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(生活中心/綜合報導)每逢秋天正是台灣饕客們享受螃蟹的最佳時機,各大餐廳也紛紛推出相關餐點搶客,近日在Threads上就瘋傳了銅板價能吃到螃蟹的貼文引起廣大熱議,貼文中表示不論是蟹身、蟹肉或是蟹黃均能一次享用到,甚至還有搭配鮭魚、比目魚等食材的握壽司,讓網友們大嘆不可思議,直言下班就要去報到嚐鮮,形成一股脆友揪吃蟹的風潮。 圖/秋天吃蟹季節來臨,爭鮮推出以鮭魚、螃蟹為主的限定商品引發網友熱議。(翻攝Threads) 這次引發的銅板價吃蟹風潮,原來是爭鮮迴轉壽司與爭鮮PLUS,自 9/2 開始推出的秋季限定商品「Perfect Match!天生絕配」,以秋蟹和新鮮鮭魚做為主要食材搭配,推出六款限定餐點,當中主打的金賞鮭蝦佐蟹黃、一番鮭鰈雙享更是全球爭鮮壽司師傅大賽中得獎作品,讓網友大讚期待感十足,同時也不忘顧及老饕食客,推出限量供應麵包蟹螯、蟹身及蟹膏等單品,同樣可用銅板價享用到,挑戰吃鮭魚及秋蟹的最高CP值! 圖/近日Threads上不少網友貼文表示只需銅板價即可吃到螃蟹,引發一股揪團吃蟹潮。(翻攝Threads) 而Threads上除了網友分享吃蟹的貼文獲熱議外,這股熱潮也釣出自家員工發文感嘆剁螃蟹剁到天昏地暗,不料卻引起網友們歪樓討論直呼:「真的是一整隻螃蟹耶」、「看起來很新鮮,等等就去吃」,讓原PO哭笑不得,另外也有不少網友討論起當初入坑的壽司是哪一種,大批網友直接點名炙燒焦糖鮭魚,可見商品的高人氣,而玉米軍艦也被網友點名,掀起玉米軍艦擁護者及認為到爭鮮吃玉米壽司不划算,兩派熱議爭論。 圖/眾多吃蟹貼文裡意外釣出員工PO文表示剁螃蟹辛苦,網友卻讓意外歪樓直呼食材新鮮,被燒到進而嚐鮮。(翻攝自Threads)
在科技天空下,一顆新星已經誕生。Meta,一直在尋求突破並掌握時代脈搏的巨頭,創造了一個全新的競技場,向長期以來獨占鰲頭的Twitter發起挑戰。馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),Meta的掌舵者,俏皮地描述其最新力作為一種更為友善的替代品,用以填補伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)旗下揮汗如雨,掙扎求生的社群媒體平台留下的缺口。 這個全新的社群平台,被命名為Threads,象徵著文本對話的微妙絲線,給使用者提供一個發佈包含文字、照片、影片和連結的最大500個字的平台。如同Twitter一樣,這個場域歡迎任何人熱烈回應,讚美,or分享這些寶貴的想法。 Threads在週三推出後,這款應用程式已經在其推出七小時內吸引了驚人的1000萬註冊使用者。在這個特殊日子,扎克伯格藉由自己的Threads帳號向大眾呼喊:『開始我們的旅程吧,歡迎來到 Threads 世界』 宣佈此項壯舉的同時,Meta還透露,Threads已經與旗下超過20億使用者的照片共享平台Instagram進行串接,而且已在全球超過100個國家上架 iOS 和 Android 的版本。 這款被稱為『推特殺手』的應用程式的出現,為馬斯克的社群平台帶來了前所未有的威脅。對於自從去年10月以驚人的440億美元被馬斯克收購以來陷入危機的Twitter更是一大衝擊! 扎克伯格也在週三的發文中將 Threads 描述為一種更為健康的Twitter替代品。『我們的目標是保持友善並且持續擴大,我深信這是可能的,並且將是我們成功的關鍵』他這樣寫道:『這就是為何 Twitter 從未達到我們所期待的成功,我們期待用不同的方式去完成』 這種並肩而立的矽谷巨頭之間的競爭已達到白熱化。上個月,馬斯克向扎克伯格發起挑戰將進行一場『籠式比賽』,而扎克伯格,近來已將自己定位為柔術愛好者,似乎欣然接受這一挑戰。然而,比賽是否會進行,或何時進行,都尚未確定。 Meta 在週三的一份聲明中宣佈,他們計劃讓 Threads 與萬維網聯盟(W3C)提出的開放社群網路協議,ActivityPub達到兼容。這意味著,使用者之後可以將他們在 Threads 上的關注和內容轉移到基於 ActivityPub 協議構建的其他應用程式,其中包括 Mastodon 和 WordPress。 『Threads 是 Meta 第一個與開放社群網路協議兼容的應用程式,我們期待它能藉由加入這個快速成長的操作服務生態系統,幫助人們找到他們的社區,無論他們使用何種應用程式』Meta情感豐富地說道。
NEW YORK, Nov. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Fosi Audio, a leading brand in the HiFi audio field, has focused on the "voice of the customer" as its core driving force since its founding seven years ago. Through co-creation with its users, Fosi Audio has launched a series of audio products beloved by audiophiles worldwide, such as the ZA3 and V3 Mono mini amplifiers. With a user-centered development philosophy, compact and refined design style, and exceptional value, Fosi Audio is driving innovation and transformation in the HiFi audio industry. ZD3 DAC: A 7th Anniversary Tribute In response to the growing demand for a more refined listening experience, Fosi Audio has launched its flagship product, the ZD3 fully balanced desktop DAC. This new product is not only an important milestone for Fosi Audio in expanding its audio product category, but also a sincere gift to customers on the occasion of the brand's 7th anniversary. The ZD3 perfectly blends high performance and exquisite design. Equipped with top-tier chips (including XMOS XU316, ESS9039Q2M, QCC3031, and LME49720) and advanced balanced circuit technology, it ensures pure and transparent audio output. In terms of appearance, the ZD3 inherits the elegant design language of the ZA3, featuring geometric elements and color accents that exude a sophisticated and professional vibe. The product supports five digital input options and offers both single-ended and balanced outputs, providing flexibility for various usage scenarios. In terms of sound quality, the ZD3 brings every note to life and offers