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BEIJING, March 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent ride around Beijing's city center, Yu Kai, Founder and CEO of Horizon Robotics, a leading provider of energy-efficient computing solutions for consumer vehicles in China, and Ralf Brandstätter, Chairman and CEO of Volkswagen Group China, expressed their enthusiasm about the fast-evolving digitalization of life in China, and their shared focus on creating cars that serve as a "third living space" for Chinese consumers. Since taking on the position of VW Group China CEO in August 2022, Mr. Brandstätter has been greatly impressed by how digitalization has become a fundamental part of Chinese people's lives, while Mr. Yu noted that Chinese consumers are increasingly expecting cars to serve as an extension of their living space beyond home and office. In October 2022, Volkswagen Group and its software company CARIAD forged a partnership with Horizon Robotics to accelerate the development of automated driving solutions in China, aiming to bring consumers a safer and more convenient driving experience. During their tour around Beijing in Volkswagen's ID.6, both Mr. Yu and Mr. Brandstätter expressed their pride in the collaboration, and their confidence that the two companies will combine China's speed with German quality to "make people's lives much safer and better," as Mr. Yu put it. Mr. Brandstätter shared his excitement for the future of automated driving, in which that car becomes a "time machine" -- literally creating extra time for drivers to socialize, be productive, and enjoy entertainment. The full video is available on the Horizon Robotics YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/y-7Yc0a9qFU.
Cognizant將雲端語音服務整合至單一的全通路平台,加強代理商和客戶體驗,並更具個性化 新澤西州提尼克2023年3月14日 /美通社/ -- Cognizant (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 今天宣布,經總部位於德國沃爾夫斯堡的跨國汽車製造商Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 選中,為其打造數位化客戶服務的全新樣貌。Cognizant將重新設計VWG Ireland現有的分散式聯絡中心平台,塑造成一個以Salesforce雲端語音服和Amazon Connect為基礎的全通路客戶體驗 (customer experience,CX) 平台。 VWG Ireland需整合其舊有的聯絡中心功能,並簡化其客戶服務,以降低維護成本,提高效率,同時獲取客戶整體性的360度全景視角。由於客戶參與的流程和通路處於分散狀態,VWG Ireland所面臨的還包括對客戶的洞察力不足,以及手動彙總客戶數據導致過度耗時等問題。作為合作的一部份,Cognizant將打造一個全面性數位化、以雲端為基礎的全通路CX平台,為客戶建立現代化的互動方式,並為代理商提供易於使用的網路化用戶統一界面,將客戶數據、情境、旅程和交流管道融為一體。 Cognizant將同時為VWG Ireland在客戶旅程和對話上提供更先進的洞察能力。此舉是為改善報告、促進商業決策並推展下一步的最佳行動,能向客戶提供個性化體驗並推薦其後續等服務或產品。此外,Cognizant將為CX平台的持續改進、強化功能和創新流程,與VWG Ireland一同攜手合作。引進CX平台為最終用戶及其主管帶來更高效率,進而節省時間並為VWG Ireland的客戶提供最佳化的服務水準。 「在過去十年中,汽車行業從底層發生變革,特別是電動車的快速普及。此外,客戶對於服務水準和與各種組織的交流方式也產生期望性的改變,這在疫情期間因必要性的遠程訪問、服務提供和支持,使得這種改變的速度加劇,」VWG Ireland的資訊長Tom Murphy說道。「汽車行業尤其了解客戶想要怎樣改變彼此的溝通方式。為了能與客戶更有意義、更直接地交流,我們需要一個值得信賴的IT合作夥伴,以協助我們達成使命、改善系統,並更有效地與客戶群體進行互動。」 「Cognizant的使命是將OEM製造商、供應商、經銷商和汽車金融公司變身為現代企業。本項計畫為Cognizant和Volkswagen所首創,將CX在雲端的CRM、數位化和語音等強大能力相互結合。為此,我們很榮幸經Volkswagen Group Ireland選中,為其滿足客戶期望,提供客戶旅程轉型方面的支持,」Cognizant英國及愛爾蘭區總經理Rohit Gupta表示。「憑藉我們在全球大型客戶聯絡中心管理和轉型方面超過15年的豐富經驗,結合我們在敏捷領導力執行方面的成熟方法、流程和專業知識,我們相信我們是Volkswagen Group Ireland的不二首選,以協助其提升汽車製造商的客戶體驗。」 關於Volkswagen Group Ireland Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 是Volkswagen AG的獨資企業,也是愛爾蘭最大的汽車公司,擁有六個領先品牌包括:Volkswagen、Audi、ŠKODA、CUPRA、Seat和Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles。作為一家全國性銷售公司,我們與愛爾蘭共和國近130家特許經銷商合作。Volkswagen Group Ireland是愛爾蘭最大的電動汽車銷售商,其電動汽車市場的佔有率達到34%。 關於CognizantCognizant (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 築就現代企業。我們幫助客戶實現技術現代化、流程重構和體驗轉型,使其能在瞬息萬變的世界中保持領先地位。讓我們共同努力,攜手改善日常生活。欲知詳情,請瀏覽: www.cognizant.com ,或追蹤@cognizant。 美國 歐洲/APAC 印度 Jodi Sorensen Christina Schneider Rashmi Vasisht jodi.sorensen@cognizant.com christina.schneider@cognizant.com rashmi.vasisht@cognizant.com
HUIZHOU, China, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Desay SV (002920.SZ), a leading mobility technology company, has been named the Most Popular Employer Among Employees in the Forbes China 2024 Best Employer Selection, standing out among 500 companies. Desay SV Honored as Most Popular Employer Among Employees. Image source: Forbes China. Forbes China has gathered over 500 samples and more than 100,000 questionnaires to identify benchmark companies excelling in digital intelligence, ESG, and employee popularity. Employees were asked to anonymously rate their companies in categories such as employer image, organizational management, talent development, work environment, compensation and benefits, and digital intelligence. Ten companies were selected as the most popular employers among employees. Desay SV's achievement in this selection highlights its dedication to creating a work environment that fosters talent and prioritizes inclusivity, safety, and equality. Gao Dapeng, the chairman and president of Desay SV, offered a perspective on the essence of corporate