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Q Burger獨家攜手日式精緻燒肉品牌「胡同燒肉」,以經典和牛為概念,打造限量聯名「A5和牛布里歐堡」,使用香柔鬆軟的布里歐堡包覆胡同燒肉獨家研製A5和牛漢堡排,套餐搭配外酥內軟的V型脆薯,早晨一次享受肉香四溢的夢幻多層次口感!即日起(8/1),下載Q Burger APP,完成註冊登錄會員即可搶先購買限量聯名新品,除此之外,於任一Q Burger或胡同燒肉門市消費,即可獲聯名限量優惠好禮兌換券,每天的第一個美好由Q Burger獨家打造。 獨家合作胡同燒肉 Q Burger用A5和牛打造奢華和牛早午餐 秉持「職人系」精神,以日式精緻燒肉服務而聞名的胡同燒肉,選用高品質A5和牛為主角,為Q Burger獨家研製和牛漢堡排,將和牛每一份肉汁精華牢牢鎖住,用香柔鬆軟的布里歐堡、鮮脆生菜與主廚特製風味醬汁層層包覆,襯托專屬於A5和牛的濃郁口感,每一口A5和牛布里歐堡都能感受到滿滿肉香!強強聯手堅持選用最高品質食材,碰撞出奢華早午餐享受,讓每天第一餐也能大口吃肉好幸福。 最佳拍檔登場!Q Burger 新品V型脆薯為早午餐畫龍點睛 搭配胡同獨家聯名A5和牛布里歐堡,Q Burger推出全新「V型脆薯」口感再進化,為早午餐絕佳組合增添一道美味選擇。V型脆薯以嚴選法國進口原塊馬鈴薯製作,油炸後熱騰騰的酥脆外皮充滿香氣,內餡口感綿密,再撒上帕瑪森起士粉,每一份皆能細細品嚐馬鈴薯與起士令人著迷的香氣,忍不住一口接一口,直呼好涮嘴! Q Burger X 胡同燒肉聯名APP會員8/1搶先嚐鮮 消費滿額即送聯名限定優惠券 迎接獨家聯名登場,即日起(8/1)下載並完成Q Burger APP饗樂會員註冊,即可搶先購買限量新品A5和牛布里歐堡特盛餐,除此之外,8/8起更加碼推出完成指定消費即贈的聯名限定優惠券!多重優惠好康邀請你來Q Burger品嚐奢華早午餐!活動詳情以官網公佈資訊為主:https://www.qburger.com.tw/ 【胡同燒肉聯名產品販售資訊】 販售日期: 8/01,Q Burger APP會員可搶先購買【A5和牛布里歐堡特盛餐】 8/08,聯名產品於全平台(門市現場/桌邊點餐/APP/Uber Eats)進行販售 8/22,聯名產品於Food panda平台進行餐點販售 每日數量有限,售完為止 A5和牛布里歐堡特盛餐:A5和牛布里歐堡+經典香蔥脆薯+V型脆薯+中杯紅茶,售價$260 *換購升級其他飲品可享20元折扣 新品產品介紹: 品名/售價 產品介紹 產品圖 A5和牛布里歐堡售價$198 選用A5和牛製成的漢堡排,肉質鮮嫩多汁,搭配鬆軟綿密的布里歐堡、新鮮生菜和特製醬汁,多層次的美味口感,味蕾帶來幸福的饗宴。 V型脆薯售價$50 選用優質綿密的馬鈴薯製成,外皮酥脆,口感綿密,每一口都吃到馬鈴薯的香氣。 蜂蜜百香氣泡飲(冰)售價L$55 百香果香氣與香甜蜂蜜完美融合,整體風味酸甜爽口,細膩的氣泡在舌尖上跳動,多層次豐富口感,每一口都讓人回味無窮。 【胡同燒肉聯名消費優惠資訊】 Q Burger消費聯名新品,送「胡同燒肉牛肋條兌換券」 活動日期 8/8(四)-送完為止 活動說明 活動期間購買【A5和牛布里歐堡(單點/特盛餐)】,每筆訂單送胡同燒肉優惠券乙張。 優惠券內容 胡同燒肉門市消費滿$2,000,即可兌換牛肋條乙份(價值$300)。 優惠券注意事項 1.兌換期限2024/08/09(五)〜2024/11/30(六)2.優惠券不適用於七夕08/10(六)、中秋節09/17(二)、雙十節10/10(四)。3.為提升用餐品質,使用此券請提前與胡同燒肉進行預約、告知。4.此優惠券不得與其他優惠併用。5.限胡同燒肉內用消費,即可折抵,不可外帶。6.嚴禁轉贈、轉賣、修改、影印,如經檢舉或被發現將取消用餐資格。7.胡同燒肉保有活動最終修改及解釋之權利。 優惠券圖示 胡同燒肉消費不限金額,送「Q Burger優惠兌換券」 活動日期 8/8(四)-送完為止 活動說明 活動期間胡同燒肉實體門市消費不限金額,每筆消費送Q Burger優惠券乙張。 優惠券內容 1.Q Burger消費滿$200(含),即可兌換美式黑咖啡(M) (價值$35) 。2.Q Burger消費滿$350(含),即可兌換蜂蜜芥末卡啦雞可朗芙(價值$100)。 優惠券注意事項 1.兌換期限至2024/11/30(六)止。2.此優惠不得與其他優惠活動同時使用。3.單筆消費限兌換1張,結帳前請先出示此票券,並於使用後回收。4.僅限現場兌換,不適用APP訂餐與桌邊點餐、門市外送、外送平台等服務。5.不得折抵現金更換其他商品。6.Q Burger保留隨時調整活動時間、優惠內容及終止活動的權利。 優惠券圖示 (正面) (反面) 品牌介紹: Q Burger饗樂餐飲提供消費者安心、快速、高品質餐飲,選用安心食材,帶給消費者健康生活,導入數位科技,優化消費體驗,成為每人每天第ㄧ餐首選。期許代表台灣,成為揚名國際的新世代餐飲領導品牌!致力翻轉台灣的早午餐文化,為顧客創造每天第一個美好! 官方網站:https://www.qburger.com.tw/ 新聞聯絡人: 世紀奧美公關 柯文深 Vincent Ko Tel:02-7743-9153 E-mail:vincentws.ko@erogilvy.com 謝淑君 Jean Hsieh Tel:02-7743-9129 E-mail:jeansc.hsieh@eraogilvy.com Q Burger饗樂餐飲 行銷企劃TEAM 詹宇涵 Jamie Chan Tel:02-8991-3667* 353 E-mail:Jamie.chan@qburger.com.tw 許寗寗 Mandy Hsu Tel:02-8991-3667* 353 E-mail:Mandy.hsu@qburger.com.tw
