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符合「Microsoft Ignite」新聞搜尋結果, 共 7 篇 ,以下為 1 - 7 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Dot and Microsoft Unveil 'Dot Vista': A Breakthrough AI Image Conversion Solution for Accessibility

Dot Unveils DotVista, the NPU-powered app on Windows 11 Copilot+ PCs for the Visually Impaired, with Microsoft and Hanyang University at Microsoft Ignite  DotVista is set to debut first on Windows 11 via the Microsoft Store in the second quarter of 2025, including the Accessible Zoo and Fruits Classification features.   Support on other operating systems will follow in 2026. SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dot Inc., in collaboration with Microsoft and Hanyang University, has announced the launch of its AI image recognition and conversion project, DotVista. This innovative solution enables the visually impaired to explore shapes of animals, such as the broad wings of a dragonfly and the majestic hump of a camel, by converting images into tactile experiences on the Dot Pad. In addition, workers can access jobs previously only available to sighted workers due to visualization-intensive tasks such as quality control. Dot Vista With this collaboration, DotVista will be available exclusively on Windows 11 by Q2 2025, supporting other operating systems and industries to follow in 2026. Scheduled for official release on the Windows platform in the second quarter of 2025, DotVista is designed to offer both educational and commercial functionalities, significantly enhancing accessibility and learning opportunities for visually impaired users across diverse sectors. The Dot Pad is a tactile display developed by Dot Inc. for the visually impaired, designed to convert text, images, and graphs into braille, delivering information through touch. Dot Pad goes beyond simple braille output, offering shapes and forms of images and graphs in tactile format, greatly enhancing information accessibility in education, employment, and daily life. This device empowers visually impaired individuals to interact with a broad range of information more comprehensively and effectively. DotVista Debut at Microsoft Ignite DotVista made its first appearance at Microsoft Ignite 2024, a leading annual technology conference hosted by Microsoft that brings together IT professionals, developers, and business leaders to explore the latest advancements in technology. This year's event, focused on AI and cloud innovation, is taking place from November 19 to 22 in Chicago, with DotVista featured as a key accessibility solution.  "Dot has long been a pioneer in tactile display technologies for many years in the accessibility space.  With the upcoming launch of the DotVista app on Windows, blind and low-vision teachers, students, and productivity workers will be able to improve their understanding of visual concepts in the classroom and workplace thanks to the powerful AI models that run locally on the latest Copilot+ PCs - at reduced computing costs and enhanced privacy," said Baldwin Ng, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft Corporation. "We are extremely pleased with the creative and innovative AI capabilities that DotVista team has developed in just a few short months.  