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研揚推出首款 NVIDIA Jetson Orin 開發套件:BOXER-8654AI-KIT,專為AI軟體開發者所設計

【臺北訊】專業物聯網及人工智慧邊緣運算平臺研發製造大廠—研揚科技(股票代碼: 6579),近日推出 BOXER-8654AI-KIT 開發套件。該套件配備 8GB 或 16GB 的 NVIDIA® Jetson Orin™ NX 模塊,為嵌入式解決方案的開發提供強大支援,充分滿足客戶從底層開發的需求。   研揚 BOXER 系列以其高性能與廣泛應用,成為 NVIDIA 推動嵌入式 AI 系統的領導品牌。本次推出的 BOXER-8654AI-KIT,為客戶提供了更多元的開發選擇與可能性。該開發套件擁有高標準的輸入輸出(I/O)配置,包括六個 USB 3.2 Gen 2 連接埠、一個 Out-of-Band (OOB) 管理埠及四個 LAN 連接埠,並可選購支援 PoE(乙太網供電)功能的版本,以滿足不同應用需求。   在顯示與影像應用方面,套件配備一個 HDMI Type-A 連接埠,以及兩個 MIPI CSI 連接埠,每個連接埠支援四路訊號輸出,可安裝多達兩個 MIPI 相機。其他 I/O 配置還包括兩個 DB-9 連接埠,一個支援 RS-232(RX/TX/GND)/422/485 信號,另一個支援 CANBus 介面。此外,還搭載相容 NVIDIA Jetson 的 40-pin 接口,提供 I2C、SPI、UART 及其他序列通訊支援,增強開發靈活性。   為滿足無線通訊與高效儲存需求,套件內建 M.2 E 和 B-key 插槽,支援 Wi-Fi 和 5G 模塊。其中 B-key 插槽還配備 SIM 卡插槽,以實現電信數據傳輸功能。與研揚系統組裝產品不同,BOXER-8654AI-KIT 採用 M.2 M-key 插槽支援高性能 NVMe SSD 儲存,並提供額外的 SATA 插槽,大幅提升儲存效能與選擇彈性。   此外,套件預載 NVIDIA Jetpack™ 6.0 SDK,內含 CUDA、cuDNN、TensorRT、OpenCV 和 DeepStream 等工具,並包括 Vulkan、VPI 及 NVIDIA Nsight 等完整開發資源,協助用戶進行高效能圖形運算、AI 推論與多媒體應用開發。對於追求最新 Jetpack 更新與軟體支援的開發者而言,這是理想之選。   更多BOXER-8654AI-KIT的產品資訊,您可以上產品頁面查詢,也可以於官網訂購,或與研揚科技國內業務處02-89191234分機1142劉小姐聯繫。有小量需求的客戶,可透過eShop購買。   關於研揚科技 研揚科技集團(AAEON)是台灣專業物聯智能解決方案研發製造大廠,成立於1992年。研發製造並行銷全球IoT及AI邊緣運算解決方案,另有嵌入式電腦主板及系統、工業液晶顯示器、強固型平板電腦、工控機、網路安全設備以及相關配件等,提供OEM/ODM客戶及系統整合商完整且專業之軟硬體解決方案。同時,研揚科技有專屬團隊提供客製化服務,協助您從研發初期發想到產品製作、量產到售後服務,提供一貫之專業諮詢與服務,為您量身打造高品質產品。研揚科技目前提供多款AI邊緣運算產品及智慧城市、智慧零售及智慧製造等系統整合和解決方案。研揚是英特爾鈦金級會員,同時也是NVIDIA的菁英級夥伴(Elite partner)。欲瞭解更多詳細資訊請參考研揚科技官方網站  

文章來源 : AAEON 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 11539 加入收藏 :
Aetina Embarks on Revolutionary Edge AI Enhancements with Super Mode Support for NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX and Nano Series

