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【2024年9月19日,台北】隨著網路資安事件頻傳,選擇專業且值得信賴的網路保護解決方案,是企業保持營運穩定的關鍵決策。全球網路防護專家安克諾斯Acronis再度獲得肯定,榮獲Software Reviews情感足跡Emotional Footprint獎項2024年「備份和可用性領域(Backup and Availability)」以及「端點保護(Endpoint Protection)」雙領域冠軍,展現其在客戶滿意度和品牌影響力的卓越表現! 根據2024年4月Software Reviews的情感足跡報告指出,Acronis Cyber Protect作為權威領導品牌,在「備份和可用性」領域超過17個供應商中脫穎而出,獲得第二高分的客戶體驗得分(CX Score)以及+90的淨情感足跡分數,超越了Microsoft Azure (+88)和Veeam Data Platform (+84)。Acronis Cyber Protect 是一款全面的網路保護解決方案,它將備份資料保護功能與進階網路安全功能相結合,旨在為企業提供單一解決方案,保護不同類型的工作負載免受各種網路威脅,為任何規模的企業提供簡單、高效、安全的網路安全保護,不僅購買門檻較低、方便立即使用,還有靈活彈性的授權,適合企業當下及未來發展創新且最全面的解決方案。 Acronis安克諾斯台灣總代理湛揚科技推出「安克諾斯 龍年禦守」優惠活動進入倒數,即將於9/30截止。為企業打造強大的資安韌性,購買Acronis Cyber Protect 伺服器2年授權,再加送1年授權共3年授權,購買3年授權就加送2年授權總共為5年授權,協助企業用最超值的價格,獲得最長效的防護。買越多、送越多,安克諾斯龍年禦守,防禦守護您的企業最安心!若需Acronis安克諾斯產品介紹或體驗的企業用戶,歡迎來電洽詢總代理湛揚科技 02-2515-1585或參閱湛揚科技官網https://www.t-tech.com.tw/。 【關於Software Reviews情感足跡大獎】 Info-Tech研究集團的Software Reviews情感足跡評估,聚焦行業內頂尖供應商,基於價值指數和淨情感足跡進行評選,提供IT專業人士和商業領袖在決策過程中的關鍵參考。每年透過真實世界IT與商業用戶的情感回應數據,評估行業內的領先供應商和產品。情感足跡分析涵蓋了「供應商-客戶關係」的26個維度,並根據「購買體驗、服務體驗、產品影響、供應商策略和衝突解決」等五大類別進行綜合評分。 【關於Acronis安克諾斯】 Acronis安克諾斯是一家全球網路安全保護公司,為託管服務運營商 (MSP)及中小型企業(SMB)IT部門提供無縫整合網路安全,端點管理和資料保護解決方案的領先者。Acronis 解決方案非常高效,旨在以最短的停機時間識別、預防、偵測、回應、修復和恢復現代網路威脅,從而確保資料完整性和業務連續性。Acronis於2003年在新加坡成立的瑞士公司,在全球設有15個辦事處,員工遍佈50多個國家。Acronis Cyber Protect在150個國家/地區以26種語言提供,並被超過20,000 家服務提供者使用,已保護超過750,000家企業。在台灣,Acronis安克諾斯廣受金融界及政府單位所信任及普遍使用,並於2015年授權湛揚科技為台灣總代理。 【關於湛揚科技】 湛揚科技成立於2005年,致力於『資料備份、端點防護及網路安全』解決方案,協同合作夥伴為企業提供新世代高性價比的資訊安全產品及專業服務為公司宗旨。湛揚科技亦為「唯思安全WithSecure」與「芬-安全F-Secure」的台灣總代理。在未來新型網路技術及AI應用的數位環境下,湛揚科技將持續研發企業所需的基礎資安服務,並以專業代理『備份、防毒、雲安全』等新技術為發展目標,持續為企業及合作夥伴提供穩定堅固的安全解決方案及服務,並以『客戶滿意』『永續經營』為企業的使命及價值。
