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騎單車賞金針 六十石山花海季節限定推出 花蓮2023年7月20日 /美通社/ -- 以「徐行縱谷」做為自行車遊程推廣品牌的交通部觀光局花東縱谷國家風景區管理處(下稱縱管處),今年夏天將推出新玩法,由專業自行車領騎人員帶領遊客以電輔車騎訪最受矚目的六十石山金針花海,季節限定,平日還享優惠價590元。 徐行縱谷8-9月限定優惠,優惠假日790元,平日享590元優惠。 縱管處處長郭振陵說「花蓮六十石山・單車漫遊金針花海輕旅行」半日遊,行程從花蓮玉里火車站出發,搭乘專車接駁上山,抵達賞花區後將隨專業的自行車領騎人員,騎乘電輔車漫遊六十石山金針花海,享受電輔車騎行帶來的微風徐徐、輕鬆穿梭花海的愜意。為確保初次騎乘電輔車旅客的安全,在遊程設計上也特別安排平緩無坡的路線,引領旅客前往黃花亭鳥瞰金針花海,感受整座山頭滿佈金黃色花海的浪漫美景,更有機會在下午偶遇陽光穿透雲海所照射出的雲隙光,堪稱六十石山的經典美景。自即日起至9月底止,20~30人成團,平日優惠價590元/人、假日優惠價790元/人(原價 1,090元)。 除此之外,郭振陵表示「徐行縱谷」今年再推出10條創新遊程(半日遊、一日遊、二日遊), 帶遊客從花蓮新城至臺東鹿野玩透透,包含「花蓮新城老街時光機」藉由深度導覽彷彿乘坐時光機回到民國初年的熱鬧老街,「花蓮大農大富森林單車行&竹趣味午茶解憂之旅」透過森林療癒舒展身心,還搭配趣味午茶,開啟一趟意想不到的山林解憂之旅,以及長年深耕臺東阿度的店以幽默風趣的口吻述說在地故事的「鹿野龍田劇場單車輕騎行」,以不同的角度跳脫對旅行的想像,各式各樣的花東旅遊行程樣樣都精彩。縱管處加碼優惠,凡參加一日行程每人最高現折500元! 更完整的遊程優惠資訊請至下方「徐行縱谷」頁面找到屬於你的花東單車徐行之旅。 「花蓮六十石山・單車漫遊金針花海輕旅行」半日遊超值優惠中:https://www.tripbaa.com/travel/S2023061217000371/ 「徐行縱谷」自行車遊程主題頁:https://www.tripbaa.com/theme/hualien-riding/
TUMI to support the football club on its Asia-Pacific pre-season tour NEW YORK, July 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, international travel and lifestyle brand TUMI and Tottenham Hotspur Football Club announced their second global partnership, designating TUMI as an official partner of the club's pre-season Asia-Pacific tour following the success of last year's partnership in Korea. This year, TUMI is supporting the team throughout its Asia-Pacific tour, visiting Perth, Bangkok and Singapore, and celebrating with special activations planned while in Singapore from July 23 - 26. Amongst the activations will be an exclusive event at the TUMI store in Singapore's ION mall with appearances from brand ambassadors and Tottenham Hotspur players Son Heung-min and Richarlison, featuring customer giveaways, photo-opportunities and autograph signings. "TUMI is thrilled to be back again for the Club's pre-season tour supporting our ambassadors Son Heung-min and Richarilson, along with their teammates. At TUMI, we are committed to creating high-performance lifestyle products with details designed to perform. We are delighted to equip the Club on their journey, helping them perform at their best before even stepping on the field," stated Jill Krizelman, Senior Vice President, Global Marketing & eCommerce, TUMI. TUMI are once again providing bags and luggage for Tottenham Hotspur players, with each team member receiving personalized products to help bring functionality and ease to their pre-season journeys. The athletes have been supplied products from some of TUMI's most popular collections, including the Alpha Bravo Search Backpack, 19 Degree Polycarbonate Extended Trip Expandable Luggage, Alpha 3 International Expandable 4-Wheeled Carry-On and Alpha Organizer Brief. Abigail Marshall-Cox, Tottenham Hotspur Head of Strategic Partnerships said "Following the success of our partnership during last year's Korea Tour, we are thrilled to once again be working with TUMI to support our players and staff during our trip across three different cities in the Asia-Pacific region this pre-season. Our teams are equipped with the highest quality products to support our travel plans and busy schedule." Discover and shop at TUMI.com and TUMI stores worldwide. Visit the site for more information about partnerships, capsule collections, design excellence, and more. About TUMI Since 1975, TUMI has been creating world-class business, travel and performance luxury essentials, designed to upgrade, uncomplicate and beautify all aspects of life on the move. Blending flawless functionality with a spirit of ingenuity, we're committed to empowering journeys as a lifelong partner to movers and makers in pursuit of their passions. For more about TUMI, visit TUMI.com. TUMI and TUMI logo are registered trademarks of Tumi, Inc. © 2023 Tumi, Inc. TUMI Media ContactsAlexandra GillisPR & Social Manager alexandra.gillis@tumi.comTUMI Nicole Colasantoncolasanto@weareshadow.comSHADOW
