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財團法人車輛研究測試中心(車輛中心,ARTC)於10月17至19日,在2024年《台灣創新技術博覽會》上,展出國際汽車技術大獎肯定的「智慧電動車自駕隊列技術」。此技術能使多台車輛以精確的間距和高度協同的自動駕駛功能運行,特別是針對城市公共運輸與物流運輸系統,能夠提升運輸效率及節省建設成本。目前已通過沙盒審查進行開放道路測試,為亞洲首例以全自駕車組成的隊列運行案,可望為智慧交通運輸帶來新的風貌。 車輛中心董事長王正健表示,車輛中心運用經濟部產業技術司的科專資源,深耕自駕技術多年,以自駕隊列技術整合了車間通訊(CV2V)、智慧路口通訊(CV2I)及自動駕駛定位與決策等技術。其運作核心是由領頭第一輛車作為領隊的角色,藉由偵測環境並將指令傳送給後車,形成一個具有高度協同的自動駕駛車隊。這種創新方式類似於公車捷運系統,不僅可以靈活調整車輛隊列大小以應對離尖峰不同的載客需求,有效解決駕駛人力短缺的問題,還能大幅降低整體交通建設的時間與成本。相比於傳統的軌道運輸系統,自駕隊列技術建設成本僅需10%至30%,因其可彈性運用,極具市場潛力。 車輛中心與六和機械子公司和緯車輛合作的電動小巴,已在彰濱工業區完成1,100公里的自駕隊列沙盒計畫實地道路測試,成功實現了安全且高效率的隊列運行。今年車輛中心與中華汽車以其自主品牌商用車EV-Zinger為載台,於9月通過沙盒審查,將展開3輛物流車輛的隊列技術測試。該測試於開放道路場域進行,並鏈結國內感知模組、通訊模組及控制器等供應鏈,打造符合智慧城市需求的商用物流自駕隊列載台。 除了與國內廠商專利授權及技術合作外,該技術已在國際間獲得高度肯定,甫於去(2023)年獲得全球汽車技術突破獎(AutoTech Breakthrough Awards)的「年度自動駕駛解決方案」及IEEE研討會最佳論文,並與美國Optimal集團合作,評估應用於中、小型電動巴士。此外,今年美國SAE International國際期刊主動邀稿,與全世界關心智慧車輛發展的夥伴們一同分享,展現出此技術創新與實際應用上的領先地位。 車輛中心在此次台灣創新技術博覽會上展示的智慧電動車自駕隊列技術,不僅為智慧交通提供創新解決方案,還展現了商業應用的廣闊潛力。無論是在城市公共運輸還是物流運輸領域,該技術都具備極高的應用價值,為智慧交通與物流運輸開啟了新的可能性。
Collaboration provides companies with a one-stop-solution for their data labeling needs Human-in-the-loop model ensures greater accuracy in data labeling outputs SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 24 June 2024 - TDCX, an award-winning digital customer experience (CX) solutions provider for technology and blue-chip companies, today announced a strategic tie-up with SUPA, a generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered data labeling company, to help companies overcome one of the biggest challenges in their AI journey – labeling raw data to make it understandable for machine learning algorithms. Data management continues to be an area hampering the AI ambitions of enterprises. Seventy-two per cent of leading organizations cite that this is one of the top challenges preventing them from scaling AI use cases[1] while eight in 10 (81 per cent) say that the task of training AI with data had been more difficult than expected[2]. Through TDCX and SUPA's collaboration, companies will benefit from the convenience of having a partner that can provide an all-in-one solution that combines the best of technology and human expertise to deliver quality data outputs. Leveraging SUPA's technology for handling large datasets, human annotators can reduce data processing times by up to five times. This will enable companies to train their AI models more effectively and to generate greater value for the business. Ms Lianne Dehaye, Senior Director, TDCX AI, said, "Without accurate, structured and reliable data, your business simply isn't ready to leverage generative AI. With the strong interest in generative AI, many companies find themselves in a rush to benefit from it. However, the truth is, many companies either do not take the critical first step of data labeling or underestimate the resources needed to get it done well. This leads to situations where AI projects end up failing and there is little return on that investment. "The issue of quality data is even more pertinent in CX applications. Beyond being accurate, there is also a need to ensure that the data is free from bias and takes cultural nuances into account. This is where human intelligence and understanding come in. Our collaboration with SUPA strengthens our offerings and will enable us to help clients integrate AI into the CX strategies more quickly and easily." Mr Mark Koh, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder, SUPA, said, "Our platform's edge lies in our ability to curate and process large training datasets with up to 98 per cent accuracy for labeled data. Achieved through our multi-stage human-in-the-loop approach, this proactive validation process empowers annotators to act as data model teachers, thus minimizing potential errors or routing issues. We look forward to tapping TDCX's global scale and strong network of clients to help more companies unlock the power of their data and transform their operating models for efficiency and growth." Enterprise-ready solutions SUPA's solution caters to a range of diverse industries, from consumer retail, transport (autonomous vehicle), agriculture, manufacturing to healthcare. It also supports data types across various types of modalities, including visual data such as images and videos, multilingual texts and audio data. This ensures that clients receive precise and relevant training data services suited to their unique industry demands. Data handled by the TDCX and SUPA teams will be managed securely, with clients retaining all data within their own cloud storage. Both companies are ISO27001, SOC2 and General Data Protection certified. To launch the collaboration, TDCX and SUPA are offering a complimentary diagnostic session for