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農地違章工廠想轉「特定工廠」登記,晉身合法的路不容易!提交改善計畫,要通過重重關卡審核,申請納管後,工廠必須改善消防設備及環境保護等設施,才能達到特登工廠要求。其中排煙設備是消防檢查的重點項目,不可輕忽! 然而消防法規落落長,內容又複雜,讓許多工廠主感到頭疼。排煙窗業者「佛司特」表示,排煙設備規畫牽涉許多空間與計算,較為困難,所以近年就常接獲工廠諮詢,並協助許多廠房改善消防排煙的問題。 如何選擇排煙設備?自然排煙較經濟,施作維護容易是關鍵 根據消防法規,排煙分為自然排煙與機械排煙,工廠如何選擇?因廠房條件而異。由於機械排煙造價昂貴,維護成本也高,所以如果工廠能夠符合自然排煙標準,就不須機械排煙。台灣農地廠房,大多數都能以自然排煙型式,設置排煙設備。 根據台灣廠房需求,佛司特研發出屋頂型排煙窗,可以在既有工廠屋頂上模組化安裝,就不須大費周章改變結構。除了施工快速的優點外,後續維修保養也相對容易。大缺工時代,企業更需要不容易損壞、不需要常常維修的產品,省卻維修的耗時耗力。 ▲佛司特研發屋頂型排煙窗,施工快速且易於保養維護。(圖片來源:佛司特) 排煙消防、採光、通風一次搞定,帶動工廠轉型契機 現有農地工廠,許多傳統廠房老舊,作業環境也較差,最常見的就是悶熱與陰暗問題。就有企業主看中屋頂型排煙窗還兼具通風採光功能,便利用改善消防設備的契機,一併改善通風採光。 ▲屋頂採光通風排煙窗可大幅改善工廠內部的自然採光。(圖片來源:佛司特) 佛司特以近期協作的台南仁德 600 坪的金屬加工廠房為例,工廠面積越大,中間採光就容易不足,空氣品質較差。裝設採光通風排煙窗,便能一次解決採光、通風問題,還能利用天窗熱對流排氣降低室內溫度,減少空調及照明用量。隨著電價節節攀升,空調照明省下的錢,也會越來越可觀。 近年全球對環境保護更加重視,工業界更吹起綠色工廠浪潮,重視社會責任。使用節能減碳建材,打造綠色工廠,是下一波產業轉型的關鍵,許多國際大型企業更宣示,是否符合節能減碳的綠色工廠標準,將成為供應鏈的條件。 面對農地工廠大限,也是工廠轉型升級的契機。善用節能產品,不僅符合法規,還同步朝綠色工廠之路邁進,新時代創造更多收益:https://www.firstmetalproducts.com/
The collaboration assists Korean electric charger manufacturers in obtaining ENERGY STAR® certification. The relationship sets the stage to help manufacturers meet the growing demand for electric vehicle chargers and batteries as electric vehicle adoption rises. WASHINGTON, April 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- UL Solutions, a global leader in applied safety science, and the Korea Testing Certification Institute (KTC) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Washington, DC to collaborate on the safety and performance evaluation and global market access of electric vehicle (EV) chargers. The relationship sets the stage to help Korean manufacturers meet the growing demand for EV chargers as EV adoption rises in the U.S. UL Solutions and KTC signed an MoU to collaborate on the safety and performance evaluation and global market access of EV chargers and batteries. Pictured left to right: Korea’s Trade, Industry and Energy Minister Lee Chang-yang, Ahn Sung-il, President of Korea Testing Certification Institute, Weifang Zhou, Executive Vice President and President of Testing, Inspection and Certification at UL Solutions, and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. With this agreement, UL Solutions and KTC can assist Korean electric charger manufacturers in obtaining ENERGY STAR® certification. KTC has been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to test for the ENERGY STAR® program. A joint program of the EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), ENERGY STAR® identifies top-performing, cost-effective products, homes and buildings, and helps consumers, businesses and industry save money and protect the environment through the adoption of energy-efficient products and practices. The MoU between UL Solutions and KTC supports Korean EV charger manufacturers in obtaining ENERGY STAR® certification without sending samples overseas, resulting in time and cost savings. In addition, UL Solutions and KTC have pledged to collaborate on EV battery safety and performance evaluation to help Korean manufacturers develop and export EV battery products. "Energy savings and environmental concerns among consumers are helping speed the adoption of innovative products to reduce environmental impact," said Weifang Zhou, executive vice president and president, Testing, Inspection and Certification at UL Solutions. "We are excited about our collaboration with KTC and how we are joining to support the global transition to clean transportation." "We look forward to working with UL Solutions to help open markets to Korean manufacturers while also helping them advance the safety and performance of their innovations critical to the adoption of battery-powered transportation," said Ahn Sung-il, president of KTC. About UL SolutionsA global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 100 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers' product innovation and business growth. The UL Certification Marks serve as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers' products and reflect an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage. About Korea Testing CertificationKorea Testing Certification Institute (KTC) is the representative testing and certification institute of Korea. For over 50 years since its establishment, KTC has provided testing and certification services in various fields such as electric, electronic, communication, machinery, chemistry, bio, etc., and has supported Korea's industrial growth by responding to national R&D demands. In addition, we have established domestic and overseas bases to support the growth of Korean companies, regional innovation, exports and overseas expansion. Press Contact:Steven BrewsterUL SolutionsULNews@UL.comT: +1 (847) 664.8425 Photo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2066333/UL_Solutions_and_KTC.jpg?p=medium600Logo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1849892/UL_Solutions_Logo.jpg?p=medium600