We cannot wait to see what other developers will come up with in the near future." DotVista originated as a groundbreaking educational app that empowered visually impaired users to grasp object shapes by translating complex images into tactile braille. Now, driven by an open-source model and a Windows-based AI framework, DotVista has become a versatile tool with far-reaching applications. For instance, a supply chain manager in a national grocery chain can leverage DotVista to instantly assess the freshness of produce, effortlessly determining the optimal state of fruits and vegetables. By harnessing on-device NPU and local models, DotVista redefines workflow efficiency, achieving unprecedented ease and speed in previously challenging tasks. Key Features of DotVista: Accessible Zoo and Fruits Classification DotVista offers two main features: Accessible Zoo and Fruits Classification. Accessible Zoo enables visually impaired students in the classroom to explore shapes of animals and iconic historical monuments such as the Eiffel Tower through touching the braille dots from the Dot Pad tactile display.  In addition, Fruits Classification, a commercial feature, can assist visually impaired workers with evaluating product quality - such as fruit freshness by providing both tactile and descriptive information, enhancing their interaction and understanding of fresh produce. The DotVista app on Windows project results from the groundbreaking partnership with Professor Yongjae Yoo and his research team at the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Hanyang University ERICA. Professor Yoo, who received the IEEE Transactions on Haptics annual Best Paper award last year, joined this project out of a deep commitment to AI convergence research, especially on assistive technologies. He stated, "I believe Korea's innovative startup technology will enrich the lives and education of visually impaired adults worldwide. This collaboration with Dot and Microsoft marks an exciting step forward in advancing joint research on AI." Through its collaboration with Microsoft and Hanyang University, Dot plans to advance DotVista further to address global accessibility challenges the visually impaired community faces. By leveraging AI-powered tools, such ad Copilot+PC and in Windows 11, DotVista is poised to expand employment opportunities and enhance accessibility across diverse industries, creating a meaningful global impact for the 280M+ visually impaired users worldwide. About Dot Inc. Dot Inc., a leader in solutions for the visually impaired, has introduced groundbreaking products like the Dot Watch, Dot Pad, and Dot Kiosk since 2015. Recognized as a CES Innovation Award honoree in 2023 and 2024, Dot is expanding partnerships across North and South America. Through collaborations with Google, Microsoft, and Apple, Dot drives global accessibility. With a strong focus on the Social aspect of ESG, Dot strives to address social challenges through technological advancements for people with disabilities.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 304 加入收藏 :
MAXHUB and the Microsoft Device Ecosystem Program (MDEP): Advancing Security and Reliability for Microsoft Teams Rooms

LAKE FOREST, Calif., Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a move to bring a more secure and reliable Microsoft Teams Rooms solution to market, MAXHUB has joined forces with Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Device Ecosystem Program (MDEP). MAXHUB and the Microsoft Device Ecosystem Program (MDEP): Advancing Security and Reliability for Microsoft Teams Rooms The Microsoft Device Ecosystem Platform (MDEP) is the Android-based platform from Microsoft, which enables device manufacturers and software developers to deliver innovative solutions, backed by Microsoft's reputation for security, trust, reliability, accessibility, and management. This partnership is centered on delivering enhanced security, reliability, and customizable solutions to business users globally, underscoring MAXHUB's vision to become the global leader in integrated commercial display and unified communications solutions. Enhanced Security and Reliability Both MAXHUB and Microsoft are committed to providing enterprise-grade