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符合「PROSCEND」新聞搜尋結果, 共 12 篇 ,以下為 1 - 12 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
ACE Biotek and Proscend Successfully Hold 5G x Smart Health Cross-Border Seminar Showcasing Innovative IoT Applications and New Opportunities in Smart Healthcare Services

ACE Biotek and Proscend successfully held the remarkable 5G x Smart Health Cross-Border Seminar on June 29, 2023, showcasing innovative IoT applications and new opportunities in smart healthcare services—the seminar aimed to demonstrate the outstanding collaborative achievements of the two companies. ACE Solution brings rich experience in wireless communication testing, AI technology, and medical data transmission, while Proscend excels in 5G, AIoT connectivity, smart internet services, and the development of high-value solutions, creating exemplary success stories for diverse vertical industries. The collaboration between the two companies has resulted in the development of comprehensive solutions that meet market demands.   The esteemed speakers for this event included Jason Lin, Director of TRANSNET, who delivered a fascinating analysis of empowering the intelligent 5G private network and creating a new digital transformation era by exploring key policies and international development trends and providing examples of their applications. Alpha Chen, GM of Proscend, shared insights into the industrial IoT smart applications of 5G x Edge AI computing, aiming to bring more innovative and high-quality service applications to meet the needs of smart healthcare. By forging alliances and co-creating an ecosystem of shared value, the goal is to advance together into new blue oceans, generate shared opportunities, and drive industry economic benefits. KC Chen, VP of ACE Biotek; Chanson Lin, President of EmBestor Technology; Nick Chiang, Hospital IT Professionals of ACE Biotek; Eden Chao, Sr. Technical Manager of ACE Solution; and Kevin Kuo, ASD Supervisor of ACE Biotek, discussed topics such as information security, hospital information system applications, 5G NR, WiFi 7, NB-IoT, and related issues.   The seminar also featured a showcase of several astonishing technological achievements, including 5G x Edge AI Intelligent Edge Computing Integration Solution, Smart Air Quality Management for Medical Facilities, O'smart IoT Smart Agile Management Service Platform, Intelligent Long-Distance Digital Network Communication Integration Solution, UniiForm Smart Handwriting Assistance System - Hand-drawn Electronic Medical Record Application, 5G testing solutions, Spark Smart Anesthesia Recording System, and DS Smart Upload Integration Solution. These demonstrations highlighted the strengths of both parties' technologies and the innovative services with broad future applications.   This collaboration and seminar effectively leveraged the synergistic effects of both parties' technologies to introduce more intelligent and advanced technological applications to the healthcare industry. ACE Biotek and Proscend will continue to deepen their cooperation, striving to promote the application of 5G and AIoT in smart healthcare, bringing more innovation and breakthroughs and further enhancing smart healthcare services.     About Proscend Founded in 1999, Proscend is a leading provider of industrial IoT connectivity solutions, empowering the future of 5G and AIoT innovation. With a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, Proscend stands at the forefront of creating unique and differentiated solutions, guiding us towards an infinite future. With an agile and customer-centric approach, Proscend serves over 60 countries globally as a trusted partner, delivering high-quality industrial-grade networking equipment and optimized IoT management platforms. By offering top-notch and robust solutions, Proscend enables efficient and intelligent transformations across multiple industries, including smart cities, smart transportation, smart energy, smart retail, and smart healthcare. Proscend is dedicated to fostering a symbiotic, prosperous, and sustainable world.   Contact Proscend Proscend Communications Inc. Address: 2F, No. 36, Industrial East 4th Rd., Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu City 300093, Taiwan Phone: +886-3-5639000 E-mail: sales@proscend.com Website: https://www.proscend.com/   About ACE Biotek Established in 2000, ACE Group has grown over 20 years across wireless and healthcare industries. ACE Biotek, founded in 2018 by President Steve Hsu, integrates 20 years of industrial experience and knowledge to solve unmet clinical needs. ACE Biotek develops smart medical solutions encompassing imaging algorithms, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and terahertz technology, with a focus on achieving early disease diagnosis. In the long term, ACE Biotek aims to expand globally, serving as a platform to foster talent and support tech companies in their transformation into Medtech.   Contact ACE Biotek Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. Address: Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park, No. 66, Shengyi 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan Phone: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com Website: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/  

