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全球領先行動短影音平台 TikTok 與音樂新創 Space Oddity 旗下的 Kpop 數據分析公司 Kpop Radar 合作,針對 TikTok 2018 年 10 月初至 2021 年 9 月底的數據進行分析,分享〈2021 Kpop TikTok 數據洞察〉,內容涵蓋 2021 TikTok Kpop 世界地圖、10 大 Kpop 影片創作市場、人氣爆紅歌曲類型,以及大勢 Kpop 創作者等,展現了 TikTok 的全球性和極具互動性的文化。 過去三年間,TikTok 上的 Kpop 影片在全球呈指數型成長。Kpop 相關內容創作量從 2019 年的 3,350 萬增加到 2021 年 9 月的 9,787 萬。其中,超過九成(92.8%)的 Kpop 創作來自韓國以外市場,並由印尼居影片創作量之冠(16.4%),菲律賓(13.5%)和美國(8.7%)緊跟在後,超過排名第四的韓國(7.2%)。 Kpop 相關內容能夠在全球呈現指數型成長,主因包括 TikTok 平台簡單易用的特性,讓任何人都可以成為 TikTok 創作者。而 TikTok 上充滿互動性的 Kpop 文化則讓全球粉絲不只能在平台上欣賞 Kpop 歌曲和影片,亦能透過創作和分享改編舞蹈、分享最新動態,或拍攝短劇等多元方式來享受 Kpop。TikTok 的高互動性,讓用戶、歌手和創作者們能透過合拍、拼貼與評論等方式彼此連結,創造出一個讓粉絲能積極創作、分享與投入的 Kpop 粉絲文化。 自 2019 年 Kpop 歌手 Zico(@kozico0914)的TikTok 挑戰賽 #AnySongChallenge 獲得成功後,TikTok 挑戰賽成了 Kpop 歌手推廣音樂的絕佳工具。TikTok 推薦頁提供了用戶探索多元影片的途徑,更助 TikTok 挑戰賽數量在三年內增加十倍 。 不僅如此,TikTok 更將平台上新興的流行歌曲分成四大類別,分別是「百聽不厭」( Revisiting Old Favourites)、「粉絲最愛」( Artists We Stan)、「竄紅歌曲」( Breakout Songs)及「韓流熱潮」( From Pop Culture to TikTok)。TWICE(@twice_tiktok_official)於 2018 年推出的單曲〈What is Love?〉在推出一段時日後在 TikTok 社群間重新掀起熱潮,並成為「百聽不厭」中的指標歌曲之一。「粉絲最愛」類別則蒐羅 Kpop 粉絲關注的歌曲,例如 Red Velvet(@redvelvet_smtown)的〈Russian Roulette〉。「竄紅歌曲」則是沒有額外宣傳就在社群中爆紅的話題歌曲,如人氣饒舌歌手 Mommy Son(@mommy_son)的〈F the World (ft. Wonstein)〉。人氣女團 Black Pink Lisa(@lxixsxa_official)的〈MONEY〉則在掀起全球風潮的韓劇〈魷魚遊戲〉爆紅後受到高度關注,並被收進「韓流熱潮」類別。由於〈MONEY〉的歌曲形象呼應了魷魚遊戲的內容,TikTok 用戶開始使用〈MONEY〉進行創作,並在一個月內創作了超過 300 萬支模仿影片。 在各個大勢 Kpop 創作者中,防彈少年團(BTS)(@bts_official_bighit)坐擁最多粉絲數,而 STAYC(@stayc_official)則展現最驚人的成長。STAYC透過積極互動在半年內粉絲量增長五倍,並憑藉 TikTok 挑戰賽 #ASAPChallenge 登上音樂排行榜,甚至透過 TikTok 搶先公開最新單曲〈刻板印象〉與粉絲同樂。四代團 BDC(@bdc.official)和 Weekly(@weeekly)透過 TikTok 挑戰賽與全球粉絲積極互動因而快速成長。 TikTok 韓國地區全球事業發展負責人 Jay Bae 指出:「TikTok 改變了 Kpop 的全球閱聽文化,讓全球的 Kpop 粉絲從單純聆聽作品變成與樂曲高度互動,並樂於在世界各地創作、分享 Kpop 內容。 Kpop 受到全球 TikTok 社群喜愛,我們也將透過持續支持多元音樂與創作者,為 Kpop 文化傳播做出貢獻。」 Jay Bae 更表示:「TikTok 是繼黑膠唱片、廣播、電視和各種行動裝置後的最新傳播形式,有別於其他平台,TikTok 成功將自己定位在音樂產業的中心,並立下音樂史上的里程碑。很高興自己能夠參與見證 TikTok 在 Kpop 上日益增長的影響力。」 由 Space Oddity 和 TikTok 主辦的「2021 Kpop Radar TikTok」討論會,分別於 11 月 10 日和 11 月 17 日在線上進行。欲參加者皆可透過官方網站(https://conference.kpop-radar.com/en)參與討論直播。TikTok 韓國地區全球事業發展負責人、Space Oddity 執行長將擔任與談人,與主持人 Kpop 音樂評論家 Youngdae Kim 在討論會「Kpop, Flying High with TikTok」分享產業洞察。
HANOI, VIETNAM - Media OutReach Newswire - 16 August 2024 - VinWonders proudly announces the 8WONDER Moon Festival, an unprecedented autumn festival set to take place at Ocean City - an urban complex in Eastern Hanoi from September 6-8, 2024. The festival's highlight will be the world class concert on the night of September 7, marking Southeast Asia's first music event to simultaneously feature top-tier US-UK and KPOP stars: three-time