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/C O R R E C T I O N -- Momentum ITSMA/

In the news release, Momentum ITSMA announces 2024 Global Marketing Excellence Awards finalists, celebrating innovation and impact, issued 12-Sep-2024 by Momentum ITSMA over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that corrections are required to the job titles of the finalists Rhiannon Blackwell, Sudhanshu Gupta, and Lisa Sim. The complete, corrected release follows: Momentum ITSMA announces 2024 Global Marketing Excellence Awards finalists, celebrating innovation and impact LONDON and BOSTON, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Momentum ITSMA, a leading growth consultancy and pioneer of Account-Based Marketing (ABM), today announced the finalists for its Global B2B Marketing Excellence Awards. Winners will be announced in October. In its 27th year, the Momentum ITSMA Global Marketing Excellence Awards recognize the industry's most ambitious sales and marketing leaders driving growth with their key clients. There are three new categories this year, introduced to reflect the changing nature of the marketing landscape: Account-Based Marketer (ABM-er) of the Year, Go-to-Market (GTM) Leader of the Year, and Client Growth Program of the Year. The annual awards offer a platform for innovative teams and individuals to showcase their best-in-class growth programs, setting the standard in B2B marketing. Last year's diamond and gold winners included: PwC, Microsoft, Tata Consultancy Services, Autodesk, Fusion Connect, Dell Technologies, Salesforce, IBM, OneTrust, Ricoh North America, CRB Group, Fujitsu, Kyndryl, Google Cloud, ServiceNow, and Red Hat. Dave Munn, Partner at Momentum ITSMA, said: "The 2024 finalists exemplify client growth and innovation, showcasing their ability to drive impactful results in a complex and increasingly dynamic marketplace. As we mark the 27th year of our Global Marketing Excellence Awards, we're thrilled to introduce three new categories that reflect the modern nature of B2B marketing." The finalists for the 2024 Global Marketing Excellence Awards are: ABM-er of the Year Rhiannon Blackwell, ABM Leader, Global Marketing Organization, PwC Bonnie Sparkman, US ABM Leader, Fortinet Priyanka Dasgupta, ABM and Field Marketing Manager, Kyndryl Sudhanshu Gupta, Senior Director – Marketing, Virtusa GTM Leader of the Year Britney Bartlett, VP, Global Field Marketing, Cisco Lisa Sim, VP, Marketing, Asia Pacific and Japan, Palo Alto Networks Client Growth Program of the Year EY, NTT Data, Red Hat, Virtusa Advancing Thought Leadership Kyndryl, Palo Alto Networks, PwC, Virtusa Driving Partner Collaboration Kyndryl, Virtusa Enabling Sales Fortinet, Infosys, ServiceNow, Unisys Scaling ABM Programs Cisco, Hexagon, PwC, Checkout.com Strengthening Executive Engagement EY, IBM, PwC, VMware by Broadcom Munn added: "These awards reinforce our dedication to celebrating industry leaders who raise the bar for success. They serve as a powerful reminder to all of us to continuously push the boundaries of what's possible in B2B marketing." A panel of international marketing executives and experts will determine the award winners, who will be honored in October. About Momentum ITSMA Momentum ITSMA is a growth consultancy that enables global organizations to achieve market-beating performance by winning, growing, and retaining their most valuable client relationships. Our services – spanning consulting, research, learning, thought leadership, and content – help companies deepen relationships, build reputation, and grow revenue. We pioneered Account-Based Marketing and our ongoing innovation ensures our clients outperform their competitors.   Contact: Luisa Jones, luisa.jones@momentumitsma.com, +44 (0)203 858 0808 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 537 加入收藏 :
人工智慧 (AI) 對攻擊與防禦的影響

隨著 AI 的熱度不斷攀升,網路安全從業者也嘗試釐清 AI 對其領域造成的實質影響。Palo Alto Networks 技術長 Michael Sikorski 直言預測 AI 對網路攻擊與防禦的近期及長期影響。   網路釣魚威脅大幅加劇 Sikorski 認為,近期 (未來 6-12 個月) 主流的手法是利用 AI 強化社交工程攻擊,例如網路釣魚和商業電子郵件詐騙 (BEC)。他坦言:「此情況會短暫維持一段時間,而網路釣魚將在 AI 的加持下,再度成為首要威脅。」 AI 語言模型能夠研究攻擊目標的完整電子郵件記錄和通訊模式,製作毫無破綻、以假亂真的網路釣魚訊息。Sikorski 解釋: 「AI 能夠迅速建立信任感。人們會在電子郵件往返中閒話家常,談及狗狗或家人,而 LLM 甚至能複製這種對話模式,在培養足夠的信任後話鋒一轉:『對了,可以填一下那張發票嗎?』就像 6 個月前填過的那樣,此時的受害者較可能配合,對吧?因為他們的戒心降低,更容易受騙。」 Sikorski 認為,這類自動化網路釣魚威脅已經開始發生,規模可能持續擴大,而且會在短期內更加普遍,成為攻擊者首選的標準方法。   攻擊者試圖產生惡意軟體,對 AI 訓練資料和系統植入病毒 展望未來 12 個月到數年之間,Sikorski 預期惡意行動者會在兩個關鍵領域發展 AI 攻擊能力: 1)      製作惡意軟體,方法是以現有惡意軟體程式碼訓練 AI 語言模型,並組合成全新病毒變種,藉此躲過偵測。Sikorski 談到 Palo Alto Networks 主動防禦技術的開發工作:「我們正嘗試使用 LLM 實際製作惡意軟體,對它饋送資料並投入我們的產品中,看看表現如何。」 2)      此為攻擊 AI/ML 系統本身的策略,方法是使用提示注入 (prompt injection) 和訓練資料集植毒 (poisoning training dataset) 等技術,藉此操縱模型的輸出結果。「未來甚至會有攻擊嘗試對訓練資料下毒。由於 LLM 是一項新興技術,因此中期應該會有更多攻擊將此作為下手目標。」   AI 助長攻擊活動的自動化和擴張能力 Sikorsk 最擔心的時間點落在未來 5 年後,屆時 AI 將可同時對數千到數百萬個目標發動自主攻擊,而且能夠大幅擴張規模,遠遠超出人類迄今所做過的攻擊活動。他發出警告: 「試想在 AI 的助力下,攻擊者就能以自動化方式判定攻擊目標、如何橫向移動,以及擷取有價值的資料。我認為這是未來的發展趨勢。我們面臨完全自動化的入侵對手,因此也必須防範全自動的攻擊者。」 Sikorski 以 SolarWinds 供應鏈攻擊事件為例進行比較,指出「...... 即使出動駭客團隊,攻擊者的資源和人力依然有限」;因此雖然中毒軟體廣泛散播,但仍只能利用一小部分後門進行攻擊。 「現在有了 AI,他們就能夠以自動化方式完成這一切…… 想像一下,他們不只會攻擊數百個網路,而是數千個網路,而且還會植入誘餌,等待日後發動攻擊。」   樂觀的一面:AI 可支援大規模防禦 然而從樂觀的一面來看,Sikorski 也預期 AI 能夠強化網路安全防禦能力。他認為在 AI/ML 的進步下,軟體中可能遭利用的漏洞總數可望逐漸減少,因為隨著技術不斷發展,自動化測試和大規模修復的能力也會提升。Sikorski 的理由如下:   「利用 AI 生成漏洞利用和零日攻擊程式碼的做法雖有爭議,但我認為軟體開發人員也會藉此技術測試並修復漏洞,防止不肖份子發現它們。」 這場攻防有如軍備競賽,防守方需要全力以赴才能取勝。   在資安營運方面,Sikorski 認為 AI/ML 有助於團隊更專注於提升主動防禦技術,例如威脅獵捕 (threat hunting) 而非被動的漏洞分檢 (triage): 「若能自動化處理 SOC 已知的所有威脅,我們的 SOC 就能轉向關注威脅獵捕等主動防禦任務。這項目標有賴於大幅提升創造力,並發現未知的新型攻擊。」   Sikorski 表示,資安主管的重點是密切追蹤 KPI,掌握 AI 在多大程度上有助於「降低成本」,以及他們「有多少比例的時間用於搜尋新威脅」。他建議: 「若此數字逐漸增加,就表示團隊不再只是成天忙著分檢已知的攻擊或誤報。」 隨著 AI 網路攻擊和防禦能力同步進展,如 Michael Sikorski 等實務從業人員分享的實用見解至關重要,有助網路安全團隊運用 AI 潛在優勢,同時保持警惕,清楚掌握新興威脅態勢。 如欲瞭解更多資訊,請點擊此。   關於Palo Alto Networks Palo Alto Networks是全球網路安全領導者,致力於透過創新來超越網路威脅,讓企業能夠充滿信心地擁抱技術。我們在全球為成千上萬個來自不同領域的組織提供新世代網路安全支援。Palo Alto Networks 一流的網路安全平台及服務以領先產業的威脅情報為後盾,並由最先進的自動化技術而強化。透過提供產品協助實現零信任企業、回應安全事件,或是與世界級的生態圈合作確保更好的安全成果,我們始終致力於幫助實現「每一天都比前一天更安全」的目標,而這正是Palo Alto Networks 成為最佳網路安全合作夥伴的原因。 在Palo Alto Networks,我們承諾匯集最優秀的人才,為達成上述的使命而努力。所以我們也很自豪地成為網路安全領域的首選工作場所,並在近期獲選為新聞周刊「最受歡迎工作場所」(Newsweek Most Loved Workplaces, 2021) 、「多元化最佳公司」(Newsweek Comparably Best Companies, 2021),以及HRC 「最佳LGBTQ平等企業」(HRC Best Places for LGBTQ Equality, 2022)。如欲瞭解更多資訊,請造訪 http://www.paloaltonetworks.com/。 追蹤Twitter、LinkedIn、Facebook和Instagram瞭解Palo Alto Networks最新資訊。

