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In the wave of rapid global technological advancement, the photonics industry stands out as a leader in the next-generation information technology. As a driving force behind strategic sectors like the digital economy, intelligent manufacturing, and green development, the market size of photonics industry continues to expand, and its influence escalates day by day. According to the latest market analysis, the global photonics market reached $1.4 trillion in 2023, reflecting a 10% year-on-year growth. Asia dominates this market with a 63% share, underscoring its central role, while China, as the regional leader, is expected to reach $550 billion—39% of the global total—demonstrating significant growth potential. Amidst this dynamic landscape, the Asia Photonics Expo (APE), as the most influential photonics event in Asia, has undoubtedly become the center of attention for global professionals in the field. Scheduled to take place from February 26 to 28, 2025, at the Sands Convention and Exhibition Centre in Singapore, APE 2025 will continue to adhere to the mission of " Shaping the Future of Photonics, Propelling Industry Innovation." It offers a prime platform for industry leaders to showcase cutting-edge technologies, share insights, and expand their global reach. The event will spotlight advances in optical communication, optics, semiconductors, lasers, sensing, infrared, quantum technology, and display technologies, ensuring an exciting experience for all attendees. Don't miss out on this extraordinary event, register now to join this grand gathering! Quantum Singapore Zone: Pioneers of Quantum Innovation Quantum technology is at the forefront of a new wave of technological revolution, and Singapore is strategically positioning itself as an innovation hub in Asia. The Quantum Singapore 2025 initiative is designed to enhance Singapore's capabilities in quantum technology and research. In this context, the APE 2025 Quantum Singapore Zone has been established to showcase Singapore's latest achievements and innovations in the quantum field. Expected exhibitors in the quantum zone will include Anritsu, Anyon Technologies, Archer Materials, Diraq, Fujitsu, Korea Quantum Computing (KQC), Nomad Atomics, Oxford Instruments, Q-CTRL, QuEL, QuEra Computing Inc., Quantum Art, Quantum Brilliance, Quantum Machines, Quantum Source Labs, Quantum Transistors Technology Ltd., QuantumCTek, Qunova Computing, SHI Cryogenics Group, Silicon Quantum Computing, SpinQ, and Ulvac Cryogenics, etc. We cordially invite you to join the APE 2025 Quantum Singapore Zone to showcase the latest breakthroughs in quantum technology, explore collaboration opportunities, and drive business growth. *Above companies are listed in alphabetical order. Singapore Pavilion: A Shining Gem of Photonics Innovation Singapore, recognized as an innovation hub for photonics technology in Asia and beyond, will showcase its robust R&D capabilities and industrial strengths at APE 2025. The Singapore Pavilion will present a range of industry-leading innovations, from precision optical components to advanced optical communication solutions, and from semiconductor manufacturing equipment to quantum information technologies. To further enhance the participation of Singapore companies, the Singapore government is offering up to 70% subsidies for exhibitors, significantly reducing costs and attracting more high-quality companies to join APE 2025. Notable exhibitors in the Singapore Pavilion include Acexon, Bote Optics, Dymek, Evatec, JD Union, Laser 21, Mitutoyo, Optical Gaging, Opto Precision, OptoSigma, Panasonic, Precision Technologies, Sintec