GRAMMY® Award winner NE-YO, famous Korean rapper B.I, and leading V-Pop artists. World-renowned hitmaker NE-YO will be the special star of the 8WONDER Moon Festival 2024. He has cemented his legacy as one of the all-time hitmakers, winning three GRAMMY awards, earning two No. 1 albums on the Billboard 200 and generating over 23 billion streams across his entire music catalog. His iconic discography was celebrated earlier this year, when he performed his NPR Tiny Desk concert that included chart-topping hits such as "So Sick," "Sexy Love," "Because of You" and "Miss Independent." Most recently, he celebrated a new chapter in his career, considering he just unveiled his new single "2 Million Secrets" to mark his first release as a fully-independent artist. Adding to the excitement, famous Korean rapper B.I. will set the stage on fire with his dynamic performances. A multi-talented artist with songwriting, producing, and performing abilities, B.I has created a global sensation with his single "BTBT," which charted in Spotify's Viral 50 in 51 regions, reached number one in iTunes in 49 regions. He was the first artist from Asia to participate in the Grammy Academy's Global Spin performance series and has been highlighted multiple times by TIME magazine for his notable album and song. B.I has demonstrated his immense popularity with his upcoming grand tour of 14 major cities in Europe. Sharing the 8WONDER stage with these international stars will be some of Vietnam's most beloved artists, including Chi Pu, HIEUTHUHAI, and the talented Gerdnang band (HurryKng, Negav, Manbo) from the nation's most popular TV show. With explosive and unexpected collaborations, the 8WONDER Moon Festival promises a vibrant and inspiring musical experience, creating a multi-layered emotional journey for all attendees. Beyond music and top-notch performances, the 8WONDER Moon Festival 2024 will feature an unprecedented autumn festival spanning three days from September 6-8, 2024. Hosted in Ocean City – the "new destination city" in the east of Hanoi – the festival will take visitors on a global autumn journey, featuring unique experiences from five continents. The Venice zone, with its Italian-inspired architecture, will bring the golden European autumn to Hanoi with an Italian Autumn Food Festival, Beer Land Festival, EDM Orchestra Fest along with fashion shows, street art performances, and the Green Playground experience area. In the Little Hong Kong and K-Town zone, Hanoi's autumn and Asian autumn festivals will be recreated through the Korean Food Festival, Korean cultural experience booths, Vietnamese Mid-Autumn Festival, Jinju Lantern Street, the Beer