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【御坊室內設計】2024 ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 張博昱卓然雅宅閃耀WINNER風采!

本文由OPEN編輯部撰寫   由日本與韓國共同主辦的「ASIA DESIGN PRIZE」,旨在挖掘新穎概念與創意發想,期望透過優良設計解決社會問題、帶來正面影響,因而能獲得此獎項,意味著引領未來的新興設計指標。而今,以其廣大的影響範疇,不但成為亞洲地區的指標性設計大獎,更吸引來自世界各地的設計師競相角逐! 御坊室內設計 張博昱 設計總監 透過沉穩色調、蜿蜒流線、自然採光與恢宏的金色山脈大理石,為身為理財規劃師的屋主圍塑具備「風生、水起、光亮」的聚財意象,打造出大氣華居《藏.韻》,富含寓意的典雅美作備受2024 ASIA DESIGN PRIZE評審團喜愛,最終取得「WINNER」佳績,為品牌再添一道耀眼榮光! 御坊室內裝修規劃設計有限公司張博昱 設計總監 學經歷大同大學工業設計 碩士班台灣設計菁英協會 理事 公司簡介懷抱扎實的工程經驗,以豐富專業的積累堆砌設計,結合傳統技法與創新技術,形塑華美實在的居家、商空、辦公等作品。 提供踏實服務,誠信往來,秉持對設計熱忱,加以高品質施工、極富美感的劃設技法,攜手業主細細描繪理想模樣,共同實現夢想篇章。 設計理念因為有人,住宅和商空才產生溫度;以人為本,用心看待業主所託,盡心經營氛圍、不遺餘力刻劃場景鋪排,將各個場域視作璞玉,細細雕塑出其真實面貌,浸染風格萬千軟裝,及專屬客戶的質感品味,還原承載記憶與情感的美妙空間,完成件件亮眼且療癒人心藝術作品。 得獎紀錄2023 美國 International Design Awards《藏.韻》《勁速極境》Honorable Mention2023 英國 Outstanding Property Award London《勁速極境》室內設計 Winner2023 中國 APDC 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《藏.韻》住宅空間類 大獎2023 美國 Muse Design Awards《藏.韻》鉑金獎 Platinum Winner2023 美國 Muse Design Awards《勁速極境》金獎 Gold Winner2022 中國 金騰獎《簡.藝》年度設計大獎2022 台灣 金邸獎《簡.藝》提名獎2021 韓國 K-DESIGN AWARD《謐・室》Winner2021 美國 International Design Awards《簡・藝》Honorable Mention2021 英國 Outstanding Property Award London《謐・室》室內設計 Winner2021 美國 Muse Design Awards《簡・藝》金獎 Gold Winner2021 美國 Muse Design Awards《謐・室》銀獎 Silver Winner2021 法國 Novum Design Award《謐・室》銀獎 Silver2021 台灣 華人金創獎《簡・藝》住宅單層類 銅獎2021 中國 APDC 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《簡・藝》住宅空間類 佳作獎2021 杜拜 國際專業室內設計大賽《簡・藝》住宅空間 銅獎2020 中國 華騰獎 亞太華人設計 十大最具原創設計師2018 ADA 亞洲設計獎 奢華組/現代組 入圍   獲獎作品《藏.韻》 ▲玄關處的屏風悄然定義場域分界,同時置入展館藏品的意象,於正面覆上鍍鈦再擺放水花造型的藝品,結合入內開展的曲面天壁形構流水意境,象徵財源廣進、源源不絕。   ▲客廳以安定穩重的深灰為基調,並於電視牆選用金色山脈大理石材,對側沙發背牆藉環保PU板拼接山岩意象,形塑恢弘氣勢之餘,雙雙呼應室外行道樹,引領自然美景入室,流淌清新氣息。   ▲餐廳以酒吧概念打造主牆,營造餐酒館氛圍,一旁通往私領域的廊道則延續客廳沙發背牆的造型,以層疊拼接的方式搭配感應燈源,令光帶隨人經過時逐層顯現,凸顯明暗層次。   ▲主臥床頭牆由系統櫃貼皮和鍍鈦鋼板共組而成,不僅具有防潮、耐磨的特性,也透過異材相拼的手法呈現多層次的視覺效果。   OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:http://www.openworld.tv/talk/