Optronics, Trioptics, WKK Distribution, Wavelength Opto-Electronic, and Yokogawa Engineering. These esteemed companies will engage with global visitors through live demonstrations and technical presentations, sharing their latest technological breakthroughs and market applications. *Above companies are listed in alphabetical order. Europe Pavilion: A Seamless Blend of Technique and Art Europe, a cradle of photonics technology, has long been at the forefront of the global photonics industry, thanks to its rich technical heritage and innovative spirit. In 2025, the APE organising committee will once again collaborate with prominent partners such as W3+, IVAM, and EPIC (European Photonics Industry Consortium) to create the Europe Pavilion. This pavilion will showcase a remarkable array of products and solutions, ranging from high-precision optical measurement equipment to cutting-edge laser processing technologies, as well as innovative optical materials and advanced AR/VR technologies. Industry leaders such as Chroma Technology, dopa, HOLOEYE Photonics, Heidelberg Instruments, I-Photonics, and IMT Masken und Teilungen AG will come together to present their latest achievements in the photonics field. They will also engage with partners from Asia and around the world to discuss future trends in photonics technology. *Above companies are listed in alphabetical order. Japan Pavilion: The Art of Precision Craftsmanship Japan, renowned worldwide for its craftsmanship, also excels in the field of photonics technology. At APE 2025, a Japan Pavilion will make its debut, featuring a collaboration with prominent Japanese companies such as AGC Asia Pacific, Cybernet Systems, Disco-Hi Tec, and SWCC. This pavilion will showcase their unique strengths in precision optical lenses, high-performance optical communication devices, and advanced laser technologies. Internationally recognized photonics companies will join in APE 2025, engaging with global visitors through live demonstrations and interactive discussions to share the latest advancements and market applications of Japanese photonics technology. *Above companies are listed in alphabetical order. APE 2025: The Indispensable Photonics Event APE 2025 is not just a platform for showcasing photonics technology; it is also a vital bridge for fostering global collaboration and exchange within the photonics industry. The event will host a variety of industry forums, technical seminars, and site tours to the R&D centres of universities and companies, offering great chances for exhibitors and attendees to gain insights into industry trends, grow their networks, and discover new partners. APE 2025 will also spotlight innovative zones for AR/VR, astrophotography, quantum technology, and other cutting-edge areas, showcasing the latest tech and products in photonics. This will drive industry innovation and support the growth and advancement of the sector. >>>Check more concurrent events here. In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of photonics technology, APE 2025 undoubtedly serves as a pivotal platform for professionals worldwide to come together and collaborate on future developments. We warmly invite elites from the global photonics industry to join us in Singapore to explore the limitless possibilities of photonics technology and collectively drive the prosperity of the global photonics sector. As part of our excitement for the event, we are pleased to announce a special campaign: successfully invite over 2 friends or colleagues to sign-up for APE 2025 through your designated link by November 26, you will get a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift voucher or l local equivalent, check HERE to know more about this campaign. Join us for an inspiring experience that connects you with the global photonics industry as we explore endless opportunities together. We eagerly anticipate welcoming you and your colleagues to this remarkable gathering!
