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Asian Consumer Electronics Online Exhibition 2022 (ACE Exhibition 2022), jointly organized by AsianNet / TradeAsia, will be grandly exhibited from April 11, 2022. The exhibition will last for three months until July 31, 2022. During this period, TradeAsia will vigorously carry out global promotion to increase the exposure of the exhibition venue and the reach of buyers to gain visitor traffic. After the exhibition period, we will retain the online exhibition information to obtain the spillover effect of international marketing for a long time. ACE Exhibition 2022 is for global consumer electronics buyers. The exhibition time is in line with the schedule of Consumer Electronics 2022, held by Global Sources in Hong Kong. It is convenient for international buyers to visit and compare at one time. Due to the continuous fever of the Covid-19 epidemic, the quarantine of international travel has affected buyers to visit the exhibition in person. Buyers from far and wide can easily browse online pavilions. It is currently the most friendly and effective international marketing model. TradeAsia invites dozens of Taiwanese professional consumer electronics and spare parts suppliers to participate in the exhibition. Manufacturers and product categories have covered: Auto Electronic, Auto Safety & Security Product, Monitor, Communication Equipment, Computer Accessory & Peripheral, Gaming Products, Laptop & Accessory and Optoelectronic Display with thousands of latest products and parts on display. Products are dazzling and worth visiting. In addition, TradeAsia attaches great importance to the integration of physical and virtual. Under appropriate circumstances, we will invite manufacturers to exhibit physical together to establish a win-win exhibition model that integrates virtual and real. Due to the epidemic situation this time, we will only provide online exhibitions. Online Exhibition: https://www.etradeasia.com/online-show/2/Asian-Consumer-Electronics-Online-Exhibition-2022.html In the epidemic, the flow of international personnel has decreased, and traditional exhibitions are significantly hind. Online activities for global trade promotion have become mainstream. At present, most international trade shows provide a variety of online expositions, including webpages, electronic catalogs, or virtual exhibition venues, which allow international buyers to visit even if they are thousands of miles away easily. It will not be affected by long travel and quarantine. Asian Consumer Electronics Exhibition 2022 has also planned a series of online exhibition schemes. We will provide exhibition webpages, electronic catalogs, etc., and link products and exhibitor information to TradeAsia, so that buyers can easily browse and touch. TradeAsia has provided B2B international trade services for buyers and sellers since 1997. It is the most experienced and professional trade platform in the world. We currently have millions of global members, more than 600,000 suppliers, and millions of the latest products. Thousands of professional buyers worldwide find products and contact sellers for business cooperation every day. TradeAsia is a significant trade promotion channel in Asia. TradeAsia has also established cooperative relationships with hundreds of trade entities worldwide, exchanging marketing promotion exposures. Therefore, suppliers have a good chance to spread information to global platforms or exhibition entities simultaneously. By this effort, we will significantly increase participation with global marketing power. ACE Exhibition 2022 will also be broadcast globally. News Contact: Doreen Chen Marketing Manager of TradeAsia 886-3-5770775 ext.221
由AsianNet 亞洲網路 / TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網所聯合舉辦的消費性電子產品線上展 (Asian Consumer Electronics Online Exhibition 2022, ACE Exhibition 2022) 將在2022年4月11起盛大展出,展期三個月,至2022年7月31日止。期間TradeAsia 將強力進行全球推廣,提高參展會場的曝光度及買家觸及以獲取來訪流量。展期後,線上展出資訊將會保留,長期持續的獲得國際行銷的外溢效果。 ACE Exhibition 2022是針對全球消費性電子產品買家所打造的一次盛會。展出時間係配合Global Sources在香港所舉辦的消費性電子產品展Consumer Electronics 2022時程,方便國際買家多方參觀比較一次購足。由於Covid-19 疫情持續發燒,國際差旅隔離影響買家親臨觀展,線上展會可以無遠弗屆的方便買家瀏覽,是當前最友善而有效的國際行銷模式。 TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網邀請數十家台灣專業消費性電子產品供應商參展,廠商及產品分類涵蓋汽車電子產品、安全保護電子產品、遊戲機、顯示器、通訊產品、電腦週邊、膝上型設備及零組件等分類,展出上千個最新產品及零組件,產品玲瑯滿目很值得買家訪問。亞洲貿易網重視實體與虛擬整合,我們在適當環境下,會邀請廠商一同實體展出,建立虛實整合的雙贏展會模式。這次與Global Sources 同步展出礙於當前香港疫情嚴重,我們僅提供線上展覽方式。 線上展會網址: https://www.etradeasia.com/online-show/2/Asian-Consumer-Electronics-Online-Exhibition-2022.html 在疫情時代,國際間人員的流動減少,傳統型態的展會受到很大的阻礙,國際貿易推廣的線上活動成了主流,當前大多數國際展會都提供多樣態的線上展覽,包括展會專頁、電子型錄或是虛擬展場,讓國際買家即使在千里之外,也能夠輕易地到訪參觀,不會受到人員旅行入關檢疫的影響。ACE Exhibition 2022 同樣也規劃了一系列線上展出方案,我們將提供展會專頁、電子型錄等,並將產品及參展廠商資料與TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網串連,讓買家可以輕鬆的瀏覽觀賞,並進一步到廠商專頁深入拜訪,同時留下資料。 TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網長期經營B2B國際貿易買家與賣家的媒合服務,是全球最資深專業的貿易平台,目前擁有數百萬的全球會員,六十多萬家供應商、以及數百萬最新的貿易商品,每天都有上千位來自全球各地的專業買家尋找商品及供應商,並連繫賣家進行業務合作,是亞洲非常重要的貿易推廣通路。 TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網也與全球數百個貿易實體建立合作關係,相互交換行銷推廣曝光,因此,在亞洲貿易網上線的供應商,很有機會同步擴散到全球多個貿易平台或展會實體的宣傳頁面上,大幅增加國際行銷力量。此次的ACE Exhibition 2022線上展會,我們也將進行同步全球放送。 新聞聯絡人: 陳榕鏸 TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網 行銷部經理 03-5770775 ext.221
