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SHANGHAI, June 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Sage House, a Hong Kong-based creative agency, participated in Licensing Expo China (LEC) in Shanghai from June 28-30, 2023. With the ambition to forge connections with diverse media outlets, brands and artists, the agency orchestrated a series of captivating on-site activities during the event with the aim of seizing this invaluable occasion to explore the infinite possibilities for brand licensing and artistic creativity in the context of today's business culture. SAGE HOUSE LEC, Shanghai 2023 As an industry expert with a long-standing commitment to IP collaboration, Sage House has successfully collaborated with many institutions and brands both at home and abroad, engaging in a large number of classic IP projects. In addition to facilitating connections between legendary artists and brands, the agency also offers creative insights and strategic approaches to ensure maximum value is derived from both brands and IPs involved in these collaborative ventures. Sage House has unveiled an exciting initiative at LEC 2023, introducing a dedicated SMILEY zone in collaboration with the renowned brand. This strategic partnership aims to extend the reach of SMILEY's thrilling collaborations to a wider array of brands. A striking and expansive SMILEY installation has been meticulously crafted on the show floor, drawing the attention of expo attendees. Over the past two years, the Sage House team has successfully executed several cross-border co-branding projects that have attracted industry attention and garnered several global awards. Whether it was introducing the captivating artwork of Saudi Arabian artist Rashed Al Shashai - "The Gate to the East", to China's inland mountain city of Chongqing, or building an innovative partnership between vintage cartoon characters and fashion labels, Sage House is dedicated to increasing the visibility and awareness of these stories and their unique qualities. As a result, the company presented these classic projects alongside its artists' creations at the event, including the nostalgic retro-style Chengdu IFS (International Finance Square) Donald Duck Ice Shop Theme Exhibition, China's first Peanuts 70th Anniversary Global Artist Collective-themed installation and event, Dream A Big Dream, SNOOPY X BROADCAST co-branded pop-up shop, and Ryuji Kamiyama solo exhibition, among others. SHIP’S CAT by Kenji Yanobe for Shanghai 2018 Co-founders Mavis Mak and Jackie Lui, while reflecting on the years of fruitful co-branding endeavors, said, "An IP agent's role extends beyond the mere collaboration between brands and artists; it is also about recognizing the distinctiveness of each brand and artist, leveraging ingenuity and creativity to amplify the impact, and exploring the infinite possibilities of art through authorized re-creation". Sage House wholeheartedly embodies this IP agent model, driving their unwavering pursuit of these ideals. More opportunities lie ahead. Sage House became the exclusive Chinese partner of 2023 UNKNOWN ASIA earlier this year. Chinese artists were offered a unique opportunity to participate in the international art fair, and the winners will have a chance to showcase their work as official exhibitors at UNKNOWN ASIA in Osaka, Japan schedule for September 15-17 this fall. Sage House firmly believes that crossover and creatives cooperation should encompass more than just introducing overseas artists to China. By closely collaborating with international partners, the agency also creates new opportunities for Chinese brands to make their mark on the world stage. With a focus on popular marketing campaigns and innovative communication approaches, Sage House envisions a borderless exchange environment that fosters seamless interactions between Chinese artists and the global community. SAGE HOUSE