一日之計在於晨!Q Burger 首度攜手 Zespri 打造營養早餐,7/16(二)起於全台門市購買任一餐點即可享以優惠價15元加購 Zespri 陽光金圓頭奇異果(原價30元),除此之外,Q Burger APP 會員參與 Zespri 加價購可獲得獨家限量好禮抽獎機會!高效升級每日第一餐,想輕鬆補充身體所需營養,不用再匆匆忙忙準備,就從優質早餐搭配高營養密度的 Zespri 奇異果開始,為工作效率與精神活力都加一! Q Burger 合作 Zespri 升級早餐健康影響力 掌握早晨黃金時刻為身體有效充電 大家每天吃得夠營養嗎?根據衛福部《國民營養健康狀況變遷調查》,發現7-44歲台灣民眾每日水果攝取量僅不到一成有達標,而早餐因國人生活習慣忙碌,成為最難攝取足量蔬果的時段。為有效在日常緊湊的生活步調中能夠輕鬆攝取所需營養,Q Burger 與 Zespri 精準運用人類腸道反應最靈敏的早晨時段,藉優質早餐組合,搭配富含「維生素C」及「膳食纖維」的高營養密度 Zespri 奇異果,輕鬆提升健康含金量,幫助促進新陳代謝和維持腸道健康,高效升級早餐營養,滿足每日營養攝取就從最重要的早晨開始! Q Burger 7/16 邀你早餐加一 會員加碼再抽 Zespri 限量好禮 早餐加點金,營養再升級!從7/16 起至8/5,至 Q Burger 門市購買任一主餐/超值組合/點心(單點飲品/咖啡除外),即可享以15元優惠價,加購 Zespri 陽光金圓頭一顆(原價30元),用營養加一,開啟美好早晨。活動期間於 Zespri 官方 LINE 的 Zespri 早餐大挑戰 2.0,上傳你的專屬 Zespri 奇異果早餐組合,即可參與活動抽獎;除此之外,Q Burger 會員更加碼享有獨家抽獎機會,只要加購 Zespri 陽光金圓頭奇異果即獲抽獎機會,加購次數越多,將一年份 Zespri 奇異果及獨家限量好禮帶回家的機會就越高!活動詳情以官網公佈資訊為主 https://www.qburger.com.tw/ Zespri 陽光金圓頭奇異果加價購活動資訊 活動檔期 7/16(二)- 8/5(一),共21天 活動說明 活動期間於 Q Burger 全門市消費任一主餐/超值組合/點心,即可享加價 $15 獲得 Zespri 陽光金圓頭1顆(原價$30) 活動注意事項 ※ 本活動不適用於門市外送、Uber Eats、foodpanda 等平台服務。※ Q Burger 饗樂餐飲保留隨時修改、終止本活動之權利。 Q Burger 會員獨家抽獎活動資訊 參加辦法 Q Burger APP 會員於活動期間加購 Zespri 奇異果,就有機會獲得豐富活動獎項,訂購次數越多,中獎機率越高。(每筆訂單最多享1次抽獎資格) 活動獎項 1. 一年份 Zespri 奇異果,1名2. 限量 KIWI 兄弟玩偶1對,100名3. Zespri 外出攜帶盒,200名4. Q Burger 100 元餐券,100名 活動注意事項 1.參加者必須遵守本活動注意事項,如未遵循者,Q Burger 饗樂餐飲得拒絕其參與或保留取消其得獎資格之權利,已取得獎項者應返還同等價值金額,並對於任何破壞本活動公平性行為保留相關權利,參加者不得異議。2.本活動抽獎結果於2024年8月19日於 Q Burger 饗樂餐飲官網。本活動以電腦亂數隨機自符合資格之參加者名單中抽取得獎人,每筆訂單最多享1次抽獎資格 。 3.活動獎項屬於機會中獎,不保證參加活動即可中獎,不得折換現金、兌換其他商品或優惠,亦不得將本活動得獎資格轉讓或轉售予他人,Q Burger 饗樂餐飲僅為寄送得獎贈品,得獎獎項由「Zespri」進行提供。4.如有未盡事宜,主辦單位 Q Burger 饗樂餐飲保留隨時修改、增訂、變更、取消或終止本活動部分或全部相關內容及獎項之權利,並有權對本活動之所有事宜做出解釋或決定,並於公告後實施,以公告於 Q Burger 饗樂餐飲官方網站之最新版本為準 ;若參加者不接受活動內容修改或變更,視為放棄參加抽獎資格。 品牌介紹: Q Burger 饗樂餐飲提供消費者安心、快速、高品質餐飲,選用安心食材,帶給消費者健康生活,導入數位科技,優化消費體驗,成為每人每天第ㄧ餐首選。期許代表台灣,成為揚名國際的新世代餐飲領導品牌!致力翻轉台灣的早午餐文化,為顧客創造每天第一個美好! 官方網站:https://www.qburger.com.tw/ 新聞聯絡人: Q Burger饗樂餐飲 行銷企劃TEAM 詹宇涵 Jamie Chan Tel:02-8991-3667* 353 E-mail:Jamie.chan@qburger.com.tw許寗寗 Mandy Hsu Tel:02-8991-3667* 353 E-mail:Mandy.hsu@qburger.com.tw 世紀奧美公關 柯文深 Vincent Ko Tel:02-7743-9153 E-mail:vincentws.ko@erogilvy.com謝淑君 Jean Hsieh Tel:02-7743-9129 E-mail:jeansc.hsieh@eraogilvy.com
Focus on growth in global markets and integrated groupage transport HONG KONG, Jan. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Since the turn of the year, Dr. Tobias Burger (46) has been the new Chief Operations Officer (COO) Air & Sea Logistics and a member of the Executive Board at logistics provider Dachser. The former Deputy Director Air & Sea Logistics replaces Edoardo Podestà (61), who has retired from active professional life after a career at Dachser spanning more than 20 