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Horizon Robotics and Volkswagen Collaborate on Creating a "Third Living Space" for Chinese Consumers

BEIJING, March 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent ride around Beijing's city center, Yu Kai, Founder and CEO of Horizon Robotics, a leading provider of energy-efficient computing solutions for consumer vehicles in China, and Ralf Brandstätter, Chairman and CEO of Volkswagen Group China, expressed their enthusiasm about the fast-evolving digitalization of life in China, and their shared focus on creating cars that serve as a "third living space" for Chinese consumers.   Since taking on the position of VW Group China CEO in August 2022, Mr. Brandstätter has been greatly impressed by how digitalization has become a fundamental part of Chinese people's lives, while Mr. Yu noted that Chinese consumers are increasingly expecting cars to serve as an extension of their living space beyond home and office. In October 2022, Volkswagen Group and its software company CARIAD forged a partnership with Horizon Robotics to accelerate the development of automated driving solutions in China, aiming to bring consumers a safer and more convenient driving experience. During their tour around Beijing in Volkswagen's ID.6, both Mr. Yu and Mr. Brandstätter expressed their pride in the collaboration, and their confidence that the two companies will combine China's speed with German quality to "make people's lives much safer and better," as Mr. Yu put it. Mr. Brandstätter shared his excitement for the future of automated driving, in which that car becomes a "time machine" -- literally creating extra time for drivers to socialize, be productive, and enjoy entertainment. The full video is available on the Horizon Robotics YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/y-7Yc0a9qFU.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 741 加入收藏 :
Volkswagen Group Ireland指定Cognizant轉型數位化客戶體驗

Cognizant將雲端語音服務整合至單一的全通路平台,加強代理商和客戶體驗,並更具個性化 新澤西州提尼克2023年3月14日 /美通社/ -- Cognizant  (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 今天宣布,經總部位於德國沃爾夫斯堡的跨國汽車製造商Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 選中,為其打造數位化客戶服務的全新樣貌。Cognizant將重新設計VWG Ireland現有的分散式聯絡中心平台,塑造成一個以Salesforce雲端語音服和Amazon Connect為基礎的全通路客戶體驗 (customer experience,CX) 平台。 VWG Ireland需整合其舊有的聯絡中心功能,並簡化其客戶服務,以降低維護成本,提高效率,同時獲取客戶整體性的360度全景視角。由於客戶參與的流程和通路處於分散狀態,VWG Ireland所面臨的還包括對客戶的洞察力不足,以及手動彙總客戶數據導致過度耗時等問題。作為合作的一部份,Cognizant將打造一個全面性數位化、以雲端為基礎的全通路CX平台,為客戶建立現代化的互動方式,並為代理商提供易於使用的網路化用戶統一界面,將客戶數據、情境、旅程和交流管道融為一體。 Cognizant將同時為VWG Ireland在客戶旅程和對話上提供更先進的洞察能力。此舉是為改善報告、促進商業決策並推展下一步的最佳行動,能向客戶提供個性化體驗並推薦其後續等服務或產品。此外,Cognizant將為CX平台的持續改進、強化功能和創新流程,與VWG Ireland一同攜手合作。引進CX平台為最終用戶及其主管帶來更高效率,進而節省時間並為VWG Ireland的客戶提供最佳化的服務水準。 「在過去十年中,汽車行業從底層發生變革,特別是電動車的快速普及。此外,客戶對於服務水準和與各種組織的交流方式也產生期望性的改變,這在疫情期間因必要性的遠程訪問、服務提供和支持,使得這種改變的速度加劇,」VWG Ireland的資訊長Tom Murphy說道。「汽車行業尤其了解客戶想要怎樣改變彼此的溝通方式。為了能與客戶更有意義、更直接地交流,我們需要一個值得信賴的IT合作夥伴,以協助我們達成使命、改善系統,並更有效地與客戶群體進行互動。」 「Cognizant的使命是將OEM製造商、供應商、經銷商和汽車金融公司變身為現代企業。本項計畫為Cognizant和Volkswagen所首創,將CX在雲端的CRM、數位化和語音等強大能力相互結合。為此,我們很榮幸經Volkswagen Group Ireland選中,為其滿足客戶期望,提供客戶旅程轉型方面的支持,」Cognizant英國及愛爾蘭區總經理Rohit Gupta表示。「憑藉我們在全球大型客戶聯絡中心管理和轉型方面超過15年的豐富經驗,結合我們在敏捷領導力執行方面的成熟方法、流程和專業知識,我們相信我們是Volkswagen Group Ireland的不二首選,以協助其提升汽車製造商的客戶體驗。」 關於Volkswagen Group Ireland Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 是Volkswagen AG的獨資企業,也是愛爾蘭最大的汽車公司,擁有六個領先品牌包括:Volkswagen、Audi、ŠKODA、CUPRA、Seat和Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles。作為一家全國性銷售公司,我們與愛爾蘭共和國近130家特許經銷商合作。Volkswagen Group Ireland是愛爾蘭最大的電動汽車銷售商,其電動汽車市場的佔有率達到34%。 關於CognizantCognizant (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 築就現代企業。我們幫助客戶實現技術現代化、流程重構和體驗轉型,使其能在瞬息萬變的世界中保持領先地位。讓我們共同努力,攜手改善日常生活。欲知詳情,請瀏覽: www.cognizant.com ,或追蹤@cognizant。   美國 歐洲/APAC 印度 Jodi Sorensen Christina Schneider Rashmi Vasisht  jodi.sorensen@cognizant.com christina.schneider@cognizant.com rashmi.vasisht@cognizant.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4394 加入收藏 :
Yahoo Celebrates Marketing Excellence at the 2024 Asia Big Idea Chair Awards

American Express International Inc. crowned Asia Big Idea Chair ChampionBao Dim Sin Seng wins Asia's Best Integrated SolutionVolkswagen Commercial Vehicles awarded Asia Awards Best Branded Content CampaignDebut of Public-Voted Yahoo Best Brand Awards TAIPEI, Jan. 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Yahoo hosted the Asia Big Idea Chair Awards 2024 (Yahoo Asia BIC Awards 2024) in Hong Kong and Taiwan, marking 16 years of celebrating creativity and excellence in marketing. This year's event introduced the highly anticipated Yahoo Best Brand Awards, an inaugural public-voted category where consumers chose the brands that resonated most with them, highlighting the power of consumer-driven marketing. Pete Wong, General Manager of Yahoo Asia The Yahoo Asia BIC Awards has been a prestigious regional event for over a decade and a half, spotlighting exceptional campaigns and trailblazing innovations in marketing and advertising. This year's judging panel featured 11 esteemed members from 9 leading industry organizations, including IAB Hong Kong, HK4As, The Hong Kong Advertisers Association, Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing, HKMA Digital Marketing Community, Taiwan Digital Media and Marketing Association, Media Agency Association Taipei, Taiwan Advertiser's Association, and International Advertising Association Taipei. The diverse panel ensured a thorough and impartial evaluation process. Pete Wong, General Manager of Yahoo Asia, emphasized the significance of this year's awards in today's dynamic landscape: "The Yahoo Asia BIC Awards is more than a celebration of success; it's a platform that inspires innovation and drives transformation in marketing. With the introduction of the public-voted Yahoo Best Brand Awards, we're bridging the gap between brands and their audiences, highlighting what truly resonates in today's consumer-driven world. From engaging campaigns to seamless digital experiences, these awards showcase the best of marketing excellence and creativity." The