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Elegoo Updates Formnext 2024 Plans with New Releases, FashionTech, Influencer Talks, and Fan Events

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Elegoo, a rapidly developing brand in global smart manufacturing, has updated its plans for Formnext 2024, offering a sneak peek at exciting new products and initiatives. From November 19-22, 2024, in Frankfurt, Germany, Elegoo will showcase solutions designed for an intuitive ecosystem, while engaging the growing number of women and children in 3D printing and fostering community connections between influencers and consumers. Latest Innovations at a GlanceAt Formnext, Elegoo will introduce four major products designed to enhance the 3D printing experience. These include its first all-in-one LCD slicing software, which streamlines the printing process. The upgraded Saturn 4 Ultra 16K features a 16K screen for vivid colors and fine detail, faster printing speeds, built-in Wi-Fi, and a tank heating feature for optimal results in cooler temperatures. The Centauri Carbon, Elegoo's first Core-XY 3D printer, combines precision, speed, and reliability, offering a competitive alternative to the Bambu Lab X1C. Additionally, the Mercury Plus 3.0 wash and cure machine offers mess-free cleaning and accommodates larger prints with ease. Where Fashion Meets 3D PrintingElegoo is thrilled to announce a special collaboration with Dutch FashionTech designer Anouk Wipprecht, who will debut a stunning 3D printed dress at the Elegoo booth at 16:00 on November 19. The high-tech creation features multiple mechanical parts, all made using Elegoo's state-of-the-art 3D printers, showcasing the potential of 3D printing in fashion design. Elegoo will host a female roundtable at Formnext on November 19, featuring leading female designers and creators. Influencer Talks: Exploring the Future of 3D PrintingFormnext visitors will have the opportunity to attend insightful talks by industry influencers at the Elegoo booth, covering a variety of exciting topics. During the female roundtable session, Elegoo will launch its inaugural Female Empowerment Program, designed to encourage more women and children to embrace 3D printing technology, in response to the growing interest from these groups. Date Local Time Influencers Topic Nov 19 11:30-12:00 Tade Leye Resin Printed Jewellery: My Experience So Far 15:00-15:30 FauxHammer How Resin Printing is Changing the World of Miniatures 16:00-18:00 Anouk Wipprecht Brigitte Kock Tade Leye Female Roundtable Nov 20 11:00-11:30 Geek Detour Future Crafts: 3D Printing Will Become What Woodworking Was in the 60s 15:00-15:30 Tade Leye Resin Printing for Sustainable Fashion Futures Nov 21 11:00-11:30 Brigitte Kock Design for Disassembly: 3D Printing Modular Connections in Fashion 15:00-15:30 Geek Detour Selling 3D Printed Products: consumers are ready. Are we? Nov 22 12:00-12:30 Fauxhammer The Future of Resin Printing Here We Goo: Frankfurt Fan Gathering & Model SharingElegoo will host a special fan gathering event in Frankfurt on November 20, providing a unique opportunity for fans to meet, share 3D models, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. The event will take place from 14:30 to 17:00, offering an exciting afternoon of community engagement and exclusive previews. Sign up here to join the fun! To strengthen its connection with the local community, Elegoo also launched a dedicated German-language Facebook group in October, which has quickly grown to nearly 1,000 members. Those who join the group before November 22 will have a chance to win a Saturn 4 Ultra or 3D printing materials. Join the group here. For more information or to schedule a discussion with the Elegoo team, please contact marketing@Elegoo.com. You may also visit Elegoo official website and social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), YouTube, TikTok, Discord and Reddit. Date: November 19-22, 2024Venue: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition CenterBooth: Hall 12.1-F01 About ElegooFounded in 2015, Elegoo is a rapidly developing brand in the global smart manufacturing industry, specializing in R&D, manufacturing, and sales of consumer-grade 3D printers, laser engravers, STEM kits, and other smart technology products. Located in Shenzhen, the Silicon Valley of China, the company has sold millions of products to nearly 90 countries and regions. In 2023, the company's total sales revenue reached approximately 200 million USD, with close to 700 employees and nearly 30,000 square meters of office and manufacturing area. With a focus on programming and 3D printing technology, Elegoo provides unique and smart creation spaces for diverse consumers to enhance personalized experiences.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 59 加入收藏 :