years, the last four of which he spent leading the air and sea freight business. Since the turn of the year, Dr. Tobias Burger (46) has been the new Chief Operations Officer (COO) Air & Sea Logistics and a member of the Executive Board at logistics provider DACHSER. "The thoroughly prepared handover at the top of the Air & Sea Logistics business field reflects the targeted and long-term oriented further development of our intercontinental network," explains Bernhard Simon, Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Dachser. "Edoardo Podestà has built up our Asian business since 2003 and has made a significant contribution to the growth of our company over the past four years as COO Air & Sea Logistics. With Dr. Tobias Burger, we now have an experienced logistics strategist at the helm of our Air & Sea Logistics organization who has a deep and holistic understanding of the complex challenges facing the global logistics markets now and in the future." The central task of Tobias Burger as COO Air & Sea Logistics is to drive Dachser's growth in the global markets. "We are convinced that the main impetus for our future growth will come from our business in Asia and the Americas," says Burkhard Eling, CEO of Dachser. "By closely interlinking intercontinental transport with our efficient European overland transport network, we want to offer our customers a comprehensive solution for groupage services around the world. This Global Groupage offering, delivered by an integrated network with comprehensive contract logistics capabilities, definitely calls for a powerful air and sea freight organization with a global presence." Burger holds a doctorate in business administration, and he began his career as a strategy consultant at Siemens Management Consulting. He joined Dachser in 2009. After working in controlling and strategy development, he was given responsibility for Corporate Governance. At that time, he was already overseeing the strategic development of the global air and sea freight network. Burger was appointed Deputy Director Air & Sea Logistics in 2019, becoming Podestà's right-hand man. During this time, he was initially global sales manager for the air and sea freight business. In 2021 and 2022, Burger led the ASL EMEA business unit's operations as Managing Director with great success. Edoardo Podestà: Two decades of growth and profitability for Dachser ASL Podestà concludes his successful career as a logistics manager by handing over the reins to Burger. An Italian who has lived in Hong Kong for many years, Podestà joined