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符合「NVIDIA Omniverse」新聞搜尋結果, 共 34 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
洛克威爾自動化整合 NVIDIA Omniverse 引領自主化智造進程

Emulate3D 發揮 AI、數位分身雙優勢 前瞻新世代製造 【台北訊,2024 年 11 月 28 日】全球工業自動化與數位轉型的領導品牌洛克威爾自動化宣布將 NVIDIA Omniverse 應用介面(API)整合至旗下 Emulate3D™ 數位分身軟體,以 AI 和物理仿真模擬技術提升廠線營運效率。 數位分身藉由仿真模擬技術,強化設備開發與控制測試、降低啟用時間與風險。當設備與產線整合時,隨之擴大的模型規模帶來因專業知識封閉性、獨立元件間整合性的問題,儘管機台在系統層的互通性能克服部分挑戰,仍須仰賴系統級測試。同時,面對產線規模的擴增,數位分身面臨算力不足的瓶頸,自動化產業領導者更需借助可擴充的解決方案,以數位分身成功建構擴及全廠規模的模型。 洛克威爾自動化 Emulate3D 軟體採用最新 NVIDIA Omniverse 應用介面(API),基於通用場景描述(OpenUSD)的互通性和 NVIDIA RTX 渲染技術,創建工廠規模的動態數位分身,此次整合計畫預計於 2025 年初推出,加乘已具備視覺化功能的 Emulate3D,對系統中多台機器進行仿真模擬以及動態驗證,提供製造環境更強大的視覺化與模擬功能。 洛克威爾自動化董事長暨執行長 Blake Moret 表示:「Emulate3D 與 NVIDIA Omniverse 的整合象徵自主化營運的關鍵進程,洛克威爾自動化深厚的產業專業結合 NVIDIA 的前瞻技術,將助力客戶實現更高效、創新與協作力的製造流程。」 NVIDIA Omniverse 與模擬技術部門副總裁 Rev Lebaredian 表示:「AI 驅動的數位分身正在推動下一波數位製造和自動化浪潮,洛克威爾自動化的 Emulate3D 能有效協助製造商掌握工廠的即時視覺化、模擬和營運優化。」 洛克威爾自動化將工業自動化領域的專業知識,結合 Emulate3D 全方位建模能力與 NVIDIA Omniverse 平台,實現大規模工廠即時協作。製造商將受益於: •     Emulate3D 多模態技術實現超大規模化功能 •     基於雲端的部署選項利於彈性最大化 •     無綁定特定業者,製造商可廣泛使用於各 3D 應用程式 •     利益關係人可用統一的網頁應用程式建立視覺化呈現 Emulate3D™ 數位分身軟體協助作業人員預視潛在控制問題,並在不影響實際環境的情況下,於虛擬空間中完成新系統訓練、產能預測和產線變化模擬,有效縮短導入時間與節省資源,全面提升營運效率和精確度,實現動態靈活的管理方式。NVIDIA Omniverse 則結合建築軟體與數位分身技術,以可擴充性為設計基礎,協助開發人員將多元的工廠層級整合於綜合性模型中,提升工業設計與營運間的協調性,其中,通用場景描述(OpenUSD)框架和雲端部署可依專案彈性調整,滿足使用者的複雜需求。 藉助 NVIDIA Omniverse 無綁定特定業者、具可擴充性的優勢,Emulate3D 可組合多個動態數位分身,並透過網頁應用程式將工廠視覺化,滿足工程師於跨團隊協作中對全工廠規模的數位分身需求。這項解決方案提供消費性民生用品、餐飲、生命科學、半導體製造、汽車以及物料處理等具複雜且混合應用的產業更多價值。 關於洛克威爾自動化 洛克威爾自動化公司(NYSE:ROK)為工業自動化與數位轉型的全球領導品牌。結合想像力和科技的潛力,開創人類無限可能,打造高生產力與加倍永續化的世界。洛克威爾自動化總部位於美國威斯康辛州密爾瓦基市,旗下約有 27,000 名員工,致力服務遍布超過 100 國的客戶(統計截至 2024 財年)。如欲暸解更多我們如何在各工業企業中實現企業聯網(The Connected Enterprise)的相關資訊,請造訪 www.rockwellautomation.com/zh-tw.html

文章來源 : APEX 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4638 加入收藏 :
Supermicro推出適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的隨插即用 SuperCluster,為開發者提供可擴充的效能、彈性和資源最佳化性能

Supermicro機架解決方案能在單一可擴充單元內配置最多256個最先進的NVIDIA PCIe GPU,可最大化3D與AI工作負載效能,並針對NVIDIA Omniverse大規模部署最佳化 美國加州聖荷西和科羅拉多州丹佛2024年8月6日 /美通社/ -- SIGGRAPH 2024大會 -- Supermicro, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:SMCI)為AI、雲端、儲存和 5G/邊緣領域的全方位 IT 解決方案製造商,宣布推出可搭配NVIDIA Omniverse™平台的全新SuperCluster,擴增其SuperCluster隨插即用AI基礎架構解決方案組合,並能提供企業級的高效生成式AI強化型3D工作流程。此新型SuperCluster配置了最新Supermicro NVIDIA OVX™系統,並能讓企業在工作負載增加時輕鬆進行規模擴增。 Supermicro總裁暨執行長梁見後表示:「Supermicro在開發GPU最佳化產品方面領先業界,而這些產品可被運用在傳統的3D圖形與應用程式加速,以及現在的AI。隨著AI技術的興起,企業紛紛尋求能將上述所有處理功能整合至單一套件內的運算基礎架構。Supermicro的SuperCluster配置了完全互連的4U PCIe GPU NVIDIA認證系統(NVIDIA-Certified Systems™),針對NVIDIA Omniverse而設計,且每個可擴充單元最多可搭載256個NVIDIA L40S PCIe GPU。該系統可在包括生成式AI整合的Omniverse平台上幫助實現高效能。我們針對Omniverse開發此款SuperCluster,提供的不僅是產品,也創造出通往未來應用開發和創新的大門。」 欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:https://www.supermicro.com/ai-supercluster。 這款適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的SuperCluster 擴大了Supermicro應用最佳化 AI 機架解決方案陣容。許多專業人士都仰賴高度密集運算的3D工作流程,從產品設計到工業數位分身都在其適用範圍中。生成式AI強化了目前的3D 工作流程,並正推動著新時代的應用。同時,這款適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的SuperCluster有助於簡化橫向擴充基礎架構的部署,進而滿足3D和AI的多重工作負載需求。 