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精強科技前進全球最大2023年Embedded World展會,發表最新嵌入式單板電腦、工控解決方案及電動充電樁

[台灣台北] – 2023年3月1日– 專業工業電腦品牌精強科技(ECSIPC) 宣布3月13日至16日將參加嵌入式電子與工業電腦應用展Embedded World 2023 (EW 2023)。EW 2023是全球最大嵌入式工業電腦展,也是精強2022年10月成立後,首度展出最新嵌入式及商用主機板、全系列LIVA 迷你電腦、AiO一體成型電腦及電動充電樁,靈活運用於各種工業自動化、商用、智慧零售、數位看板、電動車智能充電等領域,歡迎至德國紐倫堡展覽中心,攤位Hall 1-540參觀。 ECSIPC多款嵌入式及商用主機板,高效率彈性運用於各領域 RK3568-IS是一款採用 RK3568晶片的3.5吋單板電腦,是專為各種嵌入式應用與系統結合需求所設計,此處理器具有四核ARM Cortex-A55 CPU,頻率高達2.0GHz,MIPI-DSI接口支援HDMI 2.0、eDP 1.3和LVDS顯示輸出,可應用於視覺邊緣運算之領域。為能更廣泛運用於各領域,本產品支援兩個可選PoE供電乙太網路埠、四個COM埠(RS232或RS485)、外接埠包括 I2C、GPIO、SPI、CAN-FD、RTC。產品設計採用方便使用的Android 操作系統來部署應用程序和服務,並支援12-24V寬電壓輸入,內置電壓保護連接設備,可應用於工廠自動化人機介面、車載電腦通信服務器、自動販賣機、數位看板廣告機、智慧家庭控制台等領域。 H610H7-IM1與B760H7-M20 micro-ATX主機板均支援英特爾LGA 1700 第 12 代和第 13 代處理器(LGA1700插槽)並且支持 Microsoft Windows 11。H610H7-IM1 專為工控及商務應用開發,採寬溫設計、10個COM連接埠及豐富的I/O端口、工作運作穩定、產品生命週期長等特性,適用於工廠自動化、自助服務機、POS機、自動販賣機和銀行自動櫃員機和醫療儀器。B760H7-M20支援最高64GB的高性能DDR5記憶體、PCI-Express 16x Gen 5主擴充槽,滿足追求極致效能並提供超高速的資料處理及傳輸速度。B760H7-M20配備兩個M.2插槽、八個USB埠(含後IO的USB-C)、四個支援RAID的SATA III埠口,內建多個顯示輸出埠並同時可提供三個螢幕的輸出,提升工作效率。 全方位LIVA全系列整機系統,提供一站式服務 精強科技將展出一體成型電腦及全系列LIVA迷你電腦包含輕巧型Q系列、多功能Z系列及高效能One系列各項機種,滿足各種商用領域,包括數位看板、智能零售、自動服務機、銀行ATM系統、商務視訊會議人工智能運用、邊緣運算等。卓越絕美的LIVA G24-MH610 All-in-One電腦搭載23.8吋Full HD LED觸控螢幕,支援英特爾®第12代及第13代酷睿™ i3、i5、i7處理器及可擴充的儲存空間設計,輕鬆提供出色運算性能及高儲存空間,實現流暢的多工處理效能,有利於商務終端機或日常運算性能用途使用。高效能LIVA One H610和B660準系統迷你電腦支援英特爾® 第13代CPU及DDR4記憶體,可輕鬆處理高處理器需求的作業。透過HDMI、DisplayPort及D-sub連接埠,LIVA One H610與B660可提供4K UHD視覺效果,且最高可同時四個螢幕顯示功能,提供更有效率且舒適的生產力體驗。同時也可選擇專為企業用戶設計的支援TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module)版本,通過硬體等級的保護來抵禦惡意軟體和網路攻擊,牢固防護商業機密文件,保護電腦安全。 電動車充電解決方案 精強科技推出一款優雅且可靠的電動車智能交流充電樁,充電接口符合IEC 62196-2和OCPP 1.6 JSON標準,三相電源240V AC最高輸出22.1KW,機身防護等級為IP55,IK10保護等級高達 20 焦耳的衝擊,確保高度堅固的結構可提供於室內或室外的公共環境使用。交流充電樁整合RFID讀卡系統可自動辨識使用者,適用於安全門禁卡、感應支付銀行卡或智能設備。智能交流充電樁整合精強科技獨家研發的管理平台,以無線或有線網路連接交流充電樁,讓運營商、系統整合商或家庭用戶可以方便地遠程控制交流充電樁。精強科技致力於打造智能交流充電樁,並能運用在不同場域,包括家庭、公共停車場、商業車隊運營商、電動汽車經銷商、電動汽車基礎設施運營商和服務提供商以及高速公路服務站。   關於 ECS Industrial Computer Co., Ltd (ECSIPC) 精強科技股份有限公司 (ECS Industrial Computer Co., Ltd.)為2022年自精英電腦集團成立之子公司。ECSIPC專注於垂直行業應用產品,通過結合自身的全球服務網絡和現有渠道,提供產業應用解決方案,創造更高商業運營的效益與價值。相關詳細資訊,請瀏覽公司網站 http://www.ecsipc.com

文章來源 : 精英電腦 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 10100 加入收藏 :

適合企業備份與虛擬化應用 台北2023年2月20日 /美通社/ -- 儲存、網通及運算解決方案的創新者威聯通®科技 (QNAP®) 發表新款TS-1655桌上型大容量2.5GbE NAS,提供可裝載12顆3.5吋硬碟與4顆2.5吋SSD的大容量檔案中心;HDD/SSD混合式儲存空間讓企業享有效能與成本兼顧的儲存應用。八核心強大運算力搭配2.5GbE高速傳輸力與PCIe擴充性,協助辦公室環境高效處理跨平台檔案分享、資料備份與災難備援,以及虛擬機應用。 QNAP 大容量混合式儲存方案 TS-1655 2.5GbE NAS,支援八核心高運算力與 Intel QAT 硬體加速引擎,協助辦公室環境高效處理跨平台檔案分享、資料備份與還原,以及虛擬機應用。 威聯通產品經理莊易澄表示:「高Bay數TS-1655採用混合式儲存架構,可配置對大量硬碟組合有更高資料保護力的RAID 50/60組態,減低資料遺失率之餘,亦具備效能與容量;再加上內建2個M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD專用埠及4個2.5吋SSD專用槽位,搭配SSD快取加速或Qtier自動分層儲存,提升NAS效能與成本效益。」 TS-1655採用Intel® Atom® C5125 2.8 GHz八核心處理器,支援Intel® QuickAssist硬體加速引擎(Intel® QAT),內建8 GB DDR4記憶體可擴充高達128 GB以處理更高的工作負載;其四條UDIMM記憶體插槽亦可安裝ECC記憶體(Error-Correcting Code memory),確保系統穩定運作讓服務不間斷;彈性安裝雙埠25GbE擴充卡,提供高達3,499 MB/s與2,465 MB/s循序讀取/寫入速度,為嚴苛的企業IT環境提供高效能、高可靠NAS解決方案。 TS-1655具備2個2.5GbE RJ45 (2.5G/1G/100M)網路埠,支援Port Trunking提供負載平衡與容錯,協助企業以更高效率處理大量檔案存取、備份和還原、影音傳輸等高頻寬作業的需求。搭配QNAP旗下多款網管型和非網管型10GbE/2.5GbE交換器,用精省預算打造流暢、安全、可擴充的高速網路環境。TS-1655支援SR-IOV,具備3個PCIe插槽,可彈性配置多樣擴充卡增添NAS應用,例如:5/10/25GbE 高速網路擴充卡,QM2擴充卡增添M.2 SSD配置快取或增加2.5GbE/10GbE網路埠,光纖通道(Fibre Channel)擴充卡作為SAN環境儲存裝置,以及儲存擴充卡以連接QNAP儲存擴充設備。 TS-1655可靠、多工,支援商用等級檔案儲存、同步及資料保護,提供快照(Snapshot)功能對抗加密勒索軟體的威脅。更多實用功能包含:運行虛擬機與軟體容器、執行靈活本地/異地/雲端備份、建立Google™ Workspace與Microsoft 365®備份與還原、執行VMware®/Hyper-V虛擬機備份、建立雲儲存網關(Cloud Storage Gateway)輕鬆部署混合雲應用、備份S3雲端物件冷資料。 瞭解更多資訊或查看完整的QNAP NAS系列產品,請瀏覽www.qnap.com。詢價請點選此連結。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5955 加入收藏 :
