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符合「Volkswagen」新聞搜尋結果, 共 99 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Horizon Robotics and Volkswagen Collaborate on Creating a "Third Living Space" for Chinese Consumers

BEIJING, March 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent ride around Beijing's city center, Yu Kai, Founder and CEO of Horizon Robotics, a leading provider of energy-efficient computing solutions for consumer vehicles in China, and Ralf Brandstätter, Chairman and CEO of Volkswagen Group China, expressed their enthusiasm about the fast-evolving digitalization of life in China, and their shared focus on creating cars that serve as a "third living space" for Chinese consumers.   Since taking on the position of VW Group China CEO in August 2022, Mr. Brandstätter has been greatly impressed by how digitalization has become a fundamental part of Chinese people's lives, while Mr. Yu noted that Chinese consumers are increasingly expecting cars to serve as an extension of their living space beyond home and office. In October 2022, Volkswagen Group and its software company CARIAD forged a partnership with Horizon Robotics to accelerate the development of automated driving solutions in China, aiming to bring consumers a safer and more convenient driving experience. During their tour around Beijing in Volkswagen's ID.6, both Mr. Yu and Mr. Brandstätter expressed their pride in the collaboration, and their confidence that the two companies will combine China's speed with German quality to "make people's lives much safer and better," as Mr. Yu put it. Mr. Brandstätter shared his excitement for the future of automated driving, in which that car becomes a "time machine" -- literally creating extra time for drivers to socialize, be productive, and enjoy entertainment. The full video is available on the Horizon Robotics YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/y-7Yc0a9qFU.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 751 加入收藏 :
Volkswagen Group Ireland指定Cognizant轉型數位化客戶體驗

Cognizant將雲端語音服務整合至單一的全通路平台,加強代理商和客戶體驗,並更具個性化 新澤西州提尼克2023年3月14日 /美通社/ -- Cognizant  (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 今天宣布,經總部位於德國沃爾夫斯堡的跨國汽車製造商Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 選中,為其打造數位化客戶服務的全新樣貌。Cognizant將重新設計VWG Ireland現有的分散式聯絡中心平台,塑造成一個以Salesforce雲端語音服和Amazon Connect為基礎的全通路客戶體驗 (customer experience,CX) 平台。 VWG Ireland需整合其舊有的聯絡中心功能,並簡化其客戶服務,以降低維護成本,提高效率,同時獲取客戶整體性的360度全景視角。由於客戶參與的流程和通路處於分散狀態,VWG Ireland所面臨的還包括對客戶的洞察力不足,以及手動彙總客戶數據導致過度耗時等問題。作為合作的一部份,Cognizant將打造一個全面性數位化、以雲端為基礎的全通路CX平台,為客戶建立現代化的互動方式,並為代理商提供易於使用的網路化用戶統一界面,將客戶數據、情境、旅程和交流管道融為一體。 Cognizant將同時為VWG Ireland在客戶旅程和對話上提供更先進的洞察能力。此舉是為改善報告、促進商業決策並推展下一步的最佳行動,能向客戶提供個性化體驗並推薦其後續等服務或產品。此外,Cognizant將為CX平台的持續改進、強化功能和創新流程,與VWG Ireland一同攜手合作。引進CX平台為最終用戶及其主管帶來更高效率,進而節省時間並為VWG Ireland的客戶提供最佳化的服務水準。 「在過去十年中,汽車行業從底層發生變革,特別是電動車的快速普及。此外,客戶對於服務水準和與各種組織的交流方式也產生期望性的改變,這在疫情期間因必要性的遠程訪問、服務提供和支持,使得這種改變的速度加劇,」VWG Ireland的資訊長Tom Murphy說道。「汽車行業尤其了解客戶想要怎樣改變彼此的溝通方式。為了能與客戶更有意義、更直接地交流,我們需要一個值得信賴的IT合作夥伴,以協助我們達成使命、改善系統,並更有效地與客戶群體進行互動。」 「Cognizant的使命是將OEM製造商、供應商、經銷商和汽車金融公司變身為現代企業。本項計畫為Cognizant和Volkswagen所首創,將CX在雲端的CRM、數位化和語音等強大能力相互結合。為此,我們很榮幸經Volkswagen Group Ireland選中,為其滿足客戶期望,提供客戶旅程轉型方面的支持,」Cognizant英國及愛爾蘭區總經理Rohit Gupta表示。「憑藉我們在全球大型客戶聯絡中心管理和轉型方面超過15年的豐富經驗,結合我們在敏捷領導力執行方面的成熟方法、流程和專業知識,我們相信我們是Volkswagen Group Ireland的不二首選,以協助其提升汽車製造商的客戶體驗。」 關於Volkswagen Group Ireland Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 是Volkswagen AG的獨資企業,也是愛爾蘭最大的汽車公司,擁有六個領先品牌包括:Volkswagen、Audi、ŠKODA、CUPRA、Seat和Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles。作為一家全國性銷售公司,我們與愛爾蘭共和國近130家特許經銷商合作。Volkswagen Group Ireland是愛爾蘭最大的電動汽車銷售商,其電動汽車市場的佔有率達到34%。 關於CognizantCognizant (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 築就現代企業。我們幫助客戶實現技術現代化、流程重構和體驗轉型,使其能在瞬息萬變的世界中保持領先地位。讓我們共同努力,攜手改善日常生活。欲知詳情,請瀏覽: www.cognizant.com ,或追蹤@cognizant。   美國 歐洲/APAC 印度 Jodi Sorensen Christina Schneider Rashmi Vasisht  jodi.sorensen@cognizant.com christina.schneider@cognizant.com rashmi.vasisht@cognizant.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4464 加入收藏 :
UBTECH Showcases its Latest Humanoid Robots and Solutions at LEAP 2025