13_PR_Image_2024_SuperCluster_Nvidia_Omniverse_R05 Supermicro NVIDIA OVX系統是叢集運算能力的基礎建構組件。每個系統節點最多可容納8個最新的NVIDIA PCIe GPU,提供3D圖形和虛擬實境的最高效能組合,並可透過Tensor Core和Transformer Engine的支援實現卓越的生成式AI效能。這些系統由4個2700W鈦金級電源供應器供電,而這些電源供應器全部安裝於高氣流式機箱內,以確保高使用率狀態下的穩定性。每個系統配置最多4個NVIDIA BlueField®-3 SuperNIC或4個NVIDIA ConnectX®-7 NIC,可提供多個400Gb/s網路連接埠,具有高度擴充性和安全性。 Supermicro的4U PCIe GPU系統已獲得NVIDIA認證,可搭配NVIDIA Omniverse使用,並通過嚴格的效能、可靠性、可擴充性和安全性測試驗證流程。企業組織可以在NVIDIA Omniverse開發平台內最大化不同類型工作負載的效能,其中也包括透過Omniverse Cloud API來建構虛擬世界的OpenUSD生態系統和生成式AI技術。 適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的SuperCluster是一款完全互連的基礎架構解決方案,助力確保開發者、藝術家、工程師等在需要時獲得最高等級的GPU運算能力,並無縫存取虛擬GPU或裸機存取整個系統節點。由NVIDIA Spectrum™-X乙太網路平台提供的400Gb/s高效能網路結構,使開發客製化大型語言模型的企業能夠存取並運用跨系統節點的GPU記憶體組合集區,這對於大型AI模型的訓練至關重要。 Supermicro經過驗證的機架解決方案包括從4個GPU到單組搭載256個GPU的可擴充單元,能透過單元擴增的方式因應任何企業規模類型。經過L12 等級測試完整驗證的隨插即用機架,在客戶收到的第一天就可立即部署使用。 從單個機架到企業級規模的高度客製化解決方案 適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的Supermicro SuperCluster可根據客戶要求,以不同的機型尺寸和選項進行部署。系統節點的每組系統可進行4個GPU或8個GPU的配置。部署規模包括由4個系統組成的單一機架,到搭載 32 個系統的5 組機架式可擴充單元。大型部署則能透過可擴充單元的增量,實現幾乎任何規模的叢集建置。 由NVIDIA Omniverse可擴充單元所組成的SuperCluster包含: 32個Supermicro SYS-421GE-TNRT(Dual-Root)或SYS-421GE-TNRT3(Direct-connect) PCIe GPU系統節點 256或128個NVIDIA L40S GPU 3個Supermicro SYS-121H-TNR Hyper System控制節點 3個400G 64埠NVIDIA Spectrum™ SN5600乙太網路運算結構交換器 2個400G 64埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN5600乙太網路儲存/控制結構交換器 2個1G 48埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN2201乙太網路管理交換器 NN NVIDIA BlueField-3 SuperNIC或NVIDIA ConnectX-7 NIC 5個機架:48U 750mm x 1200mm 適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的SuperCluster部署規模最小可為單一機架。機架配置包含: 4個Supermicro SYS-421GE-TNRT或SYS-421GE-TNRT3 PCIe GPU系統節點16或8個NVIDIA L40S GPU 2個Supermicro SYS-121H-TNR Hyper System控制節點 1個400G 64埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN5600乙太網路運算結構交換器 1個400G 64埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN5600乙太網路儲存/控制結構交換器 1個1G 48埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN2201乙太網路管理交換器 NN NVIDIA BlueField-3 SuperNIC或NVIDIA ConnectX-7 NIC 1個機架:48U 750mm x 1200mm 關於Super Micro Computer, Inc. Supermicro(納斯達克股票代碼:SMCI)為應用最佳化全方位IT解決方案的全球領導者。Supermicro的成立據點及營運中心位於美國加州聖荷西,致力為企業、雲端、AI和5G電信/邊緣IT基礎架構提供領先市場的創新技術。我們是全方位IT解決方案製造商,提供伺服器、AI、儲存、物聯網、交換器系統、軟體及支援服務。Supermicro的主機板、電源和機箱設計專業進一步推動了我們的發展與產品生產,為全球客戶實現了從雲端到邊緣的下一代創新。我們的產品皆由企業內部團隊設計及製造(在美國、亞洲及荷蘭),透過全球化營運實現極佳的規模與效率,並藉營運最佳化降低總體擁有成本(TCO),以及經由綠色運算技術減少環境衝擊。屢獲殊榮的Server Building Block Solutions®產品組合,讓客戶可以自由選擇這些具高度彈性、可重複使用且極為多元的建構式組合系統,我們支援各種外形尺寸、處理器、記憶體、GPU、儲存、網路、電源和散熱解決方案(空調、自然氣冷或液冷),因此能為客戶的工作負載與應用提供最佳的效能。 Supermicro、Server Building Block Solutions和We Keep IT Green皆為Super Micro Computer, Inc.的商標和/或註冊商標。 所有其他品牌、名稱和商標皆為其各自所有者之財產。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1129 加入收藏 :
Supermicro推出適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的隨插即用 SuperCluster,為開發者提供可擴充的效能、彈性和資源最佳化性能

