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Microsoft AI Tour 台北重磅登場 解密企業智慧轉型利器

Microsoft AI Tour 台北重磅登場 解密企業智慧轉型利器 引爆 AI Agent 新時代! Copilot + Agent 重新定義工作流程   【2025 年 1 月 14 日,台北訊】Microsoft AI Tour 全球巡迴高峰會台北場於今(14)日盛大登場,以「創造 AI 機會點,邁向 2025 商業新高峰」為主軸,邀集微軟國內外重磅講者與生態系夥伴蒞臨,吸引超過 1,700 人報名參加,現場匯集科技、金融、醫療、電信業等企業領袖及決策開發者等專業人士,一同深度探討 Microsoft Copilot、GitHub、Copilot Studio 和 Azure AI Foundry 等微軟創新 AI 解決方案,在新年之初引領企業解密智慧轉型利器,共拓全新 AI 藍圖。   Microsoft AI Tour 驅動 AI 領跑力,AI Agent 與治理將成年度重要課題 Microsoft AI Tour 全球巡迴高峰會於 2024 年 9 月自墨西哥啟動、遍及超過 60 個城市,匯聚頂尖人才共襄盛舉。Microsoft AI Tour 台北場豐富的議程涵蓋主題演講、AI 解決方案、Copilot 應用、資安挑戰及全新業務流程的演繹及探討,提供與會者全面的前瞻性產業資訊。   台灣微軟總經理卞志祥表示:「過去一年,微軟已攜手台灣企業共同打造多元的生成式 AI 應用案例,更在去年底啟動『AI+ Taiwan』計畫,奠基於 Microsoft 365 在台資料落地服務啟用,推動各產業 AI 轉型,創造更多實質商機。隨著企業導入 AI 比例提升,AI Agent 與 AI 治理將會是企業 2025 年的共同課題,其中,底層數據層的資料梳理與需求定義,也將是企業成為 AI 領跑者的關鍵所在。微軟將持續藉由全球領先的 AI 解決方案,基於對安全的承諾,攜手在地客戶與合作夥伴推動創新技術應用落地,強化科技韌性,助力台灣邁向智慧商業新高峰。」   而在這次的活動中,針對 AI Agent 的深入探討更是亮點之一。過去的 AI 應用多為單一指令來解決單一任務;未來,AI Agent 不僅能獨立運作,還能相互協作,從單一模型、進化到多重 Agent 協作,其產出的價值將會呈現指數型增長。當多樣化的 AI Agent,都能獨立運作並相互配合,將進而打造出一個「Agent 協作社會」(Society of Agents),為個人與企業產出更加智慧且高效的解決方案。   多元應用到使用者介面革新,Copilot + Agent 將重新定義企業工作流程 Copilot + Agent 將重新定義使用者體驗及工作流程,協助企業實現全方位 AI 轉型。微軟 Dataverse 全球資深副總裁 Nirav Shah 進一步說明,Copilot 是個一對一、且專屬於每位使用者的 AI 個人助理,能為使用者節省時間和精力,並專注於更重要的工作;而其背後的 Agent 則是各個業務領域的專家,具備靈活性與適應性,可以按照要求執行任務,也能應對複雜需求,進而代表團隊或組織自主地完成複雜的任務。   當兩者結合,並且能有效運用企業內部的業務數據、生產力數據以及分析數據,Copilot 即成為使用者運用 AI 的入口,並且能夠指揮背後的 Agent 在被需要的時候發揮作用。此外,企業 IT 部門也可透過 Copilot Control System 來進行管控,確保安全性並評估執行成效。   跨領域客戶共揭 AI 創新實務,深化在地智慧轉型量能 活動除邀集國內外重量級講者,跨產業對談橋段也由台灣微軟首席營運長陳慧蓉主持,和與會者探討不同產業的 AI 轉型與 Microsoft Copilot 應用案例:   Ÿ   國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院新竹臺大分院,透過 AI 技術推動醫療創新:以 AI 技術優化醫院經營管理、病人照護與疾病輔助診斷等流程,同時藉由生成式 AI 打造「問到寶」互動教育整合平台,實現精準與高效的教育模式。該院也建置智能衛教平台,為病人提供個人化的衛教資訊與服務,並運用微軟 Copilot Studio 創建醫療專屬應用場景,實現醫療作業的自動化與精準化,讓醫護人員能專注於病人照護,進一步提供更有溫度的醫療服務。 Ÿ   緯穎科技推動全員 AI 文化,擴大 AI 應用場景並深化企業治理:推廣 AI 應用至各部門,已成為各個企業今年的重要任務,當中涵蓋人員、技術與流程各面向的緊密協作。緯穎科技持續打造內部 AI 學習環境,建立全員 AI 文化,包含從生產製造的業務單位、到法務與人力資源等後勤部門皆開始運用 Copilot,成功推動以 AI 提升企業價值。同時,亦建立 AI 治理與營運管理原則,強化 AI 教育訓練以深化技術應用,創造產業更多元的可能。 Ÿ   中國信託銀行是金融業中,率先導入 Microsoft 365 Copilot 的客戶之一,在活動中亦分享如何在導入的過程中,建立完善的治理框架,在確保合規與安全性的先決條件下,拓展創新應用場景與營運優勢。   KKCompany 以微軟 Azure AI 服務打造數位分身平台,拓展國際市場新商機 微軟致力於提供開箱即用的 AI 技術服務,透過其完整生態系資源,攜手合作夥伴共同探索更多創新機會,將台灣企業的軟硬體綜合實力推向國際舞台。過去台灣在全球賽局上以硬體技術聞名,而微軟的最佳策略夥伴 KKCompany,則展現出台灣在軟體創新領域同樣具備不可忽視的實力。   KKCompany 在會中演示了最新發表的 AI 數位分身管理平台「TheKeeper」,為透過安全授權的方式讓數位資產進行創新應用,除可打造屬於自己的 AI 分身,更能實現 AI 擬真翻唱、創意填詞等技術。KKCompany 透過微軟 Azure AI Foundry 提供的基礎模型,無需自行建置繁瑣的 AI 架構,便能快速開發並推出符合商業需求的創新解決方案,為影音媒體產業提供更高效率的技術支援,未來也計畫進一步拓展至日本市場,並持續深化與微軟的合作。   以安全為基石,微軟攜手合作夥伴助企業共創智慧商業新高峰 Microsoft AI Tour 台北場活動,亦邀集中華電信、宏碁資訊服務、雲馥數位、遠傳電信、安然科技、宏碁雲端架構服務、凌羣電腦、精誠軟體服務、邁達特等產業合作夥伴於現場共同展出最新 AI 應用與解決方案,提供與會者技術與商務等多元面向的產業洞察。   微軟致力在 AI 時代鞏固使用者數位安全,其所有相關技術皆奠基於隱私及負責任 AI 原則,並將安全視為第一優先,更已於去年發起安全未來倡議(Secure Future Initiative),確保在安全的數位環境中,成為企業 AI 轉型的強力後盾。微軟將以完整生態系資源,持續與台灣在地合作夥伴及客戶緊密合作,共築 AI 智慧島嶼願景。

文章來源 : APEX 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 364 加入收藏 :
MAXHUB Wins CES 2025 Microsoft AI Innovation Award