security features. The collaboration leverages MDEP's robust security framework, which includes secure device pairing and data encryption, to complement MAXHUB's focus on creating secure, scalable solutions for business environments. Together, they ensure that organizations can trust the reliability and protection of their collaboration systems. Customizable and Flexible Solutions MDEP's open platform allows partners like MAXHUB to integrate and customize solutions tailored to diverse customer needs. MAXHUB will utilize this flexibility to offer personalized solutions for various meeting environments, ensuring businesses can adapt seamlessly to evolving collaboration requirements. Accelerated Deployment and Management The collaboration between MAXHUB and Microsoft fosters faster deployment of integrated solutions across industries. MDEP's streamlined platform, allied with MAXHUB's dedication to optimizing device management, ensures easy setup, remote management, and real-time monitoring for IT administrators. This results in reduced complexity and enhanced efficiency for enterprise IT teams. Future-Ready Innovation Built on Microsoft's legacy of platform development and MAXHUB's expertise in interactive displays and unified communications, this partnership is poised for the future. Together, they offer sustainable, forward-looking solutions that guarantee long-term support and future-proofing for enterprises. MAXHUB's specialization in visual and communication technologies ensures scalability and seamless upgrades across diverse collaboration environments. "Our commitment to simplifying collaboration and enhancing meeting experiences is at the core of everything we do," says Darren Lin, Vice General Manager, MAXHUB Global Business. "Through our collaboration with Microsoft in the MDEP program, we're excited to deliver secure, seamless, and customizable Microsoft Teams Rooms solutions that cater to diverse business needs, transforming BYOD spaces into fully integrated Teams environments." "MAXHUB's expertise in interactive displays and unified communications aligns perfectly with Microsoft's vision for secure and scalable collaboration solutions," said Juha Kuosmanen, Head of MDEP at Microsoft. "We are thrilled to welcome MAXHUB to the MDEP community and look forward to seeing their innovations drive success in the Microsoft Teams Rooms ecosystem." About MAXHUB MAXHUB is committed to being the global leader in integrated commercial display and unified communications solutions. MAXHUB creates a technology hub where inspiration has the freedom to grow into meaningful connections. Centered around integration, MAXHUB provides next-level integrated solutions for people to communicate, present, and collaborate. MAXHUB, where inspiration moves ahead. For more information about MAXHUB, visit www.maxhub.com.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 630 加入收藏 :
微軟 Ignite 2024 登場,近七成《財富》全球 500 強企業使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot

【2024 年 11 月 20 日,台北訊】進入 AI 時代,產業正以驚人的速度發展與進步。過去半年,Azure OpenAI 服務的使用量已成長超過兩倍。同時,目前已有數十萬名客戶使用微軟 AI 技術,透過及早採用獲得顯著效益,更為未來迎接下一波 AI 革新預做準備。微軟在年度大會 Microsoft Ignite 上展示最新的技術與創新成果,賦能客戶、合作夥伴和開發者充分發揮微軟技術潛力、翻轉工作方式。今年微軟宣布推出超過 300 項新產品和功能,包括 Microsoft 365 Copilot 的新功能、Copilot + AI 架構擴充,以及新 Copilot+ 裝置產品。在這些創新中,每一項都奠基於微軟對安全的承諾。自一年前推出安全未來倡議(Secure Future Initiative, SFI)以來,微軟將安全列為每位員工的第一要務,並投入 34,000 名工程師專注於此。在 Ignite 大會上,微軟宣布的所有創新皆以 SFI 原則為基礎,秉持安全設計、安全預設與安全營運。Copilot 的發展動能Microsoft 365 Copilot 作為企業的 AI 工作助理,其成長動能持續增長,越來越多企業導入 Copilot 並成功部署,目前共有將近七成的《財富》全球 500 強企業使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot。這與業界趨勢不謀而合:IDC 近期研究顯示,生成式 AI 正蓬勃發展,2024 年受訪企業的採用率達 75%。該研究進一步指出,企業每投資 1 美元就能獲得 3.7 美元的價值,而領導者表示甚至能預期高達 10 美元的投資報酬。微軟在 Copilot 上的投資,為客戶帶來豐厚的回報。