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SINGAPORE, Aug. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Aslan Energy Capital, Singapore and PT Calypte Sugi Power, Indonesia have executed a signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to cooperate on the development of a power generation hub to be located in Sugi Island, Riau Islands Province in Indonesia. Signing Ceremony The focus of the power hub is to develop largescale solar and sustainable clean power generation capacity in the Riau Islands province. Initial planning targets 1 GW solar power production capacity by Q3 2026, with definitive plans to achieve up to a combined 2 GW of solar power generation capacity by Q4 2027, leveraging the unique and favourable conditions for clean energy development on Sugi Island. "The Sugi Power Hub is a key component in our group's strategic mission on developing a sustainable energy value chain portfolio.  The unique geographic location, relatively flat terrain and good solar irradiance conditions of the Sugi Island makes a compelling case to establish the power arm of our value chain and accelerate the progress in achieving the ESG goals and SDG targets of the Riau Province as well as Indonesia's overall ambition to be a green energy leader in SE Asia.  Indonesia is our group's key strategic hub in Asia Pacific and our group remains committed to ensuring the success of the integrated portfolio of developments we have successfully originated in the country.", said Dr. Muthu Chezhian, CEO of Aslan Energy Capital, Singapore.  "We are delighted with the partnership we have secured and engaged with Aslan Energy Capital as the development partners for our Sugi island power project.  Since we launched our planning to develop a sustainable power generation base in Riau Islands, we had been carefully selective in appointing a partner developer.  Aslan Energy Capital's corporate vision and team experience and understanding of the Indonesian market dynamics gave us the comfort to progress in this partnership.  The feasibility studies have been completed with reassuring results and the project is advancing with the detailed project engineering in the coming months, with FID targeted in Q2 2025.", said Mr. Han Fook Kwang, Chief Development Director PT Calypte Sugi Power during the MOU signing ceremony. Aslan Energy Capital, is a project development, operations and new energy assets platform focused on the Renewable Hydrogen, Renewable Ammonia and Sustainable Energy value chain. AEC leverage on partnerships with key energy sector players, technology developers and investment partners to structure and deliver solutions to address energy and social infrastructure solutions into their core operational markets in Asia and Americas. PT Calypte Sugi Power is a private special purpose vehicle acting as the dedicated arm to the development of a power generation in Sugi Island in Riau Island Province.  PT Calypte Sugi Power is part of Calypte Holding Pte Ltd, a development firm focused on energy and industrial opportunities across Indonesia.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 192 加入收藏 :
開拓亞洲學校交流 開平餐飲與韓國國際廚藝學校成姐妹校

【記者林子霞台北報導】現代國際交流頻繁,餐飲朝多元文化「混融」發展,因此餐飲教育越來越注重培養國際視野,北市開平餐飲學校和歐美許多知名廚藝學院、飯店管理學院建立長期友好關係,有感近年亞洲料理掀起全球熱潮,除在日本長年的姐妹校外,近期開平餐飲急速拓展與亞洲區學校的友好合作,繼去年馬來西亞後,今年與韓國國際廚藝學校簽訂MOU,期待能開展多元文化互動,使學生學習更多菜系特色,並發揮學習於料理創作之中。 韓流風潮興起,自娛樂產業帶動韓食在各地風行,短期內就竄起各種韓式餐飲品牌林立,也成為時下民眾用餐選擇之一。韓食從朝鮮文化發展至今,也形塑出獨具風格的餐飲模式,甚至口味及食器都與他國有所區別,值得重新研究瞭解。而韓國國際廚藝學校在教學內容兼具文化層面與實務能力,除了設計傳統美食課程,也有許多因應潮流的行銷及多媒體課程,助於學生建構推廣本土餐飲文化的思考力,這點與開平餐飲的PTS教學強調向真實世界學習的概念相合,韓國國際廚藝學校也特別提出開平餐飲深耕餐飲教育多年,有許多傑出校友,希望有機會參訪校友店家取經,便至103年班黃建智、107年班林建宏的「二本松涮涮屋」實際探訪學生畢業樣貌,過程中兩校相談甚歡,韓國國際廚藝學校也很欣賞開平餐飲學生的專業表現,期待共同創造更多元的學習環境,讓學生能從文化中找到異同,藉由鄰國與自身的關係重新檢視對土地的想像,成為未來創作養分。 如何定義擁有國際視野是開平餐飲學校積極討論的議題,眼光不限於特定區域,廣面的接觸不同文化並建立全局觀即是重點之一,開平餐飲校長馬嘉延表示:「未來會與韓國餐飲藝術學校合作國際週交流,進行文化及專案共創,開展亞洲新視野。」也展現具體的合作課程想像,之後在開平餐飲國際週的專案課程之中,將會進一步看到兩校交流成果。 開平餐飲學校運用「PTS教育」的獨創教學法,在不受教科書限制、多元發展的教學環境中,養出能獨立思考、找到自己未來方向的孩子,關於學校辦學內容,詳情可見官網:http://www.kpvs.tp.edu.tw/或電02-2755-6939分機341楊小姐。 圖說:韓國國際廚藝學校校長Jong-won Kim(右三)率老師來台參訪開平餐飲,並與開平餐飲校長馬嘉延(左三)簽訂兩校交流MOU。(開平餐飲學校提供)    

文章來源 : 守護台灣新聞網 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1567 加入收藏 :
