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Sophos 是以創新安全解決方案對抗網路攻擊的全球領導者,今日宣布其 Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR) 服務已達成重要里程碑,目前全球保護超過 26,000 家組織,且 2024 年客戶數量成長高達 37%。這項成就突顯了市場對 Sophos 主動且由專家引領的安全解決方案需求日益成長,該解決方案能協助所有規模的組織全天候防禦日益複雜的網路威脅,包括最先進的勒索軟體攻擊、商業電子郵件詐騙 (BEC) 和網路釣魚攻擊。 Sophos MDR 提供一套全面的功能,不僅具有標準的威脅遏制,還涵蓋全方位的事件回應服務,包括根本原因分析、移除攻擊者使用的惡意工具或檔案,以及在客戶環境中進行深入調查,以確保完全驅逐攻擊者並防止再次攻擊。Sophos 的另一個顯著優點在於,這些事件回應服務皆包含於 Sophos MDR 中且無使用次數限制,客戶無需支付額外費用,事件回應工時也沒有上限。此外,Sophos MDR Complete 還提供一項高達 100 萬美元的資料外洩保障,可用於涵蓋事件回應相關費用。此外,Sophos 還為客戶提供與 MDR 分析師合作的彈性選項,包括允許客戶預先授權分析師遏阻作用中的威脅。 Sophos 對 MDR 的投資與全新功能 Sophos 在其 MDR 服務上進行了大量投資,包括強化分析師陣容、引入 AI 輔助工作流程、新增功能以及擴展整合等,以便透過改進的威脅防護、偵測和調查,提供最佳的安全效果。Sophos 新增了以下全新功能: 價值證明:全新的 Sophos MDR 服務見解,說明 MDR 團隊的行動,包括摘要出投入於威脅捕獵及建立與調整偵測功能的人力時數。非常有價值的儀表板強化功能,包括 Sophos MDR 團隊主動威脅捕獵中揭露的 MITRE ATT&CK 策略細節、MDR 分析師監控的範圍、案例調查摘要,以及一個帳戶健康檢查狀態。 針對 Microsoft 客戶的強化安全性:全新 Sophos 專屬偵測功能適用於 Microsoft Office 365,能識別包括商業電子郵件詐騙和中間人帳戶接管攻擊等威脅,且不受限於客戶的 Microsoft 授權等級。 擴展與第三方的相容性:擴大的即時整合生態系統,涵蓋與第三方網路安全和 IT 工具的整合,且新增「備份與復原」整合類別。 主動漏洞緩解:Sophos Managed Risk 搭載 Tenable 技術,為 Sophos MDR 客戶提供全新的託管式服務選項,進行受攻擊面漏洞管理。 效率與自動化:Sophos MDR 新增了以 AI 驅動的工作流程,簡化營運流程並提升安全效果。此創新透過更高效的優先排序降低了平均回應時間 (MTTR),同時確保能快速調查所有真正的威脅。這讓分析師能專注於其他任務,例如威脅捕獵、帳戶健康監控以及偵測工程。 Sophos 產品管理資深副總裁 Rob Harrison 表示:「攻擊者不斷改進攻擊策略,以避開傳統的安全防禦機制,我們的客戶依賴 Sophos MDR 來全天候協助它們應對當前的威脅,以及提供全方位的事件回應服務。Sophos MDR 不僅能移除作用中的攻擊者,還能進行根本原因分析,找出導致事件發生的潛在問題。我們持續透過全新的功能與整合來進化解決方案,就如攻擊者不斷改進其策略一樣,以確保客戶能在威脅升級為破壞性攻擊之前成功阻止它們。」 更佳的整合:Sophos MDR 的整合功能 Sophos 大幅投資第三方整合功能,讓 MDR 客戶能從更廣泛的工具和產品中接收並分析事件與警示,同時擴展針對 Microsoft 環境中可疑行為所識別的專屬偵測功能。這些整合包括: 全新備份與復原整合套件,包含與 Acronis、Rubrik 和 Veeam 的整合,以強化對勒索軟體的防禦能力。 Microsoft Office 365 管理活動整合,支援在 Microsoft 生態系統中接收稽核日誌與安全警示。目前已有超過 9,000 位客戶在 Sophos MDR 解決方案中使用此整合功能。 Sophos MDR 榮譽 Sophos MDR 在 2024 年獲得了來自客戶、分析師及媒體的多項認可與殊榮: Sophos 在《IDC MarketScape: 2024 年全球託管式偵測和回應 (MDR) 廠商評估》中被評為領導者 Sophos 在 《IDC MarketScape: 2024 年歐洲託管式偵測和回應 (MDR) 服務廠商評估》中被評為領導者 Sophos 在 Frost & Sullivan 的《2024 年全球託管式偵測和回應 (MDR) Frost Radar™》中被評為領導者 Sophos MDR 獲得 2024 年 SC Awards《最佳託管式偵測和回應服務獎》,以及 2024 年 SC Awards《歐洲最佳託管式安全服務獎》 Sophos 連續第二年被 Gartner® Peer Insights™ 評為 MDR 服務的「客戶首選」 Sophos MDR 獲選為 CRN《2024 年年度產品》中「營收與利潤類別」的得主 Sophos MDR 對當前威脅的分析 在過去 12 個月內,Sophos 分析了以下 MDR 案例並與客戶分享了調查結果: 2024 年 12 月,Sophos 發布了《內部威脅:Sophos 主動攻擊者報告》,深入剖析了攻擊者在 2024 年上半年使用的行為變化與攻擊技術。該數據來自近 200 起事件回應 (IR) 和 MDR 案例,顯示攻擊者正尋找利用受信任應用程式或「藉助現有二進位檔案」(LOLbins) 隱身的方法。Sophos 發現濫用這些應用程式的情況增加了 51%。 Sophos X-Ops 公布資訊,指出 Akira 勒索軟體案例在其 MDR 和事件回應 (IR) 客戶中呈現上升趨勢。自 2024 年 11 月以來,Sophos 已處理了 8 起相關案例,這些案例來自 Akira 在過去六個月內披露的 127 位受害者。 2024 年 6 月,Sophos MDR 公布了一項持續近兩年的網路間諜活動的詳細資料,該活動針對東南亞某高層政府機構。Sophos 將此行動命名為「紅宮行動 (Crimson Palace)」,其中涉及三個相互交疊的威脅活動集團,而這些活動與幾個知名的中國國家級攻擊團體有關。 來自 Sophos MDR 客戶的回饋 Sophos 在第二份 Gartner® Peer Insights™《客戶之聲》MDR 報告中被評為「客戶首選」廠商。截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日,Sophos 在 344 則評價中獲得了 4.9/5 的最高整體客戶評分。這些經過驗證的客戶評價一致讚揚 Sophos MDR 的創新表現。 以下是客戶對 Sophos MDR 的評價: 「過去我們很難管理工具和技術產生的警示和事件,但部署 MDR 後,我們完全放心了。此外,我們還使用了其他 Sophos 產品,從可管理性的角度來看,我們的整體體驗也非常好。」——來自醫療與生物科技行業的 IT 副主任 「Sophos MDR 是 Sophos 提供的極佳產品與服務,有了 MDR 後,您不再需要 SOC。」——來自 IT 服務行業的 IT 經理 「Sophos MDR 是市場上最好的服務之一。有了這項服務,威脅捕獵的負擔減輕了,讓我們晚上能安心入睡。」——來自零售行業的 IT 基礎架構專家 「我們使用 Sophos MDR 的體驗非常正面。我們能更安心了,因為 Sophos 團隊作為我們團隊的延伸,可全天候進行威脅捕獵、偵測和修復。」——來自營運專員