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- As a world-leading humanoid robot enterprise, UBTECH has announced its participation at LEAP 2025 in Saudi Arabia. At this event, UBTECH will showcase the Humanoid Robot Industrial Application Solution with Walker S Series, Panda Robot Youyou, self-developed advanced humanoid robot Una, as well as a comprehensive AI Education solutions for K-12 school, vocational and higher education. UBTECH Showcases its Latest Humanoid Robots and Solutions at LEAP 2025 Multi-task Humanoid Robot Industrial Application Solution Debuts in the Middle East Humanoid Robot Industrial Application Solution is the first general-purpose humanoid robot solution for multi-task industrial scenarios in the world. The solution integrates UBTECH's latest achievements of embodied intelligence technology, enabling humanoid robots to complete a variety of industrial tasks. The solution has already been applied in BYD factories. At the event, two units of Walker S1, the industrial humanoid robot of UBTECH, demonstrate multi-task such as parcel handling and SPS sorting in the Middle East for the first time. two units of Walker S1, the industrial humanoid robot of UBTECH, demonstrate multi-task such as parcel handling and SPS sorting In the parcel handling task, Walker S1 utilizes semantic VSLAM technology and full-body motion control to carry boxes weighing up to 15 kilograms with its dual arms. For the SPS sorting task, Walker S1 features self-developed humanoid dexterous hands that can precisely monitor gripping force and sort objects with high accuracy. From 2024, UBTECH has cooperated with multiple enterprises, including Audi FAW, BYD, Geely Auto, Foxconn, SF Express, FAW-Volkswagen Qingdao Branch, BAIC BJEV, and Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor, to jointly create demonstrative applications for humanoid robots. To date, UBTECH is the only humanoid robot company that has announced multiple co-operations with vehicle companies in the world, and our humanoid robot Walker S series have entered most of the production line of vehicle companies to complete different tasks. In addition, UBTECH Walker S series has already received over 500 intent orders from electric vehicle manufacturers. Apart from Walker S Series, UBTECH Panda Robot Youyou, who served as the peace and friendship ambassador for the China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, demonstrates the functions of serving drinks, and interacting with audiences in a household setting. Una, a highly advanced humanoid robot that independently developed by UBTECH, is demonstrated at LEAP 2025 for the first time. It has a human-like soft and warm exterior, and understands natural language. Una can provide variety of services including emotional companionship, entertainment interaction and reception, bringing people a personalized and warm interactive experience. Panda Robot Youyou and Una at LEAP 2025 To date, UBTECH has pioneered the deployment of humanoid robots globally, focusing on three scenarios, which are industrial manufacturing, commercial services, and household companionship. The deployment starts from industrial manufacturing. As the cost of humanoid robots decreases and AGI develops in the future, humanoid robots will gradually enter commercial scenarios and every home. The fast progress comes with UBTECH's continuous development in core technologies of humanoid robots. By June 2024, UBTECH holds more than 2,450 robotic and AI-related patents, including more than 450 international patents and with nearly 60% being invention patents. The company is also verifying the effectiveness of DeepSeek in humanoid robot application scenarios. UBTECH Brings a Comprehensive AI Education Solution to LEAP 2025 UBTECH is showcasing its comprehensive AI Education solution for K-12 schools, vocational training, and higher education at the event. UBTECH showcases its comprehensive AI Education solution for K-12 schools, vocational training, and higher education For K-12 education, UBTECH offers a holistic solution that integrates a curriculum, hardware, software, training, competitions, assessments, and a teaching management platform. Embracing the vision of integrating cutting-edge technology into classrooms, UBTECH has introduced the Yanshee series (desktop humanoid robots), UGOT series (multi-mimetic robots), uKit series (creative building