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Complete Data Center Liquid-Cooled Solutions Enable AI Factories to be Constructed at Unprecedented Speeds Using the Latest Dense GPU Servers Equipped with the Highest-Performing CPUs and GPUs SAN JOSE, Calif. and HAMBURG, Germany, May 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) -- Supermicro, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), a Total IT Solution Provider for AI, Cloud, Storage, and 5G/Edge, is addressing the most demanding requirements from customers who want to expand their AI and HPC capacities while reducing data center power requirements. Supermicro delivers complete liquid-cooled solutions, including cold plates, CDUs, CDMs, and entire cooling towers. A significant reduction in the PUE of a data center is quickly realized with data center liquid-cooled servers and infrastructure, and this can reduce overall power consumption in the data center by up to 40%. "Supermicro continues to work with our AI and HPC customers to bring the latest technology, including total liquid cooling solutions, into their data centers," said Charles Liang, president and CEO of Supermicro. "Our complete liquid cooling solutions can handle up to 100 kW per rack, which reduces the TCO in data centers and allows for denser AI and HPC computing. Our building block architecture allows us to bring the latest GPUs and accelerators to market, and with our trusted suppliers, we continue to bring new rack-scale solutions to the market that ship to customers with a reduced time to delivery." Supermicro application-optimized high-performance servers are designed to accommodate the most performant CPUs and GPUs for simulation, data analytics, and machine learning. The Supermicro 4U 8-GPU liquid-cooled server is in a class by itself, delivering petaflops of AI computing power in a dense form factor with the NVIDIA H100/H200 HGX GPUs. Supermicro will soon ship liquid-cooled Supermicro X14 SuperBlade in 8U and 6U configurations, the rackmount X14 Hyper, and the Supermicro X14 BigTwin. Several HPC-optimized server platforms will support the Intel Xeon 6900 with P-cores in a compact, multi-node form factor. Learn more about how Supermicro Rack Scale Integration Services enable you to reduce costs and optimize your data center: https://www.supermicro.com/en/solutions/rack-integration In addition, Supermicro continues its leadership shipping the broadest portfolio of liquid cooled MGX Products in the industry.. Supermicro also confirms its support for delivering the latest accelerators from Intel with its new Intel® Gaudi® 3 accelerator and AMD's