Commercial validation in Europe parallels ongoing RESPONDER-HF clinical trial TEWKSBURY, Mass., Dec. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Corvia Medical, Inc., a company dedicated to transforming the treatment of heart failure, announced today that it has achieved CE certification for the Corvia® Atrial Shunt System under the latest EU Medical Device Regulations (EU MDR 2017/745). The Corvia Atrial Shunt is a catheter-based cardiac implant designed to reduce heart failure symptoms by lowering pressures in the heart and lungs. Heart failure (HF) affects over 26 million people worldwide, with more than half experiencing heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), a condition in which patients are comfortable at rest but become immediately breathless with any exertion. Treatment options are limited. The Corvia Atrial Shunt is designed to alleviate elevated left atrial pressure (LAP) — a primary driver of HF symptoms — by creating a controlled passage between the left and right atria. Some 70 study sites worldwide are currently participating in RESPONDER-HF, a confirmatory, randomized clinical trial enrolling HF patients without latent pulmonary vascular disease or pacemakers, who have been shown in previous Corvia trials to experience substantial clinical benefit from shunting. "The CE Mark under the MDR for an implantable therapeutic cardiac device with the strictest requirements is a significant milestone for Corvia Medical" said Kate Stohlman, VP of Quality and Regulatory Affairs at Corvia Medical. "This approval reflects the dedication, commitment and efforts of our entire global team to the highest levels of device safety and clinical performance, and to continuously meet the requirements of the regulatory authorities." About Corvia Medical, Inc. Corvia Medical, Inc. is revolutionizing the treatment of heart failure through novel transcatheter cardiovascular devices. Founded in 2009 and headquartered in Tewksbury, MA, Corvia is dedicated to transforming the standard of care for heart failure treatment, enabling patients to reclaim their lives. The Corvia Atrial Shunt was granted Breakthrough Device designation by the FDA in 2019. Privately held, the company is backed by Third Rock Ventures, General Catalyst Partners, AccelMed, Lumira Ventures, Edwards Lifesciences, and an undisclosed strategic investor. For more information visit visit us.corviamedical.com. Physician referral/enrollment information for the RESPONDER-HF trial can be found at https://us.corviamedical.com/healthcare-professionals/reduce-lap-hf-clinical-program/responder-hf/ MEDIA CONTACT:Lisa Ensz+1 978-654-6120lensz@corviamedical.com
SHANGHAI, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MicroPort® CardioFlow Medtech Corporation (CardioFlow) (Stock Code: 02160.HK) recently announced that its self-developed second-generation transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) device, the VitaFlow LibertyTM Transcatheter Aortic Valve and Retrievable Delivery System (VitaFlow LibertyTM), has received EU CE-MDR certification. This certification highlights VitaFlow LibertyTM as a pioneering TAVI solution, that sets a new benchmark in transcatheter heart valve treatments. With over 47 million patients globally[1] suffering from aortic valve stenosis and regurgitation, the prevalence rates of these conditions are on the rise due to an aging population. The TAVI solution provided by CardioFlow, which avoids open-heart surgery and offers various benefits like minimal trauma, quick recovery, and enhanced quality of life, is increasingly becoming a preferred choice for patients with aortic heart valve disease. CardioFlow, one of the world's leading innovative medical device companies, has entered the field of structural heart disease when the field was still at an early adoption phase. Originating and headquartered in Shanghai, China, CardioFlow was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on February 2021. The company has a diverse product pipeline resulting from independent and collaborative research, covering structural heart devices such as transcatheter aortic, mitral, and tricuspid valves, left atrial appendage occludes, and accessories. Leveraging its technological expertise and capacity for innovation, the company has successfully obtained approvals and launched several TAVI products globally, among which VitaFlow