block robots), and an AIGC-based Learning Platform. These tools provide students with opportunities to explore artificial intelligence, robotics, self-driving technology, and IoT technology. This fosters key skills such as programming, innovation, computational thinking, and technological literacy, preparing them for the future of technology. For vocational and higher education, UBTECH offers the solution with Walker S1 and intelligent service robot, proposed three artificial intelligence and robotics education scenarios: research scenario, teaching scenario, and industrial training scenario. The higher education solution will help to train students' research, application development and operation skills of AI & robotics, fostering national industrial talents. UBTECH provides the Robotics competition solution RoboG (Robo Genius). After several years of development, RoboG competition has become an international platform used by youths globally. UBTECH has a long-lasting connection with the Middle East. Apart from the service of panda robot Youyou in Dubai Expo, two Walker X have also been exported to NEOM. UBTECH's commercial service robot, Cruzr, had also participated at Riyadh Season, the largest cultural festival in Saudi Arabia, providing guidance and explanation services to tourists worldwide. Dedicated to the mission of 'bringing intelligent robots into every household, and making everyday life more convenient and intelligent', UBTECH has developed a full stack of humanoid robotic technologies independently since 2012. With an unwavering commitment to innovations and technology, UBTECH aims to bring humanoid robots to every home and industry, marching towards a society where human and robots co-exist. For inquiries, please contact ubtech.edu@ubtrobot.com and sales@ubtrobot.com.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 39 加入收藏 :
Assembly 委任 Karen Ho 為大中華區董事總經理,引領當地成長

Karen Ho 將監督公司在中國內地、香港和台灣的業務的增長和客戶發展。 香港2025年2月6日 /美通社/ -- 全球多渠道媒體代理商 Assembly 宣布委任 Karen Ho 擔任新成立大中華區的董事總經理,強調了公司對於在這充滿活力的地區加速成長的承諾。 Karen Ho,Assembly 大中華區董事總經理 在新職位中, Karen Ho 將引領 Assembly 在大中華區的發展,為在此地區經營或投資的客戶帶領增長。Karen Ho 將領導 Assembly 在中國內地、香港和台灣辦事處提升產品、人才和技術創新的努力,確保這些辦事處能夠帶來客戶影響力。此外,Karen Ho 將加強跨市場合作,並開發一步接一步的解決方案,以更好地支援客戶在本地和國際的發展。Karen Ho 將負責監督大中華地區的關鍵客戶關係,包括文華東方酒店集團、APM Monaco、Clarins、American Eagle Outfitters 等。 憑藉超過二十年的行業經驗,Karen Ho 在推動增長和提供成果方面能力卓著。她曾在 Initiative China 負責監督市場大幅增長,與中國大眾汽車集團 (Volkswagen Group China)、Bridgestone 和 GM Ultium 等主要客戶合作。她的領導力為公司獲得多項行業獎項,包括年度代理商。Karen Ho 以建立有效的團隊和實現可衡量成果的技能而聞名,她已準備好地指導 Assembly 進入其下一階段的擴展階段。 Assembly 亞太區行政總裁 Richard Brosgill 表示:「Karen 是一位具有遠見的領導者,她的市場洞察力無與倫比,對建設擁有真正熱忱。在她的領導下,我們將在大中華區的戰略投資中發揮關鍵作用。展望未來,我們將繼續推出推動品牌和業務影響力的活動,掀開新的發展篇章。」 這次任命反映出 Assembly 的更廣泛抱負,希望加強其在亞太地區領導地位,並提供量身定制的解決方案,以滿足當地市場獨特需求。隨著 Assembly 的 Vivian Mok 晉升為北亞董事總經理之後,Karen Ho 的加入,彰顯出公司對深化市場專業知識和推動亞太地區創新的重視。 Karen Ho 表示:「長期以來,我一直欣賞 Assembly 大膽創新的方法和追求卓越的承諾。「我非同意公司『尋找變化來促進成長』的定位,這是我在整個職業生涯中一直致力於實現的事情。我很高興能與其才華橫溢的團隊和客戶合作,共同尋找新的發展機遇,推動我們多元化、充滿活力的大中華區的下一個發展篇章。」 Assembly 簡介 Assembly 是全球領先的全渠道傅媒代理公司,將數據、人才和技術合併,為全球最受尊敬的品牌推動成長。我們的全方位方法,融合強力品牌敘述與全面全球傳媒力量,推動業績和促進重要業務擴展。我們的計劃由我們的專利 STAGE 作業系統提供支援,並由全球 35 個據點 2,300 多名專業人士組成的全球團隊執行。Assembly 承諾執行明確目標的行動,並於公司內部帶領社會及環境影響。作為旨在徹底改變營銷活動的挑戰者網絡 Stagwell 的驕傲成員,Assembly 繼續為卓越設定新標準。更多資料,請瀏覽 Assemblyglobal.com。  媒體聯絡Kelvin Lee亞太區行銷總監kelvin.lee@assemblyglobal.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 767 加入收藏 :
DDB Worldwide Launches First-of-its-Kind "Feels Barometer" to Harness Emotion as the Next Frontier in Creating Competitive Advantage for Brands

NEW YORK, Feb. 5, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- In an era of algorithms, data overload, and advertising that often leaves audiences numb, DDB Worldwide is taking a stand for emotion with the launch of the Feels Barometer—a first-of-its-kind global tool designed to measure, decode, and harness human feelings at scale. "We are in a crisis of marketing effectiveness," said Tomas Gonsorcik, Global Chief Strategy Officer at DDB Worldwide. "Brands are spending more but moving people less. The Feels Barometer is our antidote to the 'meh-ification' of advertising. If, according to pioneering behavioral psychologist Daniel Kahneman, 95% of decisions are emotionally driven, then why are so many brands still treating feelings as an afterthought? This tool isn't just about understanding people better—it's about making brands unignorable by creating work that moves people deeply and memorably." The Feels Barometer, created in partnership with insights agency TRA, leverages cutting-edge projective techniques. Here's an overview of the research behind it: Insights from 8 leading global experts in emotions and psychology, including renowned authors, neuroscientists, and anthropologists. 