SINGAPORE, April 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Summit Corporation Limited ("Summit"), a subsidiary company of Summit Power International Limited and JERA Asia Pte Ltd ("JERA Asia'') a subsidiary company of JERA Co. Inc. ("JERA") have signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") in the presence of the Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina with her entourage - Salman F Rahman, Hon Private Industry and Investment Adviser to the HPM, Abul Kalam Abdul Momen, Hon Minister for Foreign Affairs, Zunaid Ahmed Palak, Hon State Minister of ICT Division, Prof Shibli Rubayat Ul Islam, Chairman, BSEC and Lokman Hossain Miah, Executive Chairman of BIDA, senior Japanese officials - HE Iwama Kiminori, Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh and Norihiko Ishiguro, Chairman of JETRO as well as Muhammed Aziz Khan, Founder Chairman of Summit Group and Faisal Khan, Additional Managing Director of Summit Corporation. In the presence of the Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina along with her entourage and Japanese senior government officials, Summit and JERA inked an MOU valued at USD 2 billion to explore investment in Bangladesh’s energy supply chain in Tokyo, Japan. The MOU was signed by Toshiro Kudama, CEO of JERA Asia, and Ayesha Aziz Khan, Director of Summit Corporation and MD & CEO of Summit Power International. Valued around USD 2 billion, the objective of the MOU is to collaborate in providing cost effective and reliable long-term Liquefied Natural Gas ("LNG") and other fuels supply in addition to developing both on-shore and off-shore regasification and storage infrastructure for Bangladesh. Toshiro Kudama, CEO of JERA Asia stated, "JERA is keen to assist Bangladesh's objective to secure a reliable energy supply and is pleased to be able to do that by building up the existing relationship with Summit. The signing of the MOU is a significant first step towards achieving the objective. JERA looks forward to further contributing to Bangladesh's reliable energy supply in collaboration with Summit." Muhammed Aziz Khan, Founder Chairman of Summit Group said, "A country's energy consumption has become the main index to its affluence and development. Like the rest of the world, Bangladesh is also facing energy security concerns as a result of high interest rates, supply-chain shock and market volatility. At Summit, we are offering solutions through the development of much needed LNG storage and supply infrastructure with our partner, JERA." As Bangladesh approaches the transition to 'developing country' status in 2026, it faces global energy supply challenges. Summit and JERA's collaboration offers Bangladesh an alternative affordable energy supply solution by bringing down the cost of importing essential fuels into Bangladesh. It also dovetails with the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) intent to reduce Bangladesh's balance of payment pressure due to import-intensive climate investments as the recipient of the Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF). About Summit: Summit is the largest Independent Power Producer (IPP) in Bangladesh, reflecting 17% of the country's total private installed capacity and 7% of total installed capacity. Summit owns and operates a total of 18 power plants in operation or under development, and operates Bangladesh's second Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) and LNG import terminal with daily regasification capacity of 500 million cubic feet. Summit accepted investment from JERA in 2019 and welcomed representatives to its Board. Visit: www.summitpowerinternational.com About JERA: JERA Asia Pte. Ltd. ("JERA Asia") is a subsidiary of JERA Co., Inc. ("JERA") which was created through the consolidation of the fuel and thermal power departments of the Tokyo Electric Power Company and the Chubu Electric Power Company. Since agreeing to acquire 22% of Summit Power International's ("SPI") outstanding shares in October 2019, JERA has been striving to enhance SPI's corporate value through the efficient construction and operation of power generation facilities as well as the decarbonization related opportunities. In April 2022, JERA signed an MOU with SPI to collaborate on the development of a decarbonization roadmap of SPI. Visit: https://www.jera.co.jp/en
