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LILYSILK Unveils "JOYFUL SOIRÉE": A Fusion of Luxurious Sustainability for Winter Elegance

NEW YORK, Oct. 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- LILYSILK, the world's leading silk brand dedicated to inspiring sustainable lifestyles, is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated Winter Collection, "JOYFUL SOIRÉE". This exquisite collection showcases a range of luxurious and sustainable fashion pieces designed to elevate the winter wardrobe. LILYSILK 2023 Winter Collection: JOYFUL SOIRÉE "We are thrilled to unveil a stunning new collection for the season ahead. We're introducing the luxurious Mongolian Cashmere-Wool-Blend Coat, which provides unmatched warmth and timeless style," said LILYSILK CEO David Wang. LILYSILK is dedicated to providing customers with the utmost comfort and style, and "JOYFUL SOIRÉE" is no exception. The collection features a selection of flagship products that cater to various occasions, ensuring every customer stay confident and refined throughout the winter season. Some flagship products include: Collared Quarter-Zip Wool Sweater: This athletically inspired sweater polo is made from supremely soft and warm merino wool fabric, instantly elevating your look with a quarter-zip design. Bicolor Stripe Knit Wool Sweater: Combining geometric color-blocking with a relaxed fit, this round neck knit sweater is crafted from luxurious pure merino wool, offering both style and comfort. Cable Knit Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater: Embrace coziness with this slouchy turtleneck sweater, featuring a cable knit design and made from extra-cozy cashmere. The relaxed silhouette is refined with ribbed trim at the crewneck, hem, and cuffs. Knitted Cashmere Midi Skirt with Side Buttons: Stand out with this unique midi skirt adorned with golden buttons that create side slits. The adjustable buttons allow for a customized look, adding a touch of elegance to your winter ensembles. Double-faced Wool-blend Robe Coat: Indulging in an exquisite blend of timeless elegance and refined style, this coat is meticulously crafted from a lavish wool-blend fabric, enveloping you in warmth and luxury during chilly days. "Our collection also brings back classic knitwear essentials like elegant tops, cardigans, and dresses, suitable for every festive occasion. We hope this winter, everyone can get into the festive spirit with our chic and stylish holiday party outfits and celebrate in style," added Wang. About LILYSILK LILYSILK is one of the world's leading silk brands. Our care for one another and the planet is what drives us. We craft our products from the finest natural fibers, are committed to zero waste. We want to bring you ultimate comfort in every passing moment, every day and forevermore.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 467 加入收藏 :
HeiQ appoints Robert Liu as General Manager of HeiQ China