companies to understand the opportunities or gaps in their data labeling needs. For more information, please visit: https://tdcx.ai/data-labeling [1] Source: McKinsey, The data dividend: Fueling generative AI. [2] Source: TechHQ – Data labelling – overcoming AI projects' biggest obstable Hashtag: #CX #Outsourcing #BPO #DataLabelinghttps://www.tdcx.com/https://sg.linkedin.com/company/tdcxgrouphttps://twitter.com/tdcxgrouphttps://www.facebook.com/tdcxgroup/The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About TDCXSingapore-headquartered TDCX provides transformative digital CX solutions, enabling world-leading and disruptive brands to acquire new customers, to build customer loyalty and to protect their online communities. TDCX helps clients achieve their customer experience aspirations by harnessing technology, human intelligence, and its global footprint. It serves clients in fintech, gaming, technology, travel and hospitality, digital advertising and social media, streaming and e-commerce. TDCX's expertise and strong footprint in Asia has made it a trusted partner for clients, particularly high-growth, new economy companies, looking to tap the region's growth potential. TDCX's commitment to delivering positive outcomes for our clients extends to its role as a responsible corporate citizen. Its Corporate Social Responsibility program focuses on positively transforming the lives of its people, its communities, and the environment. TDCX employs more than 17,800 employees across 30 campuses globally, specifically in Brazil, Colombia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mainland China, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Türkiye, and Vietnam. For more information, please visit www.tdcx.com. About SUPA SUPA is the definitive choice for building better AI with high-quality labeled data. SUPA's lightning-fast, AI-assisted labeling platform integrates seamlessly with a diverse workforce across APAC. SUPA has spent the last five years labeling over 100 million data points for unicorns, enterprises and startups worldwide, helping them build award-winning AI products in healthcare, consumer retail, transport (AV), robotics, agriculture, construction and more. For more information: www.supa.so/ Contact us at: hello@supa.so
"Dr. Chana Poomee" Chairman of Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA), announced the vision of 'TCMA Synergizing the Actions toward Net Zero 2050, to drive the cement industry, join forces in all sectors, upgrade industry energy transition with innovation, connect global green funds to realize Net Zero Goal, increase Thailand's industrial capacity, and respond to climate change megatrend. BANGKOK, THAILAND - Media OutReach Newswire - 5 April 2024 - Dr. Chana Poomee, as being continued the leadership position of Thai Cement Manufactures Association for another term, presented a vision statement 'TCMA Synergizing the Actions toward Net Zero 2050', focuses on several key missions of accelerating the Thai cement industry, transitioning to clean energy, achieving Net Zero by 2050, integrating cooperation with all sectors, elevating TCMA's role on the international forum to connect green funds in helping Thai industry to cope with the green economy megatrend and sustainable growth. Dr. Chana Poomee, along with the TCMA Board, outlined the long-term direction of TCMA, which is a collaboration nexus of leading Thai cement producers. TCMA, over the next two years, 2024-2026 will accelerate its efforts to join forces with all sectors to achieve the key missions in four areas: 1. Research and development of new low-carbon cement such as calcined clay cement This mission will resume immediately after a successful transition to hydraulic cement as a primary cement in Thailand since January 1, 2024, marking Thailand's New Era of Low Carbon Cement. 2. Accelerating the expansion of maximize resource-efficiency mining practices according to the Minerals Act B.E. 2560 (2017) The intent of this mission is for the mining industry contributing to the sustainable economic development of the country, for example; joint development mining area 'Khao Wong Model' in accordance with the green mining practices, reducing environmental and health impacts from mining through innovation and technology, rehabilitate old mining areas into community water sources and learning centers, and contributing to a low-carbon society. 3. Building an integrated ecosystem and turning waste to value through the cement production process according to the Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) Currently, the cement industry uses waste from the industrial, community, and agricultural sectors (after 3R process-reduce-reuse-recycle) as fuel in co-processing kilns. This initiative maximizes resource efficiency, reduces PM2.5, contributes to the zero-landfill, and most importantly, lowers greenhouse gas emissions. TCMA, with this action aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions not less than 6.9 million tons of carbon dioxide in 2030. 