co-founder Mavis Mak (left) and Jackie Lui (right) Event DetailsLEC (Shanghai)Date: June 28-29, 2023 (9am - 5pm) and June 30 (9am - 3pm)Venue: National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), Sage House Booth 2-1E35Address: No. 333, Songze Avenue, Xujing Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai About Sage House Sage House is an award-winning integrated creative and marketing communication agency headquartered in Hong Kong. With offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Australia, the company excels in creative planning, exhibition curation, international artist collaborations, and PR and marketing planning and execution. The agency is the designated interactive exhibition partner in the US, Japan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Greater China for a number of top multinational entertainment brands, including Disney, Warner Bros, Twentieth Century-Fox, Turner Entertainment and Peanuts, regularly organizing nationwide tours for them and working with high-end shopping malls and theme parks. In recent years, Sage House has actively fostered collaboration between outstanding international artists and the Chinese market, aiming to achieve artistic diversity. Through professional curation, the creation of limited-edition art merchandise, pop-up exhibitions and workshops, among other endeavors, the agency is challenging conventions, igniting imagination, infusing art with vitality, and creating a prototype for the IP agency of tomorrow. Furthermore, starting this year, Sage House is extending its support to Chinese artists in establishing a presence overseas and embarking on a journey of exploring the endless possibilities in brand licensing and artistic innovation within the context of contemporary business culture. With a wealth of industry experience and a track record of pioneering creative concepts, Sage House stands at the forefront of the field. Leveraging its expertise in art and design resources, the agency offers a diverse array of interactive experiences for designer toys. Furthermore, Sage House excels in delivering tailored marketing strategies and seamless integration of public relations, bringing customizable IP creativity to life. Sage House's primary mission is to educate the public about the allure of art and innovative design. With a dedication to curating stylish and enjoyable events, the agency aims to offer cross-branded entertainment activities that bring fun and excitement to individuals who embrace the zest for life. Latest accolades: Sage House's exclusive artistic presentation, The Gate to the East (at IFS Chongqing), won the Gold Award in the PR category for Campaign Asia, the Gold Award for Event Innovation and the Bronze Award for Consumer Activity Innovation at the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. Sage House itself garnered the Gold Award for Most Innovative Marketing Agency at the 2022 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. Furthermore, Sage House has undertaken numerous creative projects that have garnered widespread recognition. Notable among these endeavors are the grand opening event of Hongkong Land's Chongqing Halo Shopping Park (The Ring), the nostalgic retro-style Donald Duck Ice Shop exhibition at IFS Chengdu, China's first Peanuts 70th Anniversary Global Artist Collective-themed installation and event, Dream A Big Dream, the SNOOPY X BROADCAST co-branded pop-up store, and the Ryuji Kamiyama exhibition. Collectively, these remarkable ventures have contributed to the company's impressive feat of securing 15 international awards over the past decade.
