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明志科技大學電算中心於今年10月舉辦「M365 Copilot校園應用推廣活動」,邀請雲碩科技公司工程師周講師為校內教職員介紹M365 Copilot的應用,總計吸引47位教職員參與。活動旨在提升教職員對M365 Copilot的初步認識和使用技能,並推動校園數位學習的普及化。 活動中,周講師展示多種M365 Copilot在不同應用程式中的實際操作場景,強調其在工作效率提升和協作能力增進方面的潛力。例如,在Word中,Copilot可以自動生成會議紀錄、列出大綱,並快速撰寫草稿;在Excel中則能排序資料和生成數據分析報告;在Outlook中可根據來信自動生成回信,提高郵件處理效率;而在PowerPoint中,能快速生成指定主題和頁數的簡報;在Teams則協助會議紀錄整理及摘要,幫助使用者掌握會議要點。透過實際情境分享,教職員進一步了解M365 Copilot在教學、研究及行政管理的潛在應用價值。 因應人工智慧(AI)在教育領域日益受到關注,電算中心計劃未來持續舉辦更多相關活動,不僅提供工具的技術背景和使用原理,也將促進教職員與業界及其他學校的AI應用經驗交流,為校內師生打造更多數位學習與成長機會。
【2024年7月18日,台北】網路安全及資料防護領導廠商 Acronis 安克諾斯,全新推出 Acronis Cyber Protect 16 版,完美整合了備份、資料保護、網路安全和端點管理功能為一個安全解決方案。隨著遠距工作的便利流行,駭客攻擊手法也快速變化,倏忽增加了企業被攻擊的風險,使資料保存的安全性和隱私的問題更為重要。卓越的安克諾斯 16 版,透過單一中控台簡單易於於操作提供備份和網路防護,增強企業的 IT 能力,另提供 M365 自動化備份功能,讓您的資料免受任何安全威脅! 湛揚科技總代理的全新 Acronis Cyber Protect 16 新增以企業客戶需求為導向的嶄新備份功能,其中「不可變動儲存 Immutable storage」確保備份資料和備份帳戶本身的完整性,防止任何未經授權的軟體或程式(包括惡意軟體)在可自訂的時間內進行變更或刪除。這可完美的防禦加密勒索的攻擊,並確保你有安全可靠的備份資料可已使用。隨著越來越多企業使用 Microsoft 365,安克諾斯的備份訂閱制授權 Cyber Protect _Backup,也提供 M365 完整自動化的備份功能,從雲端到雲端備份,支援 SharePoint 、 OneDrive、Teams 和 Exchange,均可由 Acronis 安克諾斯直接管理的持續維護,確保您的備份保護安全且始終最新。 炎炎夏日,安克諾斯總代理湛揚科技推出 Acronis「安克諾斯 龍年禦守」優惠活動,為企業預算清涼一下~凡訂購 Acronis Cyber Protect 全系列 2 年授權,就多送 1 年享有 3 年授權;訂購 3 年授權再送 2 年享有為 5 年授權,伺服器版本在贈送 250G 雲端儲存空間。即日起訂購 M365 備份同享以上優惠。『安克諾斯龍年禦守』讓您企業資料保平安,M365 郵件備份更心安,優惠活動到 9 月 30 日止。若需安克諾斯全系列產品介紹或體驗,歡迎洽詢總代理湛揚科技官網 https://www.t-tech.com.tw/ 關於 Acronis 安克諾斯 Acronis 安克諾斯是一家全球網路安全保護公司,為託管服務運營商 (MSP) 及中小型企業 (SMB) IT 部門提供無縫整合網路安全,端點管理和資料保護解決方案的領先者。 Acronis 解決方案非常高效,旨在以最短的停機時間識別、預防、偵測、回應、修復和恢復現代網路威脅,從而確保資料完整性和業務連續性。 Acronis 安克諾斯同時為 MSP 提供市場上最全面的安全解決方案,具有滿足多樣化和分散式 IT 環境需求的獨特能力。Acronis 於 2003 年在新加坡成立的瑞士公司,在全球設有 15 個辦事處,員工遍佈 50 多個國家。Acronis Cyber Protect 在 150 個國家/地區以 26 種語言提供,並被超過 20,000 家服務提供者使用,已保護超過 750,000 家企業。在台灣,Acronis 安克諾斯廣受金融界及政府單位所信任及普遍使用,並於2015年授權湛揚科技為台灣總代理。 關於湛揚科技 湛揚科技成立於 2005 年,致力於『資料備份、端點防護及網路安全』解決方案,協同合作夥伴為企業提供新世代高性價比的資訊安全產品及專業服務為公司宗旨。湛揚科技亦為「唯思安全 WithSecure」與「芬-安全 F-Secure」的台灣總代理。在未來新型網路技術及 AI 應用的數位環境下,湛揚科技將持續研發企業所需的基礎資安服務,並以專業代理『備份、防毒、雲安全』等新技術為發展目標,持續為企業及合作夥伴提供穩定堅固的安全解決方案及服務,並以『客戶滿意』『永續經營』為企業的使命及價值。
Vectra AI adds AI-powered detections that expose attacker behaviors targeting Microsoft Azure cloud services and Microsoft Copilot delivering much needed reinforcements for customers' native tools SINGAPORE, Nov. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vectra AI, Inc., the leader in AI-driven XDR (extended detection and response), today announced the extension of the Vectra AI Platform to include comprehensive coverage for customers' Microsoft Azure environments. With the addition of over 40 unique attacker behavior detections for Microsoft Azure, Vectra AI now delivers over 100 AI-driven attacker behavior detections. Now, Microsoft customers achieve comprehensive hybrid and multi-cloud defense for their entire Microsoft environment - Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID, Microsoft M365, Microsoft Copilot for M365 and now Microsoft Azure. According to the Microsoft Digital Defense Report 2024, Microsoft customers face more than 600 million cybercriminal and nation-state attacks every day, ranging from ransomware to phishing to identity attacks. The growing Microsoft attack surface, spanning on-premises data centers, network identities, cloud services, and various endpoints, presents increased vulnerabilities as more organizations adopt hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Migration