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符合「RTX 40 Super」新聞搜尋結果, 共 8 篇 ,以下為 1 - 8 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
引領 CES 2024 AI 風潮:技嘉推出 AI 電競筆電、RTX 40 SUPER 顯示卡及 OLED 電競螢幕

台北2024年1月19日 /美通社/ -- 全球電腦領導品牌技嘉,在 2024 年 CES 發佈了備受期待的 AI  電競筆電、RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡和全球首創的 DP2.1 UHBR20 OLED 電競螢幕,為消費者帶來創新且完整的 AI 體驗。 引領 CES 2024 AI 風潮:技嘉推出 AI 電競筆電、RTX 40 SUPER 顯示卡及 OLED 電競螢幕 技嘉 AI 電競筆電:重新定義 AI 體驗 技嘉於 CES 重磅發表 AORUS 16X 和 GIGABYTE G6X AI 電競筆電,搭載 NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 40 系列獨立顯示卡,提升高達 20 倍的生成式 AI 產出效率。採用 16 吋輕薄美學設計的 16:10 的螢幕,配備升級版 WINDFORCE 散熱系統,即使在高負載狀態也能提供強勁的效能體驗。技嘉 AI 電競筆電陣容還包括搭載最新一代 Intel® Core™ Ultra 處理器的 AORUS 17 與 AORUS 15,整合神經處理單元(NPU)以降低處理器負載,達到節能低功耗的狀態下,仍能加速 AI 生成速率。AORUS 系列更導入獨家 AI Nexus 技術,包括 AI Power Gear、AI Boost 和 AI Generator 等功能,讓消費者隨時隨地都可體驗 AI 帶來的創新改變。 技嘉 GeForce RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡加速 AI 生成效能 技嘉推出的 GeForce RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡,包括 RTX 4080 SUPER、RTX 4070 Ti SUPER 和 RTX 4070 SUPER,共計 14 款機種。藉由核心數增加、擴充 VRAM 和提高記憶體速度,為重視遊戲效能的電競玩家,帶來更快、更流暢的 AI 遊戲體驗。採用經典 WINDFORCE 風之力散熱系統,三風扇配置搭配正逆轉功能、低負載風扇停轉設計,結合完整的被動散熱模組以及 Screen Cooling 通風散熱背板等技術,確保在高負載的狀態中保持最佳運行。為頂級電競而生的 AORUS GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER MASTER 更採用獨家專利的鯊魚仿生風扇和創新扇葉表面設計,側面還內建功能 LCD Edge View 螢幕,可自定義顯示內容,除了讓玩家增添個性化風格之外,更可即時監控顯示卡運轉狀態。 技嘉全球首發 DP2.1 UHBR20 OLED 電競螢幕  技嘉也於 CES 2024 發表全新 OLED 戰術型電競螢幕陣容。集頂級電競規格於一身的 32 吋 AORUS FO32U2P,更是全球第一款 DP 2.1 UHBR20 戰術型電競螢幕,可在無顯示串流壓縮(DSC)的情況下,提供 80 Gbps 頻寬的流暢、無延遲電競體驗。專為第一人稱射擊遊戲所設計的解析度切換功能,可讓全幅畫面立即切換至更貼近射擊遊戲玩家及電競選手的使用需求。而 GIGABYTE OLED Care 也提供基於 AI 演算法的面板保護機制,能在螢幕關閉時智慧啟動一系列 OLED 面板維護功能,以降低長時間使用 OLED 面板導致影像烙印的風險。 更多技嘉 CES 2024 發佈的產品訊息,請造訪 https://bit.ly/CES2024_Recap

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3884 加入收藏 :
GIGABYTE Leads the Future of Computing at CES 2024: Unveil AI Gaming Laptops, RTX 40 SUPER Graphics Cards, and OLED Monitors

TAIPEI, Jan. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GIGABYTE, the world's leading computer brand, takes the spotlight at CES 2024 by spearheading the Gen AI wave with a trifecta of groundbreaking innovations — the highly anticipated AI Gaming Laptops, the potent RTX 40 SUPER Series graphics cards, and the World's First DP2.1 UHBR20 OLED gaming monitor. GIGABYTE Leads the Future of Computing at CES 2024: Unveil AI Gaming Laptops, RTX 40 SUPER Graphics Cards, and OLED Monitors GIGABYTE AI Gaming Laptops Re:defyne AI experience GIGABYTE proudly presents the AORUS 16X and GIGABYTE G6X, the crown jewels of its AI Gaming Laptop lineup at CES 2024. These laptops offer extended battery life and up to 20 times faster performance for generative AI workloads by adopting NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 40 series Laptop GPUs. Featuring 16-inch displays in a 16:10 aspect ratio and powered by the upgraded WINDFORCE Cooling, these laptops set new standards in performance. The AORUS series exclusive AI Nexus technology further elevates the user experience with AI Power Gear, AI Boost, and AI Generator utilities. This groundbreaking lineup also includes the AORUS 17 and AORUS 15 powered by the latest Intel Core Ultra processor, marking