【2024年4月24日,台北】Software Reviews 針對 1,700 名軟體使用者進行的調查後,唯思安全® WithSecure™ Elements 被評為端點保護的首選解決方案,在用戶實際對 17 個軟體供應商的真實體驗後進行了評估,並按照產品影響和服務體驗等類別對每個解決方案進行評級。唯思安全® WithSecure™ 憑藉 9.6分 (滿分10分) 的客戶整體體驗榮獲了冠軍,證實唯思安全® WithSecure™ 端點保護解決方案不僅是高效能技術產品,更是極具價值且以客戶為中心的服務。 唯思安全® WithSecure™ 在Software Reviews 的多項的指標評估,包含了可靠性、高效性,節省時間、績效提升及產品增強功能等,囊括了多項的第一頭銜,唯思安全® WithSecure™ 產品和產品組合管理副總裁 Artturi Lehtiö 表示:「這項認可體現了我們協同安全理念的實力和價值,最高級別的安全只能透過協作來實現,而這項調查進一步驗證了協作如何帶來更好的結果。」 唯思安全® WithSecure™ Elements 是一個模組化的單一整合網路安全解決方案。它由一整套網路安全應用程式組成,包括我們屢獲殊榮的端點保護 (EPP)、端點偵測與響應 (EDR) 和漏洞管理 (VM) 等技術。這些技術共同提供端點到端點的業務和雲端覆蓋範圍。在今天這個變幻莫測、不斷變化的業務環境中,我們的一體化安全平台幫助您建立和維護一個有彈性的業務。更多唯思安全® WithSecure™ 產品,請瀏覽湛揚科技官網 https://www.t-tech.com.tw 或來電 02-25151585 洽詢,我們將有專人為您做更詳細的說明。同時今年五月的資安大會也即將來臨,總代理湛揚科技與唯思安全®在攤位 P109 誠摯邀請您蒞臨指導,除了專業的同仁會在現場為您做詳細的產品介紹,同時也準備了精美小禮品及與會專屬優惠活動,歡迎各位貴賓一同參與資安展盛會! 【關於Software Reviews】 Software Reivew 是企業軟體市場裡最深入的買家數據和見解來源,也是Info-Tech Research Group的一個部門,該報告記錄來自IT專業人士收集而來的真實評論數據,並匯總了27個綜合問題的回饋予以評級,為使用者對供應商及其產品的整體評估提供了最強而有力的指標。 【關於WithSecure™ 唯思安全®】 WithSecure™ 唯思安全®是一家歐洲資訊安全公司,擁有數十年的經驗,致力於保護企業免受從機會主義勒索軟體感染到進階資訊攻擊等各種威脅。我們的全面服務和屢獲殊榮的產品利用WithSecure™ 唯思安全®的專利安全創新和複雜的威脅情報,保護著數以萬計的公司和數百萬人。WithSecure™ 唯思安全®的資訊安全專家參與了比市場上任何其他公司更多的歐洲資訊犯罪現場調查,我們的產品由數千名經銷商和數百名運營商在全球範圍內銷售,並於2017年授權湛揚科技為台灣總代理。 【關於湛揚科技】 湛揚科技是「WithSecure™ 唯思安全®」企業安全產品與「F-Secure芬-安全」防毒產品台灣總代理,湛揚科技提供企業客戶及合作夥伴新世代資安及雲端解決方案『備份、資安、防火牆』面對千變萬化的網路威脅及攻擊,湛揚科技始終以提供最佳性價比的安全解決方案及服務,協同合作夥伴一起為企業打造資訊安全及雲端服務的新世代,並以『客戶滿意、永續經營』為企業使命及目標!