140+ hours of in-depth qualitative research with participants from diverse cultures, providing rich, human-centered insights. Surveys of over 16,000 individuals across eight countries (United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, Sweden, France, Germany, and Australia), ensuring a comprehensive data set. 100 real-life emotional triggers ranging from personal experiences like a tech-free family dinner to broader societal shifts such as AI's impact on the workplace. Going beyond simple positive-negative sentiment analyses, the research captures the texture of feelings—intensity, cultural nuances, and even sensory associations like color, shape, and temperature. The study uncovered both global emotional trends and the significant regional nuances that shape behavior. While universal insights, such as the global appeal of "getting a good deal," emerged, the Feels Barometer underscores the importance of tailoring campaigns to resonate within specific cultural contexts. By aligning with the unique emotional drivers of diverse audiences, the Feels Barometer empowers both global brands navigating local markets and single-market brands to better understand the shared values and distinctions across subcultures and demographics. Here are some insights our research uncovered: The joy of finding a good deal rivals that of life's biggest milestones. That's right—securing a discount triggers an emotional spike comparable to birthdays or promotions.  AI sparks as much existential dread as it does excitement. People are deeply divided on whether technology is liberating or terrifying—and that tension is a goldmine for brands willing to engage with it authentically.  Nostalgia isn't just a trend—it's an emotional powerhouse. Across markets, looking back at the past brings comfort in uncertain times, making "retro-fication" one of the most potent creative levers available today.  "As creatives looking to connect brands with people in the most meaningful ways, we are constantly looking to better understand how people feel. Feel about the world, their lives, and the brands that should serve them. The Feels Barometer supercharges our ability to understand the deepest emotional insights and how people genuinely feel about the things that matter most to them. Simply put, it's a game changer for us," said Chaka Sobhani, Global President & Chief Creative Officer, DDB Worldwide. The Feels Barometer will be integrated into DDB's strategic and creative process globally, as part of DDB's proprietary AI tool stack – RAND DDB, helping brands design campaigns that don't just attract eyeballs but capture hearts. DDB's clients will have access to deep-dive reports, interactive workshops, and bespoke applications of the tool tailored to their industry. In the battle for consumer attention, the most valuable real estate isn't a media buy—it's a lasting emotional memory. The Feels Barometer is here to help brands claim their share of heart. To learn more about DDB, visit us online at DDB.com or follow us on LinkedIn for more Feels Barometer insights. ABOUT DDB WORLDWIDE   At DDB Worldwide (www.ddb.com), we believe in the unreasonable power of emotional creativity to move people, business, and culture. As one of the world's leading advertising and marketing networks, we combine creative excellence with strategic effectiveness to deliver measurable business results. Our effectiveness is reflected in industry recognition, including 2023 Global Network of the Year by Cannes Lions, D&AD Agency Network of the Year (2021–2023), and #2 in the 2024 Effie Global Best of the Best. We have also ranked as a Top 3 Global Network on WARC for 13 of the last 16 years. With 140 offices in 60+ countries, we partner with leading brands such as MARS, McDonald's, Molson Coors, Volkswagen, Amazon, Unilever, JetBlue, Adidas, PlayStation, and the U.S. Army to build meaningful consumer connections that drive sustained growth. Founded in 1949, DDB is part of Omnicom (NYSE: OMC). ContactPress@ddb.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 88 加入收藏 :

