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符合「NDT」新聞搜尋結果, 共 37 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Vieworks' Bendable X-ray Detectors to Redefine NDT (Non-destructive testing) Market at ASNT 2023

ANYANG, South Korea, Oct. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Vieworks, an industry-leading innovator in x-ray imaging solutions, is set to exhibit at the renowned ASNT (American Society for Nondestructive Testing) conference for the first time in 2023. The company's ambition is to introduce its state-of-the-art x-ray detectors to the US non-destructive testing market. The exhibition will take place from October 23rd to 25th in Austin, Texas (Vieworks booth: 921). Vieworks' New Bendable series for NDT Vieworks' showcase will feature its advanced flexible x-ray detectors (VIVIX-V 2530F, VIVIX-V 3643F) and the groundbreaking bendable x-ray detectors (VIVIX-V 1025B and VIVIX-V 1043B). The latter has already created waves in the European market after its debut at ECNDT earlier this year. The key features of the bendable detectors are set to change the landscape of non-destructive testing. Boasting a superior resolution with a 99-micrometer pixel pitch, these detectors present an unmatched advantage by greatly reducing distortion, especially on curved surfaces. Their innovative design allows them to be attached closely to non-flat surfaces, which translates to pristine image quality, even in the most challenging terrains. Moreover, these detectors are proficient in both front and rear inspection, underscoring their wide-ranging applications in the field. In a recent discussion about Vieworks' participation at ASNT, Mr. Hong, Vice President of Vieworks, expressed his enthusiasm. "Exhibiting at ASNT is a pivotal moment for Vieworks. It's our gateway to introducing our cutting-edge technology to the US market. Our bendable x-ray detectors, with their superior resolution and adaptability, are set to redefine non-destructive testing. We're not just showcasing a product; we're introducing a revolution."  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2114 加入收藏 :
Applus+ in Australia partners with Abyss Solutions to revolutionize Non-Destructive Testing with Artificial Intelligence

HOUSTON, Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Applus+, a global leader in the Inspection, Testing and Certification sector, is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Abyss Solutions (Abyss), a cutting-edge provider of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine-learning solutions for inspection and maintenance. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in advancing Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) capabilities through the integration of AI-driven technologies. By bringing together the extensive experience of Applus+ in NDT with Abyss' innovative AI algorithms and software platforms, this collaboration aims to revolutionize asset inspection processes, enabling faster, more accurate, and data-driven decision-making. "We are excited to partner with Abyss Solutions to unlock the full potential of artificial intelligence within inspection and testing," said Adam Alessandrino, Executive Vice President of the Pacific region at Applus+. "By integrating AI-driven technologies into our inspection processes, we are well positioned to deliver unparalleled value to our clients by enhancing efficiency, reliability, and safety." Through this partnership, Applus+ and Abyss will focus on developing AI-powered inspection solutions that enable predictive maintenance, asset optimization, and risk mitigation for clients across various industries, including oil and gas, mining, manufacturing, and infrastructure across the Pacific and South-East Asia "We are thrilled to collaborate with Applus+, a global leader in Inspection, Testing, and Certification services," said Gary Hill, Regional Director at Abyss Solutions. "By leading a disruption in the inspection industry, Applus+ is addressing challenges once considered unsolvable due to workforce shortages. We are excited to partner with them on this transformative journey." About Applus+: Applus+ is one of the world's leading and most innovative companies in the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) sector, offering a broad portfolio of services and solutions for customers across various industries. Its solutions ensure that assets and products meet quality, health & safety and environmental standards and regulations, while also enhancing performance. Headquartered in Spain, the company operates in more than 70 countries and employs over 26,000 people. The Applus+ Group drives profitable revenue growth through sustainable services and digitalisation at all levels. About Abyss Solutions: Abyss is pioneering the future of inspection at scale, providing products and solutions that enables autonomous robots to capture and analyze data at an unprecedented level. Its industry-leading technology is pushing the boundaries of the possible, going beyond the status quo to deliver billions of dollars in risk reduction for some of the world's biggest companies. We've curated the brightest minds in autonomy who strive to help protect the world's most valuable assets and resources, delivering the insights needed to inform preventative maintenance programs, exceed health and safety targets, and significantly reduce CO₂.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 488 加入收藏 :