文章來源 : 盛思整合傳播顧問有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4680 加入收藏 :

將一系列 IBM Granite 模型開源,包括其最為強大而高效的代碼大模型,這些模型在多項行業基準上超越比之規模更大的模型 與紅帽聯合推出 InstructLab,一項首創的模型對齊技術,可將開源社區的資源直接引入大語言模型(LLMs) 宣佈全新的數據與自動化圖景與能力;加速將生成式 AI 融入 IBM 數碼助理、自動化、基礎設施、資源管理等產品及諮詢服務 加強與AWS、Adobe、Meta、微軟、Mistral、Palo Alto Networks、SAP、Salesforce 及 SDAIA 的合作,以擴展功能並通過 watsonx 提供更多模型選擇、靈活性和治理方案 香港2024年5月22日 /美通社/ -- 昨天晚上,在美國波士頓舉行的一年一度 THINK 大會上,IBM宣佈了有關一年前發佈的watsonx 平台的幾項新的更新,以及即將推出的新的數據與自動化功能,旨在使人工智能(AI)對企業而言更具開放性、成本效益與靈活性。IBM董事長兼首席執行官 Arvind Krishna在開幕上發表主題演講,分享了公司投資、建構和為開源 AI 社區做貢獻的計劃,並將其作為 IBM 戰略的核心。 在美國波士頓舉行的一年一度 THINK 大會上,IBM宣佈了有關一年前發佈的watsonx 平台的幾項新的更新,以及即將推出的新的數據與自動化功能,旨在使人工智能(AI)對企業而言更具開放性、成本效益與靈活性。 Arvind Krishna表示,「我們堅信要將開放創新的精神引入 AI。希望借助開源的力量,在AI領域取得像 Linux 和 OpenShift 那樣的成功。開放意味著更多選擇,意味著有更多人關注代碼,更多人集思廣益,更多人著手解決問題。任何技術要想獲得快速發展和普及,必須同時兼顧以下三點:競爭、創新和安全。開源是實現這三點的絕佳途徑。」 開源一系列Granite 模型,與紅帽聯手推出業界首創功能 InstructLab 為進一步履行對開源AI生態的承諾,IBM 現已將其最先進、性能最佳的一系列Grantie語言和代碼模型開源。開源之後,IBM 將邀請客戶、開發人員和全球專家利用這些優勢資源,進一步拓展AI在企業中應用的邊界。 Granite開源的模型現已在Apache 2.0協議下於HuggingFace 平台及 Github上發佈,並因其在開發流程、質量、透明性和效率方面的優勢脫穎而出。Granite代碼模型的參數範圍在 3B 到 34B之間,有基礎模型和指令跟隨模型兩種變體,適用於複雜的應用現代化、代碼生成、錯誤修復、解釋和記錄代碼、維護資源庫等多種任務。這些代碼模型經過 116 種編程語言訓練,在各種代碼相關任務中始終保持著開源代碼大模型的一流性能[i]: IBM 的測試顯示,Granite代碼模型在所有模型規模和基準測試中全都表現出強大性能,往往優於其他規模為其兩倍的開源模型[ii]。 IBM 針對 HumanEvalPack、HumanEvalPlus 和推理基準 GSM8K 等基準測試的測試表明,Granite代碼模型在涵蓋大多數主要編程語言(包括 Python、JavaScript、Java、Go、 C++ 和 Rust)的代碼合成、修復、解釋、編輯和翻譯方面都表現出色[iii]。 20B 參數的 Granite 基礎代碼模型已被用於訓練 IBM watsonx  Code Assistant (WCA),以支持當前可用的專門領域。 它還為 watsonx Code Assistant for Z 提供支持,該產品旨在幫助企業將整體 COBOL 應用程序轉換為針對 IBM Z 的優化服務。 20B 參數的Granite 基礎代碼模型經過調校,可以從自然語言問題生成SQL,用於轉換結構化數據並從中提取洞察。IBM 在自然語言生成 SQL 這一重要的行業應用領域展現出領先優勢,這一點得到了 BIRD 獨立排行榜的認可,該排行榜根據執行準確性(EX)和有效效率得分(VES)對模型進行排名[iv]。 IBM 和 紅帽最近還推出了 InstructLab ,一種圍繞大模型推動真正開源創新的革命性方法。 InstructLab允許通過不斷的增量貢獻來持續開發基礎模型,這與數十年來開源軟件的開發模式一樣。通過 InstructLab,開發人員可以使用自己的數據構建針對其業務領域或行業的模型,這樣他們就可以看到人工智能的直接價值,而不是僅讓模型提供商看到價值。IBM 計劃利用這些開源資源,通過與 watsonx.ai 和新的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI(RHEL AI)解決方案的集成,為客戶帶來更多價值。 RHEL AI 包含 InstructLab 的企業就緒版本、IBM 的開源Granite模型和世界領先的企業級 Linux 平台,可簡化跨混合基礎架構環境的人工智能部署。閱讀瞭解更多有關 InstructLab 和 watsonx.ai 的信息。 IBM諮詢還推出了一項實踐,幫助客戶利用 InstructLab 和他們自己的專有數據來訓練特定目的的人工智能模型,這些模型可以進行擴展,以更好地滿足企業業務對成本和性能的要求。閱讀以詳細瞭解IBM 諮詢如何幫助企業採用人工智能。 IBM 推出多款新的 watsonx assistants產品 新一輪人工智能創新浪潮有望每年為各行各業帶來約 4 萬億美元的經濟效益 。然而,IBM 最近發佈的2023年「全球AI採用指數」顯示,在接受調研的企業級(規模超過 1000名員工)組織中,約有 42% 已經在其業務中積極使用人工智能,另有 40% 表示目前正在探索或試驗 AI,但尚未部署自己的模型。對於這些停留在驗證階段的企業來說,2024 年將是克服AI入門障礙的一年,這些障礙包括技能差距、數據複雜性,以及信任——而這也許是最重要的一點。 為了應對這些挑戰,IBM 宣佈即將對其 watsonx Assistant產品線進行更新和升級,並推出一項watsonx Orchestrate 的新功能,以幫助客戶跨領域構建自己的 AI 數碼助理。 新的AI Assistants產品包括watsonx Code Assistant for Enterprise Java Applications(計劃於 2024 年 10 月推出)、可以改變用戶與系統的交互方式從而快速傳遞知識與專業技能的 watsonx Assistant for Z(計劃於 2024 年 6 月推出),以及附有代碼解釋的watsonx Code Assistant for Z Service的擴展版(計劃於2024年6月上市),用於幫助客戶通過自然語言理解和記錄應用程序。瞭解有關這些產品的更多信息,請點擊watsonx Code Assistant for Enterprise Java Applications, watsonx Assistant for Z和 Watsonx Code Assistant for Z 瞭解更多。 IBM 也在擴展其 NVIDIA GPU 產品,現在提供 NVIDIA L40S 和 NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU,以及對Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI (RHEL AI) 和 OpenShift AI的支持,以幫助企業和開發人員滿足 AI 和其他關鍵任務工作負載的需求。此外,為了幫助客戶加快實現AI的價值,IBM 正在為 watsonx 採用可部署架構,以實現AI 的快速部署,同時賦予企業安全和合規能力,幫助他們保護自身數據和掌控合規管理。閱讀瞭解更多IBM Cloud相關信息。 此外,IBM 還宣佈了幾款新的和即將推出的生成式AI數據產品和功能,以增強企業對 AI 工作負載的數據進行觀察、治理和優化的能力。閱讀以瞭解更多有關即將推出的 IBM Data Product Hub(計劃於 2024 年 6 月上市)、Data Gate for watsonx(計劃於 2024 年 6 月上市)的信息,以及 watsonx.data上的最新和計劃中的更新。 AI驅動的自動化新願景展望與功能預告 混合雲和AI正在改變企業的運作方式。如今,企業一般都要管理多個雲環境(公共雲和私有雲)和平均大約 1,000 個應用程序,且每個應用程序都與多個應用程序彼此相依。他們還需要處理 PB 級的數據。預計到 2028 年,生成式AI將驅動多達 10 億個應用程序[v],因此自動化已不再是一個選擇,而是企業節省時間、解決問題和更快做出決策的方式。 IBM 正在通過提供一系列AI驅動的自動化功能來幫助企業應對這些挑戰,讓首席信息官能夠從自主管理 IT 環境轉變為AI驅動的預測性自動化管理。AI驅動的自動化將成為幫助企業提升基礎設施速度、性能、可擴展性、安全性與成本效益的重要工具。 如今,IBM 的自動化、網絡、數據、應用和基礎架構管理產品可以幫助企業管理日益複雜的 IT 環境。在技術業務管理方面,Apptio 使企業能夠明確技術支出及其如何推動業務價值,由此做出明智的、數據驅動的投資決策,從而快速應對不斷變化的市場環境。企業還可以將Apptio與Instana的自動觀測功能和Turbonomic的性能優化功能相結合,通過增強可視性和實時洞察力,幫助客戶有效地分配資源和控制IT支出,使他們能夠將更多的時間用於部署和擴展人工智能,以推動新的創新舉措。 為了進一步完善這些產品,IBM最近宣佈收購 HashiCorp的意向,該公司借助其Terraform、Vault等基礎架構和安全生命週期管理產品幫助企業實現多雲和混合環境IT自動化。有了 HashiCorp,客戶可以輕鬆地遷移到多雲和混合雲環境中,並在其中運行。 在THINK大會上,作為繼續推進其業界領先的自動化產品組合的最新舉措,IBM預告了一款名為IBM Concert的生成式AI工具。這款工具將於2024年6月全面上市,有望成為成為企業技術和運營的 「神經中樞」。 在watsonx的AI能力支持下,IBM Concert可以在客戶多個應用程序產品中提供生成式AI驅動的洞察力,以識別、預測問題,並提供解決問題的建議。這款新工具可以集成到客戶的現有系統中,利用生成式AI連接來自雲基礎設施、源代碼庫、CI/CD 管道和其他現有應用管理解決方案的數據,以構建其相互連接的應用程序的詳細視圖。 Concert 允許客戶消除不必要的任務並加快其他任務的執行,使團隊更加瞭解情況,從而在問題發生之前就能快速反應,及時處理和解決。Concert最初將著重於幫助應用程序所有者、SREs(站點可靠性工程師) 和 IT 領導者深入瞭解、預先防範並更快速地解決與應用程序風險和合規性管理有關的問題。閱讀該文以瞭解更多詳情。 IBM 擴展了對 watsonx 的生態系統訪問,並添加了第三方模型 IBM 繼續擴展和壯大合作夥伴生態系統,通過將第三方模型引入 watsonx為企業客戶提供更多選擇和靈活性,使領先的軟件公司能夠將 watsonx的功能嵌入其技術解決方案,以及通過IBM諮詢服務為企業業務轉型提供支持。IBM諮詢快速擴展了其全球生成式 AI 諮詢專業人才庫,目前已有超過 50,000 名從業者獲得了 IBM與戰略合作夥伴技術的認證。