文章來源 : 筑波醫電股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1426 加入收藏 :
ACE Biotek and Proscend Sign Memorandum of Understanding - Collaborating to Create a New Era of 5G Smart Healthcare

Hsinchu, Taiwan - ACE Biotek and Proscend officially signed a MOU on June 12, 2023. The signing ceremony was attended by Mr. Steve Hsu, Chairman of ACE Biotek, and Mr. Jim Chen, Chairman of Proscend. The collaboration aims to strengthen cooperation in the fields of 5G private networks, AIoT, AI, and DS gateways for smart internet and smart hospitals, with the goal of creating mutual value.   Both companies will collaborate on integrating solutions for the application of 5G and AIoT in smart IoT and smart hospital environments. Proscend brings its expertise in 5G and Edge AI technologies, while ACE Biotek contributes its knowledge in AI, Uniiform, DS gateways, and other hardware and software applications. Through this partnership, the companies will jointly develop comprehensive solutions that meet market demands. ACE Biotek is committed to the development of smart healthcare solutions, encompassing wireless communication testing, AI technology, and medical data transmission. Proscend focuses on the research and design of 5G and AIoT vertical applications and smart internet services. This collaboration presents new opportunities for the advancement of 5G smart healthcare.   Mr. Steve Hsu, Chairman of ACE Biotek, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "Emerging technologies such as 5G and AIoT have immense potential in the field of smart healthcare. We look forward to collaborating with Proscend to develop innovative solutions that facilitate telemedicine and integrate medical data, ultimately providing healthcare professionals with greater convenience and delivering increased value to the healthcare industry." Mr. Jim Chen, Chairman of Proscend, added, "We have established ourselves as pioneers in the digital application of 5G and AIoT in Taiwan and have expanded our reach to encompass diverse business opportunities. This partnership will leverage the strengths of both companies, driving the development of 5G smart healthcare and introducing intelligent and advanced technological applications to the medical industry." To further promote the achievements of this collaboration, ACE Biotek and Proscend will host the "5G x Smart Healthcare Cross-Border Seminar" on June 29th. The seminar will feature presentations by industry leaders and professionals in the fields of Proscend, ACE Biotek, Transnet, Embestor, and hospital information systems/platforms. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain in-depth insights into the latest trends and applications of 5G, AIoT, and smart healthcare. Advanced registration is now open at the following website: Online Registration: https://register.acesolution.com.tw/20230629_5GxSmartHealth_Seminar   About Proscend Founded in 1999, Proscend is a leading provider of industrial IoT connectivity solutions, empowering the future of 5G and AIoT innovation. With a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, Proscend stands at the forefront of creating unique and differentiated solutions, guiding us towards an infinite future. With an agile and customer-centric approach, Proscend serves over 60 countries globally as a trusted partner, delivering high-quality industrial-grade networking equipment and optimized IoT management platforms. By offering top-notch and robust solutions, Proscend enables efficient and intelligent transformations across multiple industries, including smart cities, smart transportation, smart energy, smart retail, and smart healthcare. Proscend is dedicated to fostering a symbiotic, prosperous, and sustainable world.   Contact Proscend Proscend Communications Inc. Address: 2F, No. 36, Industrial East 4th Rd., Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu City 300093, Taiwan Phone: +886-3-5639000 E-mail: sales@proscend.com Website: https://www.proscend.com/   About ACE Biotek Established in 2000, ACE Group has grown over 20 years across wireless and healthcare industries. ACE Biotek, founded in 2018 by President Steve Hsu, integrates 20 years of industrial experience and knowledge to solve unmet clinical needs. ACE Biotek develops smart medical solutions encompassing imaging algorithms, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and terahertz technology, with a focus on achieving early disease diagnosis. In the long term, ACE Biotek aims to expand globally, serving as a platform to foster talent and support tech companies in their transformation into Medtech.   Contact ACE Biotek Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. Address: Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park, No. 66, Shengyi 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan Phone: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com Website: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/