微軟近期重點分享超過 200 則關於加速 AI 轉型的客戶案例,展現 Copilot 如何協助許多企業激發創新及促進自身有效轉型。其中幾個範例包括:•電力管理公司 Eaton 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 精簡和自動化營 運、改善資料存取、集中知識管理,並賦能團隊專注於更高價值的任務。Copilot 協助 Eaton 的財務部門完成超過 9,000 項標準作業程序(SOP)的文件化工作,節省逾 650 小時,相當於每項 SOP 節省 83% 時間。•顧問公司 McKinsey & Company 透過 agent 加速客戶引導流程。試驗結果顯示,前置時間可縮短 90%,行政工作可減少 30%。此 agent 會自動執行複雜流程,例如識別合適的專家能力和人員配置團隊,並作為同事提出問題和後續跟進的統一平台。透過精簡任務和減少人工輸入, agent 有望為顧問團隊節省大量時間,使其投入更多精力與客戶互動。使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 提升生產力Microsoft 持續透過 Microsoft 365 Copilot 專為簡化日常工作設計的新功能、提升生產力。Copilot Actions 讓任何人皆能透過簡單的填空提示自動執行日常任務,無論是取得 Microsoft Teams 中會議行動的每日摘要、編寫每週報告,或在休假返回時收到彙整未參與會議、對話及電子郵件的摘要報告。任何人都能直接在 Microsoft 365 應用程式中輕鬆設定 Actions,賦能使用者專注於更有影響力的工作、節省時間並提高生產力。目前仍在非公開預覽階段。Microsoft 365 全新 agent 可以協助擴展個人影響力並轉換業務流程,在 Ignite 大會上發表的新功能包括:•SharePoint 中的 agents 是可用自然語言互動的 AI 助理,以 SharePoint 上的網站、檔案和資料夾為基礎,協助使用者輕鬆找到答案,並加快決策速度。目前每個 SharePoint 網站都將包含為其內容量身打造的 agent,此功能已全面推出,使用者可一鍵建立自訂 agent,並將其範圍設定為選取的 SharePoint 檔案、資料夾或網站。•即時口譯(Interpreter):Teams 中的 agent 可在會議中提供即時語音翻譯,協助使用者跨越語言障礙。此功能將於 2025 年初開放公開預覽,會議參與者還可選擇讓 agent 模擬其個人聲音。•員工自助服務 Agent(Employee Self-Service Agent):Business Chat 中的員工自助服務 agent 可以加速回答常見政策問題,並簡化關鍵人資和 IT 相關任務的處理,如協助員工了解福利或申請新電腦,企業可以在 Copilot Studio 中依據自身獨特需求進行客製化設定。目前提供非公開預覽。•其他已進入公開預覽的 agent 包括 Teams 即時會議記錄(meeting notes)功能,以及在 Planner 中提供專案管理(project management)全程自動化服務。支援 AI 應用的晶片創新微軟持續將 Azure 定位成全世界的電腦,除了在資料中心裡使用創新光纖技術,亦宣佈專為邊緣運算打造的 Azure Local,將 Azure 服務帶到用戶的裝置上,支援跨雲端與邊緣裝置的 AI 應用。此外,在 AI 的晶片創新上也有重大進展,搭載 Azure Cobalt 100 的虛擬機器現已正式推出,可運用多種行業場景中,微軟自家的 Teams 媒體處理功能也完全於 Azure Cobalt 100上完成。奠基於對資安的承諾,我們很高興推出首款加強資料安全的自製晶片 Azure Integrated HSM,讓資料傳輸更安全。以及推出 Azure Boost DPU,這是微軟的第一個 DPU(Data processing unit,數據處理單元),旨在以高效率和低功耗運行 Azure 以數據為中心的工作負載,將傳統伺服器的多個元件整合到單個晶片中,可實現更高效能、更低功耗和更高效率的敏捷平台。在 AI 的算力上,微軟持續深化與 NVIDIA 與 AMD 的合作。微軟發表 NVIDIA Blackwell on Azure,以ND GB200 v6虛擬機器最大化 AI 基礎架構,現正預覽中。並持續加深與 AMD 的合作,成為第一個提供AMD MI300X GPU的公有雲,為 Azure OpenAI 服務提供算力支援;另外,微軟發表與 AMD 共同研發之 Azure HBv5,為高效能運算樹立了新標準,預計於明年上市。微軟研發的晶片 Azure Maia,也在美國資料中心正式上線,為 Azure OpenAI 的應用提供算力支援。Copilot + AI 架構透過 Copilot 架構堆疊中每一層的先進技術,使用者得以打造更具挑戰性的產品。為了提供客戶設計、自訂和管理 AI 應用程式與 agents 一致的體驗,微軟宣布將開發生成式 AI 應用的 Azure AI Studio 產品線擴大,納入 Azure AI Search 以及新的 Azure AI Agent 服務,調整產品線名稱為 Azure AI Foundry,將提供單一 SDK 與一站式服務,讓開發人員有更好的開發體驗。Azure AI Foundry 現已提供超過 1,800 種自家和開源模型,以及 20 種以上的行業模型。•Azure AI Foundry SDK 現已推出預覽版,提供統一的工具鏈,用於設計、自訂和管理 AI 應用程式和 agents,並具備企業級的控制和客製功能。Foundry 同時提供 25 個預先建置的應用程式範本和簡化的程式設計體驗,企業可以使用這些工具負責任地擴展其應用程式,並提供使用者在熟悉的工具(如 GitHub、Visual Studio 和 Copilot Studio)中享有簡化的程式開發體驗。•Azure AI Foundry 入口網站(原 Azure AI Studio)現已推出預覽版,此為全面的視覺化使用者介面,協助開發人員探索 AI 模型、服務和工具。此入口網站提供全新管理中心體驗,將重要訂閱資訊整合至單一儀表板中,同時協助 IT 管理員、營運和法規遵循團隊大規模管理 AI 應用程式。•Azure AI Agent 服務即將推出預覽版,將賦能專業開發人員協調、部署和擴展企業就緒 agents,以自動化業務流程。在數據平台上,微軟除持續拓展 Microsoft Fabric 作為整合數據平台的功能外,亦發表 Fabric Database,提供簡化、自動、專為 AI 應用所打造的全新資料庫。微軟也持續透過全新工具,履行對可信任 AI 計畫的承諾。微軟推出 AI 報告(AI reports)和影像風險與安全評估(risk and safety evaluations for images),以協助企業確保 AI 應用程式的安全性和合規性。AI 報告將協助企業改善 AI 應用程式和微調模型的可檢視性、協作和治理,而影像內容評估將協助客戶檢測其應用程式 AI 生成素材可能涉及有害資訊的頻率和嚴重性。Copilot+ 裝置隨著企業將更多工作負載移轉至雲端以增強安全性和靈活性,微軟正擴展其 Cloud PC 解決方案,推出首款專為在幾秒鐘內安全連線至 Windows 365 而設計的新型裝置。Windows 365 Link 是一款簡單、安全且專為 Windows 365 打造的裝置,協助使用者在 Microsoft Cloud 中以熟悉的 Windows 桌面環境,安全地工作並享受反應靈敏、高品質的體驗。現正預覽中,預計於 2025 年 4 月起在指定市場發售,建議售價為 349 美元。Windows 365 Link 採用以安全為基礎的設計。此裝置不儲存本地資料、沒有本機應用程式,且無需管理員使用者,確保企業資料在 Microsoft Cloud 中持續受到保護。針對商業客戶,Copilot+ PC 的其他新功能包括利用內建原生處理單元(native processing units,NPU)的強大效能實現本地 AI 處理。透過改良的 Windows Search 和全新 Recall 體驗(預覽版),使用者只需描述要尋找的內容,即可比以往更輕鬆地在 PC 上找到所需資訊。這些功能將首先向 Copilot+ PC 上的 Windows 測試人員社群發布,之後再逐步推廣至更多客戶。強大的安全性微軟了解威脅情勢正迅速演變,提前應對惡意行為者至關重要。微軟堅信安全是團隊合作的成果,與安全社群合作、共享資訊,並攜手阻止惡意行為者,能夠變得更強大。秉持這項理念,以及作為 SFI 的一環,微軟將在 Ignite 大會上宣布史上最大的公開安全研究活動:Zero Day Quest。