to Microsoft Entra ID, expansion to Azure, and the adoption of Microsoft Copilot for M365 contribute to a wider range of entry points for attackers, as evidenced by the hybrid attacks executed by threat actor groups like Midnight Blizzard and Scattered Spider. Vectra Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services report a sixfold increase in attacks on Microsoft E5 customers between June and October 2024, underscoring the need for robust security measures. To support security operations (SOC) teams, Vectra AI's detections monitor over 40 attacker behaviors unique to Azure, and over 100 attacker behaviors spanning Azure, Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID, Microsoft M365 and Microsoft Copilot for M365, delivering the most robust library of behavior-based detection tools on the market. "We consistently hear from CISOs that they want AI to help them identify real threats, connect the dots in real-time, and deliver accurate, integrated attack signal to the SOC. This is especially true for CISOs securing rapidly sprawling Microsoft environments," says Hitesh Sheth CEO and founder of Vectra AI. "No one is better than Vectra AI at delivering integrated attack signal in real-time." The Vectra AI Platform provides the highest-fidelity signal using patented AI-driven Attack Signal Intelligence. Attack Signal Intelligence continuously learns customers' Microsoft environments to automatically connect the dots on attacker behaviors spanning the organization's cloud and network environment. Armed with hybrid and multi-cloud Attack Signal Intelligence, Microsoft customers get the hybrid and multi-cloud attack coverage, signal clarity and intelligent control they need to reduce siloed tool complexity, remove operational latency, and maximize existing SOC time and talent. "Vectra AI covers not only the basics, but with the detection models, it really looks at the identities traversing through Microsoft Azure and Office 365, and that gives us a complete picture," said Fabian Heiz, CISO of Coop. "Vectra AI has been a good partner for the last eight years." "By expanding our coverage of the Microsoft ecosystem with AI detections for Azure and Copilot, we are demonstrating to SOC teams that our Attack Signal Intelligence is AI they can trust, providing a unique blend of advanced technology, contextual understanding, and automation that other threat detection tools cannot compete against," says Jeff Reed, Chief Product Officer of Vectra AI. To learn more about Vectra AI's coverage of Microsoft Azure environments, please visit https://www.vectra.ai/platform/cloud/azure-coverage. Learn more about how Vectra AI is setting the new agentless standard for extended detection and response (XDR) by visiting our blog and following along on LinkedIn and X. About Vectra AI, Inc.Vectra AI, Inc. is the leader in AI-driven extended detection and response (XDR). The Vectra AI Platform delivers integrated signal across public cloud, SaaS, identity, and data center networks in a single platform. Vectra AI's patented Attack Signal Intelligence empowers security teams to rapidly detect, prioritize, investigate and stop the most advanced hybrid cyber-attacks. With 35 patents in AI-driven detection and the most vendor references in MITRE D3FEND, organizations worldwide rely on the Vectra AI Platform and MDR services to move at the speed and scale of hybrid attackers. For more information, visit www.vectra.ai.
