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香港2023年9月21日 /美通社/ -- Wacom宣佈推出全新的簽名顯示屏,分別是13英寸觸控屏(DTH134)和12英寸屏幕(DTC121),這個全新的e-signature及paperless workflow解決方案,擴展了數字轉型的選擇。 Wacom簽名顯示屏為醫療、金融服務和交易管理等各行業的數位文件簽署、表格填寫和註釋等操作提供了卓越的用戶體驗。這些行業在業務應用中需要可驗證和具有法律約束力的簽名。簽名顯示屏的應用可以降低成本、減少數據丟失風險並提高工作效率。 這些簽名顯示屏配備了11.6英寸和13.3英寸的抗眩光蝕刻玻璃屏幕,用戶可以直接在屏幕上查看、註釋和簽署文件,無需縮放或放大。更高的亮度和寬廣的視角確保用戶可以輕鬆查看屏幕,即使在明亮或熒光照明條件下也能如此。 節省空間,簡便設置 設置Wacom簽名顯示屏非常簡單。通過即插即用的USB-C連接,設置快速且簡便。USB-C電源傳送消除了笨重的交流適配器,簡化了佈線並簡潔了桌面。Wacom簽名顯示器已獲得用於Citrix和VMware虛擬環境的認證,支援觸控和筆觸輸入。 具有Kensington Lock NanoSaver插槽的安全性可確保防止盜竊。此外,通過安裝驅動程序,可以利用各種軟體開發工具在文件工作流程中實現電子簽名和表單處理,並包括AES256/RSA2048加密以確保安全性。 可持續性 為了創建一個可持續的世界,Wacom作為製造商在產品中考慮了環境因素。Wacom簽名數位螢幕的產品外殼使用了環保材料,如再生材料用於塑料部件,並使用了FSC認證的包裝紙。此外,減輕產品重量和縮小包裝尺寸可以減少運輸過程中的二氧化碳排放。 *欲獲取更多信息和完整的技術規格,請訪問www.wacom.com/for-business/products/pen-displays 關於Wacom Wacom的願景是通過自然界面技術將人與技術更緊密地聯繫在一起。這使得Wacom成為了世界領先的互動式筆式平板電腦和顯示器製造商,以及數位筆和數位簽名保存與處理解決方案的製造商。Wacom直觀輸入設備的先進技術已被用於創建一些世界各地最令人興奮的數位藝術、電影、特效、時尚和設計作品,並為企業和家庭用戶提供了領先的界面技術,表達其個性。成立於1983年,Wacom是一家總部位於日本(東京證券交易所6727)的全球公司,擁有子公司和附屬辦事處,支持逾150個國家的市場營銷和分銷。有關Wacom產品的更多信息,請訪問www.wacom.com。
BEIJING, Sept. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SmartX had announced its upgraded hyper-converged infrastructure portfolio, SmartX HCI 5.1, which can provide unified computing, storage, network, and management support for virtualized and containerized applications in production environments. With SmartX HCI 5.1, customers are able to drive IT infrastructure modernization and containerization with just one platform. All Products SMTX OS 5.1 (Server Virtualization | Distributed Storage), HCI Software. CloudTower 3.2 (O&M | Resource Management | Observability), Management Platform. SMTX Kubernetes Service 1.0, Container Management and Service. Everoute 2.0 (Distributed Firewall | Load Balancer | Container Network Interface), Software-Defined Network and Security. SMTX Backup & DR 2.0, Data Protection and Disaster Recovery. SMTX CloudMove 1.0, Migration Tool (from VMware to SmartX). SMTX Migration Tool 1.4, Migration Tool (from various sources to SmartX). What's New New virtualization features such as GPU passthrough, vGPU, DRS, USB passthrough, PCI passthrough, and Virtual NIC QoS. Enhanced storage performance through features like large page memory allocation, CPU binding, storage concurrent access mechanism, and I/O logic optimization. Support "Network Visualization" feature to display VM data flows and security policy enforcement results. Added software-defined network load balancer to improve application performance and security. Integrated the original SMTX Backup & Recovery with the asynchronous replication capabilities, SMTX Backup & DR provides a comprehensive data protection and DR solution for VMs on SmartX HCI. A wider CPU and GPU compatibility. Support a broader range of migration sources (virtualization/HCI, bare metal, mainstream public clouds, and OpenStack private clouds) with SMTX CloudMove. Benefits On top of the existing advantages such as flexibility, lightweight, and freedom of choice, SmartX HCI 5.1 improves on the following capabilities. Unified Resource Management: Consolidate on-premises virtual machine and container workloads, reducing the resource silos and costs