這項聚焦於 AI 和雲端安全的活動,除了現有的 1,600 萬美元年度獎金計畫外,將提供業界最高的 400 萬美元獎金。此競賽旨在吸引全球頂尖安全專家,聚焦解決對客戶安全至關重要的高影響情境,並自今日起啟用獎金倍增機制。隨著威脅情勢的變化,微軟亦觀察到攻擊者利用系統中的弱點迅速演變,尤其透過分析身分、檔案和裝置之間的圖譜關係來發現攻擊路徑。以圖譜方式思考的攻擊者將自第一個入侵點起造成更廣泛的損害。傳統安全產品由於對這些圖譜關係了解有限,通常更適合保護特定裝置或媒介(如筆記型電腦或收件匣),而非整個潛在的受攻擊面。微軟今日推出的 Microsoft Security Exposure Management 結合精闢的資料和基於 AI 的策略,是網路安全轉型的關鍵一步。結合 Microsoft Graph 資料與客戶其他第三方安全工具資訊,建立強大的單一窗格,並在威脅行為者發動攻擊之前,就將攻擊路徑視覺化。Exposure Management 擁有強大的運算能力和雲端規模效能,可即時對應資產和不斷變化的風險,協助安全團隊預防入侵,並為 IT、營運和風險主管提供即時資料,以支援網路風險決策。欲了解更多最新產品訊息,請參考 Ignite 大會官方網站、新聞網站與 Book of News。# # #關於微軟微軟(納斯達克上市代碼︰MSFT)致力於發展 intelligent cloud 與 intelligent edge 時代的數位轉型,其使命是賦能地球上的每一個人和每一個組織,都能實現更多、成就非凡。

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BlueVoyant 獲選為 2024 年度微軟全球安全合作夥伴(Microsoft Worldwide Security Partner of the Year)

該公司亦第三度獲選為「微軟美國年度最佳安全合作夥伴」(Microsoft United States Security Partner of the Year),並同時獲選為「微軟加拿大年度最佳安全合作夥伴」(Microsoft Canada Security Partner of the Year)。 紐約2024年7月18日 /美通社/ -- BlueVoyant 是一間提供全面、以成果為基礎的雲端原生網絡防禦平台的網絡安全公司。BlueVoyant 今天宣佈獲選為「2024 年度微軟全球安全合作夥伴」(Microsoft Worldwide Security Partner of the Year),以表揚其領先的網絡防禦能力以及該公司與微軟建立的策略關係。該公司還連續第三度獲選為「微軟美國年度最佳安全合作夥伴」(Microsoft United States Security Partner of the Year),並首次獲選為「微軟加拿大年度最佳安全合作夥伴」(Microsoft Canada Security Partner of the Year)。該公司在基於微軟(Microsoft)技術的客戶解決方案之創新和實施方案方面表現卓越,因此獲選為全球頂尖的微軟合作夥伴之一。 BlueVoyant 託管偵測與響應(Managed Detection and Response)全球主管 Milan Patel 表示:「我們很榮幸能獲得微軟年度最佳合作夥伴(Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year Awards)的殊榮,確認本公司為提供卓越微軟解決方案的合作夥伴。」 「這項認可證明了我們致力於透過 BlueVoyant 網絡防禦平台(BlueVoyant Cyber Defense Platform)協助客戶,透過世界一流的專業知識來幫助客戶盡可能最大化其微軟安全(Microsoft Security)投資。BlueVoyant 使客戶能夠使用超越傳統 Managed Detection and Response或安全操作中心(SOC)產品的先進網絡防禦解決方案,讓客戶能夠部署和管理其微軟安全(Microsoft Security)堆疊。我們的創新方法在過去三年中大幅增長了我們的微軟(Microsoft)客戶群,透過提供程序化的方法來保護客戶網絡、供應鏈和品牌,使我們位於下一代安全營運的前線。當我們轉向人工智能為基礎的世界時,BlueVoyant 正與微軟合作,成為生成人工智能技巧的尖端。作為微軟 Microsoft Copilot for Security 設計委員會(Microsoft Copilot for Security Design Council)的一部分,我們提供診斷和部署服務,以幫助客戶將人工智能轉化為策略性網絡安全資產。」 微軟年度最佳合作夥伴獎(Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards)表揚過去一年開發和提供出色的微軟雲端(Microsoft Cloud)應用程式、服務、裝置和人工智能創新的微軟(Microsoft)合作夥伴。獎項分為不同類別,獲獎者從來自 100 多個國家/地區的 4,700 多個提名中選擇。BlueVoyant 以在全球各地(尤其在美國和加拿大)的網絡安全方面提供出色的解決方案和服務而獲得認可。 「年度最佳安全合作夥伴獎」(Security Partner of the Year Award)表揚在為客戶提供基於 Microsoft 365 和 Microsoft Azure 安全性中的微軟安全(Microsoft Security)功能來提供客戶端對端安全解決方案(而不是單點解決方案)的合作夥伴。 「恭喜 2024 年度微軟合作夥伴獎的一眾得獎者和入圍者!」微軟合作夥伴總監兼公司副總裁 Nicole Dezen 表示。「今年眾多人工智能和 Copilot 公告所產生的動力推動了我們的合作夥伴的創新,為客戶提供突破性的服務和解決方案。我受到合作夥伴生態系統的能力和創造力的啟發,今年的獲獎者巧妙地展示了人工智能和微軟雲端(Microsoft Cloud)所能的最佳成果。」 BlueVoyant 致力於提供業界領先的網絡防禦,並透過專門構建的先進技術,可部署和管理完整的網絡安全堆疊,幫助全球各地客戶盡可能最大化其微軟安全(Microsoft Security)投資。BlueVoyant 專注於網絡防禦,為客戶的微軟安全(Microsoft Security)技術提供尖端的託管擴展偵測與響應(Managed Extended Detection and Response)服務。BlueVoyant 的 Managed Extended Detection and Response 是更廣泛的平台的一部分,其中包括進階威脅偵測、持續清晰、開放和暗網監控、自動修復手冊、惡意網絡釣魚網站刪除以及供應鏈監控和問題緩解,以提供更完整的內部和外部安全解決方案。 該公司使用 ML 來減少網絡安全警報噪音,並快速準確地預測新興漏洞的嚴重性。BlueVoyant 還可以透過準備性評估和諮詢服務來幫助客戶最大限度地發揮生成人工智能(Generative AI),例如 Microsoft Copilot for Security。 BlueVoyant 已擴大其全球業務,包括在英格蘭利茲(Leeds)開設一個全新的 SOC;除了在匈牙利現有的 SOC外 EMEA 地區將新添一個 SOC;此外,該公司將既增強在日本的業務,同時亦加強其美洲團隊的規模。https://www.bluevoyant.com/press-releases/bluevoyant-chooses-leeds-for-brand-new-security-operations-centre-and-customer-experience-centre 這些獎項是 BlueVoyant 從微軟獲得的一系列殊榮之一。2023 年,BlueVoyant 在微軟安全卓越大獎(Microsoft Security Excellence Awards)中獲評為年度最佳安全 MSSP(託管安全服務供應商)(Security MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) of the Year),並成為微軟 Microsoft Copilot for Security 設計委員會(Microsoft Copilot for Security Design Council)成員。2022 年,BlueVoyant 獲得微軟驗證的託管擴展偵測與響應(Managed Extended Detection and Response)解決方案狀態,並成為微軟的 150 大託管安全合作夥伴之一。