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符合「TTS」新聞搜尋結果, 共 53 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
COMPUTEX 2024 紀實:TTS先端技術首度參與InnoVEX2024 展示台日熱絡商機

《2024年6月14日,台北》通泰克科技(TTS)的日本子公司-TTS先端技術(TTS Advanced Tech.)今年隨同日本全國軟體公會聯盟(JASPA)來台參加台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)及由數位發展部數位產業署、台北市電腦公會(TCA)在亞洲指標新創展會(InnoVEX 2024)所舉辦的「2024臺日數位服務商洽談會」。本次洽談會涵蓋了人工智慧、綠色科技、智慧移動等相關主題,提供了台灣新創企業與日本潛在夥伴更深入交流的機會。 JASPA作為聯結日本全國軟體公會的組織,旨在推動日本軟體產業的發展,而其中主要位於東京的「KT-NET公協會」也是該組織一員。KT-NET公協會,作為JASPA成員之一,是由日本電信巨頭KDDI Research, Inc. 和東京System house Co., Ltd. 共同成立,匯聚了來自ICT、資安、多媒體等各領域的百餘家東京企業,致力於推動資通技術的應用和發展,同時促進會員間的合作共享。 身為KT-NET會員之一的TTS先端技術,深感榮幸能與台灣在地夥伴展開深入交流的機會。他們相信,這次展會不僅是一個平台,更是一個彰顯台日友好合作關係的契機。他們期待著透過這次寶貴的機會,進一步強化台灣與日本在人工智慧技術領域上的合作,並將這些先進技術應用於更廣泛的領域,包括但不限於醫療、製造、運動和旅遊等服務。 同時,TTS先端技術對於能夠參與InnoVEX展會感到格外興奮。在這次盛會中,近400個新創團隊齊聚一堂,展現了世界各地的創新力量。觀眾們可以在來自澳洲、比利時、巴西、法國、印尼、印度、日本等7個國家的主題館中,見證到來自不同文化背景的科技成果。這樣的國際參與不僅讓他們感到榮幸,更是一個彰顯國際合作與交流廣度與深度的絕佳機會。 這次洽談會的成功舉辦不僅凸顯了台灣在人工智慧領域的優勢,更突顯了台日之間密切的技術交流與合作關係。他們深信,通過此次展會,他們將能夠攜手探索更多創新可能性,拓展合作領域,為台灣和日本的科技發展帶來更多動力與活力。 關於通泰克科技-「彈性、快速、解決痛點」的科技服務商通泰克科技秉持著理念,致力於提供「全方位客製化解決方案」,涵蓋從高科技AI所需的GPU伺服器、工業迷你電腦的運用,到實現2050淨零碳排目標的ESG顧問諮詢。此外,旗下源自日本的「AROO」,將日系美學與便利融入生活當中,提供豐富多元的電子產品,包括筆記本電腦、平板、行動電源等,為用戶打造更具價值的未來。最新消息請上官方網站:https://www.toontec-sol.com  

文章來源 : 通泰克科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2589 加入收藏 :
提升企業效能 通泰克科技推出AROO TTS-MLT迷你電腦

