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符合「SIAL」新聞搜尋結果, 共 9 篇 ,以下為 1 - 9 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態

由法國「高美艾博展覽集團」 (Comexposium) 創辦的全球食品飲料展覽品牌SIAL,自1964年在巴黎誕生以來,逐步擴展至上海、深圳、蒙特婁、多倫多等全球主要城市,成為食品行業的重要盛會。今年正值SIAL品牌創立60週年,2024年SIAL深圳國際食品展將於9月2日至4日在深圳會展中心隆重開幕。此次展會不僅規模更大,展商質量也更高,吸引了食品業界的廣泛關注。 國際展商陣容與創新產品展示 在全球化浪潮的推動下,食品產業持續創新,展現出無限的發展潛力。作為SIAL西雅展(上海)的姊妹展,2024年SIAL西雅國際食品展(深圳)今年以更大規模、更高品質的國際展商陣容,吸引全球業界的高度關注。本次展會將匯集來自43個國家和地區的超過1500家展商,帶來超過10萬項產品,涵蓋14個主題展區,為業界呈現豐富多樣的食品飲料選擇。來自美國、法國、西班牙、日本、韓國等國家的展商將展示其最新的產品,覆蓋東南亞及歐盟等世界經濟體,為市場帶來更多商機,特別是在下半年節日密集的第三、四季度。活動亮點:創新引領消費新場景 今年SIAL西雅國際食品展(深圳)將根據所處市場特點,展示包括 有機食品、零食、飲料、食品配料、健康食品、冷凍食品、咖啡和茶在內的創新產品。期間還將舉辦多場精彩活動與比賽,如: ·       第五屆SIAL茶飲調配師大賽:創新食品與新消費場景的完美融合,現場調配特色飲品,揭示新式茶飲的趨勢。 ·       SIAL CUP咖啡師全能賽:全球頂尖咖啡師齊聚,展現高超技藝,創造新的咖啡標準。 ·       SIAL零食節:全新主題閃亮登場,融合時下流行元素,為年輕消費群體打造獨特的零食體驗。 ·       SIAL創意飲品市集:一站式新式茶飲體驗,集結愛好者與業界專業人士,共同探索創意飲品的未來。 ·       SIAL創新大賽:展示全球領先的食品飲料產品,洞察市場發展趨勢。 ·       SIAL最佳牛排獎:匯聚頂級肉類生產商,展示高品質牛排產品。 國際化服務與展會品質提升 主辦方為提升參展商和買家參展體驗,特別強調提供高效便捷的國際化服務。多語言服務將消除語言障礙,商務配對活動精準對接供需雙方,專業參觀團組織則為有需求的專業人士提供針對性服務,這些安排將進一步提升展會的品質和影響力。   精準商貿配對與市場合作機會 深圳SIAL國際食品展2024將專注於精準的商貿配對,聚焦展商與買家之間的投資回報率(ROI),探索與RCEP、東盟、一帶一路倡議和金磚國家對齊的創新產品和服務,與華南地區食品製造商及貿易商建立商業夥伴關係,並與領先的電子商務巨頭、頂級買家、分銷商、進口商和批發商深入合作。 展會成功歷程與未來展望 作為立足大灣區、輻射全球的食品飲料產業盛會,2023年的深圳SIAL展得到了廣泛好評,成功落地深圳,並成為國際會展之都的重要範例。未來,深圳SIAL西雅食品展將繼續促進產業的互動與合作,共同拓展全球食品市場的無限商機。   【展覽詳情 】 ·       日期:2024年9月02日至04日 ·       地點:深圳福田會展中心 入場門票索取連結:https://visitor.sialchina.com/login?link_id=1771

文章來源 : 法國在台協會商務處 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 584 加入收藏 :
SIAL Paris 2024 巴黎國際食品展: 創新亮點 引領全球食品產業