4. Leveraging innovation for industry's transition to clean energy This mission requires a synergy of government policies, appropriate technology, and global green funds to support Thailand in transitioning to clean energy and boosting competitiveness. TCMA will work closely with partner agencies, such as Thailand Fellowship Cement Manufacturers, Federation of Thai Industries, Board of Trade of Thailand, Thai Bankers Association, and etc. Furthermore, "PPP-Saraburi Sandbox: A Low Carbon City" will be accelerated. This project is the partnership among public, private and people by using 3C approach: Communication-Collaborative action- Conclusion(step-by-step). Saraburi Province is selected as pilot area for several prototype GHG reduction approaches and projects, which respect different cooperation framework of each sector and align with Thailand NDC Roadmap. To achieve a concrete result, the pilot project has been implement:- 1) Energy Transition, such as a solar energy project, Napier grass cultivation as energy crop, the grid modernization project, and the CCUS research project; 2) Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) such as produce hydraulic cement and develop new types of low-carbon cement; 3) Waste management such as turning waste into Alternative Fuels (AF) and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF); 4) Agriculture such as promoting alternate wetting and drying at rice paddle field and 5) Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) "The implementation of this project will result in a win-win-win situation for all parties. This success however, would not have been possible without the concerted effort and support of all sectors, in particular regarding regulations that must be revised to enable the project to proceed. As these prototype projects are rolling out, we are also learning and understanding pathways to work forward. Some success project can be extended to other provinces and some failure will find solutions, such as proposing to relevant agencies, in local and central governments, to amend regulation roadblocks," said Dr. Chana Poomee. Dr. Chana concluded that "With the strong determination and clear policy, TCMA will synergize its actions in implementing the abovementioned policies to support the government and other relevant sectors, including those at the regional level, such as the ASEAN cement collaboration towards decarbonization, and at the global level, such as continued attending COP27 and COP28, and working closely with Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), in collaboration with the UNFCCC and the World Economic Forum. TCMA will build networks to foster synergy, connect funding to Thailand, sharpen the competitiveness of the industry, and support transition Thailand to a low-carbon society as intended." Thai cement industry outlook in 2024, estimated will rebound compared to the year before. Thanks to enabling factors from the recovering tourism and related services sectors, growing exports which will in turn stimulate private construction sector, together with the ongoing government's mega projects and a positive outlook after the Annual Budget Act came into effect. However, with the rising cost of living and high levels of household debt, the purchasing power of residential consumers is hard hit. In addition, inflation, interest rates, and the overall economic slowdown are also negatively affecting private sector investment (commercial) as well as the health of the Thai economy. Hashtag: #TCMA #NetZero2050The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Highlighting a glamping experience with hotel-grade high-quality facilitiesTOKYO, JAPAN - Media OutReach Newswire - 19 December 2023 - The Hygge WHITE LAMP glamping resort provides mental and physical relaxation with hotel-grade high-quality while feeling the beautiful four seasons surrounded by the rich nature of the Nasu Highlands. It has produced and started delivering a video introducing the facility in cooperation with popular influencer IVY CHAO. URL of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7LjZY_Oy5Q WHITE LAMP enables many guests to experience a resort stay away from regular life based on the value of "doing nothing is the most luxurious way to spend time" since the facility opened in 2021. Now that the COVID-19 pandemic is showing signs of subsiding and foreign tourists visiting Japan are increasing, a video was produced with Taiwanese influencer IVY CHAO, to let people