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Facemoji Keyboard's New GenAI Feature Brings Users' Memories to Life

New Cutout Effect feature brings an elevated typing experience to your fingertips SUNNYVALE, Calif., June 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Facemoji Keyboard, the world's first content-creation keyboard with rich in-app resources, announced today a new Facemoji AI feature – Cutout Effect – which utilizes generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) to create a dynamic typing experience. Available now on Android, the Cutout Effect feature offers users a new visual upgrade within the app. Unlike traditional DIY keyboard backgrounds, the Cutout Effect feature leverages AI to identify the main figure in the user-uploaded images. When the keyboard is activated, the main figure will float on the top layer of the keyboard, as if greeting the user, personalizing the typing experience and infusing it with joy and creativity. Users can be reminded of their favorite memories whenever they use the keyboard with AI-driven Cutout Effect. the Cutout Effect feature offers users a new visual upgrade "Facemoji recognizes the value of AI and the importance of memories and moments. With our AI features, the users' overall keyboard experience becomes uniquely their own," said Natalia Lin, Product Lead at Facemoji Keyboard. "Facemoji is committed to elevating users' communication experience. With Gen AI, we believe we can seamlessly integrate visual and self-expression." Facemoji was recently named the winner of both the IF Design Award and the Best Mobile App Award in 2024. These achievements speak volumes about the outstanding design excellence and social engagement components of the app. Facemoji Keyboard has over 550 million global downloads and is available to users in 170+ countries and regions for free on Android or iOS. About Facemoji Keyboard Facemoji Keyboard is the world's first content-creation keyboard that allows users to find, design or invent the trendiest and smartest ways to express themselves. With Facemoji, users can fully customize their keyboard and create and share unique expressive designs, so every user can be a modern trendsetter in content creation.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 355 加入收藏 :
McCann Worldgroup reclaims #1 position on the 2023 Global Effie Index

Named Most Effective Agency Network NEW YORK, June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Effie Worldwide today announced the 2023 Effie Index, the annual ranking of the companies behind the world's most effective marketing, with McCann Worldgroup named the Most Effective Agency Network for 2023. McCann Worldgroup earned the top position with a strong performance across all regions in 2023. Contributing to McCann Worldgroup's Most Effective Agency Network global ranking were the following results: Regionally: #1 Agency Network in the North America and Europe regional rankings #3 Agency Network in the APAC and Latin America regional rankings #5 in the Middle East & Africa regional ranking The network earned a total of 2 Grand, 46 Gold, 65 Silver, and 68 Bronze Effie Awards This marks the 5th time McCann Worldgroup has achieved the coveted leadership position in the Effie Index in the past six years (#1 in 2018-2021, 2023.) The network has appeared in the Top 5 ranking of Agency Networks since the Effie Index's inception in 2011. "We are honored and humbled to be global #1 in creative effectiveness again! Our position in the Global Effie Index reflects our deep commitment to proving the value of creativity around the world. At a time when shiny tech seems to be ever more alluring, we are excited to be championing the enduring effectiveness of ideas," said Daryl Lee, Global Chief Executive Officer, McCann Worldgroup. Harjot Singh, CSO, McCann Worldgroup & McCann said: "Effectiveness is the true measure of the impact and value of our work, and the Global Effie Index is the most credible and influential standard of recognising and proving the power of creativity on a global scale. To be ranked Number 1 on this Index for the 5th time in the last 6 years is an accomplishment we share with our clients and teams around the world. It brings great pride to us all." Traci Alford, Global CEO of Effie Worldwide, said: "The companies and brands at the top of our rankings demonstrate the highest commitment to effectiveness. No matter what their business challenge, they all have one thing in common, they continue to drive tangible successes for their brands. I'd like to congratulate all the teams involved, they represent the very best of our industry and should be very proud of their achievements."  About the Effie IndexNow in its 13th year, the Effie Index identifies and ranks the most effective agencies, marketers and brands by analyzing finalist and winner data from more than fifty national & regional Effie Awards competitions. The 2023 rankings reflect a compilation of over 4,750 worldwide Effie winners and finalists announced between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. About McCann WorldgroupMcCann Worldgroup, part of the Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG), is a leading global creative solutions company. The company is united across 100+ countries by a mission to build enduring brands together. McCann Worldgroup was named Network for the Year by the Andys in 2024 and Network of the Year by the EPICA Awards for the sixth time. The core McCann Worldgroup network is comprised of McCann, MRM, CRAFT, and FutureBrand, and partners with Momentum Worldwide, Weber Shandwick and UM to deliver solutions across the entire marketing spectrum.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 308 加入收藏 :

