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SHANGHAI, May 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Natalie Lowe, CEO and founding partner of award-winning, The Orangeblowfish inspired China's future business leaders to embrace creativity as a guest speaker at TEDx NYU Shanghai. The Shanghai-headquartered creative agency boasts high-profile clients that include brands from the hospitality, retail, and corporate industries. Seasoned thought-leadership speaker Natalie was invited to give a TEDx Talk and take part in a panel discussion about "Unfolding Entrepreneurship" at the organisation's 7th Annual Conference. The independently organised TEDx event was held on April 13, 2024 at New York University Shanghai. The theme of the day was "Unfolding Apex", exploring how individuals choose their paths and follow them boldly. The Orangeblowfish CEO Tells TEDx NYU Shanghai How Creativity, “Rizz”, and EQ Activate Leadership Success Titled, "Leadership sucks…now what!?", Natalie told the auditorium, mainly filled with future leaders, to look beyond their textbooks concepts of what real leadership means. To the business professionals in the audience, she suggested experience alone is not enough to deal with the lows and reach the peaks. Natalie highlighted in her speech that leadership is an unfolding journey. Her advice was that you need to be competent at what you are doing to start with. Then, you need to channel your creativity by activating your charisma (a.k.a "rizz") and your EQ. That way, you can find your individual style. To be a true leader, you must welcome real-world learning, put in the effort, and adopt a creative, more emotionally developed approach that fuels your "WHY". You then need to put these qualities into action. "Evolving creates momentum to keep going and it's creativity that nourishes us as we reach new heights. It's this creative ethos that runs through the DNA of The Orangeblowfish projects," Natalie adds. Since the establishment of The Orangeblowfish in 2012, the agency has been instrumental in consulting local and international businesses on how to grow their brands in China. "Chinese consumers are well-educated, affluent, and world travelers. This makes them curious about brand truth: the vision and mission behind them, and crucially their brand heritage. To ensure authenticity, creativity is vital. It creates a narrative so that brands from within and outside China can resonate with these markets." TEDx NYU Shanghai President, Adriana Gimenez Romera believes that Natalie's call for greater creativity in business is motivating for would-be leaders. "Natalie's journey on how her creative apex unfolded to find a dynamic vision and how that impacts China's corporate landscape is inspiring. Ideas about the future of business, brands, and the human beings who lead them is an exciting world. And in her TEDx Talk she gave us the touchpoints to guide us along the way." The Orangeblowfish brings together Natalie's brand strategy skills and experience within creative industries with her co-founder's visual, multi-media artistry. Their mission is to "bring brands alive" in unique and engaging ways. During the panel discussion, following Natalie's speech, she enthused to the TEDx audience about what a spectacularly creative community Shanghai is. However, she highlighted how creativity in business is not appreciated enough in the region. "Leadership needs to be fluid like water so that creativity can flow through it. In Asia, the focus is on math and business languages. In the workplace, creativity is right at the bottom, along with the Arts and communication. It is not a skill that is highly respected, encouraged, or understood. Creativity is about putting your own EQ spin on team dynamics." Check out The Orangeblowfish at the TEDx event here. About The Orangeblowfish The Orangeblowfish is an award-winning creative agency with its headquarters in Shanghai, and teams in the United Kingdom, North America, and Australia. Our vision is to create experiences that connect and enrich people's lives. Our mission is to unleash the power of creativity by leveraging art, storytelling, space, and technology to help our clients' brands, employees, and communities reach their full potential. Our belief is that creativity has no boundaries. We partner with Fortune 500 companies and local brands to produce uniquely crafted creative branding strategies, customized brand installations, brand experiences, digital marketing campaigns, and more. For more information, visit www.theorangeblowfish.com. About TEDx NYU Shanghai TEDx NYU Shanghai is a grassroots initiative led by NYU Shanghai portal students. Dedicated to TED's mission of researching and discovering "ideas worth spreading", TEDx NYU Shanghai builds upon NYU Shanghai's unique multicultural spirit to create a platform for diverse ideas to meet and inspire a new generation of innovative thinkers. Organized by passionate club members, TEDx NYU Shanghai events seek to uncover new ideas and share the latest research, sparking conversations and bringing the spirit of TED to university communities. About TED TED is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to discovering, debating and spreading ideas that spark conversation, deepen understanding and drive meaningful change. Our organization is devoted to curiosity, reason, wonder and the pursuit of knowledge — without an agenda. We welcome people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world and connection with others, and we invite everyone to engage with ideas and activate them in your community. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, but today it spans a multitude of worldwide communities and initiatives exploring everything from science and business to education, arts and global issues. In addition to the TED Talks curated from our annual conferences and published on TED.com, we produce original podcasts, short video series, animated educational lessons (TED-Ed) and TV programs that are translated into more than 100 languages and distributed via partnerships around the world. Each year, thousands of independently run TEDx events bring people together to share ideas and bridge divides in communities on every continent. Through the Audacious Project, TED has helped catalyze more than $3 billion in funding for projects that seek to make the world more beautiful, sustainable and just. In 2020, TED launched Countdown, an initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis and mobilize a movement for a net-zero future, and in 2023 TED launched TED Democracy to spark a new kind of conversation focused on realistic pathways towards a more vibrant and equitable future. View a full list of TED's many programs and initiatives. Follow TED on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and X.