在巴黎奧運如火如荼進行之際,另一場國際美食產業的殿堂盛會——SIAL Paris 2024巴黎國際食品展,也將於10月19日隆重登場。這場盛會成立60周年以來,始終是匯聚全球食品業專業人士、促進商貿交流的重要平台。今年SIAL Paris展會將帶來更多亮點節目,繼續書寫其輝煌篇章。 2024年SIAL Paris 2024展會節目及特色 SIAL高峰會 // 全新登場! SIAL Paris 今年首次舉辦SIAL 峰會,這一創新形式不僅提供業界靈感,更邀請國際知名講者分享的前瞻性內容。峰會將深入探討非洲、深科技、人工智慧、供應鏈及企業社會責任(CSR)等主題,邀且業者深入瞭解其對行業的即時影響,並提出未來挑戰的具體解決方案。 SIAL For Change // 全新亮相! SIAL For Change競賽在SIAL Paris 60週年之際隆重揭幕,旨在提出關於CSR(企業社會責任)的領先策略,積極推動變革願景。此獎項不僅關注產品和創新,更強調參展商的整體策略與承諾。最佳商業計畫將在展會上通過頒獎儀式表彰,並在專門的參觀路線中展示。 SIAL Innovation 是全球食品創新觀察平台,由Protéines XTC合作提供,分析參展商每兩年提交的數千份申請專案。SIAL大會將通過約二十個依照行業(乳製品、海產品、冷凍食品、餐飲服務等)頒發的主題獎項及特別獎項表彰最佳創新,作為食品產業潮流引領者,SIAL Paris 為訪客提供了一個絕佳的探索平台,展示由SIAL INNOVATION選出的創新產品。 2024年SIAL Innovation將推出四項新的特別獎項:「60週年紀念獎 (60th Anniversary Award)」表揚自比賽開始以來所有獲獎者中的最佳創新作品;「TOP3創新國家獎(Top 3 Countries Award)」表彰提出最多創新產品的國家;另外有 非洲獎(Africa Award);以及 概念獎(Concept Award)。萬眾期待的SIAL 創新金獎、銀獎和銅獎將成為展會亮點之一,此外,這也是歷年來首次訪客可在SIAL Taste區域品嚐來自SIAL Innovation選拔的產品。 SIAL Startup 擴大規模登場! 在2022年成功舉辦首屆SIAL Startup後,今年SIAL Startup規模擴更加大,邀請重塑餐桌未來的全球食品科技新秀們來到巴黎展示其創新概念和產品。SIAL Paris大會為新創公司打造的SIAL Pitch舞台上,邀請其展示其創新概念並吸引投資者,為他們提供創造商機和獲得認可的獨特機會。本屆首次安排了讓早期創新項目(early-stage projects) 也能在SIAL Startup中曝光的機會。   充滿創新與活力的SIAL Paris 2024全球食品創新展覽將在10月19日至23日在巴黎盛大開展,期待更多台灣業者的參與,共同見證食品產業的趨勢與未來!            

文章來源 : 法國在台協會商務處 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1869 加入收藏 :
SIAL Shenzhen 2024 Kicks Off in September, Creating a Revolutionary Consumer Scenario in Southern China