文章來源 : 動能開啟傳媒有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 10484 加入收藏 :

The creator of legendary Hong Kong restaurant The Chairman is awarded for his efforts in showcasing traditional Cantonese cuisine on the global stage LONDON, Feb. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In the latest pre-announced award from Asia's Best Restaurants 2024, Hong Kong chef and restaurateur Danny Yip has been awarded the Icon Award – Asia 2024. Voted for by the 318 members of Asia's 50 Best Restaurants Academy, this accolade celebrates individuals who have made significant contributions to gastronomy worthy of global recognition and who use their platform to drive positive change. Danny Yip of The Chairman in Hong Kong wins the Icon Award as part of Asia's 50 Best Restaurants 2024, sponsored by S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna Yip can be credited with changing how Cantonese cuisine is perceived on the world stage. Under his leadership, The Chairman in Hong Kong became the first Chinese restaurant to be crowned No.1 on the Asia's 50 Best Restaurants list in 2021. In the same year, it also became the first Chinese restaurant to reach the top 10 in The World's 50 Best Restaurants ranking. Established by Yip in 2009, The Chairman is widely praised as a trailblazer in the realm of fine Chinese cuisine. Highlighting Yip's unwavering commitment to using locally sourced ingredients and emphasising simplicity and freshness, the restaurant acquires the freshest catch from the local markets daily via an in-house team of fishers and uses the finest bean curd sheets from Hong Kong institution Shu Kee. Yip also maintains a small, organic farm on the city's outskirts where the team cures meat and pickles vegetables for the restaurant. William Drew, Director of Content for Asia's 50 Best Restaurants, says: "Danny stands as a breath of fresh air in his commitment to his craft, in valuing tradition at the same time as embracing innovation. Leading The Chairman for the past 14 years, he and his team deliver the epitome of authentic Cantonese cuisine. It's an iconic establishment and Danny is a true icon of his industry." Yip says: "This award is a tremendous honour, not just for me but also for The Chairman team. It serves as a motivator, consistently reminding us of the greater heights we can reach in the days ahead. Alone I can do so little, together we can do so much." The Asia's 50 Best Restaurants 2024 awards, sponsored by S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna, will be held live in Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas, Seoul, South Korea on 26 March 2024. Media centre: https://mediacentre.theworlds50best.com/  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 537 加入收藏 :
CGS International Announces Winner of Regional Investment Challenge for Students

The ASEAN Investment Challenge is the first and only Investment Challenge for students supported by four stock exchanges in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand SINGAPORE, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CGS International Securities (CGS International) has announced the Grand Champion of its inaugural ASEAN Investment Challenge (AIC) 2023. Malaysia's Muhammad Zulfakar Aiman Bin Zulkarnain took home a total of over S$21,400 to kickstart his financial journey. Finalists of the ASEAN Investment Challenge 2023 with judges and event organisers CGS International launched the AIC in July 2023 to empower students in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand (MIST) with knowledge in sustainable investing and contribute to the building of strong capital markets. Over 5,000 students from more than 500 Institutes of Higher Learning participated in the AIC, which is the only investment challenge supported by all four local stock exchanges (Bursa Malaysia, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Singapore Exchange and Stock Exchange of Thailand). The eight-month challenge saw participants receive holistic classroom and hands-on experience of investing in ESG-related securities from investment and finance experts. Using a simulation platform with live data, they first pitted their new investment skills against other teams at a local level. The top student from each country moved on to the final presentation before a group of esteemed judges in Singapore on 2 February 2024. Ms Carol Fong, Group CEO of CGS International, said: "I am very heartened by the success of the inaugural AIC. CGS International is driven by our purpose to empower individuals and communities to make better investment decisions for a sustainable tomorrow. The AIC makes an impact at both individual and industry levels; It empowers youths with lifelong finance management skills and sustainable investment knowledge, which will hopefully contribute to the building of strong capital markets in the region. We will work towards building the AIC into a beacon for the future of finance and cultivate the next generation of responsible and knowledgeable investors." Winners of the local and regional challenge received a total of S$75,000 in cash. Among the judging criteria were risk management, incorporation of ESG factors, and presentation skills. "Joining the AIC really opened my eyes to the world of investing and showed me that it is possible for me to take charge of my financial future. CGS International gave us the knowledge and the tools to develop investment skills which we would not have received from our classrooms. I am very grateful for this opportunity and will try to use these skills to improve my life as well as to help others," said Muhammad Zulfakar Aiman. More information on AIC and the 2024 judges can be found here. About CGS International Securities CGS International Securities Pte. Ltd. (CGS International) is an award-winning and market leading integrated financial services provider, ranked among the top securities houses in Asia. CGS International taps on our wealth of global and ASEAN insights to offer equities trading, leveraged products, wealth management, investment banking, equities research, Shariah-compliant financing, fixed income, currency and commodities, structured products and prime brokerage services in over 15 countries and regions. Find out more at www.cgsi.com. For media queries, please contact: Low Chiew LengGroup CommunicationsCGS International SecuritiesDID: +65 6210 8642 Mobile: +65 9128 8024 Email: chiewleng.low@cgsi.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 692 加入收藏 :