event drew participation from 200 industry leaders, brands, and agency partners, with some remarkable winners: Asia Big Idea Chair Champion: Winner: American Express International Inc.American Express claimed the prestigious Asia BIC Champion title for their "AMEX x BetterMe Boundless Explorer Campaign," which targeted Millennials—digitally savvy, adventure-seeking travelers who prioritize flexibility, unique experiences, and enjoy traveling to Japan. By partnering with Yahoo BetterMe and three top HK YouTubers to feature travel vlogs and behind-the-scenes content, along with a Boundless Explorer Lucky Draw that offers luxury Japan travel package and travel vouchers as prizes, and a limited-time welcome offer that captured attention, the campaign ensured broad visibility and engagement. This integrated approach was outstanding, achieving an 80% increase in card applications and a 20% reduction in acquisition costs. It showcases how a well-crafted campaign, supported by Yahoo's platform, can drive both awareness and tangible results. Asia's Best Integrated Solution Winner: Bao Dim Sin SengBao Dim Sin Seng was awarded Asia's Best Integrated Solution for their 15th Anniversary Campaign, which seamlessly blended online and offline elements. The campaign crossover with Mrs. So Sauce debuted a limited-edition "Spicy Series Bun," leveraging the Yahoo App's redemption feature to engage members, achieving an impressive 98% redemption rate within three minutes. It later introduced a CSR-driven "Rice & Bun Voucher Promotion," donating 2% of revenue to FOOD ANGEL, a Hong Kong-based NGO supporting vulnerable communities. The Yahoo Creative Team utilized AI technology to produce dynamic ad visuals and personalized content."This award reflects the passion and creativity that drive our brand," said Agnes Lung, Executive Director , Group Chief Marketing & Digital Officer from Bao Dim Sin Seng. "Partnering with Yahoo allowed us to connect with our audience in a meaningful way. From working with the Yahoo Creative team to creating AI-generated content to leveraging the Yahoo App for our redemption program, we were able to amplify our message and create moments that truly resonate with our community." Asia's Best Branded Content Campaign Winner: Volkswagen Commercial VehiclesVolkswagen Commercial Vehicles claimed the Best Branded Content Campaign award for their "My Iron-Willed Mother and Me" campaign, which shared the inspiring story of Xiao Bi, a man with cerebral palsy, and his mother, who has supported him through nearly 300 marathons and triathlons. The campaign not only resonated with audiences but also invited viewers to share their own stories of resilience, particularly their tales of mothers, as Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles's accessible vehicle—the Xiao Bi Dream Chaser—was featured around town to raise awareness. The heartfelt story of a mother and son overcoming disability sparked important conversations about accessible mobility and disability travel, generating over 4.9 million views and surpassing engagement targets by 870%."Our campaign wasn't just about telling a story; it was about starting meaningful conversations around accessibility and resilience," said Victor Ting, Head of Marketing Department at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. "Yahoo's platform helped us connect with a wider audience, giving us the opportunity to amplify our message in a more impactful way. Winning this award reinforces purpose-driven storytelling that can create genuine connections and make a lasting impact." As a cornerstone of the marketing industry, the Yahoo Asia BIC Awards celebrates campaigns that push boundaries and set new benchmarks. With the addition of the Yahoo Best Brand Awards, the event now provides a platform for public recognition, reflecting real-world consumer preferences and brand excellence.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 139 加入收藏 :
Naas Technology Inc. Charging Network Accomplishes 50% City Coverage in China

BEIJING, Jan. 16, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- NaaS Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: NAAS) ("NaaS" or the "Company"), the first U.S.-listed EV charging service company in China, today announced its charging network has successfully expanded to 360 cities in China as of year-end 2024. This represents over 50% city coverage compared to a total city count of 694 in accordance with National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS) for year 2023. Among 360 cities NAAS covered, approximately 170 of them increased charging volume through NaaS platform by more than 50% in 2024 compared to 2023. NAAS achieved this new benchmark through robust growth in both supply-side infrastructure and demand-side partnerships: On the supply side, as of September 30, 2024, NaaS had connected nearly 1.15 million chargers to its charging network, accounting for approximately 35%[1] of China's total public charging infrastructure. This critical momentum is a result of NaaS' business strategy focus on core charging services as announced last year and its long-term mission in advancing the sustainable energy transition. On the demand side, NaaS has expanded its user base through strategic collaborations with major automotive OEM brands. Partnerships with BYD's sub-brands (Dynasty, Ocean, and Fang Cheng Bao), as well as leading players such as NETA, IM Motors, Hongqi, and FAW-Volkswagen, have ensured that electric vehicle (EV) drivers can easily, quickly and reliably access chargers anywhere and at any time. Ms. Yang Wang, Chief Executive Officer of NaaS, commented, "We are proud of our dedicated pursuit of the strategic initiatives in advancing the EV charging ecosystem. Our supply-side infrastructure connection powered by AI technologies and NaaS Energy Fintech system is ready to deliver top-tier EV charging solutions for our users. Looking ahead, NaaS remains committed to advancing interconnectivity for vehicles of all types and sizes, as well as spearheading innovation in China's rapidly growing EV charging