QNAP Delivers the TS-1655 High-Capacity 2.5GbE Hybrid Storage with 8-Core Intel Processor, Ideal for Business Backup and Virtualization

TAIPEI, Feb. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- QNAP® Systems, Inc., a leading computing, networking, and storage solution innovator, introduced the high-capacity TS-1655 2.5GbE NAS that can accommodate twelve 3.5-inch hard drives and four 2.5-inch solid-state drives. Designed with a hybrid storage architecture that balances performance and cost, the TS-1655 integrates 8-core computing power, 2.5GbE high speed and PCIe expansion to improve business efficiency for cross-team file sharing, collaboration, backup/restoration, and virtualization. QNAP's TS-1655 2.5GbE hybrid storage features an 8-core Intel processor with Intel QuickAssist Technology, ideal for cross-team file sharing, collaboration, backup/restoration, and virtualization. "The TS-1655 strikes a cost-performance balance with the HDD/SSD hybrid storage design, while also supporting RAID 50/60 that provides high-capacity NAS users with higher data protection and optimum storage space utilization," said Andy Chuang, Product Manager of QNAP, adding "Moreover, its SSD-focused design includes built-in M.2 NVMe PCIe slots and dedicated 2.5-inch SSD bays to drive performance-demanding business applications while enabling tiered storage for maximized cost-efficiency." The TS-1655 uses an Intel® Atom® C5125 8-core 2.8 GHz processor that supports Intel® QuickAssist Technology (QAT) and comes with four UDIMM DDR4 slots (8 GB preinstalled) that can be upgraded to 128 GB to support higher workloads. Error-Correcting Code memory is also supported to deliver server-grade performance and reliability for rugged enterprise IT environments. By installing a dual-port 25GbE network card, the TS-1655 delivers outstanding sequential read/write speeds of 3,499/2,465 MB/s. The TS-1655 provides two 2.5GbE RJ45 (2.5G/1G/100M) network ports that support port trunking for load balancing and fault tolerance, assisting organizations in bandwidth demanding applications. It can work with QNAP's managed/unmanaged 2.5GbE/10GbE switches to establish high-speed, secure, and scalable office network environments without going over budget. The TS-1655 supports SR-IOV, and features three PCIe slots for extending NAS capabilities with various expansion cards, including 5/10/25GbE network cards, QM2 cards for adding M.2 SSDs or 2.5GbE/10GbE network ports, Fibre Channel cards for building SAN storage, and storage expansion cards for connecting QNAP storage expansion enclosures. The multitasking TS-1655 meets storage demands for security, central management, and ensures data protection with Snapshots to protect against the impact of ransomware. More features include: hosting virtual machines and containers, simplifying local/remote/cloud backup tasks, facilitating VMware®/Hyper-V VM backup, deploying a cloud storage gateway, creating S3-compatible object storage on the NAS, and much more. For more information and to view the full QNAP NAS lineup, please visit www.qnap.com. Customers interested in purchasing can request a quote here.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3883 加入收藏 :
Silicon Motion Launches Third Generation PCIe Gen4 SSD Controller for Future TLC and QLC 3D NAND Flash