Dachser in 2003 following its acquisition of a joint venture. As Managing Director, he was initially responsible for Greater China; as Dachser's Asian business grew, he soon took on responsibility for the entire Asia-Pacific business unit. Since 2019, he had also been at the helm of the global air and sea freight business as COO Air & Sea Logistics. "Against the backdrop of an extremely volatile market environment, he applied his depth of experience and his creativity to always chart a clear course for growth and profitability," Eling says. About Dachser Dachser, a family-owned company headquartered in Kempten, Germany, provides transport logistics, warehousing, and customized services in two business fields: Dachser Air & Sea Logistics and Dachser Road Logistics. The latter consists of two business lines: Dachser European Logistics and Dachser Food Logistics. Comprehensive contract logistics services and industry-specific solutions round out the company's range. A seamless shipping network—both in Europe and overseas—and fully integrated IT systems ensure intelligent logistics solutions worldwide. Thanks to some 32,850 employees at 379 locations all over the globe, Dachser generated consolidated net revenue of approximately EUR 8.1 billion in 2022. The same year, the logistics provider handled a total of 81.1 million shipments weighing 42.8 million metric tons. Country organizations represent Dachser in 41 countries. For more information about Dachser, please visit dachser.com In Asia Pacific, Dachser has operations in 43 locations across 12 Business Areas with its Regional Head Office located in Hong Kong. For more information, please visit dachser.hk
SAP台灣(思愛普軟體系統股份有限公司)宣布,早午餐品牌Q Burger 饗樂餐飲採用 RISE with SAP 一站式解決方案套組,加速營運核心轉型上雲;以SAP S/4HANA雲端 ERP 串聯營運數據,梳理超過 340家門市的物流、銷售、財務等數據,完善端到端流程,現在營運數據正確率達 100%,有效輔助管理層擬定精準的商業決策,加速擴大企業版圖,邁向實踐打造世界級早午餐品牌目標。 Q Burger 成立十年以來,以「創造每天第一個美好」為品牌主張,希望帶給每位顧客豐盛的早餐,創造每天第一個美好;多年來持續擴大經營,目前全台已有超過 340 家直營與加盟門市。因應消費市場高速變動,Q Burger 堅信與時俱進的重要性,持續採用數位科技優化企業經營管理,在數位轉型領域深獲各界肯定。導入全新雲端 ERP 的起心動念,Q Burger 董事長鄭瑞賓表示,當企業規模擴大,我們發現舊有 ERP 逐漸不敷使用,因應業務量的增加,每月需耗費大量人力檢核、確認報表數字,難即時整合各單位的營運數據。對此,鄭瑞賓始終深信「數位力」可以優化公司經營,因此導入 SAP S/4HANA 雲端 ERP,重新串接端到端流程,強化內稽內控機制,讓全台門市高達 50 萬筆的 POS 交易資料可自動拋轉 ERP,資料正確性達到百分百。此外,Q Burger 順利部署 SAP S/4HANA 雲端 ERP 的關鍵,來自顧問團隊英渥德專業輔導,憑藉對於餐飲業營運的洞悉,提供專業流程建議,並耐心解說新系統使用,讓轉型上雲更加順利。 Q Burger 董事長鄭瑞賓提到,自從使用 SAP S/4HANA 雲端 ERP 後,大幅加速我們營運管理,以每月財務作業為例,月結時間從過去 15 號提前到 2 號;同時,系統可自動彙總並產出傳票,財會每日節省了約 200 分鐘,不必再手動輸入及人工計算。現在 Q Burger 每月出帳數字精準,層層卡控機制確保財報真實性,讓管理者可即時掌握現金流,彈性調整營運策略。 