中國殘疾人聯合會主席程凱先生赴港擔任主禮嘉賓香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年11月8日 - 香港復康聯會(復康聯會)於11月8日圓滿舉行「香港復康聯會六十周年誌慶午宴」,盛況空前。此次活動特邀中國殘疾人聯合會主席程凱先生及勞工及福利局局長孫玉菡先生致辭,與近200位復康界同仁共襄盛舉,氣氛熱烈。 (由左起)立法會福利事務委員會主席管浩鳴牧師、香港社會服務聯會行政總裁蔡海偉先生 、勞工及褔利局局長孫玉菡先生、香港復康聯會主席張偉良先生、中國殘疾人聯合會主席程凱先生、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室社會工作部處長陳子明先生、社會福利署署長李佩詩女士、立法會議員(社會福利界)狄志遠議員。 午宴假尖沙咀唯港薈舉行,並邀請了多位嘉賓出席,包括中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室社會工作部處長陳子明先生、社會福利署署長李佩詩女士、立法會福利事務委員會主席管浩鳴牧師、立法會社會福利界議員狄志遠博士、香港社會服務聯會行政總裁蔡海偉先生、平等機會委員會主席林美秀女士、勞工及福利局康復諮詢委員會主席馮伯欣先生、康復專員陳偉偉先生、社會工作者註冊局主席許宗盛先生、職業訓練局殘疾人士職業訓練委員會主席林國基醫生,以及歷任和現任管理委員會主席、副主席及成員皆齊聚一堂,共同慶祝復康聯會六十周年的重要時刻。 香港復康聯會主席張偉良先生衷心感謝社會各界過去多年對復康聯會的支持,並期待未來能與中國殘疾人聯合會深化合作,並與政府繼續攜手推進復康事業。張主席表示:「回顧過去,復康聯會一直堅守使命,致力於推動殘疾人的權益;展望未來,我們將繼續砥礪前行,為殘疾人士的福祉而努力。」 中國殘疾人聯合會(中國殘聯)主席程凱先生致辭時提到中國殘聯與復康聯會在過去建立了深厚的情誼。程主席讚揚復康聯會在過去六十年來的工作不遺餘力,致力提升殘疾人士及其照顧者的生活質素,成績斐然。程主席表示:「我們願携手香港復康聯會,進一步深化交流合作,促進殘疾人平等充分融入社會生活,共享經濟社會發展成果。」 勞工及福利局局長孫玉菡先生表示很高興見證復康聯會成立六十周年的重要時刻,對復康聯會過去多年推動本港康復服務發展的角色予以肯定。他表示政府會繼續推出多項措施支援殘疾人士,並會繼續邀請殘疾人士加入康復諮詢委員會,以掌握他們的需要。 在活動中,復康聯會特別感謝各企業的支持(例如每年均向殘疾人士及其照顧者提供免費入場門券,並於每年11月的其中一天提供免費乘搭車船優惠),並邀請社會福利署署長李佩詩女士為企業夥伴頒發紀念品,以表彰其對殘疾人士及其照顧者的貢獻。 誌慶午宴以播放復康聯會六十周年紀念影片揭開序幕。影片回顧了復康聯會的歷程與成就。為了薪火相傳、承傳使命的宗旨,復康聯會今年舉辦「殘疾青年人才培訓計劃」,旨在鼓勵年輕殘疾人士裝備自己、積極參與社會事務。席間,五位參與「殘疾青年人才培訓計劃」的學員並分享他們的經驗和收穫。 為慶祝六十周年,復康聯會還將舉辦一系列活動,包括於12月舉行的「2024年國際復康日」中央慶祝典禮及出版「六十周年紀念特刊」電子書。復康聯會作為代表超過130間非政府復康組織及殘疾人士的聯會,將持續推動殘疾人士的權利,締造共融社會。 Hashtag: #香港復康聯會https://www.jointcouncil.org.hk發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任香港復康聯會簡介香港復康聯會(復康聯會)於1964年成立,是本港非政府復康服務機構及殘疾人士團體所組成的聯會組織,目的旨在推動殘疾人士服務和設施的協調及改善、參與政策的檢討和制定、推展公眾教育以及發展新的復康項目。復康聯會在本港及國際復康界均扮演著重要的角色。 主要工作 就各殘疾議題舉辦課程、工作坊、會議、研討會以及進行調查研究。 致力協調及整合各項為殘疾人士提供的服務和設施。 教育公眾關注殘疾人士在社會及經濟方面的權利和需要。 提供各殘疾議題的資訊如專業諮詢服務。 倡議、評估及協助發展和改善各項復康計劃與服務。 在本港及國際復康界代表會員機構表達意見。 透過會議及研討會,致力消除、減低各類殘疾的起因和影響、改善、促進殘疾人士福利和教育。 在需要時向政府提出建議,倡導和推動立法工作,以保障殘疾人士的利益及權利。 與世界各地宗旨相近的組織建立及維持關係,或加入成為會員。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 445 加入收藏 :
Singapore - A Trusted Global Supply Chain Management Hub

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 8 November 2024 - Singapore is strengthening its position as a global hub for supply chain management (SCM), providing international businesses with a reliable and efficient base to manage their regional and global supply chains. With top-notch infrastructure, a skilled talent pool, and forward-looking policies, Singapore invites businesses worldwide to establish or expand their operations in the city-state. Employees in the Tuas port operations room Singapore Supply Chain Connect 2024 – Showcasing Supply Chain Innovation From 3 October 2024 to 4 October 2024, the inaugural Singapore Supply Chain Connect 2024 brought together around 400 senior supply chain and business leaders to discuss the ongoing shifts in global supply chains. Organised by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), in collaboration with key industry and government partners, this landmark event highlighted Singapore's growing role in global supply chain management. Industry leaders shared best practices on how companies are leveraging Southeast Asia (SEA) and Singapore to drive growth and diversify their supply chains within the region. The discussions emphasised Singapore's strategic role in helping businesses build resilience and capitalise on new opportunities in the evolving global landscape. A Strong Talent Pool and Cutting-Edge Innovation Singapore's SCM hubs draw on a robust talent pool of over 70,000 supply chain professionals, supported by 3,600 annual graduates with the necessary skills to drive innovation and efficiency. In addition to its talent advantage, Singapore provides businesses access to a thriving innovation ecosystem backed by government initiatives such as the Economic Development Board's (EDB) support schemes. Companies can leverage these resources to establish innovation teams or Centres of Excellence (COEs) to adopt advanced technologies for digital and sustainable supply chains. A Logistics Powerhouse with World-Class Connectivity Singapore's top ranking in the World Bank's 2023 Logistics Performance Index reinforces its role as a global logistics management hub. The country's customs dwell time of under 10 minutes highlights its operational efficiency, making it a trusted hub for companies seeking to streamline their supply chain operations. The logistics industry in Singapore is further bolstered by the presence of 22 of the top 25 globally leading third-party logistics providers (3PLs), many of whom are setting up Best-In-Class Regional Distribution Centres (BIC RDCs). Companies such as DB Schenker, DSV, and Maersk are investing in cutting-edge facilities in Singapore, with new regional distribution centres expected to be operational by 2025. Long-Term Investments in Connectivity and Infrastructure Singapore's commitment to enhancing its connectivity is evident in its ongoing investments in air and sea logistics infrastructure, which have established the nation as a trusted air and sea connectivity hub. The Changi Air Cargo Hub is expanding its capacity from 3 million to 5.4 million tonnes annually, supported by the remodelled Changi Airfreight Centre, the Changi East Industrial Zone, and the Airport Logistics Park Singapore (ALPS). ALPS, operational since 2003, provides third-party logistics (3PL) services, enabling seamless regional air cargo flows. To further augment capacity, a second Airport Logistics Park (ALPS2) will launch from the 2030s, offering new space for logistics companies and serving as a Free Trade Zone. On the maritime side, Singapore remains the world's busiest container transshipment hub, handling 39.01 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in 2023. The upcoming Tuas Mega Port, set to be the world's largest fully automated port by the 2040s, will have a capacity of 65 million TEUs annually. This advanced port infrastructure will reduce vessel turnaround times and cement Singapore's position as a key global maritime hub. Hashtag: #EDB #SingaporeEconomicDevelopmentBoard #Singaporehttps://www.edb.gov.sghttps://sg.linkedin.com/company/singapore-economic-development-boardhttps://x.com/singapore_edbhttps://www.facebook.com/EDBsghttps://www.instagram.com/singapore_edbThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.Singapore Economic Development BoardThe Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), a government agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is responsible for strategies that enhance Singapore's position as a global centre for business, innovation, and talent.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 150 加入收藏 :
KBTG Vietnam and Techsauce Propel Techsauce Global Summit 2024 in Vietnam – Accelerating ASEAN's Digital Economy

HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM – Media OutReach Newswire – 8 November 2024 - KBTG Vietnam, the technological arm of KASIKORN Business-Technology Group (KBTG), in partnership with Techsauce, celebrates the successful hosting of Techsauce Global Summit 2024 in Vietnam. The event, held in Ho Chi Minh City, embodies a shared dedication to nurturing a sustainable digital economy throughout ASEAN and Southeast Asia. KBTG Vietnam celebrates the successful hosting of Techsauce Global Summit 2024 in Vietnam Empowering Southeast Asia's Tech Potential Techsauce Global Summit 2024 attracted over 500 participants, including tech enthusiasts, business owners, venture capitalists, and media representatives. The summit featured 10 thought-provoking panel discussions led by 22 expert speakers from the technology, finance, and banking sectors. Centered on the theme "Unleashing Southeast Asia's Tech Potential," these discussions explored the transformative impact of AI on job markets and career opportunities, offering strategies for cultivating tech talent in the AI era. In his keynote address, Mr. Thanussak Thanyasiri, Managing Director of KBTG Vietnam, highlighted the long-term commitment required for AI investments, stating, "It takes at least six years for businesses to start seeing the benefits of AI." He emphasized that while technology serves as a tool, it is human innovation that propels a sustainable digital economy. Mr. Thanussak Thanyasiri, Managing Director of KBTG Vietnam Strategic Regional