Showcasing Latest Certified Microsoft Teams Rooms Solutions and AI-Powered Innovation LAKE FOREST, Calif., Jan. 9, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- MAXHUB, a global leader in integrated commercial display and unified communications solutions, is proud to announce its recognition at CES 2025 with the prestigious Microsoft AI Innovation Award. This honor underscores MAXHUB's strategic collaboration with Microsoft and its pioneering contributions to modern workspaces through its Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) solutions and cutting-edge AI-driven innovations. "Our commitment to innovation and enhancing collaboration experiences through advanced technology is unwavering," said Darren Lin, Vice General Manager of MAXHUB Global Business. "Winning this award, alongside the recent Red Dot Award for the XCore Kit Pro, highlights MAXHUB's dedication to delivering high-quality, accessible solutions that inspire connection and creativity across all workspaces." MAXHUB Wins CES 2025 Microsoft AI Innovation Award MAXHUB XT Series for Microsoft Teams Rooms Designed to transform meeting spaces, the MAXHUB XT Series offers tailored solutions for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) meeting rooms. The comprehensive portfolio includes a wide range of products such as console kits, UC peripherals, and multi-size displays, offering flexible options for focus spaces, small rooms, medium and large meeting rooms, and even signature room setups. With over 5 bundled solutions and more in development, MAXHUB ensures seamless support for diverse room sizes and configurations. Key features of MAXHUB's Teams Rooms solutions include: One-Touch Join and Front Row Display for intuitive, immersive meetings. Simple Installation with a single cable, enabling quick upgrades to BYOD spaces. Advanced Remote Device Management via MAXHUB Pivot, simplifying operations. Industry-leading 3-year advanced replacement warranty for peace of mind. MAXHUB XT20-PS Kit: Latest Certified Teams Rooms Solution for Medium and Large Meeting Rooms At CES 2025, MAXHUB showcased its latest certified Teams Rooms solution, the MAXHUB XT20-PS Kit. Designed for medium to large meeting rooms, this solution integrates advanced video, audio, and control features for seamless collaboration. The kit includes the XCore Kit Pro, powered by a 12th Gen Intel Core i5 mini-PC and an 11.6-inch touchscreen control panel, supporting wireless content sharing and dual-screen display capabilities. The MAXHUB UC P30 PTZ Camera features 4K dual-eye tracking, AI-powered auto-framing, and speaker tracking, ensuring clear, flexible video with easy installation options. The MAXHUB UC BM45 Speakerphone offers 360-degree voice pickup through an 8-beam microphone array and AI-driven noise suppression, providing clear, distraction-free audio. With plug-and-play setup, the XT20-PS Kit guarantees reliable, user-friendly performance for Microsoft Teams Rooms. AI Enhancements Elevating Collaboration MAXHUB's AI-powered features are designed to redefine hybrid collaboration, creating an immersive and dynamic experience for all participants: Auto Framing: Adjusts the camera view in real-time to center all participants in the frame. Speaker Tracking: Dynamically follows the active speaker, enhancing engagement with a lifelike interaction. Presenter Tracking: Keeps presenters centered and framed, bringing remote attendees closer to the action. A Strong Partner in Innovation with Microsoft MAXHUB relationship with Microsoft continues to drive global business growth and technological innovation. By integrating Microsoft Azure cloud technology, MAXHUB