LONDON, Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IFS, the leading technology provider of enterprise cloud and industrial AI software, has been named as a Customers' Choice in the 2024 Gartner Voice of the Customer Field Service Management report. This year, IFS has the additional distinction of being the only company to receive the recognition and attain a placement in the top right section of the Peer Insights Quadrant. Max Roberts, Chief Operating Officer at IFS, said: "We feel this recognition represents an important independent validation of our leadership position in this market, and is a further reinforcement of our differentiators in service and asset-centric sectors, our industry depth, and our focus on innovation. As the only vendor with a Customers' Choice Distinction for field service management, the recognition is provided to vendors for meeting or exceeding the market average for both Overall Experience and User Interest and Adoption, a recognition the team at IFS is proud of." IFS's field service management solutions comprise service management software with industrial AI embedded designed to deliver service excellence, optimize workforce efficiency, and grow service revenues. We feel that customer feedback is a key contributor that helps IFS to shape its product and continuously innovate to enable service-centric organizations to accelerate growth and deliver innovation in their business. This is the latest in a string of recent Gartner recognitions for IFS. IFS was recently ranked #1 in the Gartner Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2023 in the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) segment by revenue for the third consecutive year. IFS was also named a Customers' Choice in the 2024 Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer for Cloud ERP for Product-Centric Enterprises. The Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice recognizes vendors in this market based on reviews from verified end-user professionals. The Customers' Choice distinction takes into account both the number of reviews and the overall user ratings. To ensure fair evaluation, Gartner maintains rigorous criteria for recognizing vendors with a high customer satisfaction rate. This year, in addition to our recognition in Field Service Management and Cloud ERP for Product-centric Enterprises, IFS is also a Customers' Choice for Cloud ERP for Product-centric Enterprises in the Manufacturing industry. Reviews from IFS' peers include: "Exceptional product from an exceptional company" – Business systems Analyst, Transportation "I think IFS is a very excellent solution. With IFS, we are able to continuously improve our workflow to provide better services." – System Engineer, Telecommunication "Fantastic bit of software, helps us to be able to complete the day-to-day jobs and getting feedback from field engineers is convenient." – Lead IFS analyst, Manufacturing Read more reviews for IFS here: https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/field-service-management/vendor/ifs/product/ifs-field-service-management-software/reviews Learn more about how IFS supports organizations through its field service management solutions at: https://www.ifs.com/solutions/field-service-management Gartner, Voice of the Customers Field Service Management Report, Peer Contributors, 23 July 2024. Gartner Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2023, 22 April 2024 Gartner Voice of the Customer for Cloud ERP for Product-Centric Enterprises, 22 March 2024 Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark, and PEER INSIGHTS is a trademark and service mark, of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner Peer Insights content consists of the opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences with the vendors listed on the platform, should not be construed as statements of fact, nor do they represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in this content nor makes any warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this content, about its accuracy or completeness, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. About IFS IFS is the world's leading provider of Industrial AI and enterprise software for hardcore businesses that make, service, and power our planet. Our technology enables businesses which manufacture goods, maintain complex assets, and manage service-focused operations to unlock the transformative power of Industrial AI™ to enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. IFS Cloud is a fully composable AI-powered platform, designed for ultimate flexibility and adaptability to our customers' specific requirements and business evolution. It spans the needs of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Information Technology Service Management (ITSM), and Field Service Management (FSM). IFS technology leverages AI, machine learning, real-time data and analytics to empower our customers to make informed strategic decisions and excel at their Moment of Service™. IFS was founded in 1983 by five university friends who pitched a tent outside our first customer's site to ensure they would be available 24/7 and the needs of the customer would come first. Since then, IFS has grown into a global leader with over 6,500 employees in 80 countries. Driven by those foundational values of agility, customer-centricity, and trust, IFS is recognized worldwide for delivering value and supporting strategic transformations. We are the most recommended supplier in our sector. Visit ifs.com to learn why. Contact information EMEA / APJ: Adam GillbeIFS, Director of Corporate & Executive CommunicationsEmail: press@ifs.com Phone: +44 7775 114 856 NORTH AMERICA / LATAM: Mairi MorganIFS, Director of Corporate & Executive CommunicationsEmail: press@ifs.com Phone: +44 7918 607 299 This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com https://news.cision.com/ifs/r/ifs-the-only-company-named-as-a-customers--choice-in-the-2024-gartner--peer-insights--voice-of-the-c,c4015958 The following files are available for download: https://mb.cision.com/Main/855/4015958/2932023.pdf Release https://news.cision.com/ifs/i/image-15,c3322420 image 15