Supermicro, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:SMCI)為AI、雲端、儲存和 5G/邊緣領域的全方位 IT 解決方案製造商,宣布推出可搭配NVIDIA Omniverse™平台的全新SuperCluster,擴增其SuperCluster隨插即用AI基礎架構解決方案組合,並能提供企業級的高效生成式AI強化型3D工作流程。此新型SuperCluster配置了最新Supermicro NVIDIA OVX™系統,並能讓企業在工作負載增加時輕鬆進行規模擴增。 Supermicro總裁暨執行長梁見後表示:「Supermicro在開發GPU最佳化產品方面領先業界,而這些產品可被運用在傳統的3D圖形與應用程式加速,以及現在的AI。隨著AI技術的興起,企業紛紛尋求能將上述所有處理功能整合至單一套件內的運算基礎架構。Supermicro的SuperCluster配置了完全互連的4U PCIe GPU NVIDIA認證系統(NVIDIA-Certified Systems™),針對NVIDIA Omniverse而設計,且每個可擴充單元最多可搭載256個NVIDIA L40S PCIe GPU。該系統可在包括生成式AI整合的Omniverse平台上幫助實現高效能。我們針對Omniverse開發此款SuperCluster,提供的不僅是產品,也創造出通往未來應用開發和創新的大門。」 欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:https://www.supermicro.com/ai-supercluster。 這款適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的SuperCluster 擴大了Supermicro應用最佳化 AI 機架解決方案陣容。許多專業人士都仰賴高度密集運算的3D工作流程,從產品設計到工業數位分身都在其適用範圍中。生成式AI強化了目前的3D 工作流程,並正推動著新時代的應用。同時,這款適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的SuperCluster有助於簡化橫向擴充基礎架構的部署,進而滿足3D和AI的多重工作負載需求。 Supermicro NVIDIA OVX系統是叢集運算能力的基礎建構組件。每個系統節點最多可容納8個最新的NVIDIA PCIe GPU,提供3D圖形和虛擬實境的最高效能組合,並可透過Tensor Core和Transformer Engine的支援實現卓越的生成式AI效能。這些系統由4個2700W鈦金級電源供應器供電,而這些電源供應器全部安裝於高氣流式機箱內,以確保高使用率狀態下的穩定性。每個系統配置最多4個NVIDIA BlueField®-3 SuperNIC或4個NVIDIA ConnectX®-7 NIC,可提供多個400Gb/s網路連接埠,具有高度擴充性和安全性。 Supermicro的4U PCIe GPU系統已獲得NVIDIA認證,可搭配NVIDIA Omniverse使用,並通過嚴格的效能、可靠性、可擴充性和安全性測試驗證流程。企業組織可以在NVIDIA Omniverse開發平台內最大化不同類型工作負載的效能,其中也包括透過Omniverse Cloud API來建構虛擬世界的OpenUSD生態系統和生成式AI技術。 適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的SuperCluster是一款完全互連的基礎架構解決方案,助力確保開發者、藝術家、工程師等在需要時獲得最高等級的GPU運算能力,並無縫存取虛擬GPU或裸機存取整個系統節點。由NVIDIA Spectrum™-X乙太網路平台提供的400Gb/s高效能網路結構,使開發客製化大型語言模型的企業能夠存取並運用跨系統節點的GPU記憶體組合集區,這對於大型AI模型的訓練至關重要。 Supermicro經過驗證的機架解決方案包括從4個GPU到單組搭載256個GPU的可擴充單元,能透過單元擴增的方式因應任何企業規模類型。經過L12 等級測試完整驗證的隨插即用機架,在客戶收到的第一天就可立即部署使用。 從單個機架到企業級規模的高度客製化解決方案 適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的Supermicro SuperCluster可根據客戶要求,以不同的機型尺寸和選項進行部署。系統節點的每組系統可進行4個GPU或8個GPU的配置。部署規模包括由4個系統組成的單一機架,到搭載 32 個系統的5 組機架式可擴充單元。大型部署則能透過可擴充單元的增量,實現幾乎任何規模的叢集建置。 由NVIDIA Omniverse可擴充單元所組成的SuperCluster包含: ·          32個Supermicro SYS-421GE-TNRT(Dual-Root)或SYS-421GE-TNRT3(Direct-connect) PCIe GPU系統節點 ·          256或128個NVIDIA L40S GPU ·          3個Supermicro SYS-121H-TNR Hyper System控制節點 ·          3個400G 64埠NVIDIA Spectrum™ SN5600乙太網路運算結構交換器 ·          2個400G 64埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN5600乙太網路儲存/控制結構交換器 ·          2個1G 48埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN2201乙太網路管理交換器 ·          NN NVIDIA BlueField-3 SuperNIC或NVIDIA ConnectX-7 NIC ·          5個機架:48U 750mm x 1200mm 適用於NVIDIA Omniverse的SuperCluster部署規模最小可為單一機架。機架配置包含: ·          4個Supermicro SYS-421GE-TNRT或SYS-421GE-TNRT3 PCIe GPU系統節點16或8個NVIDIA L40S GPU ·          2個Supermicro SYS-121H-TNR Hyper System控制節點 ·          1個400G 64埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN5600乙太網路運算結構交換器 ·          1個400G 64埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN5600乙太網路儲存/控制結構交換器 ·          1個1G 48埠NVIDIA Spectrum SN2201乙太網路管理交換器 ·          NN NVIDIA BlueField-3 SuperNIC或NVIDIA ConnectX-7 NIC ·          1個機架:48U 750mm x 1200mm

文章來源 : 香港商霍夫曼公關顧問股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3925 加入收藏 :
