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【豐聚設計】2022 APDC亞太設計精英邀請賽 李羽芝、黃翊峰真摯手筆續寫斐然佳績!

本文由OPEN編輯部撰寫 APDC亞太設計中心是室內設計聯合國組織IFI國際室內建築師設計師團體聯盟的全球成員,核心會員由活躍於大中華地區乃至亞太地區的全球優秀建築師、室內設計師、產品設計師構成。而由該組織發起的APDC AWARDS,自2010年起每年舉行一次,今年已來到第13屆,是亞太地區最重要的獎項之一,曾與全球多個著名設計獎項,並就賽事獲獎作品相互輸送簽訂了友好合作協議。 豐聚設計 李羽芝、黃翊峰 設計總監 以「家的本質」為設計核心,透過開放式公領域與通透的玻璃隔間,凝聚家人情感,再藉由沉穩木質和大氣石材,共組內斂精緻的現代風韻,建構出飽含溫情的緻美家宅《疏石》,並獲得此屆賽事「住宅空間類」大獎,一展品牌榮光! 豐聚室內裝修設計有限公司設計總監 李羽芝 design director執行總監 黃翊峰 director 公司簡介我們相信好的設計,可以影響人們的生活、情感和心靈。豐聚的每一個人、畫出的每一張圖,都秉持著我們對設計的熱愛和共同的價值觀。在家的設計與實踐,豐聚空間設計以人文概念為核心的設計思維,極度重視每個細節,讓人、空間和自然環境的互動能夠更便利、更幸福、更舒適。精湛的施工團隊是實踐設計的基礎,豐聚擁有豐富的空間設計與工程經歷,具備「中華民國內政部室內裝修專業技術人員(設計、施工)證照」、「中國室內裝飾設計師一級高級技師」資格。 設計理念用心完成每個屋主「回家,轉動鑰匙打開門的期待」。家的設計是以人為主軸,將居住者和家人所期待、嚮往的生活空間,與其生命中最熱愛的事物巧妙融合,讓居住空間成為生活態度的延伸,並精準且細膩地以美學形式呈現。因為用心傾聽,所以敢保證,我們提供超乎期待的美學設計體驗、嚴控品質的施工團隊、以及白紙黑字的完善售後服務。從細節到整體,讓空間與生活機能緊密結合,賦予空間嶄新的生命力和獨特性格。 獲獎紀錄2023 臺灣 華人金創獎 銅獎2022 英國 OUTSTANDING PROPERTY AWARDS LONDON Winner2022 中國 APDC DESIGN AWARDS 大獎2022 日本 Good Design Award Good Design Award2022 法國 Novum Design Award 金獎2022 美國 MUSE Design Award 金獎2022 美國 IDA 國際設計大獎 Honorable Mention2022 北美 PI設計大獎 Finalist2020 美國 MUSE Design Award 最高榮譽鉑金獎2020 美國 MUSE Design Award 金獎2019 杜拜 DUBAI Competition 住宅空間類 優秀獎2019 義大利 A’design Award 2銀1銅2019 美國 IDA 國際設計大獎 Honorable Mention2019 中國 國際空間設計大獎艾特獎 優秀獎與入圍獎2019 中國 國際空間設計大賽 銀獎2018 法國 第五屆INNODESIGN 國際創新設計大獎2018 中國 紅棉設計獎 2018室内設計獎2018 中國 PRIZE國際創新設計大獎 入圍獎2018 中國 金堂獎 年度優秀榜單2017 台灣 GSADA第七屆 幸福空間亞洲設計獎 鄉村休閒組銅獎2017 台灣 GSADA第七屆 幸福空間亞洲設計獎 鄉村休閒組傑出設計獎2016 德國 Red Dot Award 紅點設計大獎2016 英國 SBID獎 室內設計大獎2016 義大利 A’design Award 銅獎2015 中國 國際空間設計大獎艾特獎 最佳公寓設計提名獎2015 中國 國際空間設計大獎艾特獎 最佳公寓入圍獎2015 中國 國際空間設計大獎艾特獎 最佳別墅入圍獎2015 台灣 GSADA第五屆 幸福空間亞洲設計獎 燈光設計組入圍獎2014 台灣 GSADA第四屆 幸福空間亞洲設計獎 古典奢華組入圍獎2012 台灣 GSADA第二屆 幸福空間亞洲設計獎 【商業空間組】創意設計獎2012 台灣 漂亮家居 新秀設計師 新秀獎2012 台灣 室內設計大獎TID Award 居住空間/單層入圍獎2012 中國 國際空間設計大獎艾特獎 最佳公寓設計入圍獎2012 中國 國際空間設計大獎艾特獎 最佳別墅豪宅設計入圍獎   大獎作品《疏石》 ▲公領域天花板塗抹灰白色義大利進口特殊漆,並回應業主期望,運用大片安格拉珍珠與雕刻白石材,展現沉穩大氣的風範,多功能室入口門片、立面則採用玻璃及鐵件,呈現通透的視覺感受。   ▲配合男主人下廚習慣,廚房分為內外廚,並搭配由長虹玻璃與鐵件組成的自動門,方便通行之餘也能阻隔油煙;餐桌及中島透過石紋與客廳牆面相呼應,上方搭綴的造型吊燈則在黑幕降臨時,顯露星空閃爍的姿態,營造出別緻的用餐氛圍。   ▲臥室接續整體場域的灰白調性,點綴白橡鋸齒紋實木皮,使暖色木質圍塑舒適的睡眠質感,主臥衛浴則在義大利進口大板磚、大理石材的結合之下,形塑五星級飯店的精緻感,相偕蘊含圓滿意象的雙圓鏡,於夜色映照下更顯非凡品味。   OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:http://www.openworld.tv/talk/

文章來源 : 動能開啟傳媒有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 12620 加入收藏 :