associated with Kubernetes clusters. Unified High Performance and Stability in Production: Support mission critical applications and stateful applications in containers with one platform. Unified Security and Observability in Cloud: Protect both VM and container workloads running on HCI clusters and visually monitor network performance and security status in real time. Unified Operation and Orchestration: Achieve fast launch, quick scale-out and easy operation for both VMs and Kubernetes clusters. Read the SMTX OS and CloudTower specs to discover more.
AMD(NASDAQ: AMD)在美國拉斯維加斯VMware Explore 2023上持續展現AMD EPYC™ CPU、AMD Pensando™資料處理單元(DPU)與自行調適運算產品經過實證的卓越效能與不斷增加的部署數量,為最高效率與創新的虛擬化環境提供理想解決方案。舉例來說,相較搭載第4代EPYC處理器與標準網路介面卡(NIC)的系統,搭載第4代AMD EPYC™ 9654 CPU與Pensando DPU的系統提供約3.3倍的Redis應用效能提升以及1.75倍的聚合網路吞吐量提升註1。此外,相較搭載2P Intel® Xeon® 8490H處理器的伺服器,搭載2P第4代EPYC 9654 CPU的伺服器在執行2,000個虛擬機器(VM)的環境中,需要配置的伺服器數量可減少多達35%註2。 AMD執行副總裁暨資料中心解決方案事業群總經理Forrest Norrod表示,AMD正協助企業客戶運用最新一代的EPYC CPU與Pensando DPU充分發揮其虛擬化資料中心的效益。整合與現代化不僅讓企業提升伺服器使用率與效率,也為關鍵企業工作負載挹注優異效能。我們與VMware持續合作,讓客戶提升效率與敏捷性,達成數位轉型的目標。 AMD是虛擬化環境的理想合作夥伴 AMD攜同各大值得信賴的合作夥伴產業體系,持續向市場推出企業級解決方案,促成更完善的資料中心整合,協助客戶為資料中心的未來工作負載以及功能做好準備。這波轉型的關鍵核心是AMD EPYC CPU帶來的卓越效能,例如在執行VMmark®虛擬環境時,搭載2P EPYC 9654 CPU的伺服器相較搭載2P Intel® Xeon® 8490H的伺服器帶來1.7倍的效能提升註3。 此外,隨著資料中心應用的規模與複雜度日漸提升,AMD Pensando DPU成為理想解決方案,能分擔處理器在處理基礎架構服務的工作,讓處理器騰出寶貴的運算週期。執行VMware vSphere® 8的系統採用AMD EPYC CPU與Pensando DPU,帶來IT主管需要的效能、效率以及靈活度,可執行廣泛的關鍵商業工作負載。 VMware資深副總裁暨雲端基礎架構事業群總經理Krish Prasad表示,目前朝著異質運算發展的動能主要來自現代企業應用與分散式環境日漸提升的複雜度。VMware vSphere支援最新一代AMD EPYC CPU與Pensando DPU,為我們客戶帶來全方位企業平台,協助帶來更優異的基礎架構效能、安全性以及管理能力。 AMD資料中心產品搭配基於VMware的最新系統,協助IT主管推動客製化並大幅改進企業應用的管理成效與安全性,讓他們達成最嚴苛的組織數位轉型目標。 VMware Explore由多位AMD主管主講多場演講議程。AMD架構與策略事業群全球副總裁Robert Hormuth將在8月23日(三)太平洋時間14:00主講「在資源受限的資料中心因應AI需求」議程;AMD技術行銷總監Nick Furman將在8月23日(三)太平洋時間中午12:00主講「運用DPU改革混合雲環境」議程。 相關資源 更多關於:AMD EPYC處理器 更多關於:AMD Pensando架構加速器 Twitter:於@AMD追蹤AMD新訊 LinkedIn:於AMD LinkedIn追蹤AMD新訊 關於AMD 50多年來,AMD(NASDAQ:AMD)推動創新高效能運算、繪圖及視覺技術。全球數十億的消費者、世界500強企業以及尖端科學研究機構皆仰賴AMD的技術來改善生活、工作及娛樂。AMD員工致力於研發領先的高效能與自行調適產品,不斷突破技術的極限。欲瞭解AMD如何成就今天,啟發未來,請瀏覽AMD網站、部落格、LinkedIn及Twitter。 ©2023年,AMD公司版權所有。AMD、AMD箭頭、EPYC、Pensando及上述名稱的組合為AMD公司的商標。其他產品名稱只為提供資訊為目的,也可能是各自所有者的商標。 註1:PEN-002:測試由AMD效能實驗室於2023年5月10日執行,使用24部虛擬機器,每個虛擬機器以Uniform Pass Through直接存取模式執行8個Redis執行個體,在生產系統環境中分擔AMD Pensando 100Gb/s DPU的VMware NSC網路服務處理工作,比較對象為一部生產系統,系統組態為1P AMD EPYC 9654 96核心處理器;時脈4800MT/s的768GB DDR5記憶體;VMware ESXi 與NSX虛擬化環境,運用DPU在EDP-Standard 模式下分擔DPU處理工作。虛擬機器執行Ubuntu 22.0.4作業系統;memtier_benchmark 1.4.0版;iperf 3.1.3版;以及redis-server 7.0.11版,開啟zenver3旗標進行編譯。各家PC製造商產品組態各異,故測得結果也可能不同。 註2:SP5TCO-036A:根據AMD於2023年5月19日進行的內部分析,使用AMD EPYC™伺服器虛擬化與溫室氣體排放的總擁有成本預測工具12.15版,估算一部搭載2P AMD 96核心EPYC™ 9654的伺服器,對比搭載2P Intel® Xeon® 60核心Platinum 8490H的伺服器解決方案在執行2000個虛擬機器(VM)時的成本以及所需伺服器的數量,在3年期間每個虛擬機器需要1個核心與8GB的記憶體。這項估計包含VMware軟體授權成本,每插槽為6558.32美元,以及插槽中每32個CPU核心需要額外安裝的軟體。這種情境包含許多假設與預測,根據的是AMD內部研究與最佳估算條件,故應僅視其為項參考資訊的範例,不應將其做為替代實際測試結果的決策依據。如欲瞭解細節資訊,敬請參閱https://www.amd.com/en/claims/epyc4#SP5TCO-036A。 註3:SP5-049C:VMmark® 3.1.1配對比較是根據2023年6月13日的公開結果。受測系統組態:2節點2P 96核心EPYC 9654組建的伺服器,執行VMware ESXi 8.0b(40.66 @ 42 tiles/798 VMs,官網文件https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/vmmark/2023-06-13-Lenovo-ThinkSystem-SR665V3.pdf)對比2節點,2P 60核心Xeon Platinum 8490H的系統,執行VMware ESXi 8.0 GA(23.38 @ 23 tiles/437 VMs,官網文件https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/vmmark/2023-03-21-Fujitsu-PRIMERGY-RX2540M7.pdf)測得1.74倍的跑分與1.75倍的tile (VM)容量。2節點2P組態的EPYC 7763伺服器(23.33 @ 24 tiles/456 VMs, https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/vmmark/2022-02-08-Fujitsu-RX2450M1.pdf)測得0.98倍的效能,提供做參考。VMmark是VMware公司在美國與其他國家的註冊商標。
