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符合「OUTREACH」新聞搜尋結果, 共 10730 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
兩廳院與日月光攜手OUTREACH舞蹈體驗 實踐銀髮族樂活

兩廳院長期致力推動人人劇場,不僅邀請所有民眾進劇場欣賞表演藝術,也走出場館、主動接觸樂齡族群的生活。今年(2024)「樂齡OUTREACH活動」攜手日月光「吉祥樂學」專案,為日月光中壢廠區周邊的居民和樂齡夥伴提供多元表演藝術體驗。11月14日由驫舞劇場方妤婷帶領48位在地長輩體驗舞蹈,透過暖身、肢體開發以及伸展三個環節,舒展筋骨、感受身體;並於活動後接續日月光中壢廠區「吉祥樂學」結業活動,為六周的多元課程畫下完美的句點。   日月光中壢廠人力資源處暨公共關係處資深處長郭品泓表示:「日月光吉祥樂學自2019年開辦,至今已是第六學期。中壢廠課程涵蓋永續教育、藝文體驗、運動保健、創作DIY等多元活動。於拓展樂齡族群的知識領域,同時也提升長輩生活品質和社會參與度。兩廳院OUTREACH活動是以國家級場館的專業,將表演藝術活動帶進地方,引導樂齡多面向體驗生活的計畫。兩廳院與日月光關注樂齡的精神不謀而合,藉由多元活動體驗,為長輩的生活提供另一種可能。看到這些長輩開心舞動身體,與全場笑聲不斷的結業活動,是我們持續推動樂齡專案的初衷。很開心今天與兩廳院合作。」   吉祥樂學專案由日月光投控、財團法人張姚宏影社會福利慈善事業基金會主辦,銘傳大學承辦並結合桃園在地力量共同舉行,致力於提升高齡長者的生活品質,推動社會共融與樂齡學習。兩廳院「樂齡OUTREACH活動」則透過走出場館、進入社區,邀請在地樂齡朋友享受表演藝術,並透過實際體驗,拉近樂齡長輩與表演藝術的距離,除本次中壢廠的活動,今年12月兩廳院「樂齡OUTREACH活動」也將於土城日月光廣場舉辦,邀請在地社區里民一同響應。   兩廳院與日月光自2023年起展開合作,以表演藝術關照樂齡議題。除舉辦「失智友善戲劇培力工作坊」,與民眾分享超高齡社會下如何利用表演藝術打造失智友善的環境外,於 2024年擴大關注面向,以「青銀有約看戲特別企劃」推動青、銀兩代的價值觀交流;並透過「表演藝術社會處方箋先驅計畫」系列活動,為感到孤獨的樂齡長輩創造提升幸福感的可能。臺灣將於2025年正式邁入超高齡化社會,兩廳院呼應社會脈動,於今年10月啟動為期三年的「兩廳院藝術出走2.0」計畫。與地方政府、表演團體、社區合作,結合國外經驗並與臺灣團隊共創在地版本,並將戲劇藝術融入失智、長照議題,從戲劇看見照護議題的深度。此計畫亦獲得日月光的認同與支持,2025年將於雙北兩地進行首演,2026年則將工作方法提供其他縣市,進行在地製作。期待聯合各界資源,將力量擴散至全臺,打造永續共融的社會環境。   日月光亦高度關注社會趨勢並善盡企業社會責任。從「人才永續」的角度思考,為有照顧需求的員工打造幼兒園與長者日照中心,讓員工能夠兼顧家庭照顧與工作表現。目前已於臺灣中壢廠、高雄廠區分別設立一所幼兒園;而專為樂齡族群打造的日照中心,預計2025年起將於全臺廠區周邊正式營運。藉由整合藝企資源,讓更多不同地區的年長者享受表演藝術,擴大社會影響力。   表演藝術的推廣以及永續共融社會的實踐須各方資源的投入,期待透過不同面向的計畫,讓所有人能夠享受其中,打造人人共融、共好的環境。兩廳院與日月光將持續攜手,為地方打造樂齡樂活的更多可能。

文章來源 : 我為人人創意有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2526 加入收藏 :
Xiao-I Corporation Announces Strategic Cooperation with Deafopia to Expand Market Outreach for AI Hardware Business

SHANGHAI, Nov. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Xiao-I Corporation (NASDAQ: AIXI), a leading artificial intelligence company ("Xiao-I") , today announced a strategic cooperation with Deafopia, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting businesses within the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. This collaboration will enhance the market visibility and distribution of Xiao-I's newly developed AI hardwares, with Deafopia managing outreach and expanding distribution channels, particularly to deaf schools, government facilities, and broader community initiatives. As part of this cooperation, Deafopia will promote at its trade shows, community events, and through its digital platforms, including its website and social media channels. This partnership aims to significantly increase awareness and access to the products, improving the lives of individuals within the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities by offering cutting-edge technological solutions. These AI hardwares are specifically designed to assist individuals with hearing impairments, offering them enhanced accessibility and communication solutions in various settings. By partnering with Deafopia, Xiao-I will leverage the nonprofit's vast network and established events to reach key markets that will benefit most from this innovative product. "Our cooperation with Deafopia aligns perfectly with our mission to create AI products that can transform lives," said Hui Yuan, CEO of Xiao-I "Through Deafopia's platform and outreach capabilities, we are confident that our AI hardware business will have a meaningful impact on the quality of life for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals by expanding accessibility in everyday life." Deafopia, renowned for its work in promoting the Deaf Eco System, will be instrumental in expanding the product's reach, particularly in deaf schools and government facilities, ensuring that more individuals can benefit from this innovative technology. About Xiao-I Corporation Xiao-I Corporation is a leading cognitive intelligence enterprise in China that offers a diverse range of business solutions and services in artificial intelligence, covering natural language processing, voice and image recognition, machine learning, and affective computing. Since its inception in 2001, the Company has developed an extensive portfolio of cognitive intelligence technologies that are highly suitable and have been applied to a wide variety of business cases. Xiao-I powers its cognitive intelligence products and services with its cutting-edge, proprietary AI technologies to enable and promote industrial digitization, intelligent upgrading, and transformation. For more information, please visit: www.xiaoi.com. Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements that are other than statements of historical facts. When the Company uses words such as "may," "will," "intend," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "project," "estimate" or similar expressions that do not relate solely to historical matters, it is making forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations discussed in the forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to uncertainties and risks including, but not limited to, the following: the Company's ability to achieve its goals and strategies, the Company's future business development and plans for future business development, including its financial conditions and results of operations, product and service demand and acceptance, reputation and brand, the impact of competition and pricing, changes in technology, government regulations, fluctuations in general economic and business conditions in China, and assumptions underlying or related to any of the foregoing and other risks contained in reports filed by the Company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). For these reasons, among others, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements in this press release. Additional factors are discussed in the Company's filings with the SEC, including under the section entitled "Risk Factors" in its annual report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC on April 30, 2024, as well as its current reports on Form 6-K and other filings, all of which are available for review at www.sec.gov. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date hereof. For investor and media inquiries, please contact:Ms. Berry XiaEmail: ir@xiaoi.com 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 115 加入收藏 :
Media OutReach Newswire與PRCA Malaysia 合作推進馬來西亞公共關係專業人員之間的知識交流

吉隆坡,馬來西亞 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年11月15日 - 亞太地區首家全球通訊社Media OutReach Newswire與馬來西亞公共關係及傳播協會 (PRCA Malaysia) 建立了長期合作伙伴關係,Media OutReach Newswire成爲 了PRCA Malaysia 25週年紀念中兩項大型活動---「馬來西亞公共關係獎」 (Malaysia Public Relations Awards) 和「馬來西亞公關峰會」(Malaysia PR Summit) 的官方新聞稿發布贊助商。 此次合作旨在促進馬來西亞公共關係界與Media OutReach Newswire之間的知識交流,從而更深入地了解馬來西亞公共關係專業人員的業務需求。通過引入 Media OutReach Newswire的全球新聞稿發布網絡和報告工具,馬來西亞的公關專業人員將有機會接觸到真實的媒體,並有效地接觸到馬來西亞、東南亞、東盟以至全球的記者。Media OutReach Newswire的新聞稿發布服務和報告解決了公關專業人員在企業聲譽管理的範疇上展示公共關係價值時所面臨的持續性挑戰。 藉此合作,兩家機構將通過行業活動和外聯活動,共同吸引馬來西亞公關專業人員和 PRCA Malaysia 會員的參與,匯聚當地公關界人才,創造一個學習和分享的協作環境。 Media OutReach Newswire 創始人兼行政總裁郭妙娥女士表示:「作爲亞太地區首家全球通訊社,Media OutReach Newswire 致力於爲公共關係專業人員提供高效的全球媒體覆蓋和報告所需的工具。Media OutReach Newswire 與 PRCA Malaysia的合作體現了我們的共同承諾,致力促進馬來西亞公關行業的知識交流、發展和創新,以真實傳播爲中心,在全球範圍內建立企業聲譽和信任。」 Media OutReach Newswire 的先進服務軟件 (SaaS) 門戶網站糅合了整個新聞稿發布和報告流程於一身--從提交新聞稿,到獲取自動化多格式報告與洞察及分析報告。這個由人工智能自動驅動的公關活動輿情報告為新聞稿通訊社行業首創。 PRCA Malaysia 主席 Mohd Said Bani C.M. Din 教授補充道:「PRCA Malaysia與Media OutReach Newswire 的合作完全符合我們雙方的使命,致力推動馬來西亞公共關係的卓越發展,支持企業和政府部門在東盟地區乃至全球進行傳播。我們共同致力於增強馬來西亞公關專業人士的能力,制定行業標準,並爲知識交流創造空間,從而提升公關行業的水平。」 PRCA Malaysia會員將受惠於Media OutReach Newswire 廣泛的全球發布網絡,該網絡覆蓋 150 多個國家,涵蓋 28 種語言,橫跨 70,000 多家媒體和 500 個行業類別,並保證在 1,500 個線上新聞機構發布新聞稿。這種覆蓋面使公關專業人員能夠將其機構的知名度從馬來西亞擴大至東南亞、東盟、大中華區、亞太地區、美國和加拿大、中東、非洲、歐洲和英國,以及拉丁美洲等地區。 「馬來西亞公共關係峰會」(Malaysia PR Summit) 和「馬來西亞公共關係獎」(MPRA)將分別於 11 月 28日和 29日在馬來西亞舉行,為 PRCA Malaysia週年活動中歷年最大規模,公關從業人員和行業相關者將可透過參與活動獲得真知灼見,建立聯繫,並探討戰略傳播如何能為業界帶來積極改變。 今年,「馬來西亞公共關係獎」共收到接近 200 份報名,創下歷史新高,反映了馬來西亞公共關係行業的實力。在盛大的晚宴上,備受注目的《年度最佳活動 》大獎將是最高榮譽之一,透過該獎項表彰在相關領域上充份展現卓越策略、創造力和重大影響力的公關活動。是次盛事體現了 PRCA Malaysia在過去 25 年致力於提高馬來西亞公共關係標準和培養富活力的傳播社羣的承諾。 請與我們和PRCA Malaysia一起,攜手重設、重構和重新想考未來的傳播方向。 Hashtag: #MediaOutReachNewswire #pressrelease #PRCA發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於Media OutReach NewswireMedia OutReach Newswire 成立於 2009 年,是亞太地區首家全球新聞通訊社,擁有東南亞、東盟和包括美國在內的亞太地區的記者和在線媒體合作伙伴發布網絡。 總部設在香港,在新加坡、馬來西亞、越南、日本、中國、泰國和臺灣設有地區辦事處,通過由 70,000 多家媒體和 1,500 個媒體合作伙伴組成的國際網絡,使機構和公關專業人員能夠與記者、消費者和決策者建立聯繫。 