leverages Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Kubernetes Services to create a globally distributed architecture. This infrastructure optimizes services like Over-The-Air (OTA) updates and Content Management Systems (CMS), ensuring compliance with regional data regulations while streamlining operations. "By combining MAXHUB's two decades of R&D expertise with Microsoft's cutting-edge technologies, our collaboration ensures we deliver industry-leading solutions that redefine global collaboration." shared Lin. Celebrating CES Excellence and Innovation At CES 2025, MAXHUB reaffirmed its position as a technology leader by showcasing its innovative, collaboration-first solutions. By expanding access to Teams Rooms technology and integrating AI-driven features with award-winning design, MAXHUB is committed to creating meaningful connections in the modern workspace. For more information on MAXHUB's solutions, visit www.maxhub.com. About MAXHUB: MAXHUB is a global leader in integrated commercial display and unified communications solutions. With over 20 years of research and development excellence, MAXHUB empowers organizations worldwide through innovative products, strong supply chain management, and a commitment to enhancing collaboration in diverse work environments.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 217 加入收藏 :
Dot and Microsoft Unveil 'Dot Vista': A Breakthrough AI Image Conversion Solution for Accessibility

Dot Unveils DotVista, the NPU-powered app on Windows 11 Copilot+ PCs for the Visually Impaired, with Microsoft and Hanyang University at Microsoft Ignite  DotVista is set to debut first on Windows 11 via the Microsoft Store in the second quarter of 2025, including the Accessible Zoo and Fruits Classification features.   Support on other operating systems will follow in 2026. SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dot Inc., in collaboration with Microsoft and Hanyang University, has announced the launch of its AI image recognition and conversion project, DotVista. This innovative solution enables the visually impaired to explore shapes of animals, such as the broad wings of a dragonfly and the majestic hump of a camel, by converting images into tactile experiences on the Dot Pad. In addition, workers can access jobs previously only available to sighted workers due to visualization-intensive tasks such as quality control. Dot Vista With this collaboration, DotVista will be available exclusively on Windows 11 by Q2 2025, supporting other operating systems and industries to follow in 2026. Scheduled for official release on the Windows platform in the second quarter of 2025, DotVista is designed to offer both educational and commercial functionalities, significantly enhancing accessibility and learning opportunities for visually impaired users across diverse sectors. The Dot Pad is a tactile display developed by Dot Inc. for the visually impaired, designed to convert text, images, and graphs into braille, delivering information through touch. Dot Pad goes beyond simple braille output, offering shapes and forms of images and graphs in tactile format, greatly enhancing information accessibility in education, employment, and daily life. This device empowers visually impaired individuals to interact with a broad range of information more comprehensively and effectively. DotVista Debut at Microsoft Ignite DotVista made its first appearance at Microsoft Ignite 2024, a leading annual technology conference hosted by Microsoft that brings together IT professionals, developers, and business leaders to explore the latest advancements in technology. This year's event, focused on AI and cloud innovation, is taking place from November 19 to 22 in Chicago, with DotVista featured as a key accessibility solution.  "Dot has long been a pioneer in tactile display technologies for many years in the accessibility space.  With the upcoming launch of the DotVista app on Windows, blind and low-vision teachers, students, and productivity workers will be able to improve their understanding of visual concepts in the classroom and workplace thanks to the powerful AI models that run locally on the latest Copilot+ PCs - at reduced computing costs and enhanced privacy," said Baldwin Ng, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft Corporation. "We are extremely pleased with the creative and innovative AI capabilities that DotVista team has developed in just a few short months.  We cannot wait to see what other developers will come up with in the near future." DotVista originated as a groundbreaking educational app that empowered visually impaired users to grasp object shapes by translating complex images into tactile braille. Now, driven by an open-source model and a Windows-based AI framework, DotVista has become a versatile tool with far-reaching applications. For instance, a supply chain manager in a national grocery chain can leverage DotVista to instantly assess the freshness of produce, effortlessly determining the optimal state of fruits and vegetables. By harnessing on-device NPU and local models, DotVista redefines workflow efficiency, achieving unprecedented ease and speed in previously challenging tasks. Key Features of DotVista: Accessible Zoo and Fruits Classification DotVista offers two main features: Accessible Zoo and Fruits Classification. Accessible Zoo enables visually impaired students in the classroom to explore shapes of animals and iconic historical monuments such as the Eiffel Tower through touching the braille dots from the Dot Pad tactile display.  In addition, Fruits Classification, a commercial feature, can assist visually impaired workers with evaluating product quality - such as fruit freshness by providing both tactile and descriptive information, enhancing their interaction and understanding of fresh produce. The DotVista app on Windows project results from the groundbreaking partnership with Professor Yongjae Yoo and his research team at the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Hanyang University ERICA. Professor Yoo, who received the IEEE Transactions on Haptics annual Best Paper award last year, joined this project out of a deep commitment to AI convergence research, especially on assistive technologies. He stated, "I believe Korea's innovative startup technology will enrich the lives and education of visually impaired adults worldwide. This collaboration with Dot and Microsoft marks an exciting step forward in advancing joint research on AI." Through its collaboration with Microsoft and Hanyang University, Dot plans to advance DotVista further to address global accessibility challenges the visually impaired community faces. By leveraging AI-powered tools, such ad Copilot+PC and in Windows 11, DotVista is poised