AI-driven Attack Signal Intelligence provides SOC teams a holistic view of their active posture and any active attacks across networks, identities, clouds and GenAI tools SINGAPORE, Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vectra AI, Inc., the leader in AI-driven XDR (extended detection and response), today announced the expansion of its Vectra AI Platform, which now equips security operations center (SOC) teams with active posture to proactively discover and pinpoint where their hybrid environment is exposed to attackers. With this expansion, Vectra AI Platform's patented Attack Signal Intelligence™ now provides a holistic view with analytics to discover, deter, detect, and disrupt hybrid attackers. To keep pace with attackers, it is critical for SOC teams to know where the organization is exposed to hybrid attacker infiltration, progression, and lateral movement across the entire hybrid environment. Failure to stay on top of a dynamic, ever-changing hybrid attack surface enables attackers to progress their campaigns to remain unseen and unstopped. "At Vectra AI we are constantly innovating to keep up with the evolving attack landscape and stay one step ahead of attackers," said Hitesh Sheth, founder and CEO of Vectra AI. "As the leader in AI-driven XDR, we believe that SOC teams must have a view of their active posture to understand their exposure to attackers. With that foundation, they must be armed with the right information to actively seek out and identify active attacks across their networks, identities, clouds and GenAI tools. The Vectra AI Platform is rooted in a methodology that integrates security research, data science/machine learning engineering and user experience focused on one mission: use AI to deliver accurate attack signal at speed and scale." With the proactive defense of Vectra AI Attack Signal Intelligence, SOC teams receive a comprehensive view of their network, identity, cloud, and GenAI active posture. Active posture across the hybrid environment provides SOC teams a real-time view of how the attack surface they are tasked to defend is changing, that other tools relying on static information cannot. Armed with the active posture component of Attack Signal Intelligence, SOC teams proactively discover security gaps related to what users and machines are actually doing. This is accomplished by monitoring 20+ different AI-enhanced data streams and hundreds of different attributes that enable teams to stop a future threat. It finds gaps that other tools miss like: Identity hygiene issues such as account logins without two-factor authentication, use of legacy sign-in protocols, weak location-based access controls and overly permissive access to tools like the backend Microsoft Graph API or PowerShell. In a given week, 99% of organizations have more than one user accessing Azure AD through Powershell or some scripting engine, any of which can be hijacked by an attacker and abused. Network posture with visibility into network risks like external RDP access, IPMI usage, weak or non-encrypted data transfers, and SMB1 usage. More than one-third of organizations still have SMBv1 enabled, opening them to ransomware and other attacker vulnerabilities. Clarity on Copilot for M365 usage across the organization allows teams to understand adoption and use, enabling improved governance around data access controls and permissions, including potential attacker abuse. Vectra AI sees that over 40% of organizations have started adopting Copilot for M365 in their environment. "Vectra AI's XDR platform with Attack Signal Intelligence equips the SOC with a complete view of their hybrid environment - not just to determine if their network, identity, or cloud has already been compromised - but if something is operating in a way that may lead to a future compromise," said Jeff Reed, chief product officer of Vectra AI. "Customers who are already using the Vectra AI Platform can now effectively discover, deter, detect, and disrupt hybrid attackers, proactively addressing the full cycle of a potential breach, and utilize these capabilities free of charge." Sharat Nautiyal, Director of Security Engineering, Vectra AI, APJ, adds, "AI in cybersecurity is the future and businesses that don't look at AI as a critically important component of their defence against automated attacks will be vulnerable. Particularly, as adoption rates of Gen AI productivity tools like Copilot for M365 continue to accelerate. Advanced AI delivered in an integrated attack signal could stop today's most challenging hybrid cyberattacks. It also helps take the ambiguity out of security analysts' day and enable them to focus on what matters." This latest expansion of the Vectra AI platform follows Vectra AI's May 2024 announcement, introducing capabilities to detect attacker abuse of GenAI tools like Microsoft Copilot for M365. Learn more about how Vectra AI is setting the new standard for extended detection and response (XDR) by visiting our blog and following along on LinkedIn and X.