在全球科技飛速發展的浪潮中,光電產業憑藉其獨特魅力和無限潛力,正引領着新一代信息技術的革新。作為推動數字經濟、智能製造、綠色發展等戰略性新興產業的關鍵力量,光電產業的市場規模持續擴大,影響力與日俱增。據最新市場分析,2023年全球光電產業市場規模預計達到1.4萬億美元,同比增長約10%。其中,亞洲市場以63%的占比獨占鰲頭,充分彰顯出亞洲在全球光電產業中的核心地位。而中國,作為亞洲光電產業的領軍者,市場規模預計達到5500億美元,占全球市場的39%,展現出強勁的增長勢頭和巨大的發展潛能。 面對如此蓬勃發展的行業態勢,APE亞洲光電博覽會作為亞洲地區最具影響力的光電行業盛會,無疑成為了全球光電人關注的焦點。將於2025年2月26-28日在新加坡金沙會議展覽中心盛大啟幕的APE亞洲光電博覽會,將繼續秉承「探索光電未來,引領產業創新」的宗旨,為全球光電行業的精英們提供一個展示最新技術、交流行業經驗、拓展國際市場的絕佳機會。本次展會將全面展示光電通信、光學、半導體、激光、傳感、紅外、量子及顯示技術等領域的最新成果,為參會者呈現一場光電技術的盛宴。 APE 2025量子展團:量子領域的璀璨先鋒量子技術引領着新一輪技術革命的浪潮,新加坡正通過其戰略布局,鞏固其作為亞洲創新樞紐的地位。「Quantum Singapore 2025」 是迎合新加坡量子技術布局,推動其量子技術和研究能力提升的戰略倡議。在此背景下,APE 2025量子展團應運而生,旨在展示新加坡在量子技術領域的最新成就和創新實力。「Quantum Singapore 2025」 量子展區擬定參展展商有Anritsu, Anyon Technologies, Archer Materials, Diraq, Fujitsu, Korea Quantum Computing (KQC), Nomad Atomics, Oxford Instruments, Q-CTRL, QuEL, QuEra Computing Inc., Quantum Art, Quantum Brilliance, Quantum Machines, Quantum Source Labs, Quantum Transistors Technology Ltd., QuantumCTek, Qunova Computing, SHI Cryogenics Group, Silicon Quantum Computing, SpinQ, Ulvac Cryogenics. 我們誠摯邀請您加入APE 2025量子展團,共同展示量子技術的最新進展,探索合作機會,推動業務發展。*以上企業按首字母順序列出 新加坡展團:光電創新的璀璨明珠新加坡,作為亞洲乃至全球的光電技術創新中心,將在APE 2025上展示其強大的研發實力和產業優勢。從精密光學元件到先進的光通信解決方案,從半導體製造設備到量子信息技術,新加坡展團將帶來一系列領先業界的創新成果。此外,新加坡政府還為新加坡展團參展商提供了高達70%的補貼,大大降低了參展成本,吸引了更多優質企業參展。新加坡展團參展企業包括Acexon, Bote Optics, Dymek, Evatec, JD Union, Laser 21,Mitutoyo, Optical Gaging, Opto Precision OptoSigma, Panasonic, Precision Technologies, Sintec Optronics, Trioptics, WKK Distribution, Wavelength Opto-Electronic, Yokogawa Engineering等知名企業,他們將通過現場演示、技術講座等形式,與全球觀眾分享最新的技術突破和市場應用案例。*以上企業按首字母順序列出 歐洲展團:技術與藝術的完美融合歐洲,作為光電技術的搖籃之一,憑藉其深厚的技術積累和創新精神,一直站在全球光電產業的前沿。在2025年,APE組委會將再次與W3+、IVAM和EPIC(歐洲光電產業聯盟)等重量級合作夥伴聯手,精心打造歐洲展團。歐洲展團將展示從高精度光學測量設備到尖端激光加工技術,從創新光學材料到前沿的AR/VR技術等一系列令人矚目的產品和解決方案。Chroma Technology, dopa, HOLOEYE Photonics, Heidelberg Instruments, I-Photonics, IMT Masken und Teilungen AG等行業領軍者將齊聚一堂,展示他們在光電領域的最新成果,並與亞洲乃至全球的合作夥伴共同探討光電技術的未來發展趨勢。*以上企業按首字母順序列出 日本展團:精益求精的工匠精神日本,這個以工匠精神聞名於世的國家,在光電技術領域同樣表現出色。APE 2025將新增日本展團,攜手AGC Asia Pacific,Cybernet Systems,Disco-Hi Tec,SWCC株式會社等眾多日本光電企業展示他們在精密光學鏡頭、高性能光通信器件、先進激光技術等方面的獨特魅力。眾多國際知名的光電企業將亮相APE 2025,通過現場展示和互動交流,與全球觀眾分享日本光電技術的最新進展和市場應用經驗。*以上企業按首字母順序列出 APE 2025:不容錯過的光電盛宴APE 2025不僅是一個展示光電技術的平台,更是一個促進全球光電產業交流與合作的重要橋梁。APE 2025展會期間,將舉辦多場行業論壇、技術研討會、高校/企業研發中心參觀和商務對接活動,為參展商和觀眾提供深入了解行業動態、拓展人脈資源、尋找合作夥伴的絕佳機會。此外,APE 2025還將設立AR/VR、天文攝影、量子等創新展示區,展示光電領域的新興技術和創新產品,激發行業創新活力,推動產業升級發展。 APE 2025同期會議&活動一覽表 同期會議 時間 地點 會議 語言 2月26日 13:00-17:30 Conference Room Quantum Singapore 2025 英文 2月26日 13:00 – 16:00 Technical Theatre Yole Group光電論壇 英文 2月26日 16:15 – 17:45 Technical Theatre 歐洲光電產業協會技術展望大會 英文 2月27日 9:00 – 12:00 Technical Theatre 2025光電賦能電動汽車技術高峰論壇 英文 2月27日 9:00 – 17:00 Conference Room 2025新加坡光電子大會 英文 2月27日 14:00 – 17:00 Technical Theatre 歐洲遇見亞洲—W3+、IVAM和EPIC在光電領域的創新 英文 2月28日 14:00 – 17:00 Conference Room Asia Semiconductor Conference 英文 同期活動 2月26日10:00-11:00 Conference Room 2025 APE亞洲光電博覽會開幕式 英文 2月26日18:00-21:00 待定 2025 APE亞洲光電博覽會晚宴 英文 2月27日16:30-18:00 VIP休息室 歡樂時光 英文 2月26-28日 待定 新加坡當地高校及光電企業參觀 英文 *更多會議&活動信息持續更新中 在光電技術日新月異的今天,APE 2025無疑成為了全球光電人共聚一堂、共謀發展的盛會。我們誠摯邀請全球光電行業的精英們共聚新加坡,探索光電技術的無限可能,共同推動全球光電產業的繁榮發展。在這裡,您將有機會與來自世界各地的專業人士面對面交流、分享經驗、探討合作機會。讓我們攜手共進,共繪光電產業的未來藍圖!APE 2025展位預定火熱進行中,點擊此處,即刻預定展位。同時,觀眾登記也已全面開啟,即刻登記,即可免費參觀。讓我們相約明年2月的新加坡,期待與您的相聚!