SHANGHAI, Oct. 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Robert Liu brings in his extensive experience in the chemical and textile industries in China and overseas. Robert Liu appointed as the new HeiQ China General Manager HeiQ, a global leader in textile and materials innovation, announces that Robert Liu is the newly appointed General Manager of HeiQ China, and will now be leading the company's business operations in a key market for HeiQ. Robert Liu has a Master's degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor's degree in Science with over 25 years of experience in the international textile and paper chemical industry. Robert held regional and global roles in Thailand, Switzerland, and Singapore, having also served as Head of Archroma Chemicals (China) and legal representative of the company. Robert Liu says: "I'm excited to join HeiQ, which has a great reputation for tremendous technology and commitment to sustainability. I hope my experience and expertise can grow the team here in HeiQ China and let more consumers be able to benefit from HeiQ's technology." According to Andreas Fedtke, Chief Commercial Officer of HeiQ, "the appointment of Robert Liu comes in a crucial time for the company, to open up new business areas and accelerate and expand the growth of HeiQ China." Robert Liu replaces Celine Huang who led HeiQ China since 2019, building a strong platform for the growth and relevance of HeiQ in the Chinese market. About HeiQ Founded in 2005 as a spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) and listed on the London Stock Exchange Main Market (XLON:HEIQ), HeiQ is a leader in textile and materials innovation creating some of the most effective, durable and high-performance technologies on the market today. HeiQ strives to improve the lives of billions of people through pioneering textiles and materials innovation. Combining three areas of expertise – scientific research, specialty materials manufacturing, and consumer ingredient branding – HeiQ is the ideal innovation partner to create differentiating and sustainable products and capture the added value at the point of sale. With its 14 offices, 7 manufacturing sites, and 7 R&D hubs, HeiQ today employs 230 professionals. It has a total capacity of 45'000 tons of specialty chemicals per year and serves over 1'000 industrial customers in over 60 countries. Today, HeiQ's consumer goods and medical devices can be found in 56 countries. For more information, visit www.heiq.com    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 374 加入收藏 :
經濟部於2023台北紡織展出34項前瞻紡織技術 攜手福懋推動全球最透氣的防水外套

經濟部今(17)日於我國國際紡織界的盛會「2023台北紡織展(Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show)」科專成果主題館展示紡織所、紡拓會及工研院等三大法人共計34項前瞻紡織科技。其中最令人矚目的是全球最輕薄柔軟的奈米纖維透氣防水膜- iS MORE®,透過特殊的奈米纖維化技術,把高級戶外服裝最常用的材料,做成如蜘蛛網結構般的奈米纖維膜,不僅具有優質的防水性,最大的特點是透氣性比市面上標竿產品提升2~3倍,成功解決防水布料無法同時兼具優異的防水性與透氣性之難題,且重量減輕至少一半以上,使戶外防水外套更輕薄透氣,加上製造過程使用的是無毒環保的醇類溶劑,與現有使用含氟的防水透氣材料相比,更環保且對人體健康更無危害。這項技術將與國內機能性布料大廠且為國際品牌(如:Nike, adidas, The North Face 、patagonia等)供應者-福懋公司,共同推動全球最透氣的防水外套,以搶攻全球戶外服飾市場。     經濟部產業技術司邱求慧司長表示,根據IMARC Group預測,2027年全球運動、戶外與休閒服飾市場規模將達到2,314億美元,並且在2022年至2027年期間的年複合成長率增長率(CAGR)將達到4.70%。台灣紡織產業在全球供應鏈中扮演著關鍵角色,國際機能性布料的70%來自台灣,反映出臺灣在全球機能性紡織品卓越實力。為確保臺灣紡織產業優勢,經濟部產業技術司透過法人研發及補助業者,發展高門檻複合機能新纖維材料與紡織品,以開拓創新技術與國際市場。此外,近年來紡織創新研發科技屢獲國際獎項的肯定,也顯示出臺灣紡織產業的堅強實力,如連續在2021及2022年榮獲美國全球百大科技研發獎(R&D 100 Awards)與愛迪生發明獎(Edison Awards)的「紗線型RFID標籤」,以及今年(2023)甫獲得全球百大科技研發獎的「80℉恆溫微膠囊超細纖維皮革」,由此可見,傳統產業也可藉由突破性的創新研發,在國際舞台上綻放光芒。    紡織所所長李貴琪表示,該所以「產業技術領航,創造台灣國際競爭力」為研發目標。近年來,在經濟部產業技術司的支持下,致力於紡織創新前瞻技術研發,包括纖維紗線、織物面料、產品應用、設備與資訊系統、檢測驗證和知識服務等製程領域。這些努力不僅年年榮獲國際大獎的肯定,更重要的是,積極透過技術移轉、輔導和服務,協助台灣紡織相關業者建立核心的關鍵技術,以維持國際競爭力。     紡拓會秘書長黃偉基表示,受到經濟部產業技術司的支持,投入紡織品精緻縫製與貼合技術的研發,並建立多項專利技術,積極推動產業化應用。特別是在全球永續發展趨勢下,協助華培、七松、緻尚、永迦、百和等業者建立相關技術實力,並透過上游、中游、下游產業鏈的協同合作,連接南亞、新光和縫紉機械業者,以推動功能性紡織服飾的「永續全循環產業生態系」,期許未來能大幅度提升紡織終端產品的附加價值與應用。     