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符合「UVC LED」新聞搜尋結果, 共 7 篇 ,以下為 1 - 7 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態

自新冠疫情趨緩後,免疫負債現象產生,各種病毒捲土重來,根據衛福部疾管署統計,今年起至11月,流感重症人數已破千例,不但超過去年全年累計人數,甚至比新冠疫情前還要高。接下來進入秋冬季節,聖誕節、跨年、春節等活動不斷,聚會活動轉向室內,保持室內空氣品質是防疫關鍵,但許多商辦、百貨大樓為密閉式空間,恐成為病毒傳播溫床!現在只要透過小小的UVC LED晶片,就能大幅度的改善空氣品質,長庚醫院實驗也證明,透過台塑集團旗下子公司福機裝公司的UVC LED照射病毒,確認可大幅降低病毒效價。 ▲長庚醫院實驗對照圖(圖/福機裝公司提供) 這個小小晶片的UVC LED技術來自2014年諾貝爾物理學獎得主赤崎 勇教授與天野 浩教授,可以直接破壞病菌的DNA及RNA,讓病菌失去活性,透過UVC LED這顆長寬不到0.5公分的小晶片,NKFG福機裝成功找出密閉空間的除菌及空氣循環的解套方法,將空調設備打造成大型空氣除菌機,並已於多間百貨商場、美食街、影廳、米其林三星餐廳、醫療院所、公家機關、建案與商辦進行裝設;更協助許多公私立單位取得北市室內空品認證場所「金級」認證,創造500CFU/m3室內空氣品質新標準,將室內空氣轉變成如同太陽照射過的戶外新鮮空氣。 今年福機裝更攜手中原大學及路易莎咖啡,於店內裝設空調除菌模組,三方將空氣品質管理視為社會責任的一環,同時落實在環境空間積極提升空氣品質,創造校園環境新的衛生標準。 ▲福機裝公司UVC LED各式空調除菌模組(圖/福機裝公司提供) 除了空氣除菌模組外,UVC LED水除菌解決方案可應用於多樣化場域,在不影響水溫的情況下透過物理除菌,無化學殘留物,快速去除水中病菌。除了長效節能,更省去傳統化學藥劑的處理成本,減少環境汙染。 福機裝公司積極進行技術引進與自主研發,成功打造出具有獨家技術優勢的UVC LED晶片解決方案,推出多項專業級UVC LED除菌模組,小至燈條、大至空調;廣至空氣、深至水源,以及物體表面皆可運用。在後疫情時代,衛生安全對於企業來說不再是選擇,而是標準配備。在環保、節能減碳等未來趨勢下,UVC LED絕對有一席之地。提早導入UVC LED技術,不僅可以守護消費者與員工的健康保障,更能提升環境免疫力,進一步強化品牌形象。 ▲福機裝公司開發UVC LED崁入式空氣除菌機,透過創新LED技術,擁有除菌、照明、節能三合一功效。(圖/福機裝公司提供)

文章來源 : 鉦輝有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2303 加入收藏 :
ANGEL Shines at FHA HoReCa 2024 with Leading Water Purification Solutions

SINGAPORE, Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- FHA HoReCa 2024, Asia's leading foodservice and hospitality tradeshow, took place from October 22-25 at the Singapore EXPO. FHA HoReCa focused on the latest trends, technologies, and solutions in the foodservice and hospitality sector, bringing together industry professionals and major players to showcase products, share insights, and foster business partnerships. ANGEL, a global leader in water purification technology, made a stunning appearance at the event. ANGEL showcased three leading solutions tailored for different F&B water purification scenarios, demonstrating its innovative capabilities and expertise in the field. ANGEL's Leading Solutions for Commercial Foodservice & Hospitality As today's convenience store market continues to grow, customers are raising their standards for the taste and aroma of stores' freshly made drinks. To help convenience stores provide better customer experience, ANGEL introduced a water purification solution featuring the C3 Microfiltration Water Purifier. Designed for small-volume water consumption scenarios like convenience stores, the solution perfectly works for coffee machines and other beverage equipment, delivering enhanced taste and aroma of the freshly made drinks. ANGEL also presented the C8 Microfiltration Water Purifier at the show, which is primarily used for ice maker machines and other water-using equipment at beverage stores. ANGEL's very own UVC-LED sterilizer effectively and efficiently removes bacteria and viruses from the water, enhancing not only the taste, but the overall quality of the drinks. ANGEL at FHA HoReCa 2024 For commercial kitchens, ANGEL launched the U10 Ultrafiltration Water Purification Solution, which addresses the needs of various water equipment in the kitchen, and meets high food safety standards, ensuring smooth and efficient kitchen operations. ANGEL also showcased a series of countertop water purifiers that provide high-quality drinking water for commercial settings such as restaurants and hotels. ANGEL's water purification solutions provide strong support for restaurants as premium water is the premise for quality foodservice. ANGEL at FHA HoReCa 2024 At FHA HoReCa 2024, ANGEL's cutting-edge water purification technology and solutions garnered significant recognition from industry professionals, which greatly helped expand ANGEL's influence in the Asian market, and laid firm foundation for further advancements in the international market. Moving forward, ANGEL will remain committed to providing excellent water purification solutions for the foodservice and hospitality industry, meeting the evolving needs of customers, and helping more foodservice businesses improve efficiency.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 160 加入收藏 :