MI300X accelerators. With up to 120 nodes per rack with the Supermicro SuperBlade®, large-scale HPC applications can be executed in just a few racks. Supermicro will display a wide range of servers at the International Supercomputing Conference, including Supermicro X14 systems incorporating the Intel® Xeon® 6 processors. Supermicro will also showcase and demonstrate a wide range of solutions designed specifically for HPC and AI environments at ISC 2024. The new 4U 8-GPU liquid-cooled servers with NVIDIA HGX H100 and H200 GPUs highlight the Supermicro lineup. These servers and others will support the NVIDIA B200 HGX GPUs when available. New systems with high-end GPUs accelerate AI training and HPC simulation by bringing more data closer to the GPU than previous generations by using high-speed HBM3 memory. With the incredible density of the 4U liquid-cooled servers, a single rack delivers (8 servers x 8 GPUs x 1979 Tflops FP16 (with sparsity) = 126+ petaflops. The Supermicro SYS-421GE-TNHR2-LCC can use dual 4th or 5th Gen Intel Xeon processors, and the AS -4125GS-TNHR2-LCC is available with dual 4th Gen AMD EPYC™ CPUs. The new AS -8125GS-TNMR2 server gives users access to 8 AMD Instinct™ MI300X accelerators. This system also includes dual AMD EPYC™ 9004 Series Processors with up to 128 cores/256 threads and up to 6TB memory. Each AMD Instinct MI300X accelerator contains 192GB of HBM3 memory per GPU, all connected with an AMD Universal Base Board (UBB 2.0). Moreover, the new AS -2145GH-TNMR-LCC and AS -4145GH-TNMR APU servers are targeted to accelerate HPC workloads with the MI300A APU. Each APU combines high-performance AMD CPU, GPU, and HBM3 memory for 912 AMD CDNA™ 3 GPU compute units, 96 "Zen 4" cores, and 512GB of unified HBM3 memory in a single system. At ISC 2024, a Supermicro 8U server with the Intel Gaudi 3 AI Accelerator will be shown. This new system is designed for AI training & Inferencing and can be directly networked with a traditional Ethernet fabric. Twenty-four 200 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet ports are integrated into every Intel Gaudi 3 accelerator, providing flexible and open-standard networking. In addition, 128GB of HBM2e high-speed memory is included. The Intel Gaudi 3 accelerator is designed to scale up and scale out efficiently from a single node to thousands to meet the expansive requirements of GenAI models. Supermicro's Petascale storage systems, which are critical for large-scale HPC and AI workloads, will also be displayed. The Supermicro SuperCloud Composer will be demonstrated for the data center management software, showing how, from a single console, an entire data center can be monitored and managed, including the status of all liquid-cooled servers. Learn more about Supermicro's presence at ISC 2024 at: https://app.swapcard.com/event/isc-high-performance-2024/exhibitor/RXhoaWJpdG9yXzE1NjYyODE=? About Super Micro Computer, Inc. Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a global leader in Application-Optimized Total IT Solutions. Founded and operating in San Jose, California, Supermicro is committed to delivering first to market innovation for Enterprise, Cloud, AI, and 5G Telco/Edge IT Infrastructure. We are a Total IT Solutions manufacturer with server, AI, storage, IoT, switch systems, software, and support services. Supermicro's motherboard, power, and chassis design expertise further enable our development and production, enabling next generation innovation from cloud to edge for our global customers. Our products are designed and manufactured in-house (in the US, Asia, and the Netherlands), leveraging global operations for scale and efficiency and optimized to improve TCO and reduce environmental impact (Green Computing). The award-winning portfolio of Server Building Block Solutions® allows customers to optimize for their exact workload and application by selecting from a broad family of systems built from our flexible and reusable building blocks that support a comprehensive set of form factors, processors, memory, GPUs, storage, networking, power, and cooling solutions (air-conditioned, free air cooling or liquid cooling). Supermicro, Server Building Block Solutions, and We Keep IT Green are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc. All other brands, names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. SMCI-F
【2024年3月14日,台北訊】COMPUTEX是全球領先的AIoT和新創產業展覽,將於今年6月4日至6月7日在台北南港展覽館1館及2館展開,其中萬眾矚目的COMPUTEX Keynote將從6月3日(展前一日)至6月6日登場,邀請超微(AMD)、高通(Qualcomm Incorporated)、英特爾(Intel)、聯發科技(MediaTek)、美超微(Supermicro)、恩智浦(NXP Semiconductors)、台達(Delta)等科技大廠發表主題演講,歡迎全球業者立即上網預約報名。 COMPUTEX Keynote揭示未來科技創新應用根據市場研究機構TrendForce最新報告,今後網通將整合新一代地面網路與衛星通訊,實現陸海空全地形、全空間無線網路訊號的完整覆蓋,無遠弗屆的次世代AI智慧網路將到來,因此今年COMPUTEX以「AI串聯、共創未來(Connecting AI)」為主軸,涵蓋人工智慧運算、次世代通訊、未來移動、沉浸現實、綠能永續及創新等主題,邀請業界領袖親自蒞臨分享最新關鍵技術及未來趨勢。 今年COMPUTEX Keynote重量級講者包含:● AMD董事長暨執行長蘇姿丰博士:AI正在掀起一場革命,迅速地重塑運算與科技產業的各個層面。蘇姿丰博士將探討AMD如何攜手合作夥伴在資料中心、邊緣及終端使用者設備突破AI與高效能運算領域的極限。● Qualcomm總裁暨執行長Cristiano Amon:強調PC產業正處於AI革命的關鍵時刻。隨著裝置上生成式AI和新一代運算即將徹底改變生產力和創造力的未來,搭載Snapdragon® X Elite平台的先進AI PC將為PC樹立新標竿,並加速全新智慧體驗的到來。● Intel執行長Pat Gelsinger:闡述英特爾AI解決方案如何在資料中心、雲端、PC,以及全球的網路和邊緣應用中開啟新的可能,並展示英特爾下一代資料中心和客戶端運算產品,將AI融入到開放式生態系當中,讓創新技術得以普及,實現AI無所不在。● 聯發科技副董事長暨執行長蔡力行:蔡執行長將探討最新的晶片技術發展和網路連結標準如何使AI人工智慧無所不在。