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符合「VNU-HCM」新聞搜尋結果, 共 2 篇 ,以下為 1 - 2 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
明志科大材料系學生參與新南向計畫 越南氫能研究實習

在教育部新南向學海築夢計畫的支持下,明志科技大學材料系賴怡廷教授帶領三位學生王乃弘、廖晨杰、蔡承穎,於2024年6月前往越南胡志明市國家大學(VNU-HCM) 進行為期兩個月的學術實習與研究交流。專注於層狀雙氫氧化物(LDHs)於電催化水解產氫中的應用,這項技術對未來實現淨零碳排放及推動氫能應用具有重要意義。 賴怡廷教授與胡志明市國家大學自然科學學院院長Vân Trần Thị Thanh合作,探討LDHs的製備及其電化學性能,並應用於水解產氫反應。由於LDHs擁有高比表面積和獨特的電子分佈結構,在析氧反應中展現了優異的催化效果。學生們透過水熱法製備LDHs,並在VNU-HCM的先進實驗設施中進行電化學測試,進一步提升了研究的準確性與效率。 廖晨杰同學表示,此次實習除了專注於實驗研究外,還透過與越南當地師生的交流,深入了解當地文化,並提升了英文溝通能力。海外實習經驗對他的學業發展與未來職涯規劃將產生深遠的影響。 本次計畫讓學生們親身感受到國際社會對氫能發展的高度關注,激勵他們在未來研究中持續探索可再生能源的創新應用。明志科技大學將繼續推動更多國際實習與交流計畫,培育具有全球競爭力的優秀人才。

文章來源 : 明志科技大學 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 6500 加入收藏 :
Toshiba Establishes Scholarship Program with Hanoi University of Science and Technology

TOKYO, Nov. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO: 6502) has established a scholarship program with Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Vietnam that will support students studying STEM-related subjects.  The new program is the most recent in a series of Toshiba initiatives to support science and technology education in the markets where it operates. In Vietnam, the company already has long-established scholarship programs with Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU-Hanoi) and Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM), dating back to 2005. HUST is the third Vietnamese university to introduce a Toshiba-supported educational program. Established in 1956, HUST is Vietnam's first comprehensive technical university, and one of the country's highest ranking universities for science and engineering*1. The agreement on the scholarship program was confirmed on July 5, 2023. On November 14, as an event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Vietnam, the program's first scholarship award ceremony was held at HUST. At the ceremony, Toshiba and HUST confirmed their intention to strengthen their collaboration, and 15 students became the first recipients of scholarships. Vietnam has enjoyed remarkable economic growth in recent years, and it is attractive both as a market and a place to do business. Toshiba subsidiaries in Vietnam include Toshiba Software Development (Vietnam) Co., Ltd., which has built up its business with the support of skilled Vietnamese software engineers. Toshiba Group companies also manufacture and sell industrial high-efficiency motors and power distribution equipment in Vietnam. With the establishment of the scholarship program, Toshiba will accept interns to study software development, and will also consider potential research collaboration with HUST in various areas. Toshiba will also use the scholarship program to bolster its recruitment of skilled engineers, and to enhance relationship building in the fields of science and technology. Toshiba Scholarship Awarding Ceremony 2023 *1: https://www.hust.edu.vn/en/about/university-rankings-550714.html

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 486 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 18 日 (星期六) 農曆十二月十九日
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