-high-quality video streaming and broadcast services to consumers globally. The company revolutionized broadband networking via the industry's first virtualized broadband solution, enabling operators to more flexibly deploy gigabit internet services to consumers' homes and mobile devices. Whether simplifying OTT video delivery via innovative cloud and software platforms, or powering the delivery of gigabit internet services, Harmonic is changing the way media companies and service providers monetize live and on-demand content on every screen. More information is available at www.harmonicinc.com.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 211 加入收藏 :
Huawei Updates FTTO 2.0 and Releases New Scenario-based Products, Driving Campus Networks to Wi-Fi 7 Era

SHANGHAI, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- During HUAWEI CONNECT 2024, Huawei updated fiber to the office (FTTO) 2.0 and launched a series of new scenario-based products for industries such as education, healthcare, and hospitality. The next-generation green 10G all-optical network oriented to Wi-Fi 7 accelerates fiber-in copper-out and contributes to campus intelligence. "In the Wi-Fi 7 era, Fiber-in Copper-out is a must for campus networks, and FTTO 2.0 commercial use is accelerating. Huawei is willing to work with customers and partners to seize opportunities in optical business, achieving a win-win future for campus intelligence." noted Gavin Gu, President of Enterprise Optical Business Domain, Huawei. Huawei's FTTO 2.0 solution achieves a simplified architecture with the number of network layers cut from three to two, active to passive transition, 30% lower energy consumption, and 80% less cabling. Based on XGS-PON Pro and Wi-Fi 7 technologies, this solution supports 12.5G/25Gbps to rooms, 10Gbps to APs, and 2.5Gbps to desktops. The hard slicing technology enables multiple services to be carried over one network, reducing the TCO by 30%. This helps enterprises build green, ultra-broadband, and simplified campus networks. Huawei launches FTTO 2.0 scenario-based products At the session, Huawei released a selection of FTTO 2.0 products for various scenarios and industries. In the education industry, Huawei launched the industry's first high-density ultra-10G optical terminal Huawei OptiXstar P884E for smart classrooms. Meeting the requirements of high-density and high-bandwidth access scenarios, this product implements 12.5G/25Gbps to classrooms and 2.5Gbps to desktops. For dormitories, Huawei launched the industry's first 8-port Wi-Fi 7 optical AP OptiXstar W617E, which supports unified wired and wireless access for a room with 8 students. For education metro networks, Huawei launched the edge optical gateway Huawei OptiXstar E853E. Supporting remote PON port deployment, closed-loop local service forwarding, and flexible configuration, the Huawei OptiXstar E853E meets the access requirements of all services in campuses such as primary schools and kindergartens. For hospital wards, Huawei launched the industry's first 10G ceiling-mounted Wi-Fi 7 optical AP Huawei OptiXstar W817C, whose seamless roaming technology enables mobile ward rounds. For hotels, Huawei launched the next-generation three-in-one Wi-Fi 7 optical AP Huawei OptiXstar W827E-3, which supports unified access of wired, wireless, and telephone services so that one ONT can carry all services in each guest room over one fiber. In this way, it provides ultimate Wi-Fi 7 network experience at a lower cost and improves the positive feedback rate of guests. For factory workshops, Huawei launched the small-sized industrial optical terminal Huawei OptiXstar T602E, which supports guide rail installation and fiber to the machine without extra cabinets, allowing for flexible capacity expansion. By helping to build a reliable and flexible advanced industrial network for smart factories, the product improves the quality and efficiency of factory production. Huawei's FTTO solution has been put into commercial use in more than 9000 campuses around the world. In addition, Huawei's 50G POL solution that supports hard slicing has also been put into commercial use.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 517 加入收藏 :
Huawei Launches a Series of F5G-A Products and Solutions to Enable Industrial Intelligence in Asia Pacific