IBM的生態合作夥伴,無論規模大小,都在幫助企業客戶在其業務中採用和擴展其量身定制的AI。  亞馬遜雲科技(AWS):IBM與AWS正在合作,將Amazon SageMaker 與 watsonx.governance集成在AWS雲平台上。該產品現已上市,將為Amazon SageMaker 客戶提供先進的AI治理功能,用於管理其預測性機器學習與生成式 AI 模型。 企業客戶現在可以跨平台治理、監控和管理他們的模型,從而簡化AI運營的風險管理與合規流程。 Adobe:IBM 和 Adobe 正在混合雲和 AI 領域展開合作,將 Red Hat OpenShift 和 watsonx 引入Adobe Experience Platform,並探索在企業本地基礎設施和私有雲中提供watsonx.ai和Adobe Acrobat AI Assistant。IBM 還推出了一項新的諮詢服務,以促進客戶對 Adobe Express的採用。 這些功能預計將於今年下半年推出。 Meta:IBM 宣佈在 watsonx 上提供Meta 的下一代開源大語言模型Meta Llama 3,助力企業借助AI之旅展開創新。Llama 3是在IBM 與 Meta達成合作後納入,以推進人工智能的開放式創新。兩家公司於去年底聯合多家公司成立了AI聯盟(AI Alliance),該聯盟由來自業界、初創企業、學術界、研究機構和政府的領先組織組成,目前已擁有 100 多名成員與合作者。 微軟:IBM 宣佈將支持其AI和數據平台watsonx在 Microsoft Azure 上運行,並可作為Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)上的客戶管理解決方案,通過IBM及其合作夥伴購買。 Mistral AI:IBM 宣佈計劃與 Mistral AI 建立新的戰略合作夥伴關係,將其最新的商業模型引入 watsonx 平台,包括該公司將於2024年第二季度推出的領先的 Mistral Large 模型。 IBM 期待以兩家公司在開源社區的工作為基礎,在開放創新層面展開合作。 Palo Alto Networks :IBM 深化了與 Palo Alto 的合作關係,共同提供AI驅動的安全產品和多項計劃,以提升客戶的安全成效。欲瞭解合作詳情,可瀏覽此篇新聞稿。 Salesforce:IBM 和 Salesforce 正在探討在今年晚些時候將IBM Granite 模型系列引入Salesforce Einstein 1 平台,為客戶提供更多模型選擇,以增強AI CRM用例的決策功能。 SAP:IBM Consulting 和 SAP 也在合作探索如何幫助更多客戶利用 RISE with SAP 加速雲轉型,從而在雲端實現生成式AI對業務的變革與賦能。這項舉措旨在深化雙方的合作,尤其是圍繞將IBM Watson AI技術嵌入SAP解決方案中。作為與SAP合作的一部分,IBM Granite 模型系列有望在SAP的雲解決方案和應用產品組合中使用,這套產品由SAP AI Core中的生成式AI中心提供支持。 SDAIA:IBM 在 watsonx 上推出了沙特數據和人工智能管理局 (SDAIA) 的"ALLaM"阿拉伯語模型,為該平台添加了新的語言功能,包括理解多種阿拉伯方言的能力。 瀏覽全部THINK大會的新聞,請登錄IBM新聞網站。 以下為近期的IBM客戶與合作夥伴合作感言: Broadridge Financial:利用生成式AI進行金融服務轉型 Broadridge Financial Solutions 首席技術官 Tyler Derr 表示:「金融服務正處於轉型的路口,而我們正是該領域值得信賴的全球技術合作夥伴。應用的可持續性和先進性對於我們的業務戰略至關重要,可以讓我們安全、自信地採用新技術,並為客戶提供先進的服務,幫助他們更好地運營、創新和發展。通過與 IBM合作,我們正在探索新的方法,以便利用 AI 來改善開發人員的體驗,提升生產力,並幫助理解和記錄我們現有的環境。」 Casper Labs:通過區塊鏈賦能的數據治理解決方案實現可信AI擴展 Casper Labs 首席執行官 Mrinal Manohar 表示:「可信的數據是充分發揮AI潛力的關鍵,尤其是處於當前的監管環境。如果無法瞭解數據流,企業將面臨難以承受的風險,包括知識產權交叉和跨組織的不必要的數據共享。作為IBM生態系統合作夥伴的一員,我們正與 IBM 諮詢合作打造 Prove AI,這是一款區塊鏈技術驅動的治理解決方案,它將我們的防篡改、高度序列化的賬本與 IBM watsonx.governance 相結合,為企業提供端到端的AI 和數據管理平台,助其保護敏感數據並確保版本可控。」 英國就業與養老部(DWP):利用生成式AI轉變服務交方式 英國就業與養老部總幹事兼首席數字信息官 Rich Corbridge 表示:「作為英國最大的公共服務部門,我們正在利用生成式AI的力量,對我們每天服務的數百萬公民的生活產生積極影響。與 IBM 的合作有助於我們識別和測試最具前景的AI用例,建立強大的合作夥伴生態系統,開發創新的治理和風險管理方法,並培養在整個部門擴展生成式AI所需的技能。我們所採用的方法其核心是以人為本的價值觀,同時保持前瞻性。通過與IBM合作,我們優先創建簡便的、可重復使用的組件。 DWP 和 IBM 正在攜手改變英國最弱勢群體需要每天與之互動的支持系統。」 Dun & Bradstreet:基於可信數據和共創解決方案的AI採用 Dun & Bradstreet 首席數據與分析官 Gary Kotovets 表示:「企業需要借助合作夥伴擴展AI採用,這首先需要有可信的數據。 基於Dun & Bradstreet 和 IBM 加在一起近 300 年的經驗,我們正在創建生成式 AI 解決方案,利用 Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud 和 IBM watsonx 來推動生成式 AI 的採用,首先從Ask Procurement入手。 借助IBM watsonx,D&B Ask Procurement 簡化、加速並降低了某些重要採購決策的成本。Ask Procurement 只是我們通過生成人AI和可信數據共同幫助客戶節省成本、優化業務流程並改進風險管理的眾多示例之一。」 Elevance Health:在醫療健康的客戶服務中推動AI優先、數字優先的體驗 Elevance Health 技術戰略主管兼首席架構師 Kumar Gudavalli 表示:「Elevance Health 的宗旨是改善人類的健康。我們有幸為超過 1.17 億人提供服務,並致力使醫療健康服務變得更具前瞻性、預測性和個性化。依託我們與 IBM 諮詢長期信任的關係,借助IBM watsonx Assistant 的功能,我們獲得了出色的會員和醫療提供商體驗和強勁的業務成果。通過推動AI優先、數字優先的體驗,我們能夠將三分之一的交互以即時信息的方式實現,將AI處理複雜醫療保健互動的效率提升了60%,同時實現了更高的客戶滿意度和首次聯繫解決率。」       美敦力:IBM、微軟和美敦力聯合推動AI自動化 美敦力全球運營與供應鏈高級分析業務副總裁 Luciano Miranda 表示:「我們很幸運能夠生活在一個潛力無限的時代,在這個時代我們可以親身體驗協作的力量。 我們與 IBM 和微軟合作,將挑戰轉化為突破性的分析解決方案,通過創新和卓越樹立新的行業標準。」 西班牙西維爾足球俱樂部(Sevilla FC):利用AI洞察重塑球探工作 西維爾足球俱樂部主席 José María del Nido Carrasco 表示:「在西維爾足球俱樂部,我們很自豪能夠走在足球創新的最前沿,我們與 IBM 的合作就是最好的證明。我們的團隊由 20 多名專業球探、前球員和教練組成,他們收集了 400,000 份球員比賽報告和 200,000 份球探筆記,現在使用 IBM watsonx,我們可以釋放這些數據的全部潛力,將人類的洞察力與 AI驅動的分析相結合,做出數據驅動的、更明智招聘決策。與 IBM 的合作可謂改變遊戲規則的舉措,讓足球球探未來的發展邁出大膽的一步。」 Virgin Money 榮獲「金融服務最佳AI應用」獎 Proposition Virgin Money 數字主管 Adam Paice 表示:「一年前,我們推出了Microsoft AI 支持的虛擬助手 Redi,並且獲得超過 100 萬信用卡客戶的使用。我們的客戶對他們在信用卡應用程序中與 Redi 的互動贊不絕口,我們相信這是因為我們正在為他們創造既實用又令人愉悅的數字體驗。我們與 IBM 諮詢的合作有助於我們釋放生成式 AI 的全部潛力,實現創新與控制之間的完美平衡。」 Westfield Insurance 在試點項目期間將開發人員生產力提高了 80% Westfield Insurance IT 基礎設施、人工智能和敏捷轉型業務負責人 Don Hurrle 表示:「作為財產人身保險行業的領先服務商,我們依靠先進技術來幫助平衡不斷變化的法規和經濟不確定性。我們的目標是在應對這些複雜性的同時滿足客戶期望。在與IBM為期八周的試點項目中,我們使用部署在IBM Cloud 上的 watsonx 更快地簡化了代碼的解釋和文檔記錄,使開發人員理解應用程序的時間縮短了 80%。這使我們的開發人員能夠專注於更高價值的任務,從而提高整體生產力。 IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z 還通過執行分析、生成報告和識別代碼更改的影響,加速了對應用程序的理解。」 有關 IBM 未來方向和意圖的聲明如有更改或撤回,恕不另行通知,僅代表目標和目的。 关于IBM IBM 是全球领先的混合云、人工智能及企业服务提供商,帮助超过 175个国家和地区的客户,从其拥有的数据中获取商业洞察,简化业务流程,降低成本,并获得行业竞争优势。金融服务、电信和医疗健康等关键基础设施领域的超过 4000家政府和企业实体依靠 IBM 混合云平台和红帽 OpenShift 快速、高效、安全地实现数字化转型。IBM 在人工智能、量子计算、行业云解决方案和企业服务方面的突破性创新为我们的客户提供了开放和灵活的选择。对企业诚信、透明治理、社会责任、包容文化和服务精神的长期承诺是 IBM 业务发展的基石。 了解更多信息,请访问:https://www.ibm.com/cn-zh  關於 IBM IBM 是全球領先的混合雲與人工智能、以及企業服務提供商,為全球175個國家和地區的客戶服務,幫助企業把握其數據洞察、簡化業務流程、降本增效,獲得行業競爭優勢。 IBM 混合雲平台和紅帽OpenShift 為全球超過4,000家政府和企業機構的關鍵性基礎設施提供有力支撐,例如來自金融服務、電訊和醫療健康等行業的客戶,幫助他們快速、高效、安全地實現數碼轉型。 IBM 在人工智能、量子運算、特定行業的雲解決方案以及企業服務等方面的突破性創新,使其可以為客戶提供開放和靈活的選擇。 IBM 對信任、透明、責任、包容和服務的歷久彌新的承諾,是我們業務發展的基石。查詢更多資料,請瀏覽:www.ibm.com/ 關於 IBM 香港,請登入Facebook 頁面 www.facebook.com/IBMHongKong 傳媒查詢: 郭韜 gguotao@cn.ibm.com [i] IBM. "Granite Code Models: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence" [ii] IBM. "Granite Code Models: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence" [iii] IBM. "Granite Code Models: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence" [iv] 對於以數據為中心的企業工作負載而言,從自然語言問題生成 SQL 是最重要、最具挑戰性的代碼生成任務之一。2024 年 5 月 14 日,基於 IBM Granite 的模型在文本到 SQL 生成的 BIRD(BIg Bench for LaRge-scale Database Grounded Text-to-SQL Evaluation)排行榜上獲得了最高的準確率和效率分數,證明瞭 IBM 在這一關鍵企業用例中的領先地位。 [v] IDC: Gary Chen, Jim Mercer. "1 Billion New Logical Applications: More Background."

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IBM Unveils Next Chapter of watsonx with Open Source, Product & Ecosystem Innovations to Drive Enterprise AI at Scale