audiophiles an unprecedented listening experience. Global Attention and Industry Acclaim Since its launch, the ZD3 has received widespread acclaim for its exceptional sound quality and versatility. During the pre-sale period, the product sold over 1,000 units, with orders from over 100 countries, demonstrating the strong market demand for this flagship product. The launch of the ZD3 has attracted significant attention from the industry. Renowned audio reviewers and influencers such as Cheapaudioman, Z Reviews, A British Audiophile, and Toids DIY Audio have conducted in-depth reviews and reports on the ZD3. User Mariusz Stark commented, "Great looks, great value, great sound. Add linear power supply. Swap op-amps for Sparkos. Add supper capacitor power bank and elevate performance to new levels. ARC HDMI is unheard of in this price range and a welcomed feature for many." The success of the ZD3 highlights Fosi Audio's outstanding R&D capabilities and once again validates the value of deep co-creation between the brand and its users. Limited-Time Offer: Unlock Your Personalized Audio Experience The ZD3 is now available on major online shopping platforms with a limited-time discount. During the launch period, each user will receive three JRC4580D op-amps as a gift, allowing them to explore different sound signatures brought by various op-amps and further customize their listening experience. Brand Vision: Building a Global Audio Ecosystem Ryan Huang, founder of Fosi Audio, stated that the brand is committed to providing high-quality audio solutions for global users, continuously innovating products, and enhancing user experience. Through close interaction with global audiophiles, Fosi Audio is building a vibrant audio ecosystem with the goal of becoming a world-leading audio brand. About Fosi Audio Driven by its mission of "Redefining HiFi with Unmatched Value", Fosi Audio is dedicated to developing and delivering amazing HiFi gear with innovative designs, cutting-edge technology, high value, and premium quality, all backed by a 24-month warranty for audio enthusiasts worldwide. Fosi Audio has earned the sincere recognition of many audiophiles and well-known media, such as Wirecutter, How-to Geek, TNT-Audio, Headphonesty, and authoritative forums like Audio Science Review, as well as renowned HiFi audio influencers around the world. For more information, please visit: Official Website: https://www.fosiaudio.com/ Official Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/fosiaudioglobal Official YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@fosiaudio PR contact: Email: marketing@fosiaudio.com
SINGAPORE, Nov. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Profile Wireless, a 2-channel, 2.4 GHz all-in-one microphone system, provides videographers with everything they need to effortlessly capture high-quality audio. When creating content, preparedness and flexibility are key, as is a versatile wireless audio system that helps you capture sound easily and quickly without sacrificing audio quality. For creators and videographers, Sennheiser now introduces Profile Wireless, a two-channel, 2.4 GHz wireless microphone system that connects to mobile phones, cameras or computers, and can be used as a clip-on mic, handheld mic or table-top microphone – whatever the situation demands. "We cannot imagine content creation today without compact 2.4 GHz mic systems, and I am really proud that Sennheiser is adding an all-in-one microphone system to its