excellence. "True distinction for a company lies not merely in its profit margins, but in its contributions towards the well-being of its employees, the vitality of the local community, and the advancement of society at large," Gao stated. Highlighting the company's dedication to human resources excellence, he further elaborated, "Desay SV is deeply committed to the growth and development of our talent. We provide a holistic, cross-cultural, multidisciplinary, and multi-channel development platform, firmly anchored in our fundamental belief in fostering learning for growth and driving innovation for development." About Desay SV Desay SV is a leading mobility technology company with R&D and service branches in Germany, Japan, Singapore, Spain, USA, etc. The company focuses on efficiently integrating smart cabin, smart drive, and smart service. Relying on 38 years of accumulation, Desay SV has excelled in R&D, design, quality management, and intelligent manufacturing. Desay SV's continuous innovation and comprehensive capabilities earn the long-term trust of global customers, including Chery, Geely, SAIC, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, etc., and have helped it rank 74th in the Automotive News 2024 top 100 global auto parts suppliers. For more information, please visit Desay SV online at www.desaysv.com or follow us on: https://www.linkedin.com/company/13690363
Expansion of IBM's utility-scale fleet of quantum computers in Ehningen, Germany is marked with ribbon-cutting by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and industry leaders. New IBM quantum data center in Europe will soon include IBM Quantum Heron-based system with reduced error rates, 16 times better performance and a 25-fold increase in speed over 2022 IBM Quantum systems. European-based enterprises and research institutions including Crédit Mutuel, Bosch, E.ON, Volkswagen Group, and Ikerbasque are accessing IBM global quantum fleet in quest to advance quantum algorithm discovery. EHNINGEN, Germany, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, senior European government officials and European-based global enterprises, IBM (NYSE: IBM) today unveiled the first IBM Quantum Data Center located outside of the United States. It is the company's second quantum data center in the world and marks a significant expansion of its fleet of advanced, utility-scale quantum systems available to global users via the cloud. On October 1, 2024, IBM officially opened a global quantum data center in Ehningen, Germany alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other government and industry leaders. It is IBM’s second quantum data center deployed in the world, and the company’s first outside of the United States. The IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe features two new utility-scale, IBM Quantum systems, and will soon bring online an IBM Quantum Heron-based system, IBM’s most performant quantum computer yet. (Pictured at the inauguration of the IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe from left to right: Dr. Anna Christmann, Federal Government Coordinator for the Digital Economy and Start-Ups, Federal Economics Ministry; Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour, and Tourism, State of Baden-Württemberg; German Chancellor Olaf Scholz; Dario Gil, IBM Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Ana Paula De Jesus Assis, General Manager of IBM EMEA.) Credit: IBM Now online in Ehningen, Germany, Europe's first IBM Quantum Data Center includes two new utility-scale, IBM Quantum Eagle-based systems, and will soon feature a new IBM Quantum Heron-based system. These systems are capable of performing computations beyond the brute-force simulation capabilities of classical computers. First introduced late last year, IBM Heron is the company's most performant quantum chip yet, and advances the company's mission of bringing useful quantum computing to the world by enabling users to increase the complexity of algorithms they are exploring on real quantum hardware. When the IBM Heron-based system is made available at the IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe, it will be the third IBM Heron installed across IBM's fleet of quantum systems that can be accessed by the company's global quantum network of more than 250 enterprises, universities, research institutions, and organizations. IBM Heron offers up to a 16-fold increase in performance and 25-fold increase in speed over previous IBM quantum computers as they were measured two years ago. When it is deployed alongside the now-available utility-scale systems installed in the new IBM Quantum Data Center, the IBM Heron-based system will expand the more than a dozen quantum computers IBM currently offers through the cloud – the largest fleet of its kind