in Taiwan, where camping and glamping have become particularly popular and there is a high level of desire to visit Japan, learn about the appeal of the facility. The tie-up for the video shoot was brought about as a result of WHITE LAMP reaching out to IVY because she matched the image of customers envisaged by WHITE LAMP who can enjoy "the luxury of spending time doing nothing" advocated by WHITE LAMP, and IVY taking an interest. The video not only introduces the facilities, but also enjoying meals and the amenities, in addition to showing fully enjoying Hygge (a Danish word meaning cozy) that is the concept of WHITE LAMP, such as enjoying a campfire. WHITE LAMP has mainly catered to guests from within Japan until now, but starting with this video, it will expand services enabling comfortable use of the facilities by guests from Taiwan such as offering menus and explanations in Chinese (traditional). Features of WHITE LAMP All guest rooms are equipped with standalone bathroom functions (including outdoor bathtubs), sink and toilets Large domes-shaped wooden cabins are used for the guest rooms that earnestly seek to provide "comfort" enabling guests to enjoy a hotel-like stay with high-quality facilities and service while fully enjoying the rich nature of Nasu All cabins are also equipped with a roofed BBQ station and campfire space enabling guests to enjoy the best part of camping There is an excellent range of natural, high-quality items such as towels with an emphasis on quality and nature-oriented amenities Cuisine based on the theme of "beauty and health" includes a BBQ course of carefully selected ingredients centered on local Nasu Kogen Wagyu beef and Gunjibuta pork*, and a Western-style herbal hot pot course for dinner, and homemade desserts offering enjoyment of the changing seasons. * Gunjibuta pork: LWD pigs raised in Nasunogahara The elegant French-style breakfast offers appealing culinary proposals based on the chef's unique ideas such as using Nasuno Goyou Ran eggs. - A pickup service using an electric cart is run from the reception lobby reminiscent of the living room of a Scandinavian home. WHITE LAMP Guest Rooms In addition to four dome tents that are widely used in existing glamping facilities, large wooden cabins with a diameter of 8 meters and 10 meters. The seven types of 15 guest rooms designed with simple and stylish Scandinavian taste present a " space away from regular life" for relaxing both mind and body. Careful attention has been given to not only the interior, but also appointments and amenities, with separate toilets, bathroom vanities and bathroom functions in all guest rooms to enable female guests to stay in comfort, eliminating any shortcomings felt in glamping facilities. The deck terrace has a roofed BBQ station in addition to a space for enjoying a campfire, enabling guests to fully enjoy the outdoors while maintaining privacy. Message from WHITE LAMP We want you to treat your mind and body well within nature based on the concept of "hug nature, hug yourself." A place where you can enjoy Hygge time with your loved ones... that is WHITE LAMP. Based on the approach that "doing nothing is the most luxurious way to spend time," we promise a stress-free experience of a resort stay away from regular life. At YUTAKA RESORT, we welcome guests with the aim of creating a genuine glamping resort. WHITE LAMP Facility Overview (as of November 2023) Address : 3812-1 Takakuotsu, Nasu-machi, Nasu-gun, Tochigi Price* : From 27,000 yen per person (one night and two meals; tax included) Official website : https://www.y-resort.com/ General inquiries : info@y-resort.com * Pricing may change depending on factors such as the plan and season. IVY CHAO on social media YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HeyImIvyChao Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weicutey/ Hashtag: #WHITELAMPThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Entrepreneurs across sectors including enterprise tech and sustainability gathered for TGS 2023, which was held in conjunction with the Singapore Fintech Festival (SFF).SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 20 November 2023 - TiE Global Summit (TGS) 2023, the eighth edition of the flagship event organised by TiE, hosted over 2,000 attendees with a series of thought leadership as well as panel sessions led by industry titans. Guided by the theme, #GoodForTheWorld, the summit underscores the pivotal role of entrepreneurship in driving innovative solutions and provided ample networking opportunities that fosters collaboration, as well as knowledge sharing among entrepreneurs. Amit Gupta, President TiE Singapore & Board of Trustees, TiE Global, speaking at the TiE Global Summit Singapore Singapore continues to