Splash Festival, fireworks shows, and the Kite Festival at the Kingdom of Light Square. VinWonders Water Park and Wave Park will host various sports and entertainment activities such as the Wonder Water War, beach sports, pool parties, and the Ocean Youth Camp. As announced by the organizers, tickets for the 8WONDER Moon Festival will officially go on sale at 8:00 PM on August 16 on the VinWonders website (VinWonders.com) and mobile app. There are four general admission ticket categories for standing areas around the main stage, where guests can fully immerse themselves in the vibrant performances. Ticket prices range from VND 900,000 for GA5-GA6 areas, VND 1.6 million for GA3-GA4 areas, and VND 2 million for GA1-GA2 areas per person. VIP B-C seating is priced at VND 6 million per ticket, which includes a complimentary drink and an exclusive gift set. The highest tier, VIP A seating, costs VND 8 million per ticket and is located in a completely separate central grandstand. SVIP ticket holders will enjoy exclusive privileges: a soft drink, an exclusive 8WONDER gift set, and free admission to VinWonders Wave Park and Water Park on September 7. The 8WONDER Moon Festival 2024, set to take place on the night of September 7, 2024, in Ocean City (Hanoi), will feature spectacular performances by the world's top music superstars and numerous talented V-Pop artists. It promises to be the largest and most impressive mega music event of the year for Hanoi residents and tourists alike. Following the remarkable success of the 8WONDER Summer in Nha Trang and 8WONDER Winter in Phu Quoc in 2023, this event will further solidify 8WONDER's position as a world-class mega music festival on the global entertainment map – organized by VinWonders, a brand under Vingroup. Hashtag: #VinFast #VinWonders #8WONDERMoonFestivalThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
中華職棒味全龍啦啦隊Dragon Beauties小龍女,舉辦「2024全心全意為妳 Dragon Beauties小龍女徵選會」百人決選會,經過五個小時的徵選,百位選手使出渾身解數,只為獲得評審青睞;最終在評審李多慧、林襄、小蛙、琪琪、「味全龍行銷業務總監」程韋仁、「知名攝影師、小龍女經紀」莉奈、「時尚界權威」潘怡良老師的遴選見證下,選出16人晉級成為小龍女練習生,預告將與現役小龍女登上大巨蛋的應援舞台。 (由左至右)啦啦隊人氣女神李多慧、林襄、小蛙、琪琪、味全龍行銷業務總監程韋仁、知名攝影師莉奈、時尚界權威潘怡良老師擔任「小龍女甄選會評審團」。(圖/莉奈享務所提供) 16位順利晉級成為小龍女練習生名單為陳玉婷、莊懿暄、梨理、徐姵宸、李依靜(靜靜)、吳伊仙、柳昕妤(柳柳)、鄒美惠(鄒鄒)、邱怡瑄(瑄瑄)、卓立群、鄭㚥晅(維尼)、詹芷倩、劉芷曈(曈曈)、各務禮美奈、鄭佩欣、掌沛妤,將接受啦啦隊安排進行相關課程與訓練考核,參與小龍女啦啦隊多項任務與上場應援。 16位女孩順利晉級成為小龍女練習生。(圖/莉奈享務所提供) 大學是熱舞社的劉芷曈(曈曈)為了徵選把所有演藝工作都排開,全心全意投入徵選,一個星期花四天時間練舞,為了徵選生活正常作息改吃健康餐,戒糖、戒冰、戒吃宵夜,她說「我一個充滿正能量的人,很喜歡球場的氣氛,想發揮自己的價值,用笑容的影響力帶給大家滿滿的正能量。參賽期間,小龍女的「人氣女神」林襄,還在社群留言,替她加油,甄選名單宣佈後,獲選的她也立刻到台下給林襄一個感謝的擁抱。身高147公分,體重43公斤的詹芷倩(倩倩),大學期間因緣際會下接觸到外拍圈,半工半讀,畢業後也一直在這個領域工作,在網路上擁有不少死忠粉絲;她坦言很喜歡球場上啦啦隊女孩所展現的氛圍與熱鬧氣息,報名徵選一度也因為自己沒有舞蹈經驗而有所遲疑,最後還是鼓起勇氣參賽,在專業老師的教導下開始學習舞蹈,從一剛開始聽不懂拍子、沒有音感,突破自己的缺陷,自我挑戰站上舞台。