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符合「SC24」新聞搜尋結果, 共 13 篇 ,以下為 1 - 13 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
入列TOP500 / Green500!華碩全方位伺服器解方盡在SC24

華碩近日於美國SC24大會現場展示極具突破性的新一代基礎設施解決方案,包括:加速人工智慧發展的液冷技術與堅強產品陣容,同時也透過持續創新,深度整合旗下伺服器、冷卻技術與軟體開發服務,不僅針對百萬兆級時代及未來需求量身打造,大幅簡化AI和高效能運算(HPC)之複雜流程;多年來積累的豐厚研發經驗亦為客戶帶來非凡價值。 卓越效能 為AI和HPC提供助力 為了讓HPC和AI驅動的架構成功推動企業數位轉型,華碩同步提供搭載AMD / Intel®處理器與支援NVIDIA繪圖晶片的全系列伺服器;無論是新創公司、研究機構、大型企業或政府機關,均可隨心所欲,找到最合適且理想的解決方案,徹底釋放大數據之力,提升業務敏捷性。 其中,ASUS AI POD配備GPU、CPU和交換機,可無縫、高速直接通信,增強兆級參數LLM訓練,實現即時推理;再加上NVIDIA® GB200 Grace Blackwell超級晶片與第五代NVIDIA® NVLink技術,以及液對液、液對氣多重冷卻選項,將以最大限度強化AI運算效能。 還有全新ESC 8000A-E13P,完全相容NVIDIA® MGX架構,可快速大規模部署,為各種應用提供高密度GPU,支援最多8張雙插槽卡,每張功率600瓦;且受益於最佳化的伺服器配置,另搭載5個適用高頻寬PCIe® NIC / DPU的PCIe® 5.0插槽,東西向流量(East-West traffic)及系統效能有感升級。 因應生成式AI,華碩也發表了集結AMD EPYC™ 9005處理器和Instinct™ MI325X加速器的ESC A8A-E12U,以及支援Intel® Gaudi® 3加速器的ESC I8-E11;此外,還有專為HPC而生的RS920Q-E12和 RS720Q-E12,其配置Intel® Xeon® 6處理器,就算執行繁重的工作負載或應用程式皆游刃有餘。 華碩儲存伺服器    開創數據管理新局 隨著AI、高效能運算的快速崛起,傳統儲存架構難以跟上步伐,並時常受固定介面限制,無法即時擴充,因此華碩亦與Weka和其他產業先驅密切合作,透過分階段方法與軟體定義架構超越過往硬體束縛,造就性能和容量都相當出色的統一儲存系統,其軟體定義儲存(SDS)解決方案,擁有超高靈活度,且涵蓋檔案、物件和區塊存儲,以及全快閃、分層和備份功能,就像華碩最新的RS501A-E12-RS12U,可輕鬆滿足客戶廣泛多元的儲存需求,助攻企業面對日益增長的數據挑戰。 【同場加映】華碩、友崴打造全台最大超算中心 入列TOP500與Green500! 華碩力挺友崴建置全台最大的超算中心,上週才正式啟用,如今便傳來捷報!分別於全球TOP500超級電腦,以及Green500最新公布的11月榜單名列第31和44位;這項突破性的合作案,採用128台NVIDIA® HGX H100伺服器,搭配1,024張GPU,對照配備相同GPU與高速網卡規格的資料中心(NVIDIA® H100 SXM5 80GB GPUs與InfiniBand NDR400 connectivity),華碩調校優化整體運算效能提升66%,猛超對手23%,遙遙領先!並在三個月內就佈建完成,不僅彰顯華碩在全球超級電腦領域的優勢地位,更將為AI創新挹注強健動能;瞭解更多請參考:ASUS HGX H100 AI Servers Deliver 1.23X Boost in Performance Efficiency | ASUS Servers

文章來源 : ASUS 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5025 加入收藏 :
Aetina Debuts at SC24 With NVIDIA MGX™ Server for Enterprise Edge AI

TAIPEI, Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Aetina, a subsidiary of the Innodisk Group and an expert in edge AI solutions, is pleased to announce its debut at Supercomputing (SC24) in Atlanta, Georgia, showcasing the innovative SuperEdge NVIDIA MGX™ short-depth edge AI server, AEX-2UA1. By integrating an enterprise-class on-premises large language model (LLM) with the advanced retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technique, Aetina NVIDIA MGX™ short-depth server demonstrates exceptional enterprise edge AI performance, setting a new benchmark in Edge AI innovation. The server is powered by the latest Intel® Xeon® 6 processor and dual high-end double-width NVIDIA GPUs, delivering ultimate AI computing power in a compact 2U form factor, accelerating Gen AI at the edge. Aetina SuperEdge NVIDIA MGX™ Short-Depth Edge AI Server The SuperEdge NVIDIA MGX™ server expands Aetina's product portfolio from specialized edge devices to comprehensive AI server solutions, propelling a key milestone in Innodisk Group's AI roadmap, from sensors and storage to AI software, computing platforms, and now AI edge servers. NVIDIA MGX™ Edge AI Server Showcases Enterprise-Class Gen AI To accelerate Generative AI for enterprises, Aetina provides the compact and high-performance AEX-2UA1 NVIDIA MGX™ short-depth server, a