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Facemoji Keyboard app recognized for best use of generative AI technology SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Facemoji Keyboard, the world's first content-creation keyboard with rich in-app resources, was named the winner of a Gold Stevie® Award in the 22nd Annual American Business Awards® in the Best Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Technology category. This achievement comes after securing a Silver Stevie® Award win in the 2023 American Business Awards®. Facemoji was named the winner of a Gold Stevie® Award in the Best Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Technology category A leader in generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), Facemoji's beloved Gen AI features empower users to better express themselves and showcase their personalities, which can be leveraged across numerous digital spaces. The innovative features of Facemoji are captivating the attention of users far and wide. The American Business Awards are the U.S.A.'s premier business awards program. All organizations operating in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for profit and non-profit, large and small. More than 3,700 nominations from organizations of all sizes were submitted this year for consideration. American Business Awards judges commented: "This AI tool brings a fresh and engaging approach for Gen Z with its fun and cool way to use AI for interacting with friends. It's a modern twist on communication that makes boring conversations more exciting and dynamic." Facemoji has committed to developing innovative Gen AI features to help users communicate and interact more easily and joyfully. The Gen AI features Facemoji Keyboard offers include Rizz Master, AI Bot, ReWrite, Video Keyboard, Magic Avatar, Face Emoji and Meme Generator. The app has also earned recognition in the Best Mobile App Awards, and placed ninth in Andreessen Horowitz's ranking of Top 100 Gen AI Consumer Apps. "Facemoji Keyboard is dedicated to harnessing artificial intelligence to enhance communication for users worldwide," said Natalia Lin, Product Lead at Facemoji Keyboard. "We are honored to receive recognition from the American Business Awards for the second consecutive year, as it validates our commitment to expanding avenues of self-expression." Available now on Android and iOS devices, Facemoji Keyboard has over 550 million downloads globally and is available to users in 170+ countries and regions for free. Details about The American Business Awards and the list of 2024 Stevie winners are available at https://stevieawards.com/ABA. About Facemoji Keyboard Facemoji Keyboard is the world's first content-creation keyboard that allows users to find, design or invent the trendiest and smartest ways to express themselves. With Facemoji, users can fully customize their keyboard and create and share unique expressive designs, so every user can be a modern trendsetter in content creation.
New Rizz Master boosts relationship acumen through customized dating prompts SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Facemoji Keyboard, the world's first content-creation keyboard with rich in-app resources, announced today a new feature: Rizz Master, which utilizes generative artificial intelligence (AI) to help users uplevel their charm in communications across a variety of scenarios. Facemoji recognizes that everyone struggles at times to express themselves and find the right words, especially when starting new relationships. Tailored for dating and socializing, Rizz Master helps users express themselves and showcase their personality and charm. When using the Facemoji Keyboard in dating (such as Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Grindr, etc.) and AI chatbot apps (such as C.ai, Talkie, etc.), users can easily access Rizz Master. The launch of this feature comes on the heels of Facemoji receiving recognition as the Best Mobile App Award for its advanced Gen AI features. Available now on Android and iOS, Rizz Master enables users to communicate in the following ways: Amplify Your Personality with Customized Lines: Whether a user wants to highlight their humor, charm, intelligence, or sentimentality, Rizz Master generates customized lines and responses that amplify the user's personality and tone. Diverse Topics to Choose from: Catering to a wide range of user needs, Rizz Master offers a variety of discussion topics. Users can click on "who you are sending to" and select the relationship stage – from "Ice Breaker" to "Passionate," Facemoji provides topics customized for the user. Chat Games Feature: Chat games such as "2 Truths and a Lie" and "Roleplay" make conversations more engaging, add an element of fun, and help users get to know each other on a deeper level. User-Friendly Interactive Design: Rizz Master's easy-to-use, thoughtful design allows users to effortlessly copy and instantly access replies suitable for various relationship scenarios. "Facemoji is continuingly enhancing the user experience with new features to help them openly express themselves," said Natalia Lin, Product Lead at Facemoji Keyboard. "Rizz Master is the latest example of arming users with the AI tools they need to communicate with confidence and spark new relationships." Facemoji Keyboard has over 550 million global downloads and is available to users in 170+ countries and regions for free on Android or iOS. About Facemoji Keyboard Facemoji Keyboard is the world's first content-creation keyboard that allows users to find, design or invent the trendiest and smartest ways to express themselves. With Facemoji, users can fully customize their keyboard and create and share unique expressive designs, so every user can be a modern trendsetter in content creation.