market. By bridging the gap between supply and demand, NaaS is setting new standards for operational excellence, leading partnership win-wins, and empowering EV users to embrace a sustainable future." Mr. Steven Sim, Chief Financial Officer of NaaS, added, "Our strategic investment in the supply-side capabilities and technological advancements for our core charging services have consistently enhanced our financial performance, culminating in a record high gross margin of 57% for the most recent quarter ended September 30, 2024. As we continue to optimize, adapt and scale our charging business to fulfill the demand of the ever-expanding EV drivers, we are confident in further delivering the required energy performance to the EV charging community." [1] According to data from the China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance, China had 3.33 million public chargers as of September 30, 2024, up from 2.73 million at the end of 2023. About NaaS Technology Inc. NaaS Technology Inc. is the first U.S. listed EV charging service company in China. The Company is a subsidiary of Newlinks Technology Limited, a leading energy digitalization group in China. The Company provides one-stop solutions to energy asset owners comprising charging services, energy solutions and new initiatives, supporting every stage of energy assets' lifecycle and facilitating energy transition. Safe Harbor Statement This press release contains statements of a forward-looking nature. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You can identify these forward-looking statements by terminology such as "will," "expects," "believes," "anticipates," "intends," "estimates" and similar statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about the Company and the industry. All information provided in this press release is as of the date hereof, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that its expectations will turn out to be correct, and investors are cautioned that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to the following: NaaS' goals and strategies; its future business development, financial conditions and results of operations; its ability to continuously develop new technology, services and products and keep up with changes in the industries in which it operates; growth of China's EV charging industry and EV charging service industry and NaaS' future business development; demand for and market acceptance of NaaS' products and services; NaaS' ability to protect and enforce its intellectual property rights; NaaS' ability to attract and retain qualified executives and personnel; the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of government and other measures that have been or will be taken in connection therewith; U.S.-China trade war and its effect on NaaS' operation, fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate, and NaaS' ability to obtain adequate financing for its planned capital expenditure requirements; NaaS' relationships with end-users, customers, suppliers and other business partners; competition in the industry; relevant government policies and regulations related to the industry; and fluctuations in general economic and business conditions in China and globally. Further information regarding these and other risks is included in NaaS' filings with the SEC. For investor and media inquiries, please contact: Investor RelationsNaaS Technology Inc.E-mail: ir@enaas.comMedia inquiries:E-mail: pr@enaas.com 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 88 加入收藏 :
2024-2025 Global Top Brands Award Ceremony Launched

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 12, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The highly anticipated 2024-2025 Global Top Brands Award Ceremony and International Consumer Electronics Industry Leaders' Summit were held on January 8, 2025 local time, at the Wynn & Encore Hotel in Las Vegas, USA. This ceremony gathered leading manufacturers, traders, and elites in the global consumer electronics industry to celebrate the triumphs of the world's top consumer electronics brands. With the theme of "AI Empowerment: Ushering in a New Era of Brand Upgrading", the Global Top Brands Award Ceremony focuses on how AI is deeply integrating with the consumer electronics industry and continuously driving innovation, vitality, and competitiveness in industrial development. A number of distinguished guests were present at the event, including Stavros Anthony, Lieutenant Governor of Nevada; Kim Tae Heum, Governor of Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea; Adam Goldstein, Vice President of TWICE; Zhu Dongfang, President of Asia Digital Group; Zhang Li, Co-President of Asia Digital Group; and Jan Lorbach, Senior Director of Strategic Insights at GfK. Senior executives from influential companies such as Huawei, TCL, Haier, Changhong, TECNO, ECOVACS, VOLTME, XPENG Motors, and Segway-Ninebot were also in attendance. In addition, key representatives from Samsung joined the ceremony. Nearly one hundred media outlets, including CCTV, Phoenix TV, and Dragon TV, as well as senior journalists, were also present to cover the event. Ceremony and Summit Open with a Focus on Pioneering Industry Development The award ceremony was filled with excitement and star power, bringing together representatives of executives from leading global consumer electronics brands and industry experts, who witnessed the unveiling of multiple top awards. These accolades celebrated the outstanding achievements in the consumer electronics sector over the past year, and pointed the way toward industry trends. Furthermore, participants engaged in in-depth exchanges on cutting-edge issues, exploring new trends, opportunities, and challenges facing the industry. The ceremony was not only a moment of honor but also an important platform for driving the high-quality development of the global consumer electronics industry. Founded by International Data Group in 2006, the Global Top Brands Awards (GTB for short) is a world-class selection event organized by Asia Digital Group and Europe