SM2268XT First Controller to Support Future 3,200 MT/S NAND IO Speed TAIPEI and MILPITAS, Calif., Feb. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Silicon Motion Technology Corporation (NasdaqGS: SIMO) ("Silicon Motion"), a global leader in designing and marketing NAND flash controllers for solid-state storage devices, today announced the SM2268XT, its latest high-performance PCIe Gen4 SSD controller solution optimized for higher speed NAND transfer rates. The SM2268XT's superior performance and robust reliability allows customers to accelerate development of next-generation SSDs using current and future TLC and QLC 3D NAND flash with comprehensive data integrity and correction without compromising throughput and latency. The SM2268XT features a dual-core ARM R8 CPU with four lanes of 16Gb/s PCIe data flow and supports four NAND channels with up to 3,200 MT/s per channel, enabling designers to take advantage of higher throughput next-generation high-speed TLC and QLC 3D NAND flash. Its multi-core design automatically balances the compute load to deliver industry-leading sequential read and write speeds of 7,400 MB/s & 6,500 MB/s, and random read & write speed of 1,200K IOPS. In addition, its advanced architecture enables lower power consumption and rigorous data protection, providing high performance and reliability in a cost-effective DRAM-less PCIe Gen4 NVMe SSD solution. The SM2268XT offers a new system bus architecture, Host Memory Buffer (HMB) function and Silicon Motion's state-of-the-art 8th generation NANDXtend® ECC technology with a performance-optimized 4KB LDPC engine and RAID to maximize error correction capability. The SM2268XT is designed for next generation, cost effective TLC and QLC 3D NAND flash to enable high-value SSDs for a broader range of laptop PCs from performance to mainstream to value. "We are proud to introduce the SM2268XT for Client SSDs," said Wallace Kou, President and CEO of Silicon Motion. "We have been scaling our SSD controller design wins with leading PC OEMs, and this latest evolution of our PCIe Gen4 controllers demonstrates our commitment to developing products these customers want and need to support future higher speed NAND." "We are excited about this high-performance PCIe Gen4 controller from Silicon Motion," said Atsushi Inoue, Senior Director, Memory Division, KIOXIA Corporation, "We believe that SM2268XT will upgrade the standard of high-performance SSDs to the next level together with our leading BiCS FLASH™ technology." "PCIe Gen4 SSDs are experiencing explosive growth with shipments almost doubling in 2022 and will continue to be the mainstay storage solution in PCs for the next few years," says Greg Wong, President of Forward Insights. "Silicon Motion's latest SM2268XT DRAM-less controller enables cost-effective, high-performance storage in PCs supporting the most advanced 3D NAND technologies." Silicon Motion is currently sampling SM2268XT to key customers. More information about this and the company's other PCIe Gen4 SSD controllers can be found at www.siliconmotion.com About Silicon Motion: We are the global leader in supplying NAND flash controllers for solid state storage devices. We supply more SSD controllers than any other company in the world—for servers, PCs and other client devices—and are the merchant market leader in controllers for eMMC/UFS mobile embedded storage used in smartphones, IoT and other applications. We also supply customized high-performance hyperscale