From Fabio Cannavaro to Marco Belinelli, Ambra Sabatini, Clemente Russo and many others: here are the names of the new champions of ethics, loyalty and respect ROME, June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The wait is finally over - new sporting stars light up the world of the Fair Play Menarini International Award. The annual event, that promotes the values of ethics, loyalty and respect, officially kicked off this morning at the CONI headquarters' Hall of Honour with the press conference to present the 28th edition, to be held on July 3 and 4 in Florence and Fiesole. The Fair Play Menarini Foundation has announced the names of the winners who will receive the prestigious award on the evening of July 4 on the stage of the Roman Theatre in Fiesole. 28th Fair Play Menarini Award Press Conference CONI, Rome "The 28th edition of the Fair Play Menarini International Award has arrived, an event linked to two inspiring words: 'fair play', the essence, basis and foundation of our world of sport", commented the President of the Italian National Olympic Committee, Giovanni Malagò. "We are profoundly grateful to the Fair Play Menarini Foundation for its dedication and commitment". Once again this year, international champions who have personified the spirit of fair play throughout their careers, have entered the award's Hall of Fame. Representing the world of football, there will be Ballon d'Or winner and captain of Italy's 2006 World Cup team, Fabio Cannavaro, alongside Mister Cesare Prandelli, 2012 European Cup runner-up with the Italian squad, and three other symbols of Italian football: Alessandro Costacurta, World Cup vice Champion with the Italian team in 1994, Ciro Ferrara, third classified at the 1990 World Cup and Europe Vice Champion in 2000, and former 1982 FIFA World Cup champion, Giuseppe Dossena. The stars shining among the legends of team sports are Marco Belinelli, the first and only Italian winner of the NBA, and Gian Paolo Montali, former head coach of the Men's National volleyball team, twice European Cup winners. Representing winter sports is ice skating star, Francesca Lollobrigida, European speed skating gold medal winner, while Paralympic champion and 100m world record holder, Ambra Sabatini and sprinter, Roberto Rigali, World silver medallist in the 4x100m relay, triumphed for athletics. Cesare Fiorio, legend in the rally world, revved up his engine, while Clemente Russo, landed a winning blow for boxing. Lastly, sporting journalism is represented by the face and voice of Federico Buffa with his unparalleled ability to 'narrate emotions'. The Fair Play Menarini Ambassadors, protagonists of previous editions and guests for the two evenings in July, include the 'Divina' Federica Pellegrini, special guest of the event, and outstanding foil champion, Elisa Di Francisca, Fiorentina football club icon, Giancarlo Antognoni, and Giusy Versace, the first Italian athlete in history to run with bilateral prostheses.  And there's more: appearing alongside the award-winning sporting champions are also Nicolò Vacchelli, Gioele Gallicchio, and the Under 14 girls' basketball team of the Asd Golfobasket club, who today received the Fair Play Menarini Award in the 'Young Athletes' category during the CONI press conference. Lastly, the 'Special Fiamme Gialle Study and Sport' award was confirmed and will be presented on June 17 in Florence. The traditional gala dinner, hosted in the delightful setting of Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence, will kick off the 2024 edition on Wednesday July 3. The award ceremony will take place the following evening on Thursday July 4, against the backdrop of the Roman Theatre in Fiesole. Both evenings will be covered by Sky TG24 that is partnering the event. The final evening will be hosted by Rachele Sangiuliano and Omar Schillaci, accompanied by special guest, Federica Pellegrini. The event will be broadcast the following day on Sportitalia. "Welcoming the winners and Ambassadors of the Fair Play Menarini Award is a unique opportunity to rediscover the true spirit of sport which means overcoming your own limits and giving your all while respecting your opponent and yourself", say Antonello Biscini, Valeria Speroni Cardi and Ennio Troiano, Members of the Board of the Fair Play Menarini Foundation. "We hope that the exemplary actions and behaviour of these sporting greats will instil the healthy values of sport in younger generations". 28th Fair Play Menarini Award Press Conference CONI, Rome  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 151 加入收藏 :
【川沃設計】2023 韓國K-DESIGN AWARD 謝旻軒 JASON幽雅禪韻匯聚大獎榮光!