台北 - Media OutReach - 2023年6月27日 - 疫情為企業的辦公模式帶來巨大轉變,隨著雲端服務及混合工作模式興起,第一線DYXnet適時推出雲原生的DYXnet SASE(安全存取服務邊緣)解決方案,為客戶搭建周全且具成本效益的網路安全架構,更因此榮獲第10屆亞洲–太平洋史蒂夫®獎(2023 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards)之數碼轉型創新電信行業組別銅奬。大會頒獎典禮於今天(6月27日)以線上方式舉行。 亞洲–太平洋史蒂夫®獎是對亞太地區29國企業所取得的成就加以認可的唯一商業獎項。史蒂夫®獎被廣泛認可為世界上頂級的商業獎項,在21年間表彰那些在工作中獲得非凡成就的人士。經過來自全球百多位管理人員評選,第一線今年從800多家亞太地區的企業及商業人士參賽者中脫穎而出。這是第一線繼2021年後第二次獲史蒂夫®獎嘉許,首次獲奬為其出色的MPLS及SD-WAN混合網路解決方案。 第一線的獲奬方案DYXnet SASE,結合網路及網路安全功能,在優化網路效能的同時,築起滴水不漏的保護防禦,保護企業免受惡意攻擊和數據洩漏的威脅,隨時隨地釋放生產力,尤其適合疫情下採用混合工作模式的公司,亦能滿足現代分散式機構的營運需要,符合企業邁向雲端數位轉型的大趨勢。 第一線產品及服務管理集團總監施純烽表示:「我們非常榮幸獲全球首屈一指的商業獎項認可。DYXnet SASE方案融合了網路連接及資訊安全兩個複雜的專業領域,第一線的優勢在於向客戶提供優質的網路服務之餘,更得到世界頂尖網路安全合作夥伴的技術相互配合,加上人性化且靈活彈性的服務,協助雲優先的企業實現網路現代化和安全升級,釋放數位轉型的真正價值。」 除了獲取史蒂夫®獎殊榮之外,第一線於今年四月亦獲香港商業時報舉辦的HKCT Business Awards 2023授予「年度最傑出數碼轉型服務獎」,優異服務備受本地及國際認可。作為大中華區領先的電訊中立網路服務供應商,第一線在企業網路行業深耕超過二十年,致力為大中華及亞太區的企業客戶提供優越的網路連接及ICT解決方案,包括MPLS及SD-WAN等企業網路服務、雲端服務、數據中心和網路安全解決方案等,並持續拓展業務領域,以滿足客戶不斷增長的市場需求,成為企業數位轉型的可靠夥伴。 如欲了解更多獲奬解決方案資訊,請瀏覽https://www.dyxnet.com/tw/secure-access-service-edge-sase/。 Hashtag: #DYXnet發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於第一線:第一線是大中華區領先的中立電信網路服務供應商,具超過二十年的行業經驗,致力為大中華及亞太區城市的企業客戶提供網路解決方案,包括多協議標籤交換的虛擬專用網路(MPLS network)、軟體定義廣域網路(SD-WAN)、網際網路連接、資料中心和網路安全解決方案等,並逐步延伸至雲端應用和軟體即服務(SaaS)方案透過優秀技術和服務為客戶制定合適的解決方案。 除了作為大中華區首批獲得ISO /IEC 27001、ISO/IEC 20000及ISO 9001資訊安全、國際IT服務管理以及國際品質管制認證的ICT服務供應商外,亦是中國跨境資料通信產業聯盟的首批正式會員及SD-WAN服務標準起草單位。 如需更多有關第一線的資訊,請瀏覽官方網站www.dyxnet.com。
香港 - Media OutReach - 2023年6月27日 - 疫情為企業的辦公模式帶來巨大轉變,隨著雲端服務及混合工作模式興起,世紀互聯(NASDAQ:VNET)旗下全資子公司第一線DYXnet適時推出雲原生的DYXnet SASE(安全訪問服務邊緣)解決方案,為客戶搭建周全且具成本效益的網絡安全架構,更因此榮獲第10屆亞洲–太平洋史蒂夫®獎(2023 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards)之數碼轉型創新電信行業組別銅奬。大會頒獎典禮於今天(6月27日)以虛擬方式舉行。 亞洲–太平洋史蒂夫®獎是對亞太地區29國企業所取得的成就加以認可的唯一商業獎項。史蒂夫®獎被廣泛認可為世界上頂級的商業獎項,在21年間表彰那些在工作中獲得非凡成就的人士。經過來自全球百多位管理人員評選,第一線今年從800多家亞太地區的企業及商業人士參賽者中脫穎而出。這是第一線繼2021年後第二次獲史蒂夫®獎嘉許,首次獲奬為其出色的MPLS及SD-WAN混合網絡解決方案。 第一線的獲奬方案DYXnet SASE,結合網絡及網絡安全功能,在優化網絡效能的同時,築起滴水不漏的保安防禦,保護企業免受惡意攻擊和數據洩漏的威脅,隨時隨地釋放生產力,尤其適合疫情下採用混合工作模式的公司,亦能滿足現代分散式機構的營運需要,符合企業邁向雲端數碼轉型的大趨勢。 第一線產品及服務管理集團總監施純烽表示:「我們非常榮幸獲全球首屈一指的商業獎項認可。DYXnet SASE方案揉合了網絡連接及資訊安全兩個複雜的專業領域,第一線的優勢在於向客戶提供優質的網絡服務之餘,更得到世界頂尖網絡安全合作夥伴的技術相互配合,加上人性化且靈活彈性的服務,協助雲優先的企業實現網絡現代化和安全升級,釋放數碼轉型的真正價值。」 除了獲取史蒂夫®獎殊榮之外,第一線於今年四月亦獲香港商業時報舉辦的HKCT Business Awards 2023授予「年度最傑出數碼轉型服務獎」,優異服務備受本地及國際認可。作為大中華區領先的電訊中立網絡服務供應商,第一線在企業網絡行業深耕超過二十年,致力為大中華及亞太區的企業客戶提供優越的網絡連接及ICT解決方案,包括MPLS及SD-WAN等企業網絡服務、雲端服務、數據中心和網絡安全解決方案等,並持續拓展業務領域,以滿足客戶不斷增長的市場需求,成為企業數碼轉型的可靠夥伴。 如欲了解更多獲奬解決方案資訊,請瀏覽https://www.dyxnet.com/hk/secure-access-service-edge-sase。 Hashtag: #DYXnet發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於第一線:作為世紀互聯(NASDAQ: VNET)旗下的全資子公司,第一線是大中華區領先的中立電訊網絡服務供應商,具超過二十年的行業經驗。世紀互聯於美國納斯達克上市,為中國領先的第三方中立數據中心及混合雲服務商之一。集團於2021年4月進一步成立子品牌「互聯科技(NEOLINK)」,整合第一線與集團內數據中心、網絡產品、混合雲、裸金屬和運維管理服務等五大產品線,持續發展創新的解決方案以滿足客戶不斷增長的市場需求,為企業提供更多元化的解決方案及服務以實現全面的數碼轉型。 第一線致力成為香港及亞太區的領先ICT服務供應商。除了作為大中華區首批獲得ISO /IEC 27001、ISO/IEC 20000及ISO 9001資訊安全、國際IT服務管理以及國際品質管制認證的ICT服務供應商外,亦是中國跨境資料通信產業聯盟的首批正式會員及SD-WAN服務標準起草單位。 如需更多有關第一線的資訊,請瀏覽官方網站www.dyxnet.com。
Subjects in Bunionectomy Study Dosed Data Presented at American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Shows Similar Ropivacaine Pharmacokinetic Curves From CPL-01 Across Multiple Surgeries; Minimal Variability as Compared to Liposomal Bupivacaine SAN DIEGO, June 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Cali Biosciences Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Cali" or "Cali Biosciences"), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the research and development of innovative drugs in the peri-operative space, announced that its second Phase III study of its core product, CPL-01 (long-acting ropivacaine), has begun with dosing in bunion patients. This study is in addition to the hernia repair study initiated last month, and is expected to help fulfill regulatory requirements of a broad indication. CPL-01 is an extended-release injectable version of Naropin® (ropivacaine hydrochloride), developed by Cali to treat post-operative surgical pain and reduce or eliminate the need for opioids. Dr. Grant Garbo, investigator at the site where the first subject was dosed, said, "The importance of CPL-01 