工研院材化所所長李宗銘表示,聚酯是全球紡織業最關鍵的纖維材料,約佔市場規模的2/3。為協助國內紡織業發展最清潔的廢衣物資源循環再利用技術,其透過高效的解聚和再結晶純化技術,結合物料循環和製程整合設計,成功研發出高純度、低色度的再生聚酯材料-聚合級對苯二甲酸雙羥乙酯技術。在減碳效益方面,再生聚酯材料的碳排放量相對於傳統石化聚酯新料降低約30%;與傳統紡織品焚燒處理的碳排放量相比,減碳效益最高可達60%,期許能成為台灣紡織業綠色創新材料的解決方案。     今年「科技專案成果主題館」尚有多項獨步全球之科技,例如與台化合作的「AquaBreath®涼感排汗衣」,使用的是全球首創以單一材質製成的智能纖維,具有卓越吸濕排汗性能,比一般排汗衣的透氣效果提高20%;與華培公司合作的「TEXBONDER®彈性聚酯熱熔膠材」,採用獨特的〝以貼代縫〞方法,解決服裝縫製或貼合產生的品質與舒適性問題;與韋僑、路得、中冠合作的全球首款「紗線型RFID標籤」,具隱藏性高、耐水洗、耐酸鹼、耐高溫等特性,可提供透明履歷和追蹤,提升管理效率和可追溯性;「化學回收-纖維至纖維循環技術」採用100%再生聚酯化學回收技術,以生產高純度、低色度的聚酯再生高分子材料。多項技術均已與國內業者合作,進行產業化生產與應用。     經濟部產業技術司科專成果專館自即日起至10月19日下午五點於臺北世貿南港展覽館一館四樓N102攤位盛大展出,歡迎各界蒞臨參觀!     發言人:經濟部產業技術司 周崇斌副司長 聯絡電話:02-23212200#8121 電子郵件信箱:cbjou@moea.gov.tw   業務聯絡人:經濟部產業技術司 李芳蘭科長 聯絡電話:02-23212200#8181 電子郵件信箱:fllee@moea.gov.tw   媒體聯絡窗口:經濟部產業技術司 紀懿珊研究員 聯絡電話:02-23212200#8155、0910-660322 電子郵件信箱:yschi@moea.gov.tw   紡織所 尚曼華 02-22670321#6003;mhsheng.0805@ttri.org.tw   紡拓會 鄭偉霖 02-23417251#2964;jim@textiles.org.tw   工研院材化所 姜淑婷 03-5732704;ritachiang@itri.org.tw   附件:經濟部產業技術司 科專成果專館-亮點展示技術如下: 1.【紡織所】感濕變形纖維AquaBreath®-創造專屬於您的『呼吸』 紡織所開發出具有『吸濕伸長、乾燥回縮』特性的AquaBreath®特殊機能纖維,是全球首創單一材質感濕變形耐隆纖維,纖維吸濕伸長率達到10%、為一般耐隆的2倍、織物透氣量則可達到20%、是一般耐隆的5倍;已與國內纖維大廠建立共同開發模式與產業鏈,透過各式商品上市,賦予紡織品在不同濕度下,產生透氣及『看得見』外觀變化,就像是穿上一件「會呼吸的衣服」,保有穿著涼感、快乾及舒適特性!   2.【紡織所】耐隆防水透氣奈米纖維膜iS MORE®-創造戶外服裝革命性舒適體驗 為協助業者發展含氟化物的替代產品,並尋求與服裝布料同材質的膜材,紡織所積極投入耐隆系奈米纖維膜,開發出世界上最輕薄、柔軟,也是世界第一款以耐隆為原料的防水透氣膜材,賦予防水布料前所未有的極致透氣性能,使戶外服裝更輕、更薄、更舒適,徹底顛覆市場對戶外機能服裝厚重且悶熱的既有印象。已技轉國內業者規劃投資設立新事業部門,建立國內第一套奈米纖維膜之量化新創產線!   3.【紡織所】紗線型RFID-一片變一條,紡織品無所遁形 紡織所開發的RFID紗線,具有細薄、柔軟、易隱藏等特性,可織入紡織品,並通過紡織領域5大耐久性測試:耐水洗、耐酸、耐鹼、耐高溫和耐輾壓,感測距離可達2米以上,為高溫、高濕紡織製程供應鏈自動識別管理,提供一個最佳解決方案;與高科技業合作建構世界第一條紗線化高性能RFID標籤生產線,並供給無塵衣水洗業者打造全球第一座無塵衣洗滌智慧工廠。未來,可隱藏在消費者的服裝中,可對廢棄衣物流向進行追踪、識別和分類,實現紡織品循環再利用的新藍海!   4.【紡拓會】紡織品精緻縫製技術TEXBONDER®-縫跡好品質、複合精緻貼 紡拓會開發出TEXBONDER® 熱熔膠材,以創新紡織和永續時尚為核心價值,「以貼代縫」的魔鬼藏在細節正在改變成衣服飾產業。過去,紡織業常使用PU系熱熔膠進行無縫貼合,易導致產品黃變、裂解,且耐久性差。TEXBONDER™ 技術具有獨特的「以貼代縫」優勢,是全球首創的彈性聚酯熱熔膠材料,不僅提高無縫貼合產品耐用性的高附加價值,且與聚酯布料同材質,有助於實現全衣回收循環利用,解決在產品生命週期結束後只能掩埋或焚毀的問題,為環保和創新做出關鍵貢獻,打造全衣回收、淨零減碳、精緻工藝的全新紡織成衣無縫貼合製程,推動源頭設計和同質易回用的理念,建立永續全循環產業生態系,創造可持續的時尚世界。   5.【工研院】聚酯化學回收應用技術-廢棄再生、循環未來 工研院開發廢聚酯纖維化學回收技術,以國際”纖維到纖維”的封閉循環發展趨勢為研發核心概念,透過創新觸媒與製程技術開發順利克服廢織物染料與雜質所造成的再生原料品質問題。所發展的化學回收技術可產製高純度、低色度的聚酯單體(BHET),將可直接導入現有聚酯生產程序,所得的100%再生聚酯應用特性能與石化新料相近,提供一廢聚酯織物高值循環利用的解決方案,解決織物生命週期結束後僅能丟棄的困境。未來預計透過國內聚酯及紡織產業鏈的合作與鏈結,引領國內開創再生循環聚酯與永續服飾新市場。

文章來源 : Taiwan Textile Research Institute 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5037 加入收藏 :
N4XT Experiences Elevates LA Fashion Week 2023 Through Esteemed Lineup of Partners, Designers, and the Launch of LAFW Society

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- LA Fashion Week (LAFW), a globally recognized platform for designers and brands, is thrilled to announce the lineup of official partners for this year's event. Landing in the heart of Hollywood on October 18-22 at NYA Studios, LAFW is dedicated to showcasing the diverse and dynamic style of Los Angeles while fostering emerging talents with the theme: "Empowering Designers, Empowering Dreams". This remarkable event, under the visionary leadership of N4XT Experiences, transcends the conventional fashion week concept, blending fashion, beauty, technology, and sustainability with inclusivity at its core. LAFW would like to extend a welcome to all of their partners whose support has made this season's incredible programming possible. Among