VANCOUVER, BC, May 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PDFelement, the renowned PDF editing software developed by Wondershare, has been honored with 58 awards by G2, a globally recognized platform for software reviews and ratings. Among these accolades are the prestigious Leader Award and Highest User Adoption, affirming PDFelement's position as a frontrunner in the PDF editing software market. PDFelement introduces 13 new free PDF tools accessible directly from any web browser, enhancing its user-friendly approach and platform independence. "We are thrilled to receive such high recognition from G2, including the Leader Award and Highest User Adoption," said Iris L, PR Director at Wondershare. "These awards validate our commitment to delivering innovative, user-friendly solutions that empower individuals and businesses to efficiently handle their PDF document needs." PDFelement has long been celebrated for its robust features, including e-signature capabilities. Lumi PDF AI Robot, an AI-powered tool, enhances productivity by offering support for summarizing, proofreading, rewriting, explaining, and translating PDF content. Additionally, the platform has taken its offerings to the next level by introducing 13 new free PDF tools accessible directly from any web browser, enhancing its user-friendly approach and platform independence. The suite of new tools includes functionalities that cater to various PDF editing needs: PDF Conversion Tools: Users can convert PDFs to editable formats such as Word, Excel, PPT, and text, or convert PDFs to JPG, and vice versa, facilitating seamless data interchange between different software. PDF Compression and Merging: These tools allow users to efficiently manage PDF file size and merge multiple documents into a single PDF, simplifying document organization. PDF Cropping: This tool allows users to crop PDFs to a selected area and adjust margin sizes swiftly. "Innovation, simplicity, efficiency, and accessibility are at the core of PDFelement," added Iris. "We are dedicated to continuously improving our software to meet the evolving needs of our users and provide them with a seamless experience." Compatibility and Price Wondershare PDFelement is compatible with Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS, and its pricing starts at $24.99 per year. For free trials and downloads, please visit https://pdf.wondershare.com/ or follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to learn more about PDFelement. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 90 million people annually — including employees at all Fortune 500 companies — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation and grow their business — including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more, visit http://www.g2.com. About Wondershare Wondershare is globally recognized as a software company committed to delivering innovative solutions for personal and professional use. As a leader in creativity and productivity products, Wondershare has received prestigious awards from organizations such as The Shorty Awards, G2, and GetApp. At Wondershare, the mission is to empower individuals to pursue their passions and build a more creative world. With over 100 million users across 150 countries, users can access various software solutions for video editing, PDF editing, data recovery, diagrams and graphics, and more. Together, Wondershare strives to provide high-quality, user-friendly software that enables individuals and businesses to bring their creative ideas to life. Media Contacts Iris Lirisl@wondershare.com
ROLLER is proud to win a Leader Award from SourceForge, the world's largest software reviews and comparison website. AUSTIN, Texas, Feb. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ROLLER, an all-in-one venue management software company for the attractions industry, has been awarded a Winter 2024 Leader Award by SourceForge. This award recognizes companies in the top fifth percentile of highly reviewed products on SourceForge – a feat earned through continuous outstanding company and product reviews. "It's my pleasure to award the Winter 2024 Leaders on SourceForge. ROLLER has been named a Leader this Winter in the Venue Management and Amusement Park categories, and their numerous outstanding user reviews are proof of the excellent solution they provide to their customers. Congratulations, and keep up the great work!" said SourceForge President Logan Abbott. To win the Winter 2024 Leader award, each winner had to receive enough high-rated user reviews to place their offering in the top 5% of favorably reviewed products on SourceForge. With over 100,000 products on the platform, to stand out in such a way demonstrates the utmost quality ROLLER delivers to customers. "We're super excited to snag the SourceForge Winter 2024 Leader Award. Our team works hard to provide a product that is truly valuable for our operators, and we're grateful for the positive feedback. Big thanks to our customers and SourceForge for this nod—it's a huge motivator for all of us," shared Kalyn New, VP of Marketing at ROLLER. About ROLLER ROLLER is the cloud-based venue management platform for the modern attraction, purpose-built to remove friction from the guest experience at every touchpoint. Their all-in-one platform simplifies its customers' business processes, improving efficiency and maximizing revenue. ROLLER's comprehensive solution includes: online checkout and ticketing, point-of sale, integrated payments, memberships, gift cards, waivers, self-serve kiosks, mobile food & beverage, the Guest Experience Score®, and more. To learn more, visit roller.software. About SourceForge SourceForge.net is the world's largest software comparison directory, serving nearly 20 million users every month and featuring user reviews, product comparisons, software guides, and more. SourceForge's mission is to help businesses find the best software to fit their needs and their budget. There are a variety of software tools available to businesses, and there are tools in almost every category and niche, each serving a slightly different purpose. SourceForge also powers the Slashdot.org/software/ business software and services directory.