現今的AI運算已為我們帶來更加個人化且直覺的體驗,而生成式AI更將持續打造未來智慧移動、交通運輸、智慧家居、企業及工業等各領域的創新樣貌。● Supermicro創辦人、總裁暨執行長梁見後:Supermicro將介紹最新的人工智慧及領先的綠色運算技術系統,使客戶能建構應用優化的IT解決方案來管理任何基礎設施。● 恩智浦半導體(NXP Semiconductors)執行副總裁暨技術長Lars Reger:將分享如何透過堅實的技術框架,加速人工智慧和機器學習的進步,開創一個可預測且自動化的世界。● 台達研究院院長闕志克:將分享台達如何應用AI開發新型工業和樓宇自動化等產業應用,以先進分析及綜合能力,滿足實用且經濟高效之追求。 COMPUTEX多元活動百花齊放 Forum論壇聚焦討論生成式AI生態系今年COMPUTEX預計有1,500家企業參加、展出4,500個攤位,規模更勝以往,除了眾所矚目的Keynote之外,COMPUTEX亦有多元活動讓來賓共襄盛舉,其中6月5日將舉辦COMPUTEX Forum論壇,今年以生成式AI為主題,邀請國際專家深入討論生成式AI硬體技術與軟體應用,為全球產業提供前瞻而多元的趨勢觀點。目前COMPUTEX Keynote已於官網開放報名,最新活動資訊請至外貿協會展覽官網https://www.computextaipei.com.tw/查詢。 更多展覽相關訊息,請自以下官網查詢:COMPUTEX官網:https://www.computextaipei.com.tw/InnoVEX官網:https://www.innovex.com.tw/ 關於COMPUTEXCOMPUTEX創辦於1981年,40年來一路與全球ICT產業一同成長、茁壯,見證產業發展與轉變的歷史性時刻,每年吸引超過4萬名的國際買主來臺參觀及採購,亦是國際指標廠商選擇公布劃時代產品的首選平臺。臺灣具備完整全球資通訊產業鏈,立足臺灣的COMPUTEX,為中華民國對外貿易發展協會與台北市電腦商業同業公會共同主辦,以建構全球科技生態系為目標,期望以跨領域整合創新服務作為最強勁的動力,成為全球科技資源整合的新舞臺。 關於外貿協會中華民國對外貿易發展協會(簡稱外貿協會或貿協)為臺灣最重要的貿易推廣機構,係由經濟部結合民間工商團體成立之公益性財團法人,以協助業者拓展對外貿易為設立宗旨。目前,本會擁有1,300多位海內外專業經貿人員,除臺北總部外,設有桃園、新竹、臺中、臺南及高雄等5個國內辦事處、遍佈全球各地超過60個海外據點及超過300個簽有合作協議之國際貿易推廣姐妹機構,形成完整的貿易服務網,提供零時差、無國界的即時服務,持續與廠商共同追求台灣經濟的穩健發展,是業者拓展貿易的最佳夥伴。2020年,甫迎50週年的外貿協會,為強化跨領域整合創新,本會重新定位為國際鏈結智慧整合中心(smart integrator),結合法人、大學、觀光、展會、城市、公協會、海外台商,為業者開發國際市場、進行國際合作、數位轉型、連接國際網絡,提供整合性、數位化服務,期許成為臺灣「數位經貿的領航者」及「創新模式的推動者」。 Snapdragon是高通技術公司和/或其子公司的產品。Snapdragon是Qualcomm Incorporated的企業標章或註冊商標。
【2024年2月22日,台北訊】外貿協會今日宣布邀請美國高通公司(Qualcomm)總裁暨執行長Cristiano Amon於6月3日在「2024年台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)」發表主題演講(Keynote),緊扣今年COMPUTEX人工智慧(AI)主題,Cristiano Amon將分享智慧裝置上的生成式AI及新世代運算將如何實現全新的體驗及應用。 Cristiano Amon在演講中將聚焦2024年會是PC產業的轉捩點,以及由Snapdragon X系列驅動的先進AI PC將如何改變未來的生產力及創造力。高通-憑藉其領先的連接能力、高效能、低功耗運算以及AI技術-正在推動無所不在的智慧運算。該公司支持其合作夥伴能夠搶先開發和商業化生成式AI使用案例、使用者體驗和尖端產品,橫跨包括AI PC、智慧型手機、XR裝置及汽車等多種裝置領域。 除此之外,其他重量級講者包含來自超微(AMD)、英特爾(Intel)、聯發科技(MediaTek)、恩智浦(NXP)、美超微(Supermicro)、台達(Delta)等科技巨頭亦將齊聚Keynote舞台,共同分享對AI生態系的未來洞見,敬請期待後續公布。 今年的COMPUTEX 2024論壇(Forum)以生成式AI為主題,邀請業界領袖和技術專家,為全球產業提供前瞻而多元的趨勢觀點,展覽將於6月4日至6月7日舉行,以「AI串聯、共創未來(Connecting AI)」為主軸,吸引1,500家參展商參加、使用4,500個攤位。 展覽展示主題涵蓋人工智慧運算、前瞻通訊、未來移動、沉浸現實、綠能永續及創新等六大領域,並將匯聚全球科技巨頭,包括宏碁、華擎、華碩、台達、技嘉、芝奇、英特爾(Intel)、微星、德商鐠羅工匠等,共同打造AI生態系。此外,InnoVEX新創展區更將連結來自全球的新創團隊,激發產業跨界合作,為AI科技注入全新動能。欲獲取更多資訊,請至COMPUTEX展覽官網www.computextaipei.com.tw查詢。 ######### 更多展覽相關訊息,請自以下官網查詢: COMPUTEX官網:https://www.computextaipei.com.tw/ InnoVEX官網:https://www.innovex.com.tw/ 關於 COMPUTEX COMPUTEX創辦於1981年,40年來一路與全球ICT產業一同成長、茁壯,見證產業發展與轉變的歷史性時刻,每年吸引超過4萬名的國際買主來台參觀及採購,亦是國際指標廠商選擇公布劃時代產品的首選平台。 台灣具備完整全球資通訊產業鏈,立足台灣的COMPUTEX,為中華民國對外貿易發展協會與台北市電腦商業同業公會共同主辦,以建構全球科技生態系為目標,期望以跨領域整合創新服務作為最強勁的動力,成為全球科技資源整合的新舞台。 關於外貿協會 中華民國對外貿易發展協會(簡稱外貿協會或貿協)為台灣最重要的貿易推廣機構,係由經濟部結合民間工商團體成立之公益性財團法人,以協助業者拓展對外貿易為設立宗旨。目前,本會擁有1,300多位海內外專業經貿人員,除台北總部外,設有桃園、新竹、台中、台南及高雄等5個國內辦事處、遍佈全球各地超過60個海外據點及超過300個簽有合作協議之國際貿易推廣姐妹機構,形成完整的貿易服務網,提供零時差、無國界的即時服務,持續與廠商共同追求台灣經濟的穩健發展,是業者拓展貿易的最佳夥伴。 2020年,甫迎50週年的外貿協會,為強化跨領域整合創新,本會重新定位為國際鏈結智慧整合中心(smart integrator),結合法人、大學、觀光、展會、城市、公協會、海外台商,為業者開發國際市場、進行國際合作、數位轉型、連接國際網絡,提供整合性、數位化服務,期許成為台灣「數位經貿的領航者」及「創新模式的推動者」。