BEIJING, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Greater Bay Area, home to approximately 87 million inhabitants and boasting access to 1.4 billion customers across China, is a hotbed for growth. According to Meituan's latest data, in Shenzhen with the youth population aged between 14 and 35 exceeding 8 million, 20-35-year-olds, who possess strong food consumption power, account for 72% of the population—ranking the highest among cities nationwide. This year’s SIAL Shenzhen will showcase over 100,000 products from 1,500 exhibitors representing 43 countries and regions from September 2-4, significantly boosting South China’s market, especially during the holiday-rich second half of the year. The holiday economy will see the food market rise significantly, positioning as the exclusive gateway for international food and beverage brands and products to penetrate South China's booming market, creating numerous business opportunities. SIAL Shenzhen, positioning as the exclusive gateway for international food and beverage brands and products to penetrate South China's booming market, also enables importers and traders to discover target products from local specialties and global products from the USA, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia under the RCEP, as well as Australia, France, and Spain from the European Union. This year's SIAL Shenzhen will showcase over 100,000 products from 1,500 exhibitors representing 43 countries and regions, significantly boosting South China's market, especially during the holiday-rich second half of the year. The holiday economy will see the food market rise significantly. Following SIAL Shenzhen from September 2-4, holidays such as China's National Day on October 1, Christmas, and the Chinese New Year will further stimulate the southern China food industry and market economy. The availability of innovative food and beverage products will create numerous business opportunities for buyers. The Chinese Government's ¥100 billion investment plan aims to transform Shenzhen into an international Food Valley, making it a prime spot for global food industry investments and revealing significant business opportunities in the Southern China food market. According to the Nandu Big Data Research Institute, Shenzhen ranks in the top five in China for the number of coffee shops, with 4,791 establishments. Shenzhen also boasts the highest number of coffee-related enterprises in China, with 9,651 companies. Additionally, Shenzhen has 7,524 convenience stores, the most in China, and a new tea drink shop density of 4.7 shops per 10,000 people, ranking third nationally. These statistics reflect Shenzhen's appeal as a new tea drink capital. Basing on Southern China's market features, SIAL Shenzhen 2024 will not only showcase innovative food and beverage products, such as organic food, snacks, beverages, food ingredients, health food, frozen food, coffee, and tea, but will also host concurrent activities and contests to create a revolutionary consumer scenario for professionals, presenting the most innovative products and trends. Innovative Food Meets Revolutionary Consumer Scenario The 5th SIAL Chic & Tea Contest: Innovate in beverage creation as bartenders craft the next big drinks. SIAL CUP Barista Challenge: Witness top baristas compete for perfection, setting new coffee standards and trends. SIAL Snacking Awards: Discover the future of snacking, celebrating cutting-edge innovations in on-the-go dining. SIAL Coffee & Tea Market: Experience new tea drinks and gather with new tea drink lovers and industry groups. SIAL Innovation: Meet leading products and acquire expert insights on innovation and market developments worldwide. SIAL Best Steak Awards: A top steak competition showcasing premium steak products from SIAL's meat producers, importers, and traders. Please register to visit SIAL Shenzhen for free:http://systemcdn.sialchina.cn/api/links?id=1290 2024 Focus on High ROI SIAL Shenzhen 2024 focuses on accurate trade and business matching with a high return on investment (ROI): Discover: Explore innovative products and services from regions aligned with RCEP, ASEAN, the Belt and Road Initiative, and BRICS. Collaborate: Forge business partnerships with local food manufacturers in South China, including Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. Network: Exchange insights with leading Chinese e-commerce giants, top buyers, distributors, importers, and wholesalers, including Alibaba, TikTok, Tmall, JD.com, and more. In addition to the physical tradeshow, SIAL Shenzhen offers an online marketplace and an integrated matchmaking solution, enabling exhibitors and visitors to connect year-round. 2023 Triumph in Facts and Figures Deputy Director of the Commerce Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Zhou Mingwu, commented, "The successful inaugural SIAL Shenzhen 2023 is a model example of building Shenzhen into an International MICE City." With over 1,200 exhibitors from 33 countries, SIAL Shenzhen 2023 exemplified quality, innovation, and regional characteristics across the entire food and beverage industry chain. The event's strategic marketing approach positively impacted the F&B market in the Greater Bay Area and Southeast Asia. Supported by favorable city government policies and a business-friendly environment, the event witnessed substantial success stories: Hubei Pavilion secured orders of RMB 10 million in three days. Jilin Pavilion signed orders for agricultural products worth RMB 6 million in three days. Inner Mongolia Pavilion's meat companies inked orders for USD 1 million in a single day. Guangdong Pavilion's pre-made food companies sealed orders for USD 1.5 million in three days. Shaanxi apple companies received full preorders for 2024. Join us at SIAL Shenzhen 2024 to be a part of Southern China's flourishing food market and create your success story! Please contact Daniel Tian for more informationTel: +86 (0)10 8530 6480E-mail: Daniel.tian@sialchina.cnWeb: sialchina.cn | sialchina.comLinkedIn: Daniel Tian

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 365 加入收藏 :