LibertyTM stands out as the world's only electric retrievable transcatheter aortic valve system. The VitaFlowTM series TAVI solution along with its accessory - the AlwideTM series Balloon Catheter, has successfully covered nearly 700 core hospitals in 10 countries and regions, treating more than 10,000 patients with aortic valve disease worldwide. The clinical data from VitaFlowTM series valves were revealed at PCR London Valves 2023, a leading global conference on structural heart diseases. These results highlight VitaFlowTM's exceptional long-term clinical performance aligning with international top-tier standards. The long-term results of VitaFlowTM in high surgical risk patients with severe aortic stenosis showed promising outcomes in all-cause mortality, cardiac mortality, and permanent pacemaker implantation rates for patients over seven years, compared to other similar studies. During the conference, Dr. Darren Mylotte from Galway University Hospitals, Ireland, commented on the excellent data, and introduced the advantages of VitaFlow LibertyTM in its one of a kind motorized delivery system. The system can assist the valve to position easily due to its flexibility and 360° range of motion when treating complex anatomical patients with severe angled aortic arch deformities. The valve can also be fully retrieved and repositioned when released to 75%, and provides up to 3 retrievable opportunities for each procedure, thereby further optimizing the implantation effect. Additionally, it can effectively ensure the stability of valve release, reduce valve displacement, and make the procedure more controllable. Before launching into the EU market, VitaFlow LibertyTM conducted pre-market clinical implantations at Galway University Hospital in Ireland, Rigshospitalet (Copenhagen University Hospital) in Denmark, and St Thomas' Hospital as well as Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust in the United Kingdom, and received very high appraisal from many well-known clinical professionals. Dr. Ole De Backer, a professor of interventional cardiology, who led the TAVI procedures at Rigshospitalet stated, "The overall release process of VitaFlow LibertyTM is notably stable, ensuring precise positioning. This stability is especially crucial in patients with a small left ventricles, where VitaFlow LibertyTM consistently achieves stable and precise deployment, fully demonstrating its distinct advantages. We look forward to its positive impact on a broader patient population following CE certification." It has been reported that the European post-market clinical project will also be planned to start this year. As part of CardioFlow's global expansion roadmap, the company has also achieved significant milestones with CE application on three of its products, including the AlwideTM Plus Balloon Catheter, an essential accessory for aortic valve procedures, as well as the AnchorManTM Left Atrial Appendage Closure System and the AnchorManTM Left Atrial Appendage Access System, both developed by its subsidiary, CardioAdvent. Jeff Lindstrom, President of CardioFlow, stated, "The certification of VitaFlow LibertyTM by the CE regulatory body under MDR, is a testament to CardioFlow's world-class R&D, quality, and clinical capabilities. This recognition will expedite the global clinical adoption of the VitaFlowTM series along with other innovative products, advancing CardioFlow's globalization strategy. This achievement also positions us to make a more substantial contributions to developments in the field of heart valve interventions, ultimately benefiting patients across the globe." Guoming Chen, Chairman of CardioFlow, commented, "Securing the EU CE-MDR marking for VitaFlow LibertyTM is not just a passport for the product's entry into the European market, it also represents a significant milestone in CardioFlow's history and global roadmap. This achievement will assist in diversifying the company's sources of sales revenue and bolstering our overall competitiveness with a steadfast commitment to world-class product innovation." 1. Frost & Sullivan's statistics, 2021