As technological innovation accelerates and the global industrial landscape evolves, " Intelligent Manufacturing with Photonics" is emerging as a pivotal driver of economic and social progress. As a comprehensive industry event spanning the entire optoelectronics supply chain, the 25th China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE 2024) is set to take place at the Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center from September 11th to 13th, 2024. With an expansive exhibition area of 240,000 square meters, CIOE 2024 is expected to attract over 3,700 distinguished exhibitors from more than 30 countries and regions. In the wake of the swift progression of information technology, productivity is increasingly characterized by automation, digitalization, and intelligence. CIOE 2024 will present cutting-edge advancements in Intelligent Manufacturing with Photonics, fostering the integration of optoelectronic technologies into manufacturing processes to boost efficiency and quality. It addresses longstanding issues in conventional production and pioneers new realms of manufacturing and applications, charting the course for the future of productivity. Sign up to visit CIOE 2024 now! Laser Processing Technology: Precision Manufacturing Needs of Industry Laser processing technology is a versatile tool with broad applications across multiple sectors, particularly in the metalworking industry, automotive, aerospace, and shipbuilding. In the electronics sector, it is used for intricate tasks such as chip scribing and component marking. In medical device manufacturing, it is essential to craft precision surgical tools and equipment. Lasers offer the capability to achieve micrometer to nanometer-level precision, catering to the exacting standards of brittle materials. CIOE 2024 - Lasers Technology & Intelligent Manufacturing Expo will feature the latest products and trends from every segment of the industry chain, including laser materials and components, lasers, laser components and auxiliary systems, and laser equipment. It is designed to boost productivity in diverse sectors like consumer electronics, industrial manufacturing, semiconductors, medical devices, and renewable energy. The exhibition will also highlight specialized areas such as the " Laser Medical Display Zone," "Handheld Welding Display Zone," and "Perovskite Display Zone," focusing on innovative applications of laser technology in medical devices, photovoltaics, and portable welding. Notable laser equipment exhibitors include a diverse array of industry leaders: Han's Laser, Hymson Laser, INTE Laser, Anewbest, SANHE Wuatech, KBF Laser, Space Sanjiang, Vilaser, Silverlake Laser, Raylight, CKD Precision, Moji-Nano, Ultra Precision, Trace Puint Laser, Guangwei Laser, Nanoscribe, JPT Opto-electronics, Guangke Chaoyang, Boyi Laser, SIMAX, Xincang Industry, Lijieke Laser, etc. *The above exhibitors are listed in no particular order. Semiconductor Equipment: Crucial for Optical Chips and Photonics Devices Semiconductor equipment is crucial for producing optical chips and photonics devices, integral to the optoelectronic industry. The creation of optical chips involves intricate processes such as chip design, epitaxial growth, wafer fabrication, and final packaging and testing. Similarly, the manufacturing of photonics devices, which harness the photonics effect for various applications, is dependent on the support of semiconductor equipment. At the CIOE 2024 - Information and Communication Expo, the Semiconductor and Optical Communication Equipment Pavilion (Hall 10) will be a focal point, highlighting the latest innovations in semiconductor technology. A selection of the companies showcasing their advancements includes: Samco, SENTECH, Raith, Yoshinaga Shoji, Alltek, Micro-Power Scientific, Harvestera, ADT, Heyan