本文由OPEN編輯部撰寫     「亞洲三大設計獎」之一的韓國K-DESIGN AWARD,以「美感、獨創、實際性」三大端點,長期以來繼承全球設計者的高度評價,每年更在「產品工業」、「空間/建築」及「傳達設計」三項領域,遴選出頂尖超絕的卓越設計,讓賽事中強調的「創新能量」為當代設計帶來雋永的價值!   川沃設計 謝旻軒 JASON 設計總監 在極富特色的飲食美域《饗》中,融合餐廳品牌的「巢」和禪韻,運用大量灰泥形塑簡約門面,搭配怡然的白水木、鏽面金屬石板與巢型燈,為訪客留下清幽雅致的印象,內部則以方圓造型磚對比石皮,象徵中庸之道的自適禪意。緊扣主題的創想之作獲得賽事評審一致好評,抱回「Winner」榮耀,於國際舞台大放異彩!     謝旻軒 JASON 設計總監   公司簡介川——天降雨露,水流匯聚,聚合成川,川流不息,奔流入海沃——石沙匯聚,積沙成壤,日夜澆溉,滋養沃土,百花齊放好比山水畫中的奔騰瀟灑,亦如同經栽培滋潤的土壤,川沃設計面向各式挑戰,總是不遺餘力面對,以超越自我心態,突破每一次經手的作品,做出設計新高度,立足台灣,放眼國際。   屏除建築與室內,便是山林與河水,擁抱自然,引景入室,將光與影的變化翻玩於室,率領綠意縱橫、豐川沃土於空間意象,於是成就川沃作品別出心裁設計。   設計理念借景喻情,化大塊天地為設計文章,我們以消弭空間與自然間界線為核心主旨,以凝聚、結合場域及外部環境氛圍為目標,揮灑設計手筆,渲染出業主期盼色彩,不受風格調性拘泥,忠於呈現空間最佳風貌,通透理解業主真實想法,產出完美空間。   公司命名以山水畫景致出發,採流川沃壤形象為主軸,於設計上做呼應,鋪敘交織天地之各異空間作品,引入大山大水之澎湃壯麗,拂去舊染塵埃,揭露建物風光絕景於世人眼前。   獲獎經歷2023 英國OPAL倫敦傑出地產大獎《饗》- Platinum Winner2023 中國40 UNDER 40中國設計傑出青年 - 全國榜年度上榜人物2023 中國APDC亞太設計菁英邀請賽《饗》- 餐飲空間 Winner2023 法國Novum Design Award《饗》- Golden Winner2023 美國Muse Design Awards《饗》- Gold Winner2023 法國DNA Paris Design Award《饗》- Official Selection2021 中國 金外灘獎《茶境思塾》- 最佳公共空間 優秀獎2020 中國DESIGN FOCUS國際空間設計大獎《茶境思塾》- 優秀獎2020 杜拜 國際專業室內設計大賽《茶境思塾》- 公共空間類 金獎2020 台灣 華人金創獎《茶境思塾》- 公共空間類 銀獎2020 中國 APDC 亞太設計菁英邀請賽《茶境思塾》- 公共空間類 大獎2020 中國 金堂獎《茶境思塾》- 年度傑出公共空間   獲獎作品《饗》     ▲本案外觀運用大量灰泥形塑簡約畫面,入口端景則以鏽面金屬石板搭配巢型燈,透過拼接材質無形吸引顧客目光,間接引導入內。   ▲入門即見的素雅灰牆搭佐燈光與金屬層板,以極簡姿態呈現細膩的表面紋理,令顧客沉澱紛擾的思緒,一旁的櫃檯面選用剖半原木,兼顧實用性和裝飾性,傳遞自然風情。     ▲用餐區盡頭上方懸掛四盞造型各異的竹編吊燈,在大面積的深色空間中,成為由入口向內觀看的視覺焦點;烹調區採用檯面式排煙設備,形塑寬敞健康的用餐空間。   OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:https://www.openworld.tv/

文章來源 : 動能開啟傳媒有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 7483 加入收藏 :
Honoring Property Industry Excellence: LIXIL's American Standard and GROHE Proudly Support the Asia Pacific International Property & Hotel Awards 2024-25

BANGKOK, June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LIXIL power brands, American Standard and GROHE, honored outstanding achievements across the property industry at the Asia Pacific International Property & Hotel Awards 2024-25.  The prestigious event welcomed over five hundred (500) guests and industry luminaries to celebrate excellence across architecture, interior design, real estate and property development. The event recognized over four hundred (400) winning companies from across the Asia Pacific and culminated in a gala event with the announcement and presentation of the American Standard Innovation Award, the GROHE Sustainability Award and the new GROHE Luxury Award. This year's edition unveiled the Asia Pacific Hotel Awards category to recognize excellence in the hospitality sector. Participation increased to nearly one thousand entries, which were judged by a panel of 50 industry experts and peers. Each entry was meticulously evaluated for design, quality, service, innovation, originality, and dedication to sustainability. By country, China garnered the highest number of awards (189), followed by Thailand (122). Notable achievements were recorded by India (58), Indonesia (43), Singapore (37), Vietnam, the Philippines, and Australia (28 each).   