此外,早餐產業品項多元,在原物料訂貨及倉庫管理上備受挑戰,Q Burger 在導入 SAP S/4HANA 雲端 ERP 後,中央戰情室隨時掌握物料供需周轉情況,有效避免爆倉、存貨不足、物料過期,讓庫存準確度提升達 95%。至於供應商叫貨情況,透過 ERP 分析各門市特定時間銷售數據,系統自動建議補貨取代人為盤點,讓訂貨效率提升 5 倍。 SAP全球副總裁、台灣總經理陳志惟指出,「隨著企業成長茁壯後,加速轉型已是必然,不論是升級系統,還是導入新科技,都需要一套堅實的核心系統支持。此次 Q Burger 選擇 SAP S/4HANA 雲端 ERP,除了因為功能完善,包含財務、採購、庫存管理、銷售、生產等完整應用,更是看準雲端的彈性部署和靈活擴充,可以滿足未來成長和多樣化需求。雲端 ERP 持續更新版本,讓企業享用最新應用與資料保護,並節省 IT 人力維運成本;相信在 SAP 助力下,Q Burger 會更進一步推動產業革新,引領台灣早餐文化迎向新風貌。」 接下來,Q Burger 會持續極大化 SAP 雲端 ERP 系統的使用與效益,以數據化治理、科技化管理為導向,強化企業營運,健全端到端流程,提升數據能見度,打穩企業經營根基;目標加速擴張中南部市場,提高全台門市佔有率,希望在台灣門市突破 1,000 家之際,接著把眼光放眼全球打世界盃,將屬於台灣特色的早午餐品牌推向國際。如欲了解更多成功案例故事,歡迎造訪:https://url.sap/46qypo
Appier’s one-stop automated platform enhances segmented communication effectiveness, while diverse creative modules innovate marketing campaignsTAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach - 19 July 2023 - Appier today announced the successful implementation of a highly-interactive, personalized marketing campaign for Burger King Taiwan, a globally renowned fast-food chain. In response to the current market landscape and its needs, Burger King Taiwan has been consistently revamping its strategies to adapt to the new normal in the food and beverage industry and seize market opportunities in takeout and delivery. Burger King enhances website conversion rate through Appier’s AI-powered personalized marketing platform, creating highly interactive personalized marketing campaigns Based on a report from Research and Markets, the global fast food and quick service restaurant market is projected to grow from US$273.20 billion in 2022 to US$292.78 billion in 2023, with a CAGR of 7.2%. By 2027, it is expected to reach US$371.47 billion at a CAGR of 6.1%. Technological advancements are a growing trend in the fast-food and quick-service restaurant market. Major companies are prioritizing the development of innovative solutions to strengthen their market position, boost revenues and provide a better customer experience. By leveraging Appier’s AI Personalization Cloud, Burger King Taiwan harnessed diverse creative modules to effortlessly create eye-catching and engaging marketing campaigns, offering customers a unique and personalized experience. According to a study conducted by Infosys, it was reported that personalization significantly influenced 59% of consumers’ spending habits, while personalized restaurant marketing increases quick-service restaurant repeat sales by 8% to 20%. By providing a personalized experience for its customers, Burger King Taiwan achieved remarkable breakthroughs in on-site clicks and conversion rates, aligning with various marketing