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Tested and Proven: Sungrow's AFCI 3.0 Ensures Safety in Large-Scale C&I Power Plants

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The DC arcing remains a significant concern in the PV industry, often being the primary catalyst for fires. As solar installations increase in scale and longevity, the risks tied to DC arcing have risen, necessitating advances in detection and mitigation technologies. In August 2024, Sungrow partnered with XB Solar, a renowned clean energy service provider in Vietnam, to conduct functional tests of its latest AFCI 3.0 technology in Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam. AFCI 3.0 demonstrated exceptional performance, surpassing industry standards with its advanced arc detection range and rapid arc extinction capabilities. Sungrow's AFCI 3.0 Ensures Safety in Large-Scale C&I Power Plants The tests were conducted in full compliance with the latest international standard, IEC 63027. Using an automatic spherical arc simulator and Tektronix oscilloscope, the results were precise and reliable. During the tests, AFCI 3.0 technology, based on a new generation AI computing system, achieved precise detection and rapid interruption of DC arcing in various conditions. For instance, with a 450-meter DC cable loop, AFCI 3.0 technology detected and interrupted the arc within 1.2 seconds. Under a 650-meter DC cable loop, AFCI 3.0 technology stopped the arc within 1.5 seconds, far exceeding the requirements of the IEC 63027 standard. R&D Team Testing AFCI 3.0 at a C&I Power Plant in Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam AFCI 3.0 technology is now fully integrated into Sungrow's SG150CX, the new generation high-power string inverter. With its wide detection range and rapid arc extinguishing capability, AFCI 3.0 empowers the seamless design and deployment of expansive, efficient, and secure PV subsystems, strengthening safety in large-scale commercial and industrial (C&I) solar projects. Looking ahead, Sungrow remains at the forefront of innovation, driving performance advancements to ensure the highest level of safety for the global PV industry. *Note: The tested module in this evaluation is identified as the Q.PLUS DUO L-G5.2 365, boasting a nominal power of 365W, a maximum current of 9.41A, and a peak voltage of 38.79V at maximum power. About Sungrow Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. ("Sungrow") is a global leading PV inverter and ESS provider with over 605 GW of power electronic converters installed worldwide as of June 2024. Founded in 1997 by University Professor Cao Renxian, Sungrow is a leader in the research and development of solar inverters with the largest dedicated R&D team in the industry and a broad product portfolio offering PV inverter solutions and ESS for utility-scale, commercial & industrial, and residential applications, as well as internationally recognized floating PV plant solutions, NEV driving solutions, EV charging solutions and renewable hydrogen production systems. With a strong 27-year track record in the PV space, Sungrow's products power over 170 countries worldwide. For more information about Sungrow, visit www.sungrowpower.com.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1047 加入收藏 :
Direct Line Global, a global leader in ICT systems integration, expands its global footprint with new office in South Korea

SINGAPORE, Aug. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Direct Line Global, a leading global technology services company providing forward thinking design, integration, installation, maintenance and managed services for mission critical environments, is expanding its investment in the APAC Data Center market with the opening of a new office in Seoul, South Korea. "Expanding our presence into South Korea is a logical progression for Direct Line as we strive to meet the increasing customer demand for sophisticated and scalable solutions in the digital infrastructure space. Leveraging Direct Line's extensive global expertise in ICT Infrastructure deployment for data centers, we remain dedicated to growing alongside our hyperscale and MTDC's clients as they expand their operations and footprint into new markets," said William Nelligan, CEO & President, Direct Line Global. South Korea continues to lead in global digital adoption through its cutting-edge ICT infrastructure and investment in 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud and more. As the first country in the world to commercialise 5G networks in 2019, today just under half of South Korea's total mobile connections is powered by 5G. The country's public cloud market is also set for growth, expected to show an annual growth rate of 17.18%, resulting in a market volume of US$13.72bn by 2027. Direct Line also welcomes newly appointed Country Manager for Korea, Harry Kim. Kim joins Direct Line from Tektronix where he spent the last 15 years taking the US business from starter in South Korea to a respected and profitable local enterprise. "I am excited that we are taking on the challenge to deliver our trademark services to a new market and have full confidence in our team's ability to deliver results for us in South Korea and make Direct Line the 'go to' partner for all data center ICT infrastructure needs," said Matthew Roberts, General Manager, APAC. Direct Line – Current reach and expansion plans Our comprehensive geographical coverage (USA, Asia Pacific, and Europe) enables us to identify and react swiftly to new trends and opportunities. This is the sixth major addition to Direct Line's global network in recent months, taking the footprint to 12 office locations across 5 countries.  Across APAC, Direct Line currently has offices with Accredited Training Facilities in Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea and Philippines with imminent plans to open new offices Indonesia and Malaysia. About Direct Line Global: Direct Line is a leading global technology services company, specializing in forward-thinking design, integration, installation, maintenance, and managed services for mission critical environments. For over 25 years we have been helping data center owners, developers and operators with their IT infrastructure challenges. With over 12 offices across the US, Europe and Asia Pacific, Direct Line is the preferred mission critical IT Infrastructure deployment partner for global hyperscalers and MTDC's, globally.  Website www.dl-global.com 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2812 加入收藏 :
2022循環低碳碳化矽晶圓製程技術創新講座 筑波科技獲邀分享WBG半導體材料測試挑戰與方案