in bony surgery cannot be overstated – knowing how well Cali's product has performed in Phase II, I really look forward to helping CPL-01 showcase its excellent results and safety profile in Phase III." Cali also announced that the poster presentation "CPL-01, A Novel Extended-Release Ropivacaine, Demonstrates Consistent and Predictable Systemic Exposure" was well received at the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Annual Meeting this past weekend. Ms. Stevie Pope, lead author on the paper, commented "the fact that CPL-01 showed a similar shaped curve and a predictable median Tmax at 8-12 hours across multiple surgical models should reassure physicians – this contrasts dramatically with data published on liposomal bupivacaine, where the curves are shaped quite differently and the median Tmax can vary from under an hour to more than a day." Dr. Erol Onel, Chief Medical Officer at Cali Biosciences US, LLC who has developed several other long-acting local anesthetics and is a co-author on the paper, agreed and stated, "Demonstrating consistent and predictable release characteristics directly addresses a frequent concern with available bupivacaine-based products: if the release characteristics in Surgery A are different from those in Surgery B, how can the existing efficacy and safety data from specific surgical procedures be generalized? The data presented resoundingly show that this inconsistency is not present with CPL-01, which clearly supports its applicability across a broad spectrum of procedures." Mr. PJ Chen, Chief Executive Officer of Cali Biosciences, commented, "Given that ropivacaine is considered safer than bupivacaine, we saw a need for a long-acting ropivacaine rather than the bupivacaines currently available. We are confident that the phase III results in both bunion and hernia will build on our successful Phase II results, so that we can provide a new and better option for doctors and patients seeking post-operative pain management – including opioid reduction or elimination - as quickly as possible. Cali is positioned to be a leader in the peri-operative space as CPL-01 and our other pipeline products proceed, so that we can help patients world-wide." About CPL-01 CPL-01 is an extended-release injectable formulation of Naropin® (ropivacaine hydrochloride), which is a member of the amino amide class of local anesthetics indicated for the production of local or regional anesthesia for surgery and acute pain management. Naropin® (ropivacaine hydrochloride) Injection is approved for local or regional anesthesia for surgery and for acute pain management. However, because of the short duration of effect, frequent injections or infusion by catheter are required if protracted local analgesia is required for postoperative pain management. As a result, Cali Biosciences has developed CPL-01 based on Naropin® Injection and PG-Depot technology platform in order to prolong its duration at the local site, leading to an extended local analgesic effect. About Cali Biosciences Cali Biosciences Co., Ltd. was established in Cayman Islands in 2021. Cali Biosciences US, LLC was established in San Diego in 2016, and later Cali Biosciences built its global headquarters in Shenzhen and established a research and development team in Shanghai. Cali Biosciences is an innovative international biopharmaceutical company with a number of licensed independent research and development technology platforms, as well as an international scientific research and management team. It has been committed to R&D, production and sales for innovative clinical drugs in the surgical perioperative field to fully respond to unmet clinical and market needs. Cali Biosciences' product pipeline includes modified formulations and new drugs in the fields of anesthesia, analgesia and anti-inflammatory. The company is committed to serving patients and medical staff around the world.