Technology, Weady, Thahoo Photoeletric, Jingchuang Advance, ESTEE, MRSI (Mycronic Group), Finetech, Bozhon Semiconductor, Energy Intelligent, Sinobonder, iWISEETEC, CYCAD, NATIONAL CENTER FOR ADVANCED PACKAGING CO.,LTD(NCAP CHINA), Microview Intelligent, Kexin Mechatronic, Sufastech, REB Automation, Shangjin Automation, All-Semi Micro Electronic, Zhicubic Automation, E-Globaledge, ficonTEC, Xingqihang Automation, Brightas, Laser X, Damu, MID Precision, Hostechn Automation, Rainbow AMC, UIGreen, Suruga Seiki, ISMC, YUK, Direc Seiko, Semishare, Eternal, Sanying Motion Control, Tec-Pho, Dloorplf Electronic, Tai Kun Industrial, Sanyo Denki, TOMOGAWA, SiliCool, Sige Automation, VEL-Tec, TechSenze, Form AI, PakTool Industrial, FitTech, Accuracy Intelligent, Top-Leading Intelligent, OTW Optech, Zhongwang Semicon, SMIC Chenrui, and others. These companies will present their products in a dynamic showcase, demonstrating the cutting-edge of semiconductor equipment and its vital role in the optoelectronic sector. *The above exhibitors are listed in no particular order. Optical Communication Test and Measurement/Instruments: Ensuring Precision and Quality Optical communication test and measurement/instruments are essential for guaranteeing that R&D, production, maintenance, and quality assurance of optical communication products adhere to the highest standards. Some of the exhibiting companies at CIOE 2024 include: Anritsu, EXFO, FiberPro, IBSEN Photonics, Keysight, Multilane Inc., Santec, VIAVI, Yokogawa Test & Measurement, Dimension, Ceyear, Deviser Photoelectric, Luster LightTech, Precise Electronic, Rigol, G-Link, Join-mu Intelligent Tech, Sufastech, Joinwit Optoelectronic, Vawey Instruments, Eloik, ETSC, OP WILL, Optical Valley Interlink, Steligent, Guangyan, UC Instrument, Novker, Yizhuo Photoelectric, WTT Technologies, Troch Telecom, Linpu Instruments, GM Technology, Haochen Electronic, Mega Technology, Stone, RPG Electronics, Richen Industry, Zewda, Milli-Tech, Great Engineering, MegaSense, Wekon, Tianhui Communication, Hopu Optical, Eternal, Huasmart, BDSC Technology, T&M Tools, Wanglu Technology, Puqing Electronic, Amonics, GrandLink, Huayixin, PerkinElmer, Xingan Technology, INNO, Fujikura, Grandway Telecom, DVP O.E. Tech, Huachuang, Signal Fire, Xianghe Communication, TumTec, Skycom, TEKCN, FiberLink, VAE YI, Tribrer, Noyafa, Tengyue Communication, Linkshire, Pianxin, Feng Cheng, Etopel, Gunrise Electronics, Haorui Industrial, JXG Technology, Terawan Tech, Haobang Communication, and etc *The above exhibitors are listed in no particular order. Optical Processing Equipment: Revitalizing the Optical Manufacturing Sector Optical processing equipment is indispensable for crafting, refining, or enhancing optical components like lenses, prisms, and mirrors. These high-precision tools are vital across various industries including telecommunications, medical devices, industrial manufacturing, and scientific research. Optical processing equipment includes cutting machines, grinding machines, coating equipment, and inspection devices, which must meet high standards of precision, automation, intelligence, and multifunctionality. At CIOE 2024 - Precision Optics Expo & Camera Expo, a spotlight will be on the machinery that facilitates camera production. Specifically, Hall 5, known as the Precision Optics Processing Pavilion, will be dedicated to showcasing the latest in ultra-precision processing, optical components, optical materials, and optical processing equipment. The optical processing equipment exhibitors include: NovelBeam, CPG Optics, Hitronics Technologies, CASIX, Kaixin, North Electro-Optics, New HuaGuang, CASTECH, A-Star