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精強科技(ECSIPC)首次參與2024年德國慕尼黑電動車充電設備展 (Power2Drive 2024),發表全方位電動車充電解決方案,包含多款AC智能充電樁及CSMS智慧充電樁管理系統,以軟硬整合解決方案搶攻智慧城市電動車基礎建設商機。 全球重視節能減碳,各國致力於推動ESG,電動車基礎建設剛性需求銳不可擋,看好歐陸需求,精強宣布首度參與德國慕尼黑電動車充電設備大展(Power2Drive),發表可用於家庭、企業及各種商業場域的充電樁軟硬體整合解決方案,根據Global Market Insights調查顯示,電動車充電站市場規模從2021年的175.9億美元到2028年將成長至1,119億美元,複合年成長率高達30.26%。 敬邀參訪精強科技Power2Drive展會攤位 展期:2024年6月19日至21日 地點:德國慕尼黑展覽中心 | 攤位編號:C6館774 Power2Drive是國際性充電基礎設施和專業電動車展覽會,屬於歐洲最大能源產業展覽The smarter E Europe的分支,展覽著重於發表可移動的最新科技技術、解決方案和商業模式,特別強調電動車、智慧充電基礎設施和再生能源的整合,精強展出新品: 32A 智慧AC充電樁 精強科技推出多款智慧AC充電樁Venus系列和Mercury系列,為歐洲客戶提供32A單相和三相規格,滿足不同場域應用。智慧AC充電樁符合國際標準OCPP 1.6認證,並可升級為OCPP 2.0標準,適用於家庭及各種商業應用,包含停車場、商業車隊、住宅區、飯店和購物中心等領域。智慧AC充電樁整合了精強科技自主研發的客製專業管理軟體(CSMS),使營運商、系統整合商和家庭用戶可以輕鬆遠端控制AC充電樁。 簡約外型且安全可靠的Mercury AC充電樁整合數位電錶和會員RFID識別裝置,適合安裝於各商業領域。採用高強度外殼設計,符合多項安全標準OCP/OVP/UVP/突波防護,IP55/IK10防塵防水等級,適合室內或室外安裝。此AC充電樁支援乙太網路、雙無線網路和行動網路LTE的多種網路連接功能,可將各項充電資訊從充電樁上傳到雲端。 Venus AC充電樁系列甫獲得2024年iF設計大獎認可,也將在會展上展出,該充電樁不僅符合OCPP1.6和2.0國際標準,還可支援 ISO15118 插槍即充 (Plug and Charge),無論身在一般充電站、一般停車場或購物中心,在任何充電站都能享受更快、更安全的充電體驗。本產品內建5吋彩色顯示器、信用卡支付終端和RFID會員識別,提供使用者友善及高效的充電體驗。內建RCD 模組可確保使用者免受電擊的安全,無需額外的漏電斷路器設備,並節省了電動車充電器設定的費用。 智慧充電樁管理系統(CSMS) 精強科技充電樁管理系統(CSMS)是一款專為營運商客製化的多功能系統,能協助營運商即時遠端監控與管理每個智慧充電樁,符合OCPP 1.6國際標準。 CSMS能與現有的雲端服務連接,營運商可維持現有的會員系統或支付系統,營運商無須額外建置新雲端平台,使用者以既有的系統即可享有充電樁服務,為營運商提供簡單且有效率的運營系統。CSMS亦提供手機APP供用戶管理充電樁,包括每個充電樁的目前狀態、充電樁的即時通知以及充電時間設定。 精強科技充電樁管理系統允許營運商、系統整合商和家庭用戶簡單方便地遠端控制智慧充電樁。 關於精強科技股份有限公司 (ECSIPC) 精強科技股份有限公司 (ECS Industrial Computer Co., Ltd.)為2022年自精英電腦集團成立之子公司。除了承襲精英電腦母公司30年專業設計與製造能力之領導廠商經驗;同時更以「創新思維、值得信賴、永續發展」為三大企業核心價值,以創新競爭力深化顧客參與並致力於打造永續美好生活。以產業應用價值方案提供者為發展目標,聚焦於垂直產業應用利基型產品、提供產業應用解決方案,創造更高的商業運營效益與價值。精強科技有效結合自有品牌的全球業務據點與精英電腦既有通路資源,以資源有效整合之綜效達成集團整體經營績效。 相關詳細資訊,請瀏覽公司網站 https://www.ecsipc.com
HERISAU, Switzerland, June 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Group is scheduled to showcase its RADOX® MCS1500 system at EVS36 in Sacramento (California), 11-14 June, and Power2Drive in Munich, 14-16 June HUBER+SUHNER RADOX® MCS1500 As the leading supplier of cooled cable technology for the high power charging (HPC) market with its renowned RADOX® HPC500, HUBER+SUHNER is proud to announce that it has successfully qualified its RADOX MCS1500 system in multiple field tests. The RADOX MCS1500 is designed to deliver continuous charging up to 2,250 kW (1,500 Amps) for heavy-duty electric vehicles. With this unique solution, HUBER+SUHNER is expanding its product range into megawatt charging by utilizing its scalable direct-liquid cooled technology platform, offering best-in-class performance in all conditions. In addition, HUBER+SUHNER is developing a 4,500 kW (3,000 Amps) solution to cover even higher power needs in the future. "With the development of the RADOX® MCS1500, we are once again one step ahead, establishing our leadership in the emerging megawatt charging market," said Max Goeldi, Vice President Market Management HPC at HUBER+SUHNER. "This innovation will help to fast-charge the EV revolution." "By introducing the missing link between vehicle and infrastructure, we enable our customers to provide a safe, efficient and ultra-fast charging experience for heavy duty vehicles," added Stefan Buri, Vice President Market Management Industrials at HUBER+SUHNER. To experience the RADOX HPC and MCS solutions, visit HUBER+SUHNER at the EVS36 CharIN pavilion in Sacramento, California, 11-14 June 2023, or at the Power2Drive Expo in Munich, at booth FM.701/8 in the outdoor pavilion, 14-16 June 2023. More information on the HUBER+SUHNER RADOX® MCS1500 solution can be found on the website: https://bit.ly/RADOXMCS HUBER+SUHNER Group The globally active Swiss company HUBER+SUHNER develops and produces components and system solutions for electrical and optical connectivity. The company serves the three main markets Industry, Communication and Transportation with applications from the three technologies of radio frequency, fiber optics and low frequency. HUBER+SUHNER products excel in excellent performance, quality, reliability and long service lives - even under the most demanding conditions. Through a global production network, combined with subsidiaries and representatives in over 80 countries, the company is close to its customers worldwide. Contact HUBER+SUHNER press office:pressoffice@hubersuhner.com