in the world. The opening of the new quantum data center was celebrated at a ribbon-cutting event attended by senior government officials, including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour, and Tourism, State of Baden-Württemberg. IBM CEO and Chairman Arvind Krishna gave remarks alongside Chancellor Scholz, and the Chancellor also spoke at length with IBM leaders including Dario Gil, IBM Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Ana Paula Assis, General Manager of IBM EMEA; Jay Gambetta, Vice President of IBM Quantum; and IBM Quantum's German-based team about the importance of quantum computing's adoption and growth in the region. Additionally, the landmark moment was attended by several senior leaders of European-based global enterprises, including Crédit Mutuel, Bosch, E.ON, Volkswagen Group, and others, as well as research institutions such as Ikerbasque in Spain and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. These organizations are among the more than 80 European-based organizations within the IBM Quantum Network, many of which have the opportunity to access the systems within the IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe to search for the algorithms and applications of quantum computing that could solve some of the most complex challenges across their industries. "The opening of the IBM Quantum Data Center in Ehningen is good news for Germany. It will serve as a location for innovation and business growth, and is an expression of investors' confidence in the German market. IBM enriches the German quantum computing landscape with this new data center. The German government is providing targeted support for the development of quantum technologies. It is thereby driving forward the development of competencies and capacities in quantum computing in order to promote a robust ecosystem around the development of quantum computers," said Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. "The opening of our first IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe marks a pivotal moment for the region's technological development, demonstrates our commitment to Europe, and underscores the key role of collaboration with industry, academia and policymakers for a pan-European quantum ecosystem. This state-of-the-art facility will foster innovation around quantum computing, creating new opportunities for talent attraction and ensuring that Europe remains at the forefront of global technological advancements," said Ana Paula Assis, General Manager and Chairman of IBM Europe, Middle East and Africa. "Our collaboration with IBM for the 'scaling' phase of quantum computing is progressing according to plan. We are working to develop concrete applications that improve the experience of our customer and members, and create value for the Group's businesses," said Frantz Rublé, President of Euro-Information and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale. "The availability of this quantum data center on European soil addresses our constraints in terms of processing proximity and Crédit Mutuel's approach to regulatory compliance. And it also means we can look forward to the next stages of the quantum project with confidence at Crédit Mutuel, CIC and then at Targobank." "We believe that enabling our scientists and engineers to tackle demanding problems in materials sciences, high-energy physics, and biosciences through quantum computing, and providing state-of-the-art quantum computing access will be key to make disruptive progress in all those disciplines," said Javier Aizpurua, Ikerbasque professor, Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and director of BasQ. "A combined use of quantum computing, AI, and data science, if generalized, will give rise to a scenario of new possibilities not only in fundamental research but also in industrial innovation." "Bosch aims to drive innovation in the field of material simulation using quantum computing. In partnership with IBM Quantum, our team is creating scalable algorithms that aim to revolutionize product development. This includes the creation of new materials for sustainable, carbon-free mobility and the reduction of rare earth elements," said Dr. Thomas Kropf, President of Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering, Robert Bosch GmbH. "The European IBM Quantum Data Center allows us to run quantum calculations in close proximity, supporting Bosch's approach to compliance with European data protection regulations. This accelerates our research and development efforts and bolsters the European quantum ecosystem, paving the way for advancements in mobility, healthcare, and sustainable technologies." "E.ON is investigating quantum computing to tackle energy transition challenges, including large-scale optimization, complex