Photonics, TaiYang Technology, Gomore Materials, Best Optoelectronic, Trans Manufacture & Trade, Gabrielle-Optech, APEX Optics, Ruisen Optical, Intane Optical, Donghe Science, Scitlion, Quartecs, UM Optics, Corning, MDK, Feilihua Quartz, Aura Optics, Lante Optics, Giai Photonics, Nano Macro Photonics, CryLight Photonics, and so on. Hall 7 as the Optical Vacuum Coating Pavilion, will focus on optical coating material, thin film and coating component, optical coating equipment, gathering exhibitors such as Buhler Lybold, Shincron, Naura, Guotai Vacuum, Sinoprime Optical, HuiCheng Vacuum, Tianyi Guotai Vacuum, Hana, Evatec AG, NanoFilm, 3Beam, Sistem Vacuum, Xingnan, Depai Precision, IBD Technology, Showa Shinku, IVT Korea, Goldstone-Orient, Pengcheng Semiconductor, IZOVAC, Hongda Vacuum, EVACTEK, ADL, Pilot Photoelectric, ULVAC, AfaPa Vacuum, MicrovitaInstrument, GreenScience, Pilot Electronic, Sino Multi-Micro, Edwards, and more. *The above exhibitors are listed in no particular order. Optical Test and Measurement Instruments: Driving Precision and Advancing Industrial Inspection Optical test and measurement instruments are essential for industrial inspection, known for their precision and significance. They offer not only efficient measurement capabilities for manufacturing processes but also spearhead ongoing advancements and innovations in inspection technology through their exceptional accuracy and versatile functionalities. Serving as the "eyes" of industry, these instruments empower companies to enhance product quality dramatically and contribute to the industry's overall advancement. At this year's Precision Optics Expo & Camera Expo, products such as optical profilometers, 3D measuring devices, interferometers, and industrial inspection microscopes will be featured. Exhibitors include Hexagon, Zeiss, Taylor Hobson, Mitutoyo, Panasonic, Chotest, Keyence, Trioptics, Yudi Optoelectronics, TYGGO, InterFero, Suruga Seiki, Shumin, TZTEK, Motic, Golden Way Scientific, ToupTek, Bruker, and more. *The above exhibitors are listed in no particular order. Industrial Sensors: Shaping the Future of Manufacturing Industrial sensors provide the perceptive power that drives forward the manufacturing industry. By sensing and transforming diverse physical quantities into data, industrial sensors offer vital support for manufacturing processes, enabling a shift towards a future of automation, efficiency, and precision. The CIOE 2024 - Intelligent Sensing Expo stands as a testament to this technological evolution, offering a platform that celebrates the ingenuity in smart sensing technologies and their practical applications. It is a showcase of the latest in sensor innovation, encompassing everything from LiDAR and 3D vision systems to an array of industrial sensors including fiber optic sensors, photoelectric sensors, gas sensors, temperature and humidity sensors, and acceleration sensors, and equipment for testing, measurement, and production. The exhibition brings together a diverse and impressive roster of industry leaders, each a specialist in their own right, such as Micro-Epsilon, CYG Vision, Prema Semiconductor, Huiyuan Plastic, Next Vision Tech, Kowintest, Stella, Beephoton, Lanntek, Trusee, Cotest, Vital Materials, Fermi, Nantong Crystal, GlitterinTech, Brigates Micrielectronics, and a host of other trailblazers. *The above exhibitors are listed in no particular order. Innovative Display Technologies: Catalyzing Localization and Fostering Indigenous Innovation The journey to self-reliance in display manufacturing has been marked by a significant hurdle: the heavy reliance on imported key materials and equipment. There is an increasing imperative