文章來源 : 筑波醫電股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2485 加入收藏 :
台灣產業奧斯卡榮耀之光 昇頻工業級物聯網交換器榮獲2025台灣精品獎

昇頻以頂尖設計與自主研發的「工業級長距離PoE智慧供電物聯網交換器708EPI-DC」榮獲「第33屆台灣精品獎」,譽為台灣產業界的奧斯卡。此殊榮不僅肯定昇頻在AIoT智慧連結解決方案的創新量能,也彰顯昇頻在智慧城市和工業物聯網領域的品牌標竿,展現持續追求卓越的承諾。 精湛設計、優異效能、創新價值的極致呈現 昇頻708EPI-DC專為智慧城市和廣域AIoT物聯網連接應用量身打造,具備「工規寬溫節能」、「長距離PoE供電達800公尺」及「智能遠端管理」的獨特優勢,為智慧化數位轉型提供高效經濟與因地制宜的全方位解決方案。在今年的台灣精品獎評選之中,歷經百餘位專家學者從研發、設計、品質、行銷和台灣產製五大構面進行嚴選,「昇頻708EPI-DC」憑藉其卓越的創新價值,由近千件的參選產品中脫穎而出,成為台灣產業創新典範。 800公尺長距離PoE 突破供電與距離限制挑戰 昇頻708EPI-DC是一款集工業級寬溫運作、無風扇精巧設計於一身的網路交換器,提供精巧輕量、強固耐用和便捷安裝的特性,適應-40至+75°C的嚴苛極端環境。其技術打破傳統乙太網路100公尺的傳輸瓶頸,將數據與電力傳輸距離延伸至800公尺,針對隧道、水壩和鐵軌等缺乏電力或不易布建光纖的場域提供優化解決方案。藉由現有UTP電纜,實現同步傳輸資料與電力,減少光纖布建與電力施工的成本與時間,透過LFPT功能,快速即時遠端控管,提升維運效率,為智慧交通、安防監控及能源管理等領域帶來更多效益。 領先市場的全系列智慧聯網交換器解決方案 昇頻708EPI-DC的創新認可,充分展現了昇頻在智慧連網解決方案中的領導地位,更印證了昇頻全系列網路交換器在高穩定性、可靠性能與精密設計上的競爭實力。作為CT通訊聯網的核心角色,專注於IIoT和AIoT智慧科技,賦予高可靠、安全性與優質化的產品與服務,致力於為全球智慧城市與工業物聯網應用提供靈活多樣的智慧連結方案,推動工業物聯網生態價值鏈的發展,共創永續美好的未來藍圖。 欲了解更多全系列網路交換器產品資訊,歡迎前往如下連結選購。 昇頻全系列網路交換器連接解決方案 https://www.proscend.com/zh-TW/category/Industrial-Ethernet-Switch.html     關於昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻創立於1999年,賦能工業物聯智慧連結之領先企業,締造5G、AIoT創新應用領導標竿。為卓越而生,致力精益求精,專注創造與眾不同,引領無限未來。秉持敏捷精實與用心真誠服務,全球銷售超過60個國家,為值得信賴的合作夥伴,堅持最嚴謹高品質工規研發設計,提供最頂尖強固可靠的工業級網通設備與最適化的物聯網管理平台,賦予最佳化高效智能解決方案,成就多元商業轉型與垂直場域應用,共創智慧城市、智慧交通、智慧能源、智慧零售、智慧工廠和智慧醫療等生態價值鏈之綜效,打造宜居城市、便捷交通、安全環境、美好生活與永續世界,促進共生、共榮、共好願景。   聯絡昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻股份有限公司 Proscend Communications Inc. 地址: 300093新竹市工業東四路36號2樓(新竹科學園區) 電話: +886-3-5639000 E-mail: sales@proscend.com 網站: https://www.proscend.com/    

文章來源 : 昇頻股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4874 加入收藏 :
「驅動ESG X AIoT雙軸引擎 智造永續科技賦能論壇」昇頻展開熱烈報名,4/3台中精彩登場