Disney 100: Travel Together with Wharf Malls HONG KONG, July 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The largest Disney 100th anniversary event in Hong Kong is being hosted at three shopping malls under Wharf Group from 14 July to 3 September! Harbour City, Times Square, and Plaza Hollywood, all located at the best sightseeing spots, have joined forces to create themed journeys featuring 18 photo spots and characters from Disney Classics, Princess series, Duffy and Friends, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars. Visitors can also enjoy multiple activities like booth games and workshops and bring home exclusive collectibles from the pop-up stores. Whether they be locals or international tourists, this event brings the magic and wonder of Disney to fans of all ages. Harbour CityHarbour City, Hong Kong's largest shopping mall in Tsim Sha Tsui, creates an exciting adventure journey across times and spaces, exploring the century-long charm of Disney. Fans can take photos at multiple spots, where over 30 characters are stationed across eight locations. A 25-meter-long "Sea Explorer" is situated along the waterfront of Victoria Harbour, where visitors can get aboard to meet Mickey and Friends. Over at the Observatory Deck, one can get into the Disney 100 themed hot air balloon at "Enchanted Balloon Odyssey" with Woody and Stitch to enjoy the 270-degree panoramic views of Victoria Harbour. Next to it is the 10-meter-wide forest world of Duffy and Friends that recreates the cute story scenes in 1:1 scale. The "Time Travel Theatre" features a 3.5-meter-tall Pinocchio, allowing visitors to revisit classic Disney moments and indulge in nostalgia. Times SquareLocated in the bustling Causeway Bay, Times Square invites visitors to take a fantasy journey with household classics welcoming patrons in various theme zones. Art installations of favourite characters, including Mickey, Sulley, and Buzz Lightyear will lead everyone to a world of magical Disney moments. Continue onto the interactive art gallery for a treasure hunt of familiar Disney quotes from Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Peter Pan and Aurora – with the help of a magic tool! Plaza HollywoodDiscover the musical grandeur of the Disney universe at Plaza Hollywood in Diamond Hill, a vibrant neighbourhood in Kowloon! A massive Disney 100 Gate and cuddly Panda Mei from "Turning Red" welcome visitors at the entrance. Inside, visitors can immerse themselves in a colossal musical arena and enjoy interactive games. Iconic figures, including Mickey, Peter Pan and Stitch grace the stage in musician personas for a symphony extravaganza. #HarbourCity #TimesSquare #PlazaHollywood #Disney100HongKong #TravelTogether Download press releases and images: bit.ly/3OcRk8F Meet Mickey and Friends aboard the 25-meter-long "Sea Explorer" in Harbour City Encounter Duffy and Friends in an enchanting forest setting at Harbour City Enjoy breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour with Disney Characters at Harbour City Visit photogenic art installations of Disney characters and familiar quotes in Times Square Ignite a Disney musical odyssey at Plaza Hollywood
Disney 100: Travel Together with Wharf Malls 香港2023年7月20日 /美通社/ -- 九龍倉旗下的三個商場於7月14日至9月3日攜手舉辦香港最大型的迪士尼100周年活動 –《Disney 100: Travel Together with Wharf Malls》!位於香港旅遊熱點的海港城、時代廣場、荷里活廣場一起打造三個不同體驗的奇妙旅程,與大家重溫百年經典迪士尼作品!三個商場共有18個打卡點及多個線上線下活動。除了深入民心的迪士尼經典系列和公主系列、還有達菲與好友、Pixar、Marvel、Star Wars等等角色的打卡位都會出現在各個商場。各個商場亦有不同的「迪士尼100周年期間限定店」,讓迪士尼粉絲購買限定商品。 海港城作為香港地標商場之一,位於尖沙咀的海港城帶大家穿越時空探索迪士尼的百年魅力!這次以歷險為題,從海陸空到不同時空之間旅遊。多個打卡場景遍佈海港城8個地點,亦有超過30個不同系列的迪士尼人氣角色裝置,與大家乘搭不同交通工具展開旅程。米奇與好友在維多利亞港海傍的25米長「海上探險號」迎接大家;史迪奇和胡迪就在觀景台邀請粉絲們登上「夢幻熱氣球」欣賞270度維港景色;觀景台另一側就可走入10米大的達菲與好友的森林世界。而3.5米高的小木偶就在「穿越時光影視廳」帶大家回到90年代初,重溫迪士尼經典畫面。 時代廣場時代廣場座落於銅鑼灣中心地帶,是香港最受歡迎旅遊點之一。在今次的迪士尼100周年活動就設有多個主題區域,重溫迪士尼暖心語錄。場內有六大巨型迪士尼角色藝術裝置打卡留念,包括米奇、毛怪蘇利文、巴斯光年等等。隨後大家更可到互動藝術畫廊,以小道具尋找幸運兔奧斯華、小飛俠及奧蘿拉公主的隱藏語錄,遊歷各個經典動人時刻。 荷里活廣場荷里活廣場是東九龍區地標商場之一,今次就與大家探索迪士尼世界的音樂大舞台,展開一段樂韻悠揚的奇妙旅程。首先踏進Disney 100大門,與首次現身香港的《青春養成記》毛絨絨紅熊貓美美拍照,亦可大玩互動遊戲,一同奏出神秘樂章!另外踏上快『樂』大舞台便可與史迪奇及小飛俠等角色於米奇的指揮下上演歡樂大合奏! #HarbourCity #TimesSquare #PlazaHollywood #Disney100HongKong #TravelTogether 下載新聞稿及相片:bit.ly/3OcRk8F 在海港城的25米長「海上探險號」上與米奇與好友見面 在海港城走入達菲與好友的森林世界 在海港城觀景台與迪士尼角色欣賞270度維港景色 時代廣場六大巨型迪士尼角色藝術裝置 荷里活廣場的迪士尼世界音樂大舞台