AHA Aiken Zou Shasha Meets with Prime Minister of Montenegro Milojko Spajic

SHANGHAI, Jan. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- From January 15 to 19, more than 2,800 delegates from over 120 countries and regions gathered together in the World Economic Forum in Davos to discuss the future of the world economy under the theme of "Rebuilding Trust". Aiken Zou Shasha, founder, chairman and CEO of AHA, attended the event as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. During the event, she met with Milojko Spajic, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, attended the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Misk Youth Majlis, and interviewed Oscar-winner Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. During the event, Aiken Zou Shasha met with Milojko Spajic, the Prime Minister of Montenegro. Milojko Spajic, known as the "Asia hand", used to study at Tsinghua University. Milojko Spajic finished watching Scissor Seven and was moved by the spirit conveyed by it. He hoped to invite the creation team of Scissor Seven to visit Europe and meet the local audience there, and also hoped that more creators from Montenegro could have an exchange with China's creators. Aiken Zou Shasha and Milojko Spajic Besides, Aiken Zou Shasha expressed opinions on this year's key topics, such as creating growth and jobs for the new era, promoting economic and social development by artificial intelligence, and implementing long-term climate, nature and energy strategies. She said, "AHA is a content company. We're also opposed to decoupling and hope that the world can rebuild trust, cope with challenges, and achieve common prosperity. With the global release of AHA's original animation and games, we have employees of different nationalities, races and cultural backgrounds from Singapore, Japan, the United States, the Middle East and other countries and regions, and have a fan base from more than 190 countries and regions around the world. As we celebrate the company's tenth anniversary this year, I would like to present a gift to all of our employees, fans and partners: the AHA ESG Global Office. I hope to find 100 partners among those who know AHA the best to join the AHA ESG Global Office, and share the happiness of the development of AHA in the world."

