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(時尚中心/綜合報導)Replay最具標誌性的經典系列9zero1強勢回歸,以全新、現代化的風格重新詮釋,將其從過去帶到未來。這款90年代的服裝承載著品牌的歷史;起初設計為男性,如今已演變成適合所有性別和年齡的無界線服飾,保留其特有的直筒舒適剪裁,突顯Replay品牌的演變,為那些熱愛經典懷舊系列的人們帶來精緻的穿搭體驗。這次的復刻不僅是一場回顧,更是重新定義9zero1的旅程。 圖/Replay Taiwan提供 Replay一直致力於提供給消費者最高質量的產品,9zero1系列經過30多年的發展,通過多道不同的洗滌工藝,研發出各式各樣的復古元素,如高腰、排扣、鉚釘等,並以保留復古元素為主軸推陳出新。Replay最新推出的9zero1系列五袋款牛仔褲,以其獨特的復刻工藝細節而脫穎而出。每條褲子都經過精心設計,包括特殊的強化縫線,以確保舒適度和耐用性。這四種顏色 - 深藍、中藍、淺藍和黑色 - 均經過經典牛仔布洗水工藝處理,使每一條褲子都帶有獨特的色調和質感。 除了牛仔褲,9zero1系列還推出了相配的牛仔外套,延續了過去的經典設計元素,舒適的剪裁和品牌注重的工藝細節,與系列的牛仔褲完美搭配,為穿搭增添更多靈感。合身的版型無論是搭配牛仔褲還是單獨穿著,9zero1牛仔外套都能展現出乾淨利落的穿搭風格,散發著義大利休閒丹寧品味。 圖/Replay Taiwan提供 為展示9zero1系列的多樣風貌,Replay特別邀請了重量級明星參與此次的經典回歸,包括全球百大DJ - Martin Garrix、足球運動員 - Marco Verratti、Paulo Dybala、Tesla執行長Elon Musk的母親 - Maye Musk、超模 - Amelia Gray、世界短跑運動冠軍 - Usain Bolt、紐西蘭國家橄欖球隊All Blacks、足球隊 - PSG、Bayern Munich、Ajax等等。9zero1系列的大使們攜手合作,與時尚攝影界領袖Thierry Le Gouès共同打造屬於Replay風格的美學,將運動、音樂和時尚結合,期望與各個世代建立共鳴。 Replay台灣官網將於4月12日正式開站,屆時消費者可以在線上輕鬆瀏覽和購買最新的9zero1系列,以及Replay的其他經典產品。透過官網平台,我們將提供詳細的產品資訊、尺寸指南和方便的購物流程,讓每位顧客都能享受到愉快的購物體驗。 圖/Replay Taiwan提供 Replay官網限定開站活動 4/30前,凡於Replay官網下單,即贈品牌購物袋乙個,每個帳號限領一個,數量有限,送完為止。 Replay門市限定活動 即日起至4/21 凡購買9zero1系列牛仔褲可現抵901元 商品全面6折起,滿8800元現抵800元,可累抵 Replay全省專櫃門市: 【Replay LaLaport台中店】台中市東區進德路600號北館2F / 0902-029-733 【REPLAY MITSUI OUTLET PARK台南店】台南市歸仁區歸仁大道101號1F / 0902-002-069 品牌官方社群: 官網 (4/12開站) – www.replayjeans.tw LINE@ - https://lihi1.com/1iSTF Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/replaytaiwan Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/replaytaiwan
(時尚中心/綜合報導)Replay,一個發源自義大利的經典時尚品牌,由著名設計師 Claudio Buziol 先生(克勞迪奧·布齊歐)創立於1981年,歷經 40 多年的發展和不斷推陳出新,每件牛仔產品自始自終都採用二十多道不同的洗滌工藝,如石磨、酵素洗、懷舊洗滌、漂洗、3D水洗等。他的創作哲學,以嚴格的裁剪、優雅的風格和高質量的製作過程見稱於世。在今年秋冬系列中,Replay以 Ride Hard 和 Winter Explorer 兩大主題為靈感,呈現給大家極致的時尚體驗。這一季的 Replay,注定將重新定義您對時尚的理解。 圖/Replay Taiwan提供 Replay 的風格以義式時尚為主軸,強調都會、簡約、帥氣和細節,避免華麗浮誇的風格。這種設計不僅在時尚感上令人著迷,還讓穿著者感到非常舒適和貼身。Replay 堅信提供給消費者的不僅是時尚,還有優秀的功能性和最高水準的舒適度。這個品牌的使命是讓人們在穿著 Replay 的同時,感受到自信和個性的散發,因為時尚應該簡單且舒適,這就是 Replay 的設計理念。 當義式時尚融合騎士精神,一場不羈的時尚探險即將展開。Replay 最新系列Ride Hard(騎士風格),汲取靈感自日本機車漫畫家東本昌平的畫作。以機車風格為主軸,大膽運用機車字體和經典的翅膀標誌,營造出狂野不羈的魅力。同時,結合了復古與現代潮流,為大家帶來多種視覺享受。這次的男士騎士風外套強調了三大設計要點,包括原布立領、肩線剪接和上下擺密織羅紋,讓每位消費者能輕鬆打造出極具魅力的騎士風格。 圖/Replay Taiwan提供 冬季,是大自然探索者的季節。在極端寒冷中保持時尚風度的同時,我們追尋著一場冰雪冒險。Winter Explorer(冬季探險家) 系列靈感源自戶外探索,主打商品包括長且厚實的及膝派克外套(parka),搭配具有織標設計的棉衫,使大家在戶外活動中更加有型。此次秋冬亮點新品還包含高週波壓紋絎縫充絨短夾克,它採用再生纖維製成,非常適合作為冬季中的穿搭外套,提供溫暖和風格的雙重體驗。 Replay 致力於將獨特的義式時尚和高質量的製作融合在一起,讓每個消費者都能穿著時尚又舒適的服裝,展現個人風格。無論您是尋求嶄新風格的騎士精神,或者在城市中追求時尚舒適,這個秋冬季節,Replay 將為您帶來一場獨特的時尚體驗。 圖/Replay Taiwan提供 Replay全省專櫃門市: 【Replay LaLaport台中店】台中市東區進德路600號 北館 2 F / 0902-029-733 【REPLAY MITSUI OUTLET PARK台南店】台南市歸仁區歸仁大道 101號 1 F / 0902-002-069 品牌官方社群: LINE@ https://lihi1.com/1iSTF Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/replaytaiwan Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/replaytaiwan