TAIPEI, Jan. 16, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Aetina, a leading provider of edge AI solutions, announces its comprehensive support for Super Mode, a feature introduced in the latest NVIDIA® Jetson Orin™ NX and Jetson Orin™ Nano modules. This enhancement, set to be enabled by the NVIDIA JetPack™ software development kit's 6.2 release this month, delivers up to 2x boost in generative AI inference performance, reinforcing powerful applications in computer vision, robotics, and local AI deployment. Super Mode transforms the operational capabilities of the Jetson Orin platforms by enhancing their processing performance and efficiency, making them ideal for demanding AI applications at the edge. With Super Mode, Jetson Orin NX and Orin Nano modules deliver up to a 70% increase in AI TOPS, allowing a wide spectrum of AI models to run, including LLMs, VLMs, and Vision Transformers (ViTs). Aetina's DeviceEdge series, including models AIE-CN/CO-1-S1, AIE-PN/PO-1-S1 and AIE-KN/KO-1-S1, are fully optimized to leverage these substantial enhancements, providing a formidable platform for enterprise and industrial AI solutions. Key Advancements with Super Mode: Boost AI Capabilities: Super Mode enables more complex generative AI models to run faster and more efficiently, ideal for versatile applications potential, including LLM chatbot, visual AI agent, AI-based robotics and proactive edge computing applications. Comprehensive Ecosystem Support: The rich NVIDIA software ecosystem combines essential development tools like NVIDIA Isaac, NVIDIA Metropolis, and NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, enabling developers to rapidly build and deploy sophisticated AI solutions with confidence. "As an Elite member of the NVIDIA Partner Network, Aetina is committed to bringing cutting-edge AI capabilities to the edge computing market," said Troy Lin, Senior Manager of Product Development at Aetina. "The integration of Super Mode for Jetson Orin NX and Orin Nano modules into our DeviceEdge series represents a significant leap forward in edge AI computing. It is more than just a performance upgrade - it's a strategic investment in future AI capabilities. Super Mode helps ensure our clients' AI infrastructure stays ahead of emerging technologies and future workload demands." With the NVIDIA JetPack 6.2 release, Aetina is poised to propel its clients into a new era of AI with enhanced capabilities that promise to revolutionize industrial and enterprise applications. Alongside the software updates, Aetina will launch new system models with Super Mode for Jetson Orin Nano modules in Q1 and Super Mode for Jetson Orin NX modules in Q2 2025 to accommodate the enhanced performance needs, ensuring system durability and reliability across a variety of operational conditions.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 435 加入收藏 :
華碩發表NVIDIA® Jetson邊緣AI解決方案

華碩智慧物聯網(ASUS IoT)今同步推出搭載NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin的PE2100N邊緣AI系統,以及內建NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX / Nano模組的 PE1101N,可成就最高275 TOPS AI算力,滿足機器視覺、自動導引車(AGV)、自主移動機器人(AMR)與智慧影像分析等工業應用需求,並能以更快的速度、更高的安全性和更低的成本執行邊緣運算! ASUS IoT PE2100N系列 全新ASUS IoT PE2100N採用SWaP優化設計,同時具備-25°C至70°C的寬溫範圍,搭配由NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin帶來的強大AI推論效能,以及安靜穩定的散熱風扇,可因應各式繁重作業,如:分揀機、自動化光學檢測(AOI)、瑕疵檢測或物體辨識等;而無風扇機種則適用於採礦及工廠等嚴苛環境。 PE2100N配備NVIDIA ARM架構CPU與嵌入式GPU,是支援高能源效率自動機器的不二之選;再加上全方位I/O套件,包括:CANBus、LAN及PoE連接埠,無論在交通管理、智慧安防或路側設備應用皆適得其所;此外,PE2100N還兼具彈性十足的擴充力,像是可相容NVMe儲存裝置的M.2插槽、5G模組,以提供無與倫比的使用體驗。 PE2100N亦支援最新NVIDIA JetPack 6軟體開發套件(SDK),不僅能立即投入生產,更結合易於升級的AI運算功能、多樣化的Linux發行版選項,以及無懈可擊的安全性;隨附的Jetson平台,近期將釋出自訂服務套件,可大幅增進在NVIDIA Jetson Orin系統模組開發AI應用的效率。 ASUS IoT PE1101N系列 尺寸精巧的ASUS IoT PE1101N,機身僅130 x 90.2 x 72 mm,內建豐富功能特別適合智慧城市、運輸及製造領域,和在空間有限的環境中部署電動汽車充電樁、行人與乘客安全性等相關應用;完備的連接埠則能對應多種工業場域:實現遠端I/O感測/擴展裝置通訊的CANBus、GPIO及RJ45 Gigabit乙太網路;此外,PE1101N還擁有可新增WiFi與Bluetooth®模組的M.2 E Key,以及加大儲存裝置的M.2 M key,其中無線模組能確保雲端連線流暢無阻,外接M.2 2242 NVMe可快速傳輸資料,提供充足的儲存空間,是打造超迷你邊緣AI運算裝置時,無可取代的關鍵利器! 更多詳細資訊請參考:https://iot.asus.com