作爲一家綜合傳播解決方案提供商,Media OutReach Newswire 運用下一代 服務軟件 (SaaS),將多媒體、多語言新聞稿直接發送到記者的收件箱,以優化新聞稿報告,並提供多種格式、隨時可用、開創性的公共關係績效報告。 Media OutReach Newswire 的全球新聞稿發布網絡覆蓋亞太地區、美國、加拿大、拉丁美洲、歐洲和英國、中東和海灣國家以及非洲。 是公關和投資者關係機構、企業和政府的公關和傳播專業人士值得信賴的通訊社合作伙伴。 如欲了解 Media OutReach Newswire 的服務和發布網絡,請瀏覽網站www.media-outreach.com。 關於馬來西亞公共關係及傳播協會(PRCA Malaysia)Public Relations and Communications Association Malaysia馬來西亞公共關係及傳播協會(PRCA Malaysia)成立於 1999 年,是一家領先的非營利協會,代表公共關係與傳播行業的專業人士和諮詢專家。作爲社團註冊機構,馬來西亞公共關係與傳播協會致力於通過維護高標準的職業道德、專業資格和商業行爲來推動行業發展。PRCA Malaysia通過舉辦「馬來西亞公共關係獎」 (Malaysia PR Awards ) 和「馬來西亞公共關係峰會」 ( Malaysia PR Summit)等旗艦活動,展示該行業的頂尖人才和成就。該協會還通過注重技能提升和人才發展的舉措促進專業成長,爲會員提供寶貴的交流機會,並在數字轉型和媒體格局不斷變化的時代促進對公關行業的深入了解。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1757 加入收藏 :
Tencent Music Entertainment Group Launches Global Music Outreach Initiative

Singapore Kicks Off the First Stop of TME's Music Journey to the World SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On September 11, 2024, Tencent Music Entertainment Group (TME) announced the launch of its Global Music Outreach Initiative, which will bring together talented Chinese music artists and their works to be showcased on prominent stages worldwide. The initiative will kickstart in Singapore from September 13 to 17, beginning a broader series of music and industry exchange activities around the world, including overseas performances, international music creation exchanges, and discussions on future industry development. As Chinese culture continues to capture global attention, TME aims to leverage its platform and technological strengths to open up new international markets for Chinese artists, enhancing their global presence and creating fresh opportunities for industry growth. The Singapore leg of TME's Global Music Outreach Initiative marks a major step in introducing Chinese music to the world. Set against the Singapore Grand Prix Season (GPSS), TME will present live performances by prominent Chinese acts—Liu Lian, Liu Binhao, Lu Zhengting, Qian Runyu, and the band Sir Deer—while also hosting music sessions, campus visits, and industry forums. These high-profile events are designed to highlight the distinct and compelling qualities of Chinese music to a global audience. In conjunction with these activities, TME will also take part in the Asia-Pacific music forum, Music Matters, demonstrating its commitment to exploring new opportunities and driving conversations about global music trends. Additionally, Chinese musicians will engage with students and faculty at local universities, fostering meaningful cultural exchanges. This broader engagement underscores the initiative's aim to expand the reach and influence of Chinese music. As part of its groundbreaking Global Music Outreach Initiative, TME has teamed up with People's Daily, a prominent voice in Chinese media, to create the theme song "Hear It," featuring the first-ever collaboration between Chinese singer-songwriter Tia Ray and Additionally, a special version of "So This Is the Sea" will be released the same day on TME's platforms, including QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music, celebrating the spirit of cultural exchange through music. Underscoring TME's dedication to elevating Chinese music on the global stage and redefining its international presence, the Global Music Outreach Initiative is committed to showcasing the talents of Chinese artists while fostering cultural exchange between China and the world. After its debut in Singapore, the initiative will expand to other countries and regions, furthering TME's mission to share the vibrant and multifaceted nature of Chinese music with audiences worldwide.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 700 加入收藏 :
Targeted Pre-Launch Scientific Outreach Drives 40% Faster Treatment Adoption