(時尚中心/綜合報導)來自義大利經典時尚品牌 REPLAY,由著名設計師 Claudio Buziol先生 (克勞迪奧·布齊歐)創立於 1981 年,歷經 40 多年的發展和不斷推陳出新,每件牛仔產品自始自終都採用二十多道不同的洗滌工藝,如石磨、酵素洗、懷舊洗滌、漂洗、3D水洗等。以其獨特風格和高品質產品而聞名的REPLAY,始終堅守著「優質產品」的信念,也推出了許多具都會感、獨特個性的單品,深受全世界崇尚自然和舒適的消費者的喜愛,多款時髦牛仔褲也成為了丹寧愛好者的必備單品。 圖/Ciao, Nice to meet you!REPLAY 旗艦店在台中準備好與大家相見。(REPLAY Taiwan提供) 為了提供給消費者最舒適的購物環境,REPLAY準備已久的旗艦店終於在台中與大家相見!這家店位於「Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport 台中」,是全台第一間旗艦店,坐落在台中的精華地段,距離台鐵台中站步行約6分鐘的距離。作為一個充滿活力的品牌,REPLAY將為您帶來一個前所未有的購物體驗。Ciao, Nice to meet you! 圖/REPLAY Taiwan提供 REPLAY LaLaport 台中店的整體店裝與設計以輕工業風為主打,透過大量的木質調色系和永生植物打造出寬廣的室內空間,展現了富有層次感和藝術感的空間設計,每一個細節都展現了品牌的時尚和創新精神。此外,店內也展示了各種時尚單品,包括Logo T-shirt、牛仔褲、機能外套等等,完美地體現REPLAY今年的品牌規劃主軸「Ciao, Nice to meet you」,讓更多消費者重新認識REPLAY歐系高質感印象。同時,品牌精心挑選的商品中,希望能讓大家輕鬆地找到自己的風格和喜好。 圖/REPLAY Taiwan提供 今年全新春夏系列以「Biker、Denim、Military Wood」三大主題為靈感,呈現出與別不同的風格和設計。Biker系列以騎士為設計靈感,展現時尚、帥氣、自由的風格,產品包含多款百搭單品,如帶有騎士風格的Rocker 印花圖騰,完美展現Biker的獨特風格和個性。 圖/REPLAY Taiwan提供 另外,一直在品牌頗受好評的Military Wood系列以軍裝風格為主題,加入許多細節設計結合特殊材質的運用,如強烈特色的軍裝織標配以水洗的尼龍棉材質展現出軍裝強烈復古且陳舊的風格,讓整個系列更具震撼力和豐富感。REPLAY 被冠以Denim 專家的崇高角色,自然不得不針對Denim系列做以介紹,為展現出品牌對於傳統丹寧製作技術的堅持和創新,產品包括573 BIO, Hyperflex Stretch Denim、Rose Label等各種款式牛仔褲,573 BIO 以有機棉為基礎配以1% - 2% 的彈性纖維使活動時更舒適且保持褲型,Hyperflex Stretch Denim更以獨家設計的同芯彈性紗為主軸,可保有全棉的水洗外觀,更有比一般彈性纖維效果更好的回復彈性配以不同創新剪裁,呈現出時尚感。最後,這個春夏,REPLAY將帶來更多令人驚艷的商品,一同打造充滿義式靈魂的都會時尚穿搭。 圖/REPLAY Taiwan提供 REPLAY為了歡慶全台第一間旗艦店的開幕,特別準備了驚喜禮物和優惠活動,希望能邀請大家一同體驗時尚與藝術的結合,感受品牌的時尚與高品質。 Replay LaLaport台中店 開幕限定活動 現場追蹤官方FB/IG送驚喜好禮(每日限量) 活動日期:4/29(六)~5/28(日) 加入LINE@送購物金300元(可現折) 消費滿額再送品牌領巾! 活動日期:4/29(六)~7/2(日) 贈品皆數量有限,送完為止,每人限領取一次
Highlights: Linius Whizzard will be embedded within the IMG Replay service, virtualizing the entire archive of nearly 50,000 hours. Production companies, advertising agencies, broadcasters, film makers, and other content licensees from around the world will use Whizzard to search, create automated clip reels and license content from within the IMG Replay archives. The agreement is for an initial 2-year term and includes a fixed setup fee and monthly license subscription. IMG Replay represents the fourth new client signed by Linius in the past five months and the largest contract to date. IMG Replay exclusively manages and commercialises the video archives for some of the world's leading sporting organisations including the Premier League, World Rugby, The Championships (Wimbledon), The R&A, The International Skating Union (ISU) and Professional Golf Association of America (PGAA). MELBOURNE, Australia, April 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Linius Technologies Limited (ASX: LNU) (Linius or Company) – the only cloud-based solution that unlocks the value of video archives with immersive, deeply personalized viewer experiences via its Linius Video Services (LVS) platform – is pleased to announce a new agreement to provide its sports solution, Whizzard, to IMG's digital archive platform, IMG Replay. The Linius Whizzard product will be deployed