文章來源 : ASUS 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5470 加入收藏 :
ASUS IoT Unveils Comprehensive Edge AI and AIoT Portfolio Powered by NVIDIA Jetson at Computex 2024

PE2100N series and PE1101N edge AI solutions, based on the NVIDIA Jetson platform, engineered for diverse industrial applicationsSINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 18 June 2024 - ASUS IoT, the global AIoT solution provider, today announced at Computex 2024 the launch of its PE2100N-series edge AI systems, powered by NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin, and PE1101N series, powered by the NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX or NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano modules. The new series, powered by the comprehensive NVIDIA Jetson Orin lineup that offers up to 275 TOPS of AI performance, provide AI developers with streamlined and effortlessly configurable systems to fulfill diverse industrial applications, including machine vision, automated guided vehicles (AGV), autonomous mobile robots (AMR), and intelligent video-analytics applications, and empowers them to process data at the edge with faster speed, stronger security, and significant cost savings — outperforming traditional cloud methods. ASUS IoT PE2100N series: High-performance edge AI systems with the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin The all-new ASUS IoT PE2100N series features a SWaP-optimized design, enduring temperatures ranging from -25°C to 70°C, and is engineered for powerful AI inferencing using the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin. The efficient and quiet fan-cooled PE2101N caters to intense processing needs in industrial applications like sorting machinery, automated optical inspection (AOI), defect inspection, and object recognition. The fanless PE2100N is designed for demanding environments such as mining and factories. Leveraging an NVIDIA Arm-based CPU and an embedded GPU, the PE2100N series is excellent for powering energy-efficient autonomous machines. Equipped with a suite of comprehensive I/O option, including CANBus, LAN, and PoE ports, the series is ideal for traffic management, intelligent security and roadside unit applications. For enhanced functionality, PE2100N series also offers multiple expansion capabilities, including M.2 slots for NVMe storage and 5G modules. The PE2100N series supports the latest NVIDIA JetPack 6 software development kit (SDK), which is now production-ready with easy-to-upgrade AI compute, a greater selections of Linux distros and enhanced platform security. NVIDIA JetPack 6 also includes new Jetson Platform Services, which will soon be available with a suite of pre-built and customizable services designed to accelerate AI application development on NVIDIA Jetson Orin system-on-modules. ASUS IoT PE1101N series: Mini, fanless edge AI systems with Jetson Orin NX and Orin Nano With ultra-compact dimensions of 130 x 90.2 x 72 mm, the latest ASUS IoT PE1101N series provides maximum versatility, allowing for easy deployment in space-constrained environments in smart cities, transportation, and manufacturing for applications such as EV chargers, pedestrian and occupant safety, and more. PE1101N series is equipped with extensive connectivity ports for diverse industrial purposes, including CANBus, GPIO and RJ45 gigabit Ethernet for remote I/O sensing devices and extended device communications. The series also benefits from an M.2 E-key for the addition of a WiFi and Bluetooth® module, and an M.2 M-key for added storage. The wireless module ensures seamless cloud connectivity, while the external M.2 2242 NVMe with fast data transmission empowers sufficient data storage for edge computing – and is the ideal choice for an ultra-compact edge AI computing device. Trust ASUS IoT: Comprehensive product and technical support long into the future ASUS IoT has extensive R&D experience and a robust supply chain, offering long-term product and technical support to customers. Both PE2100N series and PE1101N series early samples will be ready from August 2024. For more information, please contact a local sales team or visit https://iot.asus.com. Hashtag: #ASUSThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About ASUSASUS is a global technology leader that provides the world's most innovative and intuitive devices, components and solutions to deliver incredible experiences that enhance the lives of people everywhere. With its team of 5,000 in-house R&D experts, ASUS is world-renowned for continuously reimagining today's technologies for tomorrow, garners more than 11 awards every day for quality, innovation and design, and is ranked among Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies. About ASUS IoTASUS IoT is a sub-brand of ASUS dedicated to the creation of incredible solutions in the fields of AI and IoT. Our mission is to become a trusted provider of embedded systems and a partner in the AIoT solutions ecosystem. ASUS IoT strives to deliver best-in-class products and services across diverse vertical markets – providing convenient and efficient environments for people everywhere.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1477 加入收藏 :
DFI Unveils the Upcoming New Edge AI Box Powered by NVIDIA Jetson Orin™ and Intel® Core™ Ultra Processor