be the bright spot for Asia's venture activity and tech growth and TGS 2023's mission is to drive global economic and social impact from Singapore and Southeast Asia. For the first time, TGS 2023 was held in conjunction with the Singapore Fintech Festival (SFF), encouraging the exchange of ideas between the world's largest entrepreneurship event and the world's most impactful fintech festival. TGS 2023 saw global investors, entrepreneurs and enterprise innovators convene from across the globe to discuss emerging trends and opportunities in sustainability, technological advancement, and social impact, as well as the pivotal role of entrepreneurship in driving innovative solutions. The event featured more than 100 speakers from the investor and founder communities, inspirational leaders from sports and entertainment, and industry leaders such as Ant Group, GitHub, Microsoft, DBS Bank and many more. TGS was also graced by guest-of-honours such as Alvin Tan, Singapore Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Minister of State for Culture, who attended the TGS Inauguration Gala & Awards Dinner. The closing day headline session included Minister Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia who spoke about Delivering Education to Millions through the Power of Technology. Other notable speakers included: Acclaimed Film Director and Producer, Shekhar Kapur; Inspirational sports legends Stephen Fleming, Geoff Allott, Prakash Padukone, & Dr Deng Yaping; renowned investors Jack Selby, Tim Draper & Vinod Khosla and many more. "Each year, TGS 2023 brings the global epicentre of entrepreneurship to the brightest ecosystems, with Singapore being the launchpad to the rest of the world. We are heartened to see the vibrant entrepreneur network grow in Singapore, fuelled by the ever-growing opportunities in the technology space. Beyond the flagship event, TiE Singapore is committed to continue engaging the start-up community, especially in the tech and sustainability space, and facilitate deal-making and networking sessions throughout the year," said Amit Gupta, President of TiE Singapore and a Singapore FinTech Festival Ambassador. TGS 2023 was committed to strengthening innovation capabilities and driving cross-border collaborations. Some key highlights at the event included: TiE Women Global Pitch Competition: TiE Women is an initiative of TiE Global with a mission to embrace, engage and empower women entrepreneurs globally irrespective of size of enterprise, origin, and background. In 2023, the programme has awarded USD50,000 in equity-free cash grants, and USD450,000 in in-kind grants. The finals of TiE's largest running global investment support program for women-led ventures from 62 countries culminated at TGS 2023. This year, more than 1,600 applications were received for the TiE Women Global Pitch Competition. The winner this year was awarded to Akshita Sachdeva, Co-Founder of Trestle Labs | Kibo. TiE-KPMG SEA Entrepreneur of the Year Awards: The TiE x KPMG SEA Entrepreneur of The Year Awards are a recognition of entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, who are the top business leaders from the Southeast Asia region. For the TiE x KPMG SEA Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, over 120 nominations were received and winners of the Entrepreneur of the Year award were a tie between Hari V Krishnan, Group CEO & MD, Property Guru and Lim Wai Mun , Founder & CEO, Doctor Anywhere; the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award was given to Gregory Van, CEO, Endowus, and the High Impact Entrepreneur of the Year award went to Kamarulazman Muhamed, CEO & Co-Founder, Aerodyne Group at TGS 2023. These winners were judged by an eminent panel of industry leaders, investors ably supported by the KPMG team. The Big Spark: Episodic show bringing the most promising startups and the biggest judges, investors and ecosystem players together to shine the spotlight on Southeast Asia's most innovative, inspiring entrepreneurial talent and their game-changing business ideas. "We're honoured to emerge champion in the 2023 TiE Women Global Pitch Competition. Throughout the process, we've received valuable mentorship from entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders. Moving forward, with funds and support from the TiE network, we are looking at international expansion and deepening our impact in India by enhancing our technology, to cement our commitment to groundbreaking and socially-impactful work," said Akshita Sachdeva, Co-Founder at Trestle Labs | Kibo. TGS 2023 was proudly sponsored by many leading organisations, including large corporate and global investors. The Platinum Sponsors included Microsoft, We Founder Circle, Investt and Avinya. Apart from