Digital Group, and supported by TWICE and International Data Corporation(IDC for short), an authoritative market research and analysis firm. The GTB has evolved into a platform where the world's top consumer electronics brands compete to highlight their innovations, aiming to present the charm of global consumer electronics to audiences worldwide, enhancing the popularity of major consumer electronics enterprises in the international market, and further promoting the development of the global consumer electronics industry. This GTB brought together top consumer electronics brands from around the world to show their latest products and cutting-edge technologies. It serves as a forward-thinking platform for exchanging ideas, offering industry professionals an in-depth look at the most innovative products and emerging trends shaping the future of the global consumer electronics landscape. The event began with an address by Lieutenant Governor Stavros Anthony of Nevada. He highlighted that Nevada, often referred to as the "Silver State", has long been a fertile land for the fusion of innovative technologies and industries, thanks to its open and inclusive spirit, leading technological atmosphere, and unparalleled business environment. He emphasized that the award ceremony recognizes Nevada's strength in scientific and technological innovation, and serves as a powerful boost to their ongoing efforts to advance industry upgrades and promote international cooperation. Furthermore, he expressed strong optimism about the future of AI in the consumer electronics sector and reaffirmed that Nevada would continue to embrace an open and collaborative approach, offering top-tier services and support to all companies and brands participating in the GTB selection. As one of the hosts, Asia Digital Group's President Zhu Dongfang welcomed the guests attending the ceremony. He noted that, despite the complexities of the global economic environment, emerging technologies like AI are driving the steady development of the global consumer electronics industry, with the market expected to experience a new phase of robust growth. As a key player, China is transitioning from a "major manufacturer" to an "innovation powerhouse". In 2024, the market turnover is projected to surpass 2.2 trillion yuan, with an accelerated shift toward smart, high-end, and environmentally friendly products. The international influence of Chinese consumer electronics brands has grown significantly, penetrating the mid-to-high-end markets. Against this backdrop, this GTB honors the exceptional achievements of the global consumer electronics industry and looks ahead to emerging trends, bringing together industry leaders to explore new opportunities for growth. Adam Goldstein, Vice President of TWICE, also highlighted in his address that, as the leading consumer electronics publication in the U.S., TWICE has long been dedicated to providing valuable insights and guidance to consumer electronics suppliers and channel partners. It has established a robust information bridge between Chinese product suppliers and international buyers and retailers. He emphasized that the annual GTB selection holds tremendous significance, as it not only reflects the industry's achievements over the past year but also offers a glimpse into the future direction of the industry. This year, especially, the rapid advancement of AI has undoubtedly injected fresh vitality into the sector, positioning itself as a pivotal force in reshaping industry development. The theme of this year's GTB is "AI Empowerment: Ushering in a New Era of Brand Upgrading", which perfectly encapsulates the current trends in the consumer electronics industry. It provides the industry with valuable insights into emerging opportunities to drive continuous innovation and sound development throughout the industry. Governor Kim Tae Heum of Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea, noted that Chungcheongnam-do, one of South Korea's major economic engines, is home to a population of 2.2 million and over 300,000 businesses, spanning industries from semiconductor manufacturing to agriculture. The government is vigorously promoting scientific and technological innovation and plans to invest nearly 8 billion US dollars in factory and facility development by 2026 to attract more domestic and international investment, particularly in high-tech sectors. He also shared that Chungcheongnam-do has signed memorandums of understanding with many companies to deepen cooperation in key areas such as semiconductor production to transform the region into a global sci-tech and industrial hub, positioning it as South Korea's "Silicon Valley". The Industry's Prestigious Awards Unveiled, Brand Excellence Recognized with Top Honors During the event, highly recognized awards were presented, including the "CE Brands from China Top 10" and the "Global CE Brands Top 50", as well as a range of specialized accolades across various categories, such as the "Global TV Brands Top 10" and the "Global Smart Phone Brands Top 10". These awards recognize the winners for their achievements in technological innovation and market expansion and affirm their leading positions within the global consumer electronics industry. CE Brands from China Top 10 The list brings together the leading players in today's rapidly evolving scientific and technological landscape, including TCL, Huawei, Haier, Midea, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Gree, and others. These companies are at the forefront of adopting cutting-edge technologies like AI and 5G, driving the smart and connected evolution of their products. With exceptional technical expertise, frontier innovative designs, and a deep understanding of consumer needs, they have built strong market competitiveness across a wide range of consumer electronics, including smartphones, wearables, headphones, laptops, and small home appliances. Not only do they hold a significant share in the domestic market, but they are also gaining recognition on the global stage, earning widespread acclaim from