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Teledyne e2v's Optimom 1.5M optical module The Optimom 1.5M optical modules can be instantly integrated into vision systems GRENOBLE, France, Feb. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne e2v, a part of Teledyne Technologies [NYSE: TDY], announces the release of Optimom 1.5M, the latest member of the Optimom™ family, a new range of turnkey optical modules that can be instantly integrated into vision systems. Optimom 1.5M is a complete board-level vision extension made to accelerate development time, reduce R&D investment, and scale down manufacturing costs for embedded vision and AI vision solutions. It comprises of a proprietary image sensor, a tiny 25mm square board with lens mount, and optional lens in various options. Featuring a native MIPI CSI-2 protocol, the Optimom 1.5M module is provided with a complete development kit, which includes adapter board, cabling, and Linux drivers for instant integration with MIPI-based processing units such as NVIDIA Jetson or NXP i.MX solutions. Featuring a 1.5 Megapixel CMOS image sensor, Optimom 1.5M provides a wide 1,920 x 800 format ideal for scanning applications such as handheld scanners, auto ID systems, laboratory equipment, or drones. The module comes with an adapted price point for 1.5MP solutions, while ensuring full compatibility with the higher resolution Optimom 2M module. Both modules can be supplied with a lens already installed and focused, eliminating the tedious task of lens selection and assembly. The additional Auto Focus lens option also enables customers to benefit from an extended depth of focus even at close distances and can be combined with various Multi Focus or Auto Focus algorithms. The Optimom modules will be showcased in a live demonstration at Embedded World, Nürnberg, Germany from 14-16th March. Visit us on Teledyne stand 2-644 or contact us online to get more information about product capabilities and customization options. Documentation, samples, and kits for evaluation or development are available upon request. About Teledyne e2v Teledyne e2v innovations lead developments in healthcare, life sciences, space, transportation, defense and security and industrial markets. Teledyne e2v’s unique approach involves listening to the market and application challenges of their customers and partnering with them to provide innovative standard, semi-custom or fully custom imaging solutions, bringing increased value to their systems. For more information, visit imaging.teledyne-e2v.com. Teledyne e2v media enquiries contact: Jessica.Broom@teledyne.com A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ebbf3925-ed9f-4e86-9c3b-c0fff2cbf76d
Teledyne e2v's Optimom 1.5M optical module Optimom 1.5M 光學模組可直接整合至視覺系統 法國格勒諾布爾, Feb. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne e2v(隸屬於Teledyne Technologies [NYSE: TDY]),宣佈推出 Optimom™ 系列的最新產品 Optimom 1.5M,它可以直接整合至視覺系統的新系列整方案的光學模組。 Optimom 1.5M 是完整的板級視覺擴展組件,用於為內建式視覺和 AI 視覺解決方案加速開發時間、降低研發投資及降低製造成本。 它包含一個專有影像感測器、一個具有鏡頭座的微型 25 毫米 電路板,以符合各種鏡頭。 Optimom 1.5M 模塊採用原生 MIPI CSI-2 協議,提供完整的開發套件,其中包括轉接板、線材和 Linux 驅動程序,用於與基於 MIPI 的處理單元(如 NVIDIA Jetson 或 NXP i.MX)即時整合解決方案。 Optimom 1.5M 採用 1.5M像素 CMOS 影像感應測器,提供 1,920 x 800 的格式,適用於手持式掃描器、自動 ID 掃描器、實驗室設備或無人機等掃描應用。 該模組相容於 1.5MP 解決方案,同時確保完全相容於更高解析度的 Optimom 2M 模組。 兩個模組都可以提供已安裝和聚焦的鏡頭,避免了繁瑣的透鏡挑選和組裝工作。 