BANGKOK, May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, Huawei's first Global Optical Summit (GOS) — Asia Pacific was held in Bangkok, with the theme "F5G-A, the Foundation for Industrial Intelligence". More than 300 customers and partners from countries including Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, and Malaysia attended the event. At the summit, Huawei launched a series of F5G Advanced (F5G-A) products and solutions for Asia Pacific region, and initiated OptiX Club member recruitment event worldwide, enabling industrial intelligence in Asia Pacific. In the opening speech, Bob Chen said, "Optical connectivity and sensing have been the cornerstones of intelligent industry transformation. Industrial intelligence brings three trends to the optical industry: Fiber-in Copper-out, fgOTN-in SDH-out, and Optical-Sensing-in Hard-Work-out. Huawei has been deeply engaged in the industry and continuously explores innovative optical technologies to enable industrial intelligence." Huawei Launches a Series of F5G-A Products and Solutions At the summit, Gavin Gu, President of Enterprise Optical Business Domain, Huawei, said "Industrial intelligence brings three new trends to the optical industry. F5G-A shows us a clear technology evolution roadmap for these trends. I believe that with the joint efforts of customers, partners, and Huawei, we will achieve win-win results in Industrial intelligence." Homes and campuses are embracing "Fiber-in Copper-out", with copper cables needing to be replaced by optical fibers. Home broadband technologies are developing from fiber to the home (FTTH) to fiber to the room (FTTR), providing ultimate experience for home digital life. Against this backdrop, Huawei launched the ISP's all-optical target network for the FTTR era. For "Fiber-in Copper-out" on campus networks, Huawei launched the next-generation FTTO 2.0 Solution, in which Huawei uses XGS-PON Pro and Wi-Fi 7 technologies to upgrade bandwidth, networking, and O&M, achieving 12.5/25G to rooms and 10G to APs so as to build a green 10 Gbps all-optical campus. In addition, Huawei launched the industry's first 50G POL solution for commercial use, satisfying the requirements of high-performance campus scenarios. For "fgOTN-in SDH-out" in the electric power and transportation industries, Huawei launched the industry's first all-optical communication network solution that supports fgOTN standards, building a solid and reliable communication network for the industry. In the third trend "Optical-sensing-in Hard-work-out", intelligent remote operation is leveraged to drastically reduce the amount of manual onsite workload, enabling employees to move from outdoor sites to offices in scenarios including smart transportation and perimeter inspection. Huawei integrates sensing capabilities of vision, radar, and optical fibers with the advanced intelligent model to build an industry-leading multi-dimensional sensing solution, facilitating production and operations. At the summit, Huawei released Installation Process and Construction Guidance for Passive Optical LAN and fgOTN Technical White Paper to further empower customers and partners, promote industry standardization of all-optical networks, and accelerate application implementation. Finally, Huawei announced the initiation of the OptiX Club member recruitment event worldwide. By building industry technical communities, Huawei aims to promote regional industry data intelligence.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1481 加入收藏 :

泰國曼谷2024年5月6日 /美通社/ -- 近期,首屆華為全球光峰會(Global Optical Summit,以下簡稱GOS)亞太站在曼谷成功舉辦。峰會以「F5G-A,築基行業智能化」為主題,來自新加坡、泰國、菲律賓、馬來西亞等多個國家的300多位客戶和夥伴與會。會上,華為面向亞太發佈系列F5G-A產品及解決方案,並在全球首次啟動Optix Club會員招募活動,助力區域行業智能化。 華為光產品線總裁陳幫華在開場致辭中表示,「光聯接和光感知是行業智能化的基石。行業智能化帶來光產業三大趨勢:光進銅退、光進電退和光進人退。華為深耕行業不斷探索,基於光的創新技術助力行業智能化加速。」 會上,華為政企光領域總裁谷雲波在「F5G-A,築基行業智能化」主題演講中提到,「行業智能化給光產業帶來三大新趨勢,F5G-A為我們展示了面向這三大趨勢清晰的技術演進路線。我相信在客戶、夥伴和華為的共同努力下,我們一定能實現行業智能化的合作共贏。」 家庭和園區正在迎來「光進銅退」,銅線需要升級為光纖。家庭寬帶技術正從過去的「光纖到戶」進一步發展至現在的「光纖到房間」階段,為家庭數字生活提供極致體驗。面向這一趨勢,華為推出「光纖到房間」時代的ISP全光目標網。 面向園區網絡 「光進銅退」加速到來,華為發佈新一代F5G全光園區2.0方案,基於XGS-PON Pro和Wi-Fi 7技術,從帶寬、組網、運維三方面升級,實現12.5/25Gbps到房間、10Gbps到AP,打造綠色萬兆全光園區。同時,華為發佈業界首個可商用的50G POL全光園區方案,充分滿足園區高性能場景需求。 面向電力、交通等行業的「光(fgOTN,細顆粒光傳送網)進電(SDH)退」趨勢,華為發佈業界首個支持fgOTN標準的全光通信網解決方案,為行業構築堅實可靠的通信網絡。 華為發佈系列F5G-A產品 「光進人退」,是指通過智慧交通、周界防護等場景的智能遠程作業方式,減少大量人工現場工作,讓從業人員從室外現場「後退」到辦公室。華為將視覺、雷達、光纖等感知能力融合,結合先進的大模型,打造領先的多維感知+智能解決方案,助力生產和運營。 會上,華為發佈了《無源全光網安裝工藝和施工指南(英文版)》及《fgOTN技術白皮書》,進一步賦能客戶和夥伴,促進全光網絡的行業標準化、加速應用落地。最後,華為企業網絡Marketing與解決方案銷售部光領域副總裁陳澤宇宣佈在全球首次啟動Optix Club會員招募活動,通過構築光產業專業技術圈子,助力區域行業數智化升級。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2874 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 15 日 (星期三) 農曆十二月十六日
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