consumers worldwide, and playing a key role in the ongoing evolution of the industry. TCLTCL is a globally competitive intelligent technology industry group driven by the mission of "Leading Technology, Harmonious Coexistence". It is committed to delivering forward-looking scientific and technological experience and promoting smart and healthy living. TCL has once again been recognized as one of the Global Top 50 CE Brands, reaffirming its exceptional strength as a top global consumer electronics brand. As an outstanding representative of Chinese brands, TCL also continues to hold a spot among the list of CE Brands from China Top 10. Its flagship product, the TCL Premium QD-Mini LED TV X11K, was awarded the Mini LED Display Technology Innovation Award, the TCL FreshIN Series Air Conditioner won the Smart Fresh Air Technology Innovation Award, and the TCL Super Drum Series Front Load Washing Machine received the Clean Technology Innovation Gold Award. Founded in 1981, TCL operates 46 R&D centers and 38 manufacturing bases across the globe. With a presence in over 160 countries and regions, it serves more than 1.3 billion users worldwide. Over the course of more than 40 years of transformation, innovation, and strategic upgrades, TCL has restructured its business into two main entities, TCL Industries and TCL Technology. It is now focused on three core industries, smart terminals, semiconductor displays, and new energy photovoltaics. Its smart display terminals, LCD displays, and photovoltaic monocrystals and silicon wafers have all achieved global leadership in their respective fields. TCL invested more than 60 billion yuan in R&D from 2018 to 2023. As of 2024, it has filed a total of 112,469 patents, including 18,567 PCT patents, placing it among the top companies in Chinese mainland. In the field of electroluminescent quantum dot displays, TCL holds 2,913 patents, ranking second globally. Global CE Brands Top 50 Recognized as leaders in consumer electronics, Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Sony, Huawei, TCL, Lenovo, Changhong, and others on the list are showing the significant role of scientific and technological innovation in driving industry growth. These companies are staying ahead of the wave, continuously innovating to meet the increasingly diverse demands of consumers. Among them, Chinese companies have excelled in areas such as smart wearables. With the widespread adoption of emerging technologies like AI and 5G, these companies are actively exploring new applications to enhance product competitiveness. The global consumer electronics industry is poised for even greater growth and opportunity. Global Smart Phone Brands Top 10 At the forefront of smartphone brands are Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Vivo, OPPO, Huawei, Honor, TECNO, Motorola, and realme on the list. Notably, Chinese brands occupy a prominent position and have gained global recognition through their sharp market insights and continuous innovation. Meanwhile, internationally renowned brands continue to perform strongly, strengthening their leadership through new product launches and channel reforms. This list reflects the current market landscape and hints at future trends, that is, only those brands that relentlessly innovate and meet consumer demands will rise to the top. TECNOIn this GTB, the innovative tech brand TECNO was recognized as one of the Global Smart Phone Brands Top 10. The brand also won the  Product Innovation Awards for two of its groundbreaking flagship products: the PHANTOM V Fold2 5G, the second-generation foldable smartphone featuring the full suite of TECNO's AI capabilities, and the Pocket Go, the world's first Windows handheld console paired with AR glasses, heralding a new era of AR gaming. Global TV Brands Top 10 The list includes the industry's leading brands, including TCL, Changhong, Samsung, Xiaomi, LG, Sony, Haier, and more. These brands are leading trends such as large-screen, ultra-high-definition, and smart TVs. They push the boundaries of picture quality and technology, and prioritize exceptional design and user experience. With superior product quality and relentless innovation, these brands have secured a prominent position in global market, offering consumers immersive viewing experience and new smart home possibilities. This shows the future direction of the television industry. Global Intelligent Vehicles Brands Top 10 The automotive industry's innovators, including Tesla, BYD, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Hengxing, BMW, Toyota, Geely, NIO, and XPENG Motors, are driving the transformation of smart mobility. With a focus on breakthrough technologies like autonomous driving and intelligent cockpits, these brands offer consumers greater convenience, comfort, and safety and are shaping the future of the industry through strategic partnerships to drive industrial upgrading. Their expertise and innovation make them key influencers in the global smart automotive market. Global Smart Home Brands Top 10 Top industry brands gather in the list, including Amazon, Apple, Samsung, Haier, TOMEFON, CHiQ, Midea, Huawei, Mi Home, and ECOVACS. These companies are industry leaders, renowned for their robust R&D capabilities, exceptional product performance, and precise market positioning. Chinese brands have made a notable impact, with several ranking among the top. They have made significant contributions in areas such as safety, convenience, and smart technology, while consistently driving innovation and technological progress. These brands are widely recognized in the global market and provide consumers with diverse and personalized smart home solutions, shaping the industry's future towards greater possibilities. ECOVACS ROBOTICSAs a leader in the global service robotics industry, ECOVACS ROBOTICS has been recognized as one of the Global Smart Home Brands Top 10 for 2024-2025. Its robotic lawn mower, GOAT A2500 RTK, received the Robotic Lawn Mower Technology Innovation Award for its exceptional performance and innovative technology. Designed for diverse