TaiSPO, one of the well-known sporting goods shows, will hold both a physical show and a virtual event ‘TaiSPO DigitalGo’ when it takes place in March 2022. This is TaiSPO’s first ‘hybrid’ event, the last two editions being held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, TaiSPO attracted approximately 20,000 visits from 44 countries, with strong participation from U.S., Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and China. About JK Fitness JK Fitness is one of the Taiwan leaders in the industry. The company manufactures and sells its strength, cardiovascular equipment and accessories under the brand called FitLux and JKexer. Our equipment is distributed in over 60 countries. JK Fitness owns factories in Taiwan and China and also provides OEM/ODM services. For more information about JK Fitness products and services, visit www.jkexer.com Welcome to visit【Jkexer online exhibition】 https://www.jkexer.com/s/2/page-2190/Online-Exhibition.html 【Popular recommended products】 JKexer 645 Water Rower Vertical Tank, Bluetooth-Enabled <more> JKexer 605 Multifunction Magnetic Rower Multi-Exercise Foot Plates, Bluetooth-Enabled <more> AeroHike 337/335 Incline Treadmill DC 2.7 HP, 2019 Award Winner <more> CARDIO AND STRENGTH TRAINING IN ONE. Anybody searching for a multi-gym for an especially small space needs look no further! The GYMTread 395 is absolutely compact, and will be able to fit anywhere. It offers a very impressive 14 kg of resistance that allow you to perform a variety of targeted upper and lower body exercises, as well as high intensity cardio workouts. Click here to discover more. <more> < Watch videos> Sincerely welcome interested customers, visit our website or contact us directly! Media Contact : E-Mail: sales@jkexer.com Add: 9F, No. 26, Min Chuan E. Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886-2-25373397 Fax: +886-2-25214956
TaiSPO, one of the well-known sporting goods shows, will hold both a physical show and a virtual event ‘TaiSPO DigitalGo’ when it takes place in March 2022. This is TaiSPO’s first ‘hybrid’ event, the last two editions being held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, TaiSPO attracted approximately 20,000 visits from 44 countries, with strong participation from U.S., Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and China. About JK Fitness JK Fitness is one of the Taiwan leaders in the industry. The company manufactures and sells its strength, cardiovascular equipment and accessories under the brand called FitLux and JKexer. Our equipment is distributed in over 60 countries. JK Fitness owns factories in Taiwan and China and also provides OEM/ODM services. For more information about JK Fitness products and services, visit www.jkexer.com Welcome to visit【Jkexer online exhibition】https://www.jkexer.com/s/2/page-2190/Online-Exhibition.html 【Popular recommended products】 JKexer 645 Water Rower Vertical Tank, Bluetooth-Enabled <more> JKexer 605 Multifunction Magnetic Rower Multi-Exercise Foot Plates, Bluetooth-Enabled <more> AeroHike 337/335 Incline Treadmill DC 2.7 HP, 2019 Award Winner <more> CARDIO AND STRENGTH TRAINING IN ONE. Anybody searching for a multi-gym for an especially small space needs look no further! The GYMTread 395 is absolutely compact, and will be able to fit anywhere. It offers a very impressive 14 kg of resistance that allow you to perform a variety of targeted upper and lower body exercises, as well as high intensity cardio workouts. Click here to discover more. <more> < Watch videos> Sincerely welcome interested customers, visit our website or contact us directly! Media Contact : E-Mail: sales@jkexer.com Add: 9F, No. 26, Min Chuan E. Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886-2-25373397 Fax: +886-2-25214956
Asian Machine Tool Online Exhibition 2022 (AMTOE 2022), jointly organized by AsianNet and TradeAsia, is exhibiting from February 21, 2022, aiming at global buyers of machine tools and accessories to facilitate international buyers visiting and comparing products at one time. Yee Young Industrial Co., Ltd. participated in the exhibition. We are presenting Steel Tube, Honed Tube, Cylinder Rods, Piston Rod, Cylinder Tube, Cold Drawn Tube, Aluminum Pneumatic Tube, Seamless Stainless Steel Cylinder Tube, Seamless Steel Skiving Tube, Stainless Steel Hard Chrome Plated Bar Rod, Chrome Shaft and Hydraulic Cylinder with high quality and best service to customers. Please visit our brand pavilion and feel free to contact us if you have any needs. Yee Young brand pavilion: https://www.etradeasia.com/supplier-2186/Yee-Young-Industrial-Co-Ltd-.html AMTOE 2022 Online Exhibition: https://www.etradeasia.com/online-show/1/Asian-Machine-Tool-Online-Exhibition-2022.html Yee Young, established in Taiwan for 30 years, specializes in rods and tubes for the transmission industry. As one of the leading companies with a great reputation, Yee Young has certificated ISO 9001 for years. We value our quality, clients, working efficiency, and harmony with stakeholders as our main mission. Through continuous improvement, we provide reasonable prices and satisfying products to our customers. Our goal is to pursue the largest benefits for our clients. Yee Young Industrial Co., Ltd. https://www.yeeyoung.com.tw/ News Contact: Huei Yu Chen Manager +886-4-7990077 service@yeeyoung.com.tw
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