to expand employment opportunities and enhance accessibility across diverse industries, creating a meaningful global impact for the 280M+ visually impaired users worldwide. About Dot Inc. Dot Inc., a leader in solutions for the visually impaired, has introduced groundbreaking products like the Dot Watch, Dot Pad, and Dot Kiosk since 2015. Recognized as a CES Innovation Award honoree in 2023 and 2024, Dot is expanding partnerships across North and South America. Through collaborations with Google, Microsoft, and Apple, Dot drives global accessibility. With a strong focus on the Social aspect of ESG, Dot strives to address social challenges through technological advancements for people with disabilities.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 268 加入收藏 :
逢甲大學善用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 實現 AI 校園願景

(2024年11月22日,台北訊) 逢甲大學為實現智慧化的 AI 校園願景,全面導入 Microsoft 365 Copilot,藉由引進 AI 技術與生成式工具於教師備課、教學互動、及行政工作上,不僅縮短備課時間、提高學生的學習動機與增進與學生互動,同時也大幅提升行政效率,打造一個高效與智慧兼具的學習環境。 逢甲大學長期以來對於資訊化的擁抱和導入已深植於其 DNA;藉由導入 Microsoft 365 Copilot,在各個領域實現了教學及行政智慧化的應用。在教學方面,Copilot 能幫助教師快速生成教案、新的課程大綱、彙整多種資料成為課程內容、進行論文的中翻英,以及學生論文版本的比對、設計互動式課程,並能夠即時提供學生回饋,進而提高教學品質和學生參與度。學生則可以利用 Copilot 進行創意發想、問題解決和自我評估,提升學習效果。在行政應用上,Copilot則大幅提升了工作效率,無論是在新聞稿撰寫、網站翻譯,還是資料整理和報告生成等方面,都展現出極大的便利性和準確度。       「逢甲大學希望能夠成為完全智慧化的 AI 校園,這個願景涵蓋了教學、研究和行政工作的全面智慧化,Microsoft 365 Copilot 則是建構智能 AI 校園的重要里程。」逢甲大學副校長唐國豪博士表示:「Copilot 的引入不僅提升了學校教學的品質和效率,還在行政工作中展現了卓越的效率,生成式 AI 工具的廣泛應用能夠帶來多方面的優勢,包括客製化學習模式的制定和智慧教學助手的協助,這些都為教師提供了更大的彈性來設計教學內容,並為學生與行政人員提供了更高效、更智慧的學習與工作環境。」       「Microsoft 365 Copilot 與 Office 完全整合,是師生最容易上手的生成式 AI 工具。Copilot 具備高度安全性,能夠確保所有使用者的數據和隱私權都得到充分保護,師生可以放心地在教學和學習中廣泛應用這項技術。」台灣微軟公共業務事業群總經理陳守正表示:「逢甲大學導入 Microsoft 365 Copilot 的成功經驗更可成為各校的楷模,微軟將與逢甲大學持續合作,透過創新科技培育更多具有創新思維和解決問題能力的人才,為台灣的科技發展和國際競爭力作出貢獻。」 Copilot 助力非資訊領域課程達成:創意發想、思辨及解決問題的運用三大教學目標         在非資訊領域上,Microsoft 365 Copilot 也協助提升了教學品質和效率;逢甲大學人文社會學院專任助理教授曾智義老師,便以創意設計課程為例,展示了 Copilot 在生成圖片、文字及 AI 數位內容創作的強大功能。學生透過 Copilot 得到初步的創意成果,再結合其專業知識進行強化,提高了構思的效率和品質。曾智義老師表示:「Copilot 生成式 AI 能夠協助學生進行創意的發想、透過思辨來判斷 AI 的結果與自己的想法有哪些不同並進行調整、以及解決問題的運用,讓學生懂得如何與 AI 共創等三大教學目標。」        此外,人文社會學院規劃了多門 AI 數位跨領域課程,如「人文與科技:生成式 AI 跨域應用」、「提示語工程與 AI 數位創作」以及「人本設計與 AI 創新應用」,這些課程培養學生新形態的創意思維和運用 AI 解決問題的能力。Copilot 在這些課程中,提供重要的技術支援,幫助學生從基礎知識進階到 AI 數位的創新應用,在課堂內外全面提升學習成效。學生透過這些 AI 數位與人社議題的整合學習,能夠為將來的跨領域職能與就業做好準備。 Copilot 為資訊課程教學帶來三大改變:提升學習動機、差異化教學、及專注在與學生互動 逢甲大學資訊電機學院資訊工程學系副教授劉明機老師在課程準備中善用 Microsoft 365 Copilot,以提升教材製作效率。過去,在準備教材時,花費最多時間的部分是產生相關圖片。導入 Microsoft 365 Copilot 後,能夠快速生成與教材相關的圖片,節省大量時間。同時,像在導論的課程中,常常需要介紹一些新的技術領域,Microsoft 365 Copilot 可幫助挑選生成核心技術的關鍵字,讓老師能更有效地補充重要概念,並將其融入課程中。 在教學過程中,劉明機老師將 Copilot 與 Microsoft 365 的其他應用程式結合使用,提升教學品質。例如,利用 Microsoft Teams 將上課過程記錄下來,學生若在課堂上未能完全理解,便可透過 Teams 進行複習。Teams 中的 Copilot 還可幫助學生指出影片中的重點,並推薦提供額外的學習資源。學生也可透過 Excel 中的 Copilot 詢問如何撰寫公式,這讓學生在學習過程中能更專注於核心技術掌握。 在教學輔導方面,Microsoft 365 Copilot 讓老師的角色從傳統授課轉變為教練。Excel 中的 Copilot 能夠透過程式指令自動檢查學生是否按照進度上傳練習內容;PowerPoint 中的 Copilot 則可在學生準備競賽時,透過指令協助核對評分標準,確保學生提案滿足比賽要求。學生在撰寫履歷時,Word 中的 Copilot 也能提供指導,幫助他們更具體地描述經歷。總體而言,Microsoft 365 Copilot 協助老師更有效地輔導學生,提升學生的學習成果和競賽表現。 劉明機老師表示:「使用Copilot後對教學方式帶來三點改變;首先,學生的學習動機提升了,因為他們理解到教學內容的實際應用。其次,能夠進行差異化教學,針對不同學生的程度設計不同的學習體驗。最後,可以集中精力在與學生的互動上,將繁瑣的工作交給Copilot處理,從而提升教學效率和品質。」  Copilot 不僅提升行政工作效率 更讓逢甲大學專有名詞的翻譯更精準        Microsoft 365 Copilot 不僅顯著提升了工作效率,也確保了各項工作的準確性和流暢性。「Copilot在新聞稿撰寫、網站翻譯、撰寫企劃書、製作問卷表單以及一般行政事務中展現高效及便利性。」逢甲大學秘書處公共事務組組長吳美蕙表示:「我自己幾乎每天都使用 Copilot 來撰寫和優化新聞稿,大幅提升撰寫的效率,此外,Copilot 結合逢甲大學自行建立的專有名詞詞彙庫,在進行網站或新聞翻譯時,可以指示 Copilot 按照這些專有名詞進行翻譯,確保翻譯內容的精準度,避免出錯。」 行政人員也使用 PowerPoint 中的 Copilot 來生成簡報,Forms 表單的 Copilot 自動製作表單問卷,以及 Word 中的 Copilot 撰寫企劃書。Microsoft 365 Copilot 的應用不僅提升了行政工作的效率,還減少了繁瑣的手動操作,使得工作流程更加順暢。 逢甲大學透過 Microsoft 365 Copilot 智慧化的工具,為教職員生提供了一個數位化、更智慧的工作和學習環境,實現了智能校園新願景。