single socket server integrating the Intel® Xeon® 6 processor. By supporting the dual double-width NVIDIA GPUs with ultra-fast NVIDIA NVLinkTM GPU interconnect, the AEX-2UA1 unleashes ultimate edge computing performance in a compact 2U form factor. Additionally, it supports advanced networking with NVIDIA BlueField®-3 DPUs and NVIDIA ConnectX®-7 NICs for high-speed communication. The AEX-2UA1 empowers enterprises to foster the private LLM, ensuring secure access to sensitive data while meeting stringent regulatory compliance. Built on a modular architecture, the AEX-2UA1 also offers remarkable flexibility and compatibility with current and future NVIDIA hardware, delivering greater scalability for enterprises in the future. Aetina x Innodisk: Architect Intelligence in the Edge  The announcement of NVIDIA MGX™ server reaffirms Aetina's position as the driving force in AI innovation within the Innodisk Group, showcasing its strength and momentum in pushing technological boundaries. Alongside Innodisk, we facilitate the widespread adoption of edge AI across diverse markets, enhancing the transformation of cutting-edge innovations into practical endpoint solutions.  Aetina showcases comprehensive edge AI solutions from AI inference systems to AI training servers at SC24. Visit Aetina (Booth No. 420) to discover how our innovative edge AI server can bring business operations to the next level.  For more information about SuperEdge short-depth server, please visit https://www.aetina.com/ .   

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 426 加入收藏 :

亞特蘭大2024年11月20日 /美通社/ -- 業界一流的伺服器設計暨製造商,神達控股股份有限公司(股票代號:3706)子公司神雲科技股份有限公司(MiTAC Computing Technology Corp.),今日於美國亞特蘭大 SC24 展會自家攤位#2543展示了一系列全新伺服器。這些伺服器整合了最新的 AMD EPYC™ 9005 系列處理器、AMD Instinct™ MI325X 加速器、Intel® Xeon® 6處理器與專業級GPU,為 HPC 和 AI 工作負載提供卓越的優化效能。 神雲科技整合最新CPU與GPU技術,SC24展示AI/HPC伺服器新品 為 AI 驅動的資料中心工作負載提供領先效能與密度 搭載 AMD EPYC 9005 系列處理器,神雲科技新一代伺服器專為高效能 AI 運算工作負載進行優化設計,提升資料中心的效能與運算密度。在這次的 SC24 大會,神雲科技重點展示了兩款優秀的 AI/HPC 伺服器產品:首先是MiTAC G8825Z5,一款 8U雙路 AI 伺服器,支援最新 AMD Instinct MI325X 加速器,並可搭載最高 6TB 的  DDR5 6000 記憶體,提供 8 個熱插拔 NVMe U.2 托盤,非常適用於大規模 AI 與 HPC 基礎架構的建置需求。其次是MiTAC TYAN TN85-B8261,一款2U雙路GPU伺服器,專為HPC和深度學習應用設計,支援最多 4 張雙寬 GPU 卡、24 個 DDR5 RDIMM 插槽,並擁有 8 個熱插拔 NVMe U.2托盤。而在雲端伺服器方面,神雲科技展出MiTAC TYAN GC68C-B8056,這款1U單路伺服器能搭載 24 個 DDR5 DIMM 插槽與 12 個熱插拔NVMe U.2托盤,為雲端環境提供高效能與靈活的擴展性。此外,神雲科技還展出專為高 IOPS NVMe資料儲存設計的MiTAC TYAN TS70A-B8056 2U 單路伺服器,以及採用2U 4 節點架構設計的 MiTAC M2810Z5 單路伺服器,MiTAC M2810Z5 的每個節點最高可支援3,072GB的RDIMM DDR5 6000 記憶體與 4 個熱插拔 E1.S 硬碟,為高密度雲端伺服器的優異解決方案。 滿足AI與加速需求:可擴展效能提升投資效益並降低功耗 SC24大會上,神雲科技也展出基於Intel Xeon 6處理器,並具備優異性能和效率的次世代伺服器產品;首先是MiTAC R2520G6,這款2U雙路的通用型伺服器專為記憶體密集運算設計,支援高達8TB的DDR5記憶體、5個PCIe 5.0 x16插槽並提供 NVMe U.2和E1.s 靈活的儲存媒介選項。接著是MiTAC R2513G6,這台2U單路儲存伺服器支援24個3.5寸SATA硬碟和2個2.5寸NVMe硬碟,並提供 8 個 DDR5 記憶體插槽,同時內建 SAS RAID 卡實現高效可靠的資料儲存管理,適合高密度儲存應用場合。最後是MiTAC G4520G6,這是款專為平行式AI工作負載打造的4U雙路伺服器,支援多達8張雙插槽GPU卡、8TB DDR5 記憶體,並配備11個 PCIe 5.0 x16 插槽和 8 個熱插拔 U.2硬碟,是高性能運算和 AI 訓練的理想選擇。 此外,神雲科技還展示了英特爾 D50DNP 系列(Denali Pass)中的 D50DNP1MHCPLC 計算模組,這款1U半寬模組可支援兩顆功耗最高達 385W 的第5代/第4代Intel® Xeon® 可擴充處理器或Intel® Xeon® CPU Max 系列,採用直接液冷技術,具備16個DDR5 DIMM 記憶體插槽,最高可達5600 MT/s(搭配第 5 代Intel Xeon可擴展處理器)資料傳輸頻寬、2個半高半長 PCIe Gen 5 插槽以及多達 2 個 NVMe/SATA M.2 硬碟,為高密度計算應用提供了靈活與高效的解決方案。 