【2024年2月22日,台北訊】「2024台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)」將於今年6月4日至6月7日在台北南港展覽館1館及2館隆重舉行,本屆展覽以「AI串聯、共創未來(Connecting AI)」為主軸,聚焦全球AI最新技術與產業趨勢,吸引1,500家參展商參加、使用4,500個攤位。首場主題演講將於6月3日早上登場,由AMD董事長暨執行長蘇姿丰博士擔任主講者,揭開展覽序幕。 COMPUTEX 2024:全球大廠齊聚,啟動新世代AI生態系 2024年被譽為AI PC元年,人工智慧的發展推動AI PC、AI伺服器與AI手機等產品在市場上蓬勃崛起。今年COMPUTEX展示範疇涵蓋人工智慧運算、前瞻通訊、未來移動、沉浸現實、綠能永續及創新等六大領域,展覽將匯聚全球科技巨頭,包括宏碁、華擎、華碩、台達、技嘉、芝奇、英特爾(Intel)、微星、德商鐠羅工匠等,共同打造AI生態系。此外,InnoVEX新創展區更將連結來自全球的新創團隊,激發產業跨界合作,為AI科技注入全新動能。 主題演講及論壇聚焦AI潮流,全球科技領袖定義未來 本屆COMPUTEX主題演講(Keynote)星光熠熠,首場開幕主題演講邀請AMD董事長暨執行長蘇姿丰博士擔任主講者。蘇姿丰博士曾榮獲電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)授予半導體產業最高榮譽「羅伯特·諾伊斯獎章(Robert N. Noyce Medal)」,並成功帶領AMD轉型成為高效能與自行調適運算的領導者。蘇姿丰博士將展現AMD新一代產品如何實現從雲端到邊緣、PC和智慧終端設備的嶄新體驗及突破性AI功能。此外,更多演講者包含高通(Qualcomm)、英特爾(Intel)、聯發科技(MediaTek)、恩智浦(NXP)、美超微(Supermicro)、台達(Delta)等科技巨頭,亦將齊聚Keynote舞台,共同分享對AI生態系的未來洞見,敬請關注後續公告。 除此之外,COMPUTEX 2024論壇(Forum)以生成式AI主題,邀請業界領袖和技術專家,為全球產業提供前瞻而多元的趨勢觀點。 COMPUTEX 2024為產業界的一大盛會,為全球科技產業揭示AI技術創新的里程碑,引領未來科技發展方向。展會將於3月正式啟動全球買主的觀展報名,歡迎各界買主踴躍參與,共同體驗台灣在AI領域的卓越實力。欲獲取更多資訊,請至COMPUTEX展覽官網www.computextaipei.com.tw查詢。 ######### 更多展覽相關訊息,請自以下官網查詢: COMPUTEX官網:https://www.computextaipei.com.tw/ InnoVEX官網:https://www.innovex.com.tw/ 關於 COMPUTEX COMPUTEX創辦於1981年,40年來一路與全球ICT產業一同成長、茁壯,見證產業發展與轉變的歷史性時刻,每年吸引超過4萬名的國際買主來台參觀及採購,亦是國際指標廠商選擇公布劃時代產品的首選平台。 台灣具備完整全球資通訊產業鏈,立足台灣的COMPUTEX,為中華民國對外貿易發展協會與台北市電腦商業同業公會共同主辦,以建構全球科技生態系為目標,期望以跨領域整合創新服務作為最強勁的動力,成為全球科技資源整合的新舞台。 關於外貿協會 中華民國對外貿易發展協會(簡稱外貿協會或貿協)為台灣最重要的貿易推廣機構,係由經濟部結合民間工商團體成立之公益性財團法人,以協助業者拓展對外貿易為設立宗旨。目前,本會擁有1,300多位海內外專業經貿人員,除台北總部外,設有桃園、新竹、台中、台南及高雄等5個國內辦事處、遍佈全球各地超過60個海外據點及超過300個簽有合作協議之國際貿易推廣姐妹機構,形成完整的貿易服務網,提供零時差、無國界的即時服務,持續與廠商共同追求台灣經濟的穩健發展,是業者拓展貿易的最佳夥伴。 2020年,甫迎50週年的外貿協會,為強化跨領域整合創新,本會重新定位為國際鏈結智慧整合中心(smart integrator),結合法人、大學、觀光、展會、城市、公協會、海外台商,為業者開發國際市場、進行國際合作、數位轉型、連接國際網絡,提供整合性、數位化服務,期許成為台灣「數位經貿的領航者」及「創新模式的推動者」。
41 demos of latest O-RAN technology and solutions to be showcased at MWC Barcelona or the O-RAN Virtual Exhibition Intelligent RAN solutions demonstrate capabilities aiming to improve the RAN performance Latest O-RAN-based products feature improved interoperability, security and efficiency Increasing maturity of the O-RAN ecosystem reflected in many demos focusing on O-RAN integration and testing enhancements