as a core feature within the IMG Replay service, virtualizing the entire IMG Replay archive to make it more searchable and usable. IMG Replay customers, who include production companies, advertising agencies, broadcasters, news agencies, and content creators, will use Whizzard to search the vast archive to source specific fixtures, teams, individuals, and events to curate, produce, and license video content. IMG Replay (www.IMGReplay.com) manages an exclusive sports and entertainment archive, consisting of nearly 50,000 hours of premium content on behalf of leading rights holders such as Premier League, World Rugby, PGAA, The Championships, Wimbledon, The R&A, Miss Universe, Giro D'Italia and many more. Linius Chief Executive Officer (CEO), James Brennan, said "We are delighted to be selected by IMG to enhance their IMG Replay service. This is a significant validation of the power of our Linius Video Services (LVS) platform and the value unlocked by our Whizzard product for one of the world's largest sports and media companies. Whizzard is driving accelerated commercial momentum, with Linius adding four new clients in the last five months, leading to record billings in Q2 FY2023 that is expected to double in Q3." "Through IMG Replay, Whizzard will be used by some of the premier sporting organisations in the world. IMG Replay and their associated sporting organisations have long recognised the value of these archives. Whizzard makes it possible to unlock that value today and by virtualizing the entire archive, IMG and their clients will have the ability to enable multiple innovative use cases for this content." Vice President, IMG Replay at IMG Media, Tom Barnes said "Whizzard will hopefully enable IMG Replay users to create their bespoke automated individual highlights much more quickly and effectively. We believe Linius Whizzard will enable great efficiencies for our clients, generate significant new revenues and open new markets for IMG Replay and this content." The agreement is for an initial 2-year term and includes a fixed setup fee and a monthly license subscription. The agreement is otherwise generally on terms and conditions customary for an engagement of this nature, including as to confidentiality, protection of intellectual property, security requirements and data protection, privacy, and service levels. This engagement is significant for the Company as it provides substantive validation of Linius' technology and business model by one of the global leaders in the media and entertainment industry, and the application of the technology across a highly valuable and diverse set of premium sports and entertainment content. Moreover, the momentum in adoption of the Whizzard sports platform in recent months, with four new sports companies signing on with Linius, demonstrates an increasing awareness of its unique capability and application for sports companies. This