a significant leap forward in GIGABYTE's AI Gaming Laptop portfolio. GIGABYTE RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Cards Advance AI Performance GIGABYTE unveils the RTX 40 SUPER Series graphics cards—RTX 4080 SUPER, RTX 4070 Ti SUPER, and RTX 4070 SUPER, totaling 14 variants. Featuring increased core counts, expanded VRAM, and faster memory speeds on different variants, GIGABYTE RTX 40 SUPER graphics cards are designed for a substantial AI performance boost. The WINDFORCE Cooling system ensures optimal operation during intense gaming, featuring alternate spinning fans, composite heat-pipe, 3D active fan, and Screen Cooling. The premium AORUS MASTER variant introduces the WINDFORCE Bionic shark fan for enhanced cooling performance and LCD Edge View for real-time stats and customizable options. GIGABYTE OLED Monitor Lineup Debuts with the World's First DP2.1 UHBR20 Connectivity As a captivating addition to GIGABYTE's CES 2024 showcase, the company unveils a tantalizing preview of its OLED monitor lineup. The star of the show is the World's First DP2.1 UHBR20 gaming monitor, promising an unprecedented gaming experience with an impressive 80 Gbps bandwidth without Display Stream Compression (DSC). With a new Tactical Switch to change viewing area for FPS-optimal resolution and AI-driven solutions for OLED burn-in protection, this OLED lineup offers a glimpse into the future of gaming monitors. Please visit https://bit.ly/CES2024_Recap for more information.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 845 加入收藏 :
華碩GeForce RTX™ 40 SUPER系列顯示卡重裝上陣!

華碩今盛大推出GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER、RTX 4070 Ti SUPER與RTX 4070 SUPER顯示卡,產品涵蓋ROG、TUF Gaming、ProArt、Dual四大系列,將為所有用戶帶來最無與倫比的頂尖效能。 華碩GeForce RTX 40 SUPER系列顯示卡,是使用電腦體驗人工智慧(AI)時不可或缺的終極配備,其專屬的AI Tensor核心可提供高達836個AI TOPS,輕鬆因應遊戲、創作和日常生產力所需;而採用AI技術的NVIDIA深度學習超高取樣(DLSS) Super Resolution、Frame Generation和Ray Reconstruction亦與光線追蹤結合,確保每8個像素中,有7個透過AI生成,進而使全景光線追蹤速度提升4倍,以呈現最佳影像畫質,織就令人無限驚豔的娛樂饗宴。 這些顯示卡不僅較前代強大,GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER更將VRAM增加至16 GB;GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER也全面導入16-pin 12VHPWR電源接頭,能與華碩旗下最新電源供應器完美搭配,如:ROG Thor II 白金牌 / ROG Strix Aura / TUF Gaming / Prime金牌等系列,且所有型號均可使用GPU Tweak III應用程式,隨心所欲調校設定,再加上獨家全自動製程技術,穩定、耐用性滿點,無時無刻都能助攻玩家發揮潛能,於各式爭戰立於不敗之地! ROG Strix─領先群雄的時脈及散熱 ROG Strix GeForce RTX 40 SUPER系列顯示卡,兼具一流性能、前衛外觀,以及適用高效設備的極致散熱,其中三組軸向式風扇除可維持系統低溫,在較輕工作負載下還能自動停止風扇運轉,營造悄然無聲(0dB)的遊戲場域;此外,全新ROG Strix GeForce RTX 40 SUPER系列另採用金屬框架,擁有優異的支撐架構,搭配雙BIOS開關,可在最高效能與安靜模式間自由切換;而特有的FanConnect II接頭,則能依據顯示卡溫度,控制至多兩組機殼風扇,增加冷卻效果;同時使用者亦可透過支援Aura Sync的ARGB燈光模組,與其他裝置、零組件同步燈效,展現獨一無二的電競時尚。 TUF Gaming─值得信賴的剽悍效能 TUF Gaming系列顯示卡,絕對是禁得起玩家考驗的另一選擇,其不僅具備和ROG Strix系列相同的金屬構造、三風扇散熱、大型散熱器與雙BIOS開關,還特別內建軍規等級的電容器,因此即使本系列產品沒有更多的RGB燈光或FanConnect II接頭,依然能為高階遊戲主機提供卓越非凡的運作動能與使用壽命。 ProArt─結合時尚設計與傑出渲染力 除了有利於玩家,高階顯示卡也常被應用在全球工作站,推動AI、相片/影片編輯、遊戲研發/製作等領域;重要的是,特定族群更需要特定的顯示卡產品滿足其不同需求,為此華碩也推出ProArt系列,專為尋求風格簡潔、外型精巧的創作者與專業人士量身訂製,其能快速安裝至已搭載多張顯示卡的電腦主機,搭配加大軸向式風扇、0dB技術與通風金屬背板,可實現出色散熱及3D渲染,成為更符合使用者期待的創作神隊友。 ASUS Dual─小巧機身 ‧ 功能兼備 針對偏好小巧產品或電腦主機的用戶而言,ASUS Dual系列則不容錯過,其採用復古未來主義的太空紋設計,能在任何裝置中呈現別緻外觀,同時還配備擁有絕佳相容性的2.56 slot插槽散熱器(Dual EVO版為2.5 slot),以及多根散熱管與兩組軸向式風扇,無論玩家和創作者使用何種機殼,都能從容坐享無懈可擊的高超散熱。 【華碩GeForce RTX 40 SUPER系列顯示卡首波上市型號】 產品型號 建議售價 ROG Strix GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER OC Edition NT$ 26,990 ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER OC Edition NT$ 23,990 ASUS Dual GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER NT$ 21,990 ASUS Dual GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER OC Edition NT$ 22,490 ASUS Dual GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER White OC Edition NT$ 22,990