TGS 2023, TiE is also committed to providing opportunities to support promising, early-stage companies in Singapore to scale their business globally. The TiE Singapore Angels programme provides early-stage companies access to serial entrepreneurs, tech executives and other professional investors to help them expand their business. In Singapore, TiE Angels host a session each month for investors and entrepreneurs to meet and collaborate, and to date, the programme in Singapore has provided funding support for 63 start-ups. To bolster TiE's network in Southeast Asia, TiE launched the TiE Indonesia Chapter yesterday, 19th November 2023. As one of the most promising markets in the region, the TiE Indonesia Chapter aims to foster entrepreneurship as a force for good and growth, and nurture Indonesian startups and micro, small and medium enterprises with the motto "Better Business Better World". TGS will be hosted in Bangalore next year. In the meantime, TiE Singapore will continue to hold regular innovation-centric initiatives and programmes to drive collaboration among global and local innovators throughout the year. For further information, log on to the website at www.tieglobalsummit.org. Hashtag: #TieGlobalSummit2023 #GoodForTheWorldhttps://singapore.tie.org/https://www.linkedin.com/company/tieglobal1/https://twitter.com/TiEsingaporehttps://www.facebook.com/TiEsg/The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About TiE GlobalFounded in 1992, TiE is the largest global entrepreneur & investor community. It is set up as a nonprofit organization devoted to fostering entrepreneurs at all stages, from incubation, throughout the entrepreneurial lifecycle. TiE has over 15,000 members across 57 Chapters globally with a focus on their respective local ecosystem. TiE creates the impact through the give back ethos of its global Charter Member base. These include leaders who themselves are accomplished founders, venture capital & private equity leaders, corporate leaders, policy makers and academia. About the TiE Global SummitTiE Global Summit (TGS) is the annual flagship conference of TiE that brings together global leaders, entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers to engage in a curated, accelerated journey format with a goal to empower entrepreneurs. It is globally recognised as one of the largest Entrepreneurship forums with the captive Charter Member base at its core, along with the local and global leaders consisting of seasoned founders, institutional leaders from investors and across its 57 corporate chapters globally at the core of the forum.
5 million tonnes per year of green ammonia production accelerates India's passage to net zero. New venture targets first delivery of green ammonia by late 2025. HYDERABAD, India, SINGAPORE and KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Oct. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Gentari, the clean energy division of Malaysia's Petronas and AM Green, set up by the founders of Greenko, today announced the signing of definitive agreements together with an affiliate of GIC to produce 5 million tons per annum (MTPA) of green ammonia by 2030 – equivalent to about 1 MTPA of green hydrogen. From left to right: Mr Navjit Gill , Country Head ,Gentari India, Mr Anil Chalamalsetty , Founder, AM Green, Mr Kian Min Low, Chief Renewables Officer, Gentari, Mr Hardeep Singh Puri , Honourable Minister for Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt of India, Mr Suhil Purohit , Chief Executive Officer,Gentari, Mr Mahesh Kolli , Founder, AM Green, Mr Gautam Reddy - Chief Operating Officer, AM Green The partnership will focus on the production of green ammonia across multiple locations in India, which is expected to accelerate efforts to achieve net zero targets in India as well as in OECD markets. Exports of green ammonia to key OECD markets, such as Germany, Japan, South Korea, as well as Singapore from this platform is expected to begin in late 2025. The green ammonia will be produced by a unit of AM Green, known as AM Green Ammonia Holdings. Post-investment from Gentari, GIC and AM Green, the unit will be a fully funded platform that will invest, in phases, in the Indian regions of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Karnataka, and Himachal Pradesh. The 5 MTPA of green ammonia will be equivalent to about 1 MTPA of green hydrogen, representing a fifth of India's target for green hydrogen production under the country's National Green Hydrogen Mission and 10 per cent of Europe's target for green hydrogen imports by 2030[1]. Achieving this scale of production will place the new venture among the world's pioneers in large-scale and cost-competitive green ammonia production. The production of green ammonia by AM