New Veeva Pulse findings show congresses and early-career experts have the strongest influence on patient outcomes SINGAPORE, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Veeva Systems (NYSE: VEEV) today revealed that targeted pre-launch scientific outreach maximizes medical affairs teams' impact on treatment adoption in the latest Veeva Pulse Field Trends Report. The analysis shows biopharmas investing in pre-launch scientific activities and prioritizing congresses gain 40% faster treatment adoption than those that invested less. Early-career experts are also more open to digital engagement and four times more likely to start patients on a new treatment. In Asia, healthcare professionals (HCPs) are prioritizing in-person engagement, outperforming other channels like video, email, phone, and text or in-app chat. Asia also recorded the highest video usage rate globally at 56%, compared to the US, EU, and LATAM regions, showing a preference for more in-depth engagement. HCPs are turning to biopharmas to help distill rapidly evolving scientific evidence around new innovative medicines and complex diseases. By focusing pre-launch activity around clinical guidelines, publications, and congresses with a new group of stakeholders, medical affairs teams can reach key HCPs to improve treatment decisions. "Gone are the days when medical could just focus on the top-tier scientific thought leaders," said Angela Smart, director of global medical excellence and operations at ADVANZ PHARMA. "The range of stakeholders has broadened, and it's imperative to expand our engagement strategies beyond traditional experts."  The latest analysis from Veeva Pulse finds that: Targeted pre-launch scientific activities speed treatment adoption: By engaging key experts at congresses, helping develop clinical guidelines, and securing coverage in publications before launch, companies see 40% faster treatment adoption than those that don't. This demonstrates that more resources for medical teams during this stage can boost launch success.     Congress activity has the strongest influence on clinical decisions: Higher investment in pre-launch congress activities has the most influence on treatment after approval. Congresses, and the digital discussions that follow, help increase scientific awareness and drive impactful medical conversations more than investment in clinical guidelines and publications.     Engaging early-career HCPs increases new treatment uptake: These digitally-savvy emerging experts are four times more likely to start patients on a new treatment. They are also five times more likely to speak at congresses, 11 times more likely to engage digitally, and seven times more likely to get published. In Asia, in-person activity was the preferred channel of communication, showing HCPs' need for in-depth engagement: In the past quarter, in-person activity represented 82% of the channel mix, outperforming other channels such as email, phone, video, and text or chat. This trend was consistent across the industry, from smaller biotechs to large biopharmas. Compliant content continues to play a critical role in HCP engagement: Closed-loop marketing (CLM) interactive visual aid usage increased for both in-person and video engagement channels, demonstrating the increasing importance of leveraging content to create more personalized interactions with HCPs. "It is key that field teams continue to meet the needs of HCPs by providing important information to understand complex new medicines through the right channels. Our Pulse data has shown that effectively communicating scientific evidence before launch has a significant impact in driving quicker treatment adoption. HCP needs are evolving, and it is important to leverage data to inform strategies towards driving efficiency and engagement," said Shafi Hussain, Veeva Asia business consulting head.  