Collaboration In a detailed panel discussion, Mr. Jarung Kiatsupapong - Vice Chairman from KBTG elaborated on how Thailand's advanced digital infrastructure, characterized by high-speed internet and digital service platforms, can be synergistically integrated with Vietnam's rapidly growing, skilled tech workforce. He emphasized that this integration could lead to joint initiatives in technology development, innovation hubs, and cross-border tech startups, potentially accelerating bilateral economic growth and technological progress. Separately, Ms. Oranuch (Mimee) Lerdsuwankij, CEO and Co-Founder of Techsauce, presented a nuanced perspective on the partnership dynamics between KBTG and Techsauce. She outlined specific projects aimed at improving digital literacy, fostering entrepreneurship, and creating a cohesive tech ecosystem across ASEAN, thereby strengthening regional economic resilience and competitiveness. Mr. Thang Bui, Chief Representative cum Business Innovation Scout, KVision Representative Office in HCMC, provided a deep dive into KBank's efforts in revolutionizing banking services through digitalization. He presented case studies of successful digital banking solutions that have been implemented, which have significantly improved user experience through enhanced mobile banking features and personalized financial services driven by data analytics. In her address, Ms. Cam Doan Thi Ngoc, Advanced People Business Partner at KBTG Vietnam, shared KBTG Vietnam's strategic approach from an employer's perspective. Being newly established for just over two years, KBTG Vietnam is in the process of building up its capabilities and actively seeks talent—particularly those with specialized expertise in banking and finance services. She highlighted the company's mindful approach in talent selection, focusing on individuals with both the highest skill levels and niche capabilities that align with their strategic objectives. AINU: Innovating Verification and Security Techsauce Global Summit 2024 also featured an exhibition area showcasing leading tech companies, with a significant presence from KBTG and KBTG Vietnam. Among these was AINU, an AI-driven verification technology for advanced security applications. AINU encompasses features like facial recognition, face liveness detection, and optical character recognition, meeting the highest banking security standards and supporting over 20 million users globally. Commitment to Regional Leadership in Technology KBTG's initiatives with AINU and other AI projects demonstrate a broader ambition to establish a comprehensive AI ecosystem, enhancing regional competitiveness. With Vietnam as a strategic hub, KBTG aims to deepen its collaboration with Thai tech enterprises and offer premier financial solutions to regional customers. For inquiries or IT consultancy services from KBTG Vietnam, please contact contact@kbtgvn.tech. Hashtag: #KBTG #KBTGVietnam #TechsauceGlobalSummit2024https://www.kbtg.tech/en/kbtg-vietnamhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/kasikorn-business-technology-group/https://www.facebook.com/kbtglivehttps://www.youtube.com/c/kbtg_officialThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.KBTG VietnamKBTG Vietnam is the extended tech arm of KASIKORN Business-Technology Group, aiming to drive digital transformation and technological innovation in Vietnam and across the region. Established over two years ago, KBTG Vietnam focuses on creating advanced solutions for digital banking and fintech. Collaborating with regional partners, the company is dedicated to nurturing a skilled workforce, emphasizing talents with expertise in banking and finance. KBTG Vietnam strives to integrate technology with human expertise, advancing the region's digital economy and ensuring its competitive edge in the global market. For more information on their initiatives, please visit https://www.kbtg.tech/en/kbtg-vietnam

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 176 加入收藏 :
The Mineral Boutique Expands in Singapore with Three Prime Retail Locations, Strengthening Its Regional Presence with Unique Multi-Brand Offerings