The EU Medical Device Regulation CE certification approves that the most common types of skin cancer and a wide range of skin diseases and conditions can be treated in less than 90 seconds. COPENHAGEN, Denmark, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TOOsonix A/S, a pioneer in high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) technology for dermatology, has received EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) CE certification for its system for image-guided dermatologic therapy. Founders - Bove left Zawada right The certification allows TOOsonix to sell its flagship product, System ONE-M™, across the European Economic Area. Treatment of skin cancer and skin diseases can now be conducted in ways never before possible, providing more patient-friendly treatment than traditional procedures. "Our device presents oncologists and dermatologists with a new and versatile tool that can remove the need for an array of lasers, RF-devices, and other expensive specialized tools. With System ONE-M, a typical session may encompass the primary treatment of e.g. cancerous basal cell carcinoma, pre-cancerous actinic keratosis, as well as the removal of various more benign skin conditions that may have emerged since the patient's last visit", said Managing Director at TOOsonix, Torsten Bove. High precision image-guided therapy Unlike conventional dermatological therapy, everything can now be accomplished within a single straightforward session using the same device. The clinician can assess the target lesion area in microscopic resolution before treatment using the system's integrated imaging capability, and proceed directly to an image-guided treatment with extreme accuracy. "The treatment allows patients to depart virtually unaffected and without requiring downtime. Our objective has been to provide the most patient friendly treatment. TOOsonix System ONE-M is the next level device for treatment of the skin", said Co-Managing Director, Tomasz Zawada at TOOsonix. The approved treatments span several subcategories within dermatology. In oncology, interventions cover the treatment of basal cell carcinoma, the most prevalent cancer worldwide, and actinic keratosis, the most common pre-cancerous condition. Additionally, the system offers a pioneering non-invasive treatment of cutaneous neurofibromas in patients with the rare disease Neurofibromatosis Type 1, the most widespread genetic disorder. Finally, a wide range of benign skin tumors and neoplasms within general dermatology are approved. Treatments of these encompass several tens of millions conducted in hospitals and private practice every year, utilizing lasers, light therapies, RF-therapy, cryotherapy, and a range of topical and systemic pharmaceutical products. Immense potential Clinical data for all treatments demonstrate safe, swift, and efficient therapies, now providing patients with a non-invasive option that have minimal discomfort and no downtime following treatments, and no side effects from pharmaceutical agents or harmful radiation. In many cases, a single treatment session taking less than 90 seconds suffices to achieve the desired therapeutic outcome. Lone Schøtt Kunøe, CEO of Consolidated Holdings A/S and Chairman of TOOsonix, remarks: "Introducing a safe, swift, and effective system to the market for both medical and aesthetic dermatological therapy holds immense potential. I view the CE mark as the initial realization of TOOsonix's breakthrough in the market, and I am tremendously enthusiastic about the excellent prospects for