announcement has been authorised for release to ASX by the Linius Board of Directors. About Linius Technologies Limited: Linius' purpose is to unlock the value of the world's video, creating immersive, deeply personalized viewing experiences. For the first time, we make it possible to find, curate, and utilize the valuable moments across vast libraries of video, enabling viewers to create an infinite amount of personalised video compilations on-the-fly, providing the most relevant content to each viewer. Our patented Video Virtualisation Engine™ (VVE) turns big, bulky video files into lightweight, searchable data that is enriched with AI and ML, making it easy and efficient for users to find and share what matters to them. Creators and owners of video can drive greater viewing, and monetisation of their video assets. For more on Linius Technologies, visit www.linius.com For further information, please contact: James Brennan, CEO, +61 (0)3 8672 7186 or ir@linius.com Follow Linius at: LinkedInTwitterFacebookYouTube About IMG IMG is a global leader in sports, fashion, events and media. The company manages some of the world's greatest athletes and fashion icons; owns and operates hundreds of live events annually; and is a leading independent producer and distributor of sports and entertainment media. IMG also specializes in licensing, sports training and league development. IMG is a subsidiary of Endeavor, a global sports and entertainment company.
伴隨使用習慣的改變,全球消費者更傾向透過觀看影音了解更多訊息,促使品牌或創作者增加影音內容的製作。為提升影片協作的效率,Dropbox 今(26)日宣布推出全新影片協作工具 Dropbox Replay,除了可針對特定影格或時間範圍留言,彙整所有意見於同一檔案中之外,更整合常見的影音剪輯工具,降低不同平台跳轉的麻煩。 15% 使用者用 Dropbox Replay 縮短每週影片專案工時 研究顯示,全球消費者觀看線上影片的平均時數已從 2018 年每週 10.5 小時增加為 2022 年的 19 小時。過去幾年來,影片也是 Dropbox 平台上成長最快速的內容類型之一,在在顯示影片已成為我們日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。然而,蒐集與整理來自不同時區同事或客戶針對影片的意見與核准紀錄,對執行影片協作的自由工作者或小型團隊而言並非易事。 為協助改善影片協作的困擾,Dropbox 於去(2022)年 9 月率先推出 Dropbox Replay 測試版,根據用戶回饋,Dropbox Replay 可提升整體工作效率並縮短工作流程,其中約有 15% 使用者表示每週影片專案的作業時間減少一天或更多。有鑑於此,經歷約半年的測試期後,Dropbox 正式推出 Dropbox Replay 影片協作工具。 Dropbox Replay 助團隊與客戶全程掌握影片專案進度 全新上線的影片協作工具 Dropbox Replay 具備「專利即時檢閱」、「特定範圍留言」以及「整合熱門影音編輯工具」等三大功能: l 專利即時檢閱:影片協作者除了能在同一位置快速追蹤影片、圖片和音訊審查及核准之外,專利即時檢閱功能提供協作者同時觀看影片、即時查看標記和留言,讓遠距工作的團隊感覺緊緊相連。 l 特定範圍留言:透過 Dropbox Replay 可針對影音的特定影格或時間範圍留言,並將所有版本素材、創作評論彙整於同一檔案中,讓團隊與客戶能全程掌握專案進度。目前所有的 Dropbox 方案使用者亦可使用「釘選留言」與「篩選留言」的功能,前者可快速新增預先填入或自訂的標籤,後者則可透過留言者姓名或標籤篩選留言。 l 整合熱門影音編輯工具:Dropbox Replay 整合了 Adobe Premiere Pro、Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve、LumaFusion、WeVideo 與 Apple Final Cut(即將推出),幫助影片協作者不須於不同應用程式中切換,即能無痛編輯、上傳與查看影片回饋。 任職於美國國家橄欖球聯賽製作組的 Rachel Jedwood 表示:「我們會使用 Dropbox Replay 處理需要大量意見並反覆修改的內容,例如球員的行銷活動和廣告素材,能在同一處分享意見或想法的影片協作工具真的很不錯。」 Blackmagic Design 總裁 Dan Day 也認為:「減少在編輯和檢閱工具間所花的時間,就是能更快把專案交給客戶的關鍵。我們很高興能整合 Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 與 Dropbox Replay,為全球影片創作者提供優質的協作工具。」 上述功能適用於 Dropbox 各種方案使用者,而 Plus、Pro、Standard 和 Advanced 方案使用者可以每月 10 美元(年費方案)或每月 12 美元(月費方案)加價開通 Dropbox Replay 全套功能,除可解鎖影片上傳數量限制,還可獲得影片逐字稿與輔助字幕、設置影片協作截止日期與封存至 Dropbox 等功能。