Docquity and Vietnam Association of Preventive Medicine (VAPM) Partner to Advance Medical Training

Dedicated VAPM channel on the Docquity platform to support training content for over 2,000 preventive medicine doctors over three years The initiative expands Docquity's community of preventive medicine doctors in Vietnam HANOI, Vietnam, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Docquity, Southeast Asia's largest healthcare professional (HCP) network, is partnering with the Vietnam Association of Preventive Medicine (VAPM) to enhance medical training for preventive medicine doctors and health staff in Vietnam. Prof. PhD. Phan Trong Lan, VAPM’s President (left) and Christophe Meugnier, CCO and General Manager of Vietnam & Thailand, Docquity (right) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to advance preventive medical training in Vietnam. As part of the collaboration, a dedicated VAPM channel has been launched on the Docquity platform, where educational courses, training workshops, and other resources will be developed and rolled out to over 2,000 Vietnamese preventive medicine HCPs during the next three years. Doctors can earn participation certificates by joining these learning sessions. The hub also fosters a conducive environment where VAPM members can engage with each other, share knowledge, and stay informed about the latest advancements in preventive medicine. The partnership is expected to propel the growth of Docquity's preventive medicine HCP community in Vietnam, further enhancing the reach and impact of the platform. Besides providing a robust and secure technological infrastructure, Docquity will work closely with VAPM to ensure the content aligns with Vietnam's Ministry of Health regulations and guidelines, guaranteeing accuracy, quality, and relevance. "By partnering with a powerful tech platform like Docquity for the first time, we look forward to reaching and educating more doctors and health staff especially those in remote areas, with greater efficiency and effectiveness," Prof. PhD. Phan Trong Lan, VAPM's President, said. "This collaboration will ensure that preventive medicine doctors and health staff across Vietnam have easier access to the latest knowledge and best practices in their field." "The partnership between Docquity and VAPM is built on a shared commitment to transform preventive medicine," Christophe Meugnier, CCO and General Manager of Vietnam & Thailand, Docquity, said. "Our deep healthcare industry insights and innovative digital capabilities uniquely position Docquity to advance how medical  education is delivered to doctors across Southeast Asia. By enabling HCPs to hone their medical expertise and connecting our healthcare enterprise clients with a wider network of doctors, we aim to improve healthcare outcomes across the region." For Vietnamese preventive medicine doctors and health staff interested in signing up for VAPM's learning sessions, please fill in your information here to register for the events and download the Docquity app on Google Play or the Apple App Store to join the learning sessions. The Docquity team will contact you to complete your registration. About Docquity, https://docquity.com/ Docquity is Southeast Asia's largest trusted community of verified healthcare professionals. Our vision is to connect healthcare professionals to build healthier lives around the world at scale. Docquity helps healthcare professionals learn, connect, and grow, and partners with companies to reach and educate healthcare professionals as well as provide insights into them. Docquity has more than 410,000 HCPs on the platform and offices in countries and regions such as India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Taiwan.  