The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), the Premier Association of Financial Professionals®, has opened a new office in Singapore to better coordinate global efforts to improve member resources and benefits as a regional Asia-Pacific headquarters. The headquarters will be led by Carol Kheng, MDRT Second Vice President, with the support of Gina van Dijk, new Senior Director of Global Markets, and Nicole Squires, new Senior Director of Business Development. MDRT aims to provide local and regional members with deeper and quicker access to knowledge, skills, and advice so they can better empower clients to make informed decisions. SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 19 July 2023 - The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), the Premier Association of Financial Professionals®, has opened a new office in Singapore to better coordinate global efforts to improve member resources and benefits as a regional Asia-Pacific headquarters. This is in coordination with the U.S. MDRT headquarters and satellite offices in China and India. To support the operations of the new office, MDRT has invested in new staff members to elevate member experiences in the Asia-Pacific Region. Gina van Dijk will serve as the new Senior Director of Global Markets and Nicole Squires will be the new Senior Director of Business Development. Both leaders have strong backgrounds in global relations and business, and will play key roles in the support and expansion of MDRT professional resources for its large Asian member base. "The opening of MDRT Asia-Pacific headquarters underpins MDRT's commitment to the industry," said Carol Kheng, MDRT Second Vice President, who leads the new office. "As the region's population is increasingly aware of their need and options for financial protection, the new office aims to provide members with deeper and quicker access to knowledge, skills, advice and best practices so they can better empower clients to make informed decisions." Van Dijk joins MDRT from MCI Group, a global consulting, engagement, marketing, event and association management agency, for which van Dijk has worked in senior positions and played a vital role in helping European and U.S.-based associations expand their footprints in Europe, Latin America and Asia. Born in Nigeria and educated in the Netherlands, van Dijk brings to MDRT a solid understanding of MDRT needs in the areas of strategy, association management and business development, corporate sustainability, and customer relations, necessary for the organisation to grow in key markets and distribution channels. "I'm very excited to be joining the MDRT team and helping to advance its global mission of professional excellence in financial services," said van Dijk. "The Asia-Pacific is a region of critical importance to the future of MDRT as an association, and I look forward to helping financial advisors and insurance agents reap the full benefits of their MDRT membership." Squires brings a wealth of C-suite advisory, and sales experience from the global financial services perspective, including her most recent role at Standard Chartered Singapore, servicing the Rest of the World market. As a former financial advisor and MDRT member, Squires will lead a team focused on MDRT Family of Brands membership, member gatherings and relationships with financial services companies in major MDRT markets. Squires was born and raised in the Philippines before moving to Singapore in 2018. "I am ecstatic to be making this transition from MDRT member to MDRT staff," said Squires. "MDRT has such a bright future in the Asia-Pacific region, and I'm honored to be part of the efforts to continue delivering even better resources to members in all three MDRT Family of Brands associations." The new Singapore office will support MDRT events in the Asia-Pacific region, including the 2023 MDRT Global Conference in Singapore August 27–30. The event will feature sessions presented by leading financial professionals and inspiring leaders, networking opportunities for members, sessions for MDRT Global Services members, and more. The conference will be held at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre, where members are encouraged to travel and learn about financial services from a global perspective. Hashtag: #MDRThttps://www.linkedin.com/company/mdrt/The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About MDRTMDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) The Premier Association of Financial Professionals®, is a global, independent association of the world's leading life insurance and financial services professionals from more than 700 companies in 80 nations and territories. MDRT members demonstrate exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. MDRT membership is recognized internationally as the standard of excellence in the life insurance and financial services business. For more information, please visit www.mdrt.org.