the future". About TOOsonix A/S At TOOsonix, our core passion and mission revolve around aiding people through focused ultrasound technology. Collaborating with clinicians and healthcare experts across Europe and the USA, we develop improved clinical options for dermatological therapy. Our clinically approved treatments address some of the most prevalent cancerous, pre-cancerous, genetic, and benign skin conditions of our era. Through our efforts, we aspire to elevate standards of dermatological care and create a healthier future for the patients of today and tomorrow. More information: www.toosonix.com Contact Torsten BoveManaging DirectorPh: +45 2059 2999Email: torsten.bove@toosonix.com TOOsonix treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma TOOSonix System ONE-M
DALLAS, April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Inspira Enterprise, Inc. ('Inspira'), a global cybersecurity services organization is proud to announce that it has been positioned in the Leaders category in the 2024 IDC MarketScape Report for worldwide emerging managed detection and response (MDR) services. In the assessment conducted by IDC for its MarketScape, vendors were meticulously scrutinized against a comprehensive array of benchmarks encompassing, functionality, offerings, security outcomes, go-to-market strategy, customer portal, talent management, service tiers, range of services, future outlook, security outcome, and cost normalization. IDC's discerning evaluation heralded Inspira's proactive detection and closed-loop remediation, as the integral components of its cutting-edge Intelligence-Driven Cyber Defense (ICD) practice. According to the IDC MarketScape Report, "MDR services have experienced significant growth, fueled by the escalating sophistication and frequency of cyber threats. Organizations are increasingly turning to MDR services as the cornerstone of fortifying their digital fortresses against the relentless tide of evolving cyber threats. to enhance their overall cybersecurity posture. This strategic shift underscores a profound recognition of the imperative to not merely respond reactively but to proactively anticipate and neutralize emerging risks with unparalleled agility and efficacy." Commenting on Inspira's strengths, Yogesh Shivhare, Research Manager, Security & Infrastructure, at IDC Canada stated, "Inspira Enterprise's MDR offering extends beyond threat containment to include a closed-loop remediation process. After containment, this process ensures that enterprise-wide policies and configurations are updated, effectively preventing future attacks using similar methods. This process enables Inspira's service to improve analyst interaction and develop a deeper understanding of the client's context." He also added, "Inspira Enterprise brings a wealth of experience in providing threat detection and response services in complex environments, particularly for midmarket and enterprise clients in the banking and financial services (BFSI), healthcare and life sciences (HCLS), and public sector, with steady adoption of its services within organizations in other industry verticals." Inspira's visionary approach is epitomized by its formidable arsenal of accelerators which forms the foundation for assisting its clientele to transition from their incumbent security information and event management solutions to Inspira's state-of-the-art MDR platform. Automation and orchestration are foundational to Inspira's MDR service, with over 130+ playbooks facilitating a 15-minute detection, 30-minute containment, and 4-hour remediation SLA for highest severity incidents. "Our team is indeed honored to be recognized by IDC MarketScape as a Leader for Worldwide MDR Services," said Chetan Jain, Managing Director, of Inspira Enterprise. "This acknowledgment is a validation of our