額外的自動聚焦透鏡還使顧客甚至在近距離下也能利用景深延長,並可搭配各種多聚焦或自動聚焦算法。 Optimom 模組將於 3 月 14-16 日在德國紐倫堡舉行的 Embedded World 現場演示中展示。 請蒞臨 Teledyne 的 2-644 號展位或線上聯絡我們以瞭解關於產品功能和訂製選項的更多資訊。 文件、樣品和評估或開發套件可根據要求提供。 關於 Teledyne e2v Teledyne e2v 的創新引領醫療保健、生命科學、太空、運輸、國防和安全及工業市場的發展。 Teledyne e2v 的獨特方式包括傾聽市場和客戶的應用挑戰,與他們合作提供創新型標準、半訂製或全訂製影像解決方案,提升其系統價值。 若需更多資訊,請瀏覽 imaging.teledyne-e2v.com Teledyne e2v 媒體諮詢聯絡人: yuki.chan@teledyne.com 此公告隨附的照片可在以下網址查看:https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ebbf3925-ed9f-4e86-9c3b-c0fff2cbf76d/zh-Hant
GRENOBLE, FRANCES - Media OutReach - 28 February 2023 - To help satellite OEMs to streamline their system development work, as well as reducing the time and engineering effort involved, Teledyne e2v and Texas Instruments (TI) collaborated on a new radiation-tolerant DDR4 modular platform. This field-proven hardware consists of a 4GB/8GB capacity DDR4T0xG72 DDR4 memory from Teledyne e2v accompanied by a TI TPS7H3301-SP DDR termination low drop-out (LDO) voltage regulator that provides a stable supply for the DDR4 module. Optimized for implementations where there are acute size, weight and power (SWaP) constraints to factor in, the DDR4/TPS7H3301-SP platform is very compact and convenient to use. The constituent components have already gone through comprehensive space characterization and qualification procedures to help designers achieve long-term operation without single event latch-up (SEL) and single event upset (SEU) issues arising. This platform allows elevated levels of data storage capacity to be achieved inside a very small form factor. It requires three times less PCB area versus solutions from the competition, and its volume is smaller by a factor of ten. Versatility is another plus point, with the DDR4T0xG72/TPS7H3301-SP modular platform being applicable across a wide range of space-grade processors (including Teledyne e2v and others), FPGAs/ACAPs (such as AMD/Xilinx, Microchip, NanoXplore, etc.) and custom-built ASICs. More information on it is available at: https://semiconductors.teledyneimaging.com/en/products/memory/space-radiation-tolerant-4gb-8gb-ddr4/ "Having access to pre-tested, easy-to-integrate hardware is of real benefit to those constructing systems for space deployment," states Thomas Guillemain, Marketing Manager for Digital Processing Solutions at Teledyne e2v. "This joint platform results in significant value for our space customers, particularly on SWaP." "The DDR4T0xG72/TPS7H3301-SP solution means that space systems will now have access to a small-format module that saves critical board area and offers high power density and verified radiation hardness and reliability," adds Mark Toth, marketing and applications engineering manager for space-grade power products at TI. The radiation-validated TI and Teledyne e2v devices that make up this solution are featured in Alpha Data's Versal Core development kit ADK-VA600. Hashtag: #Teledynee2vThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About Teledyne e2vTeledyne e2v's innovations lead developments in healthcare, life sciences, Space, transportation, defense and security and industrial markets. Teledyne e2v's unique approach involves listening to the market and application challenges of customers and partnering with them to provide innovative standard, semi-custom or fully custom solutions, bringing increased value to their systems.