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1722 加入收藏 :
Celebrating Excellence: Bybit Institutional Presents Annual Institutional Awards

DUBAI, UAE, Jan. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bybit, the world's third largest crypto exchange by volume, is proud to present the 2023 Bybit Institutional Awards. This prestigious annual award aims to honor its institutional partners that have made significant contributions to Bybit over the past year. Bybit recognizes the crucial role played by its institutional partners in achieving its success and aims to highlight their dedication and expertise. Celebrating Excellence: Bybit Institutional Presents Annual Institutional Awards The 2023 Bybit Institutional Awards features several categories, each representing a specific area of excellence within the crypto industry: 2023 Bybit Best Derivatives Partner2023 Bybit Best Spot Partner2023 Bybit Best Options Partner2023 Bybit Best Third-Party Partner2023 Bybit Best Liquidity Provider These esteemed awards serve as a testament to the exceptional dedication and expertise demonstrated by Bybit's institutional partners. Bybit values its partnerships and acknowledges the pivotal role they play in achieving the vibrant, secure, and stable crypto industry that we see today. These awards also exemplify Bybit's solid and industry-leading network, which encompasses prominent industry leaders in various areas, including trading tools, liquidity providers, third-party custodians and so on. Eugene Cheung, Head of Institutional at Bybit, expressed his thoughts on the importance of establishing a trustworthy reputation and network within the crypto industry, "I would like to send my congratulations to this year's deserving winner. Given the volatility of the crypto industry, it is crucial for players to build a trustworthy reputation and network to weather the industry's ups and downs." Bybit's commitment to recognizing its institutional partners through the Bybit Institutional Awards further solidifies the exchange's dedication to fostering trust, stability, and growth within the crypto ecosystem. #Bybit / #TheCryptoArk About Bybit Bybit is a top-three cryptocurrency exchange by volume with 20 million users established in 2018. It offers a professional platform where crypto investors and traders can find an ultra-fast matching engine, 24/7 customer service, and multilingual community support. Bybit is a proud partner of Formula One's reigning Constructors' and Drivers' champions: the Oracle Red Bull Racing team. For more details about Bybit, please visit Bybit Press.For media inquiries, please contact: media@bybit.com For more information, please visit: https://www.bybit.com For updates, please follow: Bybit's Communities and Social Media Discord | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Reddit | Telegram | TikTok | X (Twitter) | Youtube

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1599 加入收藏 :
AHA Aiken Zou Shasha Attends Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Misk Youth Majlis

SHANGHAI, Jan. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- From January 15 to 19, more than 2,800 delegates from over 120 countries and regions gathered together in the World Economic Forum in Davos to discuss the future of the world economy under the theme of "Rebuilding Trust". Aiken Zou Shasha, founder, chairman and CEO of AHA, attended the event as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. During the event, she attended Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Misk Youth Majlis, interviewed the Oscar-winner Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, and met with Milojko Spajic, the Prime Minister of Montenegro. Besides, Aiken Zou Shasha expressed opinions on this year's key topics, such as creating growth and jobs for the new era, promoting economic and social development by artificial intelligence, and implementing long-term climate, nature and energy strategies. During the event, Aiken Zou Shasha attended the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Misk Youth Majlis. Aiken Zou Shasha said, "AHA is a content company. We're also opposed to decoupling and hope that the world can rebuild trust, cope with challenges, and achieve common prosperity. With the global release of AHA's original animation and games, we have employees of different nationalities, races and cultural backgrounds from Singapore, Japan, the United States, the Middle East and other countries and regions, and have a fan base from more than 190 countries and regions around the world. As we celebrate the company's tenth anniversary this year, I would like to present a gift to all of our employees, fans