越南順化2023年4月28日 /美通社/ -- 國際化快遞物流企業J&T極兔速遞 (J&T Express,簡稱「極兔速遞」或「極兔」) 宣布已與越南順化省順化市簽署諒解備忘錄(MOU),合作推動當地物流產業的發展與數字化轉型。作為公司全球ESG戰略的一部分,極兔速遞越南將充分利用其覆蓋全境的當地網絡,促進當地手工藝品的發展,推進傳統文化遺產的傳承。 極兔為手工藝品商家提供物流支持 極兔將以黃金贊助商的身份參與於4月28日至5月5日舉行的2023年順化傳統手工藝節。屆時,極兔將負責運輸精美的手工藝品至創意手工藝設計展覽現場,這些展品由69個手工藝村和機構的350名工匠傾力打造。 極兔亦將在4月29日與順化市人民委員會一齊為傳統手工藝品商家組織專題研討會。研討會以 「數字商業轉型的成功之道 」為主題,將匯集來自TikTok、Le Media Group和當地手工藝中小商家代表,圍繞數字平台的產品、銷售活動以及運輸流程等主題進行經驗分享。 J&T越南首席戰略官Nguyễn Anh Tuấn先生介紹:「此次與順化市的合作對極兔在越南的發展和公司ESG活動的推行具有重要意義。憑藉公司在物流方面豐富的經驗和能力優勢,極兔希望通過持續優化供應鏈的運輸、配送和貨代服務,為當地社區帶來積極影響。極兔也希望能夠通過公司的智慧運輸解決方案來更好地支持當地中小商家提升其行業競爭力。」 順化市人民委員會副主席Truong Dinh Hanh先生表示:「順化市歡迎極兔在本地落實的各項舉措,不僅為我們本地的中小商家提供了機會,使其能夠獲得先進的智慧物流服務,也讓我們的產品走向全國乃至國際市場。我相信這些舉措將助力當地手工藝的蓬勃發展,同時改善社區內眾多居民的生活。」 為了更好地支持傳統手工藝品商家,順化發展研究所、Le Media Group、J&T越南和TikTok 越南共同發起成立了一個合作聯盟。該聯盟將推動順化市當地商家之間的深化合作,並為商家向線上轉型提供支持。 Nguyễn Anh Tuấn先生表示:「我們很榮幸能與當地政府和藝術家攜手合作,為越南傳統手工藝的傳承做出貢獻。除了傳遞工藝村的文化價值外,我們也能借本次合作向更多前來的遊客推廣村落的精美產品,從而創造更多的就業和發展機會。」 自越南起網的五年來,極兔充分利用其廣泛的快遞網絡,不斷優化其物流產品及解決方案,促進傳統手工藝在越南和其他地區的發展。極兔希望通過本次與順化市的合作,傳播越南遺產和文化,並為當地中小商家的數字化轉型做出更多貢獻。 關於J&T極兔速遞 J&T極兔速遞是一家全球綜合物流服務運營商,快遞業務在全球規模最大及增長最快的東南亞和中國市場處於領先地位。公司創立於2015年,快遞網絡覆蓋印尼、越南、馬來西亞、菲律賓、泰國、柬埔寨、新加坡、中國、沙特阿拉伯、阿聯酋、墨西哥、巴西和埃及共13個國家。秉承「客戶為本、效率為根」的宗旨,J&T極兔速遞致力於通過智慧化的基礎設施,數位化的物流網絡,為客戶提供全場景化的物流解決方案,以高效連接世界,讓物流惠及全球。
Announces launch schedule for blockchain games of various genres such as RPG and fishing game in 2023 Focused on expanding the influence of WEMIX PLAY through partnerships with domestic and foreign game companies WEMIX PLAY 3.0 completely revamps and significantly strengthens platform's features and functions SEOUL, South Korea, April 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading global blockchain game company Wemade has secured 100 games to be onboarded to WEMIX PLAY, the world's no.1 global blockchain gaming platform. Wemade has signed WEMIX PLAY onboarding contracts with game companies from around the world including Korea, North America, the Middle East, Taiwan and Hong Kong. They include collecting RPG "Calypse Chronicle" from Danbi Entertainment, FPS game "BlackPointBR" by ExaV Studios, and Metaverse NFT game "Melting Earth" from MetaDream. Wemade secures 100 game line-up for world's No. 1 blockchain gaming platform: WEMIX PLAY Wemade also announced that idle RPG "Barbarian Merge" from NT Games, fishing game "World Fishing Championship" developed by Wemade Plus, and collecting RPG "SoulSeeker Knights" from RotiX will be released on WEMIX PLAY this year. Pre-registration on Google Play is now available for World Fishing Championship, the first fishing game on WEMIX PLAY that will officially launch in 170 countries on May 25th. Wemade is making efforts at home and abroad to promote the vision of WEMIX PLAY, the world's No. 1 blockchain game platform, while securing a lineup and continuously diversifying genres. This includes a successful run at GDC 2023 held last month in San Francisco where Wemade signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with American game developers Liithos, Inc., Hit Factor, Inc., and PM Champions, LLC to onboard games to WEMIX PLAY. Wemade also organised a recent networking party in Korea for small and medium-sized developers to introduce the WEMIX PLAY onboarding program and actively attract partners. WEMIX PLAY currently offers 26 blockchain games across genres such as MMORPG, strategy simulation, and SNG (social network game). Detailed information on each game and WEMIX PLAY can be found on the official website at https://wemixplay.com/. Meanwhile, WEMIX PLAY continues to evolve to enhance user convenience and experience. In March 2023, Wemade introduced version 3.0 which revamped the WEMIX PLAY UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience). There are also plans to release a dedicated app player "WEMIX PLAYER" in future to improve game accessibility for global users. About Wemade A renowned industry leader in game development with over 20 years of experience, and developer & owner of "The Legend of Mir" IP, a highly successful game with over 500 million users, Wemade is leading a once-in-a-generation shift as the global games industry pivots to blockchain technology. Wemade is building through subsidiary WEMIX, an experience-based, platform-driven, and service-oriented mega-ecosystem to offer a wide spectrum of intuitive, convenient, and easy-to-use Web3 services, which includes the WEMIX PLAY global blockchain gaming platform that can transform games of every genre into blockchain games.