data center and specialized industrial and automotive SSD solutions. Our customers include most of the NAND flash vendors, storage device module makers and leading OEMs. For further information on Silicon Motion, visit us at www.siliconmotion.com. Corporate Media Contact:Minnie LinDirector of Marketing Communication DepartmentTel: +886 2 2219 6688 x3010                  E-mail: minnie.lin@siliconmotion.com   Investor Contact:Chris ChaneyDirector, Investor Relations & StrategyE-mail: cchaney@siliconmotion.com   Sales Contact:E-mail: service@siliconmotion.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3511 加入收藏 :

News in brief: Getac has announced two new additions to its flagship X600 rugged mobile workstation range - the X600 Server and X600 Pro-PCI. The X600 Server operates on Windows Server 2022 and features an Intel Xeon W-11855M processor, integrated Intel UHD graphics, up to 128GB DDR4 RAM and expansion bay storage options of up to 22TB, delivering a significant performance boost over its predecessor, the X500 Server. The X600 Server also boasts extensive connectivity options, including 2.5G BASE-T Ethernet (x2), for ultra-fast simultaneous connection with multiple servers and/or networks, while its expandability with RAID 5 configuration provides optimal balance between capacity, reliability, and security. TAIPEI, Feb. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Getac has today announced the expansion of its flagship X600 rugged mobile workstation range with the launch of the X600 Server and X600 Pro-PCI. The new models will sit alongside the recently launched X600 and X600 Pro, creating a comprehensive lineup of rugged mobile workstations that are purpose-built to meet the demands of professionals working in challenging industries, such as defence, manufacturing and oil & gas. X600 Server: The fully rugged mobile server The all-new Getac X600 Server delivers a powerful commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) rugged mobile server that can be folded to a slim profile for easy transportation. Powerful Boasting an Intel Xeon W-11855M processor with Intel Turbo Boost Technology and integrated Intel UHD graphics, the X600 Server delivers exceptional computing performance. The X600 can also accommodate up to 128GB DDR4 RAM, while optional ECC (Error Correcting Code) memory helps to preserve the integrity of data by detecting and correcting single-bit memory errors. A 1,000 nit, 15.6" full HD Getac LumiBond® display with sunlight readable technology makes complex tasks easy to perform in challenging weather conditions, and an extensive range of connectivity options, including 2.5G BASE-T Ethernet (x2), ensures ultra-fast simultaneous connection with multiple servers and/or networks. Onboard Thunderbolt™ 4 USB-C, HDMI 2.0, and DisplayPort enable connectivity to additional monitors as and when needed. Flexible Powered by Windows Server 2022 and Microsoft Hyper-V technology, the X600 Server makes resource management simple and intuitive. System administrators can allocate resources to different virtual systems based on user needs when required, helping maintain high levels of productivity around the clock.  Expandable The X600 Server also features extensive expandability options. Disk management is enhanced through a hardware-based RAID controller with RAID 5 configuration, for optimal balance between capacity, performance, reliability, and security. A further expansion bay enables the use of hot-swappable drives and additional storage options.  