BONN, Germany, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- O-RAN ALLIANCE participants will present 41 demos of latest improvements to open and intelligent Radio Access Networks (RAN) throughout MWC Barcelona 26-29 February 2024 and at the O-RAN Virtual Exhibition. The showcased intelligent RAN solutions demonstrate capabilities aiming to improve the RAN performance in traffic steering, energy savings, service quality, spectrum efficiency and network management. Examples include machine learning models for network load balancing, orchestrating applications' requests for network resources, and private network management. The latest products and components, based on O-RAN specifications and presented by companies at MWC, demonstrate improved efficiency, security, interoperability, and vendor diversity for mobile network operators. Many demos illustrate the increased maturity of the O-RAN ecosystem, focusing on O-RAN integration and testing enhancements for RAN Intelligent Controllers (RIC), energy efficiency, security, and testing automation. O-RAN demonstrations are being delivered by: Acentury, AMD, Anritsu, Artiza Networks, AsiaInfo, Asia & Pacific OTIC in Singapore (APOS), Auray Technology, Azcom, Calnex Solutions, Capgemini, CommScope, EANTC, Ericsson, Fujitsu, EURECOM, Future Connections, Groundhog, HCL Technologies, Innowireless, Intel, ITRI, Juniper Networks, Keysight Technologies, Lenovo, LitePoint, LITEON Technology, Malaga University, Metanoia Communications, Net AI, Picocom, Quanta Cloud Technology, Rimedo Labs, Rohde & Schwarz, SageRAN, Samsung, Shabodi, Simnovus, Spirent Communications, Supermicro, SynaXG Technologies, Singapore University of Technology and Design, VIAVI Solutions, Viettel, VMware by Broadcom, Wiwynn, and WNC. Learn more about the demos here. O-RAN ALLIANCE plans to publish an interactive map of O-RAN demos at MWC to allow easy navigation to the demos at the exhibition. Many of the demos will also be included in the O-RAN Virtual Exhibition, expected to be available at the start of MWC. "Companies and institutions in the broad O-RAN ecosystem focus on different areas of RAN, from specialized aspects to end-to-end solutions," said Paul Smith, Director – RAN Technology, AT&T and Co-Chair of O-RAN ALLIANCE's WG1. "O-RAN's open architecture enables partnerships; encourages innovation by leveraging know-how to develop, test and integrate advanced O-RAN solutions on commercial scale, and helps fulfill the O-RAN ALLIANCE's mission to transform Radio Access Networks to be open, intelligent, virtualized and fully interoperable." O-RAN ALLIANCE will hold its