Ho will oversee the growth and client development of the agency's business across Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. HONG KONG, Feb. 5, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Global omnichannel media agency Assembly has announced the appointment of Karen Ho to the newly created role of Managing Director, Greater China, underscoring its commitment to accelerating growth in the dynamic region. Karen Ho, Managing Director, Greater China, Assembly In her new role, Ho will spearhead Assembly's evolution in Greater China, leading growth for clients operating or investing in the region. Ho will lead efforts to enhance product, talent, and technology innovation across the agency's offices in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, ensuring they are built to deliver client impact. Additionally, Ho will strengthen cross-market collaboration and develop connected solutions to better support clients' local and international ambitions. Ho will oversee key client relationships in Greater China, including Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, APM Monaco, Clarins, American Eagle Outfitters, and more. With over two decades of industry experience, Ho has demonstrated a strong ability to drive growth and deliver results. Formerly at Initiative China, she oversaw significant market growth, working with major clients such as Volkswagen Group China, Bridgestone, and GM Ultium. Her leadership contributed to the agency receiving several industry awards, including Agency of the Year. Known for her skill in building effective teams and achieving measurable outcomes, Ho is well-prepared to guide Assembly in its next stage of expansion. "Karen is a visionary leader with unparalleled market insights and a true appetite to build," said Richard Brosgill, APAC CEO of Assembly. "Her leadership will be pivotal as we invest strategically into the Greater China region and look ahead to a new chapter of growth as we continue to deliver campaigns that drive both brand and business impact." This appointment reflects Assembly's broader ambition to strengthen its leadership in APAC and deliver tailored solutions that meet the unique demands of the region's markets. Following the elevation of Assembly's Vivian Mok to Managing Director of North Asia, Ho's addition reinforces the agency's focus on deepening in-market expertise and driving innovation across APAC's subregions. "I have long admired Assembly for its bold approach to innovation and commitment to excellence," commented Ho. "I resonate deeply with the agency's proposition to Find the Change to Fuel Growth, something I have been committed to fulfilling throughout my career.  I'm energized to partner with their talented teams and clients to unlock new growth opportunities in this diverse and fast-evolving region and drive our next chapter of growth across this diverse and dynamic Greater China region." ABOUT ASSEMBLY   Assembly is a leading global omnichannel media agency that merges data, talent, and technology to catalyze growth for the world's most esteemed brands. Our holistic approach weaves together compelling brand narratives with a comprehensive suite of global media capabilities, driving performance and fostering significant business expansion. Our initiatives are powered by STAGE, our proprietary operating system, and executed by a dedicated global team of over 2,300 professionals across 35 offices worldwide. Committed to purposeful action, Assembly leads the way in social and environmental impact within the agency realm. As a proud member of Stagwell, the challenger network designed to revolutionize marketing, Assembly continues to set new standards of excellence. For more information, please visit assemblyglobal.com.   MEDIA CONTACTKelvin Lee,Marketing Director, APACkelvin.lee@assemblyglobal.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 355 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 12 日 (星期三) 農曆正月十五日
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