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 8 November 2024 - The Mineral Boutique, a premier multi-brand destination for beauty and wellness, is excited to announce the opening of three flagship stores in Singapore at Jewel Changi Airport, NEX Shopping Mall, and Wheelock Place. This expansion, which adds to 25 locations across Asia, solidifies the brand's growing influence in the region's luxury beauty and wellness sector. Telosin Light Enhancing Serum is one of the many exceptional products offered at The Mineral Boutique The Mineral Boutique offers a curated selection of skincare, beauty, and wellness products, blending nature's purity with cutting-edge technology. Its range includes luxurious skincare infused with minerals, wellness supplements, and exclusive home essentials—each chosen for its transformative potential and commitment to sustainability. "We are thrilled to expand into Singapore," said Andrey Akselrod, Founder and CEO of The Mineral Boutique. "Our stores are designed to be sanctuaries, where customers can experience a holistic approach to self-care, blending nature, innovation, and luxury in one space." A Unique Multi-Brand Experience The Mineral Boutique offers an array of premium brands that span diverse categories, from advanced skincare solutions to exclusive wellness products and luxurious home essentials. Each brand is carefully selected to align with The Mineral Boutique's philosophy of combining natural purity with scientific progress. For instance, skincare products are formulated with minerals and botanical extracts that nourish and rejuvenate, while wellness supplements offer customers a path to enhance overall health. An Immersive Customer Journey Beyond shopping, The Mineral Boutique offers a sensory journey, with elegant displays, personalized consultations, and interactive stations where customers can explore product textures, scents, and benefits. Knowledgeable consultants guide customers to products tailored to their unique needs, making each visit a meaningful experience. The Mineral Boutique also offers an exclusive line of luxury home essentials, including scented candles and décor items that bring an added layer of indulgence to daily life. This diverse selection ensures that each visit to The Mineral Boutique is as enriching as it is enjoyable, allowing customers to embrace wellness as a comprehensive, full-bodied experience. Continued Growth Across Asia The launch of these three locations marks an exciting new chapter for The Mineral Boutique, with plans for further expansion throughout Asia. The brand's rapid growth reflects its commitment to quality and a customer-first approach, resonating with health-conscious, modern consumers. Hashtag: #themineralboutique #beauty #skincare #wellness #selfcare #Asia #homeskincare #luxuryskincare #Flagshipstorehttps://www.themineralboutique.com/https://www.facebook.com/TheMineralBoutique?mibextid=LQQJ4dhttps://www.instagram.com/themineralboutiqueofficial/?hl=enThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About The Mineral BoutiqueThe Mineral Boutique is a multi-brand concept offering a curated selection of premium beauty, skincare, and wellness products. With a focus on natural ingredients, scientific innovation, and sustainability, The Mineral Boutique provides transformative self-care experiences that promote vitality and well-being. For more information, please visit www.themineralboutique.com

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 308 加入收藏 :
Telosin X Debuts in Singapore at The Mineral Boutique: Revolutionizing At-Home Skincare

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 8 November 2024 – Singapore's beauty enthusiasts have a new reason to celebrate as The Mineral Boutique introduces Telosin X, a revolutionary at-home skincare device that merges clinical innovation with the convenience of personal use. Known for its blend of high-tech beauty and nature-inspired wellness, The Mineral Boutique selected Telosin X to join its premium lineup, furthering its mission to offer cutting-edge solutions for customers dedicated to skincare and self-care. Featuring red infra light technology, the Telosin X is stimulates collagen production to improve elasticity, reduce fine lines, and boost overall radiance. Telosin X stands out in the crowded field of beauty devices with its advanced infra-light technology, originally inspired by NASA research. It uses deep-penetrating red light therapy that reaches beneath the skin's surface, stimulating collagen production to improve elasticity, reduce fine lines, and boost overall