DQ480, a new standalone DC charger, is officially launched ahead of the upcoming EVS36 and Power2Drive Expos. This 4-gun charging station offers the ability to customize cooling systems, with the flexibility to install 2 liquid-cooled and 2 air-cooled charging guns. ZEROVA Technologies offers diverse charging solutions with tailored experiences and efficient performance for the growing EV market. TAOYUAN CITY, Taiwan, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- ZEROVA Technologies, a recently spun-off electric vehicle charger maker under Phihong Technology, today announced its innovative new 480kW standalone DC charger, DQ480, ahead of the upcoming EVS36 Expo on June 11-14 and the Power2Drive Expo on June 14-16. Debuting this charger marks a key milestone for the brand's commitment to delivering diversified charging solutions for the burgeoning EV market. Interested parties are welcome to visit ZEROVA and experience DQ480 at: Booth 1104 at the EVS36 Expo, taking place on June 11-14 in Sacramento, California Hall B5.673 of the Power2Drive Expo, taking place on June 14-16 in Munich, Germany DQ SERIES 480kW Standalone DQ480: Streamlined quad charging The 480kW standalone DC charger DQ480 raises the bar for EV charging capabilities with its capacity to charge four vehicles simultaneously via four charging guns. With lower average installation costs per car, DQ480 is a highly economical solution that is ideal for space-limited urban environments — such as fleets, busy petrol stations, commercial buildings, or shopping malls — and its aesthetics further contribute to this, delivering a streamlined, geometric design with minimalist elements. It also offers the ability to customize cooling systems, with the flexibility to install two liquid-cooled and two air-cooled charging guns. Users can choose from 4 layout arrangements and have the freedom to select from 2 alternative cooling systems. The two 500-amp water-cooled guns offer higher output power, shorter charging time, and better cooling efficiency, as well as a thinner cable design for a lighter weight and improved user experience. The two 300-amp air-cooled guns come with a boost mode that can increase the output power quickly during peak hours. In addition, the front panel display provides three distinct types of media screen layouts — 7-inch, 7-inch + 21.5-inch, or 32-inch. The 7-inch screen is used for the operation interface, while the 21.5-inch screen displays advertisements. This provides a platform for customers to advertise themselves or to rent advertisement space to local businesses and brands. Designed around optimal user experience, DQ480 also offers a smart cable-management system, and the gun weight can be adjusted for maximal user comfort. Lastly, DQ480 is equipped with both a card reader and a RFID system. Addressing diverse needs in the growing EV market ZEROVA Technologies is harnessing its strong technological expertise and decades of experience to facilitate the shift to electric-powered mobility. Embracing the thriving EV market and variegating needs, the brand offers a diverse product line, with chargers ranging from 30kW to 480kW along with various energy cabinet options. With tailored user experiences and efficient performance, the range of products covers retail and residential, workplace and commercial, and public charging applications. To harness the flourishing worldwide EV market, ZEROVA has established a global presence with offices in Amsterdam, California, Hai Phong, and Tokyo and has shipped more than 55,000 charging devices worldwide, spanning the Americas, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Partnerships with international companies have also grown, and the brand has collaborated with TCC, a global player in energy storage and e-mobility, to build charging stations around the world, in addition to officially becoming one of Shell's global charging equipment suppliers at the end of 2022. Over 50 years of experience in power supply solutions ZEROVA's parent company Phihong Technology has been developing power supply solutions for over fifty years and first entered the EV market in 2010, when it spun off an EV task force that later became ZEROVA Technologies in 2022. Since the beginning, ZEROVA has grown to a team of more than 600 dedicated professionals. With ZEROVA focused on enabling the shift to electric vehicles and green energy solutions, Phihong Technology has embraced a focus on smart life, medical electronics, and e-sports, while expanding into 5G. For further details about ZEROVA, please visit: https://www.zerovatech.com/. About ZEROVA TechnologiesZEROVA Technologies Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Phihong Technology Co., Ltd., is committed to providing integrated electric vehicle charging solutions for the global market. With decades of rich ODM/OEM experience, industry knowledge, technical capabilities, and proven manufacturing quality, the brand designs diverse, highly customized products and services suitable for international customers from different industries. With offices in Europe, the United States, and Asia, ZEROVA has a global presence, and more than 55,000 charging devices around the world are using ZEROVA's charging solutions. To find out more, please visit: https://www.zerovatech.com/.
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