About the Veeva Pulse Field Trends ReportAnalyzing over 600 million HCP interactions and activities annually from more than 80% of commercial biopharma field teams worldwide, the Veeva Pulse Field Trends Report is the largest industry benchmark of its kind on HCP engagement. The analysis compiles real-time transactional data recorded in Veeva CRM and Veeva data products to deliver a view of engagement activity across life sciences. Indexed by Veeva quarterly, the data will help companies effectively and accurately benchmark performance to set the right, actionable goals for continued growth and impact. Additional InformationTo download a copy of the Veeva Pulse Field Trends Report, visit: veeva.com/FieldTrendsLearn more about Veeva Business Consulting: veeva.com/BusinessConsultingConnect with Veeva on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/veeva-systems About Veeva Systems Veeva is the global leader in cloud software for the life sciences industry. Committed to innovation, product excellence, and customer success, Veeva serves more than 1,000 customers, ranging from the world's largest biopharmaceutical companies to emerging biotechs. As a Public Benefit Corporation, Veeva is committed to balancing the interests of all stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, and the industries it serves. For more information, visit veeva.com. Veeva Forward-looking StatementsThis release contains forward-looking statements regarding Veeva's products and services and the expected results or benefits from use of our products and services. These statements are based on our current expectations. Actual results could differ materially from those provided in this release and we have no obligation to update such statements. There are numerous risks that have the potential to negatively impact our results, including the risks and uncertainties disclosed in our filing on Form 10-Q for the period ended April 30, 2024, which you can find here (a summary of risks which may impact our business can be found on pages 35 and 36), and in our subsequent SEC filings, which you can access at sec.gov.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 227 加入收藏 :
Donner Partners with Renowned Musicians Institute to Advance Outreach in Music Education, Music Careers

The partnership is designed to enrich the educational experiences at MI, while providing practical benefits that prepare students for successful careers in music LOS ANGELES, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Donner, leading manufacturer in innovative musical instrument gear, has partnered with the Musician's Institute (MI) in Hollywood, California, in a joint effort to enhance music education and foster music research and development. The highlight of this new partnership will see Musicians Institute provide a dedicated room, dubbed the Donner Room, allowing MI students to stay up-to-date with current industry standards by having direct access to the latest instruments and equipment from Donner. Additionally, Donner artists will host masterclasses and workshops at MI to give music students a professional understanding of today's music industry. "Musicians Institute has chosen to partner with Donner [because of] its reputation as an upcoming and innovative music instruments and equipment company," said Dr. Rachel Yoon, Chief Academic Officer at Musicians Institute. "Donner's diverse product lines offer a wide range of opportunities for experimentation and innovation, aligning with MI's commitment to providing cutting-edge education and resources to its students. This partnership allows MI to stay at the forefront of musical technology and teaching methods, ensuring students have access to the latest industry advancements." "This partnership will allow MI to showcase cutting-edge technology to our students in an industry that is constantly evolving," added Carolann Mota, Director of Artist and Career Services at Musicians Institute. "Donner's engagement will introduce fresh perspectives on gear, open new career pathways, and inspire creative thinking at masterclasses with in-demand musicians." "At Donner, we believe music is a powerful force for positive change. Our vision is to make high-quality musical instruments accessible to musicians at all levels and create a lasting impact on music communities worldwide," said Amber Chui, Director of Global Brand Marketing at Donner, "The partnership is a powerful step toward revolutionizing music education. By supporting masterclasses and providing cutting-edge products, MI and Donner aim to inspire the next generation of artists. This collaboration aligns with both parties' commitment to innovation and excellence, enhancing MI's educational offerings and allowing us to get closer to our users. We are set to