Green will be supported by the round-the-clock renewable energy supplied via offtake agreements with reputed counterparties and electrolysers manufactured by another unit of AM Green (AM Green Technology & Solutions). With its presence across the value chain and with complementary growth engines in place, AM Green is well positioned to claim and consolidate a position at the forefront of large-scale competitive solutions to decarbonize industries and economies across the world. AM Green will also produce green molecules such as green methanol, green caustic soda, green chlorine, bio fuels and various down stream high value green chemicals under its AM Green Molecules subsidiary. In addition, AM Green will also house a joint venture with John Cockerill of Belgium to manufacture electrolysers in its AM Green Technology & Solutions subsidiary; supplying about 6.5 GWs of electrolysers to AM Green Ammonia by 2030. The completion of the transaction is subject to fulfilment of relevant and customary condition precedents. Citigroup Global Market India Pvt. Ltd. and Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas acted as the exclusive financial and legal advisors to AM Green for this transaction. Anil Chalamalasetty: Founder, Greenko Group & AM Green said: "We are delighted to partner with Gentari and GIC, to venture into the global low carbon green economy. The commitment from Gentari and GIC underpins Prime Minister Modi's vision for India to become a leader in global energy transition. This strategic partnership will work to accelerate net zero targets of various industries and several OECD economies. Continuous focus on innovation combined with execution will ensure our venture, AM Green, remains ahead of others in becoming a global clean energy transition solutions platform". Sushil Purohit, Chief Executive Officer of Gentari, said: "As Gentari expands our portfolio of clean energy solutions in Malaysia, Asia Pacific and beyond, we believe in the critical importance of industry-level collaborations that combine complementary strengths and unlock synergies. This partnership with AM Green and GIC is a testament to our commitment in accelerating green hydrogen adoption globally, to make an impact in the pursuit of a net zero future. In OECD, Southeast and East Asian economies, green ammonia will address the decarbonisation of industries such as power generation, through co-firing, as well as shipping." About AM Green AM Green is indirectly wholly owned and controlled by the founders of Hyderabad-based Greenko Group - Anil Chalamalasetty and Mahesh Kolli. With their strength in renewable energy and storage as a service model and track record of energy entrepreneurship, AM Green aims to become one of the most cost-competitive producers of green hydrogen, green ammonia, and other green molecules in the world. In India, AM Green is developing production capabilities for green molecules (green hydrogen, green ammonia, biofuels, green caustic soda, e-methanol) for decarbonization in hard to abate industries. The venture will also set up an international renewables and storage business and a JV for making electrolysers with John Cockerill of Belgium. About Gentari Gentari is focused on delivering the solutions required to put clean energy into action today, to transform how we live tomorrow. Gentari's three initial core pillars of Renewable Energy, Hydrogen and Green Mobility form a comprehensive portfolio of solutions to help our customers in their decarbonisation journey. Its global 2030 aspiration is to achieve 30-40 GW of installed capacity in renewable energy, up to 1.2 MTPA of clean hydrogen, and over 10% share of the public charging points and Vehicle-as-a-Service market across key countries in Asia Pacific. In the long term, Gentari aims to be the most valued clean energy solutions partner, creating greater impact, connecting businesses, and making the journey to a net zero future possible. About GIC GIC is a leading global investment firm established in 1981 to secure Singapore's financial future. As the manager of Singapore's foreign reserves, GIC takes a long term, disciplined approach to investing and is uniquely positioned across a wide range of asset classes and active strategies globally. These include equities, fixed income, real estate, private equity, venture capital and infrastructure. The firm's long-term approach, multi-asset capabilities and global connectivity enable them to be an investor of choice. GIC seeks to add meaningful value to its investments. Headquartered in Singapore, GIC has a global talent force of over 2,100 people in 11 key financial cities and has investments in over 40 countries. [1] https://gh2.org/countries/india
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