提升企業效能 通泰克科技推出AROO TTS-MLT迷你電腦 通泰克科技推出TTS-MLT迷你電腦,致力於提供企業人士更靈活、高效的工作體驗。這款迷你電腦搭載了第十二代Intel® Core™處理器,支援4K輸出、雙螢幕顯示,旨在滿足多任務處理需求。 強大性能 Intel® Core™處理器 通泰克科技的迷你電腦擁有強大的性能,第十二代Intel® Core™處理器,確保優越的運算效能。支援4K輸出和雙螢幕顯示,使多任務處理變得更加輕鬆。具有可升級至64G的記憶體和擴充至1TB儲存空間的特點,同時提供2.5吋SATA硬碟插槽,滿足用戶不斷增長的數據存儲需求。 多功能連接 輕鬆應對 迷你電腦配備USB 4.0 Type-C端口,支援顯示、充電、傳輸等多功能,提供便捷性。同時搭載Wifi 6無線網路和一個RJ45乙太網路,確保穩定的網路連接,讓用戶在任何地方都能維持高效的工作效率。 迷你體積 支援Windows 11 TTS-MLT的體積僅15x18.3x7.5公分,小巧而精致,節省桌面空間。適用於企業辦公室、創意設計、教育機構和家庭娛樂等多種商業應用場景。支援Windows 11作業系統,確保用戶體驗到最新的操作界面和功能,以迎接未來的工作挑戰。 TTS-MLT適用於各種商業應用場景,包括但不限於 企業辦公室:提供高效、靈活的辦公解決方案,滿足對性能和空間效率的需求。 創意設計:4K輸出和雙螢幕顯示支援,適合處理複雜的設計工作。 教育機構:輕巧的體積和可擴充的儲存空間,適合應對學術研究和多媒體教學需求 家庭娛樂:高性能處理器和連接技術,讓家庭娛樂變得更加流暢清晰。 了解更多產品細節:https://www.toontec-sol.com/minipcmlt 官方網站:https://www.toontec-sol.com   關於通泰克科技 通泰克科技秉持著「彈性、快速、解決痛點」理念,致力於提供「全方位客製化解決方案」,涵蓋從高科技AI所需的GPU伺服器、工業迷你電腦的運用,到實現2050淨零碳排目標的ESG顧問諮詢。此外,旗下源自日本的「AROO」,將日系美學與便利融入生活當中,提供豐富多元的電子產品,包括筆記本電腦、平板、行動電源等,為用戶打造更具價值的未來。   **重要聲明:本文中所提及的產品和功能可能會隨時更新,以符合市場需求,請以實際產品為主。

文章來源 : 通泰克科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 6790 加入收藏 :
Citi TTS Selects Pismo to Enrich Global Demand Deposit Account Solutions

BRISTOL, England, June 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS) and Pismo, the next-gen banking and payments software company, jointly announced their relationship in which Citi will use Pismo's technology platform to help strengthen Citi's corporate demand deposit accounts (DDA), to clients worldwide. Citi TTS continues to migrate its solutions, services, and infrastructure to create "always on" capabilities aimed to improve the overall client experience and provide clients with the ability to operate DDA capabilities in real-time with 24x7 processing. Upgrading the current DDA infrastructure is a core element to the TTS technology revamp strategy, allowing for better scalability and increased processing volumes. Stephen Randall, Global Head of Liquidity Management Services, Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions, said, "Pismo was selected based on its core expertise and knowledge in cloud-based banking and payments capabilities. We look forward to working together and exploring different ways in which our relationship can drive Citi's work to help deliver clients' global ambitions." Ricardo Josua, Pismo CEO and co-founder, said, "We are deeply honoured to serve Citi as a key part of its journey.  This relationship will help establish Pismo as one of the leading players in the cloud-native core banking space.  Citi's selection of Pismo is a resounding endorsement of our decision to stay true to our cloud-native architectural roots and our decision to start expanding internationally in 2021." Citi's relationship with Pismo also creates value for Citi clients by helping to deliver: A nimble and scalable microservice-based ecosystem free of market-specific hardcoded applications, allowing for faster delivery of enhancements, easier integration across products and a globally consistent experience High volume 24x7 processing and real-time data availability, which will enable clients to make more efficient cash management decisions while taking advantage of Citi's global network Pismo's cloud-based core solutions are initially planned to be deployed by Citi in the U.S. market. Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS) helps enable our clients' success by providing an integrated suite of innovative and tailored cash management and trade finance services to multinational corporations, financial institutions, and public sector organizations across the globe. Based on the foundation of the industry's largest proprietary network with banking licenses in over 90 countries and globally integrated technology platforms, TTS continues to lead the way in offering a comprehensive range of digitally enabled treasury, trade, and liquidity management solutions. About Citi Citi is a preeminent banking partner for institutions with cross-border needs, a global leader in wealth management and a valued personal bank in its home market of the United States. Citi does business in nearly 160 countries and jurisdictions, providing corporations, governments, investors, institutions and individuals with a broad range of financial products and services. Additional information may be found at www.citigroup.com | Twitter: @Citi | LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/citi | YouTube: www.youtube.com/citi | Facebook: www.facebook.com/citi About Pismo Pismo is a technology company providing an all-in-one processing platform for banking, payments, and financial markets infrastructure globally. Large banks, marketplaces, and fintech companies use our cloud-native microservices platform to launch next-generation solutions and move from legacy systems to the most advanced technology in the market. The Pismo cloud-based platform empowers firms to build and launch financial products rapidly, scaling as they grow to have a broader audience while keeping high security and availability standards. Additional information may be found at www.pismo.io Media Contacts: Nina Das Citi Institutional Clients Group+1 (212) 816-9267 Nina.Das@citi.com PismoPatricia Bartuira+1 (786) 270-6253marketing@pismo.io