Supermicro 多節點 BigTwin® HCI 系統配搭第 4 代 Intel® Xeon® 可擴充處理器,可透過 PCIe 5.0 提供 2 倍的 I/O 頻寬,以及透過 DDR5 提供高達 1.5 倍的記憶體頻寬,同時支援內置 CPU 加速器,以實現工作負載特定的效能提升 美國加州聖何西2023年8月22日 /美通社/ -- Supermicro, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI) 是提供雲端、人工智能/機器學習、儲存和 5G 電信/邊緣解決方案的全面性 IT 解決方案供應商,該公司今日發佈全新的 VMware vSAN 解決方案,其已為運行企業級超融合虛擬化工作負載進行最佳化。隨著虛擬化工作負載變得更加進階,處理能力和儲存性能需求亦相應提高,需要更大的容量來滿足應用程式的 SLA,並將虛擬機器密度提升到最高。該解決方案亦利用了最新的 Intel AMX 加速器來處理人工智能工作負載。 Supermicro X13 BigTwin vSAN 解決方案 與 Supermicro X11 BigTwin 相比,其在 Supermicro 進行的基準測試中展示 IO 吞吐量提高達 4.7倍,HCIBench 基準的延遲降低了 8.2 倍,ResNet50 模型的圖像分類推論吞吐量提高達 4.9 倍,而 BERT-Large 模型的自然語言處理吞吐量則提高達 4 倍。此外,與基於較舊版本的 Supermicro 系統之類似部署相比,Supermicro X13 BigTwin 架構的優越功率和效率可以在相同節點佔用空間內實現高達 3 倍的成本和效能改進,為機構升級老化基礎設施提供強有力的理由。 Supermicro 總裁兼執行長 Charles Liang 表示:「Supermicro 透過以第 4 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器為基礎的首個 Gen5 vSAN 解決方案,繼續引領 HCI 行業。我們領先業界的 Supermicro BigTwin 平台支持最新一代的快閃儲存媒體,其高密度多節點形式因子已針對 HCI 經過最佳化,開箱即可運行 vSAN。Supermicro 的 X13 BigTwin 和 vSAN 客戶可以從 HCIBench 基準中獲得 4.7 倍的吞吐量提升和 8.2 倍的延遲降低,實現世代效能改進。該解決方案讓客戶能夠在相同的硬件和機架空間上運行更多實例,提高效能和利用率,同時降低成本。」 如要進一步了解 Supermicro vSAN 解決方案的資訊,請點擊此處觀看短片。 Supermicro X13 BigTwin 平台為 HCI 部署提供了計算能力、記憶體密度、儲存容量和冗餘性理想平衡,具備可即刻部署的 vSAN 節點,無需傳統企業儲存系統。搭載第 4 代 Intel® Xeon® 可擴充處理器的 Supermicro X13 架構,支援由領先業界的供應商提供的最新行業標準 PCIe 5.0 NVMe 硬碟,實現前所未有的儲存性能。 下載解決方案簡報,其會詳細介紹 Supermicro vSAN 解決方案: Supermicro 解決方案簡報:將 vSAN 用於人工智能 Supermicro 解決方案簡報:將 vSAN 用於 HCI Supermicro X13 BigTwin 解決方案提供 2U 2 節點或 2U 4 節點配置,並可選擇配搭液冷技術。每個節點配備高達兩個第 4 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器和高達 4TB 的 DDR5-4800MHz 記憶體。該系統執行最新的 VMWare vSAN 8.0 軟件堆疊,採用全新的 Express Storage Architecture (ESA),可在最多 48 個 NVMe 硬碟上建立單一存儲池,這些硬碟可供四個節點訪問。 「*」基於與 Supermicro X11 BigTwin 系統的比較。 如需更多資料,請前往 Supermicro.com。此解決方案亦將在 Supermicro Open Storage Summit 2023 中進行更詳細的討論,該活動將於 2023 年 8 月 22 日美國東部時間下午 1:00 播出。請到訪活動登記頁面進行報名。 關於 Supermicro Supermicro (NASDAQ:SMCI) 為應用最佳化全面性 IT 解決方案的全球領導者。Supermicro 的成立據點與營運中心位於加州聖荷西,公司致力於為企業、雲端、人工智能和 5G 電信/邊緣 IT 基礎架構提供領先市場的創新技術。我們正轉型為全面性 IT 解決方案供應商,完整提供伺服器、人工智能、儲存、物聯網和交換器系統、軟件和服務,同時提供先進的大容量主機板、電源和機箱產品。Supermicro 的產品皆由內部設計及製造(在美國、台灣及荷蘭),透過全球化營運展現規模和效率,同時經過最佳化,不只可提高 TCO,還能減少對環境的影響(綠色運算)。屢獲殊榮的 Server Building Block Solutions® 產品組合可讓客戶從我們彈性且可重複使用的 Building Blocks 所打造的廣泛系統系列中選擇,支援各種外形尺寸、處理器、記憶體、GPU、儲存、網絡、電源和散熱解決方案(空調、自然氣冷或液冷),進而針對客戶實際的工作負載和應用實現最佳效能。 Supermicro、Server Building Block Solutions 和 We Keep IT Green 皆為 Super Micro Computer, Inc. 的商標和/或註冊商標。 Intel、Intel 標誌和其他 Intel 標記皆為 Intel Corporation 或其子公司的商標。 所有其他品牌、名稱和商標皆為其各自所有者之財產。