Sino Innovation Lab Partners with MASSPHOTON to Launch World-Leading Air Sterilizer, Helping to Curb the Spread of Germs

HONG KONG, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened global awareness of air quality and indoor environmental safety like never before. MASSPHOTON and Sino Innovation Lab have joined forces to launch an innovative medical-grade air sterilizer aimed at creating a safer and healthier living and working environment for people. This air sterilizer is the world's first product of its kind based on deep ultraviolet (UVC) LED technology, featuring significant advantages such as ozone-free, energy-efficient, and highly effective sterilization.  With its outstanding technological innovation and practicality, this product has won gold medals at both the 2024 Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions and the 2024 Silicon Valley International Invention Festival, further solidifying its leading position in the global medical air sterilization technology sector. This collaboration showcases the strong technical research and development capabilities of MASSPHOTON and Sino Innovation Lab, as well as their deep commitment to social health and safety. To thoroughly validate the practical application of this air sterilizer, both parties conducted rigorous field tests in various scenarios. A two-week field test result showed that the device performed exceptionally well in air sterilization, reduced germs spread, achieved a kill rate of over 75%, significantly improved indoor air quality, and received widespread user acclaim. In the office environment at Sino Group's Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, the air sterilizer effectively reduced the concentration of bacteria and viruses indoors, creating a safer and healthier workspace for employees. Similarly, in the test conducted at Sino Group's One North shopping mall, the device also demonstrated excellent performance, providing customers with fresh and clean air and enhancing their shopping experience and sense of security. MASSPHOTON CEO Dr. Eason Liao stated, "We are very honored to collaborate with Sino Innovation Lab to launch this revolutionary air sterilizer. At this critical time, ensuring public health and safety is of the utmost importance. We are confident that advanced technology can create a safer environment for everyone, helping society overcome the pandemic more swiftly." Andrew Young, Head of Sino Innovation Lab, also emphasized: "Through our close collaboration with MASSPHOTON, we have successfully developed this leading air sterilizer, demonstrating the great potential of technological innovation in improving indoor air quality and protecting public health. We will continue to commit ourselves to developing more innovative products, contributing to social health and safety." Amid the global discovery of various bacteria, the collaboration between MASSPHOTON and Sino Innovation Lab provides a practical and effective solution for public health. Looking ahead, both parties will continue to deepen their cooperation, driving further innovation and development in air sterilization technology, bringing a safer and healthier living environment to the world. About Sino Inno Lab: Dedicated to supporting innovation