portfolio that truly makes a difference for creators and videographers," says Hendrik Millauer, Product Manager, Broadcast and Film, at Sennheiser. "We've outfitted Profile Wireless with many exciting features that will help users to capture audio more reliably, longer, and more flexibly than was possible before." Open the zipper bag… …and you hold a rugged, multifunctional charging bar in your hands. This charging bar is the heart of Profile Wireless. It stores and charges the key components of the system and doubles as a handheld or desktop mic. The charging bar safely holds a two-channel mini-receiver with an OLED touch display, two pre-paired clip-on microphones that automatically connect to the receiver, magnetic clips for attaching the mics to delicate clothing, and adaptors for connecting the receiver to mobile phones or a camera cold shoe mount. The bag also contains a 3.5 mm jack coiled cable for camera use, a USB-C to USB-C charging cable and windshields for the clip-on mics and charging bar. A true audio multitool – versatile in every recording situation "It was important to us that Profile Wireless can master a diverse set of recording requirements, while being as compact and portable as possible," says Callie Blake, Category Marketing Manager, Creators. "The range of use cases for Profile Wireless is impressive." Profile Wireless used on camera in an interview scenario With the included adaptors, the receiver connects to the filming device of choice, and lets the creator monitor the audio via a dedicated headphone output. The mini-mics of the system simply clip to the clothing or can be attached using the included magnetic mounts. "While the clip-on mics ensure signature Sennheiser audio quality and are quite unobtrusive, there may still be instances where a creator or videographer would like to work with separate lavalier mics, so there's a lockable 3.5 mm TRS jack for connecting external mics," adds Blake. When a mobile phone is used for capturing video, the Profile Wireless receiver is connected with the included Lightning or mini-USB adaptor. Thanks to a gyro-sensor, the receiver display automatically rotates by 180° to remain clearly legible. Handheld mic included There are recording situations where a handheld microphone is an ideal choice, for example for reporter-style pieces to camera, and interviews where the creator needs more control over the conversation or is speaking with varying interviewees. For this application, the creator simply inserts a clip-on mic into the charging bar, puts the included big foam windshield on – and a fully-fledged reporter's microphone is ready for the job. All Profile Wireless components come with mounting threads for standard creator's accessories such as table stands. Thus, the system can also be conveniently used as a desktop mic. Profile Wireless used as a desktop mic, recording audio to a laptop Reliability where you most need it Losing audio on a shoot is a nightmare. Three clever functions in Profile Wireless help users get great audio even in difficult conditions. First and foremost, each clip-on microphone has 16 GB memory for internal recording – a comfortable safety net. When the creator activates Backup Recording Mode, internal recording will be automatically turned on if the wireless signal should become too weak. And finally, a Safety Channel Mode outputs and records backup audio at a lower volume to help protect against clipping. "The clip-on microphone has 24-bit recording