and partners: the AHA ESG Global Office. I hope to find 100 partners among those who know AHA the best to join the AHA ESG Global Office, and share the happiness of the development of AHA in the world." Aiken Zou Shasha at the Misk Youth Majlis AHA is an innovative cultural technology company. Since its foundation in 2014, AHA has been committed to creating a multi-dimensional ecology centered on original content. Through its animation, mobile games, content-related commodity retail, live performances, film and television works, creator community app and other businesses, AHA uses its high-quality content to build a connection with audiences, and continues to bring a feeling of happiness, growth and warmth to people's heart. For example, in the past decade, the animation series Scissor Seven produced by AHA has been loved by hundreds of millions of viewers in over 190 countries around the world. "Scissor Seven tells a story about how love and inclusiveness could overcome prejudice and hatred. This is also what we want people to feel through our animation series, games and all the other forms of products. We hope they could warm and inspire the life of every ordinary person." Said Aiken Zou Shasha. "I compare original content to a beautiful pearl necklace that can withstand time and breathe with the era. The core values and worldviews are wrapped and delivered to the audience through different stories in the form of animation, games, commodities, etc. In this process, we need to have a strong sense of social responsibility and do everything with respect. The original content could have a great long-term impact on people, especially on the young. We want our content to live with length and breadth, which is what AHA's ESG is all about." Aiken Zou Shasha explained the "100 partner project", "I look forward to the emergence of the 100 partners. You can be a college student who has written a simple animation copy of a country that AHA's animation character has not visited; you can be a joint owner with AHA of a $1 noodle restaurant in Africa; you can be an enthusiastic person who creates a sign language version of AHA's content. I wish every year at this time, I could tell you about an AHA partner in AHA ESG Global Office and share the joy and strength this partner brings to the world."  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1497 加入收藏 :
Yahoo Celebrates 15 Years of Excellence: Winners Revealed for Asia Big Idea Chair Awards 2023

American Express named Big Idea Chair Champion winner CSL Mobile crowned Best Commerce Strategy and Best Integrated Solution HSBC crowned king of Partnership and Best Acquisition Campaign For all high-resolution images, please download from the following link: https://bit.ly/3vORSuZ  HONG KONG, Jan. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Yahoo announced the winners of the highly coveted Yahoo Asia Big Idea Chair Awards 2023. This marks the 15th edition of the awards, which unfolded at the prestigious Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong, symbolizing a 15-year commitment to recognizing excellence in marketing and advertising. Yahoo Celebrates 15 Years of Excellence - Winners Revealed for Asia Big Idea Chair Awards 2023 The Yahoo Asia BIC Awards 2023 commemorates this significant milestone, the 15th Anniversary Grand Champion category has been introduced for both Hong Kong and the broader Asia region. This exclusive category pays homage to advertisers, media, and advertising agencies that have consistently stood out as Yahoo Asia Big Idea Champions over the past 15 years. In the Advertisers category, the coveted 15th Anniversary Grand Champion title is awarded to American Express International Inc., AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited, and Bayer HealthCare Limited. Starcom Hong Kong and Dentsu secured The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion titles in the Media Agency and Advertising Agency categories, respectively. This announcement reaffirms our commitment to recognizing and celebrating excellence in the dynamic landscape of marketing and advertising. In celebration of the anniversary, Yahoo also unveiled the Best ESG Campaigns category, recognizing brands seamlessly incorporating ESG principles for sustainability and responsible business practices into their initiatives. The judging panel, comprised of 13 members from key industry bodies such as IAB Hong Kong, HK4As, The Hong Kong Advertisers Association, Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing (HKAIM), HKMA Digital Marketing Community, Taiwan Digital Media and Marketing Association, Taiwan Advertiser's Associations, as well as esteemed industry practitioners from Taiwan, played a crucial role in determining the winners. Matthew Chan, Head of Sales, Yahoo Hong Kong & Yahoo Taiwan, "Congratulations to all the winners on their remarkable achievements in the dynamic realm of marketing and advertising. As Yahoo evolves, we're committed to shaping the ad tech landscape and fostering excellence. Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Yahoo Big Idea Chair Awards, we're proud to lead the way in shaping the industry. We are delighted to see campaigns that use creative ads to amplify their brand image, captivate audiences, and enhance brand presence. This year's awards highlight our commitment to recognizing outstanding campaigns and initiatives that make an impact in the ever-changing world of marketing and advertising."  The Yahoo Asia BIC Awards 2023 drew over 200 esteemed guests from various industries to celebrate their collective successes. Among the standout winners, American Express International Inc.'s "Irreplaceable Platinum Moments" not only secured Hong Kong's Big Idea Chair Champion Outstanding Award but also excelled in Best Branded Content Campaign and Best Innovative Experience, along with a Merit Award in Best Acquisition Campaign. To highlight the irreplaceable moments American Express credit card offers and connect with prospective applicants, the brand partnered with Yahoo's OLO (Only Live Once) digital magazine. Contrasting genuine life experiences with AI simulations, the campaign emphasized the value of authenticity and the irreplaceable moments that resonate with the audience. Yahoo, as the brand's trusted partner for seven years, once again delivered. The 'Irreplaceable Platinum Moments' campaign achieved 12 million total impressions. Notably, over 60% of conversions came from Yahoo, resulting in a significant 30% increase in card applicants. CSL Mobile, a Merit Winner in the Hong Kong BIC Champion 2023, excelled with "CSL Mobile & Yahoo Brings New 666 Shoppertunities." Recognized with Outstanding Awards for Best Commerce Strategy and Best Integrated Solution, and a Merit Award for Best Acquisition Campaign, Bruce Lam, CEO, Consumer, HKT, said, "In Yahoo's 666 Shopping Festival, we went beyond promotions, offering csl service plans through a multifaceted shopping experience across travel, technology, dining and shopping. Revolutionising the post-Covid customer experience, the result of this collaboration was outstanding, with a great increase in pageviews compared with the pre-campaign launch period and a significant boost in purchases. These accomplishments, acknowledged by the Hong Kong BIC Champion 2023 Awards, reflect the success of our partnership with Yahoo." HSBC, another Merit Winner in the Hong Kong BIC Champion 2023, triumphed with the "HSBC x Yahoo Youth Programme Campaign (Q3-Q4, 2022)." Winning Outstanding Awards for Best Partnership Strategy, Best Acquisition Campaign and Merit Awards in Best Branding Campaign, Cheuk Shum, Managing Director, Head of Marketing, Wealth and Personal Banking, HSBC Hong Kong said, "The Yahoo program, which includes wealth workshops, video series, and an investment competition, supports our goal of promoting financial education for young millennials. In addition to partnering with Yahoo, we offer various benefits and specific campaigns to help young millennials embark on their wealth journey. We have observed a 30% rise in the number of new HSBC One accounts opened by young millennial customers since the middle of last year." In the Asia BIC Champion 2023, Taiwanese campaigns excelled, with BRS Nike Taiwan Inc.'s "The Nike Metaverse Fan Squad" securing the Outstanding Award, and Edrington Taiwan's "The MACALLAN – A Spirit for All Seasons" and Uni-President Enterprises Corp.'s "ReiSui Milk Reputation 2022 Video Campaign" earning Merit Awards. For the full winner list, please visit the official website: https://yahoo.digitaladvertising.com.hk/bicawards/2023/ About Yahoo Yahoo serves as a trusted guide for hundreds of millions of people globally, helping them achieve their goals online through our portfolio of iconic products. For advertisers, Yahoo Advertising offers omnichannel solutions and powerful data to engage with our brands and deliver results. To learn more about Yahoo, please visit yahooinc.com. Appendix - Yahoo Asia Big Idea Chair Awards 2023 Hong Kong Award Award Name Rank Advertiser 1. Hong Kong Big Idea Chair Champion Outstanding American Express International Inc. 2. Merit CSL Mobile 3. Merit HSBC 4. Advertising Agency of The Year Ogilvy Hong Kong 5. Media Agency of The Year PHD 6. Best Acquisition Campaign Outstanding HSBC 7. Merit American Express International Inc. 8. Merit CSL Mobile 