除了前述介紹的產品,神雲科技在此次SC24大會也展示了其多元化的產品線,包括支援 AMD EPYC 9004/8004/4004 系列處理器、第5代/第4代Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器、Intel® Xeon® E-2400處理器以及專業級GPU的多款伺服器產品,提供符合現代用戶在性能與預算方面需要的各式解決方案。 關於神雲 神雲科技股份有限公司(MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation) 隸屬于神達控股股份有限公司(MiTAC Holdings Corp., TSE:3706),擁有超過 30 年的伺服器設計與製造經驗,為雲端服務供應商、人工智慧/高性能運算,以及邊緣運算等不同的應用環境提供靈活的定制化供應模式。自 2023 年 7 月起,MiTAC開始承接英特爾資料中心解決方案事業群(DSG)伺服器產品之銷售與後續世代產品之規劃設計,為下一代資料中心設備提供先進的解決方案。MiTAC產品陣容涵蓋 TYAN 伺服器、ORAN 伺服器、高性能 AI 伺服器與資料中心產品,以豐富的產品範疇,提供給客戶全方位的企業級解決方案。 神雲原以 TYAN 品牌經營伺服器通路業務,於2023年7月起開始以 MiTAC 品牌經營 Intel DSG 伺服器產品之銷售。而為強化通路規劃、發揮品牌管理的綜效,並凝聚品牌形象,自2024年10月起,神雲整合 TYAN 與 MiTAC 兩個品牌,統一以 MiTAC 作為產品的品牌名稱。 神雲科技網站: http://www.mitaccomputing.com/ Intel, the Intel logo, and other marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.  AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Instinct, EPYC, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.  Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 161 加入收藏 :
MiTAC Computing Unveils New AI/HPC-Optimized Servers with Advanced CPU and GPU Integration at SC24

ATLANTA, Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation, an industry-leading server platform design manufacturer and a subsidiary of MiTAC Holdings Corporation (TSE:3706), is unveiling its new server lineup at SC24, booth #2543, in Atlanta, Georgia. MiTAC Computing's servers integrate the latest AMD EPYC™ 9005 Series CPUs, AMD Instinct™ MI325X GPU accelerators, Intel® Xeon® 6 processors, and professional GPUs to deliver enhanced performance optimized for HPC and AI workloads. MiTAC Computing Unveils New AI/HPC-Optimized Servers with Advanced CPU and GPU Integration at SC24 Leading Performance and Density for AI-Driven Data Center Workloads MiTAC Computing's new servers, powered by AMD EPYC 9005 Series CPUs, are optimized for high-performance AI workloads. At SC24, MiTAC highlights two standout AI/HPC products: the 8U dual-socket MiTAC G8825Z5, featuring AMD Instinct MI325X GPU accelerators, up to 6TB of DDR5 6000 memory, and eight hot-swap U.2 drive trays, ideal for large-scale AI/HPC setups; and the 2U dual-socket MiTAC TYAN TN85-B8261, designed for HPC and deep learning applications with support for up to four dual-slot GPUs, twenty-four DDR5 RDIMM slots, and eight hot-swap NVMe U.2 drives. For mainstream cloud applications, MiTAC offers the 1U single-socket MiTAC TYAN GC68C-B8056, with twenty-four DDR5 DIMM slots and twelve tool-less 2.5-inch NVMe U.2 hot-swap bays. Also featured is the 2U single-socket MiTAC TYAN TS70A-B8056, designed for high-IOPS NVMe storage, and the 2U 4-node single-socket MiTAC M2810Z5, supporting up to 3,072 GB of DDR5 6000 RDIMM memory and four easy-swap E1.S drives per node. Meeting AI and Acceleration Needs: Scalable Performance to Enhance Investment and Save Power At SC24, MiTAC Computing presents its new Intel Xeon 6-based servers, offering trusted performance and exceptional efficiency. First is the 2U dual-socket general-purpose compute