Supermicro Launches Plug-and-Play SuperCluster for NVIDIA Omniverse, Empowering Developers with Scalable Performance, Flexibility, and Resource Optimization

Supermicro Rack Solution Features up to 256 of the Most Advanced NVIDIA PCIe GPUs in One Scalable Unit to Maximize Performance for 3D & AI Workloads, Optimized for NVIDIA Omniverse Large Scale Deployments SAN JOSE, Calif. and DENVER, Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference -- Supermicro, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), a Total IT Solution Provider for AI, Cloud, Storage, and 5G/Edge, is announcing a new addition to its SuperCluster portfolio of plug-and-play AI infrastructure solutions for the NVIDIA Omniverse™ platform to deliver the high-performance generative AI-enhanced 3D workflows at enterprise scale. This new SuperCluster features the latest Supermicro NVIDIA OVX™ systems and allows enterprises to easily scale as workloads increase.  Supermicro SuperCluster for NVIDIA Omniverse "Supermicro has led the industry in developing GPU-optimized products, traditionally for 3D graphics and application acceleration, and now for AI," said Charles Liang, president and CEO of Supermicro. "With the rise of AI, enterprises are seeking computing infrastructure that combines all these capabilities into a single package. Supermicro's SuperCluster features fully interconnected 4U PCIe GPU NVIDIA-Certified Systems™ for NVIDIA Omniverse, with up to 256 NVIDIA L40S PCIe GPUs per scalable unit. The system helps deliver high performance across the Omniverse platform, including generative AI integrations. By developing this SuperCluster for Omniverse, we're not just offering a product; we're providing a gateway to the future of application development and innovation." For more information, please visit https://www.supermicro.com/ai-supercluster The SuperCluster for NVIDIA Omniverse broadens Supermicro's offerings of application-optimized AI rack solutions. A wide range of professionals depend on compute-intensive 3D workflows, with use cases ranging from product design to industrial digital twins. Generative AI has augmented existing 3D workflows and is supercharging a new era of applications. SuperCluster for NVIDIA Omniverse helps simplify the deployment of scale-out infrastructure for the multi-workload needs of 3D and AI. Supermicro NVIDIA OVX systems serve as the foundational building block of the cluster's compute power. Each system node hosts up to 8 of the latest NVIDIA PCIe GPUs that deliver the combination of highest 3D performance, and providing exceptional Generative AI performance via Tensor Cores and Transformer Engine support. Systems are powered by 4x 2700W Titanium Level PSUs, all within a high-airflow chassis, to ensure stability under high-utilization scenarios. Up to four BlueField®-3 SuperNICs or four NVIDIA ConnectX®-7 NICs per system provide 400Gb/s network speeds with high scalability and security. Supermicro's 4U PCIe GPU systems are fully NVIDIA-certified for NVIDIA Omniverse, passing a rigorous validation process that tests for performance, reliability, scalability, and security. Organizations can maximize performance