擁有台日混血,以實境節目《炸裂吧!女孩》打響知名度的各務禮美奈,不僅搶得報名頭香,期間積極練舞加強自己的律動感及肢體力道的掌控,學習表情訓練,經常跟著同樣也熱愛棒球的經紀人,到球場看球,藉此了解棒球的相關知識。今年24歲的鄭㚥晅(winnie維尼),學舞經歷17年,學習過的舞風很廣,包含芭蕾、民俗、現代、競技啦啦隊還有K-pop及街舞等;曾參加街舞盛事college high拿到團體組佳績以及個人組男女混合freestyle四強,前年剛從北科大畢業考上成功大學工業工程組碩士班,因為真的很喜歡跳舞,樂在「表演」其中,所以選擇休學,朝自己的夢想前進。她說,小時候爸爸是位棒球員,讓我對棒球抱持著非常大的憧憬,棒球是台灣的國球也是我和爸爸的最愛,希望可以帶著我的熱情在球場上跟大家一起應援,替台灣爭光。人氣直播主的李依靜(靜靜)徵選期間,把直播的時間幾乎全部用來投入訓練、上課;靜靜表示:「徵選1年只有1次的機會,成為小龍女啦啦隊是我的夢想,沒有什麼是比我徵選小龍女更重要的事了」。20歲的鄒美惠(鄒鄒)因為看到身邊的好友參加啦啦隊之後變的很棒,所以激起她也想要去努力實現夢想的念頭,順利晉級她也說,上場前父母還替我向神明求保佑,我要去向神明還願。柳昕妤(柳柳)現為職籃啦啦隊的成員,在賽事場上二次踩空摔傷,造成右腳踝骨裂傷,被球迷封為「跌倒女神」;過去也曾參加徵選啦啦隊落敗,這次再戰成功獲選晉級。同樣也是職籃啦啦隊的徐姵宸,3歲開始學跳舞,已經有18年的資歷,平時更是教KPOP的舞蹈老師,姵宸的爸爸也是資深棒球迷,她自許目標要成為棒籃雙棲的「美少女戰士」。 「2024全心全意為妳 Dragon Beauties小龍女徵選會」16位獲選女孩與評審團合影。(圖/莉奈享務所提供) 「2024全心全意為妳 Dragon Beauties小龍女徵選會」評比方式以網路票選人氣、個人社群經營、棒球知識、才藝舞蹈能力、舞台渲染力、口條應對及演藝美感做為評審標準。味全龍行銷業務總監程韋仁表示:自開放報名起不到一個月的時間,就吸引了近300位女孩的熱情參與;第一階段的審查也選拔出100名女孩進入投票階段及決賽;短短七天內的投票,也高達十萬人次參與;百人決選也順利選出16位選手晉級練習生,感謝評審、參賽者、球迷們的熱情與支持。
完整文章:https://www.5ialive.com/column/?mode=detail&id=1172 電視節目「未來少女」節目中,最終集公演奪冠的「日光之橙」以實力女團小分隊「ELL&s」宣佈正式成軍!將由原日光之橙的成員玉歆Theia擔任隊長,切里Cherry擔任副隊長、歌唱實力強悍主唱艾許Ashlee、以長腿仙女閃閃Shan,共同組成這支新銳女團。此外,這支小分隊還增加了一名全新秘密成員若熙Rosie,雖然不曾在未來少女節目中露臉過,但其在加入KJM公司成為培訓練習生前,已在韓團舞蹈cover圈頗有名聲及人氣,讓早已耳聞其有獨特魅力的粉絲們充滿期待。小分隊「ELL&s」是依據成員優勢特質量身打造,將展現女孩們獨特的風采和實力,希望延續和擴大「日光之橙」熱潮,為T-POP市場注入新的活力與生機!「ELL&s」隊長玉歆Theia表示:隨著節目結束,部分成員有了各自不同的人生規劃,有人想要返校完成學業、也有人對未來有了不同想法而選擇其他道路努力,雖然公司積極推動全員出道,但我們還是尊重彼此的意願並祝福這些好朋友、好夥伴。此外,「ELL&s」還榮幸地成為公益組織「紅心字會」的代言人,擔任「弱勢家庭兒童暑期關懷大使」。她們將親身參與孩童的關懷陪伴,提供健康營養的三餐和營隊課輔,讓孩子們能享受一個安全且充實的暑假。玉歆Theia對於這項公益職位表示,透過音樂和她們的努力,她們將帶給需要幫助的孩子們溫暖和希望,這是她們心中最大的動力。艾許Ashlee分享說,她很樂意教小朋友唱歌,因為唱歌是最快樂的事情。而閃閃Shan則表示,現在的小朋友都喜歡跳舞,她樂於擔任他們的舞蹈小老師!「ELL&s」預計在7月31日舉辦重磅出道記者會,並將發表最新單曲作品,將小分隊新曲首秀現場唱跳表演獻給最重要的夥伴朋友們觀賞,成為今夏娛樂圈的一大盛事。
新北市青職基地將於113年7月14日(星期日)舉辦一場以「自媒體舞動力-跳出你的舞極限」為主題的職涯發展活動。本次活動由自媒體舞蹈創作者兼有氧舞蹈老師Pinhe品赫親自指導,為期三小時,免費參加。 本次活動的目的是幫助青年在職涯和就業發展階段有效運用自媒體基本知識,結合自身專長領域,創造出更多可能性。活動中,Pinhe品赫將分享自媒體趨勢,並示範如何將教學產業與自媒體平台有效結合,讓參加者深入了解自媒體在舞蹈領域的應用。 活動內容豐富多彩,包括有氧舞蹈介紹及示範、Kpop舞蹈教學拍攝等。參加者將親身體驗有氧舞蹈的魅力,並學習如何拍攝和剪輯舞蹈視頻。Pinhe品赫擁有豐富的合作經驗,曾與華納公司、環球唱片、蝦皮、7-11、全家、家樂福、必勝客等知名企業合作,擔任代言推廣,並創作多首藝人單曲。 活動當日請參加者穿著舒適的衣物和鞋子,並自備飲用水及毛巾。本次活動於下午1:30至4:30在新北市板橋區民權路170號的新北市青職基地舉行。期待各位青年朋友踴躍參加,探索自媒體舞蹈的無限可能。 更多活動詳情請洽新北市青職基地 https://ntpcyouth2022.pse.is/63tzzu