Audrey Yeo, Leader, LIXIL Water Technology, Asia Pacific said, "Our partnership with the International Property Awards (IPA) has put the global spotlight on outstanding projects from across the region and lifted the profile of deserving architects, designers and developers. We have experienced terrific interest and growth in the Asia Pacific Property awards, and we expect the new Hotel award category and new GROHE Luxury Award to generate even more international interest and attention." "The region continues to be an economic and trendsetting powerhouse. Solid economic fundamentals and growing urbanization across the region will continue to benefit the property industry. In turn, increasing consumer aspirations for better homes and spending power will increase demand for thoughtfully designed, inclusive properties that prioritize health & wellbeing and sustainability. Our American Standard and GROHE brands are proud to partner with the IPA and many IPA winners to make better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere." added Audrey. LIXIL's consumer-focused approach and how water shapes our living environments was explored at the IPA by Antoine Besseyre des Horts, Leader, LIXIL Global Design, Asia through a seminar centering around Water Wellness. The audience appreciated how this advanced thinking is behind GROHE SPA offerings that empower architects, designers and developers to tailor solutions, enhance consumer experiences and add to property value. The theme of consumer-focus, purposeful intent, and personalization was showcased at a special on-site exhibition by American Standard and GROHE. The audience toured the American Standard exhibit through selections from the Acacia Collection, Signature Collection, spalet and auto temperature mixers in exciting color finishes that complement consumer lifestyles and aspirations. The GROHE SPA exhibit guided guests through the theme of 'Health through Water' with curated collections that explore the options for different materials, customized user settings, colors, and finishes. This enables tremendous creative flexibility, in offerings such as the Rainshower AQUA ceiling shower, to create a transformative multi-sensory showering experience through personalization. At the event, the Pan Pacific Orchard hotel, Singapore by UOL Group was awarded the inaugural GROHE Luxury Award. This award celebrates 'New Luxury'— a blend of exceptional design and luxurious interiors with values of responsibility, conscious consumption, and sustainability.  The Pan Pacific Orchard, Singapore features unique open-air terraces named Forest, Beach, Garden, and Cloud; incorporating sustainable and biophilic design principles, with lush greenery and gardens. Each terrace has its own theme, such as a tropical forest or beach oasis, providing a harmonious environment for guests. It offers a holistic experience that integrates distinguished design and luxury interiors with the  values of sustainability.   