企業善用AIoT科技賦能,落實低碳智慧轉型,已蔚為淨零減碳永續之道的關鍵解方。昇頻以「驅動ESG x AIoT雙軸引擎 智造永續科技賦能」為主軸,匯集鼎新電腦、網聯科技、漢揚環保機械與華宇企管,攜手各標竿企業先進與專家,共同探討產業趨勢脈動、指標案例以及智慧物聯解決方案,引領低碳轉型新商機,共創綠色智造與數位創新融合起手式! 本次論壇聚焦三大亮點:掌握雙軸核心思維、實境展示數位應用、節能減碳策略解析,助企業接軌數位智能化,提升能源管理效率,加速推進永續發展。 誠摰邀請您,共襄盛會,共築新局! 2024年4月3日「驅動ESG x AIoT雙軸引擎 智造永續科技賦能論壇」線上報名網址:https://www.accupass.com/go/tcevent   關於昇頻(PROSCEND)昇頻創立於1999年,賦能工業物聯智慧連結之領先企業,締造5G、AIoT創新應用領導標竿。為卓越而生,致力精益求精,專注創造與眾不同,引領無限未來。秉持敏捷精實與用心真誠服務,全球銷售超過60個國家,為值得信賴的合作夥伴,堅持最嚴謹高品質工規研發設計,提供最頂尖強固可靠的工業級網通設備與最適化的物聯網管理平台,賦予最佳化高效智能解決方案,成就多元商機數位轉型與各式垂直場域應用,共創智慧城市、智慧交通、智慧能源、智慧零售、智慧工廠和智慧醫療等生態價值鏈之綜效,打造宜居城市、便捷交通、安全環境、美好生活與永續世界,促進共生、共榮、共好願景。 聯絡昇頻(PROSCEND)昇頻股份有限公司 Proscend Communications Inc.地址: 300093新竹市工業東四路36號2樓(新竹科學園區)電話: +886-3-5639000E-mail: sales@proscend.com網站: https://www.proscend.com/

文章來源 : 昇頻股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5586 加入收藏 :
昇頻旗艦級工業聯網Edge AI平台領先亮相於台北智慧城市展

昇頻(Proscend)全新推出專為獨立軟體供應商(ISV)而打造「工業聯網Edge AI平台─M700系列」,不僅解決了ISV面臨軟硬體通訊連接整合的挑戰,更具有卓越出色的AI運算能力和高頻寬5G速度,滿足高效能、即時巨量的邊緣運算應用需求。今年將於台北智慧城市展AI+專區(攤位號碼 P1423)矚目登場,位於南港展覽館2館1樓,展出期間為3/19至3/22日,精彩可期。 以一站式解決方案為獨特訴求,昇頻M700系列一機即擁有工業電腦和路由器的雙重效能,搭載NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX模組,提供高達70 TOPS的AI效能,專注應用於影像分析、視覺辨識等多領域。具備超高速、低延遲的特色,擁有完善的通訊系統5G NR、4G LTE或 WAN介面,提升邊緣端的訊息能即時做出判斷和反應,達到最大程度降低對雲端連接的方式,亦能敏捷地彈性配置,加速端到端的AIoT智能應用,帶動智慧物聯商機蓬勃發展。 2024年被視為AI邊緣運算終端應用的關鍵年。根據Gartner研究報告指出,到2027年,邊緣運算裝置具有深度機器學習能力的比例將達到65%,而IDC預測台灣人工智慧平台市場將以每年25.4%的速度成長,從2023年的6,690萬美元增長至2024年的8,390萬美元,展現了巨大的市場潛力。 昇頻M700系列具備金屬質感的外型設計,精緻可靠且強固耐用,適用於各種苛刻的環境。透過QoS網路流量控管,確保資訊即時傳輸,並提供防火牆功能,強化網路安全性,建立資安防護屏障。昇頻M700系列除了節省70%的安裝空間、降低80%能源消耗率,更能縮短50%開發時程,大幅減少TCO成本,成為5G、AIoT智慧聯網通訊整合的創新解方,驅動跨產業的數位轉型量能。   關於昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻創立於1999年,賦能工業物聯智慧連結之領先企業,締造5G、AIoT創新應用領導標竿。為卓越而生,致力精益求精,專注創造與眾不同,引領無限未來。秉持敏捷精實與用心真誠服務,全球銷售超過60個國家,為值得信賴的合作夥伴,堅持最嚴謹高品質工規研發設計,提供最頂尖強固可靠的工業級網通設備與最適化的物聯網管理平台,賦予最佳化高效智能解決方案,成就多元商機數位轉型與各式垂直場域應用,共創智慧城市、智慧交通、智慧能源、智慧零售、智慧工廠和智慧醫療等生態價值鏈之綜效,打造宜居城市、便捷交通、安全環境、美好生活與永續世界,促進共生、共榮、共好願景。   聯絡昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻股份有限公司 Proscend Communications Inc. 地址: 300093新竹市工業東四路36號2樓(新竹科學園區) 電話: +886-3-5639000 E-mail: sales@proscend.com 網站: https://www.proscend.com/