backyards with various sizes and layouts, the robot is equipped with a 32V energetic platform and two staggered blade-discs, delivering efficient and precise lawn care. Featuring LELS™ positioning technology, the robot enhances its accuracy in positioning and intelligent navigation, autonomously creating high-precision 3D maps. This allows for centimeter-level precision in both navigation and positioning, even in complex layouts or at night. Additionally, the GOAT A2500 RTK is equipped with a LiDAR-enhanced localization system, enabling it to precisely avoid obstacles and ensure smooth operation. CHiQCHiQ's smart home products provide users with a more convenient, efficient, intelligent, and personalized experience. The brand has earned a place in the Global Smart Home Brands Top 10 for 2024-2025. Since its founding in 2014, CHiQ has consistently innovated in response to consumer needs, earning widespread international recognition. It offers a broad range of products, including smart home appliances such as televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines. Its global footprint continues to expand, covering over 40 countries, including the EU, ASEAN, Australia, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and South Korea. It has formed partnerships with numerous international companies, secured key offline distribution channels, and established a presence on more than 30 major e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, Lazada, and Shopee. International Innovation Award International innovative brands are showcasing exceptional competitiveness in today's consumer electronics and technology industry. Brands like YEEDI, Ampace, and TECNO are at the forefront across various sectors, including smartphones, home appliances, and IT office solutions, thanks to their strong R&D capabilities and deep market insights. These brands are driving the robust growth of the industry and meeting the diverse needs of consumers through technological innovation and high-quality services, positioning themselves as industry benchmarks. They will continue to embrace innovation, leading the consumer electronics sector towards a brighter and more promising future. YEEDIAmid the wave of smart technology, YEEDI stands out for its exceptional innovation and deep understanding of consumer needs. The YEEDI S14 Plus was awarded the Indoor Cleaning Technology Innovation Gold Award. As a pioneer in smart cleaning solutions, YEEDI remains at the forefront of science and technology, consistently launching groundbreaking products that deliver a more convenient and efficient cleaning experience for households worldwide. In the year of 2024, YEEDI has launched multiple innovative products, including the M12 PRO+ and C12 COMBO. The highly anticipated YEEDI S14 PLUS, set for release in 2025, has already generated considerable attention. It has earned widespread praise from consumers worldwide, with exclusive innovations such as the OZMO Roller Mopping Technology, TruEdge 2.0 Adaptive Edge Mopping Technology, ZeroTangle 2.0 Technology, and AIVI 3D 3.0 Technology. AmpaceAs a globally recognized leader and trusted choice in the field of new energy innovation, Ampace has earned the trust and praise of users worldwide through its exceptional innovation, strong technical expertise, keen market insights, and relentless commitment to quality. With a market share exceeding 30% in the global residential energy storage sector, it has proven its formidable competitive strength and set a benchmark for innovation, reliability, and outstanding performance, honored with the International Innovation Award. The Ampace Andes 1500 Portable Power Station was awarded the Portable Energy Storage Technology Innovation Award. Ampace places technological innovation at the heart of its mission, continually pushing the boundaries and driving industry progress. The Ampace Andes Portable Power Station showcases this trusted energy technology, offering reliable, stable, safe, and high-capacity power support to outdoor adventurers, professionals, and families alike. Looking to the future, we look forward to Ampace continuing its legacy of innovation and making even greater contributions to the sustainable development of society. Global Emerging Brands The global emerging brand VOLTME has quickly made a name for itself in the consumer electronics and technology industry, driven by its innovation and competitiveness. Focused on technological innovation and keenly attuned to consumer needs, it has continuously improved its value for money. With exceptional offerings in areas such as smartphones, smart wearables, IT office solutions, and home appliances, VOLTME has gained significant market recognition. The rise of such dynamic brands is revitalizing the industry, guiding the consumer electronics sector towards greater heights and a promising future. VOLTMEVOLTME, the flagship brand of Voltnex Innovations and a global leader in power solutions, has been awarded the Global Emerging Brands. Its latest offering, the VOLTME Revo 240 PD3.1 GaN Charger is the perfect solution for fast and safe charging of laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The Hako Series portable power stations combine high-capacity battery performance with intelligent power management, meeting a wide range of power needs. These stations provide reliable portable power support for consumers, underscoring VOLTME's excellence in innovation, design, and technology. Representatives of award-winning brands took the stage to deliver their acceptance speeches, and share insights into their success and future growth strategies. They expressed a commitment to further enhancing technological innovation and market expansion so as to deliver even more high-quality products and services to global consumers. International Consumer Electronics Industry Leaders' Summit Explores AI's Role in Shaping Industry's Future The International Consumer Electronics Industry Leaders' Summit was held concurrently. Industry experts and company representatives from around the world gathered to engage in