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 670 加入收藏 :
「龍眾一心」迎中秋 預購行動電源加碼抽限量味全龍3C周邊

《2024年9月17日,台北》中秋佳節,通泰克科技(Toontec Solutions, TTS)與味全龍聯名推出無線充電盤、自帶線行動電源等充電系列商品。其中,兩款行動電源不僅擁有經典的味全龍設計,還自帶 Type-C 及 Lightning 的充電線,讓用戶想充電時,也不怕忘了帶線。 即日起至9月30日,凡預購味全龍聯名充電系列商品,即可自動參加抽獎活動。在享受充電便利的同時,也讓今年的中秋佳節擁有更多驚喜。   📣 活動辦法 📅 即日起至2024年9月30日 📝 參加方式:預購指定系列商品即可參與抽獎活動 🛒 預購指定商品系列:味全龍聯名充電系列商品*,即可自動獲得抽獎資格(*充電系列商品包含15W無線充電盤(經典版/點亮版)、10000mAh四線露營燈款(黑/白)、10000mAh雙線快充行動電源(直版/橫版)) 🐉 龍厚禮: 🏆 頭獎:小龍女桌墊90x40cm粉色奇蹟珍藏版 1名(市值$2,999) 🥈 貳獎:2024味全龍祥龍獻瑞滑鼠墊 2名 (市值NT$1198) 🎁 參獎:2024小龍女主題滑鼠墊 3名 📜 中獎名單:將會於2024年11月11日(星期一)23:59前於通泰克科技臉書粉專公布。(中獎者將通過簡訊、社群媒體或官方公告等方式接到通知。) 🎉 趕快行動,預購味全龍聯名充電商品,參加抽獎活動,迎接中秋驚喜吧! 【立即前往】官方商城:請點擊我 【歡迎關注】官方臉書:請點擊我   關於通泰克科技-「用AI解決痛點」 融匯「AI人工智慧、數位看板、行動資安、ESG領域」的科技服務商,提供從AI所需的GPU伺服器和工業迷你電腦,到支持實現2050淨零碳排目標的ESG顧問諮詢。此外,旗下源自日本的「AROO」,將日系美學與便利融入生活當中,提供豐富多元的電子產品,包括筆記本電腦、平板、行動電源等,為用戶打造更具價值的未來。最新消息請上官方網站:https://www.toontec-sol.com

文章來源 : 通泰克科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1516 加入收藏 :
通泰克科技大巨蛋開球 與霧峰農會攜手推動跨界合作 為變形金剛增添活力

《2024年9月16日,台北》通泰克科技(Toontec Solutions, TTS)執行長林世強先生於昨日(15號)擔任龍象連戰第二天的開球嘉賓。林執行長特意邀請霧峰區農會總幹事黃景建先生共同參與,並請吉力吉撈.鞏冠擔綱捕手,為比賽揭開序幕,希望能以此吸引觀眾的目光,提高公眾對在地農業發展的重視。 跨界的精彩碰撞 林執行長表示:「我們非常高興能夠邀請霧峰農會參與此次開球儀式,共同展現我們對運動的熱情。此次活動融合了棒球、文創、科技與農業等多重元素,令人充滿期待。」一直以來,TTS 專注於運用 AI 技術解決用戶的痛點,提升企業效能,並相信跨領域合作能為社會帶來積極的影響。 協作推動 ESG 目標 通泰克科技與台中霧峰農會的合作體現了對社會責任的共同承擔,雙方在推動本地發展和履行社會責任方面有著共同的願景。TTS 對農會所倡導的「不自我設限、讓家鄉更美好、團結力量大」等理念深感認同與敬佩。因此,通泰克科技期望透過在服務上的支持,幫助基層農民提高生產力和市場競爭力,並積極響應環保與公益,推動企業的社會責任。雙方都期待未來能繼續深化合作,促進科技、農業與運動的協同發展,開創更多機遇。 這場開球儀式為最後一天的「變形金剛主題日」增添了亮點。賽前的柯博文和賽後的藝人表演,不僅增加了當天活動的精彩程度,也提升了大眾對科技、農業與運動協同發展的關注。而通泰克科技日後也會繼續在科技創新、公益支持和關心在地發展方面展現了積極態度。隨著中秋佳節的到來,TTS期待未來能與各界攜手,共同推動社會的進步與發展。   關於通泰克科技-「用AI解決痛點」 融匯「AI人工智慧、數位看板、行動資安、ESG領域」的科技服務商,提供從 AI 所需的 GPU 伺服器和工業迷你電腦,到支持實現 2050 淨零碳排目標的 ESG 顧問諮詢。此外,旗下源自日本的「AROO」,將日系美學與便利融入生活當中,提供豐富多元的電子產品,包括筆記本電腦、平板、行動電源等,為用戶打造更具價值的未來。最新消息請上官方網站:https://www.toontec-sol.com