them are prominent brands such as Lancôme, SAP, SAP.iO, De Beers Group, Citi, %Arabica, Mercedes Benz of Los Angeles and PATH with official media partner, The Los Angeles Times and hospitality partners, Dream Hollywood and The West Hollywood EDITION. LAFW's partners are instrumental in elevating the wide range of programming scheduled for this October – from highly anticipated runway shows to engaging panel discussions to exclusive, star-studded afterparties. This year LAFW will introduce a debut concept from N4XT Experiences, Beautylab – an innovative physical installation showcasing the latest advancements in beauty technology and sustainability in collaboration with Lancôme. The installation will spotlight Lancôme's Rénergie H.P.N. 300-Peptide Cream. Part of the transformation and elevation of LAFW through N4XT is the SAP immersive and interactive tent which will be part of the overall programming. This state of the art retail experience will include participating designers each day with opportunities for attendees to engage with these brands and shop their collections. LAFW 2023 will also feature cutting-edge, immersive digital showcases, including SAP.iO with strategic partners BigThinx, who will create virtual fashion experiences with selected designers. LAFW has curated an exceptional roster of designers and brands this season, including the lineup with Imitation of Christ as the opening show, Theophilio, Luis De Javier, Sergio Hudson, BruceGlen, Neon Cowboys, Advisry, TOMBOGO, Demobaza, Sami Miro Vintage, Gypsy Sport, Claude Kameni, The Blonds, Tadashi Shoji, Cristina Nitopi, Kwame Adusei, Simkhai, Saintwoods, and No Sesso as the closing runway show. N4XT remains dedicated to its four fundamental pillars – fashion, beauty, technology, and sustainability – as well its commitment to inclusivity which runs through every facet of N4XT's programming and event calendar. N4XT and its co-founders – Ciarra Pardo, Imad Izemrane, Marcus Ticotin, and Keith Abell – look forward to an exciting and transformative season, which would not be possible without the incredible contributions from our partners, designers and team. For more information please contact Chapter 2: Hanna Magstadt, hanna@chapter2agency.com. IG: @LAFWwww.LAFW.net  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 630 加入收藏 :
Far Eastern New Century's Sustainable Products Empowering A World of Sports & Global Fashion

TAIPEI, Oct. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- As a leader in the global polyester industry, Far Eastern New Century Corporation (FENC) has always been committed to corporate sustainability for the long haul. At Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show (TITAS) on October 17-19, 2023, FENC, a pioneer in textile technology and sustainable concepts, extends its sustainable products from sports to international fashion trends, continuing to build a green supply chain. By integrating upstream environmentally friendly raw materials with downstream textile and dyeing development technology, FENC's Knitting and Dyeing SBU took a step further in 2023 with FENC® TOPGREEN® BIO3, incorporating the concept of "green fashion" into product design and receiving the prestigious Red Dot Design Award. In the major sports events of 2023, the trend of the "Ocean Recycled Anti-Bursting Jersey" continues to flourish. These jerseys