About the Vietnam Association of Preventive Medicine Vietnam Association of Preventive Medicine (VAPM) is a socio-professional, voluntary organization of people who work or are interested in the field of preventive medicine. The VAPM operates nationwide, according to the law of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Association's Charter. The Association is under the management of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam and relevant ministries and sectors of the industries and fields in which the Association operates. The Association is a member of the Vietnam General Medical Association. The Association has its own legal status, seal, symbol and account. The purpose of the VAPM is to unite its members through the exchange of information, experience, scientific and technical achievements; improve knowledge, professional qualifications and skills in preventive medicine field, contributing to building and developing a modern Vietnamese preventive medicine field; propagating and disseminating scientific knowledge about preventive medicine areas, contributing to raising awareness and changing behavior to protect and improve community health.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 375 加入收藏 :
LG Energy Solution to Pioneer Battery Safety Diagnostics Software Business, Exploring Unlimited Business Extension Opportunities

Safety diagnostics software detects battery defects with an accuracy rate of over 90%, leveraging company's technological leadership backed by BMS development capabilities and empirical battery data accumulated over more than 20 years Mounted on the BMS for automobiles, the software detects abnormal signs that could lead to an issue, and is compatible with EVs equipped with batteries from other manufacturers Precise diagnosis and prediction of battery degradation made possible with AI and cloud technologies SEOUL, South Korea, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LG Energy Solution announced today that it is venturing into the battery safety diagnostics software business. With interest in the safety of EVs at an all-time high, the company has decided to explore new business opportunities and provide the best customer value not only in battery manufacturing but also in BMS (Battery Management System) solutions, promoting the safe use of batteries. Safety diagnostics software detects battery defects with an accuracy rate of over 90% LG Energy Solution boasts unrivaled technological leadership in the battery safety diagnosis sector with its BMS design capabilities and empirical battery data gathered over 20 years. With over 8,000 BMS-related patents, the company has developed a safety diagnostics software based on empirical data obtained by disassembling and analyzing more than 130,000 battery cells and 1,000 battery modules. This reliable software has already been applied to more than 100,000 EVs, recording an impressive detection accuracy rate of more than 90%.  Based on its leading technological prowess, LG Energy Solution's safety diagnostics software analyzes various battery defects including voltage drop during charging, battery tab failure, micro internal short circuit, abnormal degradation, abnormal discharge, deviation in specific cell capacity, and excessive lithium precipitation. Until now, most battery diagnostics software solutions were based on technologies developed by predicting virtual conditions, leading to low accuracy when applied in real environments. Software preemptively detects abnormal signs that could lead to potential future issues  The growing interest in the safe use of EVs highlights the importance of developing a sophisticated battery condition management, prompting automakers to pay more attention to the BMS' ability to effectively measure and analyze battery information and detect various problems in advance.  LG Energy Solution's safety diagnostics software, which will be mounted on the automotive BMS, will provide functions that preemptively diagnose various battery abnormalities. In fact, it is already being applied to vehicles from nine global automakers. Based on a safety diagnosis detection accuracy rate of over 90%, the software can detect and alert abnormal signs indicating potential future issues, such as thermal incidents, in advance, ensuring driver safety and peace of mind. In addition, LG Energy Solution's software is receiving attention for its compatibility with EVs equipped with batteries from other manufacturers. LG Energy Solution has decided to expand its safety diagnostics software business in collaboration with global automakers based on its proven safety diagnosis accuracy and accumulated technological prowess. "Although automakers are starting to shift their