文章來源 : 通泰克科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2159 加入收藏 :
Nexdata Showcases Leading Speech Data Solutions on INTERSPEECH 2024

ATHENS, Greece, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nexdata, a leading global provider of AI data services, today released its latest data solutions of Multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Multi-timbral Text-to-speech (TTS), and Large Language Models (LLM) & Multi-modal applications at the INTERSPEECH 2024 Conference in Kos Island. As the world's foremost conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing, INTERSPEECH serves as the perfect stage for Nexdata to showcase its advancements in high-quality speech data and services. Leveraging the insights gained from the massive projects it has undertaken, Nexdata introduces its enhanced Multilingual ASR data solutions. The company proudly reports reaching a milestone of 1 million hours of speech datasets, encompassing over 60 countries and 100 languages, and which includes 45,000 hours of Accented English Speech Data, 300,000 hours of Spontaneous Dialogue Data, and more. This achievement underscores Nexdata's commitment to becoming the premier destination for datasets in the marketplace, further solidifying its expertise in natural language processing. In Multi-timbral TTS, Nexdata has long demonstrated its prowess with over 2 million voice samples across about 20 languages, all recorded by native speakers. These high-quality, multi-scenario, multi-domain TTS data solutions have proven invaluable to a wide range of applications. Recognizing the rapidly evolving needs for LLM and Multi-modal data solutions, Nexdata has developed and tailored its data services and extensive datasets that enable clients to launch their Generative AI projects with ease. The transformative data solutions showcased at INTERSPEECH include data services for Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT), Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), Red Teaming, and a comprehensive selection of professional off-the-shelf multilingual RLHF datasets. These datasets include over 100 million natural conversation texts, correction pairs, question-answer pairs, and SFT data, as well as 200 million pairs of high-resolution images and videos, meticulously annotated with descriptive captions and metadata, among other offerings. Nexdata is proud to be a Silver Sponsor of INTERSPEECH 2024. We invite in-person attendees to visit our booth (#01) to meet with our data solution experts, participate in Q&A sessions, and explore demonstrations of our latest speech data solutions that are designed to enhance AI model performance for tens of thousands of companies worldwide. During INTERSPEECH 2024, Nexdata, in collaboration with ELDA—a company specialized in Data and Language Resources for AI-based Language Technologies, is co-hosting a social event titled Social Night: Tech and Data for Speech, Connection, and Inspiration. The event features attendance from industry leaders and researchers from Google, Microsoft, LG, and Pindrop, exchanging ideas and sharing insights. For more information, visit: nexdata.ai About Nexdata Nexdata provides top-notch training data solutions and serves as your reliable partner. With an extensive array of off-the-shelf datasets and flexible data collection and annotation services, their mission revolves around unleashing AI's full potential and expediting the AI industry's growth. Nexdata firmly believes in the transformative power of AI. At Nexdata, they deliver high-quality data solutions to clients in various industries, including automotive, retail, finance, high-tech, and others, allowing customers' AI initiatives to thrive and benefit humanity.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 294 加入收藏 :
2024 年 10 月 10 日 (星期四) 農曆九月初八日
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