文章來源 : ASUS 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 7607 加入收藏 :
AI 超世代!技嘉 GEFORCE RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡矚目登場

台北2024年1月9日 /美通社/ -- 全球電腦領導品牌技嘉科技,今天宣布推出 AORUS 及 GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡,包括 RTX 4080 SUPER、RTX 4070 Ti SUPER 和 RTX 4070 SUPER 等三款繪圖晶片,共計 14 款機種產品,提供玩家組裝電腦時多元的選擇。全新 GeForce RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡藉由增加核心數、擴充 VRAM,以及提高記憶體速度,提供更出色的效能。更以 AI 創建額外的幀數並提升圖像品質,為重視遊戲效能的電競玩家,帶來更快、更流暢的 AI 遊戲體驗,亦為專業創作者帶來算力更強大的新選擇。 AI 超世代!技嘉 GEFORCE RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡矚目登場 技嘉研發團隊特別針對各種使用情境,利用大數據進行模擬分析,藉此優化 GeForce RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡的超頻時脈和風扇曲線等參數,進而提供最貼近玩家需求的效能模式。此外,AORUS 及 GIGABYTE Geforce RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡採用經典 WINDFORCE 風之力散熱系統,三風扇配置搭配正逆轉功能、低負載風扇停轉設計,結合完整的被動散熱模組以及 Screen Cooling 通風散熱背板等技術,即便在最嚴苛的遊戲環境下,也能讓顯示卡隨時保持在靜冷高效的最佳狀態。 為頂級電競而生的 AORUS GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER MASTER 更採用獨家專利的鯊魚仿生風扇和創新扇葉表面設計,讓風壓在同轉速下較一般風扇大幅提升 30%,又可有效減少風阻,進而達到降噪 3 分貝的效果。在被動散熱方面,超導熱板與複合式熱管完整覆蓋發熱核心,確保 AORUS GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER MASTER 在極端負載下,也能提供最卓越的散熱效率。 AORUS GeForce RTX 40 SUPER MASTER 系列機種不僅擁有優異效能,精緻有形的外觀設計更讓玩家印象深刻;獨家 RGB Halo 三環燈效,利用視覺暫留的方式呈現出多種與眾不同的絢麗燈光效果,深受 AORUS 鐵粉與 DIY 玩家青睞。AORUS GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER MASTER 顯示卡側面還內建功能 LCD Edge View 螢幕,可自定義顯示內容,除了讓玩家增添個性化風格之外,更可即時監控顯示卡運轉狀態。 技嘉作為 NVIDIA 長期戰略合作夥伴,致力於產品設計及效能提升,以發揮 AI 晶片最大效益,提供軟硬兼備的體驗平台,構建 AI 生態圈。欲了解更多有關技嘉 GeForce RTX 40 SUPER 系列顯示卡的產品資訊,請參閱 https://bit.ly/GIGABYTE_2024_CES_RTX_40_SUPER。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3016 加入收藏 :
GIGABYTE Launches GeForce RTX 40 SUPER series graphics cards for a comprehensive AI operating platform

TAIPEI, Jan. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GIGABYTE, the world's leading computer brand, announced today the launch of the RTX 40 SUPER series graphics cards, including the RTX 4080 SUPER, RTX 4070 Ti SUPER, and RTX 4070 SUPER, totaling 14 variants. The latest additions to the RTX 40 family enhance gaming experiences with increased core counts, expanded VRAM, and faster memory speeds, delivering a significant performance boost over their non-SUPER counterparts. These improvements allow gamers to push the boundaries of high-resolution textures and intricate visual effects in demanding games, thanks to the cutting-edge AI technology of DLSS 3 frame generation. The advancement creates additional frames and enhances image quality, providing an optimal gaming experience for those who prioritize performance. GIGABYTE Launches GeForce RTX 40 SUPER series graphics cards for a comprehensive AI operating platform Leveraging AI based on