and technology, Sino Group has established Sino Inno Lab to: provide a sandbox platform to support start-ups, inventors and technology companies from Hong Kong and overseas to develop PropTech solutions;test out new ideas in a real-life environment without impacting actual operations;engage internal and external stakeholders to facilitate idea generation, proof-of-concept development and collaboration;co-create cutting-edge solutions;promote an innovative culture and create a knowledge network with colleagues' knowledge and expertise. About MASSPHOTON: MASSPHOTON LIMITED was founded by UVC disinfection technology experts, with state-of-the-art UVC-LED manufacturing facility in Shenzhen and Jiangsu Province of China, the company focuses on the research and development, production and sales of health & hygiene products and system solutions based on semiconductor UVC LED technology. The MassPhoton team has launched successfully various sterilization module based on UVC LED chip technology, and tested by third party agencies, with sterilization rate of air, surface and water reaching beyond 99.99%, and widely accepted by the market.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 890 加入收藏 :

香港2024年9月11日 /美通社/ -- 新冠疫情的經驗令全球對空氣品質和室內環境安全達到了前所未有的高度關注。MASSPHOTON公司與信和創意研發室強強聯合,隆重推出一款創新性的空氣消毒器,致力於為人們創造更安全、健康的生活和工作環境。 這款空氣消毒器是全球首創基於深紫外LED技術的產品,具備「無臭氧、低能耗、高效消毒」等顯著優勢。憑藉卓越的技術創新和出色的實用性,該產品在2024年日內瓦發明博覽會和美國矽谷發明展中雙雙獲發明金獎,進一步鞏固了其在全球科技領域的領先地位。這次合作充分展現了MASSPHOTON公司與信和創意研發室在技術研發方面的深厚實力,以及對社會健康與安全的高度責任感。 為全面驗證這款空氣消毒器的實際應用效果,雙方在多種場景下進行了嚴謹的實地測試。為期兩周的跟蹤測試結果顯示,該設備在空氣消毒和抑制病菌傳播方面表現卓越,消殺率高達75%以上,顯著提升了室內空氣品質,廣受用戶好評。 在信和集團旗下尖沙咀中心的辦公環境測試中,空氣消毒器有效降低了室內細菌和病毒濃度,為員工營造了更加安全、健康的工作空間。同時,在信和集團旗下One North商場的應用測試中,設備同樣展現出色性能,為顧客提供了清新潔淨的購物環境,提升了消費者的購物體驗和安全感。 MASSPHOTON公司首席執行官Eason Liao博士表示:「我們非常榮幸能與信和創意研發室合作推出這款革命性的空氣消毒器。在關鍵時期,保障公眾健康與安全至關重要。我們堅信,先進的技術能夠為每個人創造更安全的環境,助力社會早日戰勝疫情。」 信和創意研發室負責人Andrew Young也強調:「通過與MASSPHOTON的緊密合作,我們成功研發出這款領先的空氣消毒器,彰顯了科技創新在提升室內空氣品質和保護公眾健康方面的巨大潛力。我們將繼續致力於研發更多創新產品,為社會健康安全貢獻力量。」 在全球發現不同細菌出現的環景下,MASSPHOTON公司與信和創意研發室的合作為公眾健康提供了一項切實有效的解決方案。展望未來,雙方將持續深化合作,推動空氣消毒技術的不斷革新與發展,為全球帶來更安全、更健康的生活環境。 關於「信和創意研發室」:為支持香港發展創新科技,信和集團成立「信和創意研發室」,旨在:為本地及海外初創公司、硏發人員及科技企業提供發展房地產科技的「沙池」,在這個不會影響正常運作的測試環境中,驗證嶄新意念或解決方案;促進同事與創科圈的交流,使更多創意誕生、推行實證並達致合作;與創科專家攜手共創最尖端的解決方案;在集團推廣創科文化,並在我們的同事中發掘創科知識及專長的寶藏,以及建立知識聯網。 關於「MASSPHOTON」:MASSPHOTON LIMITED由UVC消毒技術專家創立,在中國深圳和江蘇省擁有最先進的UVC-LED 製造工廠。公司專注於基於半導體UVC LED技術的健康衛生產品及系統解決方案的研發、生產和銷售。MASSPHOTON團隊已成功推出各種基於UVC LED芯片技術的滅菌模組和消毒設備。經協力廠商機構檢測,空氣、表面、水的滅菌率超过99.99%,被市場廣泛接受。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 951 加入收藏 :

Company Unveils Powerful and Efficient CordZero All-in-One Tower Combi and Latest Robot Vacuum With Simultaneous Wet and Dust Cleaning Capabilities SEOUL, South Korea, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LG Electronics (LG) is introducing its brand-new stick vacuum cleaning solution, LG CordZero™ All-in-One Tower Combi, alongside its newest 'all-in-one' robot vacuum and mop at IFA 2024. The All-In-One Tower Combi redefines storage, charging and style while making everyday cleaning simpler and more efficient by combining the CordZero A9X stick vacuum with the CordZero R5 robot vacuum. The company's latest robot vacuum and mop features a comprehensive system that handles floor cleaning, mopping, dust emptying, water refilling and automatic mop washing. LG Electronics introduces 'all-in-one' vacuum cleaning solutions with next-level versatility at IFA 2024. LG's All-In-One Tower Combi redefines storage, charging and style while making everyday cleaning simpler and more efficient by combining the CordZero A9X stick vacuum with the CordZero R5 robot vacuum. Streamlined Cleaning with the All-in-One Tower Combi The innovative All-in-One Tower Combi solution features the Dual Auto Empty function, which automatically empties the dustbins of both the stick and robot vacuums. When docked, both devices are charged to ensure they are always ready to clean. The sleek, compact docking station serves as a central hub for all vacuuming needs, taking up minimal space and even featuring a UVC LED to help prevent bacteria from growing inside the disposable dust bag.