9. Merit FWD Insurance 10. Best Branded Content Campaign Outstanding American Express International Inc. 11. Merit Bayer HealthCare Limited 12. Merit Capital Group 13. Merit Schroders 14. Best Branding Campaign Outstanding The Hong Kong Jockey Club 15. Merit FWD Insurance 16. Merit HSBC 17. Best Commerce Strategy Outstanding CSL Mobile 18. Merit Samsung Electronics H.K. Co. Ltd. 19. Merit Water World Ocean Park Hong Kong 20. Best Innovative Experience Outstanding American Express International Inc. 21. Merit Cartier 22. Merit Cetaphil 23. Merit IKEA Hong Kong 24. Best Integrated Solution Outstanding CSL Mobile 25. Merit FWD Insurance 26. Merit Samsung Electronics H.K. Co. Ltd. 27. Best Partnership Strategy Outstanding HSBC 28. Merit Cetaphil 29. Merit Standard Chartered Bank 30. Best Search Campaign Outstanding FrieslandCampina (Hong Kong) Limited 31. Merit Sa Sa dot Com Ltd. 32. Merit UA Finance Hong Kong 15th Anniversary Grand Award 33. The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Advertiser American Express International Inc. 34. The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Advertiser AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited 35. The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Advertiser Bayer HealthCare Limited 36. The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Media Agency Starcom Hong Kong 37. The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Advertising Agency dentsu Asia Award Award Name Rank Advertiser 1. Asia Big Idea Chair Champion Outstanding BRS Nike Taiwan Inc. 2. Merit Edrington Taiwan 3. Merit Uni-President Enterprises Corp. 4. Asia - Best Branded Content Campaign Outstanding Volkswagen Taiwan 5. Merit Edrington Taiwan 6. Merit Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Taiwan 7. Asia - Best ESG Campaign Outstanding Standard Foods Group 8. Merit The Hong Kong Jockey Club 9. Merit Uni-President Enterprises Corp. 10. Asia - Best Innovative Experience Outstanding BRS Nike Taiwan Inc. 11. Merit Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau 12. Merit Edrington Taiwan 13. Merit HSBC 14. Asia - Best Integrated Solution Outstanding FWD Insurance 15. Merit BRS Nike Taiwan Inc. 16. Merit Uni-President Enterprises Corp. 17. Asia - Best Search Campaign Outstanding WeLend 18. Merit FWD Insurance 19. Merit Hong Leong Insurance 20. Merit Uni-President Enterprises Corp. Asia 15th Anniversary Grand Award 21. [Asia] The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Advertiser Volkswagen Taiwan 22. [Asia] The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Advertiser Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Taiwan 23. [Asia] The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Advertiser GOGORO Taiwan 24. [Asia]  The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Agency Omnicom Media Group Taiwan 25. [Asia]  The 15th Anniversary Grand Champion - Agency Dentsu Taiwan  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 329 加入收藏 :
Melco is honored by Black Pearl Restaurant Guide 2024 with a collective total of five diamonds

Alain Ducasse at Morpheus is featured in list debut as Jade Dragon sustains title as Macau’s only three diamond Chinese restaurant MACAU SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 25 January 2024 - Melco Resorts & Entertainment has attained a collective total of five diamonds from Black Pearl Restaurant Guide 2024. The honor goes to Melco's iconic French fine dining restaurant, Alain Ducasse at Morpheus, alongside the Company's signature Chinese restaurants Jade Dragon and Yí. Offering gastronomy that pays homage to the great traditions and savoir-faire of French cuisine, Alain Ducasse at Morpheus has, this year, been honored with one diamond in its Black Pearl Restaurant Guide debut. The Company's Cantonese fine-dining restaurant Jade Dragon at City of Dreams attained three diamonds, marking its fifth consecutive year of achieving Black Pearl Restaurant Guide's coveted distinction and maintaining its status as Macau's one and only three diamond Chinese restaurant. Meanwhile, contemporary Chinese restaurant Yí at Morpheus, City of Dreams was honored with one diamond, marking its fifth year of achieving the accolade. Mr. David Sisk, Melco's Chief Operating Officer of Macau Resorts, said, "Melco strives to reinforce Macau's reputation as a world center of tourism and leisure while making valuable contributions to the city's esteemed status as a UNESCO-designated Creative City of Gastronomy. We are proud to have one more of our signature restaurants joining the prestigious Guide this year, as a reflection of our continuous efforts in enhancing the overall dining experience for guests. We extend