scenario modeling, and quantum machine learning. IBM's first European Quantum Data Center's location is also helpful for EU/German public funding opportunities, which may be available for local access to quantum computational resources and on-site expertise. This milestone underscores Europe's and Germany's leadership in quantum computing and marks a significant advancement in propelling enterprises into the quantum era," said Chris d'Arcy, Managing Director, E.ON Digital Technology GmbH and Chief Data and AI Officer. "Quantum computing can be the next big thing to solve problems in material science, traffic optimization, or deep learning, that may change the world. IBM's Quantum Data Center in Europe provides access to their unique quantum infrastructure and thus, represents an indispensable another piece of the bridge between quantum computers and industrial application at scale. We are proud to be part of that journey to utilize quantum computing for the transformation into future sustainable and smart mobility," said Dr. Nikolai Ardey, Executive Director, Volkswagen Group Innovation. "Algorithmiq is pioneering the integration of quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and network science to solve the world's most complex problems in chemistry, healthcare and life sciences. To accomplish this, we need algorithms and scale. This is why we've partnered with IBM on both counts: our groundbreaking error mitigation algorithm, TEM, available through the Qiskit Functions Catalog, is proven to be optimal in extending the scale and accuracy of quantum simulations. And now, with more IBM quantum systems available in Europe, we're excited to further strengthen our ties in Europe and partner with an even larger ecosystem of industries, organizations, developers, and scientists to demonstrate TEM's utility — and progress toward quantum advantage," said Sabrina Maniscalco, CEO of Algorithmiq. IBM recently published evidence that Qiskit is the world's leading and most performant quantum software. Together with access to IBM's advanced quantum hardware, IBM's ecosystem of users across Europe and globally can access tools and systems that can help them to more easily advance the discovery of algorithms that could open the doorway to useful quantum computing and reach quantum advantage: the point at which a quantum computer can solve a practical problem better than any classical method. The IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe can be accessed through the IBM Quantum Platform, continuing IBM's mission to enable the development of quantum computing use cases and to support clients as they press forward with algorithm discovery in the era of quantum utility, and towards quantum advantage. About IBM IBM is a leading global hybrid cloud and AI, and business services provider, helping clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. Nearly 4,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and business services deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service. For more information, visit www.ibm.com. Media Contact: Erin Angeliniedlehr@us.ibm.com On October 1, 2024, IBM officially opened a global quantum data center in Ehningen, Germany alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other government and industry leaders. It is IBM’s second quantum data center deployed in the world, and the company’s first outside of the United States. The IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe features two new utility-scale, IBM Quantum systems, and will soon bring online an IBM Quantum Heron-based system, IBM’s most performant quantum computer yet. (Pictured at the inauguration of the IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.) Credit: IBM On October 1, 2024, IBM officially opened a global quantum data center in Ehningen, Germany alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other government and industry leaders. It is IBM’s second quantum data center deployed in the world, and the company’s first outside of the United States. The IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe features two new utility-scale, IBM Quantum systems, and will soon bring online an IBM Quantum Heron-based system, IBM’s most performant quantum computer yet. (Pictured at the inauguration of the IBM Quantum Data Center in Europe from left to right: Dario Gil, IBM Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Dr. Jay Gambetta, Vice President of Quantum, IBM Fellow; Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour, and Tourism, State of Baden-Württemberg; German Chancellor Olaf Scholz; Dr. Florian Toncar, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance; Dr. Anna Christmann, Federal Government Coordinator for the Digital Economy and Start-Ups, Federal IBM Corporation logo.