[1] The CordZero A9X incorporates LG's Smart Inverter Motor, designed to provide powerful and reliable cleaning performance every time. The motor's rapid spinning action generates a strong suction that picks up dirt, dust and debris with ease. Moreover, the stick vacuum uses KOMPRESSOR™ technology, which compresses dirt and debris to increase bin capacity and reduce the frequency of emptying the dustbin. The vacuum also features Spray Mop for efficient mopping on hard floors. For a thorough and efficient cleaning experience, the LG CordZero R5 robot vacuum is equipped with a mop that allows it to vacuum and mop simultaneously. This is facilitated by an automatic water supply system from the embedded water tank that keeps the mop wet, eliminating the need for frequent trips to a water source. What's more, the robot vacuum employs a 360 LiDAR sensor to navigate obstacles and furniture, potentially preventing accidents like a fall down the stairs.[2] Next-Generation Robot Vacuum with Extensive Cleaning Capabilities LG is also bringing its 'all-in-one' robot vacuum and mop to the IFA show floor. This cutting-edge vacuum employs automatic mop cleaning and drying to reduce maintenance work and an automatic water supply system that fills and empties the water tank without user intervention.[3] To ensure the vacuum stays clean and fresh without any hassle, the vacuum automatically dispenses the cleanser when washing the mop.   The advanced robot vacuum uses LiDAR to precisely map out routes and a front camera that works in unison with 3D and several other sensors, which recognize up to 96 objects, making obstacle navigation effortless. The robot vacuum effectively cleans dust with a powerful motor that delivers strong vacuum power of up to 10,000 pascals (Pa),[4] while its rotating mop ensures thorough mopping by spinning at 180 revolutions per minute (rpm). The intelligent vacuum can even detect carpets, increasing suction power and lifting its mop to clean more effectively over these rougher surfaces.   To help consumers minimize odors from the product, LG has developed all-in-one robot vacuums that combat unpleasant odors from the wastewater after mop cleaning. This comprehensive cleaning solution automatically dispenses cleaner when washing the mop and dries it with hot air. This process reduces the formation of foul-smelling compounds, such as methyl mercaptan and dimethyl disulfide, in the water container storing used water after mopping by approximately 30 percent.[5] Additionally, LG's Secure Development Lifecycle (LG SDL) predicts and addresses security risks checked throughout every stage of product development. "We have merged the cleaning and maintenance process into one to deliver the convenient and effortless user experience consumer's desire," said Lyu Jae-cheol, president of LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. "We are fully committed to introducing a steady stream of innovative home appliances that exceed all expectations, with a strong focus on constantly redefining the seamless user experience." LG's latest cleaning solutions, including the A9X All-in-One Tower Combi and robot vacuum and mop, among other home appliance solutions will be on display at the company's IFA 2024 