our appreciation to our culinary and F&B teams for their incessant dedication to the pursuit of excellence." Jade Dragon – Three Diamonds Three-diamond Cantonese restaurant Jade Dragon showcases exquisite culinary masterpieces created with the freshest seasonal ingredients and delectable delicacies. With spectacular designer décor and superlative personalized service, Jade Dragon sets the benchmark for fine dining in Macau. Honors and awards include: Black Pearl Restaurant Guide 2018, 2020 – 2024 (Three Diamonds) Black Pearl Restaurant Guide 2019 (Two Diamonds) Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau 2019 – 2023 (Three Stars) Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau 2016 – 2018 (Two Stars) Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau 2014 – 2015 (One Star) Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Awards 2014 – 2023 Trip.com Gourmet Global Elite Restaurant List 2021-2023 (Black Diamond) SCMP 100 Top Tables 2014 – 2023 Wine Spectator Best of Award of Excellence 2014 – 2023 Yí – One Diamond One-diamond award winner Yí, located on the 21st-floor Sky Bridge of Morpheus, offers the very heights of innovative fine dining and Chinese cuisine served in a modern seasonal tasting menu format. Its degustation menu is inspired by the 24 Solar Terms of the Traditional Chinese Calendar (Jie Qi), changes 12 times a year and highlights many of the restaurant's signature dishes. Yí's honors and awards include: Black Pearl Restaurant Guide 2020 – 2024 (One Diamond) Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Awards 2020 – 2023 Trip.com Gourmet Global Elite Restaurant List 2021-2023 (Platinum) SCMP 100 Top Tables 2019 – 2023 Wine Spectator Best of Award of Excellence 2022 – 2023 Wine Spectator Award of Excellence 2019 – 2021 Alain Ducasse at Morpheus – One Diamond Awarded one diamond, Alain Ducasse at Morpheus redefines French gastronomy with a contemporary vision. The restaurant at City of Dreams sources produce from the best regions which is harvested at its optimal time, highlighting a deep appreciation for nature and an intimate understanding of the seasons. Sourcing from small-scale farms and line-caught fish, the restaurant ensures unparalleled quality and a distinctive tasting experience. Honors and awards include: Black Pearl Restaurant Guide 2024 (One Diamond) MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong Macau 2019 – 2023 (Two Stars) Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Award 2020 – 2023 Trip.com Gourmet Global Elite Restaurant List 2022 – 2023 (Diamond) Trip.com Gourmet Global Elite Restaurant List 2021 (Platinum) SCMP 100 Top Tables 2020 – 2023 Wine Spectator Best of Award of Excellence 2019 – 2023 Hashtag: #melco #cityofdreams #jadedragon #Yi #alainducasseatmorpheus #morpheus #blackpearlrestaurantguidehttp://www.melco-resorts.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/melco-resorts-entertainmenthttps://twitter.com/MelcoResortshttps://www.facebook.com/MelcoCSR/The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About Melco Resorts & Entertainment LimitedMelco Resorts & Entertainment, with its American depositary shares listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market (NASDAQ: MLCO), is a developer, owner and operator of integrated resort facilities in Asia and Europe. The Company currently operates Altira Macau (www.altiramacau.com), an integrated resort located at Taipa, Macau and City of Dreams (www.cityofdreamsmacau.com), an integrated resort located in Cotai, Macau. Its business also includes the Mocha Clubs (www.mochaclubs.com), which comprise the largest non-casino based operations of electronic gaming machines in Macau. The Company also majority owns and operates Studio City (www.studiocity-macau.com), a cinematically-themed integrated resort in Cotai, Macau. In the Philippines, a Philippine subsidiary of the Company currently operates and manages City of Dreams Manila (www.cityofdreamsmanila.com), an integrated resort in the Entertainment City complex in Manila. In Europe, the Company operates City of Dreams Mediterranean in Limassol in the Republic of Cyprus (www.cityofdreamsmed.com.cy). The Company also continues to operate three satellite casinos in other cities in Cyprus (the "Cyprus Casinos"). For more information about the Company, please visit www.melco-resorts.com. Melco Resorts & Entertainment is majority owned by Melco International Development Limited, a company listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, which is in turn majority owned and led by Mr. Lawrence Ho, who is the Chairman, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

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