Secure An extensive array of security features help X600 Server users maximise privacy and data protection at all times. Its solid-state storage drives (SSDs) are user-removable and toolless, for enhanced data security during device storage. Furthermore, Getac's 'keep your hard drive' service lets users remove and keep all their SSDs should they need to send their device in for repairs. Additional security features include TPM 2.0, Kensington lock compatibility, smart card reader, and optional Intel vPro Technology. Fully Rugged Like all Getac devices, the X600 Server is built rugged from the ground up. MIL-STD-810H, MIL-STD-461G, and IP66 certifications give users peace of mind, while an operating temperature range of -20°F to 145°F (-29˚C to 63°C) means the X600 Server can be relied on to perform in even extreme temperatures. For customers in the defence and oil & gas industries, all this adds up to create a powerful, portable device that can be quickly deployed for maximum operational efficiency in a wide range of challenging environments. Whether setting up a mobile field command centre or conducting maintenance on critical infrastructure, the X600 Server delivers comprehensive, highly secure server capabilities, in a single compact device that's built to last. "The X600 Server redefines what a rugged mobile workstation is capable of, delivering a host of performance upgrades over its predecessor, the X500 Server, and setting a powerful new benchmark for our customers that rely on portable servers in the field," says Rick Hwang, President of Getac Technology Corporation. X600 Pro-PCI: A feature-packed, fully rugged mobile workstation The X600 Pro-PCI builds on the comprehensive feature set of Getac's recently launched X600 to give users even greater functionality in a single, compact device. New features include dual PCI/PCIe expansion slots for add-on card functionality (such as video capture, data acquisition, and SATA expansion), a standard DVD (or optional Blu-ray) super-multi drive, as well as Express Card 54 and PCMCIA Type II card readers as standard. The X600 Pro-PCI also includes two additional hot-swappable batteries, bringing the total that come with the device to four, for all-day functionality. "With the launch of the new X600 Server and X600 Pro-PCI, customers now have even more options when choosing a powerful rugged mobile workstation to suit their specific needs," adds Hwang. "Whether deploying mission critical applications in the field, setting up mobile command centers, or managing multiple virtual systems from a single compact device, Getac's X600 line has you covered." Availability The X600 and X600 Pro are both available now. The X600 Server and X600 Pro-PCI will be available in the end of Q1 2023. For more information, please visit www.getac.com About Getac Getac Technology Corporation is a global leader in rugged mobile technology and intelligent video solutions, including laptops, tablets, software, body-worn cameras, in-car video systems, digital evidence management and enterprise video analytics solutions. Getac's solutions and services are designed to enable extraordinary experiences for frontline workers in challenging environments. Today, Getac serves customers in over 100 countries spanning defense, public safety, ambulance, fire & rescue, utilities, automotive, natural resources, manufacturing, transport, and logistics. For more information, visit: http://www.getac.com. Participate in the Getac Industry blog or follow the company on LinkedIn and YouTube. Getac and Getac logo are trademarks of Getac Holdings Corporation or its affiliates. Other brands or trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2023 Getac Technology Corporation.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4256 加入收藏 :