make a lasting impact on the music industry, ensuring students have the tools and opportunities to thrive." "I've had the pleasure of working closely with MI from the start of our partnership through various collaborations, witnessing the professionalism and passion that MI's faculty and students bring to music education, which aligns perfectly with Donner's mission." Hao Yan, Creative Strategy Director of Donner US, also shared his excitement. "Together, we're building a more vibrant and inclusive musical community. Our joint efforts aim to elevate the quality of music education and inspire the next generation of musicians who will shape the industry's future." On-Campus Donner Masterclasses Another cornerstone of this initiative will see Donner connect MI's students with experienced professionals who will provide an insider perspective on the music business through Donner-sponsored on-campus masterclasses. Led by an esteemed lineup of Donner Artists, the "Creating the Moment" masterclass series brought by Donner to MI has previously featured GRAMMY-nominated engineer and producer Yang Tan, GRAMMY-nominated guitarist ROCHA, talented MI Guitar program graduate Ruben Wan, and SoCal native drummer Andy Prado Jr. Donner is also committed to providing hands-on marketing and music enterprise internship opportunities to MI's students. Donner encourages the next generation of musicians to work at the forefront of the industry and learn about market demands, helping them develop essential business skills and prepare for their careers. Additionally, MI students will be able to enjoy exclusive discounts on high-quality gear from Donner.  The R&D Partnership With both MI and Donner positioned as leaders within the music industry, this new partnership will also explore joint projects related to instrument design, technology and pedagogy — with the potential for the partnership to yield exclusive custom Musicians Institute designs. The R&D portion of the partnership aims to enhance music education, improve instrument quality and contribute to the broader music industry. Throughout the partnership, MI students will be able to engage in real-world testing and provide feedback on new products, giving them a unique insight into the product development process in the music industry. A Special Donner Presence on MI's Campus The final facet of the partnership will see Donner's presence on the Musicians Institute campus, which is located on the famed Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. MI will provide a dedicated room, dubbed the Donner Room, for the brand to utilize and display its gear. For more information, please visit www.donnermusic.com, or connect with us on social media by following  @donnermusic_official. About Donner Founded in Guangzhou, China, Donner is a global leading manufacturer of innovative and high-quality music equipment, catering to musicians and music lovers around the world. With a commitment to innovation, craftsmanship, and playability, Donner continues to produce a diverse range of music gear, from synthesizers and effects pedals to guitars and audio interfaces. Visit DonnerMusic.com for more information. About Musicians Institute Founded in the heart of Hollywood, California, in 1977, Musicians Institute (MI) is a College of Contemporary Music built on the idea that musicians should teach — and learn from — other musicians in a creative, supportive environment. About Creating the Moment Series Brought by Donner to MI, the "Creating the Moment Series" is a series of on-campus masterclasses and clinics led by an esteemed lineup of Donner Artists. Previously featuring GRAMMY-nominated engineer and producer Yang Tan, GRAMMY-nominated guitarist ROCHA, talented MI Guitar program graduate Ruben Wan, and SoCal native drummer Andy Prado Jr., the series is designed to provide students with cutting-edge insights and techniques. By sharing their expertise, Donner artists help students stay ahead of industry trends and gain the practical knowledge needed to succeed in their musical careers.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 406 加入收藏 :
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