全球大會啟用新的可持續商業智庫,並啟動 20 個城市的地區系列活動,將財務領導者聚集一堂,就如何推動數碼轉型展開合作 意大利盧卡2023年5月16日 /美通社/ -- 專業資訊、軟體解決方案和服務領域的全球領導者 Wolters Kluwer 將於 5 月 23 日至 25 日在意大利盧卡召開年度 CCH Tagetik inTouch 全球用戶大會。會議將鼓勵財務主管培養推動公司內外數碼轉型所需的勇氣、技能和信心。 年度全球用戶大會將於 2023 年 6 月至 11 月舉行一系列 20 場地區活動,這將促進 CCH Tagetik 專家解決方案客戶群和合作夥伴生態系統之間的持續聯繫和學習。inTouch 全球用戶大會最近獲得了 Cause & Green Sustainable Event 類別的 Gold Stevie 獎,今年將再次推出內容豐富的議程,認可 ESG 與財務業績一起上升到企業議程的首位 ,並成為企業長期生存能力和營運健康的關鍵指標。 了解關於 2023 年 CCH Tagetik inTouch 全球用戶大會的更多資訊,並從中學習 Wolters Kluwer 副總裁兼 CCH Tagetik 全球營銷主管 Beatriz Santin 表示: 「憑藉親身體驗產品創新和發人深省的沉浸式體驗,今年的 CCH Tagetik inTouch 大會將激勵財務高管在其業務及其他領域『引領變革』。這對我們來說是一年中激動人心的時刻,我們期待著接待充滿激情的全球社區、分享最佳實踐並共同成長。」 2023 inTouch 全球用戶大會內容豐富的議程包括: · 主題演講嘉賓包括 Wolters Kluwer 高級副總裁兼企業績效解決方案總經理 Ralf Gärtner 和轉型領導力領域備受尊敬的作家 Nick Jankel。 · 全新的可持續商業智庫活動將匯集專家、監管機構、學術界和商業領袖,以探討關鍵主題,包括 ESG 法規和最佳實踐、生物多樣性對業務的影響、循環經濟、可持續發展時代的人才招聘挑戰等等。 · 在 Metaverse 角,與會者將有機會感受身臨其境的體驗,了解如何將 Web 3.0 技術應用於業務環境。 · 專注於熱門話題的特殊興趣活動將囊括分析、技術與趨勢、預測性擴展規劃、財務結算與整合以及稅收、ESG 與法規。 · 大量專題討論和演示將帶來來自 CCH Tagetik 客戶的案例研究,包括 Aegon Asset Management、CitizenM、Erste Group Bank、Galeries Lafayette、Generali、Hastings Deering、Rabobank、Samsung Life Insurance、Southern California Edison 和 Victorinox。 · 研發實驗室之旅將為與會者提供參觀異地 CCH Tagetik 實驗室的機會,並透過與產品開發人員和支持團隊的互動來了解產品開發。 2023 InTouch 用戶大會在 CCH Tagetik 全球合作夥伴生態系統中產生了熱烈的反響,贊助商超過 30 家,其中包括全球主要贊助商埃森哲、安永和普華永道。與會者還將有諸多機會體驗最新的 CCH Tagetik 平台創新,包括幫助跨國公司為 2024 年經合組織支柱 2 報告要求做準備的新功能,促進綜合業務規劃,並支持 ESG 和可持續性績效管理。 Wolters Kluwer 簡介 Wolters Kluwer(泛歐證券交易所代碼:WKL)是為醫療保健、稅務和會計、金融和企業合規、法律和監管以及企業績效和 ESG 領域的專業人士提供信息、軟體和服務的全球領導者。我們提供將深厚的領域知識與專業技術和服務相結合 的專家解決方案 ,日復一日幫助我們的客戶做出關鍵決策。 Wolters Kluwer 報告其 2022 年的年收入為 55 億歐元。該集團服務於 180 多個國家/地區的客戶,在 40 多個國家/地區開展業務,在全球聘有約 20,000 名員工。公司總部位於荷蘭萊茵河畔阿爾芬。 如需更多資訊,請訪問 www.wolterskluwer.com,並在 LinkedIn、Twitter、Facebook 和 YouTube 上關注我們。 媒體聯絡:Beatriz Santin CCH® Tagetik +1 339 229 2447 辦公室 +39 058396811 辦公室 beatriz.santin@wolterskluwer.com
Global conference to feature new Sustainable Business Think Tank as it kicks off 20-city series of regional events that bring finance leaders together to collaborate on how to drive digital transformation LUCCA, Italy, May 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Wolters Kluwer, a global leader in professional information, software solutions and services, will soon kick off its annual CCH Tagetik inTouch Global User Conference, taking place in Lucca, Italy, May 23-25. The conference will encourage finance executives to cultivate the courage, skills, and confidence needed to drive digital transformation in their companies and beyond. The annual global user conference will kick off a series of 20 regional events, taking place June-November 2023, which will foster ongoing connection and learning across the CCH Tagetik expert solutions customer base and partner ecosystem. The inTouch Global User Conference, which recently earned a Gold Stevie award in the Cause & Green Sustainable Event category, will again this year feature a content-rich agenda which recognizes that ESG is rising to the top of the corporate agenda, right alongside financial performance, as a key indicator of a business's long-term viability and operational health. Learn more about the 2023 CCH Tagetik inTouch Global User Conference, and learn Beatriz Santin, Vice President & CCH Tagetik Global Head of Marketing at Wolters Kluwer, said: "With hand-on access to product