The Supermicro Multi-Node BigTwin® HCI System with 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors Provides 2X the I/O Bandwidth with PCIe 5.0 and up to 1.5X the memory bandwidth with DDR5 and Supports Built-in CPU Accelerators for Workload Specific Performance Gains SAN JOSE, Calif., Aug. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Supermicro, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), a Total IT Solution Provider for Cloud, AI/ML, Storage, and 5G/Edge, today announced a new VMware vSAN solution optimized to run enterprise class hyperconverged virtualized workloads. As virtualized workloads become more advanced, processing power and storage performance requirements increase, requiring greater capacity to meet application SLAs and maximize virtual machine density. This solution also utilizes the latest Intel AMX accelerator for AI workloads. Supermicro X13 BigTwin vSAN Solution When compared to the Supermicro X11 BigTwin, benchmark testing conducted by Supermicro showed up to 4.7X higher IO throughput and 8.2X lower latency on the HCIBench benchmark, up to 4.9X faster image classification inference throughput on the ResNet50 model and up to 4X faster natural language processing throughput on BERT-Large model. In addition, the superior power and efficiency of the Supermicro X13 BigTwin architecture can deliver up to 3X cost and performance improvement within the same node footprint compared to a similar deployment based on older generation Supermicro systems, creating a compelling case for organizations to upgrade their aging infrastructure. "Supermicro continues to lead the HCI industry with the first Gen5 vSAN solution based on the 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors," said Charles Liang, president and CEO, Supermicro. "Our industry leading Supermicro BigTwin platform supports the latest generation of flash storage media in dense, multi-node form factors optimized for HCI to run vSAN out of the box. Supermicro's X13 BigTwin and vSAN customers can benefit from 4.7X higher throughput and 8.2X lower latency on the HCIBench benchmark with gen-over-gen performance improvements. This solution enables customers to run more instances on the same hardware and rack space, improving performance and utilization while reducing costs." To learn more about the Supermicro vSAN Solution, click here to watch the short video. The Supermicro X13 BigTwin platform delivers the ideal balance of compute power, memory density, storage capacity, and redundancy for HCI deployments, with vSAN-ready nodes ready to deploy immediately without needing traditional enterprise storage systems. The Supermicro X13 architecture with 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors delivers support for the latest industry-standard PCIe 5.0 NVMe drives from industry-leading vendors for unprecedented storage performance. Download the Solution Briefs, which describe, in detail, the Supermicro vSAN solutions: Supermicro Solution Brief: vSAN for AI Supermicro Solution Brief: vSAN for HCI The Supermicro X13 BigTwin solution is available as a 2U 2-node or 2U 4-node configuration with optional liquid cooling. Each node is powered by up to two 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors and up to 4TB of DDR5-4800MHz memory. The system runs the latest VMWare vSAN 8.0 software stack featuring the new Express Storage Architecture (ESA) to create a single storage pool across the up to 48 NVMe drives accessible by the four nodes. "*" Based on comparisons to Supermicro X11 BigTwin systems For more information, please visit Supermicro.com. This solution will also be discussed in more detail in a session of Supermicro's Open Storage Summit 2023, airing at 1:00 PM EDT on August 22, 2023. Visit the event registration page to sign up. About Super Micro Computer, Inc. Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a global leader in Application-Optimized Total IT Solutions. Founded and operating in San Jose, California, Supermicro is committed to delivering first to market innovation for Enterprise, Cloud, AI, and 5G Telco/Edge IT Infrastructure. We are transforming into a Total IT Solutions provider with server, AI, storage, IoT, and switch systems, software, and services while delivering advanced high-volume motherboard, power, and chassis products. The products are designed and manufactured in-house (in the US, Taiwan area, and the Netherlands), leveraging global operations for scale and efficiency and optimized to improve TCO and reduce environmental impact (Green Computing). The award-winning portfolio of Server Building Block Solutions® allows customers to optimize for their exact workload and application by selecting from a broad family of systems built from our flexible and reusable building blocks that support a comprehensive set of form factors, processors, memory, GPUs, storage, networking, power, and cooling solutions (air-conditioned, free air cooling or liquid cooling). Supermicro, Server Building Block Solutions, and We Keep IT Green are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. All other brands, names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 14 August 2023 - Frontline workers represent the face of organizations and make up the lion's share of the workforce. Gartner estimates that there are 2.7 billion frontline workers — more than twice the number of desk-based workers.i The current macroeconomic climate highlighted by labor and supply chain shortages has put a lot of pressure on these workers to carry more work as organizations drive efficiency across business operations. The recent Work Trend Index shows that there is an opportunity for digital tools to help ease the burden on these essential workers. Over 60% of frontline workers struggle with having to do repetitive or menial tasks that take time away from more meaningful work and not having enough of the necessary resources to get their work done efficiently.ii In addition, 1 in 2 frontline workers cite being burned out in their jobs, and 45% note they are likely to consider changing employers in the next year.ii Investment in technology that enables frontline workers to thrive is a huge opportunity for business leaders – one that will drive positive outcomes for employees, customers, and the bottom line if solved correctly. Today, over 60% of the Fortune 500 use Microsoft 365 to empower frontline workers. Microsoft is committed to investing in innovative solutions to help frontline workers thrive. With AI transforming productivity across most segments of the workforce, Microsoft's Work Trend Index survey found that 65% of frontline workers are optimistic that AI will help them in their jobs.ii. Microsoft is excited to introduce new tools and integrations including bringing the power of next-generation