經濟部工業局委工業技術研究院,依行政院循環經濟推動方案,建構循環技術暨材料創新研發專區,以延攬國際專家,培育研發人才為目的。本次材料國際學院辦理「循環低碳碳化矽晶圓製程技術創新講座」,邀請碳化矽晶圓材料與製程廠商代表與會,期望藉由此課程交流機會,提升國內低碳碳化矽長晶技術能量。許深福董事長於本次課程獲邀分享「WBG半導體材料測試挑戰與方案」,如何提升測試技術、確保製程品質、降低成本及加速產品上市時間為需克服的挑戰。   面對環保綠能意識、5G、消費性產品及電動車用的元件測試需求,筑波集團在第三半導體的材料與封裝測試擁有客製化解決方案。針對矽晶圓與材料測試分析,矽晶圓的外觀擴大,傳統測試厚度、表面粗糙度、塗層、電性能或者均勻度都是利用接觸性或破壞性進行檢測,筑波使用非破壞高頻檢測技術太赫茲(Terahertz, THz)量測,太赫茲波頻率(1011~1013 Hz)介於微波及紅外光間,又稱T波,是極長波長的IR ( Extreme IR ),可稱做 EIR /極紅外光,藉由穿透物體深度或反射式來測量晶圓的厚度、結構、光學及電學特性係數、晶型等。筑波的TZ-6000晶圓測試系統,透過反射掃描、圖形報告和 AI分析晶圓品質。   此外,筑波與國際大廠Teradyne ETS、Tektronix產品線合作,擴展測試平台能力,提供一站式的半導體MA/CP/FT測試服務,擁有高精準、高穩定度、耐高溫、高電壓(>1200V)、高電流(>100A)特性,測試的範圍廣泛 (可達到6000V、4000A),可用於量產、多項產品開發。   近20年間,台灣大約70% 網通廠商產品來自筑波集團所提供的測試方案,整合20年軟/硬體開發經驗可依照客戶需求訂製解決方案,並設有半導體工程中心(Engineering Center, EC)、太赫茲測試材料實驗室,滿足多樣測試需求,歡迎有需求之客戶聯絡進一步切磋交流。  

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 14513 加入收藏 :

近年來5G通訊、電動車市場崛起,寬能帶半導體(WBG)材料如碳化矽(SiC)和氮化鎵(GaN)功率元件嶄露頭角,於車用市場滲透率持續攀升。然而電動車安全續航力與節能效率引發關注,車載電池是否能承受高容量及高電壓、充放電時高溫耐受性、是否會因高溫引發風險,不同品質的控制器搭配電池也會在續航能力上顯示出差別,故晶片結構堅固及熱穩定性佳尤其至關重要。   筑波科技與國際大廠指定的Teradyne ETS 、Tektronix產品線合作,創造前所未有的測試平台擴展能力,提供一站式的半導體MA/CP/FT測試服務,擁有高精準、高穩定度、耐高溫、高電壓(>1200V)、高電流(>100A)特性,增強高功率半導體產業的研發品質與生產效率的ROI,提供雙贏的測試設備系統軟/硬整合方案服務。   筑波科技擁有WBG材料分析與電源管理IC /module動態測試解決方案,在異質材料介面、Wafer、Epi的材料分析MA與故障瑕疵分析FA,封裝後FT整合測試品質與生產效率提升有豐富經驗,半導體EC工程中心能即時在地服務,符合客戶全方位測試需求,本次研討會將分享測試技術實務經驗。   我們邀請您與筑波科技專業團隊就相關議題和技術交流!歡迎寬能帶半導體及3DIC產業領域的廠商先進主管至活動網站報名參加。

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5959 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 18 日 (星期二) 農曆正月廿一日
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