BEIJING, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a grand celebration of global food and beverage innovation, SIAL Shanghai 2024 was held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. This year's event showcased over 5,000 exhibitors from 75 countries and regions, presenting more than 350,000 products. Unprecedented global participation SIAL Shanghai 2024 attracted 175,739 professionals from 110 countries, emphasising its importance as a key platform for global food trade. The event facilitated over 10,240 matchmaking sessions, promoting business opportunities and international cooperation. This record-breaking participation highlights the significant role SIAL Shanghai plays in the global food industry. International dignitaries and high-level support The opening ceremony featured ambassadors and representatives from numerous countries and regions including Brazil, Türkiye, Argentina, Spain, the USA, France, the UK, Uruguay, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Romania, Ireland, Indonesia, New Zealand, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Chile and the Philippines etc. This varied presence enhanced the event's international profile. Nicolas Trentesaux, Managing Director of SIAL Network, highlighted China's crucial role in the global food market, noting its 1.4 billion consumers and increasing demand for diverse, high-quality food. Showcasing local and global innovations SIAL Shanghai 2024 was a showcase of global diversity and innovation, featuring products like Spanish ham, Australian Wagyu beef, and Egyptian freeze-dried fruits. The event also underscored the rapid growth of China's import food consumption, with pavilions highlighting cutting-edge food production technologies and sustainable practices. The French pavilion celebrated 60 years of Sino-French relations, showcasing numerous brands. Meat pavilions featured high-quality products from the USA, Brazil, and Argentina, while imported food and snack food pavilions displayed international specialties and innovative Chinese brands. Collaborative efforts and regional highlights The exhibition saw substantial participation from China's government, with pavilions and delegations from 32 provincial, municipal, and regional departments. The "Local Specialties" theme promoted unique regional products, enhancing the international presence of local brands. Guo Peng, Chief Agronomist of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, noted the increased participation from Shandong enterprises, aiming to strengthen production and marketing channels and bring high-quality products to a broader market. Efficient matchmaking and networking The "Match Me" service facilitated in-depth exchanges between exhibitors and buyers, improving transaction success rates. Samuel Peck, International Business Specialist of the U.S. Dry Bean Council, praised SIAL for creating a platform to explore trade opportunities. Professional buyers from around the globe, including representatives from KeHE Distributors LLC, sought innovative products for their markets. Industry insights and competitions The SIAL Global Food Industry Summit featured over 100 experts discussing sustainability, new retail, supply chain, and more. The SIAL Innovation Competition awarded top innovators, including Inner Mongolia Ganqika Food Co., Ltd. for their Milk Soy Sauce and Ud Cahaya Kencana for their Oven-Baked pasta chips. SIAL Shenzhen 2024 on the horizon Building on the success of SIAL Shanghai, the next SIAL China event will be held in Shenzhen from 2-4 September 2024, the exclusive gateway to enter Southern China's booming food and beverage market. It is expected to host over 1,500 exhibitors from 60 countries and nearly 100,000 professional buyers, further enhancing its international reach and leadership in the Asia-Pacific market. If you are interested in SIAL in China (Shanghai and Shenzhen), please contact: Daniel TianTel: +86 (0)10 8530 6480E-mail: Daniel.tian@sialchina.cnWeb: sialchina.cn | sialchina.comLinkedIn: Daniel Tian

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 190 加入收藏 :
首屈一指的全球食品創新展會SIAL Paris迎來60週年重大里程碑 將於10月19日至23日在巴黎盛大開展

今年邁入第60周年的SIAL Paris 2024巴黎國際食品展將於10月19日至23日在巴黎盛大開展,預計迎來超過7,500家來自130多個國家的參展商,其中75%的參觀者為國際訪客,預期將吸引約285,000名專業人士到訪,包括8,000名擁有500億歐元總購買力的重要買家。作為全球食品行業的指標型展會,SIAL Paris無疑將成為業界創新者、意見領袖和重量級買家的交流重鎮。 在接下來的幾周內,主辦單位將陸續揭曉今年一系列的展會特別活動,進一步豐富訪客在SIAL的體驗。為期五天的展會期間,無論是在展覽中心內還是巴黎市內,都將舉辦各類活動,充分展示美食世界的獨特魅力。 從過往汲取靈感,擁抱變革未來 在「擁抱變革」主題下,SIAL 2024旨在激勵業界專業人士迎接不斷變化的全球食品挑戰,並透過 彰顯參展商的企業社會責任(CSR)理念和一系列活動來推動,如SIAL Insights SIAL Insights將提供兩年一次的行業趨勢分析,SIAL Innovation則帶來未來發展的前瞻性提案,以及SIAL Start-Up將展示更多具有潛力的新創公司,涵蓋早期概念。 展區新佈局, 觀展新體驗 SIAL Paris 2024的一大亮點是全新的展商展位安排。根據過往調查,80%的參觀者希望展位能按照產品類別進行展區分類,從而提升參觀效率。新的展區平面圖將根據主題對展商進行分組,提升參觀者的體驗。 SIAL PARIS 巴黎國際食品展:食品產業大熔爐 在參展代表國家展區,法國和義大利競爭激烈,目前義大利以超過16,000平方米的展覽空間領先。值得注意的是,中國展館今年強勢回歸,展區面積達到6,000平方米,烏克蘭和印度則展示了其在全球食品業界日益增長的影響力。非洲的多個國家也將在5a號展廳 (Hall 5a) 設有專門展區,包括牙海岸和塞內加爾,這突顯了展會的產品文化多樣性。 此外,今年首次參展的國家如烏干達、利比亞和伊拉克,將為展會帶來新的文化色彩。美國和西班牙等一貫強勢的參展國也在積極籌備,期待在此次盛會中大放異彩。 這場美食盛會將不僅僅是一個國際食品展覽,更是一個激發靈感、促進創新和促進商務合作的平台。台灣的食品餐飲業人士也將在此找到無數的機遇和靈感,共同推動行業的未來發展。 【展覽詳情 】 ·         日期:2024年10月19日至23日 ·         地點:法國巴黎北維勒班特展覽中心Parc des Expositions de Paris-Nord Villepinte 入場門票購買連結:https://reurl.cc/5vzL0n