For more than 20 years, GROHE has been committed to sustainability, with initiatives such as circular products, reduced plastics packaging, and using renewable solar energy for its manufacturing processes. BSD City by Sinar Mas Land was announced as the GROHE Sustainability Award winner. BSD City is a city of the future that is located in Jakarta, built around three main aspects of sustainability; Social, Economy, and Environment. To support the environment, BSD City has organized various green events involving local communities in activities such as energy saving, waste management, and promoting green habits. These efforts extend to city development, resulting in Green Buildings that not only enhance BSD City but also contribute to reducing its overall carbon footprint American Standard, backed by almost 150 years of pioneering legacy, continues to be recognized for its purposeful design and innovations across bathroom and kitchen solutions that create homes that consumers will love everyday. The American Standard Innovation Award was presented to the Future Car Park project, Hangzhou by Daniel Statham Studio. The project aims to create harmony between the "Automobile and the City" and features a high-tech automated car parking system, a rooftop park area and events space. Cars are parked, or stacked, in futuristic towers that 'blossom' upwards to accommodate roof gardens and entertainment facilities. The roof provides shade and shelter to the ground level plaza in a 'canopy of trees' . The porous cladding creates a see-through effect of the automated parking system within the towers, while simultaneously letting light into the building and acting as a natural ventilation system. To view the complete list of winners at the Asia Pacific International Property and Hotel Awards, please visit – https://propertyawards.net/winners/.  About LIXILLIXIL (TSE Code 5938) makes pioneering water and housing products that solve every day, real-life challenges, making better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere. Drawing on our Japanese heritage, we create world-leading technology and innovate to make high-quality products that transform homes. But the LIXIL difference is how we do this; through meaningful design, an entrepreneurial spirit, a dedication to improving accessibility for all, and responsible business growth. Our approach comes to life through industry-leading brands, including INAX, GROHE, American Standard, and TOSTEM. With approximately 55,000 colleagues operating in more than 150 countries, we are proud to make products that touch the lives of more than a billion people every day. About American StandardAmerican Standard is the industry leader in bathroom and kitchen products, providing an unmatched legacy of quality and innovation for almost 150 years. American Standard is passionate about improving daily living in ways big and small. From toilet seat innovations to best-in-class kitchen faucets, American Standard seeks to inspire people to create a home they will love every day. About GROHEGROHE is a leading global brand for complete bathroom solutions and kitchen fittings and has a total of over 7,000 employees in 150 countries – 2,600 of them are based in Germany. Since 2014 GROHE has been part of the strong brand portfolio of the Japanese manufacturer of pioneering water and housing products LIXIL. In the past ten years alone, more than 490 design and innovation awards as well as several sustainability awards confirmed GROHE's success. GROHE was the first in its industry to win the CSR Award of the German Federal Government and the German Sustainability Award 2021 in the categories "Resources" and "Design". As part of the sustainability and climate campaign "50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders," GROHE is also driving sustainable transformation.   