Releases a family of IBM Granite models into open source, including its most capable and efficient Code LLMs that can out-perform larger code models on many industry benchmarks Jointly with Red Hat, launches InstructLab, a first-of-its-kind model alignment technique, to bring open-source community contributions directly into LLMs Unveils new vision and momentum for new data and automation capabilities; Accelerates generative AI infusion into IBM assistants, automation, infrastructure, resource management products and consulting services Strengthens collaborations with AWS, Adobe, Meta, Microsoft, Mistral AI, Palo Alto Networks, SAP, Salesforce, and SDAIA to expand capabilities and offer model choice, flexibility and governance through watsonx ARMONK, N.Y., May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, at its annual THINK conference, IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced several new updates to its watsonx platform one year after its introduction, as well as upcoming data and automation capabilities designed to make artificial intelligence (AI) more open, cost effective, and flexible for businesses. During his opening keynote, CEO Arvind Krishna will share the company's plans to invest in, build and contribute to the open-source AI community as a core part of IBM's strategy. "We firmly believe in bringing open innovation to AI. We want to use the power of open source to do with AI what was successfully done with Linux and OpenShift," said Krishna. "Open means choice. Open means more eyes on the code, more minds on the problems, and more hands on the solutions. For any technology to gain velocity and become ubiquitous, you've got to balance three things: competition, innovation, and safety. Open source is a great way to achieve all three." IBM released a family of Granite models into open source and launched InstructLab, a first-of-its-kind capability, in collaboration with Red Hat Furthering its commitment to the open-source AI ecosystem, IBM has now open sourced a family of its most advanced and performant language and code Granite models. By open sourcing these models, IBM is inviting clients, developers and global experts to build on these strengths and push the boundaries of what AI can achieve in enterprise environments. Available today under Apache 2.0 licenses on Hugging Face and GitHub, the open-source Granite models stand out for their development process, quality, transparency and efficiency. The Granite code models range from 3B to 34B parameters and come in both base and instruction-following model variants, which are suitable for tasks such as complex application modernization, code generation, fixing bugs, explaining and documenting code, maintaining repositories and more. The code models, trained on 116 programming languages, consistently reach state-of-the-art performance among open-source code LLMs across various code-related tasksi: Testing by IBM found that the Granite Code models overall show very strong performance across all model sizes and benchmarks, often outperforming other open-source code models that are twice as large compared to Granite.ii Testing by IBM on benchmarks including HumanEvalPack, HumanEvalPlus, and reasoning benchmark GSM8K showed Granite code models have strong performances on code synthesis, fixing, explanation, editing, and translation across most major programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, Java, Go, C++, and Rust.iii The 20B parameter Granite base code model was used to train IBM watsonx Code Assistant (WCA) for specialized domains. It also powers watsonx Code Assistant for Z — a product designed to help enterprises transform monolithic COBOL applications into services optimized for IBM Z. The 20B parameter Granite base code model was tuned to generate SQL from natural language questions for the purpose of transforming structured data and extracting insights from that data. IBM demonstrated leadership in natural language to SQL, an important industry use case, as benchmarked by BIRD's independent leaderboard, which ranks models according to Execution Accuracy (EX) and Valid Efficiency Score (VES).iv IBM and Red Hat also recently launched InstructLab — a revolutionary approach to advancing true open-source innovation around LLMs. The InstructLab methodology allows for continuous development of base models through constant incremental contributions, much like software development has worked in open source for decades. With InstructLab, developers can build models specific to their business domains or industries with their own data, so that they can see the direct value of AI rather than just the model providers seeing the value. IBM plans to harness these open-source contributions to bring additional value to its clients through integrations with watsonx.ai and the new Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI (RHEL AI) solution. RHEL AI comprises an enterprise-ready version of the InstructLab, IBM's open-source Granite models, and the world's leading enterprise Linux platform to simplify AI deployment across hybrid infrastructure environments. Read this blog to learn more about Instruct Lab and watsonx.ai. IBM Consulting is also launching a practice to help clients leverage InstructLab with their own proprietary data to train purpose-specific AI models that can be scaled to better fit the cost and performance requirements of an enterprise's business needs. Read this blog to learn more about how IBM Consulting is helping enterprises adopt AI.  