diverse usage scenario simulations, GIGABYTE R&D team has fine-tuned the cards' default parameters, guaranteeing optimal out-of-the-box performance. In delivering ultimate gaming performance while keeping the temperature well, the GIGABYTE RTX 40 SUPER series graphics cards feature the signature WINDFORCE cooling system, designed to ensure cool and quiet operation during intense gaming sessions. The alternate spinning fan design not only increases air pressure but also minimizes turbulence. Complementing the fans is the Screen Cooling, featuring a massive vented backplate that provides an additional pathway for heat to exhaust.  The premium AORUS MASTER variant takes things a step further, featuring the WINDFORCE Bionic shark fan. This enhancement boosts static pressure by up to 30% and reduces noise levels by up to 3dB, setting it apart from regular fans at the same RPM. Working in tandem with a vapor chamber in direct contact with the interior cores and multiple heat pipes, the AORUS MASTER ensures top-tier thermal performance under demanding loads. The AORUS MASTER also offers a premium package of additional features. The iconic RGB Halo creates captivating addressable illumination on the rotating fans, adding a touch of gaming style to every build. The LCD Edge View, an integrated side LCD on AORUS GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER MASTER, lets users personalize their setup with texts, images, or gifs while monitoring the graphics card's real-time stats such as power consumption, temperatures, etc. GIGABYTE, as a strategic partner with NVIDIA, is committed to nurturing a vibrant AI ecosystem, promising users a truly immersive AI experience. To discover more about the GIGABYTE RTX 40 SUPER series graphics cards, please visit https://bit.ly/GIGABYTE_2024_CES_RTX_40_SUPER

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 457 加入收藏 :
ZOTAC to Debut Limit-Pushing Handheld Gaming PC and Showcase AI-Centric Computing Solutions at COMPUTEX 2024

HONG KONG, May 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ZOTAC Technology, a global manufacturer focused on innovative and high-performance hardware solutions, will return to COMPUTEX 2024 to showcase its biggest push yet into brand-new product categories. ZOTAC to Debut Limit-Pushing Handheld Gaming PC and Showcase AI-Centric Computing Solutions at COMPUTEX 2024 At this year's exhibition, ZOTAC will unveil its first attempt at creating a unique Handheld Gaming PC with advanced controls and features, allowing gamers to enjoy their favorite games on the go like never before with maximum competitive advantage. Also in ZOTAC's extensive lineup is a full-fledged selection of AI-focused computational hardware, including a new workstation-grade External GPU Box series for hassle-free GPU compute and AI acceleration, ZBOX mini PCs powered by Intel Core Ultra CPUs equipped with integrated neural processing units (NPU), as well as other enterprise-grade solutions, such as GPU Servers and Arm-based NVIDIA Jetson systems, offering users a broad selection of AI accelerators in applications big and small. ZOTAC GAMING ZONE Portable Handheld PC for Gaming Enthusiasts At the forefront of ZOTAC's presence at COMPUTEX 