AI to the frontline across three key areas: Intelligent operations Effortless communication Trusted experiences These innovations will improve efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and enable faster decision making. Intelligent operations Whether it's for an inspection, installation or a maintenance request, frontline service managers want to spend their time helping their team deliver exceptional service operations and not on inefficient tasks like copying and pasting information from one system to another. Microsoft seeks to infuse the productivity applications frontline managers use every day with the robust data and intelligence of underlying business applications. This helps streamline the frontline experience and drive efficiency with operations. Copilot in Dynamics 365 Field Service with Outlook and Microsoft Teams integrations brings the power of next-generation AI to service professionals on the frontline. Frontline service managers who receive customer escalations in Outlook or Microsoft Teams can use Copilot in Dynamics 365 to streamline work order creation with relevant details pre-populated from emails or chats, optimize technician scheduling with data-driven recommendations based on factors such as travel time, availability and skillset, as well as generate draft responses to customer messages summarizing next steps without switching apps. Dynamics 365 Field Service app in Microsoft Teams will enable frontline technicians to access key work order functionality in their flow of work. Technicians will now be able to see upcoming work orders at a glance in their home experience in Teams, share full work order details and easily access Dynamics 365 Remote Assist in one click to troubleshoot with remote experts in real time if they need additional support to complete jobs. Maintaining end-to-end visibility on operations can be time-consuming for frontline managers with fluctuating team schedules and often a large, dispersed team. Soon Microsoft 365 Copilot can ground prompts and retrieve insights for frontline managers, leveraging data from the Shifts app with a new Shifts plugin for Microsoft 365 Copilot, in addition to user and company data it has access to such as Teams chat history, SharePoint, emails and more. This will enable frontline managers to quickly get a list of important items specific to their team and location to speed up time-consuming tasks like covering shifts and onboarding new employees. Effortless communication Workplace culture is built upon a connection to the company mission, and it all starts with strong lines of communication. When companies establish an easy way to access consistent communications, frontline workers feel informed and connected. With a single communications platform to reach their entire workforce, corporate communicators don't have to switch out of their digital workspace to connect to the frontline. Announcements in Viva Connections enables corporate communicators to draft, schedule and target important announcements like urgent communications, role-specific updates and safety policy changes to frontline workers. Communicators can quickly send messages directly from Viva Connections without having to leave Teams. Messages are