across the diverse range of workloads within the NVIDIA Omniverse development platform, including the world-building OpenUSD ecosystem and generative AI technologies through Omniverse Cloud APIs. SuperCluster for NVIDIA Omniverse is a fully interconnected infrastructure solution that ensures designers, artists, engineers, and others can access the highest level of GPU computing at the time of need, with seamless access to virtual GPUs or bare-metal access to full system nodes. The 400Gb/s high-performance network fabric, supporting NVIDIA Spectrum™-X Ethernet, allows enterprises developing custom large language models to tap into a combined pool of GPU memory across system nodes, essential for training large AI models. Supermicro's validated rack solutions range from 4 GPUs to a 256 GPU Scalable Unit, which can be further multiplied to fit enterprises of any size. Customers receive thoroughly validated plug-and-play racks, tested at the L12 level and ready for use on day one. A Highly Customizable Solution, Sized from a Single Rack to an Enterprise-Scale A Supermicro SuperCluster for NVIDIA Omniverse can be deployed from a range of available sizes and options depending on the customer's requirements. System nodes can be equipped with either 4 GPUs per system or 8 GPUs per system. Deployments can be sized from a single rack with 4 systems to a scalable unit with 32 systems in 5 racks. Large deployments can be further incremented via scalable units to build clusters of virtually any size. SuperCluster for the NVIDIA Omniverse Scalable Unit contains: 32 Supermicro SYS-421GE-TNRT (Dual-Root) or SYS-421GE-TNRT3 (Direct-connect) PCIe GPU System nodes 256 or 128 NVIDIA L40S GPUs 3 Supermicro SYS-121H-TNR Hyper System control nodes 3 400G 64-port NVIDIA Spectrum™ SN5600 Ethernet compute fabric switches 2 400G 64-port NVIDIA Spectrum SN5600 Ethernet storage/control fabric switches 2 1G 48-port NVIDIA Spectrum SN2201 Ethernet management switch NN NVIDIA BlueField-3 SuperNICs or NVIDIA ConnectX-7 NICs 5 Racks: 48U 750mmx1200mm SuperCluster for NVIDIA Omniverse can be configured in deployment sizes as small as a single rack. A single-rack configuration contains: 4 Supermicro SYS-421GE-TNRT or SYS-421GE-TNRT3 PCIe GPU system nodes 16 or 8 NVIDIA L40S GPUs 2 Supermicro SYS-121H-TNR Hyper System control nodes 1 400G 64-port NVIDIA Spectrum SN5600 Ethernet compute fabric switches 1 400G 64-port NVIDIA Spectrum SN5600 Ethernet storage/control fabric switches 1 1G 48-port NVIDIA Spectrum SN2201 Ethernet management switch NN NVIDIA BlueField-3 SuperNICs or NVIDIA ConnectX-7 NICs 1 Rack: 48U 750mmx1200mm About Super Micro Computer, Inc.Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a global leader in Application-Optimized Total IT Solutions. Founded and operating in San Jose, California, Supermicro is committed to delivering first-to-market innovation for Enterprise, Cloud, AI, and 5G Telco/Edge IT Infrastructure. We are a Total IT Solutions manufacturer with server, AI, storage, IoT, switch systems, software, and support services. Supermicro's motherboard, power, and chassis design expertise further enables our development and production, enabling next-generation innovation from cloud to edge for our global customers. Our products are designed and manufactured in-house (in the US, Asia, and the Netherlands), leveraging global operations for scale and efficiency and optimized to improve TCO and reduce environmental impact (Green Computing). The award-winning portfolio of Server Building Block Solutions® allows customers to optimize for their exact workload and application by selecting from a broad family of systems built from our flexible and reusable building blocks that support a comprehensive set of form factors, processors, memory, GPUs, storage, networking, power, and cooling solutions (air-conditioned, free air cooling or liquid cooling). Supermicro, Server Building Block Solutions, and We Keep IT Green are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc. All other brands, names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 416 加入收藏 :
Delta Demonstrates Digital Twin Developed on NVIDIA Omniverse and Its Own Energy-efficient AI Server Power and Infrastructure Solutions at NVIDIA GTC

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Delta, a leading global provider of IoT-based Smart Green Solutions, announced its participation in the NVIDIA GTC AI conference to demonstrate its innovative digital twin platform, developed on NVIDIA Omniverse, aimed at enhancing its smart manufacturing capabilities. The showcase also includes Delta's ORV3 AI server infrastructure solution, featuring power supplies with efficiency up to 97.5%, and a broad portfolio of cutting-edge DC/DC converters, power chokes, and 3D Vapor Chambers designed to support GPU operations. Mark Ko, Delta's Vice Chairman, said, "We are honored to be the only power and thermal management solutions provider at NVIDIA GTC 2024, where we will showcase the NVIDIA Omniverse-powered digital twin we have developed, which underscores our superior expertise in next-generation electronics manufacturing. We look forward to helping transcend the boundaries of energy efficiency in the AI realm using the latest technologies." Rev Lebaredian, NVIDIA's Vice President of Omniverse and Simulation Technology, said "The new era of AI-powered manufacturing is marked by digital twins and synthetic data, which can enhance efficiency and productivity before actual production begins. By developing its digital platform on NVIDIA Omniverse, Delta can virtually link specific production lines and aggregate data from a diverse range of equipment and systems to create a digital twin of its operations. And with NVIDIA Isaac Sim, it can generate synthetic data to train its computer models to achieve 90% accuracy." Delta taps NVIDIA's cutting-edge solutions to help enable energy efficiency in GPU ecosystems. At NVIDIA GTC, in addition to the NVIDIA Omniverse-based digital twin, which Delta applies to specific production lines, the Company is also presenting an integrated Open Rack Version 3 (ORV3) solution for AI server infrastructure with server power supplies boasting energy efficiency