基隆2024年10月8日 /美通社/ -- 國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司(TRC)全新E500型電力機車,日前於七堵車站舉辦啟航儀式,在交通部政務次長陳彥伯的見證下,由第三方獨立驗證與認證機構DEKRA德凱董事總經理李俊儀頒發IV&V證書給臺鐵機務處處長鄭國璽,象徵E500的測試與調校均已圓滿達成,確保安全可以正式投入營運。 交通部政務次長陳彥伯的見證下,DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀(左一)頒發IV&V證書予臺鐵機務處處長鄭國璽(右一) 臺鐵公司為提高鐵路運輸能力以及汰換老舊車輛啟動10年購車計畫,向日本東芝基礎設施系統株式會社(Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation)採購68輛E500型電力機車。自2023年起陸續交車,E500型電力機車在設計、製造到交運至台灣進行嚴格測試與調整,同時委託DEKRA德凱認證股份有限公司進行獨立驗證與認證(Independent Verification and Validation, IV&V),在臺鐵公司、日本東芝及DEKRA德凱公司歷經12個月的嚴格測試與調整,逐項確認列車各項性能均符合國際標準後,成功取得德國第三方專業機構DEKRA德凱所頒發獨立驗證與認證IV&V證書,達到商業運轉的目標。 臺鐵總經理馮輝昇表示,E500型電力機車為臺鐵最新型高性能電力機車,將逐步取代老舊的GE機車與PP機車,除可取代推拉式機車外,亦可用於牽引莒光號、鳴日號及環島之星等列車。E500不僅大幅提升動力也具備更多安全與節能的設計,如三合一停車緊急按鈕、火災偵測自動滅火系統、行車監視系統、全車環景攝影機及車內CCTV保全錄影等,未來逐步投入營運後將可大幅提升旅運安全及效率,為廣大旅客帶來更好的乘坐體驗。 DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀表示,非常榮幸DEKRA德凱以第三方專業且獨立驗證與認證機構身分確保臺鐵完成此專案目標,這是繼六月台鐵R200型柴電機車取得DEKRA德凱的IV&V證書後,再度見證E500型電力機車也順利通過功能安全驗證並正式上線運轉。DEKRA德凱臺灣鐵路服務部總監崔皓翔則表示,第三方獨立驗證與認證IV&V常用於超大型且複雜型的專案中以確保符合安全及品質要求,此次臺鐵E500型電力機車便是根據國際標準EN 50126、EN 50128、EN 50129和IEC 61508原則與要求,檢驗機車在設計、製造、檢驗、接受與保固期間所進行之工作,能符合系統保證目標,並滿足營運與安全性目標。 DEKRA德凱鐵道認證服務,具有獨家的鐵道實驗中心及多樣化工業實驗室的分析技術支持,提供一般鐵路、高鐵、輕軌、地鐵驗證認證服務,擁有各種必要認可資格及各國特許資格,涵蓋整個專案生命週期中各個階段,從概念設計、製造、測試及系統整合直到完工營運與維修,包括鐵道全系統認證和評估服務、獨立驗證與認證/獨立查證與確證(IV&V)、獨立安全評估(ISA)、號誌系統ERTMS/ETCS驗證與認證、非破壞檢測(NDT)、輪軌最佳化分析、鐵道設備狀態即時監控等,可提供客戶更加貼近需求的解決方案,與客戶攜手共創滿足業務及安全需求的鐵路資產與設施。 關於DEKRA德凱DEKRA德凱成立於1925年,旨在透過車輛檢驗確保道路安全。如今DEKRA 德凱的業務範圍更加廣泛,是在測試、檢驗和認證領域的最大的獨立非上市專家組織。作為一家提供全方位服務和解決方案的全球服務商,我們助力企業提升安全、保障和可持續性發展績效。2023 年,DEKRA德凱營業總額達到41億歐元,業務遍佈世界5大洲60多個國家和地區,逾49,000名員工致力於提供獨立的專家服務。DEKRA德凱連續榮獲EcoVadis鉑金評級,位列前1%的可持續發展公司之列。Website: https://www.dekra.com.tw/

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 727 加入收藏 :
Invitation: ACE Solution to Showcase Latest Semiconductor and Silicon Photonics Technologies at SEMICON Taiwan 2024