2021 年,BlueVoyant 獲得微軟安全 20/20 合作夥伴獎頂級 Managed Detection and Response 團隊獲獎者(Microsoft Security 20/20 Partner Awards Winner for the Top Managed and ResponseTeam)。 2024 年度微軟年度最佳合作夥伴獎(2024 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards)將於7月10日和11日舉行的微軟電子活動 MCAPS Start 2024 Microsoft for Partners 之前宣佈。合作夥伴將在 11 月份 Microsoft Ignite 週舉行的親身慶祝活動之前,在 MCAPS Start for Partners 活動中獲得認可。有關 2024 年獎項的其他詳情可在微軟合作夥伴(Microsoft Partner)網誌中找到:https://aka.ms/POTYA2024_announcement。所有組別、得獎者和入圍者的完整列表均載於 https://aka.ms/2024POTYAWinnersFinalists。 如果您有興趣了解有關 BlueVoyant 的微軟產品之詳情,請瀏覽 http://bluevoyant.com/microsoft。 關於 BlueVoyant BlueVoyant 提供全面的雲端原生安全作業平台,可為網路、端點和供應鏈提供即時威脅監控,擴展到清晰、深層和暗網。該平台將先進技術與專家人類洞察見解整合,提供廣泛的保護和快速緩解威脅,確保企業網絡安全。BlueVoyant 受到全球超過 1,000 位客戶的信賴,亦是 2024 年度微軟全球年度最佳合作夥伴(2024 Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year),為現代網絡防禦解決方案設立了標準。 BlueVoyant 傳媒聯絡: Jennifer Schlesingerjenny.schlesinger@bluevoyant.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 600 加入收藏 :
BlueVoyant Recognized as the Winner of 2024 Microsoft Worldwide Security Partner of the Year

The company was also the winner of Microsoft United States Security Partner of the Year for the third time, and the Microsoft Canada Security Partner of the Year. NEW YORK, June 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BlueVoyant, a cybersecurity company that offers a comprehensive, outcomes-based, cloud-native cyber defense platform, today announced it has won the 2024 Microsoft Worldwide Security Partner of the Year Award, recognizing its leading-edge cyber defense and strategic relationship with Microsoft. The company has additionally been named the Microsoft United States Security Partner of the Year for the third consecutive time, and the Microsoft Canada Security Partner of the Year for the first time. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology. "We are honored to be recognized by the Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year Awards, which celebrate partners who deliver exceptional Microsoft-based solutions," said Milan Patel, global head of managed detection and response (MDR) at BlueVoyant. "This recognition underscores our commitment to helping clients maximize their Microsoft Security investment with worldclass expertise through the BlueVoyant Cyber Defense Platform. BlueVoyant empowers customers to deploy and manage their Microsoft Security stack with advanced cyber defense solutions that surpass traditional MDR or Security Operations Center (SOC) offerings. Our innovative approach has significantly grown our Microsoft customer base over the past three years, positioning us at the forefront of next-generation security operations by providing a programmatic approach to protecting customers' networks, supply chains, and brands. As we transition to a world where AI is foundational, BlueVoyant is partnering with Microsoft to be at the cutting edge of generative AI. As part of the Microsoft Copilot for Security Design Council, we offer diagnostic and deployment services to help clients turn AI into a strategic cybersecurity asset." The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognizes Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered outstanding Microsoft Cloud applications, services, devices, and AI innovation during the past year. Awards were classified in various categories, with honorees chosen from 4,700-plus nominations from more than 100 countries. BlueVoyant was recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services in cybersecurity worldwide, and in the U.S., and Canada. The Security Partner of the Year Award recognizes a partner who is doing an exceptional job of providing customers with end-to-end security solutions (versus one-point solutions) based on Microsoft Security