Facemoji Keyboard AI features offer users an elevated approach to messaging SUNNYVALE, Calif., March 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Facemoji Keyboard, the world's first content-creation keyboard with rich in-app resources, announced today it placed ninth in the Top 50 Gen AI Mobile Apps in Andreessen Horowitz's ranking of Top 100 Gen AI Consumer Apps. Andreessen Horowitz is a private American venture capital firm. The projects Andreessen Horowitz has invested in include unicorns such as OpenAI and Character.AI. It first released a report on the Gen AI field in September 2023. Noted for using AI to elevate users' self-expressions and communication, Facemoji Keyboard offers: AI Bot: All-encompassing knowledge-based bot automatically generates responses to users' questions. It can also provide users with meaningful conversations about any concerns or ongoing troubles they are experiencing. ReWrite: Automatically rewrites users' messages to help adjust overall tone to be more lightweight, fun, and confident. This feature can also adapt messages to different text mediums, from poems to emails. The Rizz Master: Helps users socialize with each other by breaking the ice and generating responses to keep the conversation flowing. Magic Avatar and Face Emoji: These features transform users' images into custom sticker sets and avatars in various art styles of their choice. These avatars and stickers can easily be shared in chats, adding personalization to messaging. Meme Generator: Helps users turn their messages into various funny memes, bringing laughter and flare to everyday communications. "Facemoji is committed to empowering users to express themselves creatively and confidently," said Natalia Lin, Product Lead at Facemoji Keyboard. "Facemoji AI was released in 2023 and ranking in the top 10 for Gen AI mobile apps within a year speaks volumes about our users' satisfaction." Facemoji Keyboard has over 550 million global downloads and is available to users in 170+ countries and regions for free on Android or iOS. About Facemoji Keyboard Facemoji Keyboard is the world's first content-creation keyboard that allows users to find, design or invent the trendiest and smartest ways to express themselves. With Facemoji, users can fully customize their keyboard and create and share unique expressive designs, so every user can be a modern trendsetter in content creation.
New AI features, Magic Avatar, Face Emoji and Memes, enable users to bring creative thoughts and messages to life with custom sticker sets and avatar images SUNNYVALE, Calif., Sept. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Facemoji Keyboard, the world's first content-creation keyboard with rich in-app resources, announced today three new Facemoji AI features: Magic Avatar, Face Emoji and Memes, which utilize generative artificial intelligence (AI) to unleash users' creativity and turn their words or photos into custom images, avatars and emoji sticker packs. Available now on Android and iOS, the features offer new ways to interact with the app and showcase users' creativity: Magic Avatar Using Magic Avatar, users can transform one of their personal images into an AI avatar they can leverage on social media. After uploading a picture, users choose from a variety of trendy styles, including Anime, Cyberpunk, Minecraft-like, Comics and more – creating a custom, unique profile image. Face Emoji This feature allows users to create their own custom avatar sticker sets by uploading an image and selecting the design style of their choice. These avatar stickers can be easily swapped between design styles, unlocking limitless options that can be shared with others or used in chat conversations. Memes This feature helps users to turn their messages into funny memes. Users can then select their favorite meme to share in chats, adding further flare, fun and style to everyday communications. "At Facemoji, we're committed to using AI to elevate our users' experience and communications," said Natalia Lin, Product Lead at Facemoji Keyboard. "Communication goes beyond the written word, which is why Facemoji is thrilled to offer AI-generated stickers and avatars so users can be even more trendy, personalized and creative when visually expressing themselves and their ideas." Facemoji AI was launched in April 2023 and has since incorporated new features such as Ask AI, a chatbot function, and a Rizz function to help users express themselves with style. Facemoji Keyboard has over 550 million global downloads and is available to users in 190+ countries and regions for free on Android or iOS. About Facemoji Keyboard Facemoji Keyboard is the world's first content-creation keyboard that allows users to find, design or invent the trendiest and smartest ways to express themselves. With Facemoji, users can fully customize their keyboard and create and share unique expressive designs, so every user can be a modern trendsetter in content creation.
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