O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit on Wednesday, 28 February 2024 from 8:30 to 13:00 CET in MWC hall 8, theatre 5, and also online. Summit attendees will learn about the latest updates and progress of O-RAN. The summit will discuss how O-RAN intelligent solutions bring benefits to operators in such areas as Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), energy efficiency, automation, agility, security, system integration, certification, and improved overall economics. O-RAN members, contributors, media and analysts, and others interested in the state of Open RAN are invited to attend. Attendees need to have an MWC access pass and register through the event website, which also has the agenda and speaker lineup. The event will also be webcasted to the interested public through the O-RAN ALLIANCE website. About O-RAN ALLIANCE The O-RAN ALLIANCE is a world-wide community of more than 300 mobile operators, vendors, and research & academic institutions operating in the Radio Access Network (RAN) industry. As the RAN is an essential part of any mobile network, the O-RAN ALLIANCE's mission is to re-shape the industry towards more intelligent, open, virtualized and fully interoperable mobile networks. The new O-RAN specifications enable a more competitive and vibrant RAN supplier ecosystem with faster innovation to improve user experience. O-RAN based mobile networks at the same time improve the efficiency of RAN deployments as well as operations by mobile operators. To achieve this, the O-RAN ALLIANCE publishes new RAN specifications, releases open software for the RAN, and supports its members in integration and testing of their implementations. For more information, please visit www.o-ran.org.
戴爾科技集團、HPE、聯想、Meta、微軟、Oracle與美超微等大廠為高效能運算與生成式AI展示AMD硬體 ROCm 6開放軟體產業體系結合新一代硬體與軟體,帶來相較前一代高達8倍的效能提升,為生成式AI挹注領先效能並簡化部署AMD AI解決方案 台北—2023年12月7日—AMD(NASDAQ: AMD)宣布推出AMD Instinct™ MI300X加速器,為生成式人工智慧(AI)帶來領先業界的記憶體頻寬註1以及為大型語言模型(Large Language Model,LLM)訓練與推論提供領先效能。同時也推出AMD Instinct™ MI300A加速處理單元(APU),結合最新AMD CDNA™ 3架構與“Zen 4” CPU,為高效能運算(HPC)與AI工作負載帶來突破性效能。 AMD總裁Victor Peng表示,AMD Instinct MI300系列加速器以我們的最先進技術打造,帶來領先效能並能夠在大規模雲端與企業部署。透過我們的領先硬體、軟體與開放產業體系方案,雲端供應商、OEM與ODM正在推出技術,助力企業採用和部署AI解決方案。 微軟採用最新AMD Instinct加速器產品組合,近期宣布全新Azure ND MI300x v5虛擬機器(VM)系列,為AI工作負載進行最佳化並由AMD Instinct MI300X加速器挹注效能。此外,位在美國勞倫斯利佛摩國家實驗室(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,LLNL)的超級電腦El Capitan採用AMD Instinct MI300A APU,預期成為第二台搭載AMD核心的exascale等級超級電腦,可在完全部署時帶來超越2 exaflops的雙精度效能。Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI)計劃新增基於AMD Instinct MI300X的裸機執行個體(bare metal instance)至其AI高效能加速運算執行個體。