HAIKOU, China, July 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- JX Luxventure Limited (Nasdaq: JXJT) (the "Company"), a company that engages in tourism with business segments covering tourism, tourism duty-free cross-border merchandise and tourism technology solutions, today announced that on July 17, 2023, its subsidiary, Jinxuan Luxury Tourism (Hainan) Digital Technology Co., Ltd signed a USD1,000,000 Technology Development and Promotion Commission Contract with Tianjin Baixing Pharmaceutical Wholesale Co., Ltd. ("Tianjin Baixing") for developing medical ERP management platform, which will incorporate Chatgpt type technology. The Company recently announced new initiatives of ChatGPT technology in related fields. The Company combines its development project with Tianjin Baixing's technology products to launch a demo similar to ChatGPT, realizing a further upgrade in the field of artificial intelligence. It also applies ChatGPT-like technology to the Company's related businesses in luxury tourism, duty-free cross-border merchandise, and tourism technology solutions, continuously enriching the application scenarios of ChatGPT and related technologies in the field. Since the Company won the Best Virtual Human Software Technology Service Provider at the 2022 China Virtual Human Innovation Awards, it has been committed to exploring the combination of artificial intelligence and the Company's service project industry chain. In February 2023, the Company announced that it began to explore and research ChatGPT technology in depth and breadth. The alliance between the Company and Tianjin Baixing on a ChatGPT-like demo showcases the Company's substantial potential for commercial value in the direction of innovation. The Company believes that the birth of its ChatGPT type product is an important milestone. As the product technology application deepens, it will also become an important infrastructure for technology service companies; the Company believes that its technology solutions will improve operational efficiency, improve service delivery, and simplify business processes; the Company firmly believes that with its continuous exploration in the field of artificial intelligence, we will bring more groundbreaking solutions to the Company's partners and even the entire industry. It is also ready to face the various challenges that are coming. Ms. Sun Lei, Chief Executive Officer of the Company, said: "We are pleased to announce this major initiative, which will continuously expand our capabilities in the technology industry. Our goal has always been to promote the development of technology solutions, and by launching our ChatGPT-like basic technology infrastructure, we are aligning ourselves with the dynamic development of the technology sector. This collaboration emphasizes our commitment to develop and propagate pioneering technologies in various fields. By creating an ERP management platform for the medical department, we further aim to provide Tianjin Baixing with a technology solution to optimize its business operations, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the services." About JX Luxventure Limited Headquartered in Haikou, China, JX Luxventure Limited is a company that engages in tourism with business segments covering tourism, tourism duty-free cross-border merchandise and tourism technology solutions. To learn more about the Company, please visit its corporate website at en.jxluxventure.com. Safe Harbor Statement This press release may contain certain "forward-looking statements" relating to the business of JX Luxventure Limited, and its subsidiary companies. All statements, other than statements of historical fact included herein, are "forward-looking statements" in nature within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements, often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects" or similar expressions, involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and these expectations may prove to be incorrect. Investors should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, including those discussed in the Company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and available on its website (http://www.sec.gov). All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these factors. Other than as required under the securities laws, the Company does not assume a duty to update these forward-looking statements.
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