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符合「MARBLEX」新聞搜尋結果, 共 15 篇 ,以下為 1 - 15 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
MARBLEX 藉由「FUN COMES FIRST」理念 透過品牌重塑計劃開創嶄新未來

區塊鏈遊戲公司MARBLEX今(15日)宣布品牌重塑計劃,以反映未來的業務營運方向。   自2022年首次推出以來,MARBLEX提出了最新標語「FUN COMES FIRST」,全面革新服務內容,包含擴大遊戲合作夥伴關係、強化使用者補償機制、提升技術與永續發展,以及加強以社群為中心的營運模式。   此外,MARBLEX 還推出全新的 BI(品牌識別)資產,包括吉祥物、代幣設計和品牌標誌,這些都與其「樂趣」核心理念相互呼應。   MARBLEX 的第一個吉祥物是一個名為「gObY」的綠色妖精,其靈感來自於奇幻主題的妖精角色。「gObY」旨在透過有趣又頑皮的獨特性格,為MARBLEX帶來俏皮的智慧和充沛的活力。   此外,代幣設計也進行了改造,採用明亮的霓虹色調,並融入「gObY」的俏皮特質,預計以其獨特的設計架構與年輕族群產生共鳴。煥然一新的品牌標誌則採用氣泡狀設計和弧形裝飾,營造出更平易近人的氛圍。   同時,透過品牌重塑,MARBLEX在2026年前的發展藍圖中將擁有超過10個遊戲項目,包括 MMORPG、休閒遊戲和模擬遊戲,進一步鞏固自身在遊戲產業的地位。    MARBLEX為知名遊戲開發與發行公司的網石集團(Netmarble Corporation)旗下區塊鏈子公司。該公司獨有的該區塊鏈生態系統將逐步更新,應用至即將推出的遊戲中。   更多資訊請前往MARBLEX官方網站、Telegram與X查看。

文章來源 : 網石棒辣椒股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 201 加入收藏 :
MARBLEX邀請遊戲粉絲加入Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M最新項目

區塊鏈遊戲公司MARBLEX高興地宣布,自12月4日起,網石旗下最新小隊制RPG《亞瑟王:傳奇崛起》已加入Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M。與此同時,該計畫正在招募內容創作者。   在11月27日於全球上市的《亞瑟王:傳奇崛起》,成為繼《我獨自升級: ARISE》之後,加入Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M的第二款遊戲。過去一個月以來,全球各地許多創作者參與了該計劃,在YouTube、Reddit、Telegram、Facebook、X(Twitter)等各大社群平台,產生超過1千200萬次的內容瀏覽數。   Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M是一項運用MARBLEX智慧型合約技術的Web3行銷解決方案,旨在促進內容創作者和玩家的共同成長。透過將此計劃整合到網石的全球遊戲中,MARBLEX正在建立一個充滿活力的創作者和使用者社群。藉由創作者夥伴PLUS M,MARBLEX希望推動區塊鏈的大規模應用,並將自身定位為面向Web2和Web3遊戲玩家的綜合遊戲行銷平台。    MARBLEX為知名遊戲開發與發行公司的網石集團(Netmarble Corporation)旗下區塊鏈子公司。該公司獨有的該區塊鏈生態系統將逐步更新,應用至即將推出的遊戲中。   更多資訊請前往MARBLEX官方網站、Medium、Telegram、X與臉書粉絲專頁查看。

文章來源 : 網石棒辣椒股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1180 加入收藏 :
MARBLEX推出全新IP互動服務「NFT Adventure」 且首次是與「Koongya Restaurantz」合作

區塊鏈遊戲公司MARBLEX宣布推出全新且基於IP的互動服務「NFT Adventure」。   「NFT Adventure」是一項互動式服務,使用者可以將熱門角色客製化為 NFT,推進劇情,並透過完成各種每日和社交任務來獲得特別獎勵。MARBLEX透過融合IP 導向的使用者體驗和遊戲化元素,希望透過這項新服務為所有背景的使用者提供易於使用且令人愉悅的內容。   MARBLEX也公布了NFT Adventure服務的第一個合作項目——Koongyaz Universe Odyssey。它以韓國熱門IP「Koongya Restaurantz」中的角色作為NFT,使用者可以和Koongya 一起參與冒險,並在過程中獲得特別獎勵和周邊商品。同時,使用者可以透過旅程進度來培養及客製化他們的Koongya NFT。   「Koongya Restaurantz」是以蔬菜角色「庫亞」的衍生品牌,由 Netmarble旗下子公司MNB所開發「Koongya Restaurantz」的劇集可在Instagram 上觀看。作為深受青少年粉絲熱愛的角色IP,「Koongya Restaurantz」已經與多個跨產業品牌進行合作。    MARBLEX為知名遊戲開發與發行公司的網石集團(Netmarble Corporation)旗下區塊鏈子公司。該公司獨有的該區塊鏈生態系統將逐步更新,應用至即將推出的遊戲中。   更多資訊請前往MARBLEX官方網站、Medium、Telegram、X與臉書粉絲專頁查看。