capabilities in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure Security. "Congratulations to the winners and finalists of the 2024 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards!" Said Nicole Dezen, chief partner officer and corporate vice president at Microsoft. "The momentum generated by numerous AI and Copilot announcements this year fueled innovation from our partners, enabling groundbreaking services and solutions to customers. I am inspired by the capability and creativity in our partner ecosystem and this year's winners beautifully demonstrate the best of what's possible with AI and the Microsoft Cloud." BlueVoyant is committed to delivering industry-leading cyber defense and helping clients across the globe maximize their Microsoft Security investment with purpose-built advanced technologies that deploy and manage the full cybersecurity stack. With its focus on cyber defense, BlueVoyant offers cutting edge managed extended detection and response (MXDR) services for client's Microsoft Security technology. BlueVoyant's MXDR is part of a broader platform that includes advanced threat detection, continuous clear, open, and dark web monitoring, automated remediation playbooks, malicious phishing site takedowns, and supply chain monitoring and issue mitigation, to deliver a more complete internal and external security solution. The company uses ML to cut cybersecurity alert noise, and to quickly and accurately predict the severity of emerging vulnerabilities. BlueVoyant additionally can help clients maximize Generative AI, such as Microsoft Copilot for Security, through readiness assessments and advisory services. BlueVoyant has expanded its worldwide presence, including the opening of a new SOC in Leeds, England, with an additional EMEA SOC coming to join our existing SOC in Hungary, bolstering its presence in Japan, while also strengthening its Americas team. Winning these awards is among a long list of recognition BlueVoyant has received from Microsoft. In 2023, BlueVoyant was named the Security MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) of the Year in the Microsoft Security Excellence Awards, and a member of the Microsoft Copilot for Security Design Council. In 2022, BlueVoyant achieved Microsoft verified Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) solution status, and was one of Microsoft's top 150 managed security partners. In 2021, BlueVoyant was named a Microsoft Security 20/20 Partner Awards Winner for the Top MDR Team. The 2024 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards are announced ahead of MCAPS Start 2024 Microsoft for Partners, Microsoft's digital event on July 10 and 11. Partners will receive recognition at MCAPS Start for Partners ahead of in person celebrations during the week of Microsoft Ignite in November. Additional details on the 2024 awards are available on the Microsoft Partner blog: https://aka.ms/POTYA2024_announcement. The complete list of categories, winners and finalists can be found at https://aka.ms/2024POTYAWinnersFinalists. If you are interested in learning more about BlueVoyant's Microsoft offerings, please visit http://bluevoyant.com/microsoft. About BlueVoyant BlueVoyant delivers a comprehensive, cloud-native security operations platform that provides real-time threat monitoring for networks, endpoints, and supply chains, extending to the clear, deep, and dark web. The platform integrates advanced technology with expert human insight to offer extensive protection and swift threat mitigation, ensuring enterprise cybersecurity. Trusted by more than 1,000 clients globally and the 2024 Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year, BlueVoyant sets the standard for modern cyber defense solutions. BlueVoyant Press Contact: Jennifer Schlesingerjenny.schlesinger@bluevoyant.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 619 加入收藏 :