IBM unveils a new class of watsonx assistants This new wave of AI innovation has the potential to unlock an estimated $4 trillion in annual economic benefits across industries.v However, IBM's annual Global AI Adoption Index recently found that while 42% of enterprise-scale companies (> 1,000 employees) surveyed have implemented AI in their business, another 40% of those companies that are exploring or experimenting with AI have yet to deploy their models. For the companies stuck in the sandbox, 2024 is the year of overcoming barriers to entry such as the skills gap, data complexity and – perhaps most importantly – trust. To address these challenges, IBM is announcing several upcoming updates and enhancements to its family of watsonx assistants, along with an upcoming capability in watsonx Orchestrate to help clients build their own AI Assistants across domains. The new AI Assistants include watsonx Code Assistant for Enterprise Java Applications (planned availability in October 2024), watsonx Assistant for Z to transform how users interact with the system to quickly transfer knowledge and expertise (planned availability in June 2024), and an expansion of watsonx Code Assistant for Z Service with code explanation to help clients understand and document applications through natural language (planned availability in June 2024). Read more on watsonx Code Assistant for Enterprise Java Applications, watsonx Assistant for Z, and Watsonx Code Assistant for Z. IBM is expanding its NVIDIA GPU offerings to now offer NVIDIA L40S and NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPUs, as well as support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI (RHEL AI) and OpenShift AI to help enterprises and developers address the needs of AI and other mission-critical workloads. Additionally, to help clients accelerate time to value for AI, IBM is using deployable architectures for watsonx to enable quick AI deployment while empowering enterprises with security and compliance capabilities to help them protect their data and manage compliance controls. Read this blog to learn more about IBM Cloud capabilities.  Additionally, IBM has announced several new and upcoming generative AI powered data products and capabilities to augment how organizations observe, govern, and optimize their increasingly robust and complex data for AI workloads. Learn more about the upcoming IBM Data Product Hub (planned availability in June 2024), Data Gate for watsonx (planned availability in June 2024), and a host of the latest and planned updates on watsonx.data. Read this blog to learn more about these data capabilities.   IBM previews new vision and capabilities for AI-powered automation Hybrid cloud and AI are transforming how companies do business. The average enterprise today manages multiple cloud environments — public and private — and around 1,000 apps,vi each with multiple dependencies. They also deal with petabytes of data. With generative AI expected to drive up to 1 billion apps by 2028,vii automation is no longer an option – it is how businesses will save time, solve problems, and make decisions faster. IBM is addressing these challenges by delivering a set of AI-powered automation capabilities that will allow CIOs to move from proactive management of their IT environments to AI-powered predictive automation. AI-powered automation will be an essential tool for driving the speed, performance, scalability, security, cost efficiency of an enterprise's infrastructure. Today, IBM's portfolio of automation, networking, data, application, and infrastructure management products help businesses manage their increasingly complex IT environments. For technology business management, Apptio enables organizations to make informed, data-driven decisions about their investments by driving clarity on technology spend and how it drives business value — enabling organizations to quickly respond to changing market conditions. Clients can also combine Apptio with the power of Instana for automated observability and Turbonomic for performance optimization to help clients efficiently allocate resources and control IT spend through enhanced visibility and real-time insights, allowing them to focus more time on deploying and scaling AI to drive new innovative initiatives. To complement these products, IBM recently announced its intent to acquire HashiCorp, which helps organizations automate multi-cloud and hybrid environments with Infrastructure Lifecycle Management and Security Lifecycle Management with products including Terraform, Vault and others. With HashiCorp, clients can easily move to and operate across multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments.  Now, at THINK, IBM is continuing to advance its state-of-the-art in automation portfolio by previewing a new generative AI-powered tool called IBM Concert, which will be generally available in June 2024. IBM Concert will serve as the 'nerve center' of an enterprise's technology and operations. Powered by AI from watsonx, IBM Concert will provide generative AI-driven insights across clients' portfolios of applications to identify, predict, and suggest fixes for problems. The new tool integrates into clients' existing systems, using generative AI to connect with data from their cloud infrastructure, source repositories, CI/CD pipelines and other existing application management solutions to build out a detailed view of their connected applications. By allowing clients to eliminate unnecessary tasks and accelerate others, Concert is designed to make teams more informed so they can be fast and responsive in addressing issues and solving problems before they happen. Concert will initially focus on helping application owners, SREs