delivered to the frontline through push notifications on their mobile devices and announcement cards in their Teams home experience. To build a sense of belonging and purpose across the entire workforce, Targeted Campaigns in Viva Engage enables communicators to create campaigns that promote company-wide initiatives targeted to frontline audiences. Trusted experiences Many on the frontline work across multiple devices and often hand them over after a shift ends. To enable shift and part-time workers to be productive from the moment they log in, Windows 365 Frontline makes it easy and affordable to extend the power of Cloud PCs to employees on the frontline so they can securely access their personalized Windows experience on any device, no matter where they work. Securing data across shared devices, while still ensuring a seamless end-user experience can be challenging. A digital identity allows frontline workers to access and move between the technology needed to do their work, whether they are on a shared device or a dedicated one. For organizations using Intune, they can use Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) to enable a single sign-in and sign-out experience for Teams, Outlook, Power Apps and more with shared device mode for Android and iOS devices. This allows frontline workers to wipe their device quickly and compliantly for the next shift. And organizations using SOTI or VMware Workspace ONE as their endpoint management solution can now also enroll Android devices in Microsoft Entra ID with shared device mode. Microsoft believes that technology can be a powerful force to reimagine how work gets done. By investing in innovative solutions for the frontline workforce, it is helping to drive positive change for frontline employees, customers and the bottom line. Frontline innovations across Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, Windows 365 Frontline, Intune and partner endpoint management solutions push the boundaries of what is possible and work toward a brighter future for all. i Gartner, Hype Cycle™ for Digital Workplace Applications, 2022, August 2022 ii The Work Trend Index survey was conducted by an independent research firm, Edelman Data x Intelligence, among 31,000 full-time employed or self-employed workers across 31 markets, 6,019 of which are frontline workers, between February 1, 2023, and March 14, 2023. This survey was 20 minutes in length and conducted online, in either the English language or translated into a local language across markets. One thousand full-time workers were surveyed in each market, and global results have been aggregated across all responses to provide an average. Each market is evenly weighted within the global average. Each market was sampled to be representative of the full-time workforce across age, gender, and region; each sample included a mix of work environments (in-person, remote vs. non-remote, office settings vs. non-office settings, etc.), industries, company sizes, tenures, and job levels. Markets surveyed include: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, and Vietnam. Hashtag: #MicrosoftSingaporeThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
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