2024 will be the unveiling of ZOTAC GAMING's brand new ZONE handheld, a high-performance portable PC designed from the ground up with quality controls and top-end specs such as a beautiful 7" AMOLED multi-touch high refresh Display for crisp and smooth visuals and a 2-stage adjustable triggers so gamers can bring their A game on the go. ZOTAC GAMING ZONE - Portable Handheld PC for Gaming Enthusiasts with beautiful 7” AMOLED Display and a 2-stage adjustable triggers "Ever since the establishment of the ZOTAC GAMING brand, we have strived to provide an unmatched gaming experience for enthusiasts worldwide," Said Tony Wong, Chief Executive Officer of ZOTAC. "We have made considerable efforts to raise the bar with our debut handheld, tailor-made with competitive features for all gamers." Leveraging ZOTAC GAMING's passion for creating premium experiences and ZOTAC's expertise in creating small and compact computing devices, this product marks the brand's venture into an exciting category of product, imbued with the brand's pure pursuit to elevate the gaming experience for enthusiasts worldwide. Visitors will be able to experience the thrills of gaming on the ZONE first-hand with functional prototypes of the design, as well as learn the design process of the device. ZOTAC TECHNOLOGY – FORGING AHEAD FOR AI ZOTAC is also displaying its entire range of AI-oriented computing solutions at Computex 2024. From Graphics Cards to whole systems, and from power-efficient NVIDIA Jetson edge AI system-on-modules to high-performance 10GPU HPC servers, the full lineup of ZOTAC's computing solutions catalog showcases that the company is ready to cater to the increasing demands for AI power and an ever-changing digital landscape. Graphics Cards The ZOTAC GAMING Graphics Card selection includes the latest GeForce RTX™ 40 Series and RTX™ 40 SUPER Series GPUs, with enhanced thermal capabilities and aesthetics thanks to its unique AIRO (Air Optimized) design, making them suitable for longer, sustained workloads. In the booth, ZOTAC will also have an extended demo section with various RTX-accelerated AI demos, to showcase how these GPUs can enhance the gaming, productivity, and creative workflows. Experience the future of gaming where non-player characters (NPC) are powered by AI, experiment with generative images, interact with a personalizable AI powered chatbot, and game with full ray tracing and DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction made possible by AI. ZBOX External GPU Box (EGB) Series Also on the show floor will be another one of ZOTAC's new product lines. Winner of the 2024 Best Choice Award, the ZBOX EGB Series is equipped with a workstation-grade NVIDIA RTX Ada Generation GPU to accelerate compute and AI performance on Thunderbolt 3-compatible devices, providing a portable solution for graphical work, rendering, AI inference, and beyond. The compact, transportable, and wide compatibility of the EGB series also gives small to mid-sized teams the benefit of cost efficiency, allowing GPU power to be shared on-demand, minimizing idle GPU time. Winner of the 2024 Best Choice Award, the ZOTAC ZBOX EGB Series is equipped with a workstation-grade NVIDIA RTX Ada Generation GPU. (ZBOX