exhibition booth (Hall 18, Messe Berlin) in Berlin, Germany, from September 6-10. [1] Tested by KRIBS (Korea Research Institute of Bio Science) in accordance with LG protocol comparing the number of live bacteria in the All-in-One Tower's dust bag after operating the UVC LED for two hours (Model number: VDS-ST**U**) at 23.0 degrees Celsius (±2.0 degrees Celsius) with a relative humidity of 45 percent (±5 percent). The All-in-One Tower's dust bag was filled with simulated household dust (specified in IEC TS 62885-1 5.1) and bacteria (staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, pneumonia bacilli, escherichia coli-about 107 CFU per ml for each test bacteria) that was cultivated in a petri dish. The tested bacteria are located in nine representative locations on top of the dust. After operating the UVC LED for 2 hours, a comparison was made between the number of live bacteria with the un-treated chalet. The inhibition rate of bacterial growth may vary depending on actual environmental conditions. [2] 360 LiDAR sensor scans the surroundings 6 times per second up to a radius of 8 meters. Depending on the actual environment and usage conditions, actual surroundings and the map may differ.  [3] Automatic water filling and emptying feature is only available with the addition and the installation of the automatic water supply kit, which is sold separately. The installation type can be changed to automatic water supply with the addition of the automatic water supply kit. The installation service may require additional fees or services depending on the region. [4] According to tests conducted by the Korea Testing Laboratory (KTL) on the all-in-one robot vacuum and mop (Model: R83*******) following Section 5.11 of the international standard IEC 62885-4:2020/AMD1:2023, the product was evaluated with an empty dustbin and a fully charged new battery. Using a specially manufactured adapter to connect the vacuum cleaner to the air data test equipment, the maximum suction power was measured under Turbo mode with direct drive movements, and the suction motor's maximum vacuum level was recorded with the motor directly connected to the air data test equipment. Suction power (measured in watts) is calculated as the product of the observed vacuum (in kilopascal, kPa) and the airflow (in liters per second, l/s) from the air data test equipment. The maximum vacuum level of 10,000 Pa for the suction motor refers to a sealed condition with an airflow of 0 l/s. Suction power may vary depending on whether the rotating brush is attached and the testing environment, while the vacuum level may differ based on the measurement conditions. [5] According to tests conducted by accredited certification agency Intertek using LG's specified criteria, the amount of methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide odors was compared with and without the use of the company's robot vacuum cleaner maintenance solution. The test involved applying a solution of E. coli (approximately 104 colony-forming units per milliliter, CFU/ml) and approximately 12 milliliters of instant coffee dilution to the floor and then 10 minutes of mopping. Afterwards, the mop automatically washed and dried for 3 hours and the resulting wastewater was left in a 33-degree Celsius chamber for 7 days. Methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide are sulfur compounds with strong odors. The automatic mop cleaning function only operates after a robot vacuum, which has cleaned for more than 10 minutes, returns to its charging dock, with the cleaner then automatically dispensed during the final cleaning process. The frequency of the cleaner replenishment and sulfur compound