文章來源 : 昇頻股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5455 加入收藏 :
資安防護卓越之星 昇頻4G強固路由器M331榮獲物聯網資安2級標章

昇頻M331工業級4G LTE行動通訊路由器成功取得卓越資安防護認可-「TAICS物聯網資安2級標章驗證」,經由台灣資通產業標準協會(TAICS)核發,為用戶提供更安全可靠的智慧連結網路通訊解決方案。隨著萬物聯網的各式應用日益普及,昇頻公司致力於強化設備連網的資安防護機制,降低資安風險,確保關鍵基礎設施、工業物聯網及企業商務在智慧物聯的垂直應用與敏捷部署,具備更加完整的資通安全防禦力,並提升營運韌性,促進數位轉型。 以極致精巧輕盈的外觀設計脫穎而出的昇頻M331工業級路由器,機身如手掌般大,重量僅350公克。擁有工業等級無風扇寬溫特性,可在狹小有限的空間和嚴苛的環境中穩定運作。在纖薄小巧的體積尺寸,搭載豐富的連接介面,內建RS-232、RS-485、DI/DO、3埠GbE LAN及單埠GbE WAN,具有彈性靈活配置的獨特優勢,方便用戶適應各樣型態的工業場域和商務運營的聯網情境,加上搭配不同款式的外接式天線,進一步增強網路訊號接收,實現更快速、更高效的系統整合及布建安裝。 昇頻透過具公信力的台灣資通產業標準協會(TAICS)建立完善一致的資安標準與方針,於台灣設計研發的M331路由器經過多項嚴謹的檢測審核,包括安全功能、異常流量、穩定性及弱點測試等驗證,完全符合商用的安全要求。昇頻M331通過物聯網資安認可,提供高效率且可信任的資安保障,成為無與倫比、最佳信賴的工業級4G LTE行動通訊路由器。   關於昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻創立於1999年,賦能工業物聯智慧連結之領先企業,締造5G、AIoT創新應用領導標竿。為卓越而生,致力精益求精,專注創造與眾不同,引領無限未來。秉持敏捷精實與用心真誠服務,全球銷售超過60個國家,為值得信賴的合作夥伴,堅持最嚴謹高品質工規研發設計,提供最頂尖強固可靠的工業級網通設備與最適化的物聯網管理平台,賦予最佳化高效智能解決方案,成就多元商業轉型與垂直場域應用,共創智慧城市、智慧交通、智慧能源、智慧零售、智慧工廠和智慧醫療等生態價值鏈之綜效,打造宜居城市、便捷交通、安全環境、美好生活與永續世界,促進共生、共榮、共好願景。 聯絡昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻股份有限公司 Proscend Communications Inc. 地址: 300093新竹市工業東四路36號2樓(新竹科學園區) 電話: +886-3-5639000 E-mail: sales@proscend.com 網站: www.proscend.com

文章來源 : 昇頻股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4639 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 13 日 (星期四) 農曆正月十六日
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