X6-MTH-ORN: A Compact, Advanced AI System with Lower Power Consumption TAIPEI, June 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DFI, the world's leading brand in embedded motherboards and industrial edge computers, is thrilled to unveil the Upcoming innovation, the X6-MTH-ORN Edge AI Box Computer. Combining the formidable power of Nvidia Jetson Orin NX with the Intel® Core™ Ultra Processor, this groundbreaking device delivers unparalleled performance and efficiency for AI-driven applications including GPU computing, machine learning and image processing. With processing power scaling up to 100 TOPS (Trillion Operations Per Second), DFI's X6-MTH-ORN boasts OOB Remote Management, facilitating remote system on/off, BIOS updates, and additional functionalities. It further provides an optional MXM-compatible slot and incorporates a white frame meticulously designed to enhance visibility within industrial environments. These innovations strategically position the X6-MTH-ORN to revolutionize edge computing across a spectrum of AIOT applications. In an IDC research report, the AI market is projected to experience exponential growth up to 500 billion USD in 2027, driven by the increasing adoption of AI-powered solutions across various sectors. The X6-MTH-ORN will position DFI at the forefront of this transformative trend, providing businesses with the tools they need to thrive in the era of AI-driven innovation. "We are excited to introduce the X6-MTH-ORN, our most advanced Edge AI Box Computer to date," said Alexander Su, President of DFI. "With the fusion of Nvidia's cutting-edge Jetson Orin AI engine and Intel's powerful Core Ultra Processor, the X6-MTH-ORN sets a new standard for edge computing capabilities." The X6-MTH-ORN is designed to meet the increasing demand for high-performance edge computing solutions in industries such as manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and smart cities. Its robust processing capabilities enable real-time data analysis, inference, and decision-making at the edge, empowering businesses to harness the full potential of AI technology. With DFI's Out-of-Band (OOB) remote management, four M.2 expansion slots, an optional MXM compatible slot, multiple display ports, and support for USB3.2, RJ45 GbE ports, micro USB, Serial, and CAN bus, the X6-MTH-ORN is tailored for AI-focused system integrators to facilitating AI edge computing tasks, and streamlining their product launch timelines effortlessly. For more information, please visit: LinkedIn or contact us.  Media Contact  Eva Chen eva.chen@dfi.com Evelyn Chang evelyn.chang@dfi.com 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 339 加入收藏 :
研揚BOXER-8645AI搭載NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin,車載與AMR領域的優秀選擇