for the localization of the display industry's supply chain, along with the push for domestic production of materials and machinery. The CIOE 2024 - Display Technology Expo takes a leading role in this endeavor, proudly presenting domestic innovations in display manufacturing equipment and materials. The Display Technology Expo will include state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies such as exposure equipment, physical vapor deposition equipment, chemical vapor deposition equipment, etching equipment, and inkjet printing equipment. Additionally, high-performance materials, including target material, OLED material, quantum dot, mini/micro LED chip, will be showcased. The drive towards the localization of these technologies is not just about cost reduction but also a strategic move to bolster China's competitive edge in the global display technology arena. CIOE 2024 Factory Tour: A Journey into the Future of Laser TechnologyThis year, CIOE has meticulously crafted an exclusive factory tour at Han's Laser. Participants will be granted a rare opportunity to witness the cutting-edge products and technologies firsthand. Moreover, they will have the privilege to engage in profound dialogues with Han's Laser's seasoned engineers and technical experts. These interactions will provide insights into the latest industry trends and the forefront of technological advancements. This event transcends the mere sharing of technology and knowledge; it is a vibrant platform for professionals and enthusiasts to inspire and learn from one another. We eagerly anticipate delving into the boundless potential of optoelectronic technology with you at CIOE 2024. Join us on September 13th, 2024, as we reignite the grandest event in the laser industry at the Han's Laser Global Intelligent Manufacturing Center. Discover the Unparalleled Experience at CIOE 2024: Get Your Free Pass Now CIOE 2024 promises an array of captivating attractions, and we cordially invite you to explore them by pre-registering for your visit. During the event, we will host over 80 pioneering conferences covering the latest in industry, applications, and academia within the optoelectronics sector. Renowned global authorities, scholars, and industry visionaries will convene to share insights on cutting-edge topics such as intelligent manufacturing with photonics, discussing the newest developments, market trends, and emerging opportunities. Mark your calendars for September 11-13 and make your way to the Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center. We are excited to connect with you and explore the future of optoelectronics together. Don't miss this opportunity- register today for an exclusive and enriching experience at CIOE 2024. Media Contact Carrie Wu Carrie.wu@cioe.cn
筑波科技聯手美商泰瑞達Teradyne精心策劃舉辦2023年度壓軸化合物半導體應用交流會,探討化合物半導體最新市場趨勢、測試方案以及材料特性等議題。這次交流會吸引各界專家和知名講師,分享對2024年市場和技術獨到見解。 活動由泰瑞達台灣區總經理高士卿開場:「小吋晶圓廠 (wafer fab)釋出,帶來市場機會,泰瑞達掌握2A趨勢(AI、Automotive)之一,與筑波團隊合作推廣Eagle Test System (ETS)系列,具高功率、高電流、耐高溫和穩定性等特點,可有效降低測試成本,並已在全球廣泛應用」。陽明交通大學半導體學院郭浩中教授分享:「化合物半導體應用於EV及Data Center,引領台灣半導體領域成為國際技術領先者」。筑波科技許深福董事長提及:「電動汽車、快充、冷氣空調、儲能轉換器 /逆變器愈普遍、能源效率成本下須考量可靠度,我們考量客戶每DUT /時間的測試成本,Teradyne與筑波合作4/8/16/32 site DUT 自動化測試,由兩岸ETS軟硬體團隊合作,讓每一DUT測試快、便宜又精確、穩定」。筑波科技擁有20年無線通訊軟硬體整合經驗,在台灣和深圳設立半導體EC工程中心,提供在地服務。 本次重量級講師包括許振揚經理的WBG市場趨勢和測試方案、優貝克科技的吳東嶸副總經理關於化合物半導體的材料特性,及陽明交大電子研究所的洪瑞華教授的前瞻寬能隙半導體技術。泰瑞達劉斌現場應用工程師組長簡介了ETS應用,涵蓋第三類化合物半導體從晶圓測試到模組測試的內容。筑波科技官暉舜博士/研發經理分享非破壞式高階半導體封裝檢測方案,鴻海研究院的半導體研究所杜長慶博士則深入探討電動車用電力電子技術最新發展。此外,羅姆半導體的陳宗鼎副總經理分享應用GaN在PFC和LLC電路上常見技術挑戰。本次演講涵蓋供應鏈關鍵議題。 「現場眼見為憑」展示為本次亮點,讓參與者實際體驗解決方案,包括GaN、SiC PMIC、IGBT Function Test測試,光通訊模組化測試整合方案(Silicon Photonics),化合物半導體Wafer及材料的非破壞性測試,及半導體設備租購的新思維。