are worn by 16 teams in the FIFA Women's World Cup and the UEFA Champions League, showcasing remarkable achievements in sustainable functional textiles. FENC's Filament SBU, with its innovative carbon-negative technology products, gained favor not only with fashion brands like ZARA and H&M but also partnered with ADIDAS to launch a series of Australian Open tennis jerseys. Through international sports events, various possibilities for carbon reduction are promoted, setting new industry benchmarks. FENC® TOPGREEN® rTEX Spun Yarn, using a purely mechanical process without any chemical additives, transforms fabric waste into 100% regenerated spun yarn. FENC® TOPGREEN® rTEX denim recycling yarn retains the classic indigo shade, eliminating the need for dyeing in the later stages of production, thus saving water, energy, and reducing carbon emissions. At the same time, it breathes new life into discarded fabrics, creating fashionable and design-oriented denim styles. FENC has invested in the circular economy for over 30 years, using its core strengths to create various innovative recycling technologies, including applications for land, ocean and air waste recycling. FENC is committed to developing sustainable products, assuming the role of an industry leader, and collaborating with value chain partners to foster a sustainable ecosystem. About Far Eastern New Century (FENC)FENC was established in 1949. It is an international company, based in Taiwan, operating in USA, Japan, Mainland China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines and many other countries/regions. FENC is the only polyester supplier in the world vertically integrated to offer a product spectrum spanning from raw materials to consumer products. The range of products and applications cover all facets in life, including PET bottles, food and non-food packaging, hygiene, automotive, and home textile as well as functional athletic apparels. The company's 2022 consolidated revenues reached USD$8.8 billion with USD$21 billion in total assets. With over 30,000 employees, FENC is the leader of food-grade recycled PET and recycled polyester filament. According to the research report, Plastic Waste Maker Index 2023, published by the Australian philanthropic organization Minderoo Foundation in 2023, FENC stands out from 400 companies worldwide for its excellence in circularity performance, winning first place in the global plastics industry. To learn more about FENC please visit http://www.fenc.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2649 加入收藏 :
Revolutionize Comfort with Bedsure's Wearable Blanket Hoodies: Sleep-Inducing Comfort at Your Fingertips

DIAMOND BAR, Calif., Oct. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- As the cold season approaches, Bedsure 2023 is proud to unveil its enhanced collection of Wearable Blanket Hoodies, offering a new level of comfort and convenience. With the slogan "Zzzip into cozy mode," Bedsure brings an innovative range of wearable blanket hoodies that make it easier than ever to experience sleep-inducing comfort and warmth for wearers. Zzzip into Cozy Mode with Bedsure Wearable Blanket Hoodie Full Zipper Design as a game-changer This year, Bedsure goes above and beyond with the introduction of a new full zipper series, which caters to the evolving needs of customers. The full zipper design is a game-changer, providing