Earnings Call Scheduled for 7:00 A.M. U.S. ET on March 5, 2025 GUIYANG, China, Feb. 14, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Full Truck Alliance Co. Ltd. ("FTA" or the "Company") (NYSE: YMM), a leading digital freight platform, today announced that it will release its fourth quarter and fiscal year 2024 unaudited financial results on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, before the open of the U.S. markets. The Company's management will hold an earnings conference call at 7:00 A.M. U.S. Eastern Time on March 5, 2025 or 8:00 P.M. Beijing Time to discuss the financial results. For participants who wish to join the conference using dial-in numbers, please complete online registration using the link provided below prior to the scheduled call start time. Participant Online Registration:https://dpregister.com/sreg/10196861/fe7dca9355 Upon registration, each participant will receive details for the conference call, including dial-in numbers, passcode and a unique access PIN. To join the conference, please dial the provided number, enter the passcode followed by your PIN, and you will join the conference. A replay of the conference call will be accessible by phone one hour after the conclusion of the live call at the following numbers, until March 12, 2025: United States: +1-877-344-7529 International: +1-412-317-0088 Replay Access Code: 4460802 A live and archived webcast of the conference call will also be available on the Company's investor relations website at ir.fulltruckalliance.com. About Full Truck Alliance Co. Ltd. Full Truck Alliance Co. Ltd. (NYSE: YMM) is a leading digital freight platform connecting shippers with truckers to facilitate shipments across distance ranges, cargo weights and types. The Company provides a range of freight matching services, including freight listing, freight brokerage and online transaction services. The Company also provides a range of value-added services that cater to the various needs of shippers and truckers, such as financial institutions, highway authorities, and gas station operators. With a mission to make logistics smarter, the Company is shaping the future of logistics with technology and aspires to revolutionize logistics, improve efficiency across the value chain and reduce its carbon footprint for our planet. For more information, please visit ir.fulltruckalliance.com. For investor and media inquiries, please contact: In China: Full Truck Alliance Co. Ltd.Mao MaoE-mail: IR@amh-group.com Piacente Financial CommunicationsHui FanTel: +86-10-6508-0677E-mail: FTA@thepiacentegroup.com In the United States: Piacente Financial CommunicationsBrandi PiacenteTel: +1-212-481-2050E-mail: FTA@thepiacentegroup.com
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