as high as 97.5%. The solution also includes SD-WAN, Common Redundant Power Supply Units (CRPS) with 54Vdc output, ORV3 18kW / 33kW HPR Power Shelves, Battery Backup Unit (BBU), Mini UPS, and a liquid cooling system. A comprehensive portfolio of DC/DC converters, power chokes, and 3D Vapor Chambers, designed to support GPU ecosystems, is also part of the showcase. All are welcome at Delta's booth #1134 at NVIDIA GTC, a global AI developer conference running March 18-21 in the San Jose Convention Center, or visit the NVIDIA customer stories page to learn further about how Delta is using NVIDIA Omniverse. About Delta Delta, founded in 1971 and traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (Code: 2308), is a global leader in switching power supplies and thermal management products with a thriving portfolio of smart energy-saving systems and solutions in the fields of industrial automation, building automation, telecom power, data centre infrastructure, EV charging, renewable energy, energy storage and display, to nurture the development of smart manufacturing and sustainable cities. As a world-class corporate citizen guided by its mission statement, "To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow," Delta leverages its core competence in high-efficiency power electronics and its ESG-embedded business model to address key environmental issues, such as climate change. Delta serves customers through its sales offices, R&D centres and manufacturing facilities spread over close to 200 locations across 5 continents. Throughout its history, Delta has received various global awards and recognition for its business achievements, innovative technologies and dedication to ESG. Since 2011, Delta has been listed on the DJSI World Index of Dow Jones Sustainability™ Indices for 12 consecutive years. In 2020, 2022 and 2023, Delta was also recognized by CDP with double A List for its substantial contribution to climate change and water security issues and named Supplier Engagement Leader for its continuous development of a sustainable value chain for 6 consecutive years. For detailed information about Delta, please visit: www.deltaww.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 732 加入收藏 :
MEDICAL IP Is Creating Medical Digital Twins in Virtual Spaces, Powered by NVIDIA Omniverse

MEDIP PRO, a real-time digital twin implementation solution based on medical imaging, is now connected to NVIDIA Omniverse Maximize medical data scalability by sharing and simulating medical-imaging-based digital twins without time and space limitations SEOUL, South Korea and SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- MEDICAL IP (CEO Park Sang-Joon), a digital twin-based medical AI solution company, announced that MEDIP PRO, a medical imaging AI analysis and digital twin implementation software, is now connected to the NVIDIA Omniverse platform. Medical IP Among all software around the world, MEDIP PRO is the first and only case to combine medical software based on medical image data with Omniverse. The Omniverse development platform is optimized for developing custom 