innovations and thought-provoking, immersive experiences, this year's CCH Tagetik inTouch Conference will inspire finance executives to 'lead the change' in their businesses and beyond. This is an exciting time of the year for us as we look forward to hosting our passionate global community, sharing best practices, and growing together." The 2023 inTouch Global User Conference's content-rich agenda includes: Keynotes delivered by thought leaders including Ralf Gärtner, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Corporate Performance Solutions for Wolters Kluwer and Nick Jankel, respected author in the field of transformational leadership. A new Sustainable Business Think Tank track, which will bring together experts, regulators, academia, and business leaders to explore key topics including ESG regulations and best practices, the impact of biodiversity on business, the circular economy, talent acquisition challenges in the era of sustainability, and more. The Metaverse corner, where attendees will have the chance to step into an immersive experience to learn how Web 3.0 technologies can be applied to business settings. Special interest tracks focused on hot topics including Analytics, Tech & Trends, Predictive Extended Planning, Financial Close & Consolidation, and Tax, ESG & Regulations. A wealth of panels and presentations featuring case studies from CCH Tagetik customers, including Aegon Asset Management, CitizenM, Erste Group Bank, Galeries Lafayette, Generali, Hastings Deering, Rabobank, Samsung Life Insurance, Southern California Edison, and Victorinox. R&D Lab Tours, which will provide attendees with opportunities to visit the off-site CCH Tagetik Lab to get a glimpse into product development by interacting with product developers and support teams. The 2023 InTouch User Conference has generated overwhelming response from the CCH Tagetik global partner ecosystem, with more than 30 corporate sponsors, including premier global sponsors Accenture, EY, and PwC. Conference attendees will also receive ample opportunities to experience the most recent CCH Tagetik platform innovations, including new functionality that helps multinational companies prepare for 2024 OECD Pillar 2 reporting requirements, facilitates integrated business planning, and supports ESG and sustainability performance management. About Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer (EURONEXT: WKL) is a global leader in information, software, and services for professionals in healthcare, tax and accounting, financial and corporate compliance, legal and regulatory, and corporate performance and ESG. We help our customers make critical decisions every day by providing expert solutions that combine deep domain knowledge with specialized technology and services. Wolters Kluwer reported 2022 annual revenues of €5.5 billion. The group serves customers in over 180 countries, maintains operations in over 40 countries, and employs approximately 20,000 people worldwide. The company is headquartered in Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands. For more information, visit www.wolterskluwer.com, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Media Contact:Beatriz Santin CCH® Tagetik +1 339 229 2447 office +39 058396811 office beatriz.santin@wolterskluwer.com
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