Teledyne e2v's Hydra3D+ Hydra3D+ 是首款在所有光線環境下運作都不會產生運動偽影的 ToF CMOS 感測器 法國格勒諾布爾, Jan. 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne Technologies [NYSE: TDY] 旗下公司 Teledyne e2v 宣布推出一款全新的飛行時間 (ToF) CMOS 影像感測器——Hydra3D+。這款感測器具備 832 x 600 像素的解析度,專為多功能 3D 偵測和距離測量量身打造。 Hydra3D+ 採用 Teledyne e2v 的專屬 CMOS 技術而設計,具有全新的 10 µm 三階尖端像素,可提供極快的傳輸時間(最低 10ns),並在近紅外波長下顯示高靈敏度,以及出色的解調對比度。 這種精確的性能組合可確保感測器在即時運作時沒有運動偽影(即使場景中存在快速移動的物體),並在短距離內具有出色的時序雜訊值,這在諸如取放搬運、物流、工廠自動化和工廠安全性等應用中發揮著重要作用。 創新的晶片上多系統管理功使感測器能夠與多個主動式系統一起運作,不會互相干擾,進而避免了測量錯誤。 Hydra3D+ 的出色靈敏度使其能夠有效應對各種光線環境,在寬廣的反射率下都能保持穩健。 感測器的高解析度和強大的片上 HDR,具有即時靈活配置的特點,能夠在距離範圍、物體反射性、畫面播放速率等應用層級參數之間達到最佳平衡。 這使感測器成為中長距離和/或戶外應用的理想之選,如自動導引車、監控、ITS 和建築工程。 該感測器專為尋求即時和靈活 3D 偵測的客戶精心設計,可提供高質無損的 3D 效能。 它透過一個小型感測器以 2D 和 3D 進行大視野取景,使該系統極具成本效益。 Teledyne e2v 的 3D 成像行銷經理 Ha Lan Do Thu 表示:「今天,許多飛行時間感測器都存在運動偽影,無法在不斷變化的工作環境下即時發揮性能。 Hydra3D+ 能提供最高等級的 3D 效能,在所有距離範圍和環境下(甚至在多套系統運作或戶外環境下),皆能以 2D 和 3D 模式提供毫無減損的影像品質,它讓我們的客戶能夠輕鬆獲取可靠的 3D 測量值。」 現可按需提供文件、樣品和開發工具。 此外,還有幾個專有的建模工具可幫助客戶評估 Hydra3D+ 的運作情況。 關於 Teledyne e2v Teledyne e2v 的創新引領醫療保健、生命科學、太空、運輸、國防和安全及工業市場的發展。 Teledyne e2v 的獨特方式包括傾聽市場和客戶的應用挑戰,與他們合作提供創新型標準、半訂製或全訂製影像解決方案, 提升其系統價值。 若需更多資訊,請瀏覽 imaging.teledyne-e2v.com Teledyne e2v 媒體諮詢聯絡人: yuki.chan@teledyne.com 此公告隨附的照片可在以下網址查看:https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/47c52b26-5f04-4e0b-be19-6cd4a48961db/zh-Hant
New series includes industry’s smallest 67 MP camera for high-performance image capture Genie Nano-10GigE camera The new Genie Nano-10GigE models offer a wider variety of high-speed interfaces with higher resolutions ranging from 37 MP to 67 MP WATERLOO, Ontario, Nov. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne DALSA is pleased to announce the all-new Genie Nano-10GigE M/C8200, and M/C6200, based on Teledyne e2v’s 67M and 37M monochrome and color sensors. The new Genie Nano-10GigE series delivers a futureproof and scalable solution with significantly higher interface speeds and resolutions, offering system designers an easy integration path for application upgrades requiring higher speed data capture and transfers. “The new Teledyne e2v Emerald 67M global shutter CMOS image sensor provides excellent performance and image quality for high-end optical inspection,” said Manny Romero, Senior Product Manager at Teledyne DALSA. “With the addition of a new line of high resolution 10GigE models, we are now pleased to offer a wider variety of high-speed interfaces with higher resolutions ranging from 37 MP to 67 MP.” The new Genie Nano-10GigE 67M camera is the smallest 10GigE Vision camera in the industry achieving full resolution image transfer at up to 15 fps. Both the M/C8200 and M/C6200 offer wider operating temperature ranges, PTP synchronization and commonality of sizes with other Genie Nano cameras, enabling versatility of applications and ease of integration or upgrades. Coupling a compact 59 mm x 59 mm form factor, system designers can transition from 1, 2.5, 5GigE to 10GigE Vision without