server, the MiTAC R2520G6, built for in-memory computing with up to 8TB of DDR5 memory, five PCIe 5.0 x16 slots, and flexible storage options for U.2 and E1.s SSDs. Next is the 2U single-socket storage server, MiTAC R2513G6, which supports twenty-four 3.5" SATA drives and two 2.5" NVMe drives, along with eight DDR5 memory slots with an integrated SAS RAID card for storage management. Finally, the 4U dual-socket MiTAC G4520G6 GPU server supports parallel AI workloads with up to eight GPUs, 8TB of DDR5 memory, eleven PCIe 5.0 x16 slots, and eight hot-swap U.2 drives. In addition, MiTAC Computing showcases one of the Intel® Server D50DNP Family (Denali Pass) SKUs, the D50DNP1MHCPLC, which supports up to 385W with two 5th/4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors or Intel® Xeon® CPU Max Series. This 1U half-width compute module features direct liquid cooling, 8+8 DDR5 DIMMs up to 5600 MT/s (5th Gen), two low-profile PCIe Gen 5 slots, and up to two NVMe/SATA M.2 drives. Along with its previously showcased products, MiTAC Computing introduces a diverse server lineup at SC24, featuring AMD EPYC 9004/8004/4004 series processors, 5th/4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors, Intel® Xeon® E-2400 processors and professional GPUs, providing solutions to meet the performance and budget needs of modern users. About MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation, a subsidiary of MiTAC Holdings Corp. (TSE:3706), specializes in cloud, AI/HPC and edge computing solutions and has over 30 years of design and manufacturing expertise. With a strong focus on large-scale data centers, MiTAC offers flexible and customized solutions for various systems and applications. Our product lineup includes TYAN servers, ORAN servers, high-performance AI servers, and other data center products. Originally, MiTAC operated the server channel business under the TYAN brand and began selling Intel DSG server products under the MiTAC brand in July 2023. As of October 2024, we have integrated the TYAN and MiTAC brands to streamline our operations and enhance brand management. MiTAC now serves as the sole brand name for all our products. MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation website:http://www.mitaccomputing.com/ Intel, the Intel logo, and other marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Instinct, EPYC, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 131 加入收藏 :
MiTAC Computing Unveils New AI/HPC-Optimized Servers with Advanced CPU and GPU Integration at SC24

ATLANTA, Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation, an industry-leading server platform design manufacturer and a subsidiary of MiTAC Holdings Corporation (TSE:3706), is unveiling its new server lineup at SC24, booth #2543, in Atlanta, Georgia. MiTAC Computing's servers integrate the latest AMD EPYC™ 9005 Series CPUs, AMD Instinct™ MI325X GPU accelerators, Intel® Xeon® 6 processors, and professional GPUs to deliver enhanced performance optimized for HPC and AI workloads. MiTAC Computing Unveils New AI/HPC-Optimized Servers with Advanced CPU and GPU Integration at SC24 Leading