文章來源 : 頤德國際股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4995 加入收藏 :
OPPO Elevates ColorOS 15 with Microsoft’s Advanced AI Productivity Features

SHENZHEN, CHINA - Media OutReach Newswire - 21 November 2024 - OPPO has strengthened its cooperation with Microsoft to deliver advanced AI productivity features to ColorOS 15, OPPO's next-generation smart device experience. "To deliver advanced AI experiences, we are incredibly proud to partner with Microsoft, a pioneer in the field. At the cutting edge of global AI development, Microsoft lays a strong foundation for ColorOS 15's language features. These save OPPO users time and headspace, ensuring meaningful, advanced AI productivity tools are always just a tap away".— Nicole Zhang, General Manager of AI Product at OPPO ColorOS 15's AI Speak uses Microsoft's advanced AI productivity features, reading web pages aloud so users can consume content hands-free while reducing their screen time. These ultra-intelligent models also power OPPO Documents' translation features and the Voice Translate application, breaking down language barriers in seconds. Microsoft's AI capabilities enhance ColorOS 15 with practical, time-saving features, including accurate audio transcription within the new Recorder and Notes apps, boosting organisation and delivering time-saving benefits. ColorOS 15, featuring Microsoft's advanced AI capabilities, will debut at the global launch of OPPO's upcoming Find X8 Series. *The image here is simulated for illustrative purposes only. Actual UX/UI may differ. Hashtag: #OPPOThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About OPPOOPPO is a leading global smart device brand. Since the launch of its first mobile phone - "Smiley Face" - in 2008, OPPO has been in relentless pursuit of the perfect synergy of aesthetic satisfaction and innovative technology. Today, OPPO provides a wide range of smart devices spearheaded by the Find and Reno series. Beyond devices, OPPO also provides its users with ColorOS operating system and internet services. OPPO has footprints in more than 70 countries and regions, with more than 40,000 employees dedicated to creating a better life for customers around the world.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 303 加入收藏 :
MAXHUB and the Microsoft Device Ecosystem Program (MDEP): Advancing Security and Reliability for Microsoft Teams Rooms

LAKE FOREST, Calif., Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a move to bring a more secure and reliable Microsoft Teams Rooms solution to market, MAXHUB has joined forces with Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Device Ecosystem Program (MDEP). MAXHUB and the Microsoft Device Ecosystem Program (MDEP): Advancing Security and Reliability for Microsoft Teams Rooms The Microsoft Device Ecosystem Platform (MDEP) is the Android-based platform from Microsoft, which enables device manufacturers and software developers to deliver innovative solutions, backed by Microsoft's reputation for security, trust, reliability, accessibility, and