Graid Technology Announces Software Update Targeted at Enhancing Business Continuity for NVMe Deployments

SupremeRAID™ new high availability feature provides an additional level of business continuity protection coupled with superior overall performance. SANTA CLARA, Calif., Feb. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Graid Technology, the award-winning data protection provider and developer of the only RAID card to offer customers access to the full performance of NVMe SSDs, is proud to announce its latest software release (V1.3) for SupremeRAID™ SR-1000 and SR-1010. The various enhancements in this release include features and software updates designed to support dual controller high availability along with support for multiple new NVMe SSDs.   Among the enhanced features in the new release is a configurable strip size, allowing customers using RAID 0 and RAID 10 to realize even better server performance, a strategic move that continues to position SupremeRAID™ as the performance leader for both random and sequential workloads.  "This latest release gives our customers peace of mind knowing that their business operations can continue in the event of a hardware failure. Along with supporting new NVMe SSDs, release V1.3 continues to enhance Graid Technology's industry-leading offering by bringing tremendous value to our customers and partners," said Leander Yu, President, and CEO of Graid Technology. The SupremeRAID™ V1.3 software release continues to elevate Graid Technology's innovative NVMe solution, which aims to disrupt the status-quo RAID market by unlocking the full potential of high-performance workloads across the global enterprise. As with all Graid Technology software releases, the organization continues to rely on customer and partner input to prioritize the enhancements that the market requires. The SupremeRAID™ V1.3 software release is available immediately. Learn more about our latest software release here.  About Graid Technology Graid Technology is headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, with an office in Ontario, CA, and an R&D center in Taipei, Taiwan. Graid technology's SupremeRAID™ performance is breaking world records as the first NVMe and NVMeoF RAID card to unlock the full potential of your SSD performance: a single SupremeRAID™ card delivers 19 million IOPS and 110GB/s of throughput. For more information, visit www.graidtech.com or connect with us on Twitter or LinkedIn. Additional Resources Climb Channel Solutions and Graid Technology Partner to Deliver Next-Gen NVMe RAID Solutions Liqid and Graid Technology Partner for the World's Fastest NVMe Flash SupremeRAID™ with Western Digital OpenFlex Data24: White Paper Supermicro and Graid Technology Announce Collaboration, Deploying NVMe and NVMeoF Graid Technology Announces Partnership With Global IT Solutions Aggregator TD SYNNEX Contact Information: Andrea Eaken Graid Technology Director of Marketing & Media Relations andrea.eaken@graidtech.com Related Files SupremeRAID SR-1010 for PCIe 4.pdf SupremeRAID SR-1000 for PCIe 3.pdf   Related Images Image 1: Graid Technology Software Release V1.3    

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