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA -Media OutReach Newswire - 8 April 2024 - t024, the pioneering Korean Alt-Pop duo celebrated for their groundbreaking creativity, unveils their latest single "Cedarwood & Tangerine," an intoxicating blend of ephemeral, vivid, and elusive nostalgia. This mesmerizing release signifies a noteworthy milestone for t024 as they continue to push the frontiers of musical innovation. Listen link: https://lnkfi.re/t024_CNT Watch link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4bDTiWjzGQ With "Cedarwood & Tangerine," t024 ventures into uncharted territory by not only stimulating auditory senses but also invoking olfactory sensations. This groundbreaking approach aims to immerse listeners in a multisensory experience, blending the power of music with the evocative nature of scent. The track expresses the trembling of the moment found in the fragments of memories chaotically placed in the ambiguity of the past moment, along with the confusing attraction, as an afterglow and lingering image. It deeply immerses one into the whirlwind of unforgettable emotions of that day. “The key thing here is definitely the scent. You know how sometimes you randomly smell something and it just takes you back? Like, it brings up a picture in your head or a certain vibe, even if you can’t pinpoint all the details. I thought that was super interesting and it’s actually what got me to write this song. It’s all about those good vibes and memories that come flooding back because of a scent.” says Senji, singer-songwriter of t024 about the inspiration behind “Cedarwood & Tangerine”. Nap!er, producer of t024 added: "I am satisfied with whatever emotions listeners feel upon hearing our music. A perfume with a lingering scent doesn’t necessarily have a very strong top note. Similarly, moments without such longevity can be even more precious. In music, too, the depth and duration of emotions each listening experience brings can vary. I believe that if there are emotions felt, every moment has its own significance and value." The innovative duo is preparing to unveil their inaugural EP, introducing audiences to their intriguing musical concept that ingeniously intertwines olfactory nostalgia with auditory delight. Get ready to embark on a sensory journey like never before. Hashtag: #koreanmusic #kpop #korea #korean #music #koreanpop #krnb #koreanstyle #kpopidol #kmusic #koreansong #koreanboy #kpopedit #song #asianmusic #southkorea #newmusic #art #musician #koreasong https://twitter.com/t024_officialhttps://www.instagram.com/t024.0fficial/https://www.youtube.com/@t024.officialhttps://www.tiktok.com/@t024.officialThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About t024t024, also known as ‘To Twenty Four’, comprises singer-songwriter Senji and producer Nap!er. The moniker t024 stems from their shared vision of crafting music tailored for the intimate hours between 2AM and 4AM, a time period synonymous with heightened emotional experiences.
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