capability, and records simultaneously at two different audio levels", notes Blake. "This not only reduces the risk of clipped audio, but also maximises the usable dynamic range of the capsule." Range is ample, at up to 245 m in line of sight, and up to 150 m line of sight when taking body blocking into account. Why Profile Wireless is better "Right from the start of product development, we involved seasoned videographers and content creators to see what they wished for from a compact wireless audio system, and how existing products could be improved upon," shares Millauer. "So we've come up with a few exciting usability features that make Profile Wireless a gem among 2.4 GHz systems. "Profile Wireless is the first and at present only compact 2.4 GHz wireless system that has a handheld option integrated, and this option gives you a real 15+ hours of runtime, while with other sets, you cannot use the mics when the system is being recharged," Millauer continues. "Usability features like the auto-rotating receiver display, the fact that no app is required, and the diverse mounting options – only Sennheiser has thread mounts on the components – make for smooth workflows in content creation. And while there may be lighter clip-on mics on the market, they do not have internal recording or a connector for an external lav mic." Availability and pricing Profile Wireless can be pre-ordered from today and will start shipping in December 2024. The system retails at SGD 459 (MSRP) and can be pre-ordered from Cathay Photo, City Music and Luther Music. About the Sennheiser Brandhttps://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2221327/About_the_Sennheiser_brand.pdf
香港2024年11月1日 /美通社/ -- 哪些「過江龍火鍋」名店來港爆紅?透過網絡大數據調查一覽熱門美食名單。 火鍋作為港人最愛的美食之一,無論是台式爆炒、川味麻辣還是養身藥膳,春夏秋冬皆有一群愛好者在尋找最佳美食體驗。近年來內地、新加坡與台灣火鍋品牌進駐後,來自各地的特色口味廣受港人親睞。越發競爭的火鍋市場,哪些品牌受到食客與網民最多的討論?本調查香港網路溫度計透過網絡大數據分析港澳近三個月的網路熱度,從百家火鍋品牌裡,整理出網民熱門討論「Top5 過江龍火鍋餐廳」,輕鬆一覽Top5網絡美食名單。DV小教室:《網路溫度計DailyView》透過《KEYPO大數據關鍵引擎》觀測、爬梳港澳地區2萬個公開網站頻道,包括新聞媒體、各大Social Media、Forum以及Blog,從中取得資料樣本數,並以AI語意程式作數據分析。「網路熱度」為主題項目相關的網路Posts和Comments ,數值愈大代表項目的討論度愈高。 資料來源:肉多多 Rododo Hongkong No.1 肉多多火鍋(網絡熱度:1972筆)近期台灣十大超夯台式連鎖鍋物冠軍入駐香港的「台灣火鍋品牌 - 肉多多」,以大份量、高性價比以歡樂台式服務紅遍台灣並成為香港火鍋迷的熱門選擇。除了提供多種豐富湯底,肉多多在餐點上以分量足夠著稱,提供多款優質肉品包含美國牛、澳洲羊、和牛等,主打愛吃肉的食客!搭配上香氣撲鼻的「特色台式爆炒湯頭」,讓大家在享受豐富肉類的同時,也能品嚐到來自台灣的獨特風味。 此外,肉多多主打歡樂氛圍,推出的創意餐點「生日肉蛋糕」,以各式肉品層層堆疊,打造具有視覺衝擊的肉蛋糕,另類成為大家慶生打卡熱點。其所提供自助醬料區,讓顧客隨意搭配,打造出屬於自己的獨特口味。憑藉這些特點,在香港開幕的兩個多月,已在網絡的討論關注勇奪第一。 網民:「想瘋狂吃肉就是去這間!」 No.2 海底撈(網絡熱度:1620筆)「海底撈火鍋」無疑是火鍋愛好者的熱門選擇之一,從踏入餐廳的那一刻起,就能感受到充滿熱情的服務員,用力照顧顧客一切需求,提供免費美甲、手機充電、飲品和小吃等等服務,讓等待入座的時間不再無聊,店員熱情的服務讓海底撈成為餐飲業服務的標杆。 此外餐廳所提供的多款特色湯底,如麻辣鍋、番茄鍋、養生菌菇鍋等,搭配上新鮮肉類、海鮮、蔬菜,滿足口味需求,搭配上「扯麵師傅」會在顧客面前表演靈活拉麵,讓用餐過程增添了不少趣味。 網民:「食火鍋同時享受五星服務!」 No.3 美滋鍋(網絡熱度:1220筆) 這家來自新加坡的養生火鍋品牌,主打養顏美容的火鍋體驗,除廣受歡迎的「膠原蛋白美容鍋」,提供的六款特色養生湯底,融合四川麻辣、台灣藥膳和日本涮涮鍋風味,滿足多樣口味需求。美滋鍋強調「養生與美味兼具」,吸引眾多注重養顏與健康飲食的食客,同也提供豐富選擇,涵蓋超過100款新鮮食材。餐廳的粉嫩色調的裝潢更營造了溫馨舒適的用餐氛圍,適合朋友聚會或情侶約會。 網民:「養顏、養生的湯頭,健康無負擔!」 No.4 湊湊火鍋(網絡熱度:1027筆)湊湊火鍋以「創新鍋底」和不定期推出的「學生優惠活動」吸引了大量年輕顧客。湊湊提供多款特色湯底,其中麻辣鍋和酸菜白肉鍋是顧客常點選項,酸爽的湯底搭配肥嫩的肉片,讓每一口都充滿驚喜。餐廳的設計風格時尚簡約,每張桌子都帶有自己的小燈,增加了私密性和舒適度。湊湊強調的是一種休閒愉悅的用餐體驗,因此也成為了許多年輕情侶和朋友的聚餐首選。 網民:「好想打邊爐!」 No.5 牛大人台灣火鍋(網絡熱度:671)牛大人以放題火鍋店「無限量供應的肉品」聞名,特別是它的霜降牛肉片,切得極為薄透,煮後入口即化,是肉食愛好者的天堂。牛大人的另一個特色是其豐富的自助配菜區,顧客可以根據自己的口味,選擇新鮮蔬菜、豆腐和自製醬料,並供應台灣特色小吃、台式飲品。這家店在香港迅速打響名堂,舒適的環境無論是家庭聚會還是朋友小聚,其高性價比和豐富的菜單選擇,總能讓人心滿意足。 網民:「食牛放題的好選擇!」 分析說明:本研究資料由《KEYPO大數據關鍵引擎》輿情分析系統提供,分析時間範圍為2024年07月14日至2024年10月13日,共3個月。 KEYPO 觀測港、澳、台數萬個網站頻道,以人工智慧作為語意分析工具,每月處理1500億以上中文資料的網路社群大數據資料庫,其內容涵蓋Facebook、YouTube、Threads、TikTok、Instagram、新聞媒體、討論區、部落格等網站。本調查針對討論主題相關文本進行分析,並根據網友就該議題之討論,作為本次主題分析與排序依據。 本文所調查之結果,非參考投票、民調、網路問卷等資料,名次僅代表網路討論聲量大小,不代表網友正負評價。 聯絡人:Brenda Chang, brenda.chang@big-data.com.tw