根據交通部路政及道安司統計,過去十年間,台灣的交通事故數量呈現逐步上升的趨勢。去年,造成死傷的交通事故多達近40.3萬件,較前一年增加了7.2%。為打造更安全的用路環境,台灣福斯集團及旗下品牌(Audi、Volkswagen、Škoda和福斯商旅)致力推廣正確道路安全觀念,自2021年起舉辦「愛不停 公益行」兒童公益繪畫比賽並提出「路口慢看停 酒駕不放行」的道安倡議。隨著比賽邁入第三屆,今年台灣福斯集團拓展議題深度,整合交通安全與永續觀念,以「智能電動車 行駛更安心」為今年繪畫比賽主題,期望透過有趣的繪畫比賽激發孩童想像力,進而培養正確的道安知識。 台灣福斯集團總裁安薩瑞(Rahil Ansari)表示:「我們從歷屆學童的畫作中,觀察到他們對於現今交通狀況的認知與視角,不僅反映出孩子們希望擁有安心無虞、節能永續的用路環境,更啟發台灣福斯集團對移動未來的反思。今年的主題首度結合電動車,希望透過孩子們的想像力及創意,傳達永續觀念在日後交通環境所扮演的關鍵角色,同時影響陪同參與活動的家庭成員,共創更好的行車用路環境。」 今年「愛不停 公益行」兒童公益繪畫比賽將邀請兒童美育、繪本出版等領域專家、學者與主辦單位共同擔任評審,根據參賽作品之創意特色、繪畫技巧與色彩搭配作為評選標準,依照國小低年級、中年級與高年級分為三大組別,頒發最佳創意獎、最佳風格獎、最佳電動車獎,每個組別、獎項各3名得獎人(不進行名次排行),每位獲獎者皆可獲得獎狀乙紙及主辦單位原廠精品。 「智能電動車 行駛更安心」兒童公益繪畫比賽活動辦法 · 活動收件日期:2024年10月01日(二)至 2024年10月31日(四)止。 · 參加對象:國小低年級組、國小中年級組、國小高年級組,共三組。參賽者須按照就讀年級參與相對應組別,分組方式以2024年暑假後為準。 · 稿件領取方式: o 實體領取 - 親臨Audi、Volkswagen、福斯商旅、Škoda展示中心、服務廠、認證中古車中心領取空白稿件。 o 線上自行列印 - 至Audi Taiwan、Volkswagen Taiwan、VW Bulli台灣福斯商旅、Škoda Taiwan Facebook臉書粉絲專頁或官網自行列印稿件(自行列印稿件請注意格式限定為A3圖畫紙)。 · 報名方式(擇一): o 實體繳件 - 於收件日期內,親臨台灣奧迪(Audi)、台灣福斯汽車(Volkswagen)、台灣福斯商旅(Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge)、台灣 Škoda 授權展示中心、服務廠、認證中古車中心繳件。 o 郵寄繳件 - 郵寄至台灣福斯股份有限公司(台北市信義區松高路1號15樓),主旨寫明【愛不停 公益行 兒童繪畫比賽】、Catherine Liao收(請於2024年10月31日以前郵寄,以郵戳為憑)。 · 得獎公告:得獎名單將於2025年1月底前公佈於Audi Taiwan、Volkswagen Taiwan、VW Bulli台灣福斯商旅、Škoda Taiwan Facebook臉書粉絲專頁,並主動以電話或簡訊通知得獎者確認後續領獎事宜。
HEFEI, China, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On September 6, Moroccan Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch, joined by officials from the Ministry of Investment, AMDIE,and CGEM, visited the facilities of Gotion High-Tech. Throughout the visit, Aziz Akhannouch commended Gotion's technological expertise and product capabilities, repeatedly describing them as "Formidable!". Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch commends the line-up of electric vehicles powered by Gotion batteries (PRNewsfoto/) In the afternoon, the Moroccan delegation toured Gotion's Volkswagen UC Plant, the Baohe headquarters exhibition hall, and the Validation Engineering Institute. They were particularly impressed by Gotion's battery research and development, as well as its comprehensive manufacturing capabilities. The Prime Minister noted the decade-long battery data collection at the Institute, saying, "It is evident that Gotion has got at least a ten-year head start in this domain." During their visit to Baohe headquarters, the delegation inspected a line-up of EVs powered by Gotion batteries, including cars made by Chery, Geely, SGMW, JAC, Leap motor, Hozon, Changan and Great Wall. The Prime Minister examined the vehicles closely, and upon learning they were all equipped with Gotion batteries, expressed his enthusiasm, exclaiming "Formidable!" while giving a symbolic thumb-up. In a gesture of goodwill, Gotion Chairman Li Zhen announced the donation of all displayed vehicles to the Moroccan government, signifying China's commitment to supporting Morocco's electrification efforts. Prime Minister Akhannouch expressed gratitude and highlighted the alignment of the vehicles with Morocco's needs, expressing optimism that in the foreseeable future such vehicles might be produced in Moroccan factories.
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