ACE Solution will participate in SEMICON Taiwan 2024 from September 4th to 6th Location: TaiNEX Hall 1 Booth: K3076 @HON. PRECISION   We will showcase the latest achievements in semiconductors and silicon photonics during the exhibition. ACE Solution will introduce the following solutions: 👉 Teradyne ETS Compound Semiconductor Testing: The industry’s highest-spec power IC testing platform accommodates a wide range of IC types, with testing capabilities reaching 6000V and 4000A. This platform addresses the challenges of high-current and high-voltage testing, particularly in electric vehicle power and battery management applications.   👉 TZ-6000 Non-Destructive Wafer and Material Inspection: Utilizing Terahertz (THz) technology, this solution offers superior penetration depth compared to silicon, silicon carbide, and gallium nitride for semiconductor wafers. It provides non-destructive measurements of wafer quality, including thickness, refractive index, resistivity, dielectric constant, surface/subsurface defects at selected locations, and full-wafer scanning.   👉 EOTPR Non-Destructive Testing for 3DIC Advanced Packaging: The Electro-Optical Terahertz Pulse Reflectometry (EOTPR) system delivers 5-micron accuracy for fault analysis in complex and advanced IC packaging, such as Package-on-Package (PoP), Flip-Chip, and Through-Silicon Via (TSV) in 3D packaging. EOTPR is widely adopted in advanced IC packaging fault analysis and is extensively deployed in quality assurance and inspection within manufacturing environments.   👉 Photonic Integrated Silicon Photonics Testing: In collaboration with Hon Precision, ACE Solution offers a highly integrated electro-optical signal testing system architecture. This solution supports high-capacity, high-channel testing to meet the demands of high-speed data transmission and increased data center traffic. Integrating photonics and electronics significantly enhances transmission rates while reducing power consumption, leading to improved testing efficiency.   We will also be organizing booth tours during the exhibition. Due to limited availability, spots will be arranged based on actual conditions, so please register early:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5vtgle1wl4dIxliik12YMNnObdqAFD7DwdBYVIxaxMWqlxQ/viewform?fbzx=-6591255857878872603   We welcome partners from all sectors to visit and discuss technical and business cooperation. 📢 Follow ACE Group LinkedIn, to stay updated with the news!       For media inquiries, please contact: ADVANCED COMM.ENGINEERING SOLUTION CO., LTD. Peter Lee, Jenny Lin Address: 2F-1, No.28, Taiyuan street, Jhubei City, Hsinchu County, 302, Taiwan Telephone: +886 3 5500909 #3801, +886 3 5500909 #3407 E-mail: service@acesolution.com.tw Website: https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/   About ACE Solution Established in 2000, ACE Solution (https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/) is headquartered in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, with branch offices strategically located in Suzhou and Shenzhen, China. Our company is dedicated to delivering tailored test solutions that cater to our customers' specific requirements in electrical components, devices, and system manufacturing. Furthermore, we collaborate with our esteemed partners to provide comprehensive technology solutions. At ACE Solution, we specialize in RF, mmWave, and terahertz technologies, boasting an accomplished technical expert team offering unparalleled support. Our commitment to professionalism, innovation, and versatility enables us to offer cutting-edge, integrated techniques and solutions. By leveraging our expertise, we empower our clients to overcome technological challenges and achieve their desired outcomes efficiently and effectively.  

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 986 加入收藏 :
敬邀:筑波科技參與SEMICON Taiwan 2024 展示最新半導體及矽光子技術

筑波科技將於2024年9月4日至9月6日參加SEMICON Taiwan 2024。 展會地點:台北南港展覽館一館 攤位:K3076 @鴻勁精密   展覽期間,筑波科技將展示我們在半導體及矽光子領域的最新成果,並介紹以下先進方案: 👉 Teradyne ETS 化合物半導體測試:為業界最高規格之功率IC測試平台,廣納不同IC類型,最高測試可以達到6000V、4000A,可解決因應高電流、高電壓測試需求的挑戰,特別是在電動車的電源、電池管理等應用。 👉 TZ-6000 非破壞性晶圓和材料檢測:太赫茲 (THz) 技術針對半導體晶圓能比矽、碳化矽和氮化鎵有更高的穿透深度。針對厚度、折射率、電阻率、介電常數、選定位置表面/次表面缺陷和整個晶圓掃描達成非破壞性晶圓品質測量。 👉 EOTPR 3DIC高階封裝非破壞性檢測:電光太赫茲脈衝反射儀 (EOTPR) 提供 5 微米的定位精准度以解決在手機和電腦應用中複雜且先進積體電路晶片封裝的故障分析,其應用的封裝形式如堆疊式封裝層迭 (PoP)、覆晶(Flip-Chip)和 3D 封裝中的矽通孔 (TSV)。目前 EOTPR已經廣泛的被先進 IC 封裝故障分析業界所使用,並且這項技術已在品質保證與檢驗的製造環境中大量部署。 👉 光電整合矽光子測試:筑波科技與鴻勁精密合作,提供光電整合,提供集成度高,混合的光電信號一體化的測試系統架構技術。滿足高容量、高通道的測試,滿足產品在高速傳輸需求及數據中心流量提升之需求。光電結合,極大提升傳輸速率和降低能號達到測試效率。   我們將安排Booth Tour,名額有限,將依實際狀況安排,請及早報名:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5vtgle1wl4dIxliik12YMNnObdqAFD7DwdBYVIxaxMWqlxQ/viewform?fbzx=-6591255857878872603   歡迎各界夥伴蒞臨攤位,與我們討論技術及商業合作。 📢 請追蹤筑波集團LinkedIn,掌握最新消息!   聯絡筑波科技 筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址:新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話:03-5500909 電子郵件:service@acesolution.com.tw 網站:https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/   關於筑波科技(ACE Solution) 筑波科技(https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/)成立於2000年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳以及越南設有分公司,可提供服務。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案,以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,通過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲領域,擁有專業的技術支援團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3618 加入收藏 :