微軟 Copilot for Microsoft 365 助企業打造嶄新 AI 工作模式

【2023 年 11 月 23 日,台北訊】微軟宣布自 11 月起正式推出 Copilot for Microsoft 365 企業版,同時亦發布 Microsoft 365 Chat,在 Microsoft Ignite 大會上更宣布多項更新,全面協助企業客戶運用 AI 化簡馭繁,藉由智慧生產力工具賦能企業用戶作業體驗升級,以塑造全新的 AI 工作型態。此外,Copilot for Microsoft 365 繁體中文版本釋出細節也將在近期公布。     「歷史上所發生的每個科技拐點突破,都會促動產業快速跳躍並帶來工作與生活方式的巨大轉變;如今 AI 浪潮強勢來襲,特別是在生成式 AI 出現後,大家從討論 AI 能做什麼、到開始關注 AI 該做什麼,企業可藉此翻新思維,思考運用 AI 創造出競爭優勢及突顯差異化價值。」台灣微軟總經理卞志祥表示:「隨著 Copilot 的推出,微軟將我們最強大和最實用的 AI 功能結合成一個無縫體驗,將成為您的日常 AI 夥伴;很高興微軟自 11 月起 Copilot for Microsoft 365 已開始正式提供給企業用戶,將微軟最受信賴的生產力工具及 AI 技術深入企業營運的每個環節之中,以可靠解決方案賦能企業用戶。」    AI 跨足多元解決方案 Copilot for Microsoft 365 全方位賦能企業組織    根據微軟今年發布「2023 工作趨勢指數研究報告」統計,在工作環境中,枯燥乏味且重複性高的數位庶務(Digital Debt)工作,會大幅度消耗員工的創新能力;而台灣竟有高達八成的企業員工表示,花費較多時間在進行繁瑣的溝通庶務,包括處理電子郵件與會議等,更欠缺於專注思考與創新發展;報告也指出,亞太地區 78% 受訪者表示,他們願意委派工作給 AI 以減輕工作負擔。身處全新 AI 時代,微軟協助企業以 AI 賦能各式工作環節,為員工快速配備 AI 能力為企業要務之一。     Copilot for Microsoft 365 做為新一代 AI 強大功能導入生產力工具,讓 AI 人工智慧成為協助完成工作的「副駕駛」,力助用戶釋放創造力、提高生產力和提升各項技能:   · AI 深入生產力工具,全面激發創造力:在 Microsoft 365 應用程式中 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、Teams 等生產力工具,使用者可以使用自然語言,要求 Copilot 生成、歸納想法、總結內容並產出設計;此外,我們也持續為 Copilot 新增功能,如白板中的 Copilot,可幫助你在 Microsoft Teams 會議以及進行腦力激盪時更加創意高效,透過全新的白板與筆記功能,能夠自動擷取並視覺化線上會議的對話摘要,並讓與會者共同編輯;用戶也能夠藉由 Microsoft Loop 建立團隊與 Copilot 共同協作的空間,提供員工更智慧的商務功能,達到創造力與生產力的雙面加乘。    · Copilot 中的全新服務 Microsoft 365 Chat:透過聊天介面及大型語言模型的融合,使用者僅需以自然語言提出需求,即能獲得 Microsoft 365 Chat 彙整後的回答。奠基於 Microsoft Graph,匯集來自所有工作相關之商務數據,包含電子郵件、會議、文件、簡報、筆記、文件和聯絡人的資料,將多個來源資訊匯集在一起,提供符合上下文的回應,並同步顯示資料來源,以供企業用戶核實。    · 打造嶄新 IT 管理模式,便於企業導入追蹤:Microsoft 365 管理中心整合 Viva 中的數據提供 Copilot for Microsoft 365 使用報告,協助企業輕鬆規劃與追蹤員工使用情形。透過儀表板數據分析,亦能依據員工使用 Microsoft 365 應用程式之情況,提供管理者評估、追蹤、計算使用成效,提升用戶使用效能。    · 遵循負責任的 AI 標準:建構於微軟全面性的安全、合規、隱私和負責任的 AI 標準之上,微軟確保企業之商業數據將被隔離和保護在其 Microsoft 365 帳號之中,不為任何人所存取或將數據用於 AI 模型訓練上,確保企業用戶和商業數據受到全面的保護。     Copilot for Microsoft 365 助全球客戶打造高效生產力   微軟早於今年三月釋出 Copilot for Microsoft 365 全球預覽版計劃,向全球 600 家客戶優先推出,台灣製造業、金融業等企業客戶也參與其中。以製造業為例,光寶科技在測試階段已將 Copilot for Microsoft 365 運用於產品銷售、專案管理、研發等層面,讓 AI 技術成為工作絕佳輔助,降低執行繁瑣工作的時間成本。光寶科技資訊長李逢堉表示:「作為製造業領域中擁抱創新 AI 應用的先行者,光寶科技在 Copilot for Microsoft 365 的導入下,內部員工得以透過 AI 助攻,節省行政工作時間以降低作業負擔,包括員工以 Teams Copilot 總結會議內容、以 Outlook Copilot 起草商業信件,或是利用 Excel Copilot 從海量數據中獲取統計分析等,幫助光寶在 AI 浪潮下創造競爭優勢,同時能夠精進員工的 AI 數位素養,以全面提升企業生產力。」    此外,AI 領域中的佼佼者,緯創資通持續擁抱創新,同樣參與 Copilot for Microsoft 365 全球預覽版計劃,協助員工高效辦公,像是資訊部門透過 Microsoft 365 Chat 分析眾多簡報內容、生成重點,協助員工快速彙整資訊,減少報告製作時間;而人資部門則經常要面對內容繁瑣的跨部門會議,現在以 Teams Copilot 便能快速整理語音會議紀錄並摘要重點,讓同仁省下寶貴的時間專注在人才培育與開發。另外,行銷部門也透過 Microsoft 365 Chat 直接抓取內部檔案,以快速分析生成行銷標題與文案;業務以 Outlook Copilot 草擬客戶信件、產品部門則透過 Excel Copilot 將上萬筆的出貨資料,生成一目了然的各種視覺化分析圖表。緯創資通資訊管理副總經理馮志強表示:「緯創持續在嘗試各種能夠精進員工生產力的 AI 工具,在導入 Copilot for Microsoft 365 期間,我們收到了許多來自員工利用生成式 AI 技術改善工作流程的正面回應,我們非常期待以微軟 Copilot 打造出創新的工作模式。」   Copilot for Microsoft 365 支援多國語言 繁體中文版本將在近期推出   欲體驗 Copilot for Microsoft 365 所賦能的絕佳工作體驗,即日起開放企業用戶使用,以每一位使用者每月 30 美元的方式提供給 Microsoft 365 E3、E5、商務標準版以及商務進階版的客戶;而目前已導入 Microsoft 365 E3、E5 商務標準版和商務進階版企業客戶,自 12 月 1 日起,則可以免費享有 Copilot 服務(原 Bing Chat Enterprise)、Loop 等 AI 相關服務,讓企業既能將 AI 應用在工作中,又能確保企業資料安全;Copilot 也將於 12 月起免費提供給 Microsoft 365 F3 的客戶,一般企業用戶亦可以每月每一使用者 5 美元的方式單獨購買。未來也將包含低程式碼工具 Copilot Studio 功能,賦予使用者更彈性與客製化的運用 Copilot。   此外,Copilot for Microsoft 365 現已提供英文、法文、德文、西班牙文、義大利文、葡萄牙文、日文與簡體中文版本,繁體中文版本釋出細節和售價將在近期公布,提供使用者多樣化的語言選擇。更多相關產品資訊以及功能介紹,請參考微軟官方網站:Microsoft Copilot、Copilot for Microsoft 365、以及 Microsoft 365 部落格文章。 

文章來源 : APEX 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 13691 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 18 日 (星期二) 農曆正月廿一日
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