The XDR leader introduces pioneering threat detection and response capabilities to protect against attacks targeting Microsoft Copilot for M365 SINGAPORE, May 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vectra AI, Inc., the leader in hybrid attack detection, investigation and response, today announced an expansion of the Vectra AI Platform to protect enterprises from new threat vectors introduced by the rapid adoption of Generative AI (GenAI) tools. The Vectra AI Platform's patented Attack Signal Intelligence™ uses behavior-based AI to defend against cyber attackers abusing GenAI – empowering security operations center (SOC) teams to fight GenAI attacks with AI. Rapid advancements have resulted in organizations increasingly turning to GenAI-powered tools to streamline processes and enhance their work. GenAI tools like Microsoft Copilot aim to increase efficiency and productivity for employees but they also create new attack surfaces as the large language models (LLMs) that power these tools are given access to proprietary corporate data. So while GenAI tools increase the speed at which employees and organizations can operate, they also afford adversaries the same luxury, enabling them to increase the speed and scale at which they abuse identities to spread their attacks. "At Vectra AI, we've been at the forefront of leveraging AI to combat advanced and emerging threats for more than a decade. Our mission has been and always will be to deliver the most accurate attack signal at speed and scale, enabling us to find and identify attacks that other solutions can't," said Hitesh Sheth, founder and CEO of Vectra AI. "With more enterprises now using GenAI tools to boost employee productivity, SOC teams face a new attack surface, one that can only be protected with AI. Our new AI-driven detections for GenAI attacks empower SOC teams to fight AI with AI, enabling them to operate at the same speed and scale as attackers." SOC defenders must leverage AI to defend against AI-powered attacks. The Vectra AI Platform harnesses AI and machine learning (ML) to detect threats across network, identity, cloud, SaaS and GenAI attack surfaces. Attack Signal Intelligence triages, correlates and prioritizes threats with the highest degree of accuracy so SOC defenders can isolate and contain real attacks in a matter of minutes. With the addition of GenAI coverage, the Vectra AI Platform equips SOC teams to see and stop emerging attacker techniques that abuse GenAI tools. The Vectra AI Platform now detects attackers that compromise an identity and abuse Microsoft Copilot for M365 to execute their attacks and gain access to sensitive applications and data in a matter of minutes. To achieve this, the Vectra AI Platform delivers: GenAI detection coverage for Microsoft Copilot abuse including suspicious access, data discovery and jailbreak attack techniques. Correlation and attribution of GenAI detections with identities across Microsoft Entra ID, Microsoft 365, AWS, and Active Directory. Prioritization of Microsoft Copilot GenAI detections with detections across network (Vectra NDR), Identity (Vectra ITDR), and cloud (Vectra CDR). Integration of metadata across network, identity, cloud and GenAI attack surfaces for Instant and Advanced Investigations Native, automated, and managed response actions to lock down hosts and accounts involved in the attack. "Over 40% of Vectra AI's identity customers have begun to adopt Microsoft Copilot for M365 in their enterprise," said Jeff Reed, chief product officer of Vectra AI. "This new expansion of the Vectra AI Platform helps SOC defenders protect identities and stop attackers abusing GenAI tools." "The rapid digitization of organizations coupled with the integration of Gen AI tools like Microsoft Copilot introduces both immense opportunities and significant risks. The traditional defence strategy of 'building a moat around your castle' is no longer applicable in today's modern threat landscape," said Sharat Nautiyal, Director of Security Engineering, APJ, Vectra AI. "Gen AI is being weaponised by cyber criminals and security leaders must also adopt AI as part of their defence and response strategies to ensure they remain resilient and agile." About the Vectra AI Platform The Vectra AI platform arms defenders with the most integrated and accurate signal powering extended detection and response (XDR). Vectra AI Attack Signal Intelligence empowers SOC teams to effectively hunt, detect, prioritize, investigate and respond to threats across the entire hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure in a matter of minutes – stopping them before they become breaches. To learn more about GenAI attacks, watch our video podcast series on YouTube: • Vectra AI Threat Briefing: Generative AI-Driven Attacks • Vectra AI Threat Briefing: Copilot for M365 Attack Surface • Vectra AI Detection of Attacker Abuse of Microsoft Copilot for M365 About Vectra http://www.vectra.ai/ Vectra AI is the leader in hybrid attack detection, investigation and response. The Vectra AI Platform with patented Attack Signal Intelligence modernizes the SOC to rapidly detect, prioritize, investigate and stop the most advanced cyber-attacks. With 35 patents in AI behavior-based threat detection across data center and public cloud networks, services, identities, and SaaS applications, coverage for more than 90% of MITRE ATT&CK and the most vendor references by MITRE D3FEND, organizations worldwide rely on Vectra AI's XDR platform and MXDR services to reduce exposure, remove workload, maximize talent and find cyber-attacks other tech can't.