and IT leaders gain insights about, pre-empt and more quickly address issues around application risk and compliance management. Read this blog to learn more about IBM Concert. IBM expands ecosystem access to watsonx, adds third-party models IBM continues to foster a strong ecosystem of partners to offer clients choice and flexibility through bringing third-party models onto watsonx, enabling leading software companies to embed watsonx capabilities into their technologies, and offering IBM Consulting expertise for enterprise business transformation. IBM Consulting has rapidly expanded its global generative AI expertise, with more than 50,000 practitioners certified in IBM and strategic partner technologies. Our ecosystem of partners, large and small, are helping clients adopt and scale tailored AI across their businesses. AWS: IBM and AWS are partnering to bring together Amazon SageMaker and watsonx.governance on AWS. Available now, this product will equip Amazon SageMaker clients with advanced AI governance capabilities for their predictive machine learning and generative AI models. Clients can now govern, monitor, and manage their models across platforms, simplifying risk management and compliance processes for their AI operations.  Adobe: IBM and Adobe are collaborating on hybrid cloud and AI, bringing Red Hat OpenShift and watsonx to Adobe Experience Platform and are exploring making watsonx.ai and Adobe Acrobat AI Assistant available on-prem and private cloud. IBM is also introducing a new consulting service to advance client adoption of Adobe Express. These capabilities are expected to become available in 2H24. Meta: IBM has announced the availability of Meta Llama 3 — the next generation of Meta's open large language model — on watsonx to help enterprises innovate on their AI journeys. The addition of Llama 3 builds on IBM's collaboration with Meta to advance open innovation for AI. The two companies launched the AI Alliance — a group of leading organizations across industry, startup, academia, research and government — late last year, and it has since grown to more than 100 members and collaborators. Microsoft: IBM is announcing that the watsonx AI and data platform is supported by IBM to run on Microsoft Azure and available to purchase through IBM and our business partner ecosystem as a customer-managed solution on Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO). Mistral: IBM is announcing its intent to create a new strategic partnership with Mistral AI to bring its latest commercial models to the watsonx platform, including the leading Mistral Large model, which the company plans to make available in 2Q24. IBM looks forward collaborating with Mistral AI on open innovation, building on both companies' work in the open-source community. Palo Alto Networks: IBM has expanded its partnership with Palo Alto to jointly deliver AI-powered security offerings and several initiatives to improve security outcomes for clients. For more, read the full press release. Salesforce: IBM and Salesforce are exploring making the IBM Granite model series available later this year for use across the Salesforce Einstein 1 platform, with the aim to provide clients access to more models to enhance decision making for AI CRM use cases. SAP: IBM Consulting and SAP are also collaborating to find ways to help more customers accelerate their cloud journeys leveraging RISE with SAP so they can realize the transformative benefits of generative AI for business in the cloud. This work seeks to expand on IBM and SAP's collaboration around embedding IBM Watson AI technology into SAP solutions. As part of this initiative with SAP, the IBM Granite Model Series is expected to be accessible for use across SAP's portfolio of cloud solutions and applications – which is underpinned by the generative AI hub in SAP AI Core. SDAIA: IBM has launched the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) 'ALLaM' Arabic model on watsonx, adding new language capabilities to the platform, including the ability to understand multiple Arabic dialects. To see all THINK news, visit the IBM Newsroom. Access a suite of social assets to share across your business and personal channels with our creative toolkit. Media Contact: Amy Angelinialangeli@us.ibm.com  To read IBM recent client & partner testimonials, see below: Broadridge Financial: Leveraging Generative AI to Transform Financial Services "As a trusted global technology partner sitting at the intersection of financial services, application sustainability and advancement is critical to our business strategy to safely and confidently embrace new technologies and deliver advanced services to clients to help them better operate, innovate, and grow," said Tyler Derr, CTO, Broadridge Financial Solutions. "Working with IBM, we are looking for ways to leverage AI to improve developer experience and productivity and to help understand and document our existing environments." Casper Labs: Responsible AI Scaling with Blockchain-Enabled Data Governance Solution"Trustworthy data is key to realizing AI's full potential, particularly in the current regulatory climate," said Mrinal Manohar, CEO at Casper Labs. "Without visibility into data flows, enterprises face unacceptable levels of risk, including intellectual property crossover and unnecessary data sharing across organizational lines. As an ecosystem partner, we're working with IBM Consulting to create Prove AI, a blockchain-enabled governance solution that pairs our tamper-resistant, highly serialized ledger with IBM watsonx.governance to provide enterprises with an end-to-end AI and