commitment to safeguard our clients' digital assets. We tailor our MDR services to the business context, by integrating SIEM, UEBA, SOAR, and TIP capabilities while also delivering a unified cyber-risk dashboard to provide visibility into threat detection coverage and maturity. We cater to midsize to large clients with complex IT environments who are looking to completely outsource cyber defense or augment their existing SOC efforts." Inspira Enterprise has invested significantly in developing its native MDR platform, (iMDR), expected to be available to clients in 2024. This platform will bring advanced detection and hunting capabilities along with a GenAI-enabled dashboard embedded in its iSMART2 customer portal. Inspira Enterprise is also diversifying its services with offerings like deception as a service, IT-OT converged SOC, and continues to invest in service offerings and automation to improve SOC Program Governance through measurable and actionable KPIs. Inspira Enterprise's proactive stance and ongoing investments position it as a forward-thinking partner in the dynamic field of managed detection and response services. Read more: https://inspiraenterprise.com/ugiltecm/2024/04/IDC-MarketScape-Worldwide-Emerging-Managed-Detection-and-Response-Services-2024-Vendor-Assessment-2024-Apr.pdf About Inspira Inspira Enterprise is a global Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, and AI services provider with a presence in North America, ASEAN, the Middle East, India, and Africa regions. It offers a wide range of services for Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI), Healthcare, Public Sector, Manufacturing, Information Technology Enabled Services (ITeS), eCommerce, and others. Inspira's cybersecurity services range from basic perimeter security to complex incident management and response and managed security services. The organization's global partnerships with best-of-breed technology providers enable it to offer cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. Inspira's Managed Analytics service supports its customer's IT and Business teams, to bridge data strategies with business outcomes. About IDC MarketScape: IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor's position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors. Media Contact: marketing@inspiraenterprise.com+91 2240569999
EQS 新聞 / 2024-01-22 / 09:42 UTC+8 鷹瞳科技(2251.HK)再獲歐盟CE MDR認證,已取得多國市場准入許可 1月8日,鷹瞳科技宣佈,公司的Airdoc-AIFUNDUS (1.0) 近期獲得醫療器械條例規定的CE標誌(“CE MDR”),該標誌允許全面進入包括比利時、德國、義大利、法國等在內的27個歐盟國家。 除獲得CE MDR外,公司的Airdoc-AIFUNDUS(1.0)及AI-FUNDUSCAMERA-P(即AI-FD16系列)在過去兩年中亦成功獲得了東南亞、中東及非洲等多個國際市場相關機構的監管許可。具體而言,Airdoc-AIFUNDUS(1.0)已獲得印尼、越南、南非、阿拉伯聯合酋長國及馬來西亞的監管批准或註冊,且AI-FUNDUSCAMERA-P已獲得印尼、南非、阿拉伯聯合酋長國及泰國的監管批准或註冊。 IDF全球糖尿病地圖(第10版)顯示,2021年全球約有5.37億成年人(20-79歲)患有糖尿病,全球成年人糖尿病患病率約為10.5%,即每10個人中就有1個糖尿病患者。 Airdoc-AIFUNDUS (1.0)用於輔助診斷糖尿病視網膜病變,是中國首個獲得國家藥監局第三類醫療器械證書以及全球第二款獲批的人工智慧視網膜影像識別分析醫療器械軟體。 公司自研的眼底相機AI-FD16系列是中國首款獲批上市的全自動、全自助、可攜式眼底相機,可輕鬆應用於任何醫療健康場景,為視網膜篩查的普惠可及提供了必要的硬體支撐。 伴隨著多個國家和地區的市場准入許可陸續取得,中國原創的AI技術將搭乘前往世界各地的航班漂洋過海,進一步造福當地居民,讓健康無處不在。 在歐洲,約有6140萬人患有糖尿病,成年人糖尿病患病率約為9.2%。歐洲地區1型糖尿病的兒童和青少年人數最多,達29.5萬人年發病率最高,每年新增3.1萬例1型糖尿病患者。歐洲地區的糖尿病患者人均花費位居全球第二位,為3086美元,早期診斷糖尿病及其併發症能有效降低治療成本。2021年泰國的成人(20-79歲)糖尿病患者人數約610萬在西太平洋地區中排名第四。2021年馬來西亞的成人(20-79歲)糖尿病患者人數約有440萬在西太平洋地區中排名第五。2021年印尼的成人(20-79歲)糖尿病患者人數位居世界第五,約有1950萬,預計到2024年將增長至2840萬;2021年未確診糖尿病成人(20-79歲)人數位居世界第三,約有1430萬未確診比例約為73.7%。 2021年南非的成人(20-79歲)糖尿病患者人數約有420萬是非洲地區患病人數最多的國家。越南糖尿病患者從2019年至2022年增加了43%,目前糖尿病患病人數多達500萬人,是越南十大致殘原因之一。阿聯酋有近100萬人患糖尿病糖尿病發病率約12.3%,近30%的迪拜居民患糖尿病或糖尿病前期。 糖尿病是全人類面臨的重大慢性疾病也是需要共同克服的難題鷹瞳科技軟硬體產品獲得更多國家的市場准入許可讓視網膜影像AI檢測服務走出中國,走向世界力求減少海外人民的患病隱患連接全人類對0患病的共同期盼真正做到“讓健康無處不在”。 文件: 鷹瞳科技(2251.HK)再獲歐盟CE MDR認證,已取得多國市場准入許可 2024-01-22 此財經新聞稿由EQS Group轉載。本公告內容由發行人全權負責。瀏覽原文: http://www.todayir.com/tc/index.php
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