PRO EXTERNAL GPU BOX AD5000/AD3500/AD2000) ZBOX PRO Embedded Solutions There will also be a range of conventional mini PCs, NVIDIA Jetson™ ARM-based models, and Embedded MXM GPU modules, all of which offer extended product availability that is crucial for long-term development and life cycles of industrial-grade hardware with robust exteriors. They also feature an integrated Hardware Watchdog not available in off-the-shelf options. GPU Servers The newly introduced ZOTAC Enterprise GPU Servers will also make an appearance in the ZOTAC COMPUTEX 2024 lineup. This includes the ZOTAC BOLT Workstation series, which can house up to 2 GPUs and 2 5th Generation Intel Xeon Processors in a tower form factor, and our 4U Rack Server, which supports up to 10 GPUs for High-Performance Computing needed for AI training and fine-tuning. ZBOX powered by Intel Core Ultra ZOTAC's booth will also spotlight its bestselling ZBOX mini PCs, which are equipped with cutting-edge Intel Core Ultra processors featuring integrated NPUs for efficient AI workload offloading, making these ZBOXs perfect for sustained AI workloads in extended periods. ZBOX models like the MI672 and CI671 nano are not only compact but are also capable of running Generative AI applications like Stable Diffusion, which will be showcased live during the exhibition through ZOTAC's AI Express installer. Aside from ultra-compact mini PCs, ZOTAC also has an array of high-performance, premium small form-factor PCs on offer for more graphically intensive applications such as content creation and gaming, like the best-selling MAGNUS ONE and MAGNUS EN series, which boasts GeForce RTX 40 Series discrete GPUs on top of 14th Gen Intel Core i7 Processors for maximum performance in compact form factors. Healthcare Series Lastly, ZOTAC's booth will include the newly established Healthcare series, powered with an NVIDIA RTX Ada Generation professional GPU and up to an Intel Core i9 processor in an all-white enclosure and EN60601-1 certification required for medical electronic devices. Along with the Healthcare Series PC, the rest of ZOTAC's white-themed ZBOX models will also be on display. ZOTAC's Healthcare series, powered with an NVIDIA RTX Ada Generation professional GPU and up to an Intel Core i9 processor in an all-white enclosure and EN60601-1 certification. (ZBOX H39R5000W / ZBOX H37R3500W) Experience ZOTAC's innovative and proven designs in person at Booth No. N0507a, 4/F, NANGANG Exhibition Hall, from June 4, 2024 to June 7, 2024. For more information, please visit the Landing Page. ABOUT ZOTAC TECHNOLOGY LIMITED ZOTAC Technology Limited, a global pioneer in computer hardware and electronics since 2006, delivers cutting-edge products emphasizing quality, performance, and reliability across graphics cards, mini PCs, and accessories, earning recognition and accolades throughout the industry through the dedication to rigorous standards and the relentless pursuit of excellence. In 2017, a sub-brand, ZOTAC GAMING, was launched with a focus on elevating the gaming experience for gamers around the world.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 237 加入收藏 :
2024 年 10 月 5 日 (星期六) 農曆九月初三日
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