基於MI300X的執行個體與超快RDMA網路預計將支援OCI Supercluster。 各大OEM廠商也在AMD Advancing AI活動展示加速運算系統。戴爾科技集團展示採用8個AMD Instinct MI300系列加速器的Dell PowerEdge XE9680伺服器以及為生成式AI推出的全新Dell Validated Design,其搭配基於AMD ROCm的AI框架。HPE近期發表首款超級運算HPE Cray Supercomputing EX255a accelerator blade,搭載AMD Instinct MI300A APU,預期將於2024年稍早開始供貨。聯想宣布其設計支援全新AMD Instinct MI300系列加速器,計畫於2024上半年開始供貨。美超微(Supermicro)宣布其H13世代加速伺服器的全新產品採用第4代AMD EPYC™處理器與AMD Instinct MI300系列加速器。 AMD Instinct MI300X加速器 AMD Instinct MI300X加速器基於全新AMD CDNA 3架構。相較前一代AMD Instinct MI250X加速器,MI300X為AI與HPC工作負載帶來近40%的運算單元提升註2、高達1.5倍的記憶體容量提升以及高達1.7倍的峰值理論記憶體頻寬提升註3,同時支援FP8與稀疏性(sparsity)等的全新數學格式。 現今的LLM持續增加尺寸與複雜度,需要龐大的記憶體和運算能力。AMD Instinct MI300X加速器配備最優異的192GB HBM3記憶體容量以及每秒5.3TB的峰值記憶體頻寬註2,提供不斷增加且要求嚴苛的AI工作負載所需效能。AMD Instinct平台為領先生成式AI平台,奠基於產業標準OCP設計與8個MI300X加速器,提供領先業界的1.5TB HBM3記憶體容量。AMD Instinct平台的產業標準設計讓OEM合作夥伴可將MI300X加速器設計至現有的AI產品中並簡化部署,以及加速採用基於AMD Instinct加速器的伺服器。 相較NVIDIA H100 HGX,AMD Instinct平台在執行BLOOM 176B等LLM推論時提供高達1.6倍的吞吐量效能提升註4。此外,其為市場上唯一能夠在單個MI300X加速器上執行Llama2等70B參數模型的選擇,可簡化企業級LLM部署並帶來卓越的總擁有成本(TCO)。 AMD Instinct MI300A APU AMD Instinct MI300A APU為全球首款為HPC與AI打造的資料中心APU,憑藉3D封裝技術與第4代AMD Infinity架構在HPC和AI交匯時提供領先的重要工作負載效能。MI300A APU結合高效能AMD CDNA 3 GPU核心、最新AMD “Zen 4” x86 CPU核心與新一代128GB HBM3記憶體,相較前一代AMD Instinct MI250X,在FP32 HPC與AI工作負載提供高達1.9倍的每瓦效能提升註5。 能源效率對HPC和AI社群至關重要,然而這些工作負載極其依賴資料和資源。AMD Instinct MI300A APU受益於將CPU與GPU核心整合到帶來高效率平台的單一封裝,同時為加速訓練最新的AI模型提供運算效能。AMD正以30x25目標為能源效率開創創新途徑,計劃從2020年至2025年間將用於AI訓練與HPC的伺服器處理器與加速器能源效率提升30倍註6。 APU優勢代表AMD Instinct MI300A APU搭配統一記憶體與快取記憶體資源可為客戶帶來簡易的程式化設計GPU平台、高效能運算、快速的AI訓練以及優異的能源效率,以應對要求最嚴苛的HPC和AI工作負載。 ROCm軟體與產業體系合作夥伴 AMD宣布推出最新AMD ROCm™ 6開放軟體平台,這也體現公司向開源社群貢獻最先進的函式庫之承諾,推動AMD開發開源AI軟體的願景。ROCm 6軟體代表AMD軟體工具重大提升的一步,相較前一代硬體與軟體,其在MI300系列加速器執行Llama 2 text generation時帶來高達8倍的AI加速效能提升註7。此外,ROCm 6為FlashAttention、HIPGraph與vLLM等多個生成式AI全新關鍵功能新增支援。AMD位居獨特優勢,可透過Hugging Face、PyTorch與TensorFlow等最受廣泛使用的開源AI軟體模型、演算法與框架,驅動創新、簡化部署AMD AI解決方案與釋放生成式AI的真正潛力。 AMD也透過收購Nod.AI與Mipsology持續投資軟體能力,同時藉由Lamini、MosaicML等策略產業體系合作夥伴關係,為企業客戶執行LLM,以及憑藉AMD ROCm即可於AMD Instinct加速器執行LLM訓練,且毋須變動程式碼。 產品規格 AMD Instinct™ 架構 GPU 運算單元 CPU 核心 記憶體 記憶體 頻寬 (峰值理論) 製程節點 採用3D封裝與 第4代AMD Infinity架構 MI300A AMD CDNA™ 3 228 24 “Zen 4” 128GB HBM3 5.3 TB/s 5nm / 6nm 是 MI300X AMD CDNA™ 3 304 N/A 192GB HBM3 5.3 TB/s 5nm / 6nm 是 平台 AMD CDNA™ 3 2,432 N/A 1.5TB HMB3 每OAM 5.3 TB/s 5nm / 6nm 是 相關資源 · 更多關於:AMD Advancing AI主題演講完整版 · 更多關於:AMD Instinct加速器 · X:於@AMD追蹤AMD新訊 · LinkedIn:於AMD LinkedIn追蹤AMD新訊 關於AMD 50多年來,AMD(NASDAQ:AMD)推動創新高效能運算、繪圖及視覺技術。全球數十億的消費者、世界500強企業以及尖端科學研究機構皆仰賴AMD的技術來改善生活、工作及娛樂。AMD員工致力於研發領先的高效能與自行調適產品,不斷突破技術的極限。欲瞭解AMD如何成就今天,啟發未來,請瀏覽AMD網站、部落格、LinkedIn及X。
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