The international research institution – Software Reviews (Info-Tech Research Group) recently announces FPT.AI to be the Best AI Platform in 2023. The award is synthesized from intensive reviews and evaluations from prestigious organizations and enterprises that apply AI innovations at a global scale. It brilliantly distinguishes FPT.AI's efforts throughout its journey to co-create outstanding values with businesses. HANOI, Vietnam, Oct. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Software Reviews is a member of Info-Tech Research Group, one of leading institutions on researching and consulting technology solutions for organizations and businesses. Emanated from its 25 years of experience, Software Reviews places its focus on the business experience in deploying and operating innovations; thus, orchestrating valuable data and information system to help business leaders select the right partner and solution. To locate the winner for Virtual Assistants Software Awards 2023, Software Reviews conducted in-depth surveys with technology experts and enterprises that are in use of AI applications in nearly 12 months. The survey concentrates on evaluating customer satisfaction on Product Features, Vendor Capabilities, and Emotional Footprint. Surpassing top-tier AI providers, FPT.AI is granted the Top 1 Global AI Platform 2023 with an overall rating of 8.6 and customer satisfaction level of 98 points. Notably, both scores for service quality and product features achieved 100 points. The "Best AI Platform 2023" award is not only from testimonies of customers using FPT.AI solutions and services but also from the international tech community. Pinpointing AI as the strategic technology for digital transformation in Vietnam and around the world, since 2013, FPT has been investing in AI capabilities including capital resources, infrastructures, and data to empower various aspects of life with remarkable achievements. FPT.AI is the comprehensive AI-powered platform with 05 core solutions: Conversational AI, AI Contact Center Enhancement, Intelligent Document Processing, Digital Customer Onboarding, and Employee Assistant. FPT.AI solutions have enabled businesses to improve productivity by 60%, elevate digital customer experience, and optimize 47% of operating expenses. The world-class FPT.AI platform is currently implemented by 100+ enterprises in 15 countries in the fields of Banking – Finance, Insurance, Retail… with more than 200-million usages per month. Mr. Le Hong Viet, CEO FPT Smart Cloud shares, "We are delighted and honored to attain the Best AI Platform Award 2023 from Software Reviews. This recognition not only asserts our efforts in providing high-quality solutions and services to our clients but also declares the quality of Make in Vietnam innovations in the international market. This award will further inspire the FPT.AI team to continue developing state-of-the-art products, delivering the Next Gen AI to create business breakthroughs, transforming Vietnam into an AI center of the region as well as the world. FPT.AI is the Artificial Intelligence platform developed by FPT Smart Cloud. It has achieved prestigious domestic and international awards, proving its R&D efforts such as Best AI Technology - Asian Technology Excellence Awards 2022, First Place in SHINRA 2020-ML competition on Natural Language Processing in Japan, Vietnam Digital Award 2021, Sao Khue 2020, Best Digital Platform - Make in Vietnam 2020, Best AI Product/Solution in Vietnam – AI4Vn 2022…
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Software Reviews
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