Performance and Density for AI-Driven Data Center Workloads MiTAC Computing's new servers, powered by AMD EPYC 9005 Series CPUs, are optimized for high-performance AI workloads. At SC24, MiTAC highlights two standout AI/HPC products: the 8U dual-socket MiTAC G8825Z5, featuring AMD Instinct MI325X GPU accelerators, up to 6TB of DDR5 6000 memory, and eight hot-swap U.2 drive trays, ideal for large-scale AI/HPC setups; and the 2U dual-socket MiTAC TYAN TN85-B8261, designed for HPC and deep learning applications with support for up to four dual-slot GPUs, twenty-four DDR5 RDIMM slots, and eight hot-swap NVMe U.2 drives. For mainstream cloud applications, MiTAC offers the 1U single-socket MiTAC TYAN GC68C-B8056, with twenty-four DDR5 DIMM slots and twelve tool-less 2.5-inch NVMe U.2 hot-swap bays. Also featured is the 2U single-socket MiTAC TYAN TS70A-B8056, designed for high-IOPS NVMe storage, and the 2U 4-node single-socket MiTAC M2810Z5, supporting up to 3,072 GB of DDR5 6000 RDIMM memory and four easy-swap E1.S drives per node. Meeting AI and Acceleration Needs: Scalable Performance to Enhance Investment and Save Power At SC24, MiTAC Computing presents its new Intel Xeon 6-based servers, offering trusted performance and exceptional efficiency. First is the 2U dual-socket general-purpose compute server, the MiTAC R2520G6, built for in-memory computing with up to 8TB of DDR5 memory, five PCIe 5.0 x16 slots, and flexible storage options for U.2 and E1.s SSDs. Next is the 2U single-socket storage server, MiTAC R2513G6, which supports twenty-four 3.5" SATA drives and two 2.5" NVMe drives, along with eight DDR5 memory slots with an integrated SAS RAID card for storage management. Finally, the 4U dual-socket MiTAC G4520G6 GPU server supports parallel AI workloads with up to eight GPUs, 8TB of DDR5 memory, eleven PCIe 5.0 x16 slots, and eight hot-swap U.2 drives. In addition, MiTAC Computing showcases one of the Intel® Server D50DNP Family (Denali Pass) SKUs, the D50DNP1MHCPLC, which supports up to 385W with two 5th/4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors or Intel® Xeon® CPU Max Series. This 1U half-width compute module features direct liquid cooling, 8+8 DDR5 DIMMs up to 5600 MT/s (5th Gen), two low-profile PCIe Gen 5 slots, and up to two NVMe/SATA M.2 drives. Along with its previously showcased products, MiTAC Computing introduces a diverse server lineup at SC24, featuring AMD EPYC 9004/8004/4004 series processors, 5th/4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors, Intel® Xeon® E-2400 processors and professional GPUs, providing solutions to meet the performance and budget needs of modern users. About MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation, a subsidiary of MiTAC Holdings Corp. (TSE:3706), specializes in cloud, AI/HPC and edge computing solutions and has over 30 years of design and manufacturing expertise. With a strong focus on large-scale data centers, MiTAC offers flexible and customized solutions for various systems and applications. Our product lineup includes TYAN servers, ORAN servers, high-performance AI servers, and other data center