management. This partnership is centered on delivering enhanced security, reliability, and customizable solutions to business users globally, underscoring MAXHUB's vision to become the global leader in integrated commercial display and unified communications solutions. Enhanced Security and Reliability Both MAXHUB and Microsoft are committed to providing enterprise-grade security features. The collaboration leverages MDEP's robust security framework, which includes secure device pairing and data encryption, to complement MAXHUB's focus on creating secure, scalable solutions for business environments. Together, they ensure that organizations can trust the reliability and protection of their collaboration systems. Customizable and Flexible Solutions MDEP's open platform allows partners like MAXHUB to integrate and customize solutions tailored to diverse customer needs. MAXHUB will utilize this flexibility to offer personalized solutions for various meeting environments, ensuring businesses can adapt seamlessly to evolving collaboration requirements. Accelerated Deployment and Management The collaboration between MAXHUB and Microsoft fosters faster deployment of integrated solutions across industries. MDEP's streamlined platform, allied with MAXHUB's dedication to optimizing device management, ensures easy setup, remote management, and real-time monitoring for IT administrators. This results in reduced complexity and enhanced efficiency for enterprise IT teams. Future-Ready Innovation Built on Microsoft's legacy of platform development and MAXHUB's expertise in interactive displays and unified communications, this partnership is poised for the future. Together, they offer sustainable, forward-looking solutions that guarantee long-term support and future-proofing for enterprises. MAXHUB's specialization in visual and communication technologies ensures scalability and seamless upgrades across diverse collaboration environments. "Our commitment to simplifying collaboration and enhancing meeting experiences is at the core of everything we do," says Darren Lin, Vice General Manager, MAXHUB Global Business. "Through our collaboration with Microsoft in the MDEP program, we're excited to deliver secure, seamless, and customizable Microsoft Teams Rooms solutions that cater to diverse business needs, transforming BYOD spaces into fully integrated Teams environments." "MAXHUB's expertise in interactive displays and unified communications aligns perfectly with Microsoft's vision for secure and scalable collaboration solutions," said Juha Kuosmanen, Head of MDEP at Microsoft. "We are thrilled to welcome MAXHUB to the MDEP community and look forward to seeing their innovations drive success in the Microsoft Teams Rooms ecosystem." About MAXHUB MAXHUB is committed to being the global leader in integrated commercial display and unified communications solutions. MAXHUB creates a technology hub where inspiration has the freedom to grow into meaningful connections. Centered around integration, MAXHUB provides next-level integrated solutions for people to communicate, present, and collaborate. MAXHUB, where inspiration moves ahead. For more information about MAXHUB, visit www.maxhub.com.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 445 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 15 日 (星期三) 農曆十二月十六日
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