the need for software changes. Genie Nano-10GigE cameras are engineered to deliver high-speed, dependable results for applications such as electronics manufacturing inspection, industrial metrology, intelligent traffic systems, aerial imaging and sports and entertainment. Key Features: Industry’s smallest 67M 10GigE Vision camera Four new models offered in 37M and 67M, monochrome and color versions Trigger-to-Image Reliability (T2IR) framework improves the reliability of your inspection system and protects from data loss GenICam, GigE Vision 2.0 compliant Multi ROI with up to 16 x Region of Interest (ROI) All-metal body with 3-year warranty For more information about the Genie Nano-10GigE models visit the website. For high quality images, please visit our online media kit. Teledyne DALSA is a part of Teledyne’s Vision Solutions group and a leader in the design, manufacture, and deployment of digital imaging components for machine vision. Teledyne DALSA image sensors, cameras, smart cameras, frame grabbers, software, and vision solutions are at the heart of thousands of inspection systems around the world and across multiple industries. For more information, visit www.teledynedalsa.com/imaging. Media Contact: Jennifer Yeung Jennifer.yeung@teledyneflir.com All trademarks are registered by their respective companies. Teledyne DALSA reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/e104a2ee-ab62-457d-8e9d-0a2f5da0e7a3
新系列包含業界最小的 6,700 萬像素相機,支援高性能圖像擷取功能 Genie Nano-10GigE camera 新款 Genie Nano-10GigE 機型提供更豐富的高速介面,且其高解析度介於 3,700 萬與 6,700 萬像素之間 加拿大滑鐵盧, Nov. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne DALSA 很高興宣佈推出搭載 e2v 6,700 萬像素和 3,700 萬像素黑白與彩色感測器的全新Genie Nano-10GigE M/C8200 與 M/C6200機型。新款 Genie Nano-10GigE 系列提供前瞻性、可擴充的解決方案,以及大幅加速的介面和提升的解析度,讓系統設計師在進行需要高速資料擷取和傳輸的應用程式升級時,可輕鬆完成整合。 Teledyne DALSA 的資深產品經理 Manny Romero 表示:「新款 Teledyne e2v Emerald 67M 全局式快門 CMOS 圖像感測器為高階光學檢查提供卓越性能和畫質。在全新的高解析度 10GigE 機型系列,我們現在很榮幸能提供更豐富的高速介面與高解析度機型介於 3,700 萬與 6,700 萬像素之間。」 新款 Genie Nano-10GigE 6,700 萬像素相機是業界最小的 10GigE Vision 相機,可支援高達 15 fps 的全解析度圖像傳輸。M/C8200 與 M/C6200 兩者皆提供更寬廣的操作溫度範圍、PTP 同步,且尺寸和其他 Genie Nano 相機相同,方便靈活應用與輕鬆整合或升級。加上輕巧的 59 mm x 59 mm 尺寸,系統設計師可以從 1、2.5、5GigE 轉換至 10GigE Vision 而無須變更軟體。Genie Nano-10GigE 相機旨在為電子製造檢查、工業度量衡、智慧交通系統、空拍影像以及運動和娛樂等應用提供高速而又可靠的結果。 關鍵特徵: 業界最小的 6,700 萬像素 10GigE Vision 相機 四款全新機型,提供 3,700 萬像素、6,700 萬像素、黑白和彩色版本 快門至圖像可靠性 (T2IR) 框架可提升檢查系統的可靠性,並避免資料遺失 符合 GenICam、GigE Vision 2.0 擁有多個感興趣區域 (ROI),最高達 16 個 ROI 全金屬機身並附 3 年保固 如需更多關於 Genie Nano-10GigE 機型的資訊,請造訪網站。如需高畫質圖像,請造訪我們的線上媒體包。 Teledyne DALSA 隸屬 Teledyne’s Vision Solutions 集團,是設計、製造和部署機器視覺數位影像元件的先驅。Teledyne DALSA 圖像感測器、相機、智慧型相機、取像卡、軟體和視覺解決方案是全球和眾多行業數千種檢測系統的核心組件。若需更多資訊,請造訪 www.teledynedalsa.com/imaging。 媒體聯絡: Yuki Chan Yuki.chan@teledyne.com 所有商標均由其各自公司註冊。 Teledyne DALSA 保留在不予通知的情況下隨時進行變更的權利。 此公告隨附的照片可在以下網址查看:https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/e104a2ee-ab62-457d-8e9d-0a2f5da0e7a3/zh-Hant
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