products. Originally, MiTAC operated the server channel business under the TYAN brand and began selling Intel DSG server products under the MiTAC brand in July 2023. As of October 2024, we have integrated the TYAN and MiTAC brands to streamline our operations and enhance brand management. MiTAC now serves as the sole brand name for all our products. MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation website:http://www.mitaccomputing.com/ Intel, the Intel logo, and other marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Instinct, EPYC, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 425 加入收藏 :
AEWIN Presents Tailored Server & Network Appliance Solutions at SC24

TAIPEI, Nov. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AEWIN Technologies Co., Ltd (doing business as AEWIN), a leading provider of advanced network appliances and edge computing solutions, is excited to present groups of performant Servers and Network Appliances at SC24 from November 19th to 21st. Alongside versatile standard platforms, AEWIN offers rapid customization services to meet compute-intensive demands for Networking, Edge AI, and Storage segments. AEWIN Presents Tailored Server & Network Appliance Solutions at SC24 AEWIN will showcase the Edge Computing Server, BAS-6101A, powered by the latest AMD SP5 processors, including Zen5, Zen4, and Zen4c EPYC variants. With 9 PCIe Gen5 slots, this server delivers exceptional flexibility and scalability, suitable for integrating advanced GPU accelerators, high-throughput NICs, and cryptographic acceleration cards to handle the demanding workloads of various applications. AEWIN will unveil the high availability multi-node platforms with Intel Xeon 6 processors and GPU servers powered by AMD EPYC CPUs on SP5 sockets supporting up to 10 GPU cards for intensive AI workloads and computing tasks. Additionally, AEWIN will present a variety of network appliances for specific requirements. These offerings range from 1U mainstream network appliances featuring AMD Ryzen 7000 processors to 2U platforms powered by Intel and AMD server-grade processors, including Intel Xeon 6 and AMD Turin/Bergamo/Genoa/Siena CPUs. The 2U rackmount platform features 8 NICs with AEWIN form factor while having the flexibility to switch to standard PCIe Gen5 x16 slots for PCI-SIG form factor cards such as ConnectX-7 NIC series with up to 400GbE. AEWIN's modular design brings flexibility in building configurations tailored for specific needs. In addition to network interface cards with 1G to 200G copper/fiber interfaces (with/without bypass function), AEWIN also offers U.2 storage adapters to support high-speed NVMe SSDs. Furthermore, the newly released E1.S adapter enables the integration of the latest EDSFF into existing AEWIN network appliances for high capacity and low latency storage solutions. Don't hesitate to join us at SC24 or contact our sales for further information any time! https://www.aewin.com/

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 512 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 15 日 (星期三) 農曆十二月十六日
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