文章來源 : 法國在台協會商務處 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1793 加入收藏 :
Hiperbaric 開設新的上海辦事處,在中國蓬勃發展的 HPP 食品市場擴張

位於自由貿易區的新上海辦事處將推動 Hiperbaric 擴張成為中國領先的高壓加工 (HPP) 設備供應商 上海2024年6月5日 /美通社/ -- 高壓技術設計和製造領域的全球領導者 Hiperbaric 宣布在上海自由貿易區開設新的銷售辦事處。新的辦事處將會專注於負責食品和飲料行業高壓加工設備的商業化。 Hiperbaric 在 SIAL 國際食品展(上海)中的展位。相片人物(由左至右):行政總裁 Andrés Hernando、業務發展副總裁 Carole Tonello、Hiperbaric 亞洲總監 Jorge Marraud,以及中國市場經理 Guangqi Zeng。(相片提供:Hiperbaric) 這項策略性舉措旨在增強 Hiperbaric 在迅速成長的亞洲 HPP 食品市場之地位,並在消費者對健康、無防腐劑,而且保質期較長的食品日益增長之需求中獲利。 HPP 是一種非熱處理食品保存技術,使用超高壓的純冷水來讓食品包裝中的有害致病菌和腐敗微生物失活。這種天然過程可保留食品和飲料產品的營養價值、新鮮的風味和口感。 在中國擁有 23.5% 的市場份額 Hiperbaric 行政總裁 Andrés Hernando 表示:「受中國食品工業的急速發展和消費者對健康生產食品的需求所帶動,中國為 HPP 帶來龐大機遇。透過我們新設的上海辦事處,我們的目標是在未來五年透過與食品公司合作,以滿足他們的 HPP 加工需求,從而佔據中國 45% 的市場份額。」 Hiperbaric 在 2009 年首次進入中國市場,該公司目前佔據全球 HPP 領域 60% 的市場份額,在世界各地已安裝超過 400 台設備。現時,中國佔 Hiperbaric 全球總收入的 10%,成績驕人,而亞洲地區則佔其業務的 20%。 在中國,飲料已成為最廣泛採用 HPP 技術的領域。IF Food&Tech、Lianfeng、Bless、ChicFoods 等主要品牌已利用 Hiperbaric 高生產力且可靠的 HPP 系統生產保質期較長的飲料。 Hiperbaric 亞洲總監 Jorge Marraud 表示:「我們希望與更多中國客戶合作,從中小型企業到有能力加工大量 HPP 產品的大型跨國公司。」 為了更好地接觸當地消費者,Hiperbaric 於 2022 年推出專屬的中文網站 www.hiperbaric.cn,並在 WeChat 等本地社交平台上保持活躍的互動。 上海 HPP 孵化器,HPP 產品開發的試驗工廠 Hiperbaric 新設的中國辦事處為「上海 HPP 孵化器」,這是推動 HPP 產品創新的試驗工廠設施。這個中心配備一台 Hiperbaric 55 HPP 機器,每小時可加工高達 270 公斤產品。 Hiperbaric 中國市場經理 Guangqi Zheng 表示:「在我們的上海 HPP 孵化器,食品公司可通過我們的免費服務獲得競爭優勢。他們可以進行全面的 HPP 產品試驗,同時我們擁有超過 25 年經驗的食品科學團隊亦會向他們提供有關配方、包裝驗證、保質期分析等方面的免費專家指導。」 關於 Hiperbaric Hiperbaric 是高壓技術的全球領導者,在全球設計、製造和銷售其 HPP 設備。該公司以其可靠性、客戶支持和持續研發而聞名。 如欲進一步了解,請聯絡: Cristina Perez VillegasHiperbaric – 傳訊經理c.perez@hiperbaric.com 手提電話(西班牙):+34 664 488 085    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1441 加入收藏 :
2024 年 10 月 5 日 (星期六) 農曆九月初三日
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