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【簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝】傳承設計心念 實踐創新社會責任

本文由OPEN編輯部撰寫   隨著全球日益關注人類和社會、環境的關係,「社會責任」已經是各行各業必須面對的課題。本日,OPEN團隊有幸邀請到 簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 進行對談,一窺兼任室內設計師、教育者、企業家三種身分的簡設計師,如何從三個業界看待與思考此議題!     (圖)簡兆芝設計作品《衍流萃息》,跳亮色的軟裝與壁面帶給員工活潑靈動的工作氛圍,牆腳的木質樹狀造型則象徵創意結出飽滿的果實。   「我認為室內設計師、老師、老闆都有各自的社會責任,但其中的共通點是專業技術和社會經驗的傳承。」摘獲德國iF設計大獎Winner殊榮、領導五人團隊發展成數十人的公司、擔任大學課堂的客座教師……在室內設計、企業經營及教育三個領域皆有出色表現的簡兆芝設計師,專訪開始不久後便精神奕奕地切入訪談重點,展現直面問題的坦然作風。 往返於各職位間,簡設計師由三種不同角度看見共同的困境:傳承的不足。對她而言,那不僅是以教師身分讓學子們順利銜接業界,也包含身為公司負責人,如何培養旗下員工面對業主及合作夥伴的職場情商,「專業領域的部分,我會將案場實作時遇到的問題和學生們分享,而人情世故方面,更偏向我自己做一次給員工們看。」 簡設計師以某次廠商趕不及排程為例,收到回報時,比起自合約內容質問耽誤原因,她跳脫硬性的白紙黑字,改從列出推遲可能會有的情況去和對方討論,進而協調彼此都能接受的時間,「透過用我過往累積的經驗去處理這類問題,讓員工看到不同的解決方式。」     (圖)簡兆芝設計作品《柔漫蘊生》,其中手術恢復室運用創新工法,實現零甲醛、可清潔的醫療場域。   除了培育下一代,簡兆芝設計師也將目光放至開拓新事物的「創新」上。「好的設計師要改善人使用的環境,讓人更舒適。」懷抱此心念,她於醫療商空《煦光蘊玉》和《柔漫蘊生》中研發新工法,成就全台灣唯一從開工到竣工,都保持零甲醛的潔淨場域。 誕生此創想的緣由,是因團隊在設計醫療案場時發現到:由於不可使用任何含甲醛的物質,恢復室中許多因病床推移摩擦、使用年份長久等緣故耗損的位置不能補新漆,也無法用會溶解漆料的酒精和漂白水清潔,讓病人手術結束後會待在一個相對陳舊的地方。 「但一個醫療的環境裡面,應該要是乾淨、溫馨的,而不是手術完睜開眼睛的瞬間,人已經不舒服,還待在感覺比較舊的地方。」簡設計師帶著對「人」的關懷,著手解決這個問題;憑藉對各項材質的知識和理解,她以性質合適的材料作為切入點,和團隊共同嘗試發想出的新工法,最終成功實現無甲醛且能以酒精、漂白水擦拭整理的壁面,給予患者及醫護人員乾淨無毒的空間。     (圖)簡兆芝設計作品《柔曦映弧》,潔淨的淺色壁面搭配柔和間接照明,給予病人舒適放鬆的感受。   「這其實是一種做設計的態度,我們應該去考慮案場有什麼問題、要怎麼改善。」簡兆芝設計師分享,每當她接手新案子,皆會深入思考在完成業主需求之餘,是否可能研發或使用一些新材料、工法,抑或是有更為合適的軟、硬裝陳設方式,能令整個空間變得更加舒適自在,創新反而是一種結果,並非她原本的目的。 被問及能否給予同業們相關建言時,簡設計師保持鼓勵的態度,建議從多元方向全面思考,同時提到公司在嘗試研發時可能的盲點,「在創新的時候,很多師傅或員工可能會反彈。但其實不會!做完之後他們都很有成就感,覺得完成沒人做過的事,也會相信把問題回報給你是能解決的。」當她與工作夥伴們共同解決困難,進一步發現這亦是公司能與工班們長久合作、乃至疫情期間不缺工的原因──參與簡設計師的案子不止於重複類似的作業,更是成長與進步的機會。     (圖)簡兆芝設計作品《奕夢紅樓餐廳》,以「老上海租界的摩登酒樓」為概念,形構中西合璧的復古用餐情調。   「我常覺得,為了解決問題不斷討論、評估固然很辛苦,但當聽到團隊跟業主對你的一句謝謝,就什麼都值得了,這也是我樂此不疲的原因。」以熱忱跨越挑戰,得到來自各方的正面回饋,簡設計師言談中洋溢從「設計」中得到的成就感和喜悅,讓工作變成一個正向循環,不斷提供她與團隊為下個案場盡心服務的動力。 「其實這也是一種傳承,當你找到對自己職業和社會的價值,就會產生心境上的轉換,連帶影響身邊的人。」求新、求變、求成長,簡設計師話鋒一轉,將這樣的精神扣回本日訪談的主題,同時也令人發現,「傳承和創新」正如她秉持的「平衡圓滿」理念,在她身上和諧地存在,相輔相成地化為她替室內設計師身分尋找到的社會責任。   「傳承跟創新都源自我對『設計』的態度。」無論時代關注的焦點如何變動,簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 始終保持積極思考、解決困境的心態,於各式案場中以自身為榜樣,引領後進及事業夥伴一同向前,在越過大小挑戰同時,張開雙臂迎接「室內設計」這份天職帶來的責任與掌聲!     簡兆芝 主持設計師(建築師) 簡兆芝 /Kathy學歷國立交通大學建築研究所 設計組碩士 經歷皓宇工程顧問股份有限公司 建築暨都市設計組-副理固特室內設計工程有限公司-專案設計師欣漢設計工程有限公司-主設計師實力文教機構 建築師班-講師台北科技大學 非學分班-兼任講師蘭陽技術學院-兼任講師西安賈孝遠建築師事務所-室內設計部經理大器設計-部門經理 公司宗旨簡兆芝室內裝修設計股份有限公司,嘗試探尋「人」與「空間」的融合及對話。「空間」是一個裝置的機構,這個機構含括了種種靜態與動態的行為,「設計」為了各種靜態及動態的行為,進行量身訂製規劃、配置,進而使其達到合理的安排及使用化,在這個過程中包含了區隔、動線、配置預算,以上這歸屬於機能性的部份,在設計上我們必需呈現生命力,更精準的是說讓它可以帶出其本質的靈魂,充滿其中。 設計理念順應空間場域的自然特性、使用者的活動狀況、構造方式而決定其空間設計定位;希望從其空間視覺上表現出內外張力的互動,及空間質量與色彩的平衡,將空間呈現出互相交錯及延伸之特性;可融合出使用者與其空間之個人化獨特空間氛圍, 希望揚棄僵化的空間區分之邊際線,運用簡潔創新的手法,來定義空間本身的生命力,脫繭出傳統空間界線定義的束縛;不遵守傳統對稱設計的手法,端視使用者需求及平衡設計之手法來呈現空間效果。   OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:https://www.openworld.tv/

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2024 年 9 月 9 日 (星期一) 農曆八月初七日
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