odor alleviation effect may vary depending on the usage environment. About LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company  The LG Home Appliance & Air Solution Company is a global leader in home appliances, air solutions as well as smart home solutions featuring LG ThinQ. The company is creating various solutions with its industry leading core technologies and is committed to making life better and sustainable for consumers and the planet by developing thoughtfully designed kitchen appliances, living appliances, HVAC and air purification solutions. Together, these products deliver enhanced convenience, superb performance, efficient operation and sustainable lifestyle solutions. For more news on LG, visit www.LGnewsroom.com. LG Electronics introduces 'all-in-one' vacuum cleaning solutions with next-level versatility at IFA 2024. LG's All-In-One Tower Combi redefines storage, charging and style while making everyday cleaning simpler and more efficient by combining the CordZero A9X stick vacuum with the CordZero R5 robot vacuum. LG Electronics introduces new 'all-in-one' vacuum cleaning solutions with next-level versatility at IFA 2024. LG’s newest robot vacuum and mop features a comprehensive system that handles floor cleaning, mopping, dust emptying, water refilling and automatic mop washing. LG Electronics introduces new 'all-in-one' vacuum cleaning solutions with next-level versatility at IFA 2024. LG’s newest robot vacuum and mop features a comprehensive system that handles floor cleaning, mopping, dust emptying, water refilling and automatic mop washing.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 374 加入收藏 :
重新定義「一塵不染」!無線吸塵器中的頂級典範LG A9X系列滿足所有居家美學幻想 擁有它享受高品質精緻生活

圖片來源:業者提供 在全球一片居家風格養成的浪潮裡,室內裝潢早已不限收納功能或整齊俐落感,軟裝設計,更是風靡當代質感人士,引起他們的高度討論,不管是設計燈飾、藝術品、家具或植栽,這些物件細節的美學,更是提升場域質感的關鍵!而設計美學家電的先驅者LG,也在全新LG A9X系列吸塵器發表之際,再次呼應品牌探究專業與時髦共存的頂尖居家風尚。 當越來越多人花更多時間嘗試進化居家環境,高質感家電美學,成為改變場域環境舉足輕重的因子。被許多品味人士奉為居家最美風景的LG無線吸塵器,推出全新A9X系列,頂著專業與美學的頂尖規格,讓風格形隨機能地走入生活,不只實用、擺著也好看!更配備一塵不染的極致功能性,以簡約俐落的時髦外型,應援不同生活場景或使用需求;從忙碌新手爸媽,到寵愛毛孩的單身貴族,或是外貌協會的風尚推崇者,都對它愛不釋手! #1 全方位除塵清潔最佳解方 圖片來源:業者提供 全新推出的LG CordZero™ A9X系列蒸氣濕拖無線吸塵器,能以強大蒸氣濕拖功能,高溫瓦解頑垢,清除醬料或食物汙漬,是清潔偏執族、新手爸媽或健康環境崇尚者的輕巧助手!而升級後的LG A9X系列,也比現有A9系列重量降低5%,以優越的「久拿不累」手持性,輕鬆打掃不費力,解決一般手持吸塵器的痛點!更重要的是,即使重量變輕,LG A9X系列的獨特雙渦輪氣旋,也使吸力只增不減!以提升至280W的強勁吸力,讓清潔不再是煩惱!結合自動集塵、充電及收納特質的A9X All-in-One Tower™自動集塵收納充電座,更以革新「自動集塵功能」,可在吸塵器放回All-in-One Tower™後,自動清空集塵盒,降低灰塵於清理時外洩造成的二次汙染,讓髒汙不沾手! 圖片來源:業者提供 升級的All-in-One Tower™ 3.0,除了擁有簡約時尚廓型,也可同時為吸塵器充電及收納多款吸頭,速度亦再提升,只要30秒就能完成集塵盒清理,清潔不髒手、除塵更徹底、打掃更省時!內置三重過濾系統及UVC LED紫外線殺菌,亦可減少集塵袋內細菌滋生,保持空間乾淨。 #2 清潔居家風格養成術 圖片來源:業者提供 值得一提的是,LG A9X獨特的「高速震動除蟎吸頭」,能以每分鐘拍打4000次的頻率,針對像是床墊、布沙發區域容易產生塵蟎的地方,透過除蟎吸頭高速拍打,深層去除藏在其中的塵蟎,減少過敏原,且不易傷害衣料;特別適合家有過敏兒或毛孩的家庭!能輕鬆一指操控開關及調節吸力,以頂尖高規的科技與美學定調,擄獲這個時代在乎健康生活與風格的質感人士,更榮獲2023年、有設計界奧斯卡之稱的「德國紅點設計大獎」。 圖片來源:業者提供 另外,LG A9X機身獨特的集塵壓縮鈕,可在每次打掃後刮除纏繞氣旋的毛髮,並壓縮灰塵髒汙,將集塵盒容量提升至約2.4倍,減少集塵盒清潔次數;更可配合雙旋濕拖吸頭,機動選擇「單獨拖地」或「同時吸塵拖地」,以靈活清潔提案,大幅增加清潔效力。可拆洗式的集塵盒、水洗氣旋與濾網設計,也讓使用者能定期輕鬆清洗,減少長期累積的汙垢所可能導致的過敏或汙染問題,在家實踐精緻優雅的品味生活。  圖片來源:業者提供 而除了自動集塵、吸塵器重量減輕、吸力提升至280W,擁有清楚好操作的2.3吋LCD螢幕,以及可拆洗式集塵盒、水洗氣旋與濾網,更重要的是LG CordZero™ A9X吸塵器令人讚賞的細緻設計!讓清潔打掃,不單事半功倍、還能自帶風格! #3 居家空間裡的一方美景尤其,A9X系列更貼心調整操作方式,以全新容易識別的2.3吋LCD液晶螢幕,依據手持方向自動旋轉顯示螢幕,能即時估算剩餘電力清潔時間,並設定吸力、螢幕亮度、提示音聲量、連接Wifi,或開啟續航力延長模式,保護電池;透過液晶螢幕,掌握All-in-One Tower™ 3.0的工作狀態,確認自動集塵及UVC LED的運作情形,輕鬆管理家電。                             圖片來源:業者提供                             圖片來源:業者提供 從簡潔優雅的雪霧白到俐落時尚的永夜灰,LG A9X吸塵器的全單色質感設計,可百看不膩、且輕鬆融入於各類家居風格,無須花費太多思考,就能為場域注入高雅品味與型格態度,成為生活美學的完美延伸!完全命中以風尚優先的外貌協會,或高端品味族群的青睞!更是當代極需的美好生活提案! 了解更多LG A9X蒸氣濕拖無線吸塵器https://reurl.cc/5vW2Kn

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2025 年 1 月 15 日 (星期三) 農曆十二月十六日
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