objectives such as consumer journeys, festive periods, new store launches, and seasonal promotions. Achieve high conversions through interactive personalized marketing In the highly competitive fast-food market, Burger King Taiwan wanted to boost customer conversions on its website and expand the average order value through more precise and engaging personalized marketing initiatives. With Appier’s AI-powered personalized marketing platform, Burger King Taiwan was able to collect and analyze customers’ online behavior, including product pages browsed, and shopping cart items. This enabled Burger King Taiwan to execute targeted segmentation marketing campaigns based on detailed information about customer behavior and preferences, allowing them to seize every crucial moment of customer interactions. Appier’s AI-powered Personalization Cloud analyzes user behavior on a website. Once it detects a user's intent to leave the site, the system will automatically trigger a pop-up window with a discount offer. This approach effectively retained customers by converting them into buyers and yielded an impressive conversion rate of 31%. Furthermore, Appier assisted Burger King Taiwan to set up various reward thresholds based on current cart value, incentivizing customers to purchase more. This tactic achieved an average click-through rate of 27%, thereby boosting the overall order value. Elevate customer loyalty by creating eye-catching marketing campaigns Building upon the success of its physical stores, Burger King Taiwan strives to amplify its online sales and cultivate customer loyalty. With Appier’s AI-powered Personalization Cloud, marketers can access an extensive selection of creative modules, allowing them to seamlessly create various promotional campaigns, irrespective of their programming expertise. For example, during the Double 12 campaign, Burger King Taiwan utilized a webpage countdown timer to create a sense of urgency, resulting in a 6% increase in conversion rate. Additionally, for the grand opening of a new store, Burger King Taiwan used the built-in creative design module to create the lucky draw game and deliver coupons in a fun and interactive way, which achieved a 50% discount code utilization rate. In addition to interactive marketing modules, delivering targeted marketing messages tailored to customer needs proves to be an effective strategy in attracting consumers. By integrating the AI Personalization Cloud with the OpenWeather API, Burger King Taiwan can recommend products or promotional activities aligned with the