in-depth discussions on the theme of "AI Reshaping Industrial Development". Key topics included how the consumer electronics industry can integrate with smart technologies, how companies can build core competencies, and ways to strengthen competitive advantages. Participants shared the latest advancements and technological trends, offering valuable guidance for the development of the global consumer electronics sector. Ines Haaga, Director of Global Strategic Insights at GfK, delivered a keynote speech titled "Navigating Tech and Durables Markets: How Consumer Preferences and Innovation Shape Tomorrow's Success". She emphasized that the consumer electronics industry is undergoing a transformation driven by consumers, with the modest growth of the fast-moving consumer goods market and the fragmentation of the tech and durable goods markets highlighting the critical role of consumer preferences. Besides, innovation has emerged as the new engine for market growth, with the integration of AI technologies fueling significant momentum. Looking ahead, the deep convergence of consumer preferences and innovation will shape a broader and more prosperous future for the tech and durable goods sectors. In the following International Consumer Electronics Industry Leaders' Summit, Zhang Li, Co-President of Asia Digital Group, moderated a panel discussion on "AI Reshaping Industrial Development". Together with domestic and international guests, she led an in-depth discussion on the impact of AI on the consumer electronics industry, drawing on insights from their respective fields. Wang Tan, Co-founder and Vice President of XPENG AEROHT, and General Manager of XPENG Motors' Design Center, shared XPENG's innovative applications of AI, particularly the launch of cutting-edge products such as the Land Aircraft Carrier (LAC). These products showcase the vast potential of AI in driving transformation within the automotive industry. He emphasized that AI will play a crucial role in enabling a more intelligent and personalized future for the automotive sector. Calvin Chen, CTO and President of Segway Navimow at Segway-Ninebot, elaborated on the profound impact of AI on the consumer electronics industry from a technological R&D perspective. He noted that the application of AI elevates the intelligence of products and drives comprehensive upgrades in areas such as R&D, design, and manufacturing, injecting powerful momentum into the innovative development of the industry. Grant Morgan, Senior Editor at TWICE, shared his analysis of the consumer electronics industry. He pointed out that while consumers' acceptance of AI has not yet reached full saturation, AI has already demonstrated its powerful enabling potential across various sectors. Guiding consumers to recognize the value and potential of AI through innovative technologies and products will be crucial in driving the industry's growth. Jan Lorbach, Senior Director of Strategic Insights at GfK, provided unique perspectives on the consumer electronics industry, focusing on global market trends and consumer research. He noted that, in light of consumers' shrinking budgets for electronic products and their increasing demand for value, companies need to become more agile in identifying market pain points. By harnessing AI technology, they can fuel product innovation and functional upgrades to meet the diverse needs of consumers. He emphasized that AI will not only profoundly reshape the form and functionality of consumer electronics but also steer the entire industry toward higher quality and greater efficiency. The summit also provided attendees with a unique opportunity to engage in direct exchange with executives from the world's leading brands. This allowed participants to gain valuable insights into the success stories and strategic thinking of these top international brands, while promoting mutual learning and resource sharing among companies. Setting New Trends in Industry Development, Ushering in a New Era for Consumer Electronics Beyond being a magnificent award ceremony and leaders' exchange, the 2024-2025 Global Top Brands Award Ceremony and International Consumer Electronics Industry Leaders' Summit play a vital role in setting new directions for the global consumer electronics industry. It not only highlights the latest achievements and emerging trends but also injects vitality into the industry's future growth and provides clear direction for its development. We are delighted to witness an increasing number of consumer electronics brands placing a stronger emphasis on technological innovation and brand development, continually introducing new products to meet the growing demand for personalized experiences. Today, the consumer electronics industry is driving global economic growth and transformation at an unprecedented pace. Brands with innovative vision and exceptional capabilities are poised to emerge as leaders, guiding the industry toward an even more brilliant future. As it celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2026, the GTB, as a flagship event for the consumer electronics sector, will remain a key force in guiding and accelerating the industry's progress, fostering collaboration and exchange in scientific and technological innovation, and accelerating the transformation of these advancements into tangible productivity.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 437 加入收藏 :
Desay SV Collaborates with Qualcomm to Deliver New Intelligent AI Cabin Platform Powered by Snapdragon Elite Automotive Platforms