HONG KONG, Nov. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hotpot is a popular option in Hong Kong. In recent years, brands from mainland China, Singapore, and Taiwan have entered, providing diverse flavors. To highlight the most talked-about brands, DailyView analyzed online data from the past three months across Hong Kong and Macau, showcasing the top five popular hotpot spots. Source: Rododo Hongkong Data Source: "DailyView Hong Kong" uses KEYPO.ai to track discussions across over 20,000 news websites, social media, forums, and blogs in Hong Kong and Macau, measuring popularity by the volume of posts and comments. No.1 Rododo Hongkong (1,972 mentions)This Taiwanese hotpot brand offers large portions and great value, becoming a favorite among Hong Kong diners. Known for hearty portions and high-quality meats like U.S. beef, Australian lamb, and Wagyu, it serves meat lovers with flair. Highlights include a birthday "meat cake" layered with various meats and a self-serve sauce bar to customize flavors. The unique features have made Rododo the most-discussed brand.Customer feedback: "Perfect spot to satisfy a meat craving!" No.2 Haidilao Hongkong (1,620 mentions)Haidilao is famous for its high-standard customer service, providing perks like free manicures, phone charging, and snacks while waiting. Specialty broths like spicy Sichuan, tomato, and mushroom cater to different tastes, and their noodle-pulling performance adds fun to the dining experience.Customer feedback: "Enjoying five-star service while having hotpot!" No.3 Beauty In The Pot (1,220 mentions)From Singapore, Beauty In The Pot promotes a beauty-enhancing hotpot experience. Popular items include the collagen-boosting "Beauty Broth" and a range of health-oriented broths with ingredients from Sichuan, Taiwan, and Japan. The restaurant's soft pink decor creates a cozy atmosphere, ideal for friend gatherings or dates.Customer feedback: "Healthy, beauty-boosting broths with no guilt!" No.4 Coucou Hotpot‧ Tea Break (1,027 mentions)CouCou attracts younger customers with innovative broths and special student discounts. Popular choices include spicy Sichuan and sauerkraut pork broths. The stylish decor and individual table lamps create a comfortable, private setting, making it a popular spot for couples and friends.Customer feedback: "Can't wait to have more hotpot here!" No.5 Master Beef Hotpot (671 mentions)Master Beef is renowned for its unlimited meat buffet, especially thinly sliced marbled beef that melts in your mouth. The self-service station offers a variety of fresh vegetables, tofu, and Taiwanese snacks, creating a satisfying experience for gatherings and casual meals.Customer feedback: "Great choice for an all-you-can-eat beef feast!" Analysis Notes:The data for this analysis was using 《KEYPO Big Data Intelligence》, covering the period from July 14 to October 13, 2024. KEYPO, the AI-powered tool monitors over 10,000 websites monthly across Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, processing over 150 billion Chinese-language data points from Facebook, YouTube, Threads, TikTok, Instagram, news outlets, forums, and blogs. The ranking reflects the discussion volume and sentiment around each topic. CONTACT: Brenda Chang, brenda.chang@big-data.com.tw
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