文章來源 : 網石棒辣椒股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2344 加入收藏 :
MARBLEX歡迎全球遊戲粉絲加入Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M!

網石旗下《我獨自升級:ARISE》是第一款加入Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M的遊戲,未來將有更多遊戲逐步加入該計劃。 區塊鏈遊戲公司MARBLEX宣布,自9月10日起已開始為Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M計畫招募內容創作者。   Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M是運用MARBLEX智慧型合約技術的全球計劃,旨在激勵創作者和玩家共同成長。第一款加入Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M的遊戲是網石旗下的《我獨自升級:ARISE》,這是一款改編自熱門網路漫畫《我獨自升級》的動作遊戲。MARBLEX預計將逐步擴大該計劃,以運用在更多的遊戲和專案上。   所有活躍在YouTube或其他社交媒體平台,例如X(Twitter)、Telegram和Reddit上的創作者均可加入該計劃,沒有最低參與要求。任何遊戲愛好者都可以透過網站申請參加Netmarble創作者夥伴PLUS M。   MARBLEX目前正在舉辦一場特別活動來慶祝新計劃的推出,無論參與者等級為何,均提供所有人2%的額外獎勵。有關該活動的詳細資訊可前往此處查看,使用者亦可從官方網站了解關於該計劃代幣經濟的更多資訊。   此外,MARBLEX在最近舉辦的「2024韓國區塊鏈週」上宣布即將發行Koongya NFT。深受青少年與20多歲粉絲喜愛的角色IP、由MARBLEX與「Koongya Restaurantz」合作的Koongya NFT將於10月推出。   MARBLEX為網石集團(Netmarble Corporation)旗下的區塊鏈子公司。網石獨有的該區塊鏈生態系統將逐步更新,應用至即將推出的遊戲中。

文章來源 : 網石棒辣椒股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3199 加入收藏 :

The New Alliance will integrate Immutable's zkEVM blockchain, the First Ever Gaming Blockchain into the MARBLEX Platform The partnership includes a $20M Ecosystem Boost Program to accelerate blockchain gaming by supporting game studios as they onboard on MARBLEX Ecosystem SEOUL, South Korea, June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MARBLEX, a blockchain gaming company, announced a strategic partnership with a leading Web3 gaming platform and ecosystem Immutable. The partnership involves the exclusive migration of MARBLEX to Immutable zkEVM along with Netmarble IP. MARBLEX and Immutable will work closely together to expand the blockchain gaming ecosystem and provide a new level of user experience and high-quality games to players around the globe.  MARBLEX CHOOSES IMMUTABLE TO CREATE HOME OF WEB3 GAMING IN SOUTH KOREA MARBLEX platforms will integrate the Ethereum Layer-2 solution Immutable zkEVM to expand its ecosystem globally. Specializing in gaming and NFTs, Immutable zkEVM powered by Polygon, is known for maintaining security while offering high scalability and low gas fees through zero-knowledge roll-up technology. MARBLEX plans to focus on publishing and nurturing games and digital content by leveraging Immutable's advanced blockchain technology. In addition to platform migration, the new partnership will also introduce a $20 million Ecosystem Boost Program to accelerate blockchain gaming and foster market growth. Together, the two companies will identify and support promising Web2 game studios with necessary technical and business aid as they transition to blockchain integration, including establishing suitable infrastructure. The Ecosystem Boost Program will help MARBLEX and Immutable scale their blockchain gaming operations and reach a broader user base.   "By joining forces with Immutable, MARBLEX will help drive innovating the global gaming industry, making the benefits of blockchain technology accessible to a broader range of gamers worldwide," said Hong Jin Pyo, CEO of MARBLEX. "In the burgeoning landscape of gaming, we envision a future teeming with opportunities to forge vibrant communities and economies that extend far beyond mere entertainment." MARBLEX is a blockchain-specialized subsidiary of the renowned game developer and publisher, Netmarble. The company will progressively integrate its proprietary blockchain ecosystem into upcoming titles through ongoing updates. More information can be found on MARBLEX's official website, Medium, Telegram, X, and Facebook page. About MARBLEXMARBLEX is a blockchain-powered subsidiary of Netmarble Corp. Netmarble Corp. is a well-established developer and publisher of mobile games comprised of more than 6,000 game industry veterans and blockchain technology experts from across the globe. MARBLEX aims to bring the highest quality blockchain games to market by providing key services such as a cryptocurrency wallet, decentralized exchange, token staking, and an NFT Marketplace. MBX, a proprietary blockchain ecosystem launched by MARBLEX, allows gamers to advance their experiences through organic engagement and rewards for participation.The MBX ecosystem can be enjoyed as part of popular Netmarble titles, such as Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds. About ImmutableImmutable is a global leader in gaming on a mission to bring digital ownership to every player by making it safe and easy to build great web3 games. The Immutable gaming platform makes it easy for game studios and independent developers to safely and confidently build and launch successful games on Ethereum. The product suite includes pre-built solutions, optimised for usability, that help developers get to market faster without sacrificing security or player experience. Builders get personalised web3 guidance, live support for their communities, and access to the largest ecosystem in gaming. Immutable was the first gaming platform to deliver a zero-knowledge (zk) scaling solution to the Ethereum community and provides developers with multiple zk-based scaling options, including Immutable X, a rollup based on StarkWare technology, and Immutable zkEVM, powered by Polygon.  For more information, please visit: https://www.immutable.com/