筑波科技半導體事業部還與英商TeraView合作,提供電光太赫茲脈衝反射儀(EOTPR),以5微米的精確度解決手機、電腦等消費性產品以及複雜且先進積體電路晶片封裝的故障分析。此外,結合TeraView的TeraPulse Lx技術推出TZ6000,用於化合物半導體的非破壞性晶圓品質測量方案。展望2024年,筑波科技期盼與各界共創跨域綜效,掌握電動車、綠色能源、5G通信等趨勢,並為台灣半導體產業建立新的技術標竿。 聯絡筑波科技 筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址:新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話:03-5500909 電子郵件:service@acesolution.com.tw 網站:https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/ 關於筑波科技(ACE Solution) 筑波科技(https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/)成立於2000年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳設有分公司。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案,以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,通過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲領域,擁有專業的技術支援團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。
化合物半導體如碳化矽(SiC)和氮化鎵(GaN)等新興材料,在車用動力系統和電源管理領域嶄露頭角。以其耐高電壓和高電流的特性,為電動車、綠色能源、5G通信、雷達技術和資料中心等多個終端應用帶來獨特優勢。筑波科技攜手美商泰瑞達Teradyne推廣Eagle Test System (ETS)系列,具有高功率(>3000V)、高電流(>100A)、耐高溫和精準穩定的特點,可有效降低測試成本。本活動將深入探討材料分析(MA)、故障瑕疵分析(FA)和封裝測試(FT)等議題,分享全面的整合測試解決方案。串聯業界跨域代表深入洞察市場及應用案例。誠摯地歡迎業界先進至報名網站參與蒞臨指教。 👏大師開講:泰瑞達, 陽明交大, 鴻海研究院, 優貝克, 羅姆半導體, 筑波科技 🍷方案展示、跨界交流 ✨實體體驗,線上同步 活動日期:2023/11/09(四) PM12:30 – PM17:10活動地點:諾貝爾講堂 - 新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號 筑波醫電大樓1F (新竹生醫園區)報名方式:03-5500909 ext. 3407林小姐/ 3502 鄭小姐 service@acesolution.com.tw線上報名:https://register.acesolution.com.tw/20231109_WBG_Semiconductor_Seminar 聚焦分享: l 筑波科技:WBG 市場趨勢及測試方案系統實務介紹 l 優貝克:化合物半導體的材料特性與其必然 l 陽明交大:前瞻寬能隙半導體技術與發展 l 泰瑞達:第三類化合物半導體從晶圓測試到模組測試的ETS應用簡介 l 筑波科技:非破壞式高階半導體封裝檢測方案 l 鴻海研究院: Recent Progress of Power Electronics for Electric Vehicles l 羅姆半導體: 應用GaN在PFC, LLC電路上常見的技術挑戰 聯絡筑波科技 筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址:新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話:03-5500909 電子郵件:service@acesolution.com.tw 網站:https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/ 關於筑波科技(ACE Solution) 筑波科技(https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/)成立於2000年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳設有分公司。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案,以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,通過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲領域,擁有專業的技術支援團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。
洞悉化合物半導體產業趨勢 近年來化合物半導體特別是碳化矽(SiC)、氮化鎵(GaN)等新材料,除了應用於消費性電子外,在車用動力系統及電源管理有獨特優勢,其耐高電壓、高電流之特性,可因應電動車、綠能零排碳、5G、雷達及資料中心等多種終端應用。筑波科技自2022年起攜手美商泰瑞達辦理多場化合物半導體研討會,提供跨產業平台供經驗交流。 2023年度跨界交流會於新竹竹北盛大登場 今年度第二場跨界盛會於4月28日新竹筑波醫電大樓登場,本次活動由美商泰瑞達Teradyne、筑波科技主辦;國立陽明交通大學NYCU、科磊KLA、優貝克ULVAC、皮托科技PITOTECH、光電科技工業協進會PIDA協辦。演講主題從WBG市場切入,再深入探討堅韌材料、SiC與GaN晶圓MA測試解決方案、多重物理耦合模擬技術加速第三類半導體研發與成長、電動車用SiC功率元件之動態量測與可靠度分享。 筑波科技代理泰瑞達Eagle Test System (ETS) 系列產品,結合20年無線通訊整合經驗,為半導體廠商提供完整測試Total Solution,並於台灣與深圳辦公室設立半導體中心 (Engineering Center),本次活動讓貴賓一窺系統實際運作。會中更藉由五大產品展示與交流,包含GaN/SiC PMIC/IGBT測試、光通訊(Silicon photonics)、Wafer及材料非破壞性測試、設備租賃服務與5G方案等,讓現場觀眾眼見為憑、線上同步體驗。 沙龍論壇聚共創產學鏈生機 本活動尾聲以沙龍論壇畫下完美句點,由鴻海研究院半導體研究所HHRI、科磊、筑波科技、優貝克、漢鼎智慧科技公司領導貴賓互動。筑波科技在此活動不僅分享半導體市場及ETS系統特色,更額外分享Quantifi Photonics光通訊應用、TZ-6000太赫茲用於晶圓之非破壞檢測以及租賃服務等,能提供多樣客製化測試整合方案。 關於筑波科技 筑波科技 (https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/) 成立於 2000 年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳設有分公司。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,透過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲,擁有專業的技術支持團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。 連絡我們 筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址: 新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話: 03-5500909 E-mail: service@acesolution.com.tw 網站: https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACERFSolution
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