data management platform that can safeguard sensitive data and ensure version control." Department for Work and Pensions: Transforming Service Delivery with Generative AI"As the UK's largest public service department, we're using the power of generative AI to make a positive impact on the lives of the millions of citizens we serve every day," said Rich Corbridge, Director General and Chief Digital Information Officer, Department for Work and Pensions. "Our collaboration with IBM is instrumental in helping us identify and test the most promising AI use cases, build a robust partner ecosystem, develop innovative governance and risk management approaches, and cultivate the skills needed to scale generative AI successfully across the Department." He added, "At the heart of our approach are human-centred values, while maintaining a forward-looking focus. We prioritise creating simplified, reusable components which we are building through our partnership with IBM. Together, DWP and IBM are transforming the support systems the UK's most vulnerable people interact with every single day." Dun & Bradstreet: AI Adoption with Trusted Data and Co-Created Solutions"Enterprises need partners who can help them scale AI adoption, which starts with trusted data," said Gary Kotovets, Chief Data & Analytics Officer at Dun & Bradstreet. "We're bringing together Dun & Bradstreet and IBM's nearly 300 years of combined experience to create generative AI solutions that harness Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud and IBM watsonx to fuel generative AI adoption, starting with Ask Procurement. By leveraging IBM watsonx, D&B Ask Procurement simplifies, accelerates, and reduces the cost of certain essential procurement decisions. Ask Procurement is just one of many examples of how, together, we can help clients drive savings, optimize business processes, and improve risk management with generative AI and reliable data." Elevance Health: Driving an AI-first Digital-first Experience in Healthcare Customer Service"Elevance Health's purpose is to improve the health of humanity. We have the privilege of serving over 117M people, and are dedicated to making healthcare more proactive, predictive and personalized," said Kumar Gudavalli, Tech Strategy Lead & Chief Architect, Elevance Health. "Our longstanding and trusted relationship with IBM Consulting and the capabilities of IBM watsonx Assistant have helped us achieve both great member and provider experience and strong business outcomes. Driving an AI-first Digital-first experience, we were able to move up a third of interactions to messaging, and AI handles complex healthcare interactions with 60% effectiveness, while delivering much higher customer satisfaction and first contact resolution."  Medtronic: IBM, Microsoft and Medtronic Drive AI-Powered Automation"We are so fortunate to live in a time of limitless potential, a time where we can experience first-hand the power of collaboration. Together with IBM and Microsoft, we are transforming challenges into groundbreaking analytics solutions, setting new industry standards through innovation and excellence," said Luciano Miranda, Vice President, Advanced Analytics Global Operations & Supply Chain at Medtronic. Sevilla FC: Scouting Reimagined with AI-powered Insights"At Sevilla FC, we're proud to be at the forefront of innovation in football, and our engagement with IBM is a testament to that commitment," said José María del Nido Carrasco, Sevilla FC's President. "Our team of 20+ expert scouts, former players and coaches, have curated a treasure trove of 400,000 player-game reports and 200,000 scouting notes, and now using IBM watsonx, we can unlock the full potential of this data, combining human insight with AI-driven analysis to make more informed, data-driven recruitment decisions. This game-changing work with IBM is a bold step forward in the future of football scouting." Virgin Money wins 'Best application of AI in Financial Services'"A year ago, we launched Redi, our Microsoft AI-powered virtual assistant, and we're thrilled to see over a million of our credit card customers engaging with this innovative technology," said Adam Paice, Head of Digital, Proposition Virgin Money. "Our customers rave about their interactions with Redi in our Credit Card app, and we believe that's because we are creating digital experiences for them that are as useful as they are delightful. Our collaboration with IBM Consulting has been instrumental in helping us unlock the full potential of generative AI, striking the perfect balance between innovation and control." Westfield Insurance Boosts Developer Productivity by 80% during pilot"As a leading provider of property casualty insurance, we rely on advanced technology to help balance ever-changing regulations and economic uncertainties. Our goal is to meet customer service expectations while navigating these complexities," said Don Hurrle, IT Infrastructure, AI, and Agile Transformation Leader, Westfield Insurance. "During an eight-week pilot with IBM, we used watsonx deployed on IBM Cloud to simplify the explanation and documentation of code faster, resulting in an 80%-time reduction for a developer to understand an application. This significant time savings enables our developers to focus on higher-value tasks, improving overall productivity. IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z also accelerated the understanding of the application by performing analysis, generating reports, and identifying the impact of code changes." Statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice and represent goals and