radiance. The device is FDA-cleared for safe at-home use, allowing customers to access a level of skincare once reserved for professional spas and dermatology clinics. "We are excited to launch Telosin X in Singapore and to bring this transformative technology to our customers," says Andrey Akselrod, Founder and CEO of The Mineral Boutique. "The beauty industry has seen remarkable advancements, and Telosin X represents a new era where science and self-care unite, enabling our customers to take charge of their skincare routine in a way that fits their lifestyle." Bringing Professional Results into the Home Telosin X's popularity stems from its ability to deliver spa-quality results in the comfort of home. The device's red infra-light therapy works to increase cell turnover, improve skin tone, and minimize the appearance of wrinkles. With adjustable settings, Telosin X is designed to suit various skin types and concerns, making it versatile and easy to integrate into any skincare routine. The introduction of Telosin X highlights The Mineral Boutique's commitment to offering a selection of products that are both innovative and effective. The Mineral Boutique's consultants are on hand to provide in-depth demonstrations and guidance, ensuring customers understand the device's features and benefits before purchase. This hands-on approach reinforces the boutique's dedication to an enriched customer experience, where every product is chosen for its transformative potential. The Telosin X Experience at The Mineral Boutique Launching Telosin X in Singapore aligns seamlessly with The Mineral Boutique's holistic approach to beauty and wellness. The boutique's carefully curated atmosphere and knowledgeable consultants offer customers a serene and educational shopping experience. As visitors explore The Mineral Boutique's range of products, they can interact with Telosin X through live demonstrations and learn about the science behind its technology. The boutique experience enhances the appeal of Telosin X by allowing customers to see firsthand how it addresses skin concerns, from fine lines to uneven texture. This immersion offers a deeper understanding of the device's potential, helping customers feel confident in incorporating it into their skincare routine. Through personalized consultations, each customer can evaluate how Telosin X fits their specific needs, further emphasizing the device's versatility and effectiveness. A Step Forward in At-Home Skincare Innovation The Mineral Boutique's launch of Telosin X represents a bold step in the evolution of skincare technology available in Singapore. With the demand for effective at-home treatments on the rise, Telosin X meets a growing need for safe, easy-to-use devices that yield impressive results. It reflects a growing movement toward empowering individuals to take control of their skincare journeys, leveraging advanced technology that was once accessible only in clinical settings. By bringing Telosin X to Singapore, The Mineral Boutique strengthens its position as a leader in beauty innovation, committed to bridging the gap between science and daily self-care practices. With a focus on both high-tech devices and natural wellness, The Mineral Boutique continues to redefine what beauty means for today's discerning customers. For those ready to elevate their skincare regimen, Telosin X offers an unmatched combination of sophistication, science, and convenience. It's a device that transforms routines, promising radiant skin and renewed confidence—exactly the kind of beauty solution that has come to define The Mineral Boutique's commitment to its clientele. Hashtag: #themineralboutique #beauty #skincare #wellness #selfcare #tech #homeskincarehttps://www.themineralboutique.com/https://www.facebook.com/TheMineralBoutique?mibextid=LQQJ4dhttps://www.instagram.com/themineralboutiqueofficial/?hl=enThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About The Mineral BoutiqueThe Mineral Boutique is a multi-brand destination that brings together the best of nature and innovation. With an extensive selection of beauty, skincare, and wellness products, The Mineral Boutique provides a unique self-care experience that blends natural ingredients with cutting-edge science. For more information, please visit www.themineralboutique.com

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