DEKRA德凱為守護安全努力不懈,安全是我們的首要之務 台北2024年6月28日 /美通社/ -- 國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司(TRC)全新R200型柴電機車,獲得德國第三方專業機構DEKRA德凱所頒發獨立驗證與認證IV&V證書,成功通過功能安全驗證並於六月中旬正式投入營運。 臺鐵公司為提高鐵路運輸能力以及汰換老舊車輛啟動10年購車計畫,向瑞士商施泰德鐵路公司(Stadler Bussnang AG)採購R200型柴電機車。R200型柴電機車在設計、製造到交運至台灣經過1年嚴格測試與調整,委託DEKRA德凱認證股份有限公司,進行柴電機車獨立驗證與認證(Independent Verification and Validation),根據國際標準EN 50126、EN 50128、EN 50129和IEC 61508原則與要求,檢驗機車在設計、製造、檢驗、接受與保固期間所進行之工作,能符合系統保證目標,並滿足營運與安全性目標。 臺鐵總經理馮輝昇(右四)與DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀(左三)於頒證時合影 臺鐵總經理馮輝昇接受DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀頒發DEKRA IV&V證書時表示,R200型柴電機車為臺鐵首款購入的歐系高性能柴電機車,肩負貨運與緊急救援等需求,在臺鐵公司人員及DEKRA德凱鐵道技術專家的驗證與見證下,經過長時間功能安全驗證,使安全設計與營運維修性能達到最佳狀態以進行商業運轉,預期34輛柴電新車陸續上線營運後,將可大幅提高貨運運輸安全及效率,降低運輸成本,增加貨商的滿意度及可用度。 DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀表示,守護安全一直是DEKRA德凱的首要之務,協助客戶確保道路或工作場所中的安全與可持續性更是我們的核心關注,非常榮幸DEKRA德凱以第三方專業且獨立驗證與認證機構身分確保臺鐵完成專案的目標、安全性及品質要求,也恭喜台鐵R200型柴電機車上線,運轉順利。DEKRA德凱臺灣鐵路服務部總監崔皓翔則表示,此次依據歐洲發證單位的獨立性(Independent)要求及原則來評估R200型柴電機車,協助臺鐵確保R200型柴電機車在設計製造、安裝測試、安全驗證已達到臺鐵預設之專案採購目標及符合國際標準要求之原則,以頒發獨立驗證與認證(IV&V)證書予臺鐵。 DEKRA德凱鐵道認證服務,具有獨家的鐵道實驗中心及多樣化工業實驗室的分析技術支持,提供一般鐵路、高鐵、輕軌、地鐵驗證認證服務,擁有各種必要認可資格及各國特許資格,涵蓋整個專案生命週期中各個階段,從概念設計、製造、測試及系統整合直到完工營運與維修,包括鐵道全系統認證和評估服務、獨立驗證與認證/獨立查證與確證(IV&V)、獨立安全評估(ISA)、號誌系統ERTMS/ETCS 驗證與認證、非破壞檢測(NDT)、輪軌最佳化分析、鐵道設備狀態即時監控等,可提供臺灣客戶更加貼近需求的解決方案,與客戶攜手共創滿足業務及安全需求的鐵路資產與設施。 關於DEKRA德凱 DEKRA德凱成立於1925年,旨在透過車輛檢驗確保道路安全。如今DEKRA 德凱的業務範圍更加廣泛,是在測試、檢驗和認證領域的最大的獨立非上市專家組織。作為一家提供全方位服務和解決方案的全球服務商,我們助力企業提升安全、保障和可持續性發展績效。2023 年,DEKRA德凱營業總額達到41億歐元,業務遍佈世界5大洲60多個國家和地區,逾49,000名員工致力於提供獨立的專家服務。DEKRA德凱連續榮獲EcoVadis鉑金評級,位列前1%的可持續發展公司之列。Website: https://www.dekra.com.tw/

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1492 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 19 日 (星期日) 農曆十二月二十日
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