attention to safety diagnosis technology, it takes time and resources to develop and apply reliable software," said Hyuksung Chung, Vice President of the Business Development Group at LG Energy Solution. "LG Energy Solution has already developed diagnostics software with capabilities that overwhelm the competition. Backed by various battery patents and vast amounts of empirical data, this leading vehicle software can be applied to an automotive BMS today. This move aligns with our commitment to actively collaborate with our clients to ensure EV batteries are safe to use." Precise diagnosis and degradation prediction with 1% range error rate In addition to a safety diagnosis function, LG Energy Solution has developed a technology that precisely diagnoses and predicts battery degradation. Through this technology, the software can predict a battery's future capacity and degradation based on data gathered on various information such as driving patterns. Based on LG Energy Solution's expertise in battery electrochemistry, the software has applied a battery physics model which includes various and complex degradation mechanisms such as lithium precipitation and degradation of cathode and anode. The software also diagnoses battery conditions more accurately by continuously upgrading its algorithms via AI computing technology. By continuously applying and supplementing battery cell information from various EVs to the algorithm, the error rate of battery degradation diagnosis has been reduced to the 1% range, top-level in the industry. In addition, LG Energy Solution is using cloud technology to analyze vast amounts of battery data in real time, with data from a total of 12,000 vehicles analyzed as of last year. Also, BMS software optimized for SDVs (Software Defined Vehicle) is being developed to target the future mobility era, where vehicles will become lifestyle platforms. By utilizing the vehicle's SoC (System-on-Chip) computing performance, computational capabilities can be enhanced and more sophisticated battery algorithms can be implemented. This will also unlock new battery services for customers by utilizing information obtained directly from the vehicle. LG Energy Solution has been working to strengthen its BMS capabilities in recent years through various collaborative efforts, including its cooperation with Qualcomm Technologies to develop advanced BMS diagnostic solutions based on SoC, and an MOU with Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), a global semiconductor leader, for the supply of high-performance battery management integrated circuit and joint technology development. "We will continue to provide irreplaceable and differentiated customer value, not only in battery manufacturing but also in the field of BMS solutions to ensure the highest levels of safety and performance," said David Kim, CEO of LG Energy Solution.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 233 加入收藏 :
應科院與城巴簽署關鍵合作備忘錄 開創自動駕駛及車聯網系統測試

香港2024年8月20日 /美通社/ -- 香港應用科技研究院(應科院)與城巴有限公司(城巴)今天簽署一份關鍵的合作備忘錄(MoU),共同開展有關自動駕駛及車聯網系統的研發工作,並於科學園至港鐵大學站及啟德發展區進行路面測試,以建立具成本效益及全球領先的智慧出行應用方案,並進一步提升香港由來已久及廣受讚譽的公共交通系統。 雙方首次合作旨在善用應科院先進的智慧出行技術和城巴豐富的開發及營運公共交通系統知識,開創香港交通新局面。城巴會支持應科院以下兩個已獲香港特區政府「智慧交通基金」批准的項目,並將與應科院探討其他智慧出行項目,推進公共交通營運數碼化及人工智能的應用。 專綫網聯自動駕駛巴士 專綫網聯自動駕駛的19座巴士將行走科學園區至港鐵大學站路段,主要測試網聯自動駕駛巴士於複雜的公開道路環境上實際應用,如迴旋處及公共交通交匯處行走。項目預計於2025年展開載客測試,將由城巴提供營運技術及支援,接載已預先登記的乘客。 智能路邊基礎設施提升香港公共交通承載能力 項目將於2024年9月1日啟動,旨在進一步研究車聯網(C-V2X)技術於公共巴士服務上的應用,選址啟德發展區。城巴是啟德發展區的主要巴士營運商,為區內提供多條公共巴士路線,穿梭啟德跑道區。應科院將首次對接城巴的公共巴士車載系統及在其雙層巴士上安裝車聯網設備,並連接啟德發展區的智能路邊設施,有效掌握實時道路情況及交通燈訊息。項目將透過車載系統向車長提供即時預警,以進一步提高駕駛安全和營運效率。 上述研究項目將提供寶貴的研究與開發數據,進一步提升車聯網以致更廣泛的自動駕駛巴士技術,應用於真實場景時的精準度和穩定性,從而為香港智慧出行作出貢獻,推動公共交通創新。 應科院行政總裁葉成輝博士說:「是次合作標誌着香港邁向更智能、更安全、更高效公共交通的重要里程碑。通過結合應科院的科研實力和城巴的營運經驗,我們有望創造一個可供全球效仿、適用於公共巴士的網聯自動駕駛方案。」 城巴董事總經理李卓豪先生強調是次合作可帶來的重要影響,他表示:「城巴是智慧出行及零排放轉型的先行者,成立45年來一直高瞻遠矚,力求為顧客帶來革新的公共交通行業。繼破天荒推出氫能及電能巴士,以及於全線車隊安裝智能安全駕駛系統以提升安全及顧客體驗後,我們深感榮幸能與應科院成為合作夥伴,為巴士營運引入嶄新技術推動智慧出行。我們深信合作能夠為香港巴士服務探索未來發展方向,令巴士服務提升至更高水平,並為香港發展成為智慧城市作出貢獻,使創新科技及知識能夠輸出國際。」 圖片下載:https://bit.ly/4cmtGPZ 應科院行政總裁葉成輝博士(左)與城巴有限公司董事總經理李卓豪先生 (右) 今日簽署合作備忘錄,攜手建立全球領先的智慧出行應用方案,進一步提升香港公共交通服務水平。 (圖左至右)城巴有限公司商務總監吳義君先生、應科院行政總裁葉成輝博士、城巴有限公司董事總經理李卓豪先生以及應科院通訊技術副總裁莊哲義博士於簽約儀式後合照。   關於香港應用科技研究院 香港應用科技研究院(應科院)由香港特別行政區政府於2000年成立,其使命是透過應用科技研究提升香港的競爭力。應科院的主要科技研發領域可歸納於五個技術部門,包括:先進電子元件及系統、人工智能及可信技術、通訊技術、創新思維、物聯網感測與人工智能技術。而技術研發主要應用在六項重點範疇:智慧城市、金融科技、新型工業化及智能製造、數碼健康科技、專用集成電路及元宇宙。 多年來,應科院致力培養研究及創科人才,並憑著其技術創新及對工商業界和社區的傑出貢獻而屢獲國際殊榮。應科院至今已將逾1,500項技術轉讓給業界,並於中國內地、美國及其他國家獲授超過1,100項專利。如欲查閱更多資訊,請瀏覽www.astri.org 。 關於城巴有限公司 城巴於1979年創立,持續秉持創新思維及提供優質服務的信念,發展成擁有超過1,700輛巴士及逾5,000位同事的團隊,路線覆蓋港島、九龍及新界,每日接載過百萬名顧客。我們擁有領先業界的巴士車隊,包括電能及氫能巴士,而所有巴士均為歐盟5型或以上。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 890 加入收藏 :