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 488 加入收藏 :

LOS ANGELES, June 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- MARBLEX, a blockchain subsidiary of leading mobile game developer and publisher Netmarble, has unveiled its strategy for optimized tokenomics to build an ecosystem that is fueled by sustainability and credibility. Starting from the third quarter of this year, MARBLEX will progressively implement the revamped tokenomics in three phases to realign the ecosystem's supply plan and to expand token utilities. Phase 1: Burning all tokens outside the distribution plan Phase 2: Enhanced token burning policy ('Auto-Burn' / 'Dynamic Burn') Phase 3: Revamping the game tokenomics While the details of Phase 2 and 3 will be unveiled successively, the phase 1 entails burning up to 67% of the unplanned distribution supply from the total token supply of 1 billion MBX. This strategic action will significantly reduce uncertainty surrounding MBX tokenomics while bolstering the overall transparent ecosystem for users worldwide. MARBLEX has submitted a tokenomics optimization proposal to the holders of membership NFT 'MARBLERSHIP,' and MBX token with the aim of assisting MBX in evolving into a sustainable blockchain ecosystem. The proposal will be subject to voting by the holders via official Discord community and Snapshot. The decision to burn will be determined on July 10, and the further details of the burning plan will be presented upon the voting result. Fans worldwide can enjoy the MBX ecosystem as part of Netmarble's Meta World: My City, A3: Still Alive, Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds and The King of Fighters: ARENA. The company will progressively integrate its proprietary blockchain ecosystem into upcoming titles through ongoing updates. More information can be found on the MARBLEX's official website, Medium, Telegram, Twitter, and Facebook page. About MARBLEX MARBLEX is a blockchain-powered subsidiary of Netmarble Corp. Netmarble Corp. is a well-established developer and publisher of mobile games, comprised of more than 6,000 game industry veterans and blockchain technology experts from across the globe. MARBLEX aims to bring the highest quality blockchain games to market by providing key services such as a cryptocurrency wallet, decentralized exchange, token staking and an NFT Marketplace. MBX, a proprietary blockchain ecosystem launched by MARBLEX, allows gamers to advance their experiences through organic engagement and rewards for participation. The MBX ecosystem can be enjoyed as part of popular Netmarble titles, such as A3: Still Alive, Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds and The King of Fighters Arena. About MBX Token MBX is a public token that has a market value in the public chains for MBX, a proprietary blockchain ecosystem launched by MARBLEX (a blockchain subsidiary of Netmarble Corp.) . In an effort to maintain sustainability, MBX focuses on publishing-oriented partnerships to ensure quality games and content. It also introduces a diversified return policy that utilizes a portion of in-game sales, along with a burning model to enhance transferability. MBX can be found through leading cryptocurrency exchanges. For more information, visit https://www.marblex.io/en.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2797 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 15 日 (星期三) 農曆十二月十六日
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