【臺北訊】專業物聯網及人工智慧邊緣運算平臺研發製造大廠—研揚科技(股票代碼: 6579),今日推出一款搭載NVIDIA® Jetson Orin™的嵌 入式AI系統產品的新成員,BOXER-8645AI。BOXER-8645AI以NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™模組為核心,並首次將GMSL2引入BOXER系列, 搭配FAKRA連接器,最多可支援8個GMSL2接口,實現高速頻寬的影像傳輸。   e-con Systems™是一家領先的鏡頭解決方案供應商,專注於設計、製造、測試和提供先進相機解決方案,研揚與e-con Systems™攜手合 作,提供與BOXER-8645AI相容的高品質周邊裝置。作為這項合作的一部分,e-con System的NileCAM25全高清全域快門GMSL2彩色鏡頭獲 得了認證,當安裝在BOXER-8645AI上時,可提供1毫秒快速反應時間的同步超高解析度圖像。 藉GMSL2接口的加入以及e-con Systems外接鏡頭的可靠品質,BOXER-8645AI 實現了極低延遲的影像傳輸,並且提高了在15公尺的範圍內推理的準確性。另外,系統的NVMe支援進一步增強了這些優勢,透過M.2 2280 M-Key插槽,可產生更高的數據傳輸速率和多任務處理能力,適用於AMR/AGV、監控、零售和工廠自動化等應用場景。 值得一提的是,BOXER-8645AI已通過E-Mark認證,符合軍規振動及落下標準,並支援隔離的CANBus、9軸感測器和GNSS,確保在自主移動機器人(AMR)場景中穩定運作。此外,它還支援廣泛使用的通訊協定,包括總共四個DB-9埠,用於DIO以及兩個RS-232(Rx/Tx/CTS/RTS)/RS-485連接。 介面設計包括支援RJ-45埠的10G LAN和GbE LAN,此外,還可擴展另外八個GbE LAN,用於連接多種感測器,如LiDAR,以供AI辨識用途。同時,透過四個USB 3.2 Gen 2和一個HDMI 2.0,可以進一步實現有線連接。 BOXER-8645AI提供M.2 2230 E-Key和M.2 3052 B-Key插槽,讓用戶可以根據需求分別安裝Wi-Fi和LTE模組。同時,BOXER-8645AI的NVMe儲存容量與最高64GB的eMMC記憶體和兩個2.5吋SATA硬碟相匹配。 在機構特性方面,BOXER-8645AI的設計極度耐用。針對大型車輛,如公車、執法單位或裝甲車等使用場景,BOXER-8645AI具備9V至36V寬輸入電壓範圍,並具備點火延遲開/關功能,同時符合MIL-STD-810G軍規級防摔測試的標準。 BOXER-8645AI能夠在惡劣的環境條件下可靠運作,擁有-25°C至65°C的寬溫設計,並已通過E-Mark認證。 研揚智慧平台產品處的資深協理薛紹周表示:「研揚一直秉持著不斷改進的理念,這不僅包括提供客戶具有最先進NVIDIA GPU架構的解決方案,同時也透過設計創新,為客戶提供能發揮市場潛力的功能。我們深知在車載市場中導入GMSL2的優勢,並與e-con Systems建立了牢固的合作關係,對其產品品質充滿信心。因此,我們迫不及待地期待著BOXER-8645AI與NileCAM25的組合能夠如何幫助客戶改進他們目前的解決方案。」 e-con Systems工業事業部門的業務總監Gomathi Sankar表示:「這次合作凸顯了e-con Systems的GMSL相機與研揚智慧平台產品的相容性,能夠協助BOXER-8645AI擴充其功能,我們對此次合作感到非常興奮。同時,它也展示了e-con Systems有能力提供同步、低延遲的高清影像解決方案,在室內、室外自主移動應用、農業車輛、智慧交通管理等應用中具有影響力的產品。我們與研揚攜手努力,旨在重新定義行業標準,為客戶提供先進的影像傳輸能力,提高AI推理的準確性,並實現在更遠距離下進行高效能運算的處理。」 更多BOXER-8645AI的產品資訊,您可以上研揚官網查詢,也可以於官網訂購,或與研揚科技國內業務處02-89191234分機1142劉小姐聯繫。現在BOXER-8651AI也同時在研揚eShop上販售,有小量需求的客戶,可透過eShop購買。 關於研揚科技 研揚科技集團(研揚)是台灣專業物聯智能解決方案研發製造大廠,成立於1992年。研發製造並行銷全球IoT及AI邊緣運算解決方案,另有嵌入式電腦主板及系統、工業液晶顯示器、強固型平板電腦、工控機、網路安全設備以及相關配件等,提供OEM/ODM客戶及系統整合商完整且專業之軟硬體解決方案。同時,研揚科技有專屬團隊提供客製化服務,協助您從研發初期發想到產品製作、量產到售後服務,提供一貫之專業諮詢與服務,為您量身打造高品質產品。研揚科技目前提供多款AI邊緣運算產品及智慧城市、智慧零售及智慧製造等系統整合和解決方案。研揚是英特爾鈦金級會員,同時也是NVIDIA的菁英級夥伴(Elite partner)。欲瞭解更多詳細資訊請參考研揚科技官方網站 關於e-con Systems 成立於2003年,e-con Systems是一間專注於嵌入式視覺方案的全球供應商,並提供OEM鏡頭解決方案,如MIPI鏡頭模組、GMSL鏡頭、USB 3.1 Gen 1鏡頭、飛行時間鏡頭等。適用於零售、醫療、工業、農業、智慧城市產業等應用。

文章來源 : AAEON 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1461 加入收藏 :
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