local weather conditions in a user’s location. For instance, during warmer days, the platform will automatically recommend refreshing cold beverage promotions, while in the event of a high probability of rain, it will push delivery promotions. By offering customers the most suitable products or offers for their current situation, Burger King Taiwan was able to enhance customer loyalty even further. Multi-wave holiday marketing engagement with automated communications via a single platform Managing multiple waves of marketing campaigns during holiday seasons can be time-consuming and resource-intensive for marketers. However, Burger King Taiwan utilized the one-stop AI Personalization Cloud to deliver automated communications, making executing multiple waves of marketing campaigns easy. During the Double 11 campaign, Burger King Taiwan strategically orchestrated multiple waves of broadcast messages. It triggered content for different phases of the campaign, including event warm-up, lucky draw, double points, and limited-time offers. "Burger King Taiwan is committed to embracing new technologies and using creativity to drive sales. With AI data analysis and segmentation capabilities, we can develop personalized marketing strategies based on customer insights, delivering engaging and precise messages and offers to each customer, and seizing every communication touchpoint. Appier's user-friendly solution, coupled with their proactive approach in proposing practical marketing strategies, has significantly enhanced our marketing endeavors,” said Karin Jiang, Marketing Director, Burger King Taiwan. “Looking ahead, Burger King Taiwan is excited to sustain our collaboration with Appier, planning more eye-catching and customer-centric marketing campaigns, fostering website interaction and conversions, and strengthening our customer loyalty relationships." Hashtag: #burgerking #appier #personalization #marketing #ai #artificialintelligencehttps://www.linkedin.com/company/appier/The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About AppierAppier (TSE: 4180) is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to power business decision-making. Founded in 2012 with a vision of democratizing AI, Appier now has 17 offices across APAC, Europe and the U.S., and is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Visit www.appier.com for more company information.About Burger KingBurger King is the world's second-largest fast-food chain, with over 17,000 branches across the globe. As a leading fast-food brand, Burger King has consistently upheld its competitiveness by providing a superior customer experience. The brand ensures customer satisfaction through reasonable prices, high-quality products, fast service, and clean restaurant environments. Visit www.burgerking.com.tw for more company information.