The collaboration will support South Korean startups in addressing new mobility technologies. WASHINGTON, April 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- UL Solutions, a global leader in applied safety science, and Korea's Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Startups (MSS) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) formalizing a collaboration to support market access readiness for promising Korean startups in new industries, including new mobility. The MoU was signed by the Minister of SMEs and Startups Young Lee and UL Solutions Executive Vice President and President of Testing Inspection and Certification Weifang Zhou on the occasion of South Korean President Yoon's state visit to the United States. UL Solutions and Korea’s Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Startups (MSS) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) formalizing a collaboration to support market access readiness for promising Korean startups in new industries, including new mobility. The MoU was signed by the Minister of SMEs and Startups Young Lee and UL Solutions Executive Vice President and President of Testing Inspection and Certification Weifang Zhou. The MoU will facilitate cooperation between MSS and UL Solutions to include the development of implementation agreements to guide support for Korean tech startups using UL Solutions safety science expertise and a global certification support center in Korea. "This MoU is significant as it is the first case where UL Solutions, recognized as a leading quality and safety certification company, provides technical support to foreign startups," said Minister Lee. "Through cooperation between the two organizations, MSS will spare no effort to support promising companies to overcome challenges such as changes in the global economic landscape and to blossom and thrive, and the Ministry will continue to develop cooperative models to solidify the innovative foundation for future generations," she added. "Helping innovators address their safety, security and sustainability challenges is at the core of our mission," said Jennifer Scanlon, president and CEO, UL Solutions. "We are honored to collaborate with Korea's Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Startups to apply our safety science expertise to help promising companies transform challenges into business opportunities." MSS plans immediately to carry out working-level discussions with UL Solutions to finalize plans to utilize UL Solutions' safety science expertise in the U.S., operate a global certification support center in Korea and actively identify cooperative projects between Korean startups and companies in the U.S. UL Solutions will look for opportunities to support SMEs with services to help them increase market readiness and help enhance product quality and safety, from performance verification to testing and inspection. "UL Solutions is honored to be a part of this MoU allowing us to apply our safety, data and technology expertise that will help empower businesses in Korea to innovate with confidence today and fuel future success," said Zhou. "Working across industries means we know how to adapt our services to novel products, emerging fields and evolving regulations. We look forward to sharing our insight with promising Korean companies and welcoming them to our global innovation community." About UL SolutionsA global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 100 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers' product innovation and business growth. The UL Certification Marks serve as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers' products and reflect an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage. Press Contact:Steven BrewsterUL SolutionsULNews@UL.comT: +1 (847) 664.8425
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