objectives only. About IBMIBM is a leading provider of global hybrid cloud and AI, and consulting expertise. We help clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. More than 4,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and consulting deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's long-standing commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service. Visit www.ibm.com for more information. ___________________________ i IBM. "Granite Code Models: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence" ii IBM. "Granite Code Models: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence" iii IBM. "Granite Code Models: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence" iv For data-centric enterprise workloads, generating SQL from natural language questions is one of the most significant and challenging code generation tasks. On May 14, 2024, IBM Granite-based models achieved the top accuracy and efficiency scores on the BIRD ( (BIg Bench for LaRge-scale Database Grounded Text-to-SQL Evaluation) leaderboard for text-to-SQL generation, demonstrating IBM's leadership in this critical enterprise use case. v McKinsey. "The Economic Potential of Generative AI." vi Salesforce. "Third Edition State of IT Report." vii IDC: Gary Chen, Jim Mercer. "1 Billion New Logical Applications: More Background." Contact: Amy Angelini, alangeli@us.ibm.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 441 加入收藏 :
運用 AI 實現網路安全的秘訣

作者: Palo Alto Networks 資深副總裁暨網路安全總經理Anand Oswal  【2024年4月29日台北訊】為了強化網路安全成效,並防範不良行為者運用 AI 發起更精密的攻擊,政府和企業領導人每天都在詢問如何將人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習 (ML) 的優勢發揮到最大。這些領導人都面對相同的三大關鍵挑戰: 1.       多數公司平均使用 45 種網路安全工具,導致各式各樣的問題,例如安全保護範圍間存在落差、配置錯誤,且必須採用人工作業方式。 2.       此外,此產業正面臨網路安全人才短缺的問題,因此如何找到合適的技能組合、如何培訓和留住安全專業人員來操作各種工具,可能都不容易。 3.       最後,由於網路安全工具的資料零散,導致企業未能從中擷取珍貴的見解,亦即企業並未聰明運用這些資料,將其導入全方位的網路安全風險管理。 在此,我要透露網路安全技術採用 AI 的秘訣,而且這能解決多數資安長面臨的所有這些挑戰。這個秘訣就是平台化。平台化的優點在於,安全解決方案可彼此整合、互通,有助完整掌握並控制安全基礎架構。不同廠商的各種堆疊,意外讓網路安全變得很複雜,若進行平台化,則可透過單一虛擬管理平台掌握整個生態系統。如此一來,即可統一管理和操作,讓您在單位介面撰寫政策,並透過雲端快速、一致部署在各處。 • 情境理解:結合不同來源的資料,有助於進一步全方位理解安全事件的因果關係。例如,針對網路流量日誌、端點行為和雲端活動建立關聯,有助於辨識潛在入侵指標 (IOC),並揭發資料個別分析時可能會忽略的隱藏威脅。 • 即時攻擊防範:運用各種資料集訓練的 AI 模型,能夠學習不同領域的複雜模式和行為,進而辨識單一資料來源可能難以察覺的異常和非尋常活動,藉此偵測進階威脅,例如複雜的惡意軟體、內部威脅或協同攻擊。如此一來,即可強化偵測能力,並加快回應速度。 其實,AI 的功效,取決於資料的品質。透過 AI 加強網路安全時,若模型存取的資料越廣、越深,則執行效果越出色。有鑑於此,整合不同來源和領域的資料至關重要,好比將各種來源的資訊縫合在一起,以利完整檢視安全情勢。習得各種資料的模型將透過網路效應展現價值,也就是跨執行點分享見解。 公司顯然都希望評估現有舊型系統時,能盡快調整安全策略。若未能留意整體情勢、沒發現網路安全漏洞演變快速,終將屈居下風。網路安全並非靜態的,因此我們必須持續努力強化安全態勢。 若可減少工具和廠商數量、簡化運作,即可更輕鬆管理環境、培訓員工、控制成本、快速辨識和回應風險,最重要的是,也能實現更優異的安全成果。這就是我一開始所說的秘訣。 關於Palo Alto Networks Palo Alto Networks是全球網路安全領導者,致力於透過創新來超越網路威脅,讓企業能夠充滿信心地擁抱技術。我們在全球為成千上萬個來自不同領域的組織提供新世代網路安全支援。Palo Alto Networks 一流的網路安全平台及服務以領先產業的威脅情報為後盾,並由最先進的自動化技術而強化。透過提供產品協助實現零信任企業、回應安全事件,或是與世界級的生態圈合作確保更好的安全成果,我們始終致力於幫助實現「每一天都比前一天更安全」的目標,而這正是Palo Alto Networks 成為最佳網路安全合作夥伴的原因。 在Palo Alto Networks,我們承諾匯集最優秀的人才,為達成上述的使命而努力。所以我們也很自豪地成為網路安全領域的首選工作場所,並在近期獲選為新聞周刊「最受歡迎工作場所」(Newsweek Most Loved Workplaces, (2023, 2022, 2021))、在身心障礙平等指數上獲得100分(Disability Equality Index, (2023, 2022)),以及HRC 「最佳LGBTQ平等企業」(HRC Best Places for LGBTQ Equality, 2022)。如欲瞭解更多資訊,請造訪 http://www.paloaltonetworks.com/。 追蹤Twitter、LinkedIn、Facebook和Instagram瞭解Palo Alto Networks最新資訊。 Palo Alto Networks、Prisma以及Palo Alto Networks標誌為Palo Alto Networks公司在美國及全球其他地區的註冊商標。所有本文中出現的其他商標、企業名稱或服務,亦為各公司所擁有。

文章來源 : 盛思整合傳播顧問有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 6321 加入收藏 :

-  IBM Consulting Advantage基於IBM watsonx平台開發 -  旨在保障客戶與項目的信息安全、隱私與合規、減少偏見 香港2024年4月11日 /美通社/ -- 為了協助 IBM 咨詢團隊持續為客戶提供高品質、高效、可複製的咨詢顧問服務,IBM 日前向全球16萬位IBM企業轉型顧問推出新的AI服務平台 — IBM Consulting Advantage。IBM Consulting Advantage包含 IBM 專有的方法論、項目資產、數碼助理群等。已使用這個AI平台的 IBM 顧問表示,它節省了人員執行App設計、開發、先期測試等工作的時間達50%以上。 IBM顧問使用基于watonx的數碼助理工具提升生產力超過50% IBM Consulting Advantage平台的「靈魂」是支援 IBM 顧問的日常工作、根據職務角色劃分的IBM 咨詢數碼助理群 (IBM Consulting Assistants)。這些「數碼助理」由 IBM 專屬的資料、與經過特殊設計的指令、模型、輸出格式所構成,使得IBM員工與廣大同業菁英的智慧,可以盡在16萬位IBM咨詢顧問的指尖。 「IBM咨詢助理」基於IBM watsonx AI平台開發而成。IBM 咨詢顧問們可以按照項目需要,在眾多IBM 與第三方的生成式AI模型之間切換、比對系統產出結果、並選擇符合工作所需要的模型;接下來可以在團隊之間或是整個咨詢部門快速建立與分享指令和系統預先訓練好的數碼助理。平台介面易於使用,可以輕鬆上傳項目相關文件,取得商業洞察後分享給其他的業務工具。 IBM Consulting Advantage內建保護資料安全與隱私的功能。「IBM咨詢助理」可以為生成式AI模型設定私有的實例,不儲存相關資料,也不使用資料訓練模型。這群虛擬助理們會警示使用者,避免在下指令時洩漏了企業或個人隱私。此外,「IBM咨詢助理」還設置了整合型的「AI護欄」,協助消弭偏見、確保合規。 IBM Consulting Advantage 平台將被深度應用於 IBM 咨詢的服務能力組合當中,包括策略、體驗、科技、營運四大領域;與IBM Garage 車庫創新模式並用,創造協助客戶快速創新、比傳統工作模式快三倍的速度實現商業價值、透明地追蹤業務成效等效益。 利用IBM Consulting Advantage為客戶創造價值 客戶已經看到了IBM Consulting Advantage與IBM顧問深厚專業知識相結合所帶來的價值。例如,全球領先的商業決策數據和分析提供商Dun & Bradstreet,將與IBM顧問合作,利用這些能力構建和擴展新的AI用例,借助Dun & Bradstreet數據雲和IBM watsonx來提升員工生產力和客戶體驗。 IBM咨詢已經採用了基於用例的方法來幫助客戶擴展AI。它已經開發了由watsonx和合作夥伴的技術提供支持的預配置解決方案,從客戶服務、人力資源到應用程式現代化的用例開始,這些解決方案已經為客戶帶來了業務成果。僅在2023年,IBM咨詢就幫助數百家客戶在數碼轉型過程中應用IBM和戰略合作夥伴的AI技術,從Parle Products到Wintershall Dea。 將新平台、成熟方法和深入的專業知識,与不斷擴展的合作夥伴關係相結合 IBM Consulting Advantage的推出,是IBM咨詢進一步擴展其專業知識、工具和方法而采取的又一个切实行动,以帮助客户利用企業級AI加速業務轉型。例如,IBM咨詢成立了生成式AI的卓越中心,並在2023年深化了與戰略合作夥伴的關係,宣佈與Adobe、亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)、Palo Alto Networks、微軟、Salesforce和SAP擴展了AI合作。 關於 IBM IBM 是全球領先的混合雲與人工智能、以及企業服務提供商,為全球175個國家和地區的客戶服務,幫助企業把握其數據洞察、簡化業務流程、降本增效,獲得行業競爭優勢。 IBM 混合雲平台和紅帽OpenShift 為全球超過4,000家政府和企業機構的關鍵性基礎設施提供有力支撐,例如來自金融服務、電訊和醫療健康等行業的客戶,幫助他們快速、高效、安全地實現數碼轉型。 IBM 在人工智能、量子運算、特定行業的雲解決方案以及企業服務等方面的突破性創新,使其可以為客戶提供開放和靈活的選擇。 IBM 對信任、透明、責任、包容和服務的歷久彌新的承諾,是我們業務發展的基石。查詢更多資料,請瀏覽:www.ibm.com/ 關於 IBM 香港,請登入Facebook 頁面 www.facebook.com/IBMHongKong 傳媒查詢: 郭韜 gguotao@cn.ibm.com    

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HKBNES Launches AegisConnect AI
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