Highlights: New Desay SV G10PH is designed to support superior computing, graphics, and advanced AI-enabled cabin products for automotive OEMs, ensuring cutting-edge performance and functionality. The G10PH is engineered for real-time decision-making, adaptive responses, and proactive assistance to create tailored and intuitive driving experiences. Collaboration is built on a strong and long-term working relationship, marked by the successful development of innovative cabin platforms for global automakers. LAS VEGAS, Jan. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Desay SV and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. held a joint signing ceremony at CES today to commemorate the companies' co-innovation to deliver Desay SV's next-generation intelligent cabin platform, the G10PH. Desay SV and Qualcomm Technologies have a strong long-term relationship focused on developing innovative cabin solutions, which are now integrated into millions of vehicles across the globe. Building on this, the companies will collaborate on the G10PH intelligent cabin platform powered by Qualcomm Technologies' Snapdragon® Cockpit Elite platform.  The 5th Generation Intelligent Cabin Platform of Desay SV - G10PH The G10PH harnesses the advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, superior computing and high-definition graphics of the Snapdragon Cockpit Elite platform to push the boundaries of automotive technology. With the Snapdragon Cockpit Elite's state-of-the-art Qualcomm Oryon™ CPU, Qualcomm® Hexagon™ NPU for accelerated AI performance and improved Qualcomm® Adreno™ GPU, this cutting-edge system provides automakers with the tools to deliver a smart, intuitive, and personalized experience for drivers and passengers*. Additionally, the G10PH enables real-time decision-making, adaptive responses, and proactive assistance, creating an exclusive intelligent cabin assistant that is finely tuned to users' habits. Every vehicle utilizing the G10PH will feature seamless user interface and support personalized features designed to enhance comfort and convenience befitting a premium user-centric driving experience.  "At the new inflection point of 'Software-Defined Vehicle' and 'AI-Defined Vehicle,' Desay SV, together with Qualcomm Technologies, launched the premium AI intelligent cabin platform G10PH, which marks another technological revolution in the process of intelligent cabin and is an important example of Desay SV leading the development of cabin intelligence upgrade," said Jian Xu, CEO of Desay SV. "We hope that this platform will give a strong impetus to the intelligent transformation of global automotive manufacturers, reshape the new ecosystem of future mobility, and accelerate the realization of the era of intelligent mobility." "The automotive industry is on the brink of a new era of intelligent transformation, driven by software and AI. Qualcomm Technologies and Desay SV have built a robust foundation of collaboration, and with our combined expertise in intelligent cockpits and we are excited about the new products featuring Snapdragon Cockpit Elite," said Nakul Duggal, group general manager, automotive, industrial, and cloud, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. "These innovations will enable automakers to deliver more advanced AI features and experiences to consumers, setting a new standard in the industry." Desay SV and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. held a joint signing ceremony at 2025 CES Intelligent cockpit is the carrier of various sensing and interaction technologies, and it reflects the state of development in intelligent vehicle technology. According to KPMG's analysis, China's intelligent cabin market will reach RMB212.7 billion in 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of about 17% from 2022 to 2026, and the penetration rate is expected to increase from 59% to 82%. According to the "Smart Cockpit Assembly Data List for January-September 2024" by Gasgoo Automotive Research Institute, Desay SV holds the leading position in the market with an assembly volume of 630,492 units, accounting for 15.5% of the market share. ### About Desay SV Desay SV (002920.SZ) is a leading mobility technology company with R&D and service branches in Germany, Japan, Singapore, Spain, USA, etc. The company focuses on efficiently integrating smart cabin, smart drive, and smart service. Relying on 39 years of accumulation, Desay SV has excelled in R&D, design, quality management, and intelligent manufacturing. Desay SV's continuous innovation and comprehensive capabilities earn the long-term trust of global customers, including Chery, Geely, SAIC, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, etc., and have helped it rank 74th in the Automotive News 2024 top 100 global auto parts suppliers. For more information, please visit Desay SV online at www.desaysv.com or follow us on: https://www.linkedin.com/company/13690363 About Qualcomm Qualcomm relentlessly innovates to deliver intelligent computing everywhere, helping the world tackle some of its most important challenges. Our proven solutions drive transformation across major industries, and our Snapdragon® branded platforms power extraordinary consumer experiences. Building on our nearly 40-year leadership in setting industry standards and creating era-defining technology breakthroughs, we deliver leading edge AI, high-performance, low-power computing, and unrivaled connectivity. Together with our ecosystem collaborators, we enable next-generation digital transformation to enrich lives, improve businesses, and advance societies. At Qualcomm, we are engineering human progress.  Qualcomm Incorporated includes our licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of our patent portfolio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substantially all of our engineering and research and development functions and substantially all of our products and services businesses, including our QCT semiconductor business. Snapdragon and Qualcomm branded products are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Qualcomm patents are licensed by Qualcomm Incorporated. Qualcomm, Snapdragon, Qualcomm Oryon, Hexagon and Adreno are trademarks or registered trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated. *All performance targets are compared to previous generation, based on preliminary internal testing, and subject to change upon final validation. 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 539 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 26 日 (星期日) 農曆十二月廿七日
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