UTime Limited Partners with Dr. Ehud Baron to Pioneer AI-Driven Health Solutions

SHENZHEN, China, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- UTime Limited (NASDAQ: WTO) ("UTime" or the "Company") is pleased to announce a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with XCardio, a Japanese company owned by Dr. Ehud Baron, a leader in medical technology innovation. This partnership focuses on the joint development of state-of-the-art continuous blood pressure monitoring devices, BPWatch, aimed at advancing cardiovascular disease management. This joint project also aims to develop a new revenue model by transitioning from the low-margin business of selling BP watches to consumers to a high-margin, recurring revenue model. This will involve selling high-margin systems using a Per Patient Per Month (PPPM) payment structure. Dr. Ehud Baron brings his expertise in blood pressure, hemodynamics, health mapping, and AI-driven diagnostics to this strategic collaboration. This partnership highlights UTime's new commitment to enhancing health and wellness through cutting-edge medical wearable technology. With support from strategic collaborations and advanced research, UTime strives to deliver effective global solutions for disease prevention and health management. Dr. Ehud Baron was a former professor at the Israel Institute of Technology, UC Berkeley, and Stanford University. He also founded and led several companies in cardiology, sleep, and AI sectors. In light of the heightened global emphasis on health and disease prevention following the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic, UTime has prioritized the development of advanced medical wearable products. In 2024, UTime and Dr. Ehud Baron embarked on a strategic initiative to create a new blood pressure monitoring watch utilizing Dr. Baron's continuous blood pressure measurement technology. The collaboration with Dr. Ehud Baron is expected to play a key role in advancing UTime's efforts in blood pressure monitoring solutions. Moving forward, UTime is dedicated to expanding its range of medical wearable products, leveraging Dr. Baron's expertise to meet the growing demand for advanced health technologies worldwide. About UTime Limited UTime Ltd., established in 2008, provides cost-effective mobile devices to consumers globally and to helping low-income individuals from established markets, including the United States and emerging markets such as India and other countries in South Asia and Africa have better access to updated mobile technology. Since 2024, UTime has been committed to transforming health and wellness through innovative medical wearable technologies. By leveraging cutting-edge research and strategic partnerships, UTime aims to provide effective solutions for disease prevention and health management on a global scale. For more information, visit the Company's website at http://www.utimeworld.com/. Forward-Looking Statements Statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects, as well as any other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts, may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the ability of the Company to regain compliance with Nasdaq continued listing requirements. The words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "target," "will," "would" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of the Annual Report in Form 20-F filed with the SEC on July 30, 2024. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, and the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For more information, please contact:Eaky Taneaky@westock.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 323 加入收藏 :
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