Australian government agencies can use the multi-layered data protection solution to back up their SaaS applications like Microsoft M365, protecting cloud-based, critical and sensitive data in an increasingly sophisticated threat environment SYDNEY, Aug. 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Veritas Technologies, the leader in secure multi-cloud data management, today announced that the Veritas AltaTM SaaS Protection platform has successfully completed the Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) at the PROTECTED information classification level, conducted in line with the Australian Cyber Security Centre's (ACSC) Cloud Security Assessment and Authorisation Framework. The platform will enhance cyber resiliency by providing enterprise-wide data protection and management to support organisations using Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions, such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Slack, and Box. As the shift towards SaaS continues with the rise of modern ways of working, Veritas sees the need for seamless integration with the leading SaaS business applications to ensure comprehensive and flexible data protection – from a single pane of glass. The latest partnership with Microsoft to enhance cyber resiliency for Microsoft 365 Backup illustrates Veritas' commitment in delivering a comprehensive and cost-effective data management and protection solution for Australian government agencies in an increasingly sophisticated threat environment. Pete Murray, managing director of ANZ at Veritas, said: "The common misunderstanding around the cloud responsibility model means that many organisations have not factored in the need for third-party data protection. However, as most cloud service providers are operating on a shared responsibility model, this essentially means organisations must protect and secure their own cloud-based data." Murray added: "The Veritas AltaTM SaaS Protection platform is designed to support these SaaS models with the flexibility to scale up or down, while ensuring simplicity and efficiency in deployment, compliance, and recovery processes. Most importantly, it offers cloud data security and users the assurance that critical data can be recovered with near-zero Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) and Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs), in the worst-case scenario where a cyber-attack occurs. With the IRAP assessment, Australian organisations, including government agencies, can use the Veritas AltaTM SaaS Protection platform to manage, protect, and recover their critical data successfully in any event." The IRAP assessment comes as the latest milestone for Veritas and its portfolio of solutions in secure multi-cloud data management in Australia. About IRAP The IRAP provides a security framework to ensure entities can access high-quality security assessment services and assesses the implementation, appropriateness, and effectiveness of a system's security controls. As an independent assessment conducted using the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM), the IRAP is used by government departments or other parties with similar security requirements, to conduct their own risk assessment and authorisation in ensuring that systems are suitable for storing, processing, and communicating sensitive or classified information. About Veritas Veritas Technologies is the leader in secure multi-cloud data management. Over 80,000 customers—including 95% of the Fortune 100—rely on Veritas to help ensure the protection, recoverability and compliance of their data. Veritas has a reputation for reliability at scale, which delivers the resilience its customers need against the disruptions threatened by cyberattacks, like ransomware. No other vendor is able to match Veritas' ability to execute, with support for 800+ data sources, 100+ operating systems and 1,400+ storage targets through a single, unified approach. Powered by Cloud Scale Technology, Veritas is delivering today on its strategy for Autonomous Data Management that reduces operational overhead while delivering greater value. Learn more at veritas.com. Follow us on Twitter at @veritastechllc. Veritas and the Veritas Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Veritas Technologies LLC or its affiliates in the US and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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