Habit Burger Grill餐廳於6月25日在中國第二繁忙的機場開業,繼續為中國消費者提供他們喜愛的美食 重慶2023年6月29日 /美通社/ -- 總部位於美國加州的百勝餐飲集團 (Yum!Brands) 旗下餐飲公司 The Habit Burger Grill(哈比特漢堡),宣布其最新的國際餐廳於2023年6月25日(周日)在中國第四大城市重慶盛大開業。該餐廳位於重慶江北國際機場的3號航站樓。 The Habit Burger Grill首席業務發展官John Phillips表示:"很榮幸這次能與HMSHost合作,HMSHost是全球餐飲業的領導者,在中國有著令人印象深刻的業績。我們很高興能在中國最繁忙的機場開設這家旗艦店。" HMSHost International亞太區董事總經理David Mackay稱:"我們非常高興能在亞太地區開設我們的首家Habit Burger Grill餐廳。HMSHost與Habit Burger團隊合作得非常愉快,我們希望重新定義重慶國際機場的餐飲美食。我們期待通過Habit Burger品牌提升我們在該地區的影響力,給旅客帶來HMSHost的終極體驗,即關注。" 憑借其現點現做的口號和具有創意的烹飪文化,The Habit使用明火烹飪食物,將獨特的煙熏味道融入其著名的炭火漢堡和新鮮醃制的雞肉中。The Habit還提供各種豐富的配菜和手工制作的冷凍奶昔。 The Habit Burger Grill亞太區總經理Yang Ming Ong說:"我們期待為社區提供手工制作的、具有加州新鮮品質和風味的碳烤美食。重慶是繼上海之後The Habit Burger Grill在中國進駐的第二個城市,我們正在積極尋求合作伙伴,希望將業務拓展到其他主要城市。" 該餐廳設有一百多個座位並提供外賣服務。機場每天都會接待幾千名旅客,因此將The Habit Burger Grill餐廳設在機場,可以讓更多認識該餐廳,從而提高該品牌的手工制作加州風味美食的知名度。 這家Habit Burger Grill餐廳的營業時間為每天早上6:30至晚上9:30。 通過社交媒體與The Habit Burger Grill聯系:facebook.com/habitburgergrill、 instagram.com/habitburgergrill、 twitter.com/habitburger、tiktok.com/@habitburgergrill和 youtube.com/habittube。訪問https://www.habitburger.com/ ,或下載The Habit移動應用。 關於The Habit Restaurants, Inc. The Habit Burger Grill於1969年誕生於加州聖巴巴拉,2020年加入百勝餐飲集團! The Habit Burger Grill是一家以漢堡為中心的快餐概念店,專門制作現點現做的新鮮炭烤漢堡,以及以明火烹制的烤裡脊牛排、烤雞和壽司級金槍魚為特色的手工三明治。此外,該餐廳還供應新鮮的手工沙拉,以及各種誘人的配菜和奶昔。The Habit Burger Grill被《新聞周刊》評為 "2023年美國最受歡迎連鎖餐廳";2023年,其天婦羅豆角在《每日一餐》的"11家連鎖餐廳的豆角菜餚排名"中被評為頂級豆角菜餚;該餐廳還入選Thrillist的"每個州都要有的被低估的漢堡連鎖店!"榜單。此後,The Habit Burger Grill餐廳數量增至350多家,遍布亞利桑那州、加州、佛羅裡達州、愛達荷州、馬裡蘭州、馬薩諸塞州、內華達州、新澤西州、北卡羅來納州、賓夕法尼亞州、南卡羅來納州、猶他州、弗吉尼亞州和華盛頓州這14個州,並在中國和柬埔寨設有國際分店。詳情請訪問www.habitburger.com。 關於HMSHost International HMSHost International 隸屬Autogrill集團,最近已成為Dufry集團的一部分,是面向旅客的全球領先食品飲料運營商。在過去50年裡,我們精心打造了一個具有吸引力且商業可持續的品牌組合,其中包括世界著名的合作伙伴品牌、當地品牌以及我們自己開發的品牌。我們的餐廳坐落於42個機場、35個火車站和7個購物中心,遍布亞太、歐洲、印度和中東的19個國家。在亞太地區,我們致力於利用我們的全球專業知識,提高我們在世界領先酒店食品和服務地區的影響力。 盡管食品飲料是我們的專長,但在我們的心目中,顧客永遠排在第一位。這也是我們為何會用我們的秘訣來招待他們,那就是關注。關注讓匆忙的旅客變成心存感激的客人,確保為我們的員工提供鼓舞人心的工作環境,讓我們從眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出,並且進一步加強了我們作為"首選合作伙伴"的地位。我們也非常重視地球;被納入意大利證券交易所的MIB® ESG指數,展現了我們對"使之成真"的承諾,即專注於培養員工,提供可持續的食物體驗和關愛地球。 詳情請訪問 www.hmshost.international,還可以在LinkedIn上與我們聯系。 The Habit Burger Grill媒體聯系人: 亞太區總經理Y.M. Ong 電郵:YangMing.Ong@yum.com
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