The multi-award-winning chef and media personality will be honoured at the live awards ceremony on 26 March 2024 LONDON, Feb. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bangkok-based Pichaya 'Pam' Soontornyanakij of Potong wins Asia's Best Female Chef Award for 2024. This coveted award is voted for by the 318 members of Asia's 50 Best Restaurants Academy and provides an opportunity to celebrate women in gastronomy who persist in pushing the limits of excellence. Pichaya ‘Pam’ Soontornyanakij of Potong in Bangkok wins Asia’s Best Female Chef Award as part of Asia's 50 Best Restaurants 2024, sponsored by S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna. Chef Pam will be honoured at the live awards ceremony on 26 March 2024. The 2024 edition of Asia's 50 Best Restaurants, sponsored by S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna, marks the first time the awards will be held in Seoul, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) and the Seoul Metropolitan Government. William Drew, Director of Content for Asia's 50 Best Restaurants, says: "Chef Pam has been serving up truly innovative cuisine and her tasting menu is a masterclass in paying heed to heritage as well as cultural storytelling. For her inspirational gastronomy and her commanding presence on Thailand's culinary scene, Pam is truly deserving of the honour." Potong, which translates as 'simple', offers a culinary reflection of Chef Pam's Thai-Chinese heritage and is a nod to her family's Chinese herbal medicines business. Housed in the ancestral building that served as a traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy, Potong blends tradition with avant-garde culinary techniques, offering 20 inspiring dishes in a tasting menu that embodies her 5-Element philosophy of 'Salt, Acid, Spice, Texture, and Maillard Reaction'. Potong is one of Bangkok's most lauded restaurants and has ranked No.35 on Asia's 50 Best Restaurants 2023 and No.88 on the extended list of The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2023. Chef Pam's commitment to empowering female chefs is evident in her role with Gastronauts Asia and Women in Gastronomy. She recently started her own scholarship programme WFW (Women for Women) together with American Women's Club of Thailand, a non-profit organisation, to support female students in rural areas of Thailand to achieve their dream of becoming chefs. Chef Pam says, "This award goes beyond personal achievement — it celebrates my beliefs, respect for heritage, and a relentless pursuit to better myself. May this accolade inspire young female chefs to break barriers and ignite grand culinary dreams. I believe that with passion and dedication, anyone can carve their path to success." Media Centre:https://mediacentre.theworlds50best.com/

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 508 加入收藏 :
AHA Aiken Zou Shasha Attends World Economic Forum, interviews Oscar winner Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy

SHANGHAI, Jan. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- From January 15 to 19, more than 2,800 delegates from over 120 countries and regions gathered together in the World Economic Forum in Davos to discuss the future of the world economy under the theme of "Rebuilding Trust". Aiken Zou Shasha, founder, chairman and CEO of AHA, attended the event as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. During the event, she interviewed the Oscar-winner Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, met with Milojko Spajic, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, and attended Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Misk Youth Majlis. Besides, Aiken Zou Shasha expressed opinions on this year's key topics, such as creating growth and jobs for the new era, promoting economic and social development by artificial intelligence, and implementing long-term climate, nature and energy strategies. During the conference, Aiken Zou Shasha interviewed Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, who graduated from Smith College and received two master's degrees from Stanford University in 2003 and 2004 respectively. Her documentaries Saving Face and A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness won her Oscars for Best Documentary (Short Subject) in 2012 and 2016 respectively. In addition, she has won seven Emmy Awards. Aiken Zou Shasha and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy discussed the original intention and practice of her projects from documentaries to commercial movies like Ms. Marvel and Star Wars. Aiken Zou Shasha said: "The interview with Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy makes me feel what a warm and strong woman she is. When I said that she is an idol for many young women, she said 'why can't I be an idol for men as well?'. HaHa, She's so funny. During our conversation, Sharmeen said 'why not' and 'can' multiple times. She's determined and powerful. I think a lot of times, we forget to ask ourselves 'why not' and remind ourselves that we 'can'. These words can unleash the great power that each of us is born with." Aiken Zou Shasha and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy AHA is an innovative cultural technology company. Since its foundation in 2014, AHA has been committed to creating a multi-dimensional ecology centered on original content. Through its animation, mobile games, content-related commodity retail, live performances, film and television works, creator community app and other businesses, AHA uses its high-quality content to build a connection with audiences, and continues to bring a feeling of happiness, growth and warmth to people's heart. For example, in the past decade, the animation series Scissor Seven produced by AHA has been loved by hundreds of millions of viewers in over 190 countries around the world. "Scissor Seven tells a story about how love and inclusiveness could overcome prejudice and hatred. This is also what we want people to feel through our animation series, games and all the other forms of products. We hope they could warm and inspire the life of every ordinary person." said Aiken Zou Shasha.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 410 加入收藏 :
Risen Energy Shines as The Only Winner in the Module Category at PV magazine Awards 2023

NINGBO, China, Jan. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, Risen Energy, a global leading solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturer, emerged as the winner among over 200 entries from more than 39 countries worldwide. As the sole recipient in the module category, Risen Energy's triumph stands as a compelling testament to their unwavering dedication to excellence. The PV Magazine Awards 2023 recognized cutting-edge advancements and honored top-tier innovations in the solar industry. A distinguished panel of 19 independent expert jurors, known for their vast experience and expertise, meticulously evaluated this year's entries. The star of 2023 goes to the heterojunction (HJT) cell Hyper-ion, which achieved a remarkable milestone by setting a new-record power output of 741.456W at an impressive efficiency of 23.9% on its Hyper-ion range. "700 W-plus power output is a notable achievement in any solar module, but the 2023 Modules winner packs a heap of innovation inside to set it apart." Commented by PV Magazine. Risen Energy's Hyper-ion module stands out with its unique features. It incorporates Risen Energy's patented 0BB cell interconnection, branded Hyper-link, which sets it apart from the competition. With an industry-leading cell thickness of 90 to 100 micrometers, and the option of a steel frame, this module excels in terms of design and functionality. Hyper-ion boasts an astonishing power range of 690-715W, with dimensions measuring 2,384 mm x 1,303 mm, and a weight of 37.5kg. In October, Hyper-ion module achieves a carbon footprint value of 376.5 kg eq CO2/kWc. "When compared to the latest version of the Exawatt PV Module tracker, Hyper-ion would have significantly outperformed the rest of the HJT category," said Molly Morgan, one of the jurors. "It is a no-brainer for me in a module category the highest efficiency module deserves some credit." Furthermore, Risen Energy also enhanced its warranty, surpassing its TOPCon competitors. It now offers a 15-year product warranty and a 30-year power warranty, ensuring a minimum of 90.3% nominal power output. Previously, the empirical test data conducted in Hainan through the collaboration between Risen Energy and the National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Solar Photovoltaic Products Quality (CPVT) revealed that Hyper-ion modules outperformed PERC modules by achieving a 5.13% higher power generation per watt. "I gave the Risen module a high score because, the efficiency is pretty high – taking the middle of the datasheet because that is the offering – and the energy yield is definitely an advantage because of the better temperature co-efficiency and the slightly higher bifaciality," added by George Touloupas, another juror. In July, the 2023 Fortune China 500 rankings were announced, placing Risen Energy at the 435th position. The company has consistently pursued a commitment to affordable electricity and reduced carbon emissions. By continuously minimizing its environmental impact, Risen Energy not only achieves lower electricity costs through enhanced power generation but also establishes itself as a top-quality Chinese manufacturer, catering to the demands of the global market.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 947 加入收藏 :
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