unparalleled convenience and coziness to wearers. Bedsure's full zipper series allows wearers to transform their wearable blanket hoodies into various garments, including pajamas, windbreakers, cotton coats, or regular coats, simply by zipping it up. Unzip it, and it becomes a functional blanket that can be used as a cushion or cover. Unfold it for sleeping, providing warmth, and wear it again when you get up, keeping the warmth with you wherever you go. In addition, the added zipper ensures effortless wearing and removal without disrupting your hairstyle. When nature calls during the night, simply put it on lightly, eliminating the hassle of searching for the "hole" in the dark. This enhanced convenience will make bedtime rituals even more comfortable. Fashion Meets Function This year, Bedsure continues to offer various stylish and modern designs for Wearable Blanket Hoodies that effortlessly complement any wardrobe. Available in a wide range of colors and patterns, these hoodies allow wearers to showcase their personal styles while staying warm and comfortable. The Bedsure Printed Wearable Blanket Hoodie brings a burst of liveliness to everyday attire with its playful printed designs. From avocados and strawberries to dinosaurs and Santa Claus, you can now wear these fun and colorful patterns to add a touch of whimsy to your home life. With both standard and grade-schooler sizes available, the whole family can join in the fun, dressing up and enjoying quality time together. Besides, the Bedsure Sherpa Fleece Blanket Hoodie is a bestseller among wearable blankets, offering a stunning selection of 14 vibrant colors to choose from. The wide range of colors allows you to effortlessly match your style, making it a versatile addition to your wardrobe. Whether you're looking for a cozy treat for yourself or a thoughtful gift for a loved one, this Blanket Hoodie is the perfect choice, offering warmth, comfort, and a pop of personality to brighten up the day. Bedsure also comes up with its unique oversized series this year to help wearers dress up in a more playful and comfy way. Whether you want to seek more freedom with a zipper or would like to add a poncho characteristic, Bedsure has them all covered. With the upgraded Wearable Blanket Hoodies collection, Bedsure has taken the concept of comfort to new heights. The new collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of customers, ensuring that they can experience sleep-inducing comfort with utmost convenience. Bedsure is committed to enhancing your well-being and providing innovative solutions for a cozy and stylish lifestyle. Bedsure's 2023 Wearable Blanket Hoodies, including the new full zipper series, are now available for purchase. Experience the revolution in comfort with Bedsure's Wearable Blanket Hoodies - where sleep-inducing comfort is always at your fingertips. For more information about Bedsure Wearable Blanket Hoodies, please visit https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/877FBF1B-DFDF-4F65-9007-9CEC39B41E0D?ingress=0&visitId=b9c85673-1394-49dd-93d6-473cb61fd945&lp_slot=auto-sparkle-hsa-tetris&store_ref=SB_A0563673Z74UYD8C7FI5&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_sccd_logo.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 488 加入收藏 :
2024 年 12 月 12 日 (星期四) 農曆十一月十二日
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