3D pipelines and simulating virtual worlds, including digital twins. Omniverse enables interoperability between 3D applications, using Universal Scene Description (USD), opening new industrial metaverse applications to customers and partners. MEDIP PRO's connection to NVIDIA Omniverse allows users to 3D-model medical images in real time in virtual spaces; and segment, edit, and design through artificial intelligence, allowing the expansion of internal information about the human body into a metaverse without time and space limitations. "Last year, we were selected as a Premier member of the NVIDIA Inception program based on our innovative technology to expand all classes of human structures into virtual spaces based on medical imaging—and have been in discussion to connect our technologies with NVIDIA's ever since," said CEO Park from MEDICAL IP. "With Omniverse, users around the world can more easily leverage MEDIP PRO to expand medical digital twins into the metaverse, which will maximize the competitiveness of our products." MEDIP PRO is a software that instantly models medical image data such as CT and MRI in 3D and immediately divides organs and lesions through AI to create digital twins of all kinds of anatomical structures that constitute the human body and expand them into virtual space. It has also secured competitiveness in the global market by completing approvals from the South Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as well as the US FDA and European CE. At present, MEDIP PRO is being supplied to university hospitals, medical schools, specialized medical high schools, medical device companies, and others. Many of the top-tier general hospitals in Korea, including Seoul National University Hospital, Samsung Medical Center, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Chung-Ang University Hospital, Pusan National University Hospital, and Chonnam National University Hospital. Institutions abroad, such as Mayo Clinic, UCLA, and Arizona State University, are also utilizing it. Through its connection to Omniverse, MEDIP PRO provides various functions, including real-time digital twin sharing; premium-level 3D visualization; virtual surgery simulation in a VR environment; epidemiological and blood-flow simulation; AR/VR augmentation of medical images and engineering analysis. Park Sang-Joon, CEO of MEDICAL IP, said, "MEDIP PRO is the first software product developed on Omniverse to address medical data, demonstrating its leadership in the 'healthcare metaverse' industry. Just as advances in medical imaging techniques and devices have enabled mankind to